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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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decreased, now the issues of political settlement of the future gas sector and its reconstruction come to the fore. we will win, the program was created by the strategic communications department of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. you won't knock him down, you see the wings, how those wings fall from the sky, adrenaline is such a pleasure that, as they say , anoints the chest with something pleasant, well, but three, three pieces a day with... drink, then it's a big plus,
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then you are already three birds, they are already, they are three birds, they can make a big one woes to the units, and it’s already three three less , three for three birds less, it’s already a lot more how many squares they won’t cut through us, well , and accordingly the movement of troops, they will no longer fire like that and accordingly they will know that they are shooting down, that there is no reason to fly so low , in order to take a closer look, where ... we are approached by aircraft, an airplane, a helicopter, there are guys working with rockets, and we are further from the contact line here, the rocket will not help us much here, here our task is to cover the main gun, so that some kind of infection does not go percussive or apv drone will alert us in advance, then it is still realistic to extinguish it at 400, 600, 800 m with three machine guns, servants.
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the main thing here is hearing and sight, because sometimes our stations do not always notice them, so he can look out, the main thing is to listen and distinguish the engine, they fly at home in unusual pairs, in order to hunt one after another to calculate fire points faster. it is for such, as they say, they fly with such a task, the hall rises high and galvanizes the march from where the fire is directed at the eagle, for example, today the weather is perfect for them, because it is cloudy, and it has windows between the clouds, it spawns only on the windows, it can be like that, it is difficult to spot it, because it hides, you can't shoot at it all the time.
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you can’t fire 20 rounds, 30 rounds , because he’s hiding, it happens that for three days in a row they just have nightmares, that you can’t move away from three feet and literally all the mvgs have nightmares, there are days when there’s almost none, well, if one is somewhere it will appear there upon notification, and then it happens that it is not there, but it takes two days the weather was good, there was a snow front, they were not there at all, well, they were not observed, and so on the radio. i didn’t hear that he was somewhere , someone could be watching them or something else is also moving at 280, here is an eagle appeared, accepted, accepted, thank you mom, at you, at you, it’s flying hall now, it rises very high, no makes it possible to work on it, and
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let's see, it can go down lower , it is more difficult to distinguish them, because when it is high, and you want to work on it, you definitely need binoculars so that you can visually distinguish them, because it happens very similar, but when it is higher than 1.5 km, they are similar, orland is similar to the stork, well, they differ in sounds, but he he flies, he he... he tries to calculate in which squares he stands, in which squares the guns stand , where the artillery fire is coming from, where the artillery fire is coming from, this is their main task in order to then extinguish the artillery and, accordingly, defeat the first line, which will not have cover from our friends, the artillerymen, because anyway we have to help them, so that they help us, there was also such a day that... orland hall just didn't
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did not get off the square and launched them from two or three points with rockets. there are three lps or armor-piercing, and someone is standing on the side, when he sees clearly how the tracer is going, it is very good, when he adjusts, when he prompts you, you don’t have a sector sight on the machine gun, but you just have an ordinary front sight, and when someone standing on the side is correcting you, very well, because there is
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a probability, a high probability, that you will aim fire, even though you are trying to aim, well, it is not a fact that you will hit, but you are shooting at the sky, at the sky accordingly but not by chest, not by target , not by infantry, not by some kind of shelter, well , personally, i have the 11th year in the army, and it seems to me that i have not yet acquired this experience, of course there are, i say, friends they say , oh, you know more, because you've been here longer, more nuances like that, as they say , you know, well, as they say, age is alive, age is learning, so... as they say, i can't even argue with that i want and will not argue with anyone, as they say, i agree that a person gains experience in the army every day, every hour, but it is not very easy to tell him with words a person, everyone will perceive it, until, as they say,
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he does not feel it for himself, does not understand it, then he will not understand the person, and there are many who do not want to go. says that it is difficult, difficult, and i was not there, and i do not know how, many here did not know anything, personally, at the beginning of the war, there was a man in my department, he is 18 years old, he is two years old, that is why he is with us is fighting, he has gained a lot of experience, a lot, i paid attention, he is a contract worker with us, i paid attention, so i said to the commander that how much more time can i and... and in principle, even now, appoint a person to the position of commander of a detachment, because a person knows how to navigate the terrain, although he had no idea about it before, knows what a compass is, knows how to orientate himself on the terrain, knows how to distinguish enemy targets from his own
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, knows how to launch rockets, knows how to work with a machine gun, knows how to work with a map, a map, well done, a person can see that... i would not say that the youth should go more, everyone should go, because the country, it is ukraine for everyone, not for the young or for the old, should work everyone, the average person up to 30 years old is obliged to go and defend the homeland while he still has health, well, it doesn't always work out that way in our country. but caiman, caiman, we are doing our work, rock, thank god, how can you hear me, we need, we need help, we need those people who are afraid of the military commissariat, run away from them, somehow the society, we have to redirect, somehow show him , that that
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country is ours, that we must defend it, it is not necessary to just wait, let the wine go, and then i will go, everyone must go when they stand up to... in russia it will be the same position, as at the beginning of the war, then believe me, it will all be over much sooner. good posture, strengthening of the muscles of the back, arms and legs, as well as great pleasure from communication and contact with horses. this is exactly what local volunteers and one of the equestrian clubs of pilotserkivshchyna decided to please the little ones. visiting. a tour of the territory, stories about the achievements of four-legged athletes and, of course , horseback riding, such hippotherapy was provided free of charge for the local children, who happily treated the horses with treats. i prefer that when i work with him, it's like riding a trot,
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i don't stroke them, scratch them, i like doing that with them more, i like it, i'm here for the first time, i really liked the horses and the grapes. and there are many rewards for horsemen. the 19-year-old maestro is a real treasure of the equestrian club. paired with him, rider natalia won a number of awards at all-ukrainian and international competitions. the horse is double. the winner in the power of the jump, overcoming a height of 1 m 70 cm, and although the maestro is already in a kind of retirement, his active life continues, the pet will be walked on levadas and periodically saddled, all horses live here until retirement. in fact, he helped us a lot with his good health, because there are horses that retire there at 16 and 17, so, but the master felt very well, without injuries, without anything, and he has a huge desire to jump, huge the desire to interact with the rider, this is a very cool horse, with a big heart, i am very grateful
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to him, he, let's say, helped me in his time, that's right, this is my horse, on which i performed, once it was given to us, and the gift turned out to be simply incredible. the rider emphasizes that horses are faithful companions and partners on the sports path. in a special hall, the woman shows only a small part of the awards from the club's cocoons. it also dispels the myth that horses only sleep standing up. in fact, this is not so, because a horse has three phases of sleep, a horse can nap with pleasure while standing, when a horse wants more, let's say, effective rest, he lies down, and when the stable is quiet, nobody moves, basically it if it's night, the horse steps in third the phase of sleep, when he does not just lie down, he stretches his legs, lays his neck down, it lasts 20-40 minutes , let's say so, the horse is already in a deep sleep, it's very visible there, they can jump somewhere and growl, that's it, let's say so, and when the horse is healthy, he... he will lie down with pleasure, and when the horse has problems with his back, with his legs, he only tries to doze off and not lie down. in addition, each animal must
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have a passport with all data about it, vaccinations and breeding documents, but for participation in competitions, a sport horse passport is required. so that there are more young people ukrainians saw these beautiful horses and felt their positive energy, the immigrant anastasia arranged such an unusual pastime for the children. it happens almost every day. and the children are scared, scared, and in order to get away from everyday life, to get positive emotions, joy, we wanted to give such happiness to the children, we have now negotiated, in fact we plan to take such a break for several months and then organize it again so that more children can experience it, this is such a drive, such energy, because when you see these horses, even up to... kids
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to get there for many years, the volunteers gave us such a chance here, and in general there are a lot of emotions, especially for a little one. darya ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast , my name is vasyl zemaev, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, a lot of important... news, time to talk about money for two hours, to be aware of economic under time of war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters thank you very much, lina chechenna, for the information about cultural news. that many have become familiar, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i
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will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. a living traitor, as rashists protect the main seller. details regarding the rescue of the deputy head of novaya tiles of vitaly hura. but who is responsible for propaganda among children in the occupied territories. today she motivated us with her personal example. young. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the rashi occupiers. currently , 1,877 ukrainian cities and villages are occupied by russia, and the enemy is trying to increase this number. our military maintains defense at a high cost. unfortunately, in almost every occupied
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corner there are those who rejoice in the temporary usurpation and hope that these territories they will never... return to the composition of ukraine. as, for example, vitaly volodymyrovych hura, a resident of nova kakhovka, in 1978, in turn , he was made deputy chairman of the captured new kakhovka. and as soon as the russian media began to write about the traitor, how our ukrainian resistance movement took up with him. gura was wounded. the traitor was shot near his house. then the media wrote that the collaborator had died, but as it turned out later, this venal pike staged his death so as not to... perish at the hands of our partisans. the fsb warned the series terrorist attacks against members of the government of crimea and employees of the administration of the kherson region, who were preparing in the security service of ukraine. our special services revealed the details of the rescue of the deputy chairman of novaya kakhovka , vitaliy gura. the ukrainian media show about me that i died, i was killed, i was killed. so
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tight as gura turned out to be very effective and obedient in her position, so over time the traitor was promoted. they were already the head of the novokokhov city district. here is a video where former rashist ihor chagaev, former vice-governor of the krasnodar territory of the russian federation wishes gura success on new position dear vitaliy volodymyrovych, we congratulate you on your official appointment to the position of head of the city district of nova kakhovka. the new chairman is sworn in and begins working on the main tasks of the kremlin. to respect, protect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, to observe. from the constitution of the russian federation. accompanied by representatives of the so-called law enforcement agencies, gura carried out illegal alienation of property that was on the balance sheet of communal institutions of the novokakhov city council. he also demanded from the manager utility company to provide him with a work plan for preparation for the heating season. all of us are united in the main thing, in love for our
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city, for the region, for russia, the only country where we live and our children and grandchildren will live. they tried to liquidate this seller twice already, and unfortunately, he managed to survive, let's hope that the avengers will bring the case to the end, or at least organize his comfortable transfer to the hands of ukrainian justice. the kherson regional prosecutor's office has already informed guri of the suspicion of collaborationism, he faces up to 10 years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 15 years and confiscation of property. the program has passed. i told you about the treasonous kovalov family, brothers of politics from the servant of the people party. polochy kovalev was a people's deputy from the 186th district. after the occupation of kherson, he remained in the city and cooperated with the russians. last year he was killed in a bare pier. his older brother yuriy kovalev was a deputy of the kherson regional council and after the full-scale invasion headed the state enterprise in the kherson region and also
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cooperated with the occupiers. when in october that year putler posthumously awarded. liquidated kovalev with the order of courage, to receive an award to the bloodthirsty together with his mother, his brother yuriy kovalev came, and while the younger brother holds the place of the older one at kobzon's concert, yuriy kovalev works diligently on the image of a traitor. so, on november 27, 2023, yuriy kovalev received a suspicion from the sbu. our law enforcement agencies found out that he reoriented more than 20 controlled to the needs of the aggressor country companies in the region. to do this, in particular , he carried out their re-registration under russian legislation, among the enterprises a local agricultural holding, which this year transported almost 35 tons of ukrainian grain to russia for a total amount of uah 140 million. it was also established that, on the instructions of yuriy kovalev , gas stations under his control carried out emergency fueling of
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russian military equipment, in particular, enemy tanks and armored vehicles. in addition, the buyer's companies actively supplied food. faikas for russians who are in russia checkpoints in the occupied part of the region. yuriy kovalev's companies regularly finance the budget of the aggressor country in the form of paying taxes and fees for millions of rubles every month. now yuriy kovalev is in the temporarily occupied territories, but this will not protect him from our law enforcement agencies, court and prison. he will definitely answer for all his actions. this is another plus. yevgenia ivanivna demintiev's family member , born in 1978, comes from the crimean city of armyansk. before the annexation of the peninsula, she worked in local authorities. when did the greens capture crimea? little man, she supported... the occupation and annexation of this territory to the russian federation. demintiyeva went to work for the occupation authorities, became a deputy of the city council of armyansk and the secretary for ideology of the crimean
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regional branch of the communist party of the russian federation. their motto is russia, labor, socialism and people's rule. and there should be russia, impoverishment, repression and tyranny. until february 24, she sat in the crimea and worked on promoting soviet...ideas to the masses. when did the full-scale war begin, i think it is clear who she supported. on her facebook page, demintieva talked about the liberator of russia and posted the following pictures. apparently, the worship of lenin, putin and the hammer and sickle got to demintieva. so she moved to the kherson region, where on october 16, 2023, she was made acting. general educational institutions of the kherson region are currently fully equipped with educational and methodical
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literature. this year, more than 101,000 copies were purchased. this became possible thanks to the personal participation of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin. now this person is responsible for the propaganda that russia integrates into the education process of our children. as part of a dialogue with high school students. today we discussed orientations and priorities in choosing a profession. today , she used a personal example to motivate our youth to choose a higher educational institution with a referral to the state municipal service. that is, if you remove all the pathos of her words, it turns out that dmyantiva told about her journey from a citizen of ukraine to a saleswoman, and the key aspects of how to sell profitably homeland for positions and wooden rubles. this employee is waiting for her turn. since 2014, let's hope she will receive it. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about
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the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. my name is andriy, i am 33 years old, i come from kherson, i joined the army in september of this year, and i immediately said that if there is an opportunity, if there is a dispatch somewhere, then i am ready to go, immediately before the mobilization i was a doctor, a regenologist on computer nemography, even before that , an infectious disease doctor, and even earlier, an ambulance paramedic when... processing documents here at the kmb, i was asked a question , who do i want to be and a list of military specialties, and
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besides everything else, there was a specialty of combat medic, well, of course, i chose it as a specialty, like many people have a personal life, there are also some fears, there is a war there, you can die here, it happens like that, and you get captured, but everyone has their own affairs. i decided and at some point i just thought that i had to prepare , for three or four months there, i adjusted my physical training a little and read, watched special videos, and then i decided, as i decided in september, so i came in september, everyone is afraid, that's why that everyone understands that this is a war, in war they die, but this is the situation, this is what happened. and the war will continue until this fear is overcome, well, not that overcome, but until each person learns
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to fight this fear, because it remains, it is always here, even in training and there are special appropriate training exercises in order to get used to and learn to fight your fear, and when... the desire to end the war is just for us , for ukraine, with our victory and the deoccupation of our entire territory, then this is probably the only goal and the only way to end this war justly, so we talked when we first arrived, a few people really, just as there are, came themselves, many on summons, and there was a lot of talk about what... me they took me, i have a family there, i have a family , why do i need it, i don't know how, i don't know , i'm disabled, there's something else, eh, but probably
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communication with sergeants... communication with each other, and learning, and understanding that this can be learned, even, i have never held a machine gun in my hands before, it is possible, this can be learned, and you understand how it is done, and now we were talking to each other, and remember i see people who are with boys, who said that, why am i here, i don't want to be here, now they themselves start talks about what we, we with... will win, we will do everything to win. there are 10% discounts on laktiale in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama
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in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on me. you're a real filfrey. and every touch will be gentle. when the world will open up to you. loving yourself is now very simple. feel free. pamper yourself every day. naobei feelf is the real you. the great ether of vasyl zima, this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics, today we will discuss with you, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us , and how the world lives, now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy,
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good evening, please, two hours. to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, welcome please and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day i will come. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. congratulations, the program of the ukrainian
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voice of america service, chas time, is on the air, i host it. oleksiy kovalenko. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi arrived in vilnius on wednesday, january 10. having started a trip to lithuania, estonia and latvia, the baltic countries, members of the european union and nato. the visit takes place on the day of the meeting of the ukraine-nato council in brussels, where it is expected that the ukrainian side will call on partners to increase the supply of weapons and, in particular, air defense equipment, in response to massive russian attacks on ukrainian cities. during the visit, as well as during the council meeting. ukraine nato was followed by our european correspondent bohdan tsyupan. congratulations bohdan. bohdan, what did zelenskyi hear in vinnos and what to expect from other visits of the president of ukraine to the baltic states? the ukrainian president once again heard from, in particular, from the baltic leader, from the president of lithuania, that, in particular, lithuania.


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