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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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45 program judicial control with tetyana shustrova on espresso tv channel. well, gentlemen, we are returning to our telethon, now in this last, in our last block, we will talk a little about corruption in the ministry of defense, namely in public procurement, unfortunately, this topic remains relevant, and the latest story has excited many, this is the story... of such a family of the hrynkevichs, who, it turns out, were involved in many corruption scandals even before the war, but since they supported, in particular, the servants of the people, and one of the the rinkevichs, in particular, i don’t know in a word , let’s put it this way, they didn’t have any problems and everything was going very well, they became very serious suppliers, in particular, of food, mineral water and... er, clothes for the army
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during the war , these are billion-dollar contracts , so you understand, but there is some doubt that this actually, that they had the production capacity of all that, to manufacture and produce all this somewhere, and not actually enter simply, so to speak, as middlemen who received huge e profits from the air, that is, having actually corrupt connections, getting victories in tenders, in particular through... transparently, because on several occasions, as far as i understand, there were situations when only some other firm, which in one way or another had a relationship with this family, entered huge tenders worth hundreds of millions of hryvnias, but they took advantage of this the sensi, so to speak, were favorites, favorites and used power connections, and now, finally, this story is starting to come out little by little. into
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the media's field of vision first of all and it started to spin, it all started also with the detention of hrenkevich, the senior for the attempt to give a bribe to the sbi, here, well, but it turned out that one way or another these enterprises were registered to his son, and to his wife, and to the girlfriend, the son, who turned out to be the girlfriend of some football player, who is only 20 years old, but she already... already has her own gallery in kyiv, because she decided that she is an artist and even named her rather self-critical gallery smudge, in other words, interesting different stories, that's how you listen to all this and it's just a miracle that in principle all this is possible, mrs. tetyana nikolaenko, a member joins us of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense, ms. tetyana, good morning, good morning, let 's talk a little bit about this hrynkevich family, they somehow quite suddenly broke into i don't know some information. not the field, well, maybe not
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all, not all channels and publications, but nevertheless, ms. tatyana, as far as i understand, in fact, this family had certain corruption scandals even before the war, but look, this family, it took a very active part in many tenders, but since their profile business is still construction, and even if you if you look at the tenders there, for example, in zhytomyr region, they take... for the supply of tiles, excuse me holders, toilet paper, well, something like that, and for the ministry of defense they took part in tenders, they took part in construction at the shirokiy lan training ground , not very successful, because already at that stage, this seems to me to be the story of the 17th year, they had a scandal, also a corruption one, because they did not have the right to hire contractors, they hired contractors, it was precisely this citigrad company , then that company was very much sought after for a long time, and then suddenly... even after
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a full-scale invasion, this whole group of companies somehow got the right to direct contracts with the ministry of defense for the supply of not construction materials , tiles, cement, or anything else, but jackets, pants, underpants, t-shirts, that , what is needed in order to clothe our army, without having any production capacity , in order to sew it all, that is, it is obvious that it is the same as in the story with... reznikov's jackets were purchased either in turkey or in china , well, i doubt that even in ours manufacturers in the quantities as it was declared there, and it was imported to ukraine, but we do not know whether it was imported or not, whether it was delivered at the moment or not, that is, as of the end of october, when the audit of the accounting chamber came out, all three companies, which in one way or another can be associated with the hrenkiewiczs, were listed. those who didn't deliver the blinds
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on time, that is, by the end of may and june 2023, have a list of goods: jackets, pants, t-shirts, underpants, and so on. and the total amount of these unfulfilled contracts was 1.5 billion uah uah yes, that is, when at the end of the year the sbi detained ihor hrenkevich, or one might say, the father of the founder of all these companies, then in fact the amount that appears in the proceedings is identical to the amount that the accounting chamber declared as a debtor from these... companies for the ministry of defense, just for understanding, when we talk about the procurement system of public tenders, in particular and also the transparent system, which is involved in order to actually make this whole process transparent, then we hope that it looks approximately yes, yes, to the boy's mind, that there is a need to buy there, i don't know, 100 00
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winter jackets or 200 00, i don't know how, and this is announced at these tenders, as a proposal of the ministry of defense, and everyone who can is involved in ... of this contract, whoever gives a good price and meets the stated conditions, they win, and we have a normal situation, but where in this, in this basically simple scheme of public procurement , something is not working right, and as a matter of fact , some corruption moments? and the first moment, and this was even emphasized the accounting chamber in its audit, we have no planning, that is, we do not understand. that in our country, for example, in three months we will have plus 500,000 mobilized, accordingly , we need 500,000 jackets, pants and so on for them. and accordingly, if we had such a plan, yes, ah, and even then the ministry of defense would already today have the right to announce
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a tender and buy all these things, ugh, and this is never done, it is all done according to urgent need, this is thrown out in some small lots, and in fact it looks like this so that... a certain company has a warehouse in which there are conditionally 100,000 shirts, which they already knowingly brought there, or, if it is a ukrainian manufacturer, they sent it, and then they sell it, and to us, and even ukrainian manufacturers , they complain that give us a plan, you can not pay us there, but give us three-year contracts with the ministry of defense, within the framework of which we could sew these jackets for you, that is, create a certain framework , then there would be some interspecies competition. and then we could also talk about quality jackets and about reducing their price, instead, it is simply due to the fact that under such a system of urgent need it is thrown away by the ministry of defense, which always has no money to pay for it, they also
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manipulate it there and cover up, and in fact we have chronically corrupt schemes, and then we have either clay ones with hotels in croatia or hrynkevich, who go to the ex... in railroad cars, rest there in the middle, wear branded things, but t-shirts are not delivered to the front, that is , in fact, there are people who have , example, information ahead of the market because they have ties to the government and they take these orders and intercept, just not even really having any production capacity, nothing, they just quote a price and then figure out how to fill it already, well, in fact, yes, it looks like i have you in stock, you have a need, let's make an agreement, and i 'll give you a 5% kickback and we'll all win, i 'll put the ministry of defense there, you'll have a little cache, which you will later run for a long time and decide that, oh, i was assigned a status here everyone will put pepy and me in prison because i have some illegal money, well, this is where
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your illegal money comes from, in fact, in this story, if we take the family of hrynkevich in particular, everyone was equally outraged by all those instagrams of these wives and... girls of these hrynkevichs , who go somewhere to some resorts, luxury hotels , and they put up this poor gilded railroad car in which they can rent, well, in a word, we understand that these are the kind of newcomers who are just now making money from this war, this is what i think, this understanding is, but i'm also trying to understand whether we don't have some kind of soviet or post-soviet resentment here, or is it bad that, in principle, people... make money even in war, because it's obvious that business for certain business is now it's a good time and there's nothing wrong with that, shouldn't we also think in that direction, or is this not about business after all? and look, i also wouldn't want us to perceive this as a certain
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leftism, yes, that you can't earn a lot of chanel there, and that it's downright evil, no, but we we are talking about the fact that someone bought a louis vuitton bag at a time when... the t-shirts were not delivered, the t-shirts in the army, that is, the money was received, yes, the payments from the ministry were made, or even if not made about the payments from you ... and instead of fulfilling these conditions, this money goes to some other things, there is another proceeding against the hrynkevichs, it concerns previous contracts, and there, even in the materials of the judicial investigation, which are in the register of court decisions, it is described there that the money , which were listed there for building materials of the ministry of defense, they are spent on re-acquisition of land... well, for example, for rent, go to the quarry and in the lviv region and with the assistance
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of the regional military administration , i understand, a broad topic with these hrynkevichs, i understand that this is only the top of iceburg and such hrynkevichs are probably also in in many others , they are simply the most popular now , excuse me also in quotes to say yes there is sadness , but a very large number and in fact to every supplier. investigator, and now an exclusive interview of khrystyna porobii with her family defender, who returned from captivity, during
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the last exchange, for your attention. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, my name is khrystyna porubiy and we tell the stories of soldiers released from captivity. at the beginning of january was one of the biggest. exchanges since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , 230 military personnel have returned home, among them 225 men and five women, and today we have the opportunity to talk with the wife of one of those who returned home, ostap reshitnyk, he is from lviv region, today we have olga in the studio reshetnyk, olga, i congratulate you, tell us some of your first emotions, how you found out that your husband is coming home, good day, studio. er, in fact, it was first of all a call from the special services, as
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it happens in general, er, the very first emotions, that is, i did not believe it, that it was really so, how we learned to restrain ourselves, eh, well, that is we didn't expect something immediately, that's why at first such emotions, they were even a shock, just a shock, from which we still haven't really recovered, because i... somehow, yes, you have two children, yes, like them experienced this separation from the father, because your husband was in polonia for almost two years, so, how, what were the emotions of the children? eh, my daughter , she was also shocked , she was happy, that is, she laughed, my son had radically different emotions, he cried, he cried all evening until he heard his father's voice, and the daughter was walking, saying, well, why are you crying? well , that is, dad is already at home, dad is already in ukraine, why are you crying, on the contrary, you should be happy, and then,
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when they already heard their father's voice, they had radically different emotions, that is, when it was possible contact the husband? in fact, this period of waiting for the call, it lasted from 6 o'clock in the afternoon until almost 112 in the evening, it was such a long period that when we already heard this call, everyone who was near me, well, near me, was in tears, emotions, it was a shock, well, the group, but we were glad to finally hear his voice, how did the children survive these almost two years of separation? i tried to somehow distance them a little from this, that is, not to involve them completely in all those emotions, i tried to somehow distract them so that they... would not worry this whole situation is so deep, you have
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a 13-year-old daughter, yustyna, and lukyana's 9 -year-old son, and now let's hear how you met, how you talked with your father, this is the first call after the capture, we will now listen to yustyna reshitnyk. tell me how you found out that your father has already been released from captivity, that your father is returning home, some of your first impressions, the first impressions were the first... well, around six in the evening he calls. and says that the sbu called my mother and they said that he was in ukraine, but my mother was not at home then, she went to the store, and here she is somewhere dad is at home, well, i had some mixed emotions, because i was in shock, well, at first i cried a little, but it was from happiness, and then i didn't feel any such emotions until the moment he called us, i was talking to my father already, tell me what they talked about, the first conversation, video or
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phone, well, first he just called on the phone, well... we were just talking about what, what we did during this time, while he was away, like we did there business, is everyone healthy, and they said that they missed each other, according to the video it was already possible to chat, yes, he called us, then we showed him what we had new there, he also showed us, told us everything, it was yustyna reshitnyk, the daughter of ostap reshitnyk, who was released the day before from russian captivity, please tell me about her husband, who was he at the front, when did he go to war and why was it important for him to go to war? well, in fact, he has been in the military since 2009, and when in 14th year all these situations began, which continue to this day, he, well, every year until
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today, he went on rotations, they provided aid to the military, they carried out ... well, that is, all kinds of treatments, that is, they ensured first of all, let 's say, the safety of our own people, they were engaged in the treatment of premises, that is, from rodents, from all kinds of things, well, all these types of work, which the sanitary services are engaged in, this is also, then he was a driver, the sanitary drivers of all services, which also provided assistance to the military, and... on average, to the medics themselves, because a medic cannot do anything without a driver, he performed all his duties that were entrusted to him, which were needed, he helped as much as he could. how did he explain his decisions, why is it important for him to join the armed forces of ukraine? he always said, who, if not me, how did
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his family accept such an act? well, we didn't mind very much, because it was his vocation, he wanted to go there, he wanted to go there, he said, that is, that i want to be with the boys, that is , i'm needed there too, so we didn't really object to it, as the war started in 2014, this period until 2022, before the full-scale war, in which operations did your husband participate, how about his life in this period of time where he was. they were regularly sent on rotations, as a rule, to military hospitals, they were with military medics, with hospitals, they provided all the help that was needed, where, where he was some, you can some points, these were different points, it was also mariupol , and there was, i can't even remember that, because it's so much
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of all kinds of information, and severodonetsk, well , that is, a lot of eastern regions. both above and below, well, that is, wherever they were needed, everywhere they were, you know, many military men are those who have been fighting since 2014 year, they predicted somewhere that there would be such a full-scale invasion, there would be a big war , that russia would not leave ukraine, just like that, it's that simple, tell me, did the man somewhere foresee such a thing, or perhaps he was preparing some family for that, in fact, we are for such they didn't discuss the topic with him, and i think that i won't say anything, because i'm real. don't know that, but he rode on the rotation on the 18th of february, not saying anything like that, he just rode like an extraordinary rotation of his that he rode before that. on february 18, 2022, he went to mariupol, so he went on rotation to mariupol, this is the 555 mariupol hospital.
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how long was the man on the line, then, how long was the line, was it possible to talk to him? how often did you keep in touch with him, in fact , there was no such possibility of contact, somehow it was on the 24th it all started, on the 26th i personally spoke with him, it was literally a few minutes, and it was very short , then his daughter heard him on march 1, he asked how they were, what they were, and after such a full communication that we... his voice was lost, there were several messages from the beginning of march until the third of april, and the last message was on april 3 alive and well. and after that we never heard anything, knew nothing, we walked, waited , hoped, we still have to wait a little, he will call, he, well, that is, and when one
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evening, i don’t remember exactly if it was 30- that is, on april 31, one evening before going to bed , i was scrolling through the russian telegram channel, and i saw his photo there, well, it’s a photo with an inscription that they raised, they they did the right thing, surrendered their weapons, raised them. hands up, and so i saw that he was a prisoner. first of all, it was a call from the military unit to the commander, that such and such information appeared anyway, and from that moment the process was launched, that is, we began to look for various exits, volunteers, documents, all special services, a million calls, a million messages, a lot of all kinds of information, encountered different moments, there were... a lot of such moments of despair, in which i wanted to leave it all, because our there are a lot of special services, well, i understand that this
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is their job, there is information that they cannot divulge, everywhere we went, the answers were the same everywhere: be patient, we are doing our best, but we are like family, it was difficult , this period of obscurity, when we knew nothing, this period of waiting. well, finally we waited for the long-awaited call, the very long-awaited message that he is finally in ukraine. the man was captured in mariupol from the ilyich plant, right? so. did they discuss at all these first, the first month, yes, when there was still contact with him, did the man tell something, what was the situation at the factory then, or when they were already at the factory, there was no contact with him. the last communication is complete, it was march 1, when we heard it. then in the middle of march , as we all know, an aerial bomb was dropped on this hospital and after that full contact with it was lost, they were in bunkers at the lychee plant, so someone there somewhere got
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closer, then he wrote to his relatives, that is, that so and so, such and such a situation, that is, even you we didn't know what happened to your husband, we knew, we found out later that he was wounded, during captivity, it's been almost two years, that's how you found out in april that he was already in captivity, was there any connection support with her husband, was there any correspondence, none, nothing, where did you get the information , information about him, unfortunately, there was no information, that is, all that was in some russian telegram channels, yes , we didn’t know him found more on no videos, as situations of relatives fall, who recorded a video there, none, no information except... the photo we saw in april we didn't have until january, when there was hope for an exchange? there was always hope, we always waited
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, we always, i'll tell the truth, i didn't entertain myself with such thoughts to avoid disappointment again, we just learned to live with the fact that we still need to wait a little, be patient a little, so i'll say yes, really . there was hope when this list of 300 people was posted online that these people had gone through all the procedures, but it was seen as another information, such as disinformation, because hoping for some logic and some real adequacy, well, unfortunately, it was not possible, because there was a lot of disinformation, but they pleased themselves with this, taking into account the entire number of prisoners. .. there is, and he got into the list of these 300 people, so it was not for nothing, and hope appeared even more, but finally at least he appeared somewhere, that it is really
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possible that soon something will become clear, and it turned out that we did not wait for a long time after that, how much time has passed since the publication of the list, it's been about two weeks, how is the man now and when will you be able to see him, he's in... in a pretty good condition, he's happy that he can finally hear the children, that he can hear their laughter, their voice , says i'm doing my best to get home as soon as possible, to hug you all as soon as possible, says i missed you very much, i knew you were waiting for me, i knew personally that you would do anything for for me to come back, so we are also looking forward to him at home, you already... you know when you will be able to see some people tell you that, unfortunately, we don't know anything yet, because it all depends on his health, so it's nonsense, it can wait, we already
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know that he is here. that's why there is a connection, there is communication, that's why those few days or weeks can already wait. we wish you to meet as soon as possible and be a whole family again. let me remind you that today we spoke with the wife of osta pereschitnyk, who was released from russian captivity at the beginning of january, olga reshitnyk. we are waiting and hoping for each of our military, which, unfortunately, is now in russian shoemakers. thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso. attention - an incredible new product from rozpakuy tv: super warm and very comfortable boots alaska stayle. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30° frost. alaska stayle boots have a versatile design and
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