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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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0 -3°, sleet and snow will fall here at night, precipitation will stop in the afternoon and in the south. in kyiv, in the coming days of january 12, precipitation is not expected, cooling is expected, the minimum air temperature is around 10-12°, the air temperature is expected to be within 6-8° of frost during the day. in the coming days, on january 13-14, the cold weather in ukraine will hold, the closest. warming is expected in ukraine in most regions from january 15, take care, have a good evening and stay with espresso literally in a moment, verdict program, let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is
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the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. today in the program. violates human rights. the draft law on mobilization will be finalized by the government taking into account the deputies' proposals. a knife in the back. after the meeting of deputies from the servant of the people. yana bezugla announced her withdrawal from the faction. ukraine's victory plan. in the us congress, they offer biden to provide ukraine with more weapons and strengthen sanctions against russia. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, journalist roman tsimbalyuk, and military expert mykhailo samus. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour. will be people's
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deputies of ukraine, maria ionova, yaroslav zheleznyak and elizaveta yasko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how an fpv drone finishes off a russian tank near avdiivka. let's see. friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and also subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and we are doing a survey. on youtube
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and on tv, today we ask you about whether you trust the leadership of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, choose one or the other option, write comments, please to this poll and to what you heard, seen during the broadcast, if you sit and watch tv at home, v broadcast us, you can vote by phone or smartphone, if you are up to... the current leadership of the verkhovna rada, you can vote by phone 0800-211381, no, 08021 382, ​​call, all calls are free for you. well , our big conversation today will be about the law on mobilization, because today the parliament was supposed to consider the bill on mobilization. today it became known that the cabinet of ministers withdrew the draft law. under the number 10378 on
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mobilization, now its status in the system of the council, which registers draft laws, has been removed from already under consideration, rustam umyerov , the minister of defense of ukraine, stated that our team, i quote, has already prepared a new version of the draft law, taking into account all the proposals agreed in the working order with the deputies at the meetings of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, ready in... to introduce it for the approval of the government, in the near future the previous version of the draft law was withdrawn, said rustem umyerov. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. mr. mykola, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. hello, thank you for the invitation. let's, mr. mykola, explain to our tv viewers what really happened with this bill on mobilization, since the announcement was still in time.
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christmas is a christmas holiday, that is, two weeks ago or three weeks ago, and everyone was waiting for consideration of this bill on january 11, suddenly it turned out that it was not even brought to the session. hall, the government decided to withdraw this bill, why? the worst that could happen happened, because if we ask whether additional people are needed in the ukrainian armed forces, definitely yes, and commander-in-chief general zaluzhnyi and other leaders of the ukrainian army have repeatedly spoken about it, and defense minister rustam omerov has also spoken about it. the second question: what is the way to attract those people to the armed forces of ukraine? and there are many different ones. tried effectively to make people want to join the army, we see how, for example, the recruitment of the third assault division is going, we see their bigboards, and they have people, people go there to serve, that is, there must definitely be a high-quality recruiting company, this is definitely needed law, but who should submit this law, it
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a difficult story, because the law provides not only the possibility to take additional people, but also the possibility to pledge funds to pay these people for their salary, our military earns quite a bit less than the army of the aggressor and the occupier, but in principle it is enough money, who should provide them ammunition , weapons, at what cost to do it, in the end , what to be armed to do, how many domestic enterprises need their people not to be drafted, which of these people should it be, what to do with the police, where to get those people we... why involve, how to deal with young people? well, the law was voted on lowering the conscription age to 25 years, but at the same time we perfectly understand that this is the next generation that can suffer irreparable losses, we have to somehow protect our future generations. in a word, there are a lot of questions, and these questions
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must be answered, firstly, by the supreme commander-in-chief, the president of ukraine, secondly, by members of the supreme commander-in-chief's staff, thirdly, by the entire cabinet of ministers, everything. this was not done there was a law that was written by whom it is not clear, submitted by the cabinet of ministers, but it was written in such a way that we can see that part of the ministry did not participate in it, in particular the ministry of finance, the ministry of economy, the ministry of justice, the ombudsman says that this law does not correspond to the provision of human rights , this law does not contribute to mobilization, on the contrary , it discourages mobilization, forces people to leave the border urgently, especially women, because women thought that now they will be... called into the army, obviously it was terrible communication from the side of the government, er, from the side of the prime minister, from the side of the president, no one explained this, and why the president himself did not organize this process, because there was a desire, i think, to transfer many people in the office of the president to this is the responsibility
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of the military, the general staff. we were even told today that a general should be diligent to report this in the hall, although he is not here at all, but obviously he is suffering, because in the army ... you need people, and without people it is difficult to win, that is, he needs these people, but to ensure this has a whole the state, because the whole state is at war , not just the military, and since this is not always a popular step, it is obvious that there are politicians who are afraid to take responsibility and want to politically frame others, and this is a very big mistake, because we should not think about politics, now , now there is no politics, there is a war , it is important for us to protect the country, we do not know what our country will be like tomorrow and what the aggressor is preparing for us, but we... think about what is popular or not popular to introduce, so we must take unpopular steps , but reasonable, if there was not this artificial, imposed discussion on senseless law, and the supreme commander collected the stake, developed a professional, high-quality law that would encourage serving in the army, that would correspond to the current
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legislation, then obviously everything would be different, and this is what really needs to be done, can mr. mykola, be it so, that the verkhovna rada will discuss it for a very long time. that is, there will be a first reading, then there will be amendments , then there will be procedural certain things about the second reading, then it is not clear whether these changes will be made there or not, then there may be a second reading again, then this will come law to the president, the president will say: listen, this is not the kind of mobilization we wanted, while between the first version and the final version, these are completely different bills, we are not satisfied with it, and... the national security and defense council will make decisions directly regarding mobilization, and the president will implement these decisions by presidential decrees. in principle, in the conditions of war, this is a much shorter way, or can such a way be, or are you still sure that in
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the current composition of the verkhovna rada, everyone clearly understands and will vote for the norms about mobilization, because you are right, the war is going on and... there is no time to play some political games, or to throw this baked potato, which simply covers all the hands of the politicians, and you just have to make decisions. well, our european solidarity fraction will vote for any law that will be submitted by the president of ukraine as a subject of legislative initiative, we have done it before, we are ready to do it now, and we believe that such a law can be made professional and of high quality, which will not it's a shame to vote for him, obviously mobilization is actually going on in our country even now, this is a law on additional opportunities to call up a larger number of people to the armed forces of ukraine, because mobilization is ongoing, we see how short it goes, when representatives of the tsk catch someone on the street and... very often it is still artificially created such situations in order to promote contempt for the ukrainian army or
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dislike for the ukrainian army, or to strengthen capitulant sentiments, all this, unfortunately, unfortunately, has become part of the information war against ukraine, which is being conducted by russia, which is why it is very it is responsible to present a strong, high-quality law and to vote it without all these delays and discussions, because there is no one to fight, we understand very well that the volunteers were the first to go, and they were patriots, it was the ukrainian elite, and a significant part of these young patriots.. lost, it is extremely unfortunate and painful, today in kyiv was the funeral of a famous ukrainian poet who died and people of culture and many other famous, young, extremely talented people die every day. then people left who may not have wanted to to be volunteers, but they are responsible , law-abiding, and when they received summonses or phone calls, they understood that it was necessary and they went, and these people are also howling, this is not enough, because the mobilization resource of russia is huge, it is much more . more, and because of that we need to adopt an effective quality law, but to strengthen recruiting, in the army there are many places
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that pay well, what if we do not scare people, but explain to them that they will not necessarily be on the front line, but can work as professionals there are it specialists, like professional engineers, then people would leave, and we can see on the example of those units that independently carry out recruiting and deal with it professionally, it is not that they lack people, they have an oversupply of people, today during the visit to estonia, volodymyr zelenskyi... also mentioned mobilization, about men of mobilization age and called on them to return to ukraine from abroad in order to support the economy of their country and protect it. let's listen to what the president said. if we want to save ukraine, if we want to save europe, then we all must understand that either we help ukraine or not, or we... citizens who are at the front, or we are citizens who work and pay taxes,
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because there will be no money for the military, but there will be no there will be no military money, there will be no one to defend ukraine, these are the rules of life, mr. mykola, questions about those who are abroad, some left with... existing legislation, some violated this legislation, but this is a question in any which will be evident in the new draft law regarding mobilization in ukraine, and there is obviously a position in european solidarity regarding this, i.e. zelensky says: listen, go home, you must either defend going to the army, or be a reserve of this army, or pay taxes here, it is enough to be. to you in europe, does it sound convincing enough now, or is it possible in some other way, like with
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the recruiting system, as you mentioned before, for the third brigade of a separate assault brigade, maybe in this way we need to talk to people who have already gone and live in europe, but they can to return, but they are afraid of something, they are afraid that they will be persecuted, they are afraid that they ran away from summonses, they are afraid that they bought themselves white tickets. of course, we are interested in returning all ukrainians who are abroad, but first of all, i do not know how many of these men of conscription age are there, because mostly women and children left, mostly young people, our conscription age is still from 27 years old, this means that there are a lot of young people, they are simply by law, they cannot be taken into the army, even if they are border, they are still not at the age when they can serve, and there are also many young people, there is of course some group of evaders, comforters, or disabled people, but how many of these people are difficult for me to say, i do not think
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that it is solution to this issue, and i don't think that by the way, everyone will necessarily join the army, everyone will serve, it's a choice, an individual choice of each person, and in order for people to go, they have to believe in their country, the country has to be democratic, what is happening in our country should happen the parliamentary hall, when the speaker flatly refuses to put her deputy head of the committee to the vote. the question of removing her from the position of deputy chairman of the defense committee, where she incited expressions between the political and military leadership, means that she is covered when she is banned... democratic processes in the country limit freedom of speech. people will return when they see that the country is democratic, because then they will realize that their lives will be taken care of, and in the army too, and not only in the army leadership, and political. therefore, in order for people to return, it is necessary to make a better country, and this is entirely the responsibility of the authorities. but it is another matter that i agree with this appeal of the president himself, because whether our country is good
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or bad from a political point of view, i believe that it is very imperfect, despite the fact that it is our country. and the enemy, putin, the aggressor, wants to destroy everyone, both those in power and those in the opposition, and those who fight, and those who sit at home, we are all at risk, so our task is to stop and defeat him, and this task actually everyone. you mentioned maryana bezoglu, yesterday ruslan stefanchuk refused to put to a vote the question of dismissal from the position of the head of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, and this morning she wrote a post, a pathetic post, that she is leaving the faction, leaving... party, but remains a majority deputy from the obolon district of kyiv. i will quote mariana bezuglu, because she writes a lot, and really writes a lot about the military and political leadership of the country, here she writes about the parliamentary faction that is president zelenskyi's representative in
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the verkhovna rada. i don't need a weak faction and a party of war. i will continue to support the president's initiatives, but i don't want to have anything in common. obligations with people's deputies of the factions that stick a knife in my back, i don't need your quota of the deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence, that's what happened yesterday in the session hall, when stefanchuk did not want to introduce the question about for consideration of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, regarding dismissal from the post of deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee, the fact that he so quickly closed... the session session, does it generally contribute to consolidation within the walls of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and especially before such a vote for such important draft laws as on mobilization, is this idiocy after all, it was and remains a sign of power, a single power and
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a single party, which now dominates absolutely all the authorities, well, it seems to me that... now the situation is improving and there is no longer such a strong confrontation between the president and the commander-in-chief, which everyone is talking about the media wrote, we don't know what it was like and how much it was, but at least what was written about it, we saw it, and here is maryana's activity, which testified, she was the personification of this confrontation and the initiator of this confrontation, and everyone was just waiting for it , that now the servant of the people party will say that it condemns it, thus testifying that it is in favor of unity between the political and military leadership. the faction did not say this, did not say it, and then suddenly they voted, and their majority in this committee, as well as in the regulatory committee, to remove these positions, and it was positive for unity, and then some other forces intervened, someone called speaker stefanchuk and forbade him to put it to a vote in violation of the law, although he could have put it, not the fact that there would be votes in the hall, but it would show that
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a significant number of the servant of the people faction does not support maryana bezlovola's position, because there are also responsible citizens there. he did not do this and thus took responsibility for all her, for all the harm she brought to ukraine, you see, and they exposed themselves that she is their a tool that for some reason fought with the commander-in-chief, probably because someone believed that he could compete with the president in terms of ratings, and this is complete nonsense, because thinking about ratings now is complete nonsense, now you have to think about victory. at the very end of our conversation, mr. mykola, a few words , please, about the current situation in ukrainian-polish relations, because as of january 11 , there are already 1,900 trucks in queues at the border with poland, and the blocking of the directions of three points continues pass you were in poland, you spoke with polish politicians, how do they explain this long-term blockade and during the war, when
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the only window to europe, or one of the main windows to europe is the window through poland? well, this is the short-sightedness of the polish government, it was the short-sightedness of the previous government, which turned a blind eye to it, and i had hopes for this cabinet of ministers, unfortunately, there are also forces here that cannot and do not intend to solve this quickly, and this of course, they have a coalition government, there is a peasant party, without which there will be no power in donald tusk, who actually has an openly pro-ukrainian position, he has always taken such a position, but he cannot quarrel with his coalition partners, and it seems to me that there should be a more active position here. government, we should turn to our other partners, to the european union, to nato, because this is a direct threat to our security, we are not talking only about the economy here, if the poles cannot cope with what 50 people constitute. and create a threat to ukrainian security and take steps that are beneficial to the russian federation, c even against the interests of poland itself , then nato and our other european
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partners should intervene, the fact that the romanians are building their own autobahn, i only welcome it, the poles are losing on this, it is an absolutely unwise and irresponsible position, but i believe that the democratic the coalition that came to power will find a way to correct this situation. thank you, mr. mykola, it was mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who who is currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video, no, make this video disappear somewhere in the youtube nets, because it is very important for our program that you raise this video to the top of the youtube channel with your likes, and most importantly, take part in ours. to the survey, because today we are asking you about trust in the leadership of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, if you trust the leadership of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, then everything is quite simple on youtube, just
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press the button, if not - no, and if you have your special opinion, please write in the comments, it is very important for us and we are interested to know about it, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you trust the current leadership of the verkhovna rada 0800. 211 381 no 0800 211382 vote, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next , we have journalist roman tsambelyuk on the phone, roman, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. broke off, on sorry, roman tsymbalyuk. now we will redial and talk with roman tsimbalyuk about the situation in russia. and with those statements that are heard in the country of the aggressors, because roman tsymbalyuk worked in the russian federation for a very long time, as a correspondent
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of the unian news agency, he can accurately diagnose and tell what these or other statements of russian officials, those officials , who oppose ukraine, who call for the destruction of the ukrainian state. who threaten us with new strikes with nuclear weapons, as dmytro medvedev did today, he is the deputy chairman of the security council of the russian federation, he said that in principle , we have already used all the weapons that we had and tested them in ukraine, there is only one weapon left, which we have not yet used in ukraine . let's listen to what dmitry medvedev said. series. the recent series of recent intensive and effective strikes on the enemy's military facilities in ukraine, which were carried out by the armed forces of the russian federation,
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confirm the successful and efficient work of our defense-industrial complex during 2023. in addition , as is known, various carriers with different fillings were used, except for the nuclear one, so far. this is the statement medved made. and we already have roman tsimbalyuk in contact, roman, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. greetings, serhiy. for those viewers who are not subscribed to roman tsymbalyuk's youtube channel, please do so immediately and subscribe to roman tsymbalyuk's youtube channel. operational analytics and operational comments made by roman tsymbalyuk are already viewed by more than 1 million viewers. subscribe to the youtube channel. roman tsimbalyuk, it is pleasant and useful. roman, we started with dmitry alkaguleyevich , medvidev, as you say, and he says
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that all the weapons that they had, they have already used in ukraine or in ukraine, and only one weapon is left, it is nuclear, but he didn't say why he talked about russia's military-industrial complex like he did. widely does it, he did not explain, but how is it that they have so many weapons, and ballistic missiles, they are forced to take as a foreigner, in this small outcast state, the world north korea? well, actually, i don't think we have to be ironic about it here, it's clear that russia is fighting us in full force, they are using all the means they have, and indeed they have. all the means of defeat that are possible, and they really want to destroy everyone here, the question, perhaps, we have to do differently, whatever it is with
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tov... shakim, who is not our friend at all, he has no problem handing it over to the russians missiles at 300 km, but our allies have such problems, and the impression is that we have such and such weapons have not yet received, and probably all these words of medvedev and, accordingly, the international schedule, should be used precisely so that the position that was recorded by the minister, that was recorded by... the president of estonia, that no restrictions should be imposed in terms of the nomenclature and in terms of hitting targets on russian territory, because the russians actually do not feel so bad in this context, because they have weapons, they are working, and you have to answer for all of this, so i would here... of course , that
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it sounds a little strange, so-called the second army of the world takes away missiles in the dprk, but it does not make it easier for us. by the way, the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine announced that they had received preliminary evidence that russia had hit ukraine with north korean missiles, because before that there was information from the american and british secret services. that precisely the ballistic missiles that were produced in north korea were used against the ukrainian state, the use of these missiles by kimchinin, does this mean that kimchen and north korea are becoming co-aggressors, accomplices of russia's war against ukraine? i guess you can phrase the words differently here and there, it doesn't
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change anything. let's do it again, without emotions, we don't need another worry, we need the actions and counteractions of our authorities, our defense-industrial complex and allies, and i think we should proceed from this, there is no, well, there is simply no point in fighting north korea, well, there is such a country, a very strange country, no one wants to live there, but the people who live there, somehow when... they start applauding and crying, because well, you see, here it seems to me that these facts, which were also made public by american intelligence, should be used in order to somehow transfer this situation to our side, well, i don’t know, the president is also now, he has an international tour here, and many people are busy negotiating with our international allies, they have to be told, well, really, really... he has
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more political will than all of nato put together, well, i guess there are some arguments here that can be transformed both into airplanes and weapons, i think that's what we need to emphasize, and not on how disgusting they are and who they are, and this north korea, well, we look at them, well, in principle, this is the future of the russian federation, they are already almost themselves... they behave like that, but it is nothing changes in terms of what they want us to do together, so less emotion, more practical steps. you have already mentioned the baltic tour, volodymyr zelenskyi's big baltic tour, he already managed to visit lithuania, latvia, estonia, today in estonia it was announced that thalia will provide aid to ukraine until 2027 in the amount of one. about this
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said the president of estonia, karis, and today, zelensky said at a meeting with the prime minister of estonia, kaya kallas, that it is necessary to put pressure on the leaders of the european union, and to put pressure on those who promised ukraine 1 million artillery shells. zelenskyy noted that the ukrainian army has not yet received the full package of promised aid, that today estonia... can politically promote this initiative, let's listen to what zelenskyy said, serious leaders, if their word is worth something, and i am sure of it, then it must be fulfilled decisions that they made themselves, and i would really like to see contracts, because sometimes yes, we would get used to it, we are in this war and we know that the terms...


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