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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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dmytro, tell me, please, in which areas of the front did you have to fight during these almost two years? in the kherson direction, in bakhmut itself and in soledar itself. here. the kherson direction is also alarming, dangerous, active, there are a lot of movements on the battlefield, but more and more such ambushes were made there, the object was held. in trench history, well, in bakhmut there we made assaults, already clearing, from entrenchment, somehow we were lucky, we got out with our reconnaissance platoon, well, practically without such, without losses, but in saledar, where already we were taken into a ring and here we are together, we are paratroopers shoulder to shoulder with the border guards, there were already shots... there and where i was i
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received a heavy explosive wound and contusion, this is the last point - it was the saltar himself, this is the scariest moment you had in the war, is there no fear in the war, why , well, it's subjective about me, you know, there and there it's like a circuit breaker, there, for example, there is a blockade of feelings there , black and white, and well, it's natural, a person happens, or... for example, you catch such boyish-wolfish courage and go ahead maroon beret, then in this case it was such that go ahead, you just live, there is no time for this fear, why, because there is a military person to be there, you do not purchase, for example, cartridges in the store, you connect, you corrected rpsku, you are talking, somewhere there i ate a piece of some kind of food from a knife, swallowed it, somewhere it fell into my stomach, somewhere...
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i took a sip of some liquid there, and then there was a movement, and even, even when i felt moments, for example , here i was in an armored car in solidar, there was still an eye to shoot back, we were driving there, they raked it all thing, and i felt that even neurons were dying, as if my skull was being squeezed, there was a contusion from a landmine, i was slowing down these processes and i felt like now, here it is, here it is, and here, well, it’s all over, you know, there is a fear of not knowing about... you are just worried here and now, what is happening, you were injured there, so severe as a landmine and plus a contusion, this fragment flew into my cerebellum there, i am professor bobrov, thank him , took it, cut the head, took it out, sewed it up, then there with the shoulder blades of the fragment, which is this part i was all over the back, the left too, my arm, my arm was like... i was beaten, i was even
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pulled out of the armored car and injected with morphine, all tactical medicine, i have already communicated here in civilian life, he says: you can’t do that, you what are you doing, well , it was necessary to prick, because i was already pricked at zeros, because in order for a cardiovascular systole, so that it would be, well, so that the blood clots would not break, so that the overexcitement would be such, you understand, remember that we are for god's sake this land, we will never be broken. we are winning, glory to ukraine, it is interesting to understand, here is this one the fracture of your personality, a person who is from a family, yes, directly related to cinematography, who studied to be an actor, and at some point you completely changed everything, can you remember that moment that... it became that
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triggered that you i told myself that yes , i will go to fight, i will seriously go to fight, that 's what changed, well, imagine that since 1993 i worked in the theater of the armed forces of ukraine, and in this theater of the armed forces of ukraine since 1993 , i traveled around military units, i flew to the crimea on an amphibious transport plane, they were transported by scenery in the sky, landed, we performed se... among the marines, among the coast guard, in mechanized brigades, in amphibious brigades, well, we gave speeches. then, when the trouble happened in the 14th year, this is again, this is all, this is all a logical pattern and a continuation of the fact that, well , the horde, it never stops, it must be cut down, stopped and actively acted on, then i started even more my performances, for this i was helped by the guitar, an instrument, i started the author's text. to write about people of the military
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profession, i communicated with them and i have the right, because he spent a lot of time in hospitals, and like that, with you there, a person without legs is sitting on a wheelchair'. armed forces of ukraine. i first joined the teroboron voluntarily. i didn't know how it would turn out. i didn't know what would happen next. i just did the act for myself in the sense that my land is a threat to it. protection, and people like me , conscientious ukrainians, citizens of ukraine, thousands, we all volunteered to join the military, despite our profession, despite some of our inner beliefs, left, and when kyiv was cleared, here i was first in
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territorial defense, then in one battalion, and then it was not enough for me, i am one of those people who... you know, probably cannot sit quietly with folded hands, and i, i wanted to bring this whole thing to a logical conclusion, and there is only one logical conclusion , this is our victory, the clearing of our sacred , god -given land of ukraine, and i went to the airborne assault troops, there was a preliminary selection, so i passed, well, let’s say, as the actors say a creative competition, only the military has a combat creative selection , and even after that we... enlisted in the amphibious assault troops through the zhytomyr military academy, i got into the 199th training center, where the armed forces of ukraine gave a full package , you understand, and the military accounting specialty of a scout, this is night shooting, work in twos, fours,
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camouflage, topography, and all that in the brotherhood of the military spirit, well, paratroopers are restrained people, as you understand, every morning we were there... the oath of a paratrooper was read out in the ranks, and we had moral training, moral and willpower, and physically, of course, many of us matched distance for the protrusion there is a spine, who is in poor health, who could not stand it, because a paratrooper has to carry an rps, an unloading and suspension system, a body armor, various hangers, a paratrooper’s shoulder pad, about weapons, and everything and everything, and then we in the end... my brother and someone who was wounded, and after that, i got into the 46th assault assault brigade, as i got it, i completely passed this course, that is , i completely changed my, let's say, profession, although i am a profession, when there is permission
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, i still practice, but i am completely became a soldier in this troubling time of war, in the hope that young people will not have to, after all, we are fighting for the sake of children. so , for the sake of posterity, he will no longer have to tear it all apart and it is all a matter of touch, that ’s it, friends, fellow soldier, let’s bring it up to the brim with a sister bc, we know, it will be ukraine, tell our viewers a little about your acting career, when it started, what is it like did you have a way? well, in general, i am a spoiled brat in the sense that there is a boarding school, a communal apartment, a street, sports, the army, the first border service there, well, you understand that i'm a spoiled brat, in a word, and besides, i also lived in plots, growth, because my parents, they are
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actors, natalya viktorivna zabolotna, she is an actress of the theater of the young audience, kostiantyn linartovych, director, screenwriter, film director, godfather of the ukrainian dub zhunov. what an atmosphere i cut and lived in, and we always had a spirit, so to speak, of show, free-thinking, a spirit of such inner freedom, maybe that's why i went to the landing of the assault troops, all of it, that equipment was there even then, to become an actor, i went to the young theater when i went to demobilization in 1998, i worked as a stage fitter, a stage driver, stuffed floor mats, pulled scenery with the fitters together, for a whole year according to... the production book, but i watched how the actors worked on the stage, how the directors worked, and i was preparing at the same time , in general, i went to the theater university, well, to the kyiv national university of theater arts, to the faculty of acting in theater and dramatic cinema, i entered the army,
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well, it didn’t work out for me, i was probably on the street a little more and i didn’t prepare as well, let’s say, maybe the rod was missing, after the army i already took this whole thing seriously, i didn’t want to enter the third... and that’s why i entered the second time, you know, i entered, and i managed to do it on the budget, too and it began, but you don't become an actor on the first try. neither in the second year, nor after you graduate from this university, you are a theater and film drama actor, you recruit, i started dubbing films in ukrainian, i met stuntmen, went to shootings as stuntmen, fought with sabers in the image of a cossack, fell from the fortress, into boxes, uh, then i went out a lot on the platforms, stages, and even then i slowly became interested in poetry, because i was communicating, unfortunately, at that time in the cinema... and i will first say about the good things that i was lucky, i worked with directors who
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shot ukrainian films, and then there was trouble, because they were constantly harassed, there were moscow tv series and films, where the zagarnyk came here to this territory, as if on the periphery, they spoke the muscovite language, filmed scenes from moscow, and there was fear in film directors, as they are called producers , directors and screenwriters were afraid to write in ukrainian, because all the masterminds were somehow easier, they talked and pooped, this is a big problem, because now there is a struggle for the language, i do not condemn anyone, many have fallen under influence, i refused, i knew, i did not want my ukrainian brother, my stepsister, cinematographic or creative, to be used, our people are worthy to play the main roles. to live on their ancient lands, to speak their own language. a ukrainian soldier at the front has the right
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communicate in russian. i communicated exclusively in ukrainian. even when the intonations were brutal, when it was motherly, it was natural. well, there are many people who found the post-soviet space. i myself studied at the boarding school in sovdepivskyi. i was told that the leaders and the people were imperialistically chimped, ah, they, so to speak,... well, how is it, it was such propaganda, and that is why even we had a mother, it is constantly going on in the army, and this is already as a habit, i hope that the younger generation will get rid of it, here zaporizhia cossacks had a curse word on the cossacks, i always, even i when i was serious, when i was doing clearing assaults in bakhmut, hello, i always said to my teenage mother, because when you see an enemy or someone else, you don't say anything. dear paratroopers , please, we are storming, there are aggressive vibrations, there are adrenaline things,
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animal instincts, and all the same i managed to speak there all the time, and that is why i am a supporter of the ukrainian language, but there are people who want to learn, here in i am my acquaintance, and my cinematographer, with whom i am currently working, is spilbrok call sign, he, he communicates, for example, so far russia. in what language, but he writes on ethics in ukrainian, he writes incredible poems, you understand, and you can’t be radical like that, they say, yes, like that, but you understand, if, for example, a threat, a threat to a brother and a person who knows the muscovite language, she communicates, and she sharply shouted the phrase to save, well, this is life, we can't pass now, so everyone, unfortunately, soldiers in the trenches can't take soldiers and engage. momanitarka, he cannot be absolutely, so to speak, correct right away
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to communicate in ukrainian in such a language there, of course not, but to slowly introduce speaking, you know that everything depends on the officers, on the higher, yes, when they start speaking, as of today, lining up, lines in ukrainian, commands are introduced , the mortars are already working on the battlefield, they say the word fire. load ours already, our codes with ukrainian word firmware, and of course, i generally had a case that a muscovite is very afraid of the ukrainian language, by the way, because when there storming, says such a mother forward, and when they hear the speech, they, they are just shocked, they are just them, they get lost and start retreating, this is a very great power of energy, believe me, i know what i am talking about, that's what i'm saying, and people to make their own choice. we came from gsha to welcome you, yezhabosh is with us, and we brought
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you such tricks, the same as everyone else, dmitry, how important is the artistic front in this war? well, the art front is everything, because obviously i really like the saying. when if the muses speak, guns they are silent, but when the cannons speak , then it... means that there are few muses, yes, which means that the muses are silent and have been silent, education, culture, it must be sewn, implemented, of course, because it expands the range, i i think that the problem now is that we do not fully hear the people who are in the trenches, what they say and articulate, a soldier, he may not always be
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certified in his profession, he is a good performer in war, he performs a simplified, masculine . well, work, thanks to which we are sitting here in the city and can be with you calmly to negotiate, but when he returns to civilian life, after the war, he needs to get something from somewhere, and here are educators and greatness, so to speak, some kind of expensive thing, there is a book or a word of ours, only human, only you know, not that, it's not a pathetic tone, when you understand, no, not an academic form. good, but what goes into the heart, this is what i do with the word song from the ssu, yes, i tell simple things about everyday life, social and everyday topics of soldiers, about the love of a soldier, about his interaction with an elder officers, about officers , about what a ukrainian is, when he commits an act, wears a military uniform, when he serves, and of course, it must be
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framed by our armed forces, what they are doing, that is why it is active now, you see , the armed forces are attracting... they are pulling actors, poets, writers, cameramen, presenters, because we need to highlight, we need to show the armed forces of ukraine that we are not like mozkovite, dmytro, now ukrainian parents are complaining, who see that their children are watching russian new series and movies, i don't want to advertise the names of these products, so i won't. speak, but it exists, and ukrainian children, even now, listen to russian music quite often, in your opinion, what does this mean that ukraine is losing on the artistic front? ukraine will not lose on the artistic front, because we
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have so many talented different people in our recording studio, here it's a different matter, here it's a different thing. the fact is that other countries, you look at how an overseas friend, he takes, i dubbed more than 200 foreign films, captain america, pirate of the caribbean sea, skipper, they just do a sprinkling of active injection, which the muscovite does, they do an injection of info, information, to say that we have few themes of any kind, few musicians, few poets, few artists, no, dustbi, in we, ukraine, according to unesco, have already established that it is... an actual nation, that the ukrainian language is a singer , that it is, well, there in terms of the number of vowels, well, it is simply very voluminous, polyphonic, figurative, very associative, the ukrainian language is large, simply she needs to be given wings for this, what you say, they listen to something else , they would not listen to something else, if it was in exchange, that is , we need to produce, we need to talk
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, that's how you and i got together, raised this topic, fill the network with ukrainian, so to speak, with boron kazan, we must talk about the fact that there are films, everything, everything, everything, everything, now we have begun, as they say, to make up for lost time, because time has passed, but due to the loss of a great grief, now only people understand it, they begin to suffer because of the loss of relatives, already close ones, so i think we will correct this situation, because we have now realized by blood that if you do not have a mental basis... the language is a nation, it is the face of the country, everything, if you do not have your music, your cinema, your weapons you won't have your own strength, your own culture, your own doctors, your own in sports, you won't have your own scientists, there simply won't be a country. dmytro is engaged in patriotic education of young people and
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support of soldiers undergoing treatment. this project is called slovospiv in the armed forces, it also appeared... after being wounded in hospital, when dmytro read this poem to the nurse. well, the war is over, doctors stitch up the body, a nurse gives a bandage , breadcrumbs are lying on a tray, i would like a bird's song from a ray of sunlight, without shooting dreams, and a cheerful hum of friends, a hospital. the point is temporary, i am learning to live in a new way, there is a way to be conscious, a rod in myself to grow , a caring look, sitting next to me... sister, i adore your medical examinations, you are like early spring for me, she is from the red christ, and i am removed from him , when he liberated the cities, because
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he is zealous by nature, they will soon begin procedures, white coats treat, for me this is torture, that's why they hear my growling, only understanding and love heal my soul and the blood is renewed, so... i have to renew, a caring look, a nurse is sitting next to me, i adore your medical examinations, you are like a wound to me spring, our children will have to fight with the russians, this is the same story that continues, it is more than 500 years old, this war is still going on and on, in the mode of constant attention. ukraine will be with muscovite, because mentally they, the invaders, have an imperialist
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mindset, and secondly, they, as chauvinists, they believe that this is the periphery, that around them they consider themselves the masters of the globe and the planet, although the master is only... only the creator, so they, you know, the invader psychology of the invader, they organize genocide, what is genocide, it is erasure, no only the monuments of architecture, not only the territory, but the people and everything that is connected around it, the erasure of the nation, and whether the children will have to fight or not, i think, i know for sure, i will answer to... on your question is that internally, so they will have to be on the chats and lead the action, so to speak, that
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it is called war-defense all the time, and not to let yourself be stepped on, that's why all this, of course, that this war is killing children, this brain-sickling, he has a place to return to, but we ukrainians, our brothers and sisters, do not... we have nowhere to go, we are at home, this is one thing, but secondly, we have nowhere to go, we are on our land, and we will fight to the last tick, to the last pulse, why, because we also want to get our own, have our own comfort zone, so that our descendants live well, that's why this war, it, it is protracted, it's all for a long time, this victory for us it will be very... with such large bursts of energy, here we need to gather simple, i will say in the literal sense of this word, simply
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12:00 pm
greetings, time of news in the espresso area. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. president volodymyr zelenskyi arrived on a visit to the capital of lithuania, vilnius. he himself announced this in his telegram channel. according to the head of state, he will hold negotiations with the president, prime minister, speaker of seimes, as well as meetings with representatives of political forces, zmi and the ukrainian community. zelensky he noted, he will visit tallinn and riga a little later. in addition, the leader of ukraine will visit the world economic forum in davos, which will be held from january 15 to 19. two people were injured as a result of enemy shelling in donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. the russians hit the village of new york with a guided aerial bomb. in grodivska hromada.


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