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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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whether it is some kind of robot or robotic system that mines, demines, eh, there are such things, such interaction is horizontal, it exists, we are talking about the problems of a vertically integrated system when it comes to the decision-making system, and this system is often densely a screwed-up soviet system from the consideration of the documents, from the consideration of those technologies that have already been tested by the military, often eh... the documents that are submitted for consideration before the signing of contracts, they already exist and are working at the front, that's the point, and there can be no delay here, i say again that the system itself is too big, it exists in peacetime, it cannot be like that, the system must shrink, accordingly, fewer processes, fewer people in this process, fewer signatures, fewer approvals, and in this way we will achieve some kind of success and acceleration. it is desirable that certain
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technologies are ahead of the russians, we were, if you understand what i mean at a certain stage , ahead of unmanned aerial vehicles, now the russians are catching up, unfortunately, we are often heavily ahead of them, the possibility of engaging iranian and korean ee missiles and technologies, including drones, are helping them, so why aren't we helping ourselves where we are strong? in those developers who are ready to help us, thereby creating jobs and strengthening the economy, have they not understood this relationship, it is not visible, i don't know, i would shorten it to two signatures in general, these things, and ready to take on, in particular , responsibility for how it will work on the battlefield, how it will be generalized, how we will modernize in the future such robotic technology, whether it is
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automated systems of commanding troops, whether it is living robots, yes, which will use this or that operation on the battlefield instead of people, under the leadership, of course there will be. mr. pavle, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the explanation, for these categorical statements, because we understand that otherwise we will simply get stuck in the labyrinths of bureaucracy and irresponsibility with our technologies, this is what threatens us the most. such an impression, i thank you, yes, serhiy, i thank you for the broadcast, i really do i think that it will take a day or two from our meeting with you to make concrete decisions, and we will see concrete changes. i really hope so. i will remind our viewers that it was pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces of ukraine, deputy commander of the army division, people's deputy of the eighth convocation. and then we will move on to another topic, about struggle, intelligence and technology. it became known that thanks to after conducting a successful operation
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, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense gained access to a significant amount of secret technological documentation of our of the enemy, we are talking about 100 gb of documents , which relate to a number of serial and prospective developments of the enemy in the field of unmanned aviation, in the field of radio-electronic development of reb means, we are talking about documentation that was obtained in... from a russian defense company, a special technology center, which is located in st. petersburg, it talks about reb svetkau's tools, and layer 3, and orland 10th, that is, in fact, about the whole range of those samples that the enemy is currently using at the front. and now to us joins anton mikhnenko, he is our military expert who works closely with defense express, as well as with our defense and industrial companies.
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who are engaged in military high-tech, mr. anton , i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear , i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, in return, i wanted to ask you, what is the significance of this whole story with obtaining a significant amount of enemy documentation, how can ukraine and our partners, it is on the one hand, and on the other hand, was it even necessary to publicize the fact that we became... there the owners of such a large number of works of the russian federation? look , look, in fact, this is an interesting question, we have to understand that any manufacturer tries to minimize the leakage of information to the outside world so that competitors do not know about the possibilities inside the country, on the one hand, on the other hand, so that a potential adversary also does not know about the existence of such opportunities, receiving information by our intelligence about the special... technical and technological center
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of st. petersburg, which is engaged in, in particular a long enough period of time to create the means of radio-electronic intelligence in the first place, this is a big enough and significantly important step. why, i will say, the first moment, we will understand at what technological level the russian federation is at the moment, what promising projects are being implemented, why the stc is such an important center, why it is given special attention, you understand, there is a concept of acceptance of a sample into service, that is means of radio-electronic reconnaissance and air ground basing, manufactured by stc, they are adopted by the armed forces of the russian federation, they are serially produced and they are mass- produced. they are armed with a large part of the armed forces that are in the russian federation, and are used, relatively speaking, as the same camouflage or something else that the military personnel usually have, so it is very important, we have to understand at what technological level they, and what is really adopted is serially produced,
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the second point, we can including for due to the involvement of the instrument-industrial complex of ukraine in this information, once again to break through a certain reverse tech. logy, that is, we can in principle understand what technological solutions are implemented, how these technological solutions can be implemented directly in our developments, understand how these solutions can be countered, that is, we can understand in which frequency range their electronic intelligence tools work, where in them there are weak points, understand which technological points in time in particular, let's say so it is possible to pay there are used to understand what to say to our partners. in order for them to be able to stop the leakage of these fees from abroad, entering the territory of the russian federation. the next point is also, again important, this is a continuation of the second, this is again, this is what we will share with our partners, i am convinced that our country will actively cooperate with our partners, and she will emphasize ,
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look, this is where russia is at such a technological level, help us too, please create new technological models, also orient yourself where... russia is and, including, create those models that can then help us, and i mean you, our partners, to counter russian activity, it is important, it is very important moment, regarding the question of whether it is appropriate to announce it now, i think, in principle, there are two moments in intelligence, the first moment, if it is already made public, then the maximum has already been extracted from all this, the second moment, again, it is like that they say, the limit, if this information is shared, we trying to try to... show our adversary that we know everything about you, and we force such an adversary to take appropriate measures so that they operate in a different mode, again, this is a certain time, again, this is the reaction of the russian federation and defense enterprises to be distracted from prejudging our possible moves and our
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possible actions, so interesting enough the lines of when to leak information, when not to leak information, but i think we have competent people in our intelligence that know when exactly it should be spread. if it became an advertising tool, then certain conclusions have already been drawn, and mr. anton , we literally have two minutes, i would like you to tell us a little bit about where the ukrainian reb is moving, means of electronic warfare, because literally a number of foreign publications this week came out with publications about rap, that russia has certain advantages there, and of course for this the question arises, what are we doing, that we are creating something so... cool, in order to neutralize this alleged advantage of the enemy, again, i will emphasize, to a certain extent i agree with our partners and foreign publications, which emphasize that the enemy has a large arsenal, great capabilities, they are mass -produced, and in this context they really
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have a certain damage, as i already emphasize this on every broadcast. and we have to respond accordingly, and in this context we have several key points, we have the public sector. which works according to its own laws, let's say so, i have not yet seen such really serious progressives decisions on the part of the public sector in the context of the creation of electronic warfare complexes , nevertheless this is compensated by the presence of, let's say, a serious private sector, so in this segment we have a powerful private sector, there are enterprises in ukraine that manufacture, we know the companies, as we have seen i will not name them at the exhibitions, which in principle have good achievements in the creation of these complexes... this year, these private companies, which have a good experience, they adapted to the realities that were in between the 14th year and the 22nd year, now the realities are more powerful and serious, the enemy is showing that he is adapting, and believe me, our our manufacturers that we knew from the 14th
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year, they are also adapting and trying to improve those samples that we have, due to the expansion of the frequency range, due to the increase in the output power of the signals that are suppressed, new technological solutions that are implemented. and another key direction is that there is such a concept as volunteers, there is the concept of initiative development, there are state initiatives like breivan, in particular, the accelerator, which focuses on the emergence of young companies, startups and the implementation of new solutions, and against this background, a large number of various private small companies are appearing, which, among other things, are engaged in this issue of creating rep, acop and continues to rise, the next key direction, again , i will try to say quickly, is our partners, who definitely help us in the supply of false electronic beard complexes, believe me, we will have to work in this direction, we will not... we see all this realistically, because we are a little behind what the enemy has, but i
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think that soon the situation will at least level out. mr. anton, thank you very much for your optimism and for your explanations, and this optimism is transmitted to our viewers. let me remind you that it was anton mikhnenko, a military expert on security and technology. these were the main military results of the day, then more international and economic news, then. live on the air, stay tuned to the espresso channel. we thank serhiy zgurets, the director agency defense-express talked about what is happening on the fronts. well, our news service, the news service of the espresso tv channel , is finishing its work for today, and my charming colleague anna eva melnyk will now put such a bold line. anya, congratulations and keep going. greetings yuri, i will tell you about the most current news at this hour, in particular about the defense of the sky, what kind of weapons will be jointly produced by ukraine
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and lithuania, and the serhiy porajanov award will appear in our country. stay with us for more details. and i'll start with the situation in the kherson region. the russians wounded a man there. the enemy fired at residential buildings in the village of novodmytrivka, the regional military administration reports. a 58-year-old local resident came under fire in his own house. he has an account. and brain injury , the man was taken to the hospital. and at least six people were injured due to a large-scale accident in the lviv region. among them are two children aged seven and 10, the regional police said. the traffic accident happened around noon on the kyiv-chop highway, near the village of chishki. a bus and three collided there cars everyone was moving in the same direction, what was the reason? protection of the sky and lives lithuania and ukraine have agreed on the joint
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production of weapons, among other things, they will also manufacture means to combat drones. volodymyr zelenskyi said this after talks with the president of lithuania gitanos nauseda in vilnius. the ukrainian leader also thanked lithuania for the new defense support of 200 million euros. according to zelenskyi, this year will be decisive for ukraine and its partners. so he expects a number of important ones solutions for a just peace. yes , we are all unlucky to have such a neighbor, inadequate to us and lithuania, who brings misery and enslavement, but we will never again become hostages of geography and will not allow russia to destroy either on... or your statehood, because together we unite others
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to have a sufficiently common force. the agreements signed today between the ukrainian and lithuanian defense industries are another example of our close military cooperation. we must also ensure continuity of long-term support from allies and partners to help ukraine european defense. the industry as a whole must step up its game, accelerate and adequately respond to a complex security situation. adjusted fire on locations of the armed forces and civilian objects. a local resident will be tried in kherson for treason, the regional prosecutor's office informs. zaprodanka transmitted data on the movement of our defenders to the employees of the russian fsb, directed enemy fire at the transport infrastructure. regional center and medical institutions. the accused is awaiting the verdict of the court in custody,
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she faces 15 years behind bars. more than 10 people were saved by the crews of the white angels in the last two weeks in korakhiv and marin communities in donetsk region. law enforcement officers provided medical aid just under the explosions of shells, because the first minutes are important for saving lives - informs the national police. therefore, white angels regularly. go around the residence and clarify the location of people. one of these cases happened in krasnohorivka. the russians shelled the city with hail and completely destroyed several houses. in one of apartments for an 83-year-old woman. a woman fell into the roof, the victim with serious injuries was immediately brought to the hospital by law enforcement officers, who once again called on the residents of the front-line settlements to evacuate to safer regions. for several hours in the cold in lviv , a six-year-old boy left school and disappeared, he was searched for in the nearby village of
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sokilnyky. the child walked more than 7 km, reports the patrol police of lviv. the law enforcement officers say that he... visited several institutions, but none of the adults paid attention to the fact that the boy was alone. later the young couple took him to the store, gave him tea and called the police. every tenth school was destroyed by russia during two years of full-scale war. the ex-head of the ministry of education hanna novosad told about it. on december 29, the russians took aim at three o'clock. all schools our correspondents found out what destructions the educational institutions suffered and whether classes will start there on time. at the same time, all the ventilation was completely knocked out, all the ventilation shafts were thrown out. polyethylene instead of windows, collapsed putty and broken desks. this is now the office of the third a class.
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lyceum oriana was the most damaged as a result of a rocket attack on lviv on december 29. fortunately. the children were on vacation, says director iryna koropetska. the school is big , it is almost 10,000 m2, and a lot of things were damaged, i say again, about 350 windows, more than 120 internal doors, external evacuation exits were very much damaged, we have metal doors, some of which were completely twisted. debris of a russian rocket. in the school , the doors were torn off and 32 windows were broken. the city council has already replaced them - says the director. ivan ognitskyi on the same day, we shouted and teachers, parents , high school students gathered, we did everything we could, all the windows were immediately closed so that there were no drafts, all of you, the windows that were completely broken have already been replaced , we are still waiting for 16 windows
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that are not completely damaged, and i hope. this week, the work will be completed on the replacement of double-glazed windows. it was destroyed for the second time. comprehensive school number 86. the russians first damaged the building in march 2022, and now the educational institution the labor training office and corridor were damaged. only seven windows, two doors and the roof were partially damaged. in fact, if it happened on the 29th, then on the same day. the next day , we already had contractors who measured the windows, who took measurements of what was needed, and the next day by evening we already had the windows installed. for the students of sykhiv lyceum and secondary school no. 86, the second semester will begin as planned on january 15, after calculating all the losses from the reserve fund of the city, funds will be allocated for
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the restoration of educational institutions. we will remind on december 29 , master of sports of international class viktor kobzisty died as a result of enemy shelling. 30 people were injured, the russians also destroyed 18 residential buildings and one kindergarten. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. and in conclusion about natural anomalies, sakura bloomed in mukachevo in transcarpathia. despite the low, low air temperature, several blooming buds can be seen on the tree. japanese cherry blossoms usually bloom in the spring, but this is not the first time such a... told in the city council. winter flowering happened in 2014 in the city, it is called crazy, it is an ornamental tree known as a symbol of japan and its culture, as well as female youth and beauty. that's how things are for the moment, i tell you, see you tomorrow, i'll be waiting for you in this studio at 2 p.m., but
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the big broadcast continues under reliable leadership. saturday today, rest, we are waiting for you in the next broadcasts, well , i will take over the baton, i will immerse myself in my element, i will talk about what happened in the world during the past day, in particular, the eu can to have time to give ukraine a million artillery shells by april, orban and fico , unfortunately, in their roles, unfortunately, well... south korea, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. ukrainian day in important world institutions, support for us in our heroic confrontation with russian aggression was discussed today in brussels and in new york.
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after all, maybe they're still talking at the moment. first , a meeting of the ukraine-nato council was convened at the nato headquarters at kyiv's request, the main issue being aid us in repelling massive missile attack from attacks from the side. terrorist countries by supplying a larger amount of anti-aircraft equipment, but at the security council of the united nations organizations planned to discuss and in the end apparently are discussing , among other things, north korea's provision of ballistic missiles and other weapons and ammunition to russia. what was finally agreed upon, maybe i will say at the end of the big broadcast, if there is information, but if it doesn't appear, then tomorrow already. in my column the world about ukraine, as in the end and on the air of the tv channel, so watch the european union can still manage to provide ukraine with the promised million
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artillery ammunition by march, or at least april of this year. this was announced by the commissioner for the internal market , thierry breton. in his opinion, ensuring supplies of one million million ammunition to ukraine by the end of march this year. is absolutely doable, was tyra britton's quote. for this, he says, eu member states should reduce arms exports to countries outside the european community and put pressure on companies of the military-industrial complex of the eu countries. at the same time , tyree briton also emphasized that the eu can catch up with russia in the production of weapons within two years, because, according to him, it is extremely important for the european union to have the same potential as russia. it is good that such questions are raised and it is good that such questions are being discussed now, but it is bad that at the end of the second year of a full-scale invasion, the european union
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is so far behind russia, and russia has so-so developed its military-industrial complex, bad. hungary welcomes the leadership of the european union to prepare a plan b for the provision of financial assistance. and military aid to ukraine. prime minister viktor orban wrote about this on his page in the x microblog network. this is the former twitter. he called this decision a good one, adding that plan b of the european union is plan a of budapest. let me remind you that the leadership of the european union decided to work out alternative ways of providing assistance to ukraine by february 1, because at the december eu summit, orban blocked the four-fold plan to support ukraine in terms of volume. 10 billion dollars, well, information has already appeared about what the european union can offer and what plan b it might be. orban
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thinks that this is plan b, during which his position and demands will be heard, but the western mass media say that no, the european union is thinking about giving us 20 billion euros, but bypassing what orban says. and what he wants to be done in brussels. well, let's wait for february 1 and see what will happen there. well, in unison, unfortunately with viktor orban, he also speaks territorially a neighbor, the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico. according to him, the event's strategy for helping ukraine, simply put, does not work. the head of the slovak government means supplying us with weapons, that's what he's talking about. said the comments for the "pravda" edition, not in russian, but in slovak. according to mr. fico, it is not that russia does not feel the impact of the negative consequences of
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the sanctions introduced against it, but it certainly does not feel it so much that it will collapse it, as predicted by western planners. next is a short quote from mr. prime minister robert fitzow, so that you understood what this politician breathes. i am not one of those slovak politicians who are happy that slovakia has make a mortal enemy, and i do not like that we are called an unfriendly state in russia because of this, when some countries of the world, on the contrary, are happy that they are a state unfriendly to russia, because they do not want to be a friend of a terrorist country, robert fizo does not want he was called that. after all, unfortunately, and this is not at all surprising, the president of serbia, aleksandar... kuch also spoke about russia and friendship today with this country. he does not surprise with his statements or actions. and then his quote: serbia and russia are connected by traditional friendship and
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brotherhood in difficult times. under the conditions, we managed to save face, this is the end of the serbian leader's quote, he said this during a visit to the russian center of science and culture, the russian house in belgrade. at the same time, mr. president expressed his confidence that not two countries, that is, serbia and russia, will continue to develop mutually, then i suggest you listen to a quote by aleksandr vučić so that everything becomes clear to you. we are listening. i appreciate dostoevsky, the greatest among all writers in the world. phew, such statements are sickening, but it is necessary to understand that fiyco, orban, and vučić are talking, playing their electorate, gaining some points by making such statements. i really hope that there will be fewer such statements, but
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who knows, well... it is good that despite everything that is happening in the united states of america, despite the statements from europe that i have already mentioned, there is a general understanding in the united states how important is it to continue helping us? of course, it would be good if these were not only statements, but also general, not general support, but partial, i mean the unlocking of $61 billion in aid, but generally in the united states they understand why it is extremely important for us to ... to help by example, this is what the candidate for the presidency of the united states said the other day during the debate america from the republican party, nikki haley, how beautifully she placed the accents, we will hear her in direct speech. in russia, they said that after they take over ukraine, poland and the baltic countries, which are nato countries, will be next, and in this way america will be drawn into the war, but that
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avoid... europeans pay more and they have to pay, it's happening right next door, but we're talking about preventing war, so we have to make sure we 're doing everything we can to keep americans safe and to keep our national security, well so you understand, ms. haley is saying what is important, because... security, because the victory of ukraine is the security of the united states of america as well, and she denies the fact that washington does not need to spend american taxpayers' blood, it must she says. damage only that her ratings, even if they continue to grow, still do not reach the ratings of donald trump, who has a huge chance to be nominated by the republican party for the presidency
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. after all, he has a great chance to become the next president of this country. well, in conclusion, north korea does not want, they openly provoke, and the leader of the most closed country in the world, kim chin-un, said that the biggest enemy of his country, in his country, is south korea. he called it a country that pursues a confrontational policy, that's what he said said during a visit to one and... of the military factories, even more, the great woshti sunshine marshal kim also promised without hesitation to let in the entire arsenal of available means and forces to completely destroy the republic of korea, that is, south korea, but to do this he promises only if an unfriendly seoul tries to use armed forces against its state, or threatens the sovereignty and security of the dprk. well , kimchanin also emphasized that north korea does not have one.
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the intention to unilaterally provoke war.


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