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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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appellate courts. but how did judicial reform progress in ukraine last year? we have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court. watch thursday, january 11 at 5:45 p.m the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. well, now we will talk about education and problems in education. vladyslav shtegelskyi, history teacher, semi-finalist of the global teacher prize ukraine, author of the project idea. from mentoring, from mentoring for students, contact us. glory to ukraine, mr. vladyslav, we congratulate you, well, the news has arrived, so to speak, we would like you to confirm or deny it, that we are starting to lack teachers, especially rural ones. perhaps the situation in district centers is not too bad kindly, so we would ask you to outline the problem in broad strokes.
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well, in fact, here is the story that serhii babak spoke about recently, when there were also the results of pisa 2022 in ukraine, then there was a question, he said that a total of 20% of students of pedagogical universities then go to work at school, then here in fact , a big problem, also regarding the big problem of shortage of personnel, it was characteristic in general for the whole education of the era of independence in ukraine, and here... one of such key stories in the context of what lack of teachers was evident in lviv, when there was news that a large number of vacancies in lviv were unfilled, and in general, from my own experience , i can say that today finding a teacher on the labor market is also a huge problem, because young personnel do not go to school to work, and a large number of people, for example, already of retirement age, pensioners... take up
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work in schools, because there are not enough of these personnel, and why are there not enough, what is the problem, that is, what, what about salaries, first of all we would like to ask you, well maybe some buns were drawn, maybe the buns are not enough, or is the salary still uncompetitive? well, this is actually a philosophical story, we tried to ask this question with our project, why are there not enough teachers as such, and here is the first story of wages. in terms of pay, it is not in the first place, because first of all, when you work in a school, you complete your studies at the university, four years or six years, and the basic rate of the teacher, which was before the increase of the minimum wage, 6 00, and even after that is deducted from taxes, then hardly any a young person who sees a world of great prospects, various fields, including it, for example, which offers much more money from the start, and then go to school. there is also a key question there
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about understanding the inner motivation of teachers , about the status of the teaching profession as such, ah, because here such a key philosophical story is that when students enter the first year, a pedagogical university, for them it seems to be a popular story , that a teacher will always earn 600, teachers actually and in education, for those who receive education and for those who provide educational services, in fact... now in ukraine there are great opportunities to open up, not only in the context of earning. there's a huge number of educational initiatives that they could be involved in, but when you're a freshman, a freshman, or a first year, you never see those opportunities, and so that also limits, for example, students who would go to work in the pedagogical field, well , there is also a story with the fact that after all...
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schools, when students come in the first year, they have a huge problem in adaptation, and there are schools that remain with authoritarian tendencies, in which it is not very comfortable to work, and there are also... various examples there of certain problems that students face in the first year , and at a certain point they are left without support, there is a complex problem here, but what are the problems, and you, mr. vladyslav, we are very interested, teachers, we all know, love, appreciate, that is , we understand that there may really be someone out there, i don't know, well, strange, if not to say, rude director, we understand that there may be some , some reckless parents who start... to interfere in the educational process, they have a son or daughter who is a hooligan or a hooligan, well, accordingly, a story of its own begins there, but tell me, please, some these are interesting stories, but in practice, why can students of pedagogic institutes or universities of pedagogy refuse and
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rely on such school realities, but in fact, look, you romantically look at any profession, even the profession of a journalist, what do you think , yes what... cool, wow, i'll be in front of the camera now, broadcasting or something, but then you come in and you see some routine that sometimes seems like a lot more, you have to work on the lyrics or something, and you're like, aw , why do i need it, i expected , they expected something else, yes, in fact, and here it is, it is important for a quality teacher not only to master his subject, that is, here i met a large number of teachers who are so oriented in their subject, but ... teachers who are very well oriented in your subject, it's cool, but if you don't know how to communicate with children, you don't have the skills of resilience, stress resilience, then that's where your career will end in the first year, and when these expectations fall apart, for example, if someone builds them for themselves , or
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on the contrary, when he comes to school he does not see opportunities for such self-realization, then of course he is disappointed. vladyslav, by the way, it is very often said that children are not the same as they used to be, and at least, well, with each generation, children become different, and i would be interested, actually, as young colleagues and already such , you know, colleagues of a more respectable age say, how much more difficult it is now to find a common language with children than before, because children used to be more obedient, disciplined, now gadgets, once there was a belt, and now a mobile phone in the pocket, but the specifics. soviet pet process, it was a little different. well, look, here is an interesting story with the fact that the teachers have also become different during this time, and you have to understand that those children who were children there 5 years ago, now they have come to teach, that's why this story with the change
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of generations, it's very cool, yes, children are different, because the generations are changing, you said gadgets, so they were not used before, but to say that it became more difficult to work or easier, it will be... in general an incorrect comparison, this comparison , you know, is so everyday, but as a teacher, well, i can’t say that it became more difficult, it just started working differently, that’s why here either you adapt to working in a different way, or you don’t adapt and you try to say, well , it became more difficult to work, i just then you know, it's always interesting, as they say, it got worse all the time, yes, it used to be better, then it used to be better before that, when it was zero, when it was perfect and easy to work in all professions. so and so from which we push back, what has become worse? mr. vladyslav, but we understand that in the cities , the lack of teachers is probably something more like that, well, not so urgent, yes, but in the villages , the situation is probably downright catastrophic. what is the situation with teachers in
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rural areas in ukraine now? well, look, we have pizza results that show first of all a really big problem between villages and cities and... and the difference in three years of academic progress, that is, in european countries, exactly what they worked on, to ensure that education was of the same quality, both in the village and in the city, we have this it was not possible to achieve, in fact, as far as teachers in the villages are concerned , there is a really big problem when there are teachers who teach several subjects at the same time, and we can clearly say that it is definitely not about quality, but the state is doing it here too... cool move in fact, with the optimization of the school system , but we have resistance from the small rural communities there, for whom the school is generally the center of everything, there will be no school, there will be no village, and this is a big problem of such resistance, and secondly, we must understand , that
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after all, when we talk about rural areas, it is difficult to invite some young specialist there, there are very cool initiatives, for example, how to teach for ukraine, which is on... to attract people who do not even have pedagogical specialties, but these initiatives are small and points, that is why it is important for the state to pay attention to how to encourage teachers, perhaps financially, again... because there are rural communities that offer houses, for example, and some additional bonuses, but this is obvious not enough, well, here is the stereotype about the village and the fact that we see that it is unlikely that any young person at the age of 22, born in kyiv, if there is no ideological conviction to change his education, will want to go to the village. mr. vladyslav, and here i would like to have time to discuss the actual matter with you this project, the mentoring program, which is being prepared by teachers of practice, if there is... an opportunity, then tell us what kind of program it is, what it is, please, you have a minute and a half so that he can imagine, and yes, first of all, we
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will publish it , we are talking about it and we will publish materials so that every school , in general, every university in the region could use it without us. what is the idea? we offer, in cooperation with universities , a mentoring program, according to which we would attract third-year students within the framework of dual education and fourth courses before teaching, according to the system, according to which they spend two days at school, three days at... they spend at the university, that is, their mentors are practice teachers who are with them constantly, we translated american mentoring programs, questionnaires, we also used the experience of ukrainian specialists in this, also , within the framework of this program, we involve students not only in teaching activities, but we believe that a teacher should go beyond the classroom, we offer them project and volunteer activities, that is, in any... field , we want students to get involved , implemented volunteer projects with children and
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necessarily, it is important, saw the opportunities that exist in education and became members of the educational community, often students whine, unfortunately we have to finish vladyslav shtegenskyi, history teacher, semi-finalist of the 21st global teacher priz ukraine, author mentoring project ideas for students. well, antin and i tell you that everything is fine today, we will see you in this studio tomorrow, but our colleagues continue their work, so be sure to have an espresso. oh , and we got wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad, what? do not get sick, vitamin c, d3, zinc and the main thing, quercitin to strengthen the vessels, just take quertin immuno, all in one package, in one capsule, four components together, so simple, one capsule a day. easy. quertin immuno. there are discounts on ffcalor. 20% in psarynyk, pamp and oskad pharmacies.
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my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time. two hours of your time. many important topics are discussed with you today let's discuss two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy , good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very liniya chechennya for information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on pride day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel. my name is khrystyna porubiy, and today we are talking about the exchange of prisoners of war in... at the beginning of january, one of the largest exchanges of prisoners of war took place during the entire full-scale invasion, 230 soldiers returned home, among them 225 men and five women, and today we we have the opportunity to talk with the daughter of one of the prisoners of war from the lviv region, who returned during this exchange, natalia danylovych, natalia, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, thank you for agreeing today talk to us, tell us about your first emotions? about the first impressions when you found out that your father was coming home? you know, i didn’t believe it at first, but i’m telling you honestly, when you’re sitting at work and you get a call from the headquarters, that’s how they call, just a good day, you’re greeted by the coordination headquarters for issues related to the treatment of prisoners, your father was exchanged today, i’m the first i didn't believe it for a second, and immediately started
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asking directly when it would be possible to get in touch, how, where it was located, well, of course i at first they didn't say anything, they said: then they will give my father a phone, and that means it will be possible to communicate with him, this is both shock and joy, i didn't believe it at first, after all, two years have passed almost in march, it should have been, so somehow it was more of a shock was in the first seconds, and then there was boundless happiness, joy that it really was true, well, in principle, in this way, when i managed to communicate with my father, on the same day, he called somewhere around 1:15 in the evening, they gave me the phone, and we already in principle, we talked for a few minutes i was literally... i was just on my way to the rehabilitation center and then we managed to talk about what you said first , the first conversation about my first phrase was that i can't believe that i hear your voice in two years, and my father says: well you know, i could n't leave you, and i literally exchanged a few words, that is, how do you feel, where are you, where are you being taken, and already he said that they are being taken to a rehabilitation center, it was such a
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literally five-minute conversation , because there was a bad connection, and that was the only way we managed chat a little on the first day. you have a daughter who grew up with her father, how did she react, tell me during this time, with him, in captivity, how he was, how she reacted to it, how she asked about her grandfather, eh, you know daughter directly that he was in captivity, she did not know because i did not want to injure the child, but she knew that grandfather was at war, that he went to defend his country, and that when she asked why he did not call for a long time, i said , that he has no opportunity, since he is located in such a territory where... there is no connection, in the first seconds, it was so funny, she talks to him, talks, then hangs up the phone and starts crying with such passionate tears, i say, why are you crying? and she says, it's because i'm so glad that my grandfather finally called, well, that is, the child was so comforted, you know, she probably felt a little intuitively somewhere, well, after all , she hadn't seen for a long time, hadn't heard for a long time, she was comforted, very
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comforted, yes reacted emotionally, tell me about your father when he went to war, so in the end he decided to join the army? my father went to the war when anti-war began, well, this was the first operation, so in 2014 he went to serve, it seems to me almost immediately, he went as a volunteer, but he went as a volunteer at that time, he said that he had to give back to the country and everything after all , i have to defend, i wanted to, i was very against it, i tell you honestly, i didn't want to, because, well, it's dangerous after all. and well, i was against it, but in principle i accepted it, respected his choice, and he served, but he served somewhere for one and a half, maybe even two years, and later after some time, well... was mobilized, he was at home for a short time and signed a contract for military service for three years, that is, it was still long before the invasion of russia directly into our territory, when
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the war began, in fact he still had to serve somewhere for about six months , if i am not mistaken, during this time of the full-scale invasion of some main points, where he fought, in which brigade he fought, in which battles he participated, he served in the mountain assault brigade 128. they were many where, they were and in luhansk region, were in the same hot spots, i don't remember directly in the cities, but i remember that they were watching the fighting there, it was luhansk-donetsk, the main direction, where they were, they were here and there in the hot spots , because no one named these places themselves, because it was dangerous, but they were constantly there, because sometimes there was no communication, that is, they were in such rather dangerous places, father for this great experience yes, or... actions, he predicted some kind of such a big war that russia would start this a full-scale russian invasion? you know, my father always said that russia will never rest on
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what it has achieved, that is, to predict the opinion, i think it was, maybe he did not voice it so directly, but we all understood, probably including my father, that if they have already begun to conquer the territory, then they will not stop at two parts of ukraine, so it is more likely than not. tell me how father actually during a full-scale invasion not so much, not so long fighting as early as march 2022 he was captured, the turnout found out about it, where did it happen in general, he was in the zaporizhia direction, they were captured precisely in the zaporizhia direction, as i found out, and you know the circumstances in general, how the battle was, what kind of battle it was , i don't know in detail , i know that when my... father was captured, this particular area was captured already on march 2, that is, they were still there for some time and already without, well, after that i don't
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know if they were counted out somehow or how it happened, then he was captured, it was in the pologiv district of zaporizhzhya oblast, in principle, he was mostly in the zaporizhzhia direction for the whole period, they started, it seems, somewhere with an energy gift, just like the first battles, when there were, and then they were somehow transferred there. in this area, how did you find out that your father is in polonia? eh, i first came out to the people who were with him, i don't even remember what kind of guys they were, who said that somewhere someone had seen that they had been taken away, well, but it was officially confirmed sometime in the month july, already on the 22nd directly, when they called, i applied to various services and to the red cross, and to the coordination headquarters, where i did not apply, i was already called from the coordination headquarters, it was they who answered and said that the aggressor side officially confirmed that your father is in captivity, in fact you were in the whole spring such an unknown that
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what was thought at that time, that is, there was some information, with whom you had contact, there was a lot, you know , from the fact that they were killed, ending with the capture, ending with the fact that he went missing, that is in part he is in general i was considered missing, well, i tried to ... i came to myself until there was no contact with him, because it happened that at the beginning of march , somehow, in some way, there was no contact with him for the first week, and then he left for communication , i think, well, there was almost no communication and that's why he can't go out with me, when i was already told at the end of march, at the beginning of april that he was considered officially with some uncertainty, well, then it started write various appeals, search, collect some package of documents, send to various services, in some way started looking, got in touch, we even have a whole group in viber, 128th street. are looking for their own, and we split up in different directions , because at that time many people went missing in those directions, and we split up in different directions and already helped each other search, contacted volunteers and directly from there with
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people from zaporizhzhia, who could then they helped. during these two years, you say that in july you already officially confirmed to you that my father is in polun, during these two years, what work was done to get my father out of polun, with whom they communicated, with whom, how they worked, with whom they worked, work. probably the most, after all, with the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, this is one of the organizations that clearly provided instructions on how and what to do, to be honest, well, in fact, i repeatedly tried to make myself known through the ring for several months, that is, after a month, i would call all the authorities in full, which i applied to the part, and to the gur and to the coordination headquarters, that is, to ask if there was any work going on, i did not i remember when i was told that he was included in the lists, well, i think it was about a year after he was captured, about plus or minus a year later, they already
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told me that, that is... he is already in lists, that is, all that remains is to wait, that is, you can't do anything, everything, everything that you could, you have already done everything. during this time , i managed to communicate with my father, there were some, there were some conversations, i don't know, maybe some correspondence, only correspondence and it was so paper-based, you know how you used to be on paper you write and send it to the coordination headquarters, they directly pack it for them and send it, that is, everything was done in russian, you had to write in such general phrases. because otherwise i wouldn’t have missed it, well, as far as my father told me, he received two of my three letters, the third one may have already been moved somewhere at this moment, so he didn’t receive the last one, that is, that’s how they arrived, i don’t know how it was fixed there was correspondence, but it came like that, and it came from my father and from my father, then from him first arrived, and there were already clearly instructions on how you can answer him, and without, and i already wrote to him and sent it to kyiv by new mail, and they already went there to them, well, there
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through... cross, as i understand it, they sent these the letters that my father wrote in the letters that eventually the russians allowed them to publish general phrases, everything is fine, i am alive and well, i miss you, that is, nothing extra, just such phrases every time, just in different paraphrases and that’s it, well, it was answered it's the same for him too, if even something was written, then it was so general, then everything is fine with us, they talked about the family, well, nothing superfluous, there were no addresses, there was nothing, that is, those... my name, his name and that's it. when there was hope for an exchange, you say, a year after polon got into the lists for exchange, and when there was really hope that the father could really be exchanged, the last few months, i already yes, on all social networks, everywhere, wherever possible, even the president himself said that they were preparing a big exchange, but they could not, well,
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resolve all these formalities with... the other side, i i was already hoping in principle, i think, but suddenly, because the person who was in captivity with him, the three of them were caught together, then they were released last year, and i already think so to myself, but i don't know which of them under the circumstances, they did not sit together, and i was already hoping so, i think, well, suddenly, if some big exchange is really being prepared, because it was announced that there should be about 300 people, then i was already hoping that maybe my father would finally be exchanged , for god's sake , they told you something from the coordination center, that maybe the father... or something there were only your guesses, these were my personal guesses, that is, some hopes and expectations and that the father would be at home, it was all so secret, that's why i was so, you know, in a state of shock, the first few seconds, because i didn't understood, true or false , my relatives did not believe at all, it seems, well , until we hear on the phone, we do not believe that it is true, but well, these are purely my personal guesses, well, after all, some work was being done and a long, long often it was already hoped that it would finally bear some fruit,
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how is the father feeling now, we have already talked about some plans, so what is he planning to do next? nothing, you know, he feels fine, while he said that he wants to rest, and then, well , of course, he needs to undergo another examination, to check his health, but in principle it's fine, i'll tell you that i talked to him, i told him, i already told him personally, i give the impression that you have not returned from captivity for two years, you rested somewhere in a resort, and you are a little tired, that is, your voice is tired, of course, a little at first adapts, but in my opinion... in my opinion, of all the options, even the best turned out, great, in principle, i feel great when you can see each other, well, my father says that somewhere plus or minus up to a month, they would still be there treat, well, if he does not go to the part , then he should come home, that is , they should be kept there for about a month, thank you natalya for being with us today, i will remind our viewers that we talked today with the daughter of one of the released prisoners of war, vasyl danylovych, natalia
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danylovych i hope that soon our soldiers will be at home, and we are waiting for them home. thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso. greetings to everyone who is with us, i am annayeva melnyk, this is news and the espresso team will tell you about the most important events at the moment, i will start with this: the russians killed a 48-year-old woman in the village of vilkhuvatka in the kupinsky district of kharkiv region , terrorists dropped two guided aerial bombs - he said
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oleg, head of the regional military administration. gubov 10 private vehicles were also damaged.


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