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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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aggression, so please have a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings to all the viewers, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in today's morning stream we are talking about the following topics: the decisive day of the draft law on mobilization... people's deputies promise to finalize its text today, to vote in the rada tomorrow. the head of the committee on national security says that the draft law is still needed significant changes, whether the deputies will reach an agreement and how the military and civilians will react to the new law on mobilization. in ecuador , armed people broke into the studio of a tv channel and took the presenters hostage just live. they forced the tv presenters to lie down on the floor and threatened them with weapons. the day before, the country's president introduced a state of emergency for... 60 days
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after the escape of a drug lord from prison. what is happening in this south american country, we will tell you all the details. ukraine held a secret meeting on the peace plan with russia, the g7 countries and the countries of the south in saudi arabia, bloomberg writes about this and adds that there were no representatives of china at this meeting. what was discussed, why the negotiations were secret, who is the negotiator on behalf of ukraine and does this mean that ukraine is preparing to negotiate. let me remind you that svoboda mornings with you every weekday. 9:00, in order not to miss important streams on the radio liberty channel, subscribe to our channel and set the bell. russian forces continue to attack sumy oblast, which borders three russian regions. for the previous day in the military administration of the region recorded 21 shellings, fire was fired from artillery, and they were attacked with strike drones of the shachet type, the ova of sumy noted that russian forces targeted the local cultural center, which was also damaged. no houses and
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power lines. i would like to add that the border settlements of sumy oblast suffer almost daily shelling from russia, both from mortars and artillery. in our broadcasts, of course, we talk about the situation at the front and in the border regions, and you can also write and write in the comments, either please, from which regions of ukraine are you watching us, where are you located, what is your situation, what is the situation. perhaps you can tell interesting details that journalists should pay attention to. in the preparation of news and analytical materials on radio liberty broadcasts. i would like to remind you that you can also ask questions to those speakers or to those topics that are heard on svoboda ranok, it is very easy to do this, during the broadcast on the radio liberty channel, write your comments, ask questions, we, our team with the editor, are watching these questions of course, we broadcast both relevant and interesting things, because all these things in... do not concern
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you and us, and we try to learn as much information as possible about the important topics of today. i will also note that today we will definitely talk and talk a lot about draft laws and changes in the mobilization process. mobilization and demobilization are two such important aspects that are, of course, discussed today in society. therefore , be sure to wait for these topics. well, after long snowfalls. they came to donbas with fog sunny days, so ukrainian tank crews have to disguise themselves even more carefully. how soldiers work on the modernized ukrainian t-64 tank and how they themselves ended up at the front, they told our colleagues from the radio freedom project, present time, who visited the positions of the 42nd brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which is currently fighting in the bakhmut direction. i suggest you watch it. after long snowfalls with fogs, it is sunny in donbass. therefore... the page of this ukrainian tank
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has to disguise itself even better, we were driving today, then we saw that the weather was clearing, then we we know that it will fly and they will. watch. romanu 26 before the invasion of russia worked as a construction worker, received a summons and became a tank gunner. i didn't do anything for the sake of scraping or staying at home somewhere. summons received, went, checked, everything, healthy, came training, training, let's go to fight. the main thing is not to be afraid and to know that you are not alone here, and there are your brothers and sisters who will cover you at any time and will not let you stay here alone. speaking about his comrades-in-arms, roman means, for example, alexander. he is a mechanic-driver of a modernized t-64. a few years ago, it was the main battle tank of the ukrainian army. i'm used to my horse. i know what will fail me. before the full-scale invasion of russia, oleksandr
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worked as a foreman at a service station in kyiv. there are an order of magnitude more sensors here than before. also the same. clutch, mountain brake. and gas, respectively. when the russian army was standing near the ukrainian capital, oleksandr tried to join the ranks of volunteers, but they took him only a year later. i myself went to the armed forces headquarters in kyiv. and i say take it away. they took my data, all this, they say, wait. and i had to wait for a long time, then they called and said, come on, it's your turn. during all this time, oleksandr says, the motivation to fight was only sent. for example, in the fall i even returned from a short leave to the front earlier than i should have, because i couldn't stand it in civilian life , because it was broken here, and right now there, where there is no war, well, there, as it was before, you
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pulled me back, i understand that i'm needed because, well, my arms and legs are whole, and i understand that we don't have them there are enough people, well, there really isn't enough people. they push and push, they push by the thousands, and here you say, every hand, every foot, here is a canopy of gold, in ukraine it is a canopy of gold. before commanding a tank company, yaroslav was in the amphibious assault troops. he was injured last fall, after treatment he was offered to become a tank driver. tankers always recruited , i will grow up to 70 meters there, i am a little bigger, and accordingly, when i first climbed into a tank, well, he... no, how to say it correctly, it was not something that scared me, but i actually had a panic attack, because there is not enough space and i don't understand, well , there are moving parts everywhere, this executioner flies when he is shot and i was afraid that this one would catch me too, but nothing, a few this one,
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at first there were a few training trips and gradually i got used to it. currently, the yaroslav gate tank is repelling attacks by the russian military in the direction of bakhmut, today they are on duty and ready to fire from closed positions. they try to fight in the open field in isolated cases, with so many strike drones like here, it is too risky, you need to be careful equipment, but even more important, say tankers, is to protect people. it will be ukraine. oleksiy prodayvoda, mykola ryshchenko, oleksiy palii, radio liberty. in each of our broadcasts, of course, we follow the situation at the front and the situation in various ukrainian regions, and today we are talking about sumy oblast. volodymyr artyukh from... the sumy regional military administration joined our broadcast. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for participating, and i ask you to tell me how the night went in sumy oblast, what is the general situation in the region in recent days? yes, i wish you health. during that day, we had about 89 explosions,
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shelling was carried out on 20 settlements in three districts. basically it was. shelling, destroyed civilian infrastructure, destroyed private houses, in general, the peculiarities of the use of weapons have changed in the last two weeks, they began to use unmanned aerial vehicles, shaheds more, and if earlier this use was in the depths of e... oblast, and now they began to use more and in the 30-kilometer border zone , these unmanned aerial vehicles also began to be used combined missile and air strikes, such as
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on rope tops, roofs, there was no such combined use before, that is... the damage is mainly carried out in our private, private areas, where there are no military personnel at all, that is , the infrastructure is destroyed. cultural institutions, educational institutions, that is, this is the situation today in sumy oblast. volodymyr, tell me the details of the attack that happened, the attack that happened the day before, there was information from uva that the cultural center and private houses were targeted, are there any dead and wounded, what are the consequences? yes indeed yesterday around 7 p.m. one of the communities of krasnopilsk, one settlement from krasnopilsk was targeted. an air strike by two shaheds,
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the culture center and the houses that were close to it were hit, in general the energy supply was damaged, the houses, that is windows, doors, thank god, there were no injured or dead, help was provided in one way. power supply, after almost two hours the power supply was restored, and the rest of the assistance for the houses that were affected, this assistance has already started in the morning, i i will say that the population already, understanding such serious means of using means of destruction, they are in protective structures. so i thank them very much for following the rules of conduct during
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shelling and air alarms. volodymyr, how critical is the situation with electricity, with heating, and taking into account the weather conditions, and taking into account, of course, shelling? in general, the system works stably, the preparation was carried out effectively, but definitely these shellings cause damage to the power grid, especially in the border communities. we now about 2,200 or more subscribers are disconnected, these are primarily subscribers who are from zero to a kilometer from the line of contact with the enemy, where it is dangerous for our restoration teams to work, but emergency power supplies are provided there, that is, in such a critical situation, which today would require some... additional actions that we would not forecast today. thank you,
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volodymyr, for joining our broadcast and informing about the situation in sumy oblast. volodymyr nartyukh, head of sumy oblast of the military administration, was a guest of svoboda ranok. next, as i promised, we will talk, of course, about the bill on mobilization. today, the verkhovna rada's committee on national security, defense and intelligence will continue its consideration of the government's bill on mobilization. despite the expectations and forecasts, yesterday the deputies in the committee did not reach an agreement on the final form of the document, so what norms cause the parliamentarians the most concern and when should we expect a vote on the draft law in the verkhovna rada? he will give answers to these questions my colleague oleg galiv. oleg, congratulations, what's up with the mobilization? greetings to the viewers of svoboda ranok. hello katya. indeed, the committee on national security, defense and intelligence should be sitting at this moment. and the main document on which they are carefully... working is the government bill on mobilization. i will remind you that it caused a lot of discussion in
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society, because it contains norms that, for example, the commissioner for human rights, dmytro lubinets, called unconstitutional. on the air of the telethon, he stated that the draft law contains a direct violation of the norms of the constitution. for example, when it comes to restrictions for those who evade mobilization, namely the ban on real estate transactions. lubinets says that it is impossible to force a person at the level of the law to sell this or that house, or to buy it. the question of the terms of demobilization remains debatable , the deputies note, and with regard to the mobilization of persons with the third group of disabilities, whose conscription was proposed by government officials, what is most triggering and sensitive for society is the question of the possibility of postponement for people with disabilities of the third group, and because very often on the possibility of the second group, and very often the vlk has wrong conclusions, and trust in the vlk. absolutely low, moreover, the level of corruption is absolutely quite high, and
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the second issue that worries everyone the most is the issue of demobilization, because 36 months for people who have already had brk for about 20 months, or 15 or 12, well, it's simple unacceptable, not impossible, very difficult, if we talk about the mobilization of persons with disabilities of the third group, then a member of the committee on national security from the servants of the people, fedir venislavskyi emphasized on the air of radio nv that this proposal will not pass, just as , according to him, other regulations will not pass, although there are no final recommendations from the committee regarding the draft law yet. the most debatable is the fact that the law is unlikely to pass. the norm of the project is the possibility of the heads of the tsc to include in the list of non-combatants those conscripts who did not appear for the application for mobilization to the territorial center for the recruitment of social support, this is precisely the discretion that cannot be it is permissible from the point of view of the constitution, not from the point of view of the reality of real life,
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because, first of all, it has colossal corruption, corruption-ogenic risks, that certain norms of the draft law of the cabinet of ministers contain corruption risks, the verkhovna rada committee on anti-corruption policy also emphasized . the head of the committee, the representative of the servants of the people, anastasia radina, wrote on facebook that the mobilization should be fair, predictable and without corruption loopholes. and so, for example, in the draft law , the idea of ​​putting it on the authorities should be abandoned the duty of local self-government to ensure the arrival of conscripts in military bases. another member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence from batkivshchyna is vadym ivchenko. on the air of our colleagues. emphasized that the deputies are currently voicing their recommendations regarding this draft law, then the committee must decide during the vote whether it will either support this draft law taking into account the recommendation, or recommend that the government take the draft law back and submit it again, taking into account the work done, to the government no one worked on the corresponding law, it was simply adopted and then sent to
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the verkhovna rada, let the verkhovna rada deal there with society, with the ministries and so on and so forth, in order to... work on a comprehensive draft law. people's deputy yaroslav zhelezniak wrote in a telegram that tomorrow, january 11 , the government bill with the recommendations of the committee can be put to the vote in the first reading. i would like to point out that as of now five draft laws on mobilization are registered in the parliament. the main with of them - the government one, the one that is being actively discussed now. the other four are alternative, they were submitted by deputies. our colleagues from the slovo i dilo portal compared the norms proposed in the draft laws. so, the most controversial provision in all five draft laws concerns dismissal from service during martial law. the government proposes that it should be after three years of continuous service at one's own will, and in the bills of the people's deputies, instead, it is about one and a half or two years, so the approaches to the delivery of summons differ here as well. shmyhal's government believes that it must be done in person, through an electronic cabinet, or through e- mail. people's deputies goncharenko and razomkov, on the other hand, are inclined to personally
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serve summonses. what the final version will be, which will be voted on by the audience, should already be known. today. katya thank you, oleg. oleg galiv collected all the currently relevant information regarding consideration of the bill on mobilization. we are talking about the draft law on mobilization. let me remind you that there are currently five such draft laws in the verkhovna rada. the main focus is on of the government draft law, which was approved by the defense of ukraine. joining our broadcast is iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity party and member of the parliamentary committee. on issues of national security, defense and intelligence. i congratulate you. good morning. a lot of attention is paid to you and your colleagues from the chain of custody committee, because you, like no one else, know what the current situation is. according to your information, do you think today will be the final decision of the committee on the government bill on mobilization? yes, and we will have a meeting of the committee today
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the main law and alternatives to it will be considered directly. so i think there will be a committee decision that will allow. it is either to bring the specified main draft law to the hall, or to send it to the authors for revision. and what is the majority of the committee leaning towards, should this government bill be put to a vote or sent for revision? you see, the majority in every committee of the verkhovna rada is made up of representatives of the servant of the people. servant of the people, the faction is very disciplined, so what algorithm of actions will be adopted by the council regarding further to... to this draft law, at its own expense, such a decision will also be adopted in the specialized committee, if it is clear to them that the committee should go to the hall with a decision on either finalization or approval in the first reading in the prices long revisions, then most
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likely the servant of the people faction will support the legislative initiative in the form in which it was introduced by the cabinet of ministers, which also represents representatives of the authorities, do you and your other colleagues from the opposition feel pressure from the office of the president that that this particular bill should be considered by the verkhovna rada as soon as possible, and if this happens, what will your faction do, will it support such a document? we, as representatives of the opposition faction , do not feel any pressure from the president's office on us, as far as the pressure on the representative of the pro-government faction is concerned. factions, i think this question should be put to them, whether he is or not , any, you know, thoughts on this matter from me is a completely subjective point of view, which is inappropriate, but... as for what is happening , well, if we see that already in the agenda is set for tomorrow, and today the committee is meeting
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, so there is a certain haste in considering this issue, because even after the committee's conclusion, there must be a certain period of days for the draft law to reach the hall, here we see that in fact, automatically the draft law will be introduced into the hall for the adoption of a decision by the parliament. iryna, if we talk more specifically about the points, what do you think the committee, the majority in the committee, is leaning towards, well, for example, what should be the rules for serving a summons in person, through an electronic cabinet or via e-mail, are there any decisions here that you understand that it is certain that the deputies will be in favor of him from the committee, look, the committee worked out the main bill for three days with the ministry of defense, carefully went through the articles, i want to emphasize, that the work was constructive of all members. committee, for every article that was included in the editorial office from the cabinet of ministers, there were comments, proposals for correcting the editorial and making changes, so to say that the committee did not
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work, the committee did work, but the question in the fact that according to the regulations, we cannot make changes to the text of the revision made by the cabinet before the first reading, and this is a problem, because if it is not withdrawn, or if it is not sent for approval, then it can most likely be adopted in to the first reading in this poor version, which will actually need to be rewritten for electronic summonses, which at their proposal of the cabinet of ministers can be sent to e-mail, and for the decree of powers, and for corruption risks, and for anti-constitutional norms, which are in this draft law, comments and constructive proposals were made to almost all of them, which... to the version in which it should be submitted, but there is one thing, but to change the version that has been submitted and which will not be withdrawn or sent to
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processing, the deputies can only after the first reading, between the first and second amendments, then it will be necessary to actually rewrite this entire bill, in your opinion, why are they in a hurry, for what, what are the reasons, well, the question of mobilization is too long, they say, from my point of view point of view, if there were the issue of directly resolving legislative changes has been narrowed down to the issue of mobilization, demobilization, and not such a voluminous bill introduced by the cabinet of ministers, which concerns changes to eight, apparently illegal laws, it would be much easier, it is preferable not to discuss the issue of mobilization there through social networks, which stirs up society, to make concrete changes, having monobil. participation in the hall, i think, any changes that the supreme leader would like to make directly regarding the order of mobilization, the majority would be easy enough
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supported in the version in which the president introduced it. currently, we have a situation where the president did not carry it from himself, it was introduced by the cabinet of ministers, it was introduced in a weak , completely anti-constitutional version that needs a qualitative revision, but it would be... desirable if there was political will and the withdrawal of this draft law in that editors that exist, in order to prepare a quality document that would not gather societies and create informational chaos around, this is a question of responsibility for such unpopular changes, or why so, why, because some of your colleagues say that the responsibility here is being shifted to the shoulders of the people's deputies, well, listen, to shift the responsibility to the shoulders of the deputies, well... this is such, you know, a very broad formulation from my point of view, because the people's deputies, they and serve in the parliament by introducing, correcting or writing
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bills, so if the issue of mobilization from the point of view of the commander-in-chief needed changes, they needed to be introduced, not discussed, they needed to be qualitatively communicated with society in order to to have an honest conversation and arguments as to why the authorities want to change one or another. norm would be conveyed to all sections of the population so that it does not cause some idiotic panic and in fact fear of mobilization, so that we all understand that the question of mobilization is actually a question of the future of our state, and now, unfortunately, a question mobilization has been turned into a scarecrow, and this is absolutely wrong, because it kills unity, which is key from my point of view. the basis of mobilization is the unity of civil society, so when the unity of the civil society is broken, the issues of mobilization turn into a pitfall. irina , what will happen next, you say that in principle
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there in... in the first reading it will be necessary to vote, if the draft law is submitted, then work on amendments, what is the position again of your faction, of your colleagues there from the opposition, will it be such a thorough job in order to really make this document as good as possible, or is it possible that the number of edits can be so large and thus the process can be delayed in order that somehow review this story, well, first of all, we, as a responsible faction, voted eight times for all the president's decrees. regarding the extension of the terms of mobilization, i.e. every time for 90 days, when it was necessary to support the draft decree of the president, we did it, regarding mobilization, further, regarding the said draft law, i emphasize once again that we believe that in this version it should have been withdrawn or send for revision, because it contains too many anti-constitutional and corruption risks, and in this version there is... absolutely
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illegal, let's say, according to many norms, let's not stop now, as for what to do with it next and whether it will sink, as you say, into practice, i want to emphasize, you should not be afraid of the rules, the verkhovna rada can sit for two or three days in a row, nothing terrible will happen in order to be able to pass all the amendments, but it is the presence of documents, not their number, that there is an opportunity to improve the draft law, so whoever does not want to... support the amendments, for example, the monomajority faction can just don't come this way, everyone fails amendments, but the fact that between the first and second reading, if there will not be, if from, if this basic option is adopted in the first reading, and if it is not improved before the second reading, then it becomes a real problem for our society and a real the problem of trust in the authorities, how so unconstructive and so whimsical than... projects
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can be pushed through the session hall, regardless of anything. i believe that the authorities should be ashamed, the authorities should think about how adequately they are acting in relation to promotion of the bill as it stands, and ideally the political will to withdraw what must be recognized as a mistake. in this case, the error must be recognized by the cabinet of ministers. mrs. iryna, it seems from conversations with you and your colleagues that really, well, work is boiling over this. by the draft law and from the statements of the opposition, it looks like changes are necessary, they just need to be made there logically, acceptable, according to all the norms of the law, that is, you see that your colleagues and colleagues from the monomajority, including, want to make a good working person there a document that is adequate, that would be fair to society, is such an effort, or what you are talking about, that can be adopted by the majority, in principle, without taking into account these amendments, this is quite
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a realistic story. three days of work in the committee on the main draft law , on the text of the main draft law, give me reason to say that the members of the committee, in which all factions are represented without exception, worked very constructively and persistently to give the author, the initiator, the developer, an opportunity to understand that the text the revision they made needs a thorough revision, i'm not even saying a revision, but a revision. because the content of those norms that have been introduced, in fact, almost all of them require a completely different approach, completely different communication, completely different right of application and most importantly - the absence of discretion, corruption and anti-constitutional provisions, and what to do with the conflict of norms, from these norms in the draft law and with the constitution there with human rights, or what to do with it and whether
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these moments are listened to there... well , government representatives, when you are there with them discussed these provisions of the draft law, you know, now they are listening, but conditionally , this listening is oral, we have a written version of the text, which is unconstitutional, which violates rights, which has corruption risks, and we need to work with this text, and that is why i am talking about the presence of political will in the cabinet and the need to sometimes admit mistakes in order not to disturb society, in order not to... create chaos in order not to transform the issue of mobilization, which is vital for our state, because we are in a large-scale war, in an issue that scares us, as the president said, we are a nation of heroes, so now we are being molded from a nation of heroes into a nation of dodgers, due to the fact that there is no clear communication, clear argumentation, and most importantly, legal norms regarding changes in the issue
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of mobilization , i thank you for participating and thank you for informing the community, so...


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