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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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already at the stage when they leave here, they should close these issues and should indicate that , well, that is, they themselves are already preparing their brothers-in-law in a certain way for this, and how in belarus itself are ordinary people's attitude to russia's war against ukraine, so what is happening inside the belarusian people, because there is very little information about it, on the surface it is that there, well, belarus there... transferred ammunition to russia there, carried out repairs of russian equipment there, there are training grounds on the territory of belarus where russian military that do ordinary belarusians think about our war? in fact, the vast majority of the belarusian society does not support what is happening on the part of russia, but it should be understood as an agenda of the belarusians as well, because in fact belarus is an occupied country.
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this is such a hybrid occupation, which, in principle , few people talk about, and few people understand what it is, because in fact there is supposedly someone there, someone is in charge, but it is not clear who it is and how it is and in general where it is all going, so belarusians in general feel that all this gives certain negative feedback from the actions of this person lukashenko, because in principle the belarusian nation is beginning to be compared to lukashenka, but i want to say that far from all, the vast majority of the belarusian people, belarusian society does not support what lukashenka's government is doing, and here the question arises, why no one there does something does, the answer is that this is an occupied country, which , unfortunately, is controlled so tightly by lukashenka's government that for the words... glory
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to ukraine or thanks to the armed forces of ukraine can come home and put a person in prison for a long time. this is unfortunately so true. but, at the same time, i would like to say that people are ready to start actions for the liberation of belarus as well, because in fact the summons is clear to everyone, and i think that the ukrainian side is too. the clear message that the north is dangerous is not very relevant for ukraine, and it will be necessary to do something about it. well, we know that in fact, that belarus is such a country with such a good historical experience of guerrilla warfare. so, should ukraine help the revival of such a partisan movement in belarus with such things as strikes on russian planes. do you remember there was a story when it was destroyed by the dopo.
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you have a drone on this a50 russian aircraft , which then disappeared from the territory of belarus, is it appropriate, or could this direction, in particular , take over, well, in particular, your regiment in addition to the functions it currently performs, or is it still is it a matter of other structures, other bodies? these are very relevant matters in fact, but here you have to understand that people can deceive themselves very much by doing so. and, so to speak , to put yourself behind bars before the time we need, of course, ukraine's support in the issues the liberation of belarus will be very important to us, i have already said more than once, and i say it again, that the liberation of belarus, in our opinion, is not only a question of koslovs kolinovskyi's regiment, it is a question of... a big kolak,
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where is it, and i so i see, we see it that way, where there is also the ukrainian side, without the help of ukraine, unfortunately, we will not be able to achieve much, so yes, we hope for the help of the ukrainian side, but at the same time we understand that in ukraine now there are many issues of its own that need to be resolved, and this is... ukraine, we are 100% aware of this, as a unit, the belarusians are also aware of this, and my message will always be such that people do not deceive themselves before the right time. and mr. dees, the final question in our conversation is your forecast for the duration of the war. of ukraine and
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the russian federation, and how do you personally see the format or image of the future victory? look, i really am. i really do not like to talk about the war in the form of forecasts, because it is not, it is not the weather that can be predicted, yes, it is not a cyclone that is approaching, the war, it depends on many, many factors, and i, when it all started, i said the phrase that at least it will last, in my opinion, at least five years, it's been two years already, and... now we see a tendency to freeze a little bit something like that, ala the ato zone, something like this is already a front, but the density and power of assault actions and losses
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and in general the amount of equipment and in general the power of these actions, well, it is not at all the same as it was in the ato, so it is probably inappropriate to compare here, but that’s all anyway i will say that, on in my opinion, on the ukrainian side, it is necessary to educate active young people already now and educate them, you know, already by example, to which it is not necessary to travel very far, i mean, for example, not on some, i don't know, stories of the cossack movement , because not everyone in principle understands cossacks and so on, but we just have to remember with you what happened. in principle, it was yesterday, almost yesterday, it was 2 years ago, and we have to somehow actively educate young people on these examples, that it was two years ago, it was bucha, it was kyiv, it was mariupol, and it continues, and
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you and i must somehow put this understanding into an active hammer, that the war continues and continues permanently, unfortunately, and until... while we are with you, ukraine and all those who stands for the protection of ukraine, we will not do it ourselves, it will not end by itself, it must be realized, so, i think that it will last, how long, i do not know, at least, probably three years, but we need, once again i will add, but we need you and i... to remember this and prepare and prepare active young people, this is my opinion. mr. denys, thank you very much for the inclusion, for what you and your comrades are doing on the battlefield for ukraine and belarus, and let me remind you that it was the commander of the kastos kolinovsky regiment, denys prokhorov, this regiment, let me remind you, was formed
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in march in the 22nd year, belarusian volunteers and soldiers of the regiment took an active part in the battles for ukraine itself. the beginning of this new full-scale war with the aggressor, then we will move on to another topic, to the technological topic, because the battlefield now requires more than the ammunition that we talked about first of all, and of course we need drones, drones, everyone knows about this, we all remember that the leadership of the ministry of technology and industry and the president promised that this year the defense forces will receive at least 1 million fpv drones, as the process is currently going on, or? is there an acceleration or any problems, and what kind of attacks are needed, because now the reality and requirements are on the battlefield, they dictate new conditions, today even what was yesterday is no longer needed, because the enemy is somehow adapting, and the enemy is trying to somehow in a way to oppose our efforts, and then
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the question arises, how exactly should the ukrainian side act, now we know that we really have about 200 companies that produce... fpv drones for various purposes, most importantly, these are enterprises that are proactive, which assemble these drones from components that are currently purchased in china. now there is a question that it is necessary to create new combat units for these fp-drones, because usually the teams themselves, the military themselves already arrange these explosive elements at the positions in order to ensure... read the destruction of these explosive devices by the enemy is a different number of different types, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish that each device needs its own attention, its own preparation, and so on, so that in fact, on the one hand, there is a need to increase the number of fidrons manufactured, on the other hand, to ensure a certain
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uniformity certain components, which on the one hand speed up the production of these fpv drones, and on the other hand ensure, well, their effective use. question, because in addition to quantity, reliability is also important, we know various examples, in particular there i had a conversation with the military, they say that there are certain suppliers when, tentatively they say... the battery is weak, and this drone does not fly to the distance that was previously calculated there, despite the fact that they did all the measurements of the battery capacity, it seems that everything should be ok, but well, on the battlefield of this , well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there is no improvement. in real combat, this drone does not justify itself, so now we will talk about it, and now our guest joins us. , this is vadym yunyk, this is the president of the association drone manufacturers, technological forces of ukraine. mr. vadim, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. yes, good evening. now you are in contact with
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various manufacturers. in principle, your association is such a structure that really confirms contacts with various structures and companies. what is happening now in the implementation of this idea and the task of producing 1 million drones, is there any acceleration, are there any problems, what exactly is happening in this area? well, i think that lately, even since the moment we talked with you, almost nothing has changed, that's not all, we just see a situation where there is some kind of pause on the part of the state, maybe some changes are taking place where the state is trying to somehow improve its processes, but for manufacturers there is simply no clear understanding and a clear task on this side of the state, what exactly needs to be done, so now we... the feeling of some kind of pause that simply exists in the state. well, actually confirmed my expectations, because i
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also talked to several developers, they say that the plans are announced, in theory it is necessary to purchase components now, but it is not known with whom to conclude contracts, who will transfer the money, who will be in charge, whether it is the ministry of defense, or the number of numbers, i think that this pause, well, in principle, it should be put, well, relatively speaking, on the so that instead of a pause , there are certain effective actions. and what do you say about what is happening now on the battlefield, because there are many reports that the enemy has drones with night vision, then publications began that there are supposedly variants of samples with machine vision, which allow the operator to actually rely on the capabilities of the semi-drone itself on the final flight path, and this allows, so to speak, to increase the efficiency of the drone. despite the low quality of the same operator that
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is being done in these areas in our direction, do we have night visions or are we also moving in the direction of machine vision? well , we have been developing both in one and the other direction for a long time, and i know that there are a sufficient number of very successful tests for night drones and with artificial intelligence, yes machinozor, what do you say, the only thing is that all these directions. they are quite difficult to implement, and especially what concerns fiwi, you yourself understand that in half one of the tasks is to make it relatively inexpensive, all technological solutions, they sometimes happen and significantly affect these drones, so here is the task, it so very difficult, to make it modern, as it were, what corresponds to the front and to make it relatively inexpensive, so that such a solution could be mass-produced. and then i will ask about simpler samples, in communication with the military has sometimes heard
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that they have to order drones only from proven suppliers, because sometimes there are situations when drones arrive that do not actually fly, do not fly as far as they are supposed to fly, and there are certain designs , design errors during creation of this drone, how to prevent such things, is it at the level of your association, is there any quality control, what to do? so that there would be fewer or no such cases, well, first of all, i just think that the manufacturer himself should be interested simply in in order to receive high-quality information from the front, and here, perhaps, even the human factor is more important, because, for example, in our companies, we have a very strong contact with the front, we always, if something happens, we ask to... . to give us information very quickly, first of all, we are interested in information precisely when it concerns
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some bad scenarios, because it gives us the opportunity to make some constructive changes to the drone, and secondly, i simply think that such information should be somehow analyzed, and well you know, as always, he regulates the market, yes, that is, when there is some seller who is not very honest, some producer who is not very honest, then he should simply stop so that people stop buying from him. drones, and i would like to ask, do you supply weapons to specific military units, because i know that now the military units have the opportunity to independently purchase certain samples of weapons technology there. and do you, relatively speaking, respond to the requests of various military units? we are doing this and that, that is, we have a military unit with which we have already developed relations, we directly cooperate with them, well, we also simply cooperate through the ministries of digital transformation and all relevant bodies that buy. well, then, if we take your defense technical company
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fredom, here is your bar for increasing the production of fp drones, what is it for it? year compared to last year? well, we have approximately, it is very difficult to say, we will increase our production capabilities by about 10, 10 times this year, these are our plans, at the very least, we want so, and now you so you yourself are waiting for a decision with whom to sign a contract and who will provide payment, and only after that you will start ordering components, well, roughly speaking, but if you say so. wider, you understand, that is, i personally, as a producer, expect the state to be a manager for us, that is, it should not be a regulator, even where it prohibits or allows something, it should be a manager that helps me , so that she could collect information from the military, somehow analyze it and give it to me forecast, just what she expects from us, well
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, not only for today, but also in six months, in a year, because it is very important... to prepare well, you said about the purchase of components, that is, there are components that can be quickly enough you can buy, and some elements are made for two or three months, and therefore plus logistics, and therefore it is a big enough shoulder simply to bring in, and it is very important to understand what they want from today, six months from now, a year from now, mr. vadim, very thanks for the inclusion, for these explanations, for your work for the armed forces of ukraine and our viewers, i will remind you that it was the president of the association of drone manufacturers of the technological forces of ukraine, the chairman of the supervisory board of the frydom company, vadym yunyk. so, these were the main results of this wartime, then more international and economic news, then on vasyl zima's great broadcast. good evening time
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of ukraine. thanks to serhiy zgurets, thanks to his guests. these were the military results of the day, and we have 2 hours of great etero ahead of us, there will be a world about ukraine with yuri fizer, i will have an inclusion with a well-known entrepreneur, philanthropist and a businessman, also money during the war with oleksandr morchivko and the weather with natalka didenko. in fact, we will learn that a really strong cold weather is coming to ukraine already this weekend. well, now news about the most important thing, briefly. the occupiers shelled kherson with artillery. time. an 86-year-old woman is now in the hospital , the kherson regional prosecutor's office reports, and according to the head of the region oleksandr prokudin, in ivanovka, the russians killed a local resident, as a result of shelling, one of the village houses was destroyed from under the rubble rescuers recovered the man's body, his identity is being established. the bill on mobilization
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was sent back to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine for revision, said the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk. on his facebook page , he noted that it was a joint decision of people's deputies. well, the most interesting thing is that later there was information that the government will hold an extraordinary meeting in order to withdraw its draft law from the cabinet of ministers. only logic disappears here. first, the verkhovna rada sends for finalization, the first news, and in an hour there is news that the government will withdraw, because who withdrew it, who sent it, i think that the amount will not change from the change of attachments, but in any case it is very strange. inconsistency in statements and actions, the main thing is that the draft law, as far as i understand, will be finalized again in the executive branch of government. during a joint press conference with the prime minister of estonia , kaija kallos, president zelenskyy called on the leaders of the european union to put pressure on those who promised ukraine 1 million artillery shells. he noted that the ukrainian army still has not
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received the full package of the promised aid and that today estonia can politically promote this initiative within the framework. of the european union, serious leaders, if their word is worth anything, and i am sure of it, then the decisions that they themselves have made must be implemented, and i would very much like to see contracts, because sometimes yes, a projectile, we 're used to it, we're in this war, and we know that deadlines sometimes fail our military, it's deadlines, but if we have... uh contracts in front of our eyes, this already gives hope that, even with a delay, a delay, but a delay and a delay, but nevertheless it will come. on the battlefield. well, just like a million drones must go to the battlefield, because the statements of strong leaders must really be fulfilled. the baltic tour continues,
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after estonia, president zelensky arrived in latvia, where he met with the country's head edgars rinkevich. during a joint press conference, the leader of latvia announced a new package of military aid to ukraine. it will, in particular, include howitzers and ammunition anti-tank missiles, grenades, helicopters, drones, communication devices, generators and equipment for the military. in addition , rinkevich emphasized that his country will increase the joint production of drones with ukraine. latvia undertook to lead the coalition of drones within the framework of ramstein, and for me it is a great joy that now the prime minister will sign the documents in the presence of the president. this is a memorandum on cooperation in the military sphere. in fact, we have the ability to make cheap drones that are very efficient. well, even more so, very much. can actively help estonia, let me remind you that estonia is one of the it leaders in europe for sure, well, it was in estonia that skype was invented, in general , the it industry is very developed there, so i think that
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we can count on something there as well in helping with drones. for the sake of zelensky and orban, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of hungary, peter szijártó, will meet with his ukrainian counterpart, dmytro kuleba. on january 29 in uzhgorod, the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yarmak will also be present there, they want to discuss the organization of a meeting of the presidents of both countries together. this was reported by the press service of the ukrainian mfa. they noted that the talks will be a continuation of the recent political contacts between the heads of state. 15 bodyguards of viktor yanukovych, the fugitive president, were charged with desertion. in the 14th year, they fled to russia together with the then president. the state bureau of investigation told this story. according to their data. employees of the state security department first helped organize the escape of the legitimate and his family, after which they volunteered to stay in russia to work for yanukovych. most of them after departure
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received the citizenship of the aggressor country, which logically, in order to hide the desertion of the guards, the then leadership of the state security department issued a fake order about their alleged dismissal from military service on the eve of the escape. according to the materials of the sbi. in 2023, the leadership of the udo of ukraine appointed an official inspection and established that the employees of the udo left for the russian federation on february 24 in the status of military personnel. these materials were used as evidence in the case of the desertion of yanukovych's bodyguards. in the near future , the issue of contacting the investigator will be resolved to the judge with a request to choose a preventive measure in the form of detention for the suspect . unheard of in... dnipro detained four locals who kept 50 people in labor slavery. they told about it in the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine. potential victims were searched for at train stations,
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displaced persons and homeless people were recruited, they were allegedly invited to a rehabilitation center and promised free housing. food and employment, instead, people were moved to a house with terrible living conditions and forced to work at the hardest agricultural and construction works, of course free burglary. took away all identification documents and telephones from their victims, during searches the law enforcement officers freed fifty victims, seized draft records, telephones and cars of the organizers of this criminal group. now finland has officially extended the decision to close the border with russia until february 11, the ministry of internal affairs of the country reported. let me remind you that on december 14 of last year, the finnish government decided to close the passes for a month. points on the eastern border with the russian federation, all because of a threat to the national security of finland, according to the head of the department marie ran-rantane , the situation will normalize only when the flow
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of people trying to illegally enter the country from the territory of the russian federation stops. ukrainian khatiko. in the kyiv region, they are looking for a family for a homeless person. pesyk lives in the city of pereyaslav. in the summer of this year, he was rescued by construction workers who were working on one of the facilities. he blocked a patient with wires around his neck. the men cured him and sheltered them, but the brigade left in the fall, the tails are looking for their saviors every day. every day he runs 70 km after the bus, because it is probably similar to the vehicle that his rescuers-builders used to leave. locals have already christened it hatiko. volunteers took the dog to the shelter, but it ran away again to the bus stop. zookeepers are sure that... an animal can be loyal to another person if it feels care and affection. every day begins
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with prayer. for soldiers, vasyl bezruchko from kirovohrad region. during the anti-terrorist operation, he was a military chaplain, a then joined the territorial defense. currently, the father volunteers for the benefit of the army and unites dozens of people with this cause. our journalists will tell the story of khotabych, as he was called in the army. lord jesus christ, son of god, bless and help all our soldiers of our ukraine, so that victory, peace, and health may come sooner. in the blue and yellow church of oleksandrivka , a prayer for the soldiers sounds every day. father vasyl built this church in the village 15 years ago. at that time, it was the first ukrainian orthodox church of the kyiv patriarchate in the area. then the priest recalls, the service in ukrainian surprised people. later, the number of parishioners increased so much that sometimes there is nowhere to cross oneself - he jokes. at first they came just to listen to how we speak in ukrainian,
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but then... realizing that this is our ukrainian church and this is our language, they started coming not only themselves, but at the moment they bring their children and grandchildren. russia's invasion of ukraine changed people's attitude towards the church, says vasyl bezruchko. during the ato , the priest was a military chaplain, for his service has a number of thanks and awards from the military and volunteers. in the 15th year, he went to the city of slovyansk in october, as a military chaplain at that time. donetsk region, just to help the boys, to support them, to support our then soldiers, our then defenders, and all this instead i saw how people change their worldview. because of his long white beard, the military called him khotabych. i served in the 95th airborne brigade, and when i first joined them, i was a lieutenant colonel, but
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a lieutenant colonel. i still don't know how they are there serve, said this word: hotabych. and yes, i wanted to stay for today. at the beginning of the full-scale offensive of the enemy , vasyl and his son joined the teroborona, although, he says, the church forbids taking up weapons, so they were assigned to guard the objects. since the local teroborona was disbanded, the priest has been collecting donations for the army, because we have fellow villagers, by the way, too ... there are many who serve, there are even three who have already died, one of them is my son's classmate. and now father vasyl actively volunteers, collects money for drones humanitarian aid, and his daughter and his wife deliver crackers, apple pastille, fruit, and warm socks to the front. the priest urges people not to get used to war, everyone should help the army, he
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turns to michael in his daily prayers, after all. is considered the protector of warriors, as well as to nicholas the wonderworker, the patron of all who are on the road. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. well, now we will have a conversation, i will introduce our guest, konstantin dzhevagu, entrepreneur, philanthropist. mr. konstantin, i congratulate you. congratulations, vasyl i will make such an introduction to our conversation, i will inform you exactly why we decided to discuss it. this year , the export of goods and services from ukraine is expected to increase by nine. well, at least this was stated by the first deputy prime minister of ukraine, minister of economy yulia svoradenko. according to her, positive developments in this direction began to take place in the last months of last year, this was facilitated by the opening of an alternative sea corridor, the launch of the mechanism for insurance of ships against military risks and the establishment of river logistics on the danube. about this is what we are going to talk about now, and the question, in your opinion, were there really positive changes and shifts
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in the export of goods last year, what is being talked about. what exactly preceded this, how did the blockade of the polish, well actually slovak borders affect ukrainian exporters? vasyl, thank you, in fact, these are very important and such issues today, because this is our economy, these are our jobs, these are our taxes, which we collect today in ukraine and we understand that ukrainian taxes go to the armed forces of ukraine, that is, we have the money to support our military, to purchase the equipment we so desperately need. military equipment, all the materials that we use on a daily basis in order , firstly, to deter some kind of enemy aggression, and secondly, to advance and win back our territories, which are currently temporarily occupied, therefore, of course, as i said many times even before previous broadcasts, when i was invited to comment on such economic events, that is, they are 2/3 of our gross domestic product...


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