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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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uai. greetings, it's news time in eterispress. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. 11 people were injured as a result of the rocket attack on kharkiv, nine victims were hospitalized. this was reported by the head of the region oleg synygubov. the russians hit a hotel in the kyiv district with s-300 missiles. as a result of shelling, the building of the hotel complex was destroyed. as a result of this
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rocket attack, one of the rockets hit the building of the hotel complex on shevchenko street, the other rocket fell a few meters from the entrance to this hotel. at that time in more than 30 civilians stayed in the hotel. mariana bezogla leaves the servant of the people faction and party. the people's deputy wrote about this on her facebook. bezugla said that she did not need them. a weak political force during the war and colleagues sticking their backs, but it will support president volodymyr zelenskyi and will continue to be a majority deputy. the day before, some of the colleagues of the ruthless servant of the people demanded her expulsion from the faction after scandalous statements about commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny. loud night in russia. in explosions rumbled in several areas. in russia... the ministry of defense announced
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the shooting down of three drones over the rostov, tula and kaluga regions. it is traditionally believed that no destruction was recorded. and a large-scale fire occurred at a polymer plant in the suburbs of moscow. there, the fire covered an area of ​​800 m2, - said the ministry of emergency affairs of russia. according to the information of the local telegram channels , materials were produced at the enterprise. for the production of helmets, body armor and special shoes. rumor has it that the plant belongs to holding, which is under ukrainian sanctions. currently, law enforcement officers are considering the version of arson. russia uses un membership and buys a missile from north korea to attack ukraine. this statement was made by seven members of the un security council at the meeting. we are talking about representatives of france, the usa, japan, malta, and the republics. korea, slovenia and
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great britain. they condemned the actions of the refia, because military cooperation with the dprk is prohibited by the un charter. while exporting munitions to russia, north korea uses ukraine as a testing ground for its missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. these strikes on ukraine provide north korea with valuable military information. which they use to further export ballistic missiles to other countries. poland opposed the expansion of duty-free trade with ukraine. minister of agriculture cheslav sekersky wrote about this in a letter to the european commissioner. according to him , trade liberalization introduced by the european union has had a counterproductive effect. he added that there are problems with excessive imports.
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also applies to sugar, meat, poultry, eggs and shellfish fruits the polish minister believes that it is necessary to start negotiations with kyiv regarding gradual mutual liberalization. vasyl bezruchko from kirovohrad region begins every day with a prayer for the soldiers. during the ato, he was a military chaplain, and then joined teroborona. currently, the father volunteers for the benefit of the army and unites with this cause. dozens of people. our journalists will tell the story of khotabych, as he was called in the army. lord jesus christ, son of god, bless and help all our soldiers of our ukraine, so that victory, peace, health and harmony. in the blue and yellow church of oleksandrivka , a prayer for the soldiers sounds every day. father vasyl built this church in the village 15 years ago. at that time, it was the first
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ukrainian orthodox church of the kyiv patriarchate in the area, then, the priest recalls, the service of the ukrainian people was surprising, later the number of parishioners increased so much that sometimes there was nowhere to cross, a joke... at first, they came just to listen to how we were doing we are in the ukrainian language, but then, realizing that this is our ukrainian church and this is our language, they began to come not only themselves, to this moment and bring children and grandchildren. russia's invasion of ukraine changed people's attitude towards the church - says vasyl bezruchko. during the ato, the priest was a military chaplain, for his service he has a number of thanks and awards from the military and volunteers. i went in october of 2012 as a military chaplain to the city of slovyansk-donetsk region, just to help the boys to support them, to support our then soldiers, our defenders
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at the time, and i saw all this instead of how people change their worldview. because of the long white beard, the military they called him khotabych. i served in the 95th aeromobile brigade and... when i came to them for the first time, i was a lieutenant colonel, but the lieutenant colonel still does not know how they serve there, hotabych said this word, and so i remained a hotabych to this day. at the beginning of the full-scale offensive of the enemy , vasyl and his son joined the teroborona, although, he says, the church forbids taking up weapons, so they were assigned to guard the objects. since the local teroboron. formed, the priest collects donations for the army, because we have fellow villagers, by the way, too many who serve, there are even three who have already died, one of them, a classmate of my son. and now father vasyl actively
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volunteers, collects money for drones, for humanitarian aid, and his daughter and his wife deliver crackers, apple pastel, fruit, and warm socks to the front. the priest calls. people should not get used to war, everyone should help the army, in daily prayers he turns to michael, because the saint is considered the protector of soldiers, as well as to nicholas the miracle worker, the patron of all who are on the road. from kropyvnytskyi for the tv channel espresso. join the fundraiser for a front-line car for the tankmen of the offensive guard, who protect the eastern flank of the struggle for our independence. the front-line car fights and saves in off-road conditions. and constant shelling, the service time of front-line vehicles is short, we need a lot of cars and they are needed quickly, so we encourage you to join the collection, there are already more than 240,000 hryvnias in the accounts. let's put victory on wheels together. in general , our goal is uah 250,000. let's close this
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collection by the end of today. and in kyiv presented a collection of vutsul carols. under the name "so that this is not lost", in order to preserve traditional christmas motifs, the compiler of the book , artem goraizon, went to the village of kryvorivni, in the ivano-frankivsk region. according to local oral traditions, the author collected hundreds of hutsul carols, songs and stories. at the presentation, she showed a short documentary about the cultural expedition and performed carols from the book live. the carolers from kryvorivny also came to the event, so we couldn't here... we were able to hear the same carols that were included in the collection, the idea came from the fact that the notebook of our camp, it disappeared, it was actually one of the main notebooks that were in our village, and it led to
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the very name and to the very thing, it was the driving force to start. to do something so that these notebooks and, accordingly , so many texts and our knowledge do not disappear like this from now on, so that it does not get lost, it simply means in the dialect that it does not get lost. this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, place yours likes, that's the end of my release. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. see you
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good morning ukraine, everyone watches the espresso tv channel and is actually doing the right thing, because it is one, i believe, not to be outdone. from the most truthful voices of our time , when you know, even the parliamentary council of europe itself, for example, is concerned , for example, about how... information about ukraine is presented at the parie level, we will talk about it today, about this certain dictatorship , let's say, which is installed now the ruling party regarding the representation of ukraine at foreign levels, who has the right to do it, who does not, who is in delegations, for example, government delegations, people who have no relation to the government or to the parliament at all, and how other deputies do not get in, in short we have problems with censorship. and this, unfortunately, is not military censorship, but political censorship,
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so the best thing to do nowadays is to watch, i think, the press tv channel, as well as read other sources that exist , that are worthy of your trust and checking the time, well, now we will start our roll call, i will say, i will remind you that 687 days of the russian large-scale invasion, from today we already count this one. and serhiy lyshenko, a volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, is already in touch with us. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning. not much remains until the second anniversary of this great war, zaporozhye , which the russians hoped to seize in the first days, as well as other territories, is holding fast, and what is the situation in the city now, how did the night pass on zaporozhye? in that... place directly , the situation is normal, in the unoccupied territory, not adjacent to the combat zone
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, the situation was also quiet, calm, and this is pleasing and we thank the forces for this. i read that in zaporozhye they are resuming the movement of trolleybuses, which were stopped due to bad weather, because there was icing on the contact wires, that's what it's called, how is the situation in the city now? is public transport normal? the situation with public transport has stabilized in principle, and of course traffic is somewhat complicated due to the frost, but the intensity of traffic has fallen, due to this, people are getting to work longer, but in principle, transport has more or less normalized its work, and also compared to what happened on monday, when it was a certain minimal collapse, when we did not have time. it was too early to prepare the roads, the trolleybuses stopped , which people expected, there were
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not enough taxis to fill out the applications, to fulfill everything in finland, that was the problem, today it has more or less stabilized, a russian was detained in zaporizhzhia, as they suspect a spy, relatively speaking, who helped the fsb to spy on the defense industry in the city, in particular. blows, he was detained by the security service of ukraine and it turned out that he is a former policeman from the time of yanukovych until the 14th year, he was the deputy head of some department, even a lieutenant colonel. well, in principle, this situation is not surprising for zaporozhye, it is, because there are many officers of the ministry of internal affairs, among those who discovered it. from those collaborations that were discovered, they turned out to be former law enforcement officers
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bodies, this is precisely due to the close cooperation of a large number of enterprises with the russian federation, people worked in state authorities, cooperated with these enterprises and, accordingly, cooperated with the russian special services, which simplified their recruitment in the future, unfortunately, and if the city has motorsich, which cooperates with russia. utorsyshch occupies several large sites in one of the districts of the city, in principle, this district is identified with motorsi, so what is the question that the people who worked in this district-department in for a certain time, then later they become collaborators, or they had certain connections, well, yes, actually the story about this militiaman-lieutenant colonel from the yanukovych era, and it appeared on the second day after the previous information also from the security service of ukraine that ... they detained a collaborator from a school, who from
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the melitopol district volunteered to cooperate, well, her truth, as i understand it, i don't know if she was detained, it is not reported here, i understand that it is enough, well, such amounts of cooperation, collaborations are enough many among education workers in melitopol, well... this does not only apply to melitopol, in principle, people who leave the occupied territory, they all undergo interviews by the security service, are subject to certain supervision, well... they are monitored, including, accordingly and on the subject of collaboration, and the question is not even that people can be bad, but there are cases when there were families held hostage, when people compromised themselves with something and the fsb, accordingly, found them compromising, well, they forced them to cooperate, and by the way, there were cases when people they themselves appeared before the sbu, reported
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that they were pressuring us, and the sbu, accordingly , got involved in certain related processes, that's it. people, and the situation is somewhat different. what in general? what is there in general in the occupied territories of zaporozhye? is there any information that the russians are building defense lines again? well, the phrase "they are building a line of defense" is not quite correct. the russians began to build defense lines from the very first day of capturing the territories and, in principle, did not stop for a single day. even during intense fighting, they continued steadily be. to build defense lines, just more in the rear, because they could not provide proper technical equipment there in the combat zone. now, when the offensive actions stopped, they again began to build a line of defense, resumed their construction closer to the line of demarcation, and this is what was an obstacle in the summer counteroffensive, when it turned out that this
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line of defense had become impregnable during this time, that is, in fact, they strengthen that line. defense, which, unfortunately, even we did not manage to break through this summer during the offensive, including the defense, which we did not even get to, because they had from three to six lines of defense in the takmat direction, in particular, we managed to pass over certain sections of one and get to the shelter of the second, well , somewhere there, separate positions of the second line to capture the defense, we did not even reach the third complete line of defense around takmak , you know, in a year... a lot has changed and in our attitude last year, somewhere around this time , you and i predicted that by the end of the year we would hope that that will be released completely everything, the entire zaporizhzhia region, and it will be possible to advance the enemy even further, and now , with what moods for this year in zaporizhzhia , are they looking, is there more pessimism,
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let's say, the moods are different and... and i talked recently with people whose property was left in the occupation, and i was interested in their opinion regarding the possibility of liberation, etc., and for the first time i heard from people such a position that, well, in principle, in principle, we no longer live there, yes, we have a lot of property left there, but if they do not release, so let it be, but if only then they would pay me some kind of compensation, so that i could start life anew, this is taking into account the fact that a person is 40 years old and it will be extremely difficult for him to start life anew, but here such positions began to appear, that is, people are already a little more pessimistic about the possibility of liberating these territories in the near future, and and, i understand that for people who have, for example, real estate in berdyansk, in melitopol, who left these cities en masse,
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it was difficult to get out of them, and now they are either somewhere in europe or somewhere in the west. other regions, or even zaporizhzhia itself, they too are faced with a difficult dilemma, but we constantly have news from, for example, melitopol, that they are simply expropriated, nationalized in quotation marks, and apartments, real estate are transferred to new settlers, colonists somewhere from the urals or wherever they come from, from some of those different republics russian, that is, people have a difficult choice whether to accept the loss of real estate or. to return and live in the occupation, is there really such a choice, are there really people who return, is it a mass movement, is it not a mass movement, is there really such a choice, but in reality it is more or less single, people who were worried about their property, worried about the situation, worried about certain people there worried about their
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loved ones who refused to leave and went there, and these people, as a rule, returned. a year ago, a year and a half ago, or maybe someone returned there periodically, to date, in principle, well, not for men, but for women, and if there is a certain financial resource, it is not a problem to leave the occupied territories, through the russian federation, but the territory the baltic countries and then the west of ukraine, they they return, come to zaporizhzhia, and sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity, and... i personally know a case when a mother, her son fought in the armed forces, died, she left, received all the necessary funds and returned to... the entire territory to her property , without worrying about anything, having the financial resources that she invested, including in the unoccupied territory, but she returned, well, this is
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a person's choice, well, in the end, it is really a choice, we all make a difficult, but important choice, that those people who still made a choice in favor of ukraine and lost a lot, they were able to take advantage of, including recovery programs, housing recovery, with loans and so on and the like, but before all that... we still have at least months of a difficult, difficult war with the russian federation ahead of us, mr. sergey, thank you very much for this conversation , i wish not to lose optimism , in fact, to all the people in this country and in zaporizhzhia, who are there, i think that ukrainians, ukraine will definitely resist, and even if we do not return today, we will return when the right time comes, thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy lyshenko , a volunteer, deputy, was with us zaporizhzhia regional council, we will go on a short break, joined us. lesya vukuliuk, you see, congratulations, thank you, i also congratulate all the viewers, i will see you in a few minutes, let's continue, hello, hello,
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of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. chen from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on... on the espresso channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland.
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topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get. the right to start negotiations about accession to the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. friends, we return to ether and continue our work. wait, but first, one message, i think that people have already heard everything, well, just in case, it is also necessary to say, so that such news does not go, so to speak, unnoticed, the center against... actions
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of corruption reports sad news, unpleasant for someone, or rather unpleasant for someone, and happy for someone, that is why we congratulate the family of bohdan lviv, the judge of the ego of the supreme court , who was reinstated in this position, he is again a judge of the supreme court, despite the fact that the journalists found he has a passport of the russian federation, and why not, a person can be a patriot and be a citizen of the russian federation at the same time, this has been proven, for example, by my friend. zelenskyi, who is currently shooting patriotic tv series while having a business at the same time in the crimea and paying taxes to the russian army, why not, everything is possible, i mean naum barula now, why not, and mr. lviv is also now comforted by returning to his job again, in addition, i received compensation of 4 million hryvnias, so to speak, for a break from work, so mr. lviv had a good time, we are waiting for bilova to come to him, so sometimes you go to work,
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you work hard, lviv bilova and. such a joke, you work hard at that job, well, i don't know how much you have to work to earn 4 million hryvnias, and the person didn't go to work and earned, but you understand that he simply had 4 million on the table, because when he was actually sitting down to decide something, he had many times, many times and many times more salary, only a shadow, for example, interesting , and imagine how much money was spent on this court decision, by the way, a court decision, as they say.
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sad jokes, gentlemen, sad jokes, but here's the information, in a word, i don't know what 's going on, well, in my opinion, someone is a little bit out of touch, the connection with reality, and why do we need yanukovych, we have and so good government, we have a good company, serhiy sizolenko, a deputy of the odesa district council is in touch with us, mr. serhiy, greetings, good morning studio, good morning ukraine, i am very glad to see everyone, i hope that i am more pleasant company than yanukovych. greetings to all, uh, you don't have to make a lot of effort to be a nicer company than yanukovych, mr. serhiy, well, honestly, yes, well, but thank you, i think you are a much nicer company, mr. serhiy, like a night in odessa passed, as the morning is, thank god, the night was calm, as was the morning, our insidious enemy of this did not attack odesa region and
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the city at night, i hope that... in general , the situation in ukraine was more or less calm, so we can say 4:5:0. eh, and it's great that 4:50, meanwhile, what news from the weather fronts of odeshchyna, has it gotten a little easier already? in fact, the weather conditions are acceptable, there is snow in odessa , it makes odessa children very happy, everyone rides sleds, everyone has fun... in a snowball, for odessa this is already, let's say, not very frequent, unfortunately, in winter, so children is glad, in general the situation on the roads is normal, i.e you can say that everything has balanced out, and people are enjoying winter, in the form in which, yes, they are used to seeing it, and they want to see them, a little disturbing new thing, such
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an institute for the study of war, american... asw says that there are such suspicions that russia can use transnistria in order to make provocations, in particular to disrupt the work of the grain corridor, it works very successfully, by the way, if i am not mistaken in the numbers now, how many ships there have already passed through it, about 500 corridor since russia declared that it is terminating... the grain agreement, nevertheless, it was not able to stop the movement of these large ships, they are working, they have already transported many millions of cargoes, including ukrainian grain. so, what can transnistria use, have you heard anything about it? transnistria, it is very close, it is close to the soul, it is on the border of the region, what about it, what are they saying about it, if, look, about the situation with the use of transnistria, the russians.


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