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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 the verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine , the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on... 24/7 with a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade canvas yar has the urgent need for fivi drones. to effectively hit the enemy and'. increasing the losses
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of living and non-living forces of the occupier, in order to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory. well, we're going back to our telethon, we're doing it from a temporary shelter, because the map of ukraine, the air alert map, remains in red because of that. that we are worried about the fact that the russian mig 31 took off, the boats can carry daggers on their sides, ugh, here's hoping that in reality it's just an empty threat, which we've seen before dozens, nevertheless, we all know that the kenjalaks are a serious weapon, although in kyiv they are being shot down by the patriots without any problems, nevertheless, this is the best gun that the russians have at the moment, and that is why, in principle , we remain on the alert and will.
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we really hope that we will be able to hear literally at this hour and this minute yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the beplea striker company of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan tsirk, if we can establish contact with him, we know that mr. yuriy is in donbas together with their fellows, where they continue serious, very combative actions, in general they write that russia is trying to attack practically along the entire front line, so... this is military analytics from open sources, in particular, it monitors the progress on the map of satellite images, and there are a lot of casualties, especially nowhere they are not advancing, well, but such an exhausting struggle is going on. i will also say that bilt wrote that, in fact, the russian winter operation, which they have been conducting for more than a month, is actually already... coming to an end, this does not mean
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that the offensive actions are ending, it means that large reserves have been accumulated, and the bill summarizes that it was not successful, it did not bring any results, in particular, it was not possible to capture avdiivka or kup'insk, and in principle there was no significant progress anywhere, the question is at what price is this given to the ukrainian defenders , whether we are not incurring too great losses, well, this question is again classified, this is the question we... are now addressing to yury fedorenko, he is already in touch with us. mr. yuri, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. mr. yuri, are you? feel this rush. muscovites, the fact that they are pushing and pushing, and somehow it seems that our military is laying them, but they still don't end. the enemy, before moving into active offensive actions, was preparing a reserve of manpower, equipment, and weapons. and
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many other means, as a result, at the current moment it cannot be said that the enemy's grouping on the priority directions for them, namely avdiivskyi, kupinskyi, bakhmutskyi, has now completely exhausted itself and cannot continue shock assault operations, because in fact, on the battlefield, every day we repulse the attacks of the enemy, who commits them en masse and on the entire stretch, on those stretches where they had a non-existent tactical success, the enemy in... hearing what he can, is pressing with unprecedented force, but at the current moment , if we are talking about the bakhmut direction, in particular, the steepest winding is the road from chaso yar to bakhmut, the defense forces managed to control the situation and prevent the enemy from advancing further. now there are extremely tough, difficult battles, but the defense forces are one way or another the enemy, i am sure that they will be pushed off the road and will be able to restore the state and position, we already ... passed it in the spring of the 23rd year,
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then, in extremely difficult and titanic efforts, we managed to stop the enemy and push him back 15 km. at the moment, the work is going on unitedly, all the brigades that keep the defense here at bay, and the tactical initiative managed to turn their side. to whom, general zaluzhnyi, now speaking at the discussion of this project, which was supposed to be considered on the 9th, that is, yesterday, but was postponed from mobilization, said that he promises that each mobilized will protect each soldier, but is it possible to protect the soldiers if... we are carrying such complex titanic efforts, as you said, getting the territories that are now. let's be honest, that in the defense forces , no one throws their bodies at this or that branch of the front, carrying out
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shock-assault actions or in defensive positions, if there is a need to regroup, take more advantageous positions in order to preserve a special composition, these tasks, they are also performed by the forces defense, however it is... not difficult, because every centimeter of our land that we gave to the enemy will have to be recaptured, and when recapturing the territory we lose the returned territories, it is always more difficult in terms of losses, including than retention, but the decisions when critical situations are taken are weighted and correct, in war, it does not happen that no one suffers, no one is injured, no one dies, every military man who serves understands that there is only... today, the past is gone, the future may not be, but i want you most probably understood the principle military personnel, in any case , those who serve in my unit. we must realize that the state of each of us begins at the threshold of our
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home. at the current moment, the enemy has come to the threshold of our house and is trying to destroy our life, kill our family. it's just that the door of this house is not in kyiv, lviv or frankivsk, or whoever is from where they come from, and is currently fighting in the east, but this door, it is located in the east, and it is very important to stop the enemy here and now and drive them out of their yard, so the majority military it is they realize, and despite neither the losses, nor the fatigue, nor the difficult conditions, because now the conditions are extremely difficult, it rains, then it freezes to -13 and you hear a lot. that the military is holding on and i will tell you more, that they still find positivity and optimist in all that. with regard to mobilization, in fact, it has moved back somewhat again, how urgent is the need for these mobilization processes, and what should
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the mobilization be in order for it to be effective and fair, in your opinion, you, as a deputy of the kyiv city council, probably have any thoughts? i will say two things: first , we need to overcome selectivity, there is a law and everyone should be equal before the law, regardless of who your grandfather, grandmother, father, mother are, and it went, it went, it should not be the case that a guy who lives in the kyiv region or in any other, and for whom there is no one to take care, he is the first in the centers of military equipment straight from the street, and the one who has the word to order for whom sits on a stretcher for a very, very long time, and there is a prospect , which will not get into the war, is... the first thing we need coups in this direction , specific steps are being taken, starting with the replacement of the heads in the center of the military equipment, those who were not honest to the hand, unfortunately, and ending in general now with the streamlining of legislation. second, we must understand that the russian federation, even after the victory of ukraine,
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will not go anywhere, and time will pass when they will try to repeat something similar. the russian empire, as it is, is rotten and intends to destroy it. not only herself, but also everything that is near her. that's why, according to me conviction that in ukraine there should be an approach to military service and that it is the basic military training according to the principle of israel, when every citizen of ukraine can and should know how to protect his homeland. this does not mean that everyone will fight, it means that everyone will have special knowledge that will help in case of need, i repeat, to protect your family, your home, your country, and this is very important, because... let's give on a concrete example, so that it is clear to our viewers, as we said, a thief comes to your house, breaks down the door, starts killing your family, robbing , god forbid, your wife and so on, and you stand there watching, waiting, then the enemy
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rapes you, this thief also kills your family it ends, and if you fight on the steps to your house, he won't even have time to get to the door. you see, this is the general preparation, it is the opportunity for the ukrainian nation to stand up for itself with weapons in hand and forceful methods, which directly concerns those who will be from... mobilized into the army, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine clearly shows the need for military personnel, and accordingly, the legislator must do the key thing so that everyone is equal, and regardless of social status, regardless of connections or anything else, that ivan , that vasyl, i tentatively say, had equal prospects of being mobilized and defending his homeland, yours. the company is all volunteers as far as i know, does your approach here remain the same and do you have plans to expand into
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a battalion, how is recruiting going, and is can you, by the way, perhaps now, even using our ether, also address those who are ready to join your unit, the key characteristic of a military or civilian military is motivation, discipline. if there is a motivation to defend one's homeland, that is why mostly volunteers fight in my unit, and discipline, everything else can be learned and be extremely effective in this war, extremely effective in destroying the enemy and bringing victory closer, which is really related to the performance of powerful and positive combatants tasks, the command made a decision to increase the company to a battalion, accordingly, we need additional personnel, including external pilots, operators, and engineers, a driver. technicians and many other professions. for civilians, the mobilization path is as follows:
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it is enough for you to find us in any social networks, i think i will ask you to leave a link, switch to civilian, fill out the questionnaire. within three days , our representative will contact you, we communicate, chat, if we find a common language, i i'm sure we'll find her. after that, you go to the assembly center at the specified time, through which you are mobilized, then you complete 30 days of military service. cooking on the basis of one of the training centers in ukraine, after that you return to us in a combat brigade and go immediately to specialized training for one or another means of sawing, from 30 to 45 days. after receiving special knowledge, special training in a military specialty, you come to the unit and integrate into one of the best execution calculations combat tasks, where you already receive combat experience, this happens for another two or three weeks. and now, in general, after 3-4 months, you will already
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be integrated into the calculation, which will begin to effectively perform combat tasks, that is , the path from a civilian to performing combat tasks on the battlefield takes at least three months in our case, so friends, follow the links, fill out the questionnaire, i am sure that we will find a common language and be able to defend the state face to face, it is easier for the military, just remember. unless your military leadership will object, by legal transfer from one unit to another, you will end up with us. i will tell you that the uav, in general , reconnaissance strike, is that part of the defense forces that has proven its effectiveness and indispensability in this war, and will only develop in the future. that's why it's very important that the technology, which every day becomes objectively better, has people... who will be able to successfully and effectively use it, so we're waiting for you, well, we hope that those
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who really want defend the country, they will hear your call and come to you, and and together you will manage to do a lot of good things and knock out many bad muscovites, because there are no good ones, mr. yury, thank you, yury fedorenko, commander of a company of shock... unmanned aerial vehicles, aerial vehicles of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after ivan sirka of koshovoy taman was in touch with us, we are going to take a short break, then we will return and with serhii zgurets, a military expert, we will analyze everything that is happening at the front, stay with us. oh, and we got wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad, what? to do in order not to get sick, vitamin c, d3, zinc and the main thing - quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin imuno. all in one package. four components
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with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more. important topics, even more top ones guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. serhiy zurets is already joining us, a military expert at the defense express company. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. serhiu, the institute for the study of war says that the russians seem to have plans to create a buffer zone in the kharkiv region. will the russians be able to implement these plans, considering that the russians, as
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the german publication bilt writes, their big winter offensive. turned out to be unsuccessful, well, when we are talking first of all about the publication in bild, then what is the main conclusion that can be drawn, indeed, the russians somewhere at the beginning of october, on october 9, starting at avdiyivka, began their offensive in many areas, starting there in kupyansk, bahmud, avdiivka, maryanka, and for three months they tried to somehow influence... the situation on the front line, if we look at the map itself, no significant changes actually took place, except for the capture of a completely destroyed marine, and in fact these are the gains that the enemy received over the course of three months, moreover, when we consider the main
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direction of the attack there, in particular, the avdiivka battle, where about 13 thousand personnel were lost . 400 units of various armored vehicles, there are also no positive changes for the enemy, except for these losses, because avdiivka is still being defended, we can see that literally yesterday there were videos where our units, in particular, the 47th brigade carries out counterattacks there in the steppe zone, where the enemy is pushed back towards the railway, that is, in fact , the situation is a stalemate along all sections of the front. alone, but it does not allow the enemy to achieve any changes despite considerable efforts. now you are saying that the enemy's offensive performance seems to have ended, i think that this... the conclusion is premature, because if we even look at the number of attacks, literally for three days, there are 33, 60, today it seems 70 collisions, i.e. actually this
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the number of attacks continues to grow and is quite significant over the past day, which indicates that the enemy continues to try to act in all these directions, which we talked about earlier, but in any case, we understand that the strength of the enemy's means not enough for... changes on the front line, and when, on top of that, we are talking about the fact that the enemy will still try to create some kind of security line in the depths of ukrainian territory, in particular in the kharkov zone or other areas in the north, then it doesn't look real and rational, it doesn't look real because in fact, the enemy has a total of about 19-20 thousand personnel in these areas, there is no information about the accumulation of forces, and in fact the enemy is now burning out all its reserves... on this line of contact 850 km, of which these are the six areas that we are talking about talked about, remain the most relevant, so in any case, these statements of piaskov and those
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supported by ultrapatriots about the need to create a security zone there in the north at the expense of a wedge in the territory of ukraine, i believe that these are not real, but rather political statements from the russian leadership. time magazine wrote, published the 10 biggest risks this year and in... third place, yes, not third, actually first, because there is an election actually in the united states, second is the middle east, which is a bit offensive, third, in fact, the fact that ukraine will actually, de facto, be divided, by this, it is meant that ukraine will not be able to return the already captured territories in the near future, and russia may even be able to increase them by the end of the year, and at the same time they say what will happen if ukraine cannot resolve its issues regarding quality. lization of fresh forces to the armed forces of ukraine, and western support will not increase, will not be restored, what scenarios do we have here and
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what are your considerations, mr. serhiy? well, it's actually about a certain reality, because in any case, the 24th is going to be such a transitional year for our defense forces and for you and me, because actually... now we 're going to be conducting, our armed forces are going to be conducting active defense measures, accumulate reserves, restore new ones units and build new approaches to contain the enemy and prepare for the coming actions, but the pace of training, the volume of training, all this will depend on cooperation with our western partners, because to a large extent we now depend precisely on western assistance in weapons, equipment, training and so on, so that in any case now, relatively speaking, such a new strategy is being formed on the ukrainian side, which is quite understandable, it is primarily active
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defense, plus carrying out strikes there, primarily on crimea, secession of crimea as element, the combat element of the russian federation, so that it is not used as a pazdarm, there is no possibility of strengthening russian influence in the south, and all these measures, in one way or another, rely on the pace and volume of foreign aid, now we see the activation of our european partners, in particular, germany , france, in the supply of weapons, in the creation of joint ventures, i think that in the near future this unblocking of the decision on american military aid will take place, because the logic in the unblocking is quite clear there and republicans and democrats, the issue is that ukraine has become a certain hostage in these american political battles, but in any case, the rationality of such an approach is quite clear, i think that this assistance will be provided to ukraine, so in any case it is really on the one hand, we are in a difficult stage, but on the other hand
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, the logic of our actions in the near future is clear, and even if the scenario in the times magazine says that ukraine will be divided there during the 24th year, then it is corresponds to reality, the question is what forces and means we will accumulate, what strategy will be chosen in order to, well, in the 25th year, make qualitative changes on the front line, well, and the book of wall street journal correspondent yaroslav trofimov is also discussed: our enemies will vanish, and our witches will perish, which is dedicated to russia's war with ukraine, and there, in particular, there is an interesting point that everyone is currently discussing, which is that in the 22nd year, according to the correspondent of this publication, valery zaluzhny had a very .. an ambitious plan of attack precisely on zaporizhzhia direction and asked not very large forces for this from the united states, but the americans then refused to provide this equipment,
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in particular, they said that this plan was too risky, because if it failed, it would have catastrophic consequences, and recommended a calmer and a more balanced offensive plan with the liberation of kherson, which actually happened in the end, but was lost, according to this mr. trofimov, the moment of surprise, which upset zaluzhny at the time, and the russians prepared well for defense. an interesting point is that the russians are very active all year round were preparing for this defense , perhaps already knowing about zaluzhnyi's plans, well, this moment is connected with one or another strategy of the ukrainian army regarding the offensive, in fact, well , one more fragment of the general understanding of the picture, i am not sure that it is absolutely correct, because there were other versions, in particular , the issue is also being discussed that the ukrainian army also had offensive plans through
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forcing there, the dnipro in the kherson region, when relatively speaking, well, to develop the direction of the offensive to the south along several vectors, primarily faster than the enemy will be able to build a defense, but we see that to a large extent all our plans depended in one way or another on the formation of new brigades and the equipping of these brigades, because we know that brigades were formed there with the help of the united states of europe. but the pace of preparation of these brigades and, above all , the arrival of military equipment, they were less fast than the ukrainian side expected. and one way or another, any plans of our generals depended on the pace of interaction with our partners, which actually affected the situation later in zaporizhzhia, where during these six months, the enemy was really able to build powerful defensive lines there, which in principle
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had an effect. on the pace of the advance of our units in this direction, where we have achieved less results than we hoped, so in any case, any scenarios, plans, forecasts for combat operations, they are quite tentative, because any the plans actually, well, they do not withstand confrontation with reality, and all the military actually prepare for this and understand all these risks, and these conclusions from the past, i think that it is necessary to rely on the future as well, because i understand... or approaches to further hostilities, it is necessary to have a much larger number of variations, scenarios that will help us achieve success on the front line, and when we say that we will conduct active defense there this year, the other component consists in strikes on crimea, i repeat, by carrying out powerful naval operations, strikes on industrial facilities of the russian federation in
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the depths of russia, in order to... reduce the russian defense and industrial potential, so in any case there are different scenarios, they were, are and will be, and just the combination of reality and scenarios will form, well, then the final picture on the battlefield. well, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhiy zgurets was in touch with us, we talked about what is happening at the front and around all this, well, meanwhile, well , meanwhile, little by little, little by little , the air alert is ending, dear friends , and it's nice that we can... continue our day, we hope it will be calm, thank you for almost 10 00 hryvnias, which we have already managed to collect, join our collection, because it saves the lives of our soldiers, well, actually we remind you that at 9 hour, we all honor the lives of those ukrainians, civilians and military, whose lives were actually cut short by russian aggression, with a moment of silence, so please, waves. silence.
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let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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