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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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problems, and well, for me , this is a certain signal that we are adults, that we stop liking it, but didn’t the quarter have it, i forgot who it was, it seems that there were ebonite sticks in the quarter , signor holodomor, ukraine is a prostitute there , who is looking for money somewhere, and the pine tree was burning, what about the burnt house of the head of the national bank gontarev, didn't this happen, didn't it, but the reaction was not to the fact that it seems to me... that this, this is the difference, then there was indignation, yes, but it was not so large-scale, that is, from time to time, as the community is reacting, it seems to me that we are growing, well, or at least i want to believe, yes , but it seems, it seems that there is progress, that is, already some things society stops arranging and society is ready , well, simply to defend its dignity, because it's pathetic, you know? you know, i
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am interested in the fact that when, if you look, if you look at the previous editions, let's say quarter 95, it was sold out at the palace of ukraine, i understand, yes, then you can see a lot of people's deputies of different denominations there, there you can see the former president, the former prosecutor general there, and everyone liked it, and everyone found it very funny . to those people who are now criticizing it, that is, obviously there is really some, some kind of crackdown , i want to ask you about the new culture of ukrainian stand-up, i don't know if you are watching it, i am trying to monitor it and see if it looks more decolonized to you, - first, and does it look closer to russian or to western american stand-ups, let's say, well, without a doubt it is... it's
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a completely different story, i'm not fan of stand-up, yes, but i think it's a movement in the right direction, it's definitely something that works according to western models, definitely, uh, there are several, several levels, actually, which ones, why i like it , that is, you can disagree with some specific jokes, you can talk about some... inaccuracies there, uh, one way or another, but there are several things: firstly, uh, well, it's usually a much more intellectual thing than, than a diesel show or a quarter, well, it 's banal because when there, you know, serhii bychkov is joking about postmodern khinkali, well, you should at least understand, if you should, you should be a little more intellectually savvy, and the second thing is... the fact that very often
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the right messages are sewn here and there, yes, if you look at the same there is anton tymoshenko, others after all, that is , there are a lot of right things sewn into this humor, whether it is about ukrainization, yes, or about the relationship with the armed forces of ukraine, or , god forgive me, about aristovych, and, that is, this... ts - this humor is already used as a tool for spreading some, well, in my opinion, right things. besides, well, i don't see , well, maybe i'm lucky, maybe it's there somewhere, but here are these vulgar national stereotypes, well, i don't see it there, and it's very important, that is, they can slip something somewhere, somewhere, but it's not the basis, but in these older generation of comedy shows, this is often the very basis and... almost the main
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feature, so it seems to me that stand-up is a qualitative step, a leap even forward compared to, well, where we are somewhere else grew up, and i know that you are often in central europe, yes, in particular in the czech republic, but have you tried to compare us, let's say, if we take the segment of not very smart humor, so stupid humor, in other countries it is also there, yes . i know it's in america, i know it's like that in europe too, let's say in central europe, have you tried to compare our humor below the plinth with their humor below the plinth, they are, they are different actually this self-deprecation of ours, yes or no? well, humor below the plinth is really everywhere the same, so the fact is that, well , for example, the same czechs, yes, they often laugh at themselves... they generally laugh very much, well
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, they have a very developed culture of laughter, but so is american stand-up, and so on they laugh at what we would just even in... they would probably lose consciousness there, but there is a difference of context, yes, that is, there are things that, when you click on these some national-language issues in ukraine, well, that's completely different than in the same czech republic, but you can laugh at some phrases there, or differences, differences of dialects there, well, without a vessel, yes, yes, well, of course, that when you watch czech stand-up there, then if this stand-up takes place in prague, then they will be awesome. brno, if this is reflected in brno , then they will shout from prague, as soon as possible and not possible, that is normal, but the difference is precisely this, this context, because we are just, just leaving, we are just becoming with this monolithic community, and when you
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pull out some of these things that, well, throw in animosity, just throw in, that's very stupid approach. this is a harmful approach, and this, in the conditions of war, is, well, it is just on the verge of some kind of hostile activity. now i want to ask you about humor in times of disasters. i was in kyiv in 1986, and when the disaster occurred at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, and i remember that they said then that the ukrainians responded to the explosion in chernobyl with an explosion of humor, right? i remember there were a lot of jokes. various such humor strips, just a shaft, a whole wave, and humor during war, is it possible, and what, what examples do we have of humor during war, and where are the red lines, i am sure that humor is definitely necessary, because
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it, well, it very often has some kind of therapeutic effect, the same stand-ups from time to time re-watch or ask something, but eh... and that is , it is normal that ukrainians uh joke, because well, you just have to somehow maintain a healthy sense of humor, but if you look at everything that happens strictly with a serious face , well, you can actually go crazy, that's why humor is necessary, but the fact is that in my deep conviction, and this does not apply only humor, in principle cultural activity, especially when it comes to general public, the main principle should not be ours. shkot, that is, we must understand that there is, that we live in a community, well, a very, very sick community, yes, which is in a state of war, where, where there are an awful lot of these red lines, and this is normal, yes, that is,
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we we are waging a war for survival, and thousands and thousands of people are injured in very different ways, this should be the main thing. principle, when you are, relatively speaking, a comedian who is preparing some number, some product, you should go around it from all sides and think about whether it will hit it's too much for someone, and that's exactly how it should be evaluated, actually i have a personal problem with these and these humorous shows that we're talking about, that there is a complete lack of understanding of some kind of e. well, and understanding of the context in what kind of humor are you doing, and you read the comments on youtube under these sketches, where people don't understand, people say, what the heck is this, it gives us an opportunity not to go by the kokukha, i'm sorry, it gives you
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an opportunity, it absolutely does not humiliate us, and we like it and everything, and well, thousands of people they write, they support these actors , there is this, there is this, well, you know, always, when i am asked about history or culture, what to do, i always have a disappointing, disappointing answer, only a slow enlightenment, well there are no revolutionary ways here, you just have to overcome it step by step, but on the other hand, you see, we can talk about some theories, theories of colonialism, post-colonial traumas and so on and the like, but when... you are you turn on, you turn on this new year's issue quarter, and there to the tune of the falconers, they sing about the patron's shit, well, it's not that it's not funny, it's just disgusting, but
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it's just in a vacuum, well, it's, it's, uh, it's not funny, eh, it just seems to me the problem is that if a person 's falconry melody doesn't mean anything, yes, if it's not their cultural code, yes, then they'll never understand the person for whom it's a cultural code, yes, or it is, or there, let's say, the holodomor is a sacred thing, with which it is impossible to simply say senior holodomor, absolutely. and here, and here it seems to me that this is a problem that is very difficult to solve, because we have to accept the fact that there are several socio-cultural groups of people in ukraine, they are now under missiles, of course they are more united, but one way or another, people are actually brought up in different cultures, yes, do you see in this sense. expediency , that there should be some, can the state
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interfere in this, can someone do it, let's say it directly, yes, prohibit, not allow, censor, or whatever, how the state should behave, but you see, in principle, we we are in a difficult situation, despite all the vicissitudes of democracy, and the classics rightly said that democracy has many flaws and... nothing better has been invented yet, and this is true, on the other hand, we are in a state of war, therefore, we must understand that certain restrictions, they have the right to exist, i think that culture, that is , banning any culture, is in principle a very ungrateful thing, that is, it is unlikely to work, especially in the 21st century with all the digital tools, uh, me i am convinced that the state should intervene at the moment when... uh, well, we can really talk about, for example, inciting
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national or ethnic enmity, yes, that is, where this fine line, the criminal code, already begins, and when, when we really see that it is these jokes that can lead to direct tension between certain communities that make up the ukrainian people, i'm sorry, i will now add that there is also a new year's scene in the show ... where they say the phrase tatars are nomadic people without passports, that is, it should not be absolutely, there was a scene in them about how the people in crimea actually are, how they are preparing to meet the armed forces, and they teach the ukrainian language there, if that's what all the traitors are saying, and this is again about some kind of total. total lack of ethics, because when you are sitting on the sofa in kyiv
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and writing this script there, drinking beer, and you are writing about people who are under occupation, well, somewhere this red light should just light up, and that will tell you: well stop, that is, it is very often ee very often it is a question of ethics itself, just so that these people understood that this is not possible, this is simple. you can't, even if you think it's funny, you and i are talking now, i 'm thinking now that we are with you, maybe these are such rare cases when we say the word colonialism or postcolonialism on television, in general in ukraine somehow we were very shy about it, and we did not talk about our cultural and mental heritage there in this context. trauma and so on, you wrote immediately after this scandal with these 95th quarter and new year's
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theirs is not their due to this scene, you wrote your own post about the fact that this is a manifestation, so you wrote colonialism, the inertia of colonialism, the inertia of colonialism, can we already summarize with you and talk about why this is the inertia of colonialism, what is it in other forms of culture. not too complicated matters for people, i am sure that yes, i know that there are people who do not agree, actually there with the colonized situation of ukraine for centuries, but i insist that here in particular in the cultural plane, well, we really were in a colonized position, for that, well, it's very simply a few key factors. the most typical thing and the simplest is russification, that is, planting the language of a conditional
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metropolis or regenam, that is, it was, well , i don’t know, who doesn’t know, they can read ivan dzyuba, and if, if it needs to be explained, internationalism or russification, this is a rewriting of history , during the 20th century, these are all these stories about the reunification of ukraine with russia, about the fact that the history of ukraine was actually erased by russian. history, and this is actually this one culture, yes culture that was within the socialist framework, but again and maximally vulgarized, these are signs that we were colonized. often disagrees with this because they say that the colonizer should bring culture, well , like france or britain, it was the opposite in our country, okay, but this does not change the fact that thanks to military force, administrative pressure, foreign elements were implanted in us , well , the actual language, history, culture was planted, it was, and it is quite natural that this is just
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the inertia of colonization, it continues, it is not you can simply declare independence and that's it, we changed our minds, because it happened during the time of independence, well, first of all, it was a difficult language situation, it passed, in my opinion, well, the majority did not understand the essence of our relations until february 22 with russia, yes, because this myth about friendly peoples, about the brotherhood of peoples, it was so deeply embedded in the ukrainian consciousness that for many people february 22 became a revelation, although in fact, well, the friendship of peoples has never was not, that is, a person who reads history at least a little country, and this is this, this is this primitive culture, yes, that is, these are the things that entered the time of independence, took root to a certain extent, or rather it was reinforced
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by moscow, took root in the ukrainian consciousness, and it is necessary... well, here it must be overcome, it seems to me that these are not difficult things in the sense of explanation, so, well , you understand that you are there, well, now kyiv is more ukrainian-speaking than ever, probably, but you understand that there are many russian-speaking people, well they talked about it, they talked about the friendship of peoples, i think that i don't have to explain it to anyone must have talked about this colonial culture, for example, about humor, and you see that there is something in it? i guess you know that i often ask myself whether what is happening to us, this post-colonial syndrome, and actually one of its manifestations, which we talked about today, is so in the sense of humor, or whether it is a natural thing, or is it, you talk about evolution, but evolution is called such a cranky aunt who is in no hurry, she is slow, and
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now you see this evolution under, it is just sped up, right? missiles by russians , do you think it is natural that we have been progressing so slowly for 30 years, compared to other post-colonial nations, what kind of situation are we in, i am afraid that we simply did not have an understanding of the meaning of culture in a broad sense of this word, yes, it is, unfortunately, something that has always been in moscow, but in moscow they always understood very well how it works, why the language, yes, how it works. mascult, like why history needs to be rewritten, in our country, but it seems to me that in reality it still does not exist this understanding , it is already manifesting somewhere, but at the state level, in my opinion, there is still no understanding of this, that is why it is so slow, that is why, that is why it is taking so long, that is why
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russian missiles over the whole of ukraine really accelerated it, but comparing with, for example, india, or with the african countries, india when in the 47th year, and we continue to see signs that they continue to fight this colonial legacy, that is, in this sense, you agree that this is not really the case these 30 years that we have lived for a long time, in general, yes, well, that is, we should to understand that if we want to find some starting point, although this is very conditionally so, but if the starting point. of moscow colonialism , moscow colonialism, let's take the pereyaslav council in 1654, well, you can compare it, yes, that is, we are talking about 350 years of colonialism, and we have just, just 30 years ago, yes , we started to fight it, i am sure that it can be done rather, if
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more state was invested in it, if there were more resources in it, if it was some kind of, you know... strategy, there is no such thing, there are, there are some crazy enthusiasts who they are trying to somehow explain it, spread it, engage in education, but, well, okay, we have to work. my last question is, do you think that this is an irreversible process, because when we talk about these cultural codes, and uh, and this is in other words, scientists talk, neuroscientists talk about these neural connections, yes, that are formed there we. since childhood, which are connected with the irony of fate, new year's eve and olivier, young parents, happy, some yes, a happy family there and so on, that is, we have ties purely. such biological, yes to this whole heritage of masculinity, russian, soviet and russian, and whether in this sense what
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is happening now, what we are going through, this decolonization by missiles, or whether in your opinion this is irreversible history, well, not here you can certainly be categorical, yes, but it seems to me that what i observe is in a certain younger segment, but a segment that is actually younger than me. culture, and this is again about such a stand-up, and, for example, those people who are listened to, well, they already have there are no such soviet , post-soviet narratives, well, because it has simply died out for them, it is not their culture, in this sense i remain an optimist, besides, well, it is difficult for me to imagine that after all that russia has done for 10 years, for the last two years. and what else, well, unfortunately, judging by everything russia has time to do, it is hard for me to imagine that we would return to this rut, some kind of friendship,
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brotherhood, and you know, and sit there on autumn evenings reciting pushkin's poems, because the trauma is too deep , and well, i believe that we are are already old enough to realize it, well , if not now, then we really will... never. thank you for the conversation. radomir mokryk, historian, cultural expert, was a guest of his own names. i think it was an important conversation about how important it is for us to get rid of the colonial legacy, the self-deprecation, some of that destructive, destructive low-grade humor about ourselves. how important it is for us to eradicate russian and soviet cultural codes from ourselves, not to... not to look into the mouths of russian intellectuals, actually to remember yes, who we are, we too have seen in the last few years how smart,
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powerful and cultured we are, and we are even taking the world by it, thank you for being with us, we will see you next week in the project own names, all the best, thank you thank you greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and not. we are biased, you draw your own conclusions, good evening, we are from ukraine
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, congratulations, it's time for a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, today i and my colleagues will conduct it for you, it will be around two hours, to be more precise, hour 45, everything is important from ukraine and the world, we will show and tell you. and we will also discuss with the guests who will join us live. well, in particular, as always, serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, will tell news from the fronts. oleksandr morchavka, in detail about money , what to do with it and what can be done with it, what can really be done with it, yevhen pastukhov, how does sport survive during the war in ukraine, i will obviously dive into my element and tell you briefly about what happened in the world during the past day and at the end , the highlight will be our forecaster natalka didenko, she will tell you what to expect from the weather
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for the next day, and maybe she will look further, and a separate big request to those who watch our broadcast on the youtube network, please like this stream , i don't know how this complex social media algorithm works, but people have told me that what... the more likes you have, and the more comments you make, the more chance other people have to watch this stream. once again , thank you very much to everyone who participated, and here we go, and as we usually do, we start with a collection announcement. espresso tv channel is called to join the collection for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these soldiers, of course, actively defend ukraine from the cold ravine. with in 2014, the hottest areas include the battle for donetsk ilovaisk airport, the battles for sumy region and kharkiv region, solidar and bakhmut in donetsk region. right now, defenders need drones.
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hamikaze are in sufficient numbers, they can stop almost any attack on any assault actions of the enemy in a matter of minutes, equipment and manpower, where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. you can see the qr code and the card number on your screens now, so join in, donate, you understand that, how important it is, first of all, it is important for the guys, that... that these drones will help protect, secure them, well, it is important in order to speed up our victory every day, every minute, and victory is necessary, because the enemy is not sleeping and he just as it inflicts massive strikes on different parts of ukraine every day. kharkiv oblast got this, this day. russians killed a 48-year-old woman in the village of
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vilkhuvatka in the kupyan district. terrorists dropped two guided air bombs in kharkiv oblast, the administration of oleg sinigu was damaged, the head of the regional military also 10 private houses, shops and a school. there was a fire in the educational institution, and in the end, it is not just one place that was shelled by the enemies, more about what is happening in kharkiv region, how to overcome the consequences of this shelling, i will talk with oleksandr skoryk, kharkiv regional council. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, glory to the heroes. thank you very much for joining our broadcast today. look, i only spoke about one village, but the enemy also attacked kharkiv district, kupyan district, and chuguyiv district, and in general, as far as i know, 17, 17 settlements succumbed
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to this. blow from what can be discussed on the air, what are the consequences? well, first of all, i would like to thank you for inviting me to ether, and secondly, i would like to confirm that the 93rd slavet brigade on kholodny yar, with whom we, which we love very much, which we respect very much , we thank you for the fact that they protected us in the 14th year, for the fact that they protected the city of akhtyrka, the city of bogadukhiv, for the fact that they... raisin, for the fact that they are now heroically defending, on a difficult, difficult, difficult area in the city of bakhmut, and i will also lead them personally, from our team, to lead a certain number of fpv drones, and i am very pleased that the espresso channel is engaged in raising funds for this glorious team as well.
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for uh to provide our military, provide what, what we can at this stage, provide, so i would like to encourage everyone to join the gathering, because fpv drone today is and a weapon that is very effective, it works very , very effectively, we do not destroy enemies with it, and today this is the most important thing, regarding kharkiv oblast, the situation is very tense, and constantly... we have cross-border shelling, the lipetsk community is suffering a lot, alone, alone, liptsi itself, the veliko burlutka community was very, very affected, and the village of vilkhivatka is the village of velikor of the veliko burlutka united territorial community, where a woman was injured, constantly under fire from cossack lopan, constantly under fire from the city of vovchansk, the entire border area,
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practically all border areas. 24 hours a day under fire, be it uavs, or artillery , or mortars, and we also have, at night today , a flight over the children's health camp, sonyachny, this is a suburb of kharkiv, practically kharkiv, the city of kharkiv itself, a flight, er, eskander, where they reported that they hit the military there, actually there was no military... there was no, this is the northern part of our city, it was under fire all the time, even in the period when they, the front line was very close, so the sense is there for the military to be there were hiding, there was nothing, and our uh, our military confirms that there were no losses , and the head of the military administration also stated this and...


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