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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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on this background, mr. valery , another piece of information has appeared, i think you have read it and know about the publication in politics, where referring to the words of the european commissioner terry breton, who allegedly heard the conversation of the former american leader trump with ursula fondelei in 2020 , that america will not come to the aid of europe, if it was needed. it will be attacked, and trump said that nato is dead and the united states of america will leave the alliance, and reproached germany for not paying an additional 400 billion dollars to the budget of the bloc, now is a year, an election year, an important year in in the united states of america, it is not for nothing that this story with trump is cited by politico and makes it clear that the policy... well, let's say, the foreign
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policy of the united states of america may undergo a correction, does the united states of america have enough safeguards in the country to even after after the arrival of trump, the positions of official washington regarding ukraine remained unchanged? the first question, donald trump's position on nato, his personal vision that the united states should withdraw from... you know, this is his personal vision, now, we don't know the results of the american election, that is, the chances, whether there is donald trump, there are, but what are the chances, as it is an election and it is difficult to predict. now the second question is whether there is such support for withdrawal from nato in broad american circles there, even the republican party, there is no such support today, and whether donald trump can if he becomes a candidate and then the president, well, let's go... . we fantasize whether he can initiate it,
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i’ll even say he can’t, he will initiate it, but, the fuse, the first one is, in the budget law, it’s called nda, 2024, a clause was introduced that the president alone cannot make a decision to withdraw from nato, what is interesting is that there is no mention of any international organization, namely withdrawal from nato, well, that is, in this law, well... probably because it is about the us military budget and in that about the funds allocated for nato, well , america's participation in nato, they probably put it there, so there is a fuse , it will not be easy for him, anyone who wants to do it as president, and there will be a big, serious struggle. unfortunately, this fuse was set, for example, by the land list for ukraine.
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removed item 1224, which i consider erroneous, but it just shows in fact, well, the real moments, because in principle, the risks there , the attitude in terms of the amount of weapons for ukraine , are also great in the case of not only the elections there, even the focus of attention in the spring of america on internal problems, that is why we are talking about more about today's package . about the fact that funds are needed now , concrete help is needed now, without taking it far away, because right now is the concentration of efforts, nicky helly says about this that right now we need to help ukraine so that there are no bigger problems, i will say more, that what not the discourse of the united states is being conducted , what you and i have started to say, i hope they will hear, not providing sufficient military and other financial, economic, humanitarian assistance to ukraine now can... give the illusion to putin that
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even during such, if dynamic, intense, but such a fixed somewhere along the front line of the war, even during this he can allocate resources to attack a nato country, for provocation, i don't know, or for an attack, of course there will be no possibility, because ukraine takes this blow, but there will be provocations that's why they think completely wrong, he has... a completely different vision, as soon as this opportunity is so small, to show that there is no unity in nato, that not all countries will immediately apply the fifth article, he will do it, and therefore the position i am surprised by the leader of the house of representatives, johnson, who listens only to trump's advice, and does not listen to the advice of his people, the americans, the republicans, who are mostly in favor of supporting ukraine with weapons, that is, this whole political game is going on. and i emphasize that
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we need the maximum concentration of long-range missiles, aircraft, several f16 squadrons, all weapons now for these six months. then you can say that we will in many ways protect nato from a strike if they do not provide weapons, not that ukraine will surrender, ukraine will not surrender, we will continue to deter the aggressor, but we will not be able to hit him in the same way as before, so that he could not provoke nato. so they are making a big mistake now in washington, underestimating the possibility of russia attacking a nato country. crossing the cord. took place, missile attack, crossing by planes, the nativists are trying to hide it all, well , you know, an awl in a bag, that’s the story , you can hide it, but a missile that flies into your territory, you then say: i can’t find it on the radars, or are you looking for it somewhere in the forest, but the truth is because you simply missed this
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missile strike, that's all, but the truth is that you are not ready to respond to russia's attacks, we in ukraine feel it ourselves, and the nato countries have not yet felt it. then i always warn them and insist on my point that you underestimate the possibility of striking russia to the ponator country, he wants it, and he will do it if you are weak and do not help ukraine as much as possible now. mr. valery, the ukraine-nato council was held in brussels today, there is already preliminary information about the results, and as the ukrainian media already write about the fact that kiev will be promised... this year billions of weapons, billions of euros, and at the meeting they talked about assistance in strengthening air defense in the 24th year from joint procurement of anti-aircraft missiles for patriot systems to skynex systems from germany and
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anti-aircraft missiles from great britain. the members of this council strongly condemned the escalation of russian airstrikes against ukraine, as well as the use of the russian language. federation of ballistic missiles from north korea drones from iran, says the press release that appeared just now, what would you say, how is this council working now during these last six months and does it give ukraine additional opportunities to convince the north - the atlantic alliance in that... ukraine is also a part of world security, a part, a part of this great global one the system, which is the north atlantic alliance , is simply de jure, it is not yet included in this
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process, well, you know, on the one hand, this is one of the results of vilnius, and it was presented as an achievement, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, talked about... . shelf things that he is now seated in a different place, as a representative of the oc of ukraine, not as a guest, but as an equal participant at the common table, well, this is such symbolism, of course, it is important for diplomacy, but in essence, in essence, what has changed, it seems to me that ukraine is the first can insist on these meetings, this has changed, that we can as a country, not what to ask for there, let's do it there someday, insist that the question you... comes out of the meeting, it's from the positive, and here we basically used it indeed, in the situation of large-scale attacks on ukraine and a lot of risks that will now apply, well, in a broader sense of security, i think that they discussed this missile
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on poland, i think that they also discussed many points in connection with the use real or possible even greater in the future. ballistic missiles , but i will say what i would like them to discuss there, i would like them to discuss a joint system of air defense, air defense, for example, well, if not with nato, okay, let's do it at the bilateral level, because nato is all- after all, this is such a mechanism, many countries, and while it expresses everything, i'm sorry, we can't wait for this for a long time, so eh... we, why we have common points, can be, everything is legal and allowed, for example, crossing the border , yes, there is a joint border between the country and poland, but why can't we continue this development in in the field of security, for example, why poland cannot use its air defense assets in
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coordination, or maybe in a system of joint management, ukraine-poland in order to shoot down missiles flying at poland, we can by a simple decision of the majority in the parliament. to protect poland from our claims of violation of sovereignty there, in the event that these fragments fly, fall on our territory, there are border ones, we can, yes, it is, yes... the story, if also unpleasant, but still a hit rockets are much worse, so we have to talk about serious things, that's it expressions of concern, you know, well , leave it to yourself in brussels, we need to talk about specifics, specifics, play it out, play it out in brussels, because you are one step behind putin, one step behind putin, i am not for nato, i am talking about nato countries that have real opportunities in the field of security. which help us, okay, but here is a specific example, poland has a joint air defense system, romania has a joint
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air defense system, joint training points with nato countries on the territory of ukraine can be advanced further, why does russia have bases in belarus, is it already talking about moving nuclear warheads, and we still don't even have joint points, well, where were some training camps, they were conducted there yavoriv, ​​they were conducted near zhytomyr, why not now? has such activity , why are there no nato instructors, we don’t need, give, give instructors, only a sufficient number, let them work here, it’s your security, not only ukrainian, i don’t hear specifics, i don’t see specifics, that is, air defense is not nato supplies us, not nato supplies air defense, air defense is supplied by countries, we are grateful to them, nato, they have capabilities, which, by the way, they still years were not used, but we need new political decisions, a political... signal about a decision, for example, at the washington summit, by the way, the president
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of ukraine spoke about this, vilnius spoke, it was said that we need a signal that we have moved forward, than vilnius in the direction of euro-atlantic integration, i believe that it is not enough, that is, we need a decision, if you are not ready to accept us into the military structures of nato, which is currently in place, then make a decision about the political structures of nato. and the beginning of this one procedures, i.e. what's in the way? france was once in such conditions when it was politically a member of nato, but did not participate in the military in any specific structures, so we can perfectly use, well, not this experience, but this opportunity, which is not limited to legislative or other procedures, the same washington treaty , where are the specifics, where are some new signals, this is already fed up, nato, russia is constantly pushing it, you said about an attack on the country. yes, russia is preparing it, nato is doing one step less, and i don't know what they need it for
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this is what they need in order to understand that putin cannot be given the opportunity to be one step ahead of them, and he is two. thank you, mr. valery, friends, those who are watching us now on social networks, please do not forget to like this video, because i am watching, many people are watching us now on youtube and facebook, you are stingy and do not like to our broadcast. please like so that this video is promoted in youtube trends, and take part in our vote, today we are asking you about north korea and whether north korea will go to war against south korea do you think yes no please if you have an opinion please comment below this video if you are sitting in front of the tv please pick up your phone and vote , on the screen you see phone numbers if you think north korea will go to war on... south korea 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all
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calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. mr. valeriu, john kirby, coordinator of the national security council of the white house, said that the united states of america has evidence that the russian army last week continued to strike ukraine with ballistic missiles from the north. of its korean production, and today this issue is being considered by the un security council, but the fact that these missiles will sooner or later appear in russia, they will be used in the war against ukraine, this was said at the end of last year, when kimchenin went to far east, took part in some exhibitions there and saw factories together with vladimir putin, there was also sergei shoigu from the north at one time. korea, as you now defined the prole of north korea, not only in
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the russian-ukrainian war, but also in the formation of this axis of evil, iran, russia and north korea, because something similar happened in the 20s and 30s, when also there was a triangle, osizla, when there was fascist germany, italy and japan. and then here are the small wars that were on in every part of the world, when italy went to albania, when japan was at war with china, germany took the sudetenland, in... they formed a puzzle world war ii, is it not possible to make similar analogies in this case? well, first of all, i just voted and they said my vote was counted. i will reveal a secret , i said by your choice, i said yes, north korea will do this, but
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they are still doing it, they have a war, well, if it wasn't stopped, they don't have a peace agreement, so they are still at war , has increased, it will continue, and it is obvious that the center of all this global geopolitical division and turbulence is, in theory, according to various factors, should be in this part of the world, there are a lot of such moments of collisions, such as north-south korea, nuclear pakistan and india, ambitions. and china, deterrence by japan, that is, there are a lot of such things , firstly, secondly, the countries that were oriented, in particular, north korea itself, it is a dictatorial, well, not even just an authoritarian country, it is a very tough regime, which oriented, militaristic for
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the self-survival of the top at the expense of even poverty and... hunger, very often this happens to people, that is, yes, it is very a dangerous regime in a combination of ambitions, and they have already played with this history of threatening the world, and it happened before, now look what is happening, well, you asked if they belong to this axis of evil, they belong, of course, they are already recognized as such in many countries country for a long time, sanctions have been imposed on them and so on, i.e. north korea... also now has a new push with russia, russia, having from them, receiving, shells, receiving weapons, which north korea was simply accumulating, because it is preparing for war they really live in preparation for war. now we are talking about missiles, russia is fueling them with technologies, that is, this is a very
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serious concern, because in fact, now the security council of the united nations. just finished, and there just then the representative of south korea was saying: "everything is very clearly understood." what ukraine is now for north korea is a training ground, the use and and testing of its ballistic missiles, which can carry nuclear warheads to be used against south korea, and the distance between the training ground... or launch centers of north korea and a large port in the south , exactly corresponds, well, according to him , to the distance at which one of the missiles that aimed at kharkiv flew, which had a distance of more than 460 km, well, we do not hear this from our people, we have some simple reports, what
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else are we investigating, because the missile is not similar to the iskander, but already... the south koreans said, i think that this is intelligence data, and they used it at the meeting of the un security council, that such a missile, they already see it as a threat to a real war against south korea, it is first, and second - north korea is the same makes launches, many launches over japan, so i think china is not happy, well, that china would like to control the situation, here, well, that 's how it works. under control, so it takes the situation to a new dimension. ukraine is not only the object of the russian attack, not only the country that is the only one that has now entered, well , is forced to defend itself against an attack on nato, the european union, is closing this eastern flank, but also ukraine, as uh, also for these
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countries , which are called sponsors of terrorism, but what is this... terrorism, it is not terrorism, it can be considered, i believe that in essence north korea entered the war on the side of russia against ukraine, this is clear, and it is clear that the usa now has to look differently at its support of ukraine in terms of missiles. earlier , they may have feared that north korea would take such a step and test its ballistic missiles at this test site through russia. why is it important, because well, in real combat conditions, to get the technical parameters of use, it brings the possibility of use many times closer, you will be told. experts, how important it is, and that is why the war is approaching them very quickly, they understand it, in addition, there is iran, which is also testing its
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systems through supplies to russia and also threatens in the middle east, that is, the war has definitely gone beyond the territory of ukraine, while it is not admittedly, somehow they tell all this there , nothing like that, i claim that this conflict will only be global, it will gain momentum on... our great regret , the beginning took place in the european part, at first georgia was under attack, then it moved on, they did not react , then crimea could not react to the end, then there was a large-scale invasion, and then the war will definitely spill over and escalate even more, if, well, i think that it is still possible, it is still possible to stop it at the root here in ukraine, for another year or two. and that's all, this war will take on a completely different character, at least a regional war, and where this regional war will unfold, in south asia or in other places,
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it's hard to say, but we can see with our eyes how the regional conflict unfolds in this part of the world. while inspecting north korean military factories, the leader north korea kim jong-un made several threatening statements against south korea, in particular for... that in the event of a confrontation , he would turn it into ashes, to quote kim jong-un. if south korea tries to use armed forces against our country, or threatens our sovereignty and security, if the chance arises, we will without doubt use the full arsenal of means and forces to completely destroy south korea. we have such a will, strength and ability, in the future we will certainly expand and... strengthen them, mr. valery, but we are talking not only about the southern korea, we are also talking about japan, because in the direction of japan, north korea also allowed itself
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to launch missiles during tests, which fell into the sea somewhere, and the question is that, obviously, russia considers, including north korea, how else one of the countries regarding the destabilization of the regions. there is the middle east, there is ukraine, there is north korea, there is south korea, japan, and it is obvious, it is obvious that russia is still considering china as an option there, and how will the relations with those territories that china wants to regain, what do you think, here you are talking about the fact that there is a year, and in order to stop it all, what must be done so that now this flywheel of a great war, because it is made up of small puzzles, to stop it, which have
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to make countries, of course, the position of the un , the insecurity of nato is understandable, it is clear that there is an election campaign in the united states of america, it is clear that great britain and germany have a lot of... weapons and a desire to help, first of all ukraine, who can still do their contribution to that stop this axis, which simply spins the flywheel of the third world? this requires a very radical decision, which, i don't know in what framework it is taken, is fought without the un, it is completely incapable, and it is clear that russia is there... china, which has the veto, is not sure that it will be enough for this nato, even ramstein, where it unites some countries in asia and
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even from africa, well, some format is needed in order to make a cardinal decision of joint actions, even in conditions when china and india do not want to do it, as countries that can really guarantee such security, one must act decisively, the concept. increasing the defense of air defense systems there gradually, you know that the americans have placed control systems for the launches of north korean missiles in south korea, well, this is one of the security options, but these are really real options when the americans know that the launches, well, they know immediately that the launch is happening, because in fact the koreans, what do north korea want to achieve? uh, the territory of the usa, that is, then they think that uh, it's theirs, so uh, well he is a dictator, but with big ambitions and...
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he sees history that democracies are afraid of threats, this is true until democracies begin to understand that not responding to threats threatens them even more, so if there is a radical amendment this year to that , that there should be, in addition to defensive , means to prepare offensive actions, or such that can show the possibilities of an offensive, then this can cool these heads that putin, that apart from actions, they are the same, they... operate in approximately the same paradigm, they think the west is weak and that they can to dictate their terms, raising the escalation , but they differ from the countries of the west in their weak economy, yes, they have accumulated weapons now, but they understand very well that in an economic confrontation they will lose, that is, he can strike, but he will not be able to win the war, he is also understands, that's why they play on such a line, we will threaten, provoke, attack, but no one... there
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will dare to oppose, if from the country of the west, i mean the usa, and japan, and south korea, that is, like australia, well, actually nato countries, if they do not change their strategy, from conditional deterrence to non-admission, then this will encourage such countries that are not controlled by the international system, absolutely, to encourage them to take joint actions. and coordination of efforts , this must be understood , that is why these countries have already made so many mistakes, why are they escalating the situation like this, they see what mistakes, that is , they give missiles, gradually give them to russia, and there is no reaction from the west, even for ukraine, which has every right to several hundred atakams, german ones to taurus, and none of the reactions, that's it everything, that is, the only way out is change. strategists in
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the war against russia, the involvement of a completely different approach this year, an offensive position, well , here ukraine will participate, we have the resources for this, strikes on the territory of the aggressor, strikes on logistics, close your eyes now to all these blah blah forget about the fact that there will be an escalation, that is, everything has already happened, you have already missed everything, you need consequences now. save, giving ukraine the opportunity to give putin a hand, then he will stop against the south, there is no other way now, unless will allow weakness in europe here, there will be a blow, and china, by the way, should have its own profit from this, a huge profit, therefore the us national position now should be in the next two-three-four months the maximum concentration of resources against russian aggression in
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europe . time magazine made the top 10 global risks for 2024, mr. valery, here are the ten risks they call: the first - the united states of america against itself, the second - events in the middle east, the third - a divided ukraine, the fourth - uncontrolled artificial intelligence, the fifth is the new news of evil, russia dprk, iran, six - instability in china, seven - struggle for resources, eight - consequences globally. of an inflationary shock, nine - the return of the elnino climate phenomenon, and 10 - business risks. we see that they put divided ukraine in the third position, and well, this topic about whether there should be any secret negotiations on a peace plan, as bloomberg wrote. zelenskyi said today that the allies deny that the allies
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are calling for... freezing the situation in ukraine, that is, about these two divided ukraines, what is the topic that is constantly being pushed, they say , it could be according to the korean scenario, the president of ukraine said that there is no such thing in the conversations, although let's listen to zelenskyi and accurately reproduce his quote, there is no pressure from partners, but from partners... there is no cessation, but cessation of our protection, i would not say cessation of hostilities, after all, it is our protection, cessation of our fair defense and cessation of our struggle, there is no pressure on this matter, regarding the frozen conflict, there is not yet, there are different voices, i am in i have heard, read and know them in the media, but there are different voices
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and there are... there are different discussions, i think that...


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