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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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the next president of this country, and in conclusion, north korea does not want, they openly provoke, and the leader of the most closed country in the world, kim chin-un, said that his country, his country's biggest enemy is south korea, he called it a country, which pursues a confrontational policy, he said this during a visit to one of the military factories, let alone a large one... the sunny marshal kim also promised to use without hesitation the entire arsenal of available means and forces to completely destroy the republic of korea, that is, the south korea, but he promises to do this only if unfriendly seoul tries to use armed forces against his state, or threatens the sovereignty and security of the dprk. kimchanin also emphasized that north korea has no intention of unilaterally provoking a war. on the korean peninsula, but he is not
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going to avoid it, he is not going to provoke it, but he is not going to avoid it either, because he wants to defend himself. before the full-scale invasion, we already heard this from russia, so i don't know. well, for today i have everything rubric world about ukraine, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more news from the world, but there will be more of everything in our further broadcast, so don't switch. yes, well, let's move on to, well, an extremely important topic. returning to his duties, the kyiv district administrative court partially satisfied the lawsuit of the ex-head of the commercial court of cassation, bohdan lviv. he will be reinstated as a judge and will be paid his salary for the period of forced absence. let me remind you that in... in 2022, they
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found his russian citizenship, this information the sbu confirmed the passport of the russian federation and judge lviv, received more than 20 years ago, and in 2012 renewed it. he himself still denies russian citizenship. what you published, you published, based on the sources that were available to you, and i am still convinced, and i am personally ... there is no need to convince myself, i know that i am exclusively a citizen of ukraine, and i have the only passport - a passport of a citizen of ukraine, i don't have another passport, well, what kind of strange metamorphoses are going on in the ukrainian judiciary, i want to talk to my my guest is iryna fedoriv, ​​journalist, public activist, mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good evening, good evening, mrs. iryna.
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well, look, even before today's decision of the court, the head of the supreme court of ukraine, stanislav kravchenko , spoke a lot about what should be discussed at today's court, about the fact that the previous decision of the previous head of the supreme court is his own opinion, that should not be the case, i.e. he motivated the buckets even before the decision was made, he motivated why it is needed. to pass, in this way he pressured the judges' decision, in the end we know the result, the decision was made as it was made, judge lviv finally got what he was trying to get, reinstatement , payment of 4 million salary, which he lost. mrs. iryna, i have a question for you, please tell me, will there be, or will it be possible to appeal today's decision of such a court, and whether? in general - the chair under
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supreme court judge stanislav kravchenko does not waver, since he openly pressed for the decision, for the adoption of today's decision? well , first of all, it became known literally in front of eter that the supreme court made a statement that they will appeal and they will not implement the decision immediately, that is, judge lviv can calm down today, he will not go to the supreme court building tomorrow. as a judge, and he will not receive money, i want to emphasize here for all viewers and listeners why it is very important for us, and not to allow even such a discourse that those who have a passport of a citizen of the russian federation can be in courts. you understand that courts make decisions on such scandalous cases as dubinsky, shufrych, and will continue to make decisions on such cases as lustration, cleansing of power, do you think we
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will allow citizens of the russian federation into the judicial system, what will we get in the end? you rightly said that yesterday's interview with the chairman of the supreme court was a shame. it is not just a shame from the point of view of his vision, the head of the supreme court could not even allow himself to formulate that it was the decision of the prince, because it was the decision of the plenary session of the supreme court, thus he devalued all his colleagues, who made a decision after the notification, the official notification of the sbu, to take and remove lviv from their positions, that is... it was not a decision, a decision of the prince. when, for example, stefanchuk says that there are no votes in the verkhovna rada to ban moscow priests, he is simply attacking the verkhovna rada's credibility. thus , with such statements, the head of the supreme court , in fact, attacked the image of the supreme court,
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his colleagues, who made a completely normal and adequate decision. and in principle, perhaps vrp - this is the supreme council of justice, should be considered. such cases, well, because you can't just make such a statement on the eve of the court, moreover, i have a question as to how the chairman of the supreme court got access to zmi right before the court session, that is, his interview was released just before, and it happened on mind ua , where there was a rather warm and complimentary interview of the head of the servant of the people party , olena shulyak, well, some questions arise, because... that ms. olena shulyak represents the servant of the people, there was a petition to the president's office and citizens demanded it for more than a year therefore cancel his ukrainian citizenship, and here is the question, please, the judge's interview appeared on mind ua, and shulyak appeared on my
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andua, and there is no position of the president's office, what is going on? well, we can assume now that all this is being done with the knowledge of the president's office, well... look, these will only be assumptions, we will not be like the head of the supreme court to suggest any theses, but, you really correctly noticed that the , what the president of the supreme court said in his interview is reflected in the decision, and it is very important that that now there is a statement that they are going to appeal, i hope this and the values ​​worked, and that we, as the media and the public sector, raised these issues, and... i want to say here that the first instance did not take into account if there is an official letter to the supreme court from the security service of ukraine. well, the security service of ukraine is not an extracurricular club, it is a serious structure. you ca n't ignore their evidence and look at some polygraph, well, it's not serious.
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another story of the scheme showed the apartment lease agreement, which was signed by lviv according to the passport of the russian federation of identification. code, how was this evidence evaluated, i also have a question, whether it was or not, and, you understand, there are a lot of questions for the head of the supreme court institution, for this court, which made a decision today, which is essentially a question of justice, that is, we, as citizens, we question justice in our state, but such a discourse cannot be allowed, ms. iryna, we literally have about two minutes. justice in our country has been called into question, and why do such things continue to happen in ukraine judiciary? but briefly? well, for that, the supreme council of justice was probably created, so that such discourses would arise and they could make decisions
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based on who started them? well, i'm very interested in whether statements like these will be considered in the judicial community, because such statements should be followed by personnel decisions, tomorrow every judge. will be on the air, something dictates what should be done today in some matter, well, what will we come to, well , i really hope that such decisions will be made after all, well, because it is wrong, it cannot be in a country that wants to join the european union and from which the european union demands an end to the adoption of such decisions, which , unfortunately, continue to be adopted in our country. ms. irina, thank you very much for your participation. in our program, thank you for clarifying everything that is happening around this case, it was iryna fedorov, journalist, public activist. well, in just a few minutes we will meet in this studio, i will meet in this studio with my
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colleague oleksandr moshevko, and he will will tell all the most important things from the world of money, so wait. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, on the air of politklubna. on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine... and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's get out, they help us understand the present and make predictions. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care
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and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. well, sit comfortably, because right now is the time to talk about money, and my colleague, economic columnist oleksandr morchuvka, knows everything about it best and will tell you about it. sasha, i congratulate you, you have a word. thank you for your word, i congratulate the audience, i will tell you in the next few minutes. about grain, and you will also learn about subsidies and , in general, whether there will be enough international aid for social payments, we will talk about this with an expert, wait, details in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i will start with a scandalous position, today the verkhovna rada appointed olga pishchanska as the head of the accounting chamber, before that she held the position of the head of the antimonopoly committee, 252 people
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's deputies voted for this appointment, while the european solidarity and voice faction did not cast a single vote, - people's deputy yaroslav zhelezniak said. previously , jseven ambassadors warned that the appointment of the new leadership of the accounting chamber should take place only after carrying out a reform in this area of ​​legislation. well, but now, as we see, they decided not to listen. to the parades of the international community, and then they ask yuri, why is there a delay in financial infusion into our state from the european union? well, yes, and then we, our authorities say that we have three or four points left to fulfill there in order to be accepted into the european union, and one of those points is the fight against corruption, the fight against being appointed to such positions, appointed as the judge of lviv, about whom i spoke a few minutes ago... and we are surprised, well, at least our government is surprised, our citizens are surprised , why does this happen, well, the accounting chamber, yuriy
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, is the institution that counts all the euros, all the dollars that come from international partners will give these dollars and euros, brussels will not give euros if it sees such decisions, really, because it is the money of foreign taxpayers that goes to us, to ukrainians, to support our economy, to support social benefits, at the same time when... decisions are made regarding a person who is, well, essentially close to the president's office and simply appointed by a decision from the president's office, let's put it this way, it's terrible , it's a horror, let's move on, the corridor for the export of grain in the black sea, which ukraine secured on its own, is stable, or at least predictable, the spokesman of the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, saviano abreu, said in an interview with the ukrinform agency. he too emphasized that... refia's decision to terminate the black sea initiative had dire consequences for ukraine and the world. farmers were
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the first to suffer, and global food prices began to rise rapidly. by the way, since august 2023, this corridor has ensured the transportation of almost 15 million tons of products, including 10 million tons of agricultural products. well, we see, ukraine was able to establish, at least in this way, such an independent. corridor and it works. in ukraine, as a matter of priority, it is necessary to examine and return to the farm use of more than 512 hectares of land. this was reported by the first vice prime minister, minister of economy yuliya sveridenko. the plan is now updated. we took into account all the detailed data sent from the regional military administrations. the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of agrarian policy, and the ministry of economy worked together on the document. priority return for left economic exploitation. will take place in eight regions, the first three include donetsk, chernihiv and sumy regions.
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ukrainian businessmen laundered more than uah 200 million in vat schemes. law enforcement officers exposed the organizers of 15 enterprises that formally employed persons with disabilities. these people were not involved in the work, they only illegally used the benefits guaranteed by the state, well... they did not pay vat and received compensation for this levy during two years , 200 million hryvnias were transferred from the budget to the accounts of these dealers. let's listen to the direct speech. as a result of non-payment of taxes to the state budget, the specified persons became richer by hundreds of millions of hryvnias, more than 20 searches were conducted at the places of residence of the persons involved, seized documentation, cash and computer equipment, criminal proceedings were opened under the second part of article 364, abuse of power or official position, which
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caused serious consequences, and the third part of article 209, legalization of money laundering. criminally, committed by an organized group, or on a particularly large scale. well, let's move on to the social economy to personal finances, the law on the state budget for the current year provides for an increase in spending on housing subsidies. the government promises to pay them on time - she said deputy minister of social policy daryna marchak. well, she reminded that all funds for social expenses are now provided by international partners. will these funds be available when they are available and will there be delays in the payment of pensions, with the payment of state benefits, in particular subsidies? we will talk about this with andriy pavlovsky, an expert on social policy, he joins the broadcast, good evening, i congratulate you and our viewers, mr. andriy, well, here are the horror stories
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that were heard on the eve of the new year from the officials, that there is a possible delay from indexation... of pensions, a possible delay in the payment of salaries to teachers, can they really become a reality, because so far there are specific dates, specific amounts, tranches, regarding funding from the european union, well, they are not mentioned in the government, well, first of all, it is necessary to remind that half of the state budget expenditures are planned at the expense of external... and grant revenues, that is, everything that is collected in ukraine and goes to the state budget, it is spent primarily on defense and security, and here is the second part of the budget , half of it that in we are now being formed at the expense of foreign revenues, foreign aid,
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the lion's share of it goes precisely to social programs and... so really, if there is no promised help, aid from the united states of 62 billion dollars, 50 billion euros from the european union, then there may be in ukraine, there are problems, indeed, with the payment of pensions , with the timely indexation of both pensions and salaries, and also with the same subsidies, because... our partners forbid us to spend funds from foreign aid on armaments and defense, but as a rule all these funds go as i said, the lion's share of them is on social welfare, mr. andriy, well, what are the ways out, it's just waiting for money and delaying a number of social payments, is it possible to use
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the already accumulated gold and currency reserves, or just print the hryvnia, what are the proposals? well, first of all, i would like to reassure you, it is too early for us to be very worried, because at the end of december, ukraine received the next money, which was transferred from the international monetary fund, from japan, the same assistance was provided, in total there is more than one and a half billion dollars , and for the first quarter on the social expenses of this state. it is another matter that, following the consequences of the first quarter, according to the budget code, the government must review the budget and, in the event of a lack of money, carry out the so-called sequestration, reduce expenditures, unfortunately, social programs may also fall under these cuts, well
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, frankly speaking, is there such a threat to you? opinion, to what extent the state budget is still within the power of the state budget, well, if we do not talk about spending cuts, about the so-called sequester, to review social standards this year, we are also talking about the indexation of pensions, we are also talking about the minimum, minimum salary, or it could just be on paper and the ukrainians will not wait for such positive changes, well, it depends, again, unfortunately, we are... now in conditions of war , severe economic crisis, are dependent on foreign aid, and the majority of people, and everything about all this, all these... know, and therefore it is necessary to proceed from the situation that exists, if this external aid will not be there, or will it be significantly shortened, well,
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you will have to tighten the straps already in a straight line sense of the word and cut spending on everything that is possible in the state budget, you certainly cannot touch the issue of defense, security, everything else the government can cut... go reserves, as they say, look at some programs to support entrepreneurs, and some other programs, maybe they will freeze the programs for the restoration of housing, construction there and so on, capital expenditures, well, this is already a question for the ministry of finance, what priorities will he determine and what will be the priority reductions, thank you, mr. andriy, for joining the conversation, subject matter expert of social policy andriy pavlovsky was a guest of the column about... money during the war, and i have more interesting information from bloomberg agency analysts. last year, russia approached the second year of record oil drilling. this is
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another proof of the low impact of western sanctions, say the analysts of this agency, the bloomberg agency, the boom in activity occurred along with the recovery of both the volume and the value of the export of bloody barrels from the aggressor country. it is also strong evidence that fossil fuels were a key source. funds for the war against ukraine, why do experts say that the sanctions are essentially ineffective or ineffective, but only 15% of the drilling market depends on technologies from the so-called unfriendly states in russia, this is a small share, and some investors also left the russian market, but their subsidiaries remain, which continue to operate and somehow continue to extract oil together. in muscovy, yuri, how much do you think oil sanctions should be strengthened, there were ideas, there were ideas even at the beginning, that it is necessary to lower the marginal oil price much less, it is necessary
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strengthen sanctions against foreign companies that continue to invest in the russian economy. you know, oleksandr, what i will tell you, here the question is not even about the strengthening of sanctions, it is probably about compliance with the mechanism of control over the implementation of these sanctions, that is the most important thing. because sanctions can be sanctions, but we're seeing a lot of different moves that russia is using to circumvent and sell, continue to sell oil and gas, not in the same volume as before, but still being sold, and dollars in her treasury is extended to, if punishment there are no partners from muscovites, then more and more foreign companies will see this and join economic cooperation with the kremlin, well, such are the realities. this was the last information from the world of money for today, i will say goodbye, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us, and i am ready
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to inform you of information that is very important, which appeared literally an hour ago, that is, in the european the union took the first step to allocate the promised 50 billion euros of aid to ukraine, and they did. this is not to bypass hungary, but at least hungary is not blocked this news was first reported by the german agency deutsche presse agentur, dpa, as well as journalist and radio freedom rikard jozvik, who is a permanent journalist in the european union, the european parliament, and later this information was confirmed in the council of the european union, and it is emphasized that they are permanent. ..representatives of the eu countries approved this again as a partial negotiating mandate regarding the proposal to create a new single specialized instrument to support the recovery of ukraine, the ukraine facility. and he
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designed for four years. because no matter what hungarian prime minister viktor orbán says there, no matter how he blackmails the leadership of the european union in brussels, they know what to do in this case, because they understand how important progress is. support and assistance to ukraine in our struggle with russia. yes, and now is the time to find out about the achievements of ukrainian athletes during the war, in particular during the past day. our sports columnist yevhen pastukhov will tell us about it. marto kostyuk reached the quarterfinals wta tournament. delaidy, a ukrainian tennis player , beat the american taylor townsend in three games. kostyuk won the first set 6:3, marta lost the second set 2:6.
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the opponents played the decisive game of the third set. with a score of 5:4 in favor of kostyuk. the ukrainian won six break points at once and took advantage of her fourth match point 6:4. kostyuk will play in the wta quarterfinals for the first time since august of last year, when she reached this stage at the competition in washington. the opponent of the ukrainian woman will be latvian yelena ostapenko. the first winter transfer of kryvbas. current the leader of the ukrainian football championship announced the transfer of midfielder yehor tverdokhlib, who previously... played for minai. the agreement is designed for four years. in the new team , the football player will play under number 47. in the first part of the season, twardohliv took part in 15 matches of the ukrainian premier league and scored two goals. it is a very big responsibility to be in this team. i hope, i will live up to the hopes and we will prove ourselves on the football field and achieve positive results. kryvbas will work at the club base until january 13.
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after. which will go to alicante for training, the club has planned 10 sparring matches in spain. poltava vorskla thanked vladlen yurchenko for his cooperation. the club and the player decided to terminate the contract early. zmi is informed that the 29-year-old performer will continue his career in metallist 1925 under the leadership of the ex-mentor of vorsklian viktor skrypnyk. yurchenko is a student of mykolaiv football. played in shakhtar, german bayern, zorya, densa, as well as the danish team wy. and the latvian robe. the colors of vorskli have been protected since september 2022. in the current season, yurchenko played 14 matches for poltava in all tournaments, scored twice and had one assist. the women's biathlon team of ukraine took fifth place at the relay of the world cup in ruhpolding. at the first stage , ukrainian women were in the lead, but then our biathletes began to lose ground. at the final stage, khrystyna dmytrenko improved
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the team result from sixth to... fifth place. this is ukraine's best result since december 21st in women's relays. the winner of the race was the french national team. well , our great one would be and will be incomplete in the end broadcast without information about the weather, which we always receive from our unique forecaster natalka didenko, who has already joined me. natalka, i am one of those people who... want frost and snow, but when frost and snow come, for some reason i want warming, and here are horse races, frost, snow, horse races, what the weather is preparing for us next, congratulations, well, the nearest weather forecast the situation is exclusively for yuri fizer, i also of course welcome all our dear tv viewers, let's talk about the synoptic situation literally in a moment. the weather
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for the next day is still baking, so to speak speaking, and we will now talk about extremes and about certain statistics, sometimes statistics in meteorology are very interesting and more interesting even than some current weather forecasts, i want to say, recall, or rather extremes of maximum and minimum, which were observed in general in ukraine, and here the promised statistics, for all of us, therefore, the maximum air temperature, let's start with heat, with heat, + 42° was observed on august 12, 2010 at the luhansk weather station, and the absolute minimum air temperature -41.9 was recorded on january 8, 1935, where it was invented on at the luhansk weather station, an absolute minimum of 32 -32.2 was observed in kyiv.
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29 of 1929 on february 7 and 9, and the absolute maximum + 39.9 in august 1898, well, in general, the northeastern part of ukraine is the coldest, of course, it is sumy region, kharkiv region, poltava region, part of chernihiv region, the southwest and the southern coast are the warmest crimea, well , the coldest month, according to statistics, is january in ukraine. the warmest is july, our january continues, it is almost reaching its middle, in fact, just as winter is coming to its peak, well, at least the calendar one, well, we will slowly wait for spring, then july, the warmest month in ukraine, and for now we are returning to magnetic storms, for several days now, this sub-heading of ours is very short, and today it will be the same, because ...


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