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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] it will be submitted to the author of the draft law, then to the cabinet of ministers, and after that a personnel decision will be made, most likely bezulu will indeed be removed as the deputy chairman of the committee, but let me remind you that she remains the chairman of the parliamentary subcommittee for the supervision of the security and defense sector, this is the first, and the second a member of the committee, of course, there will not be a rostrum itself, moreover, i believe that parliamentary supervision is also an important direction, where it will certainly manifest itself in everything and we will see it all, well, just now... information appeared , you are right you are talking about the fact that the majority of servants are in favor of returning the law on mobilization for revision, well, let's see how the introduction of this draft law will be tomorrow, because without voting and returning it for revision, without introducing it to the hall, it is impossible to return this draft law for revision, that is, as i understand it , that there will still be a performance tomorrow, mr. taras, not only
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mariana bezugla was there today. there was still lviv on the lips and in the information space, such as bohdan lviv, a judge with a russian passport who resumed his post at the supreme court, and the appointment today as the head of the accounting chamber of the former head of the antimonopoly committee olga pishchanska, who is an old acquaintance of volodymyr zelenskyi, at one time she was in the antimonopoly committee, then... she wrote a statement about leaving there, the ambassadors of the big seven had previously publicly called, called not to appoint members of the chamber of accounts until the selection procedure was changed, that is, they did not try to explain to the ukrainian authorities that it is still necessary to go through some kind of competitive procedure, and not just to appoint a person whom the authorities want, such and appointed to the position
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of the head of the accounting chamber, all this... together, how it characterizes the current state and the current relationship between those who are in power and those who are those who oppose them, let's say this, not the opposition, those who opposes them, well, i would still separate the issue of lviv and the parliament, they are different branches of government, we do not know how the violation occurred there, whether the procedure was violated, for example, his dismissal. and so on, after all, the position was restored, yes, but of course, we must understand that the presence of russian passport - this is an unconditional, unconditional reason for a person to simply resign from power without any explanation, yes, because the very fact of the existence of this document, and whenever it was issued in the russian
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federation, because there is more ... different russian passports, there are still soviet passports that were issued in russia before 1996, and we often pay attention to this fact, and of course, that people do not have the right, and of course they that should be under investigation, because when a person still has a russian passport in in the 10th year of the war with the russian federation, this position means that a person, well , the russian federation definitely has an influence on him, and definitely that this person is not loyal to the ukrainian state, this is one of the foundations of such lustrational, i would call the factor that completely nullifies any justification of any people in any positions that are in ukraine, well
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, regarding the appointment, well... we don't know what actually happened there, because, well request, request, you know, i, for example, often, well, recently we also had a favor at the request of j7, the so-called vine edits were canceled, well i for one believe that it was very wrongly done, in fact, when we were asked to cancel these vine edits, it was as if the naboo is did not have time to investigate... it was presented as if this is a big problem, in reality there is no problem at all, because in actual cases, any investigator could extend the period of the investigation indefinitely, there is article 295 of the criminal procedure code, but the investigator in order to continue such cases was forced to go to court and show
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his achievements and to prove that... that he worked and that the case has a judicial perspective, and now, excuse me, please, now the investigators will tell you, as you know, khadja has inside parables. either ishak will die, or potishak will die. when these cases will be investigated, there is no judicial control and so on. that is why i, moreover, recently saw already the second audit regarding anti-corruption bodies, which was conducted, including by our international partners, there are also a lot of questions regarding the effectiveness of the anti-corruption vertical, to this was ponazk, in the mirror of the week, i remember, it was published, only it was not named who was conducting it. there is also a lot in audi, so we also have to look at what is happening and understand what is in reality and carry out a critical revision of the fact that the reforms that have already been made are neither good nor bad, we need to see what is working, that doesn't
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work, i'm not a lawyer here, i want us to look at the facts, we don't know when there will be an appointment and an audit chamber, based on this, do we have people appointed close to the authorities, yes, with... all the authorities , this was the case, this is also the practice all over the world, what is also called democratic in our country, everyone wants to appoint those people you know, whom you trust, that's why i don't see anything strange here, the only claim is that i didn't see any particular activity of the antimonopoly committee when it was headed by this person, who will now be our accounting chamber, and... who will be responsible for the work of the accounting chamber, because it is such the audit body is powerful enough, has a powerful apparatus and has powerful functions, but i here in this case, i think that there is an interesting
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situation here, that we actually have a state audit service duplicating the functions of the chamber of accounts, which is so good that it actually also conducts audits, and it also has... certain powers regarding the verification of financial assistance from our partners and so on, so let's see how it will work and how it will actually be built, and so i want to see effective bodies that work, well, the wishes of our partners are of course very good, but for a long time we have to look at audit, what was done, what works, what doesn't work, because, well, questions about the recommendations, especially after... after the so-called lazovoi amendments, when now nobody will do anything at all, the investigation can last for 10 years, and the investigation may last for 20 years without any suspicion being presented, this is a return to practice, and this applies to all law enforcement agencies, these are
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practices, i'm sorry, they were still in place during kuchma's time, i remember when criminal cases were initiated, and then it is not known when it ended mr. taras, you say everything correctly, the only remark... that when volodymyr zelenskyy was running for the presidency of ukraine, he said that there would be no brothers, in-laws, best men, acquaintances in power, and since he is a close, close friend of seven zelenskyi from kryvyi rih, in principle it looks a little strange when during the war relatives, acquaintances, godfathers, in-laws go to power, the government talks about... listen, well, there should be justice in everything to repeat this and to crush the citizens of ukraine this justice and say: listen, well, this is fair, this is unfair, that is, there are a lot of questions about fairness, but
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stefanchuk explained why, for example, mariana bezugla was not removed from the position of the deputy head of the parliamentary committee today, he said that there was no decision of the relevant conciliation the council of the parliamentary factions and the group, that's why... they say it happened, the only question is why stefanchuk closed the meeting of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, well, that's another issue, well, they didn't want to torpedo it, but, if tomorrow the verkhovna rada of ukraine will vote for the return of the bill on mobilization to the government, gentlemen, what it will mean for society, for the army, first of all, and in general for this vertical, which we call monopoly power. since this is the government appointed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and the verkhovna rada is a monomajority of servants, and a monomajority is the entire monovade that exists in the country, does this mean that someone should be
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responsible for this, mr. viktor? well, let's start with the fact that, de facto, our verkhovna rada and the government are managed from the office of the president, managed from the same cabinet. and zelensky he himself stated very clearly at his press conference on december 19 that there are only five or six people who sit down with him and work hard. which are then adopted, and in fact the verkhovna rada and the government are a facade, and now we have a situation where the left hand quarreled with the right, yes, in fact, this is the same, in fact it means the following: the bill is unpopular, but not in everything, not in to all parts of society, he is unpopular precisely in the main electoral groups that currently support him. and zelenskyi and the servant
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of the people party, well, primarily zelenskyi, and therefore to them, in order to minimize electoral losses, you need to say that yes, we understand that mobilization, but the first, second, third, tenth, let's return there, it's called making a good mine in a bad game, and that's exactly what the effort is, and why yes, by the way, here are my colleagues and i, i think that everyone here is about... what and why and without a corner they have not yet driven away, why, because for her it is a lag, to criticize further from the military, yes there in the quarrels of the military and politicians, they want to transfer everything to the industrious, it is the industrious who wants mobilization, this not zelenskyi, it’s not the government, it’s not the verkhovna rada, well, the government is fine, the government is being forced to do something there, but the verkhovna rada, they are also white and fluffy, they are chicks, and they don’t want it either, but, although they don’t explain,
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and what exactly does not suit them, what points and positions do not suit them, and most importantly , whatever nuances there are, the most important positions there are, for example, lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years old, oh we understand that this plus 400,000 potential mobilized, even there a little more, but it just hits the spot according to... well according to zelenskyi's ratings, and this , for example, there, the postponement of those 110,000 who went to study on september 1, 2023, and these are 110,000 men over the age of 23, we understand, yes, and the termination of their postponement as well beat, tell me if you are for these positions or against them, and there are nuances, we don't like something somewhere, or yulia volodymyrivna, tymoshenko says that we should first draft policemen,
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because they... and we are not ready , 90% of the people who registered on february 24 in the military registers were also not ready, let’s say so, so it’s all od sly thank you mr victor gentlemen after a short break we will be back on our air just a few minutes and we will resume our conversation hello woman what to do when they are? alohol should be taken, but what about bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol - with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. pain can become an obstacle. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain and reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with long-lasting cream. you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream. from pain in the joints
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that certain appellate judges will be suspended. but how did the judicial reform in ukraine progress last year. we have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court. on thursday , january 11, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in the new one two-hour format. more analytics, more. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the week ... with the help of a telephone survey turn on and join the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the
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espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, war at close range crisis in the east. on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make up. help make sense of the present and predict the future, a second trump presidency will be terrifying for the world. project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. friends, we are working live on the tv channel. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko.
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throughout our program, we conduct surveys. today we ask you about whether north korea will go to war against south korea, in... it's quite simple: choose two options or one of the two options yes no, or write your comment under this video. if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphones and vote. if you think north korea will go to war with the south, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program and we will sum up the results of this vote. let me remind you that today we have political experts on the air. viktor boberenko, vitaliy kulyk and taras zagorodniy, and since we have already started talking about the bill on mobilization, it is obvious that when the authorities say that mobilization should be fair, then about this fairness, everyone puts something in their own way, that is, what is fair, well , we see what a fair policy is
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the personnel policy is fair, the appointment of zelenskyi's girlfriend from kryvyi rih is fair. politics, the unfair resignation of beuza from the position of the head of the parliamentary committee, and what is fair mobilization in the current conditions, mr. vitaly, well, let's start with the draft law itself, i consider it completely inadequate, and here it is not necessary to justify the military, because it is the general staff and the ministry defense prepared a draft of this bill and they introduced this resource logic of treating people as a resource the same as ammunition, money and... military equipment, in fact, people can be an asset if they are properly trained and involved in the defense as a whole, and not only as mobilization arithmetic, then this responsibility also belongs to the general staff, to the ministry of defense, but there are two logics in this bill, one logic is really this resourceful
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attitude of the tsc to citizens, arbitrariness, in fact, mistrust of state institutions, which arises as a result of this. forced mobilization, it provokes division society, it provokes because in our country even those 500 00 announced earlier, who are trying to mobilize, it will not be possible to find them, because there are demographic indicators, there are statistics, in fact, the majority of citizens feel and do not, let's say, feel this injustice in general, yes indeed. volunteers are actually running out, so many people are already ready to go to the front, but their percentage would increase , recruitment would increase, if the authorities showed the authenticity of their intentions, and justice was guaranteed from the point of view of protecting interests military personnel, the rights of the soldier against
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the arbitrariness of the officer and general, the rights of people who are discharged from the army due to injuries, due to or payments to the families of military personnel. that is, this whole package, the logic of balance and justice is violated, and it is obvious that, of course, both the parliament and the deputies of different factions, because the representatives of different factions submitted alternative bills for bills, and from european solidarity, and trust, and the group of intellectuals, i.e. five draft laws, of which four are alternative, and this indicates that and confidence in this draft law, i think that there is no draft law in ukraine, perhaps in the entire history of ukraine, which... was discussed in every kitchen, as a draft bill on mobilization, and everyone, i repeat, everyone , both a soldier at the front and a person in the rear, they saw injustice there. draft law, so it will be natural if it is really sent for revision, but as far as i am concerned, then we have
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two ways out of this situation, if it should be done again by the cabinet, or then let the president of the supreme commander-in-chief of ukraine introduce his bill, where all the balances of justice will be maintained, and it will be supported by his majority in the parliament or by those political forces that are currently blocking him, or then it is really on... a national discussion with the participation and involvement of the authors and those developments, which were made in alternative draft laws, for example, i like the draft law sensibly, i would, for example , if i were a deputy, i would vote for it, here, and this should be taken into account, because this is a request of the whole society, you cannot to say that there are only a few there, well, a third of society, it forms a record of justice, no, the whole society, that is... in the state, it is a consensus, a consensus that is processed by different groups, and you should not blame everyone for the fact that these detractors, they are not
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at the front, but at the front there is the nerve of this justice, yes, there is a nerve of justice, but when we talk about a normal policy that will ensure high-quality mobilization, then this is taking into account all approaches, simple solutions in this and that it can't be, thank you, sir vitaly, mr. tara... tell me, if this bill is not voted on tomorrow and there is no decision, well, even an initial decision on mobilization, we live in war conditions, and it is clear that there is some procedure, there are some certain rules, there is a certain logic to political actions, but we live in a war, and zaluzhnyi says that i need to change the guys who are at the front, mobilization is needed, and the verkhovna rada of ukraine from... will now consider how it will affect the ratings there, how it will affect the perception of society, how is it
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will affect something else, where is that golden mean, when politicians should work in wartime conditions, and not think about ratings and not be measured by these ratings, because now the situation is such that there may not be a state at all. well, look, the authorities must understand that the best way to increase the rating for them is the number of strikes on the territory of the russian federation, destroyed enemies, and so on, by the way, it can be seen, the reaction of society to this, that is, it should be understood in such a logic , because in reality there is no time to think about ratings and everything else, but look, here we must understand that mobilization must be... looked at more broadly, right here the question is what is the strategy of the war, and we must understand that we have entered a completely different stage of the war, a war on
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attrition, war of attrition, in such wars of attrition, the one who can concentrate his resources as much as possible and has great advantages in resources wins. the russians, unfortunately, have a much larger demographic resource, this is already clear, we can mobilize 400 thousand people, they can up to two... million to mobilize, i think after putin's election, it will, and we have to look at the situation more broadly, primarily related to where we can build up, build up, ah, the necessary resources to level this advantage, what kind of war in ukraine will be effective. it is obvious that ukraine cannot enter into a symmetrical war with russia. we simply do not have the resources for this. asymmetric war - the use of new. technologies, mobilization of the rear, first of all, so that, because total war involves total
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mobilization of the rear, and from here we proceed to the same parameters: how many people should be in the army, how many people should work in the economy, in the military economy in order to carry the war on the territory of the russian federation. and it is better for the cabinet of ministers to deal with the organization of the military industry. i saw it recently. absolutely such an article on the censor, where it is said that in our country you can actually find any military-industrial complex enterprises, well , almost open access, you can find them on official websites, i’m not talking about the tax department, where you can find on tax invoices to calculate where the enterprise is located, its neighbors and so on and on to destroy them, i am already silent about the situation when the cabinet of ministers is not a body of the employers' federation again calls on shmegal's cabinet to resolve. from taxing the profits of enterprises that work in the military industry , that is what prevents the cabinet of ministers from doing this, this is a big
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issue, because the more, for example, we have our own weapons, then... accordingly, accordingly, the less human resources are needed in the army, at least , when we say that the military says that we need such a number of people, that's how they come out of those the resources that we have, the lack of drone production in our country is, unfortunately, compensated by people, we must understand this, the lack of strikes on the territory of the russian federation without disturbing their logistics and so on, this... is compensated by the fact that the russians can still actually enter free to ukraine, that's what we should pay attention to in this case, i, for example, believe that there are weak points in the russian economy that are already obvious, for example, if you saw, there was a message that chicken and meat disappeared in omsk and pork, and what happened, and because the belgorod region -
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this is about 10-15% of poultry meat production for the russian federation. they broke the logistics routes, you see, problems begin, then they actually have problems now with the supply of equipment to the refinery, the destruction of russian oil refineries to a depth of 1000 km, leads to problems in logistics as well with a decrease in the possibility of supplying fuel and so on, and we we should hope for that, and here first of all, again, radiation is the law here, we need to look more broadly here. mr. taras, mr. viktor, what do you think, whether the hard worker will be able to decide his question, and will the politicians stick to theirs? no, someone has to give in, but i think politicians will do everything to hang all the dead intestines on the poor, be
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white, fluffy themselves, and most importantly, what i would like to add. about this law on mobilization, that it should be humanely adopted in the first reading, further elaborated, let's say so, in committees and in the hall, and this way we are simply delaying the necessary and necessary law, and i will say this again, it is all our fault authorities in the fact that everything is going wrong with us again in the new year. thank you sir viktor, i want to thank all our guests who were on the air today, this is viktor boberen. vitaly kulyk and taras zahorodniy. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook. please don't forget to like this video to help it trend on youtube and facebook. and don't forget we're still voting and we literally have a minute left before
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voting ends on youtube and we're voting we are still on the air, you see. telephone numbers by calling which you can vote in the survey, we ask you about whether north korea will go to war against south korea, we have literally 30 seconds left on the air, you who have not yet had time to vote can pick up your smartphone and vote if you think north korea will go to war with the south 0800 211 381 no 0800 218 sorry. uh, show me the phone numbers again, please, no, 0800 211 382, ​​now let's see the voting results on tv, please show us what proportions we have, 62% believe that a war between north and south korea is possible, 38%, no on tv, in our second broadcast,
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the ratio is yes, 44%, no - 56%. friends, i will put an end to this, it was the verdict program about serhii rudenko, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your family, i will say goodbye to you until 20:00, goodbye. there is an air alert throughout ukraine, i urge our viewers to follow the example of the espresso team and stay in safe places and bring to your attention the most relevant news


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