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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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ukraine and the world. katerina, you have a word, congratulations. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the details of the massive strikes on yemen and the updated draft law on mobilization. greetings, chas news v eter spresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. early in the morning, explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied mariupol. this was reported by the mayor's advisor petro andryushchenko. they were heard in different areas of the city, according to preliminary information , the livoberezhny district was the epicenter of the impact. the details are still being worked out. one person died, three more suffered due to enemy attacks in the kherson region.
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over the course of a day, the occupiers fired more than three hundred shells into the region, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration, said. the russians mostly targeted the residential quarters of populated areas, the extent of the destruction is currently being clarified. 64 combat clashes took place at the front during the day, the enemy unsuccessfully attacked in the kupyansk, lymansk and bakhmutsk directions. it is in progress. general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. heavy fighting continues near avdiivka. there defense forces repelled 10 enemy attacks and another 17 near pervomaiskyi and nevolskyi in the donetsk region. ukrainian soldiers continue to hold back the occupiers in the districts of georgiyivka, maryinka, and novomykhaivka. also, during the day, our aviation and missile forces hit four places where enemy personnel are concentrated, along with equipment and combat personnel. stocks the updated draft law on
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mobilization is already ready, it has been finalized by the ministry of defense and will be sent to the government for approval in the near future. about this said the minister of defense rustem umyerov. he assures that in the new edition , the authors took into account all the proposals from the deputies from the professional committee, and according to umyerov, the updated document should, in particular, establish a clear term of service of the mobilized. to give the soldiers, who have been at the front for the second year already , an opportunity to rest. russia has several scenarios for the introduction of war this year. this is stated in the study of political scientist volodymyr denysenko. the enemy army can wage a war to exhaust ukrainian resources, or will make regular offensive attempts on some or other areas of the front. russia can also expect a new model of country management, where everyone. the functions will be performed
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by security forces, in particular the fsb. also, the aggressor state managed to stabilize the economy thanks to the deterioration of the financial condition of the russians. well, if we are at war with countries and we do not know with whom we are at war, we live in myths, that is, in principle, for a long time we lived in the myth that 200 thousand russians will be killed and they will crumble, or that the russian economy will collapse tomorrow, or something else, or putin will die that is, if we do not understand the mechanisms by which... our enemy exists, in principle, it is impossible for us to plan and understand, in principle, how long they are ready to fight, what can be expected from them, and where is their bottom, through which they are in principles will not be able to cross. now officially the russians hit kharkiv on january 2 with a north korean missile. the prosecutor's office received the first evidence of its use. the prosecutor general of ukraine announced this on the public airwaves. andriy kostin.
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he noted that according to the preliminary results examination, the central part of the city was hit by a short-range missile manufactured in the dprk. a comprehensive investigation of other ammunition fragments found at the sites of recent attacks in the kharkiv and odesa regions is underway, the prosecutor general added. let me remind you that on january 2, the occupiers fired at least six rockets into a residential area in the center of the city. two women and 62 people died. were not injured. the united states and great britain struck houthi bases in yemen. these are the first strikes against a rebel group supported by iran. president of the states joe biden stated that the operation took place on his instructions and is a direct response to the houthis' unprecedented attacks on international maritime vessels. several cities were struck at once from the sea and from the air. the military
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hit the weapons storage warehouses and training bases of the houthis in yemen. i will note that after a series of terrorist acts by the kushites in the red sea, more than 200 ships were forced to... change their route for thousands of miles. crews from more than 20 countries have been threatened or taken hostage by pirates. sail to moldova. border guards were rescued in vinnytsia a man from the frozen dniester. he tried to cross the border illegally. this was reported in the state border service. a 35-year-old man from kharkiv , in a wetsuit with flippers, wanted to cross the river to land. the violator was reprimanded and an administrative report was drawn up against him, the case was sent to court. in order to avoid an accident, emergency services were immediately used and the swimmer was pulled out of the water, after which he was taken to
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the unit, where he was examined by a doctor and given the opportunity to warm up. we draw your attention to the fact that this method of illegal border crossing is extremely dangerous, because can easily do not lose your life. canister therapy is a new, rather unusual practice for ukrainians in rehabilitation, when dogs help people overcome fear, depression, anxiety and generally relieve psycho-emotional stress. our correspondent, darya ruban, visited several educational institutions in the white church and spoke with those who benefit from this practice. children with special needs in inclusive resource center number two experienced for the first time one of the effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation with the help of specially selected and trained dogs these two corgis - a yorkie and a german boxer know how easy it is to make contact. dogs are trained to work with such
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children, it causes positive emotions, joy in children, they instill love for animals, for all living things, so that children understand that dogs can be hurt, just like people. cannisterotherapy has long been known in the world, in ukraine it is only gaining momentum. when traveling to other cities, pets must be accompanied by dog ​​trainers, canine therapists. according to the director of the dog breeding club mrs. iryna, what breeds in general not suitable for this job very few. the only ones who are definitely not involved are puppies. you can start preparing four-legged friends for such a mission from three months, but you shouldn't do it yourself, because that's what they have. only specialists are engaged, each dog is selected before starting. it is necessary to be very person-oriented, to be very eager to communicate with a person, with any stranger, and then there is training, then our dogs pass exams, canister therapy in general, it is
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psychological relief, rehabilitation and help in stressful situations, and it is needed now. unfortunately, not only for children, but also for adults, such interaction with animals normalizes the work of the nervous system, reduces the level of physical and psychological stress, blood pressure helps to overcome anxiety and fear of dogs, and for children with special needs, this is not only one of the methods rehabilitation, but also learning, which is perceived in a game form. the dog receives a very heavy load and a lot of stress from the work itself. the fact is that... the dog must communicate and communicate in in a playful way with complete strangers, with children, so the overload in dogs is really very big. also, dog trainers and dogs visited one of the kindergartens in belotserki.
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there was no limit to joy here either. in general, canisterapia is excellent for the adaptation of displaced persons, families of fallen defenders, children in orphanages and people who have experienced the horrors of war. this method of zootherapy has also proven itself during the rehabilitation of military personnel in hospitals. darya ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. espresso tv channel calls on the audience to join the gathering of the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion in the kupinsky direction, a car is needed. our defenders need a pick-up truck to carry out combat missions and evacuate the wounded. its peculiarity is that it can move. in this area, it costs uah 250,000. you and i have already collected over uah 63. i am asking you to join and donate any amount raised. remember, every hryvnia of ours brings our victory closer. for now, this is all the news for this
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hour, you will find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. then mine are waiting for you on the air. colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk, don't switch, see you soon. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work for you in this studio, we remind you that you are watching espresso, and we also remind you that we are collecting for espresso, now we are collecting kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade, these are the soldiers who have been defending ukraine since 2014, as soon as the russian aggression against of ukraine, they were on the hottest destinations. in the hottest spots, and now they need kamikaze drones, and we need
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uah 5 million for these kamikaze drones, the amount is huge, but we already have more than a tenth of this amount, and yesterday we collected uah 60,000, we are doing well , dear friends, i want to tell you, i want to thank you for your activity, yesterday we collected twice as much as the day before yesterday, in short... if we move at such a pace, then already two tenths of the required amount will be on our account, and as soon as all the necessary amount is available, all kamikaze drones will be in our military immediately, you can see a private card on your screens and transfer funds with mono or qr codes, or by writing down the card numbers, it doesn’t matter in which way, so that it was convenient for you, and it doesn't matter how much money you transfer, the main thing is that you, the one who... orders, have a lot of this money, this is how this collection will move and
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get closer to its goal, especially since now it is much it's harder to collect for help, it's much harder for volunteers, let's show what viewers of espresso, these are those who do not forget that the war continues and that our military needs help. well, let's add ruslan mozychuk, spokesman of the national guard of ukraine, to the conversation. mr. ruslan, welcome to our company. good morning, glory to ukraine , glory to all, mr. ruslan, what is the situation at the front now, where active hostilities are taking place , please tell me what is happening, during this day we see that there have been 64 skirmishes, and the largest number of them is precisely in the area of ​​avdiivka and maryanka, despite this guardsmen as part of the defense forces continue to conduct an active defense, in particular in the kupyansk, limansk directions, in
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the bakhmutsk direction, where the enemy is also concentrating its efforts, and they are also performing tasks in the zaporizhzhia direction and in the kherson region, where the enemy is also trying in some places to return the territories from which it was knocked out during the summer offensive operations and those battles that took place in the fall. how is the actual weather condition now, does the temperature affect the situation on the battlefield? we see that during the latter time, during the last week, in particular , the enemy began to use armored vehicles more actively to strengthen their assaults, partly due to the fact that the temperature dropped and in some places it became possible to use armor at all. the technique is to be used even by car loads, because
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the previous weeks due to the high humidity due to the condition of the soil, it was almost impossible to do it in some areas, as regards artillery shelling in particular, the number of them is, let's say, high, this trend, it has been seen lately, and it is also partly due to the fact that there have been no advances. in terms of the use of equipment , that is why the enemy tried to, let's say, keep that, keep the intensity of fire damage, the density of fire due to the use of artillery and drones of various types, drones, because even during this week we see 71 attacks by drones of various types of positions of the national guard, this is also quite a large intensity of application, actually... what trends are happening now, what are the dynamics, writes
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the american institute for the study of war that, in general, the occupying forces currently have, do not have major problems with rotation, they have 90 or more percent of combat units on the front lines , of course, the representatives of the defense forces also noted that the enemy was constantly carrying out, let's say so , and mobilization measures, for... aimed at replenishing losses, creating units, certain new units, equipping them, and of course, those units of the enemy that were losing combat capability. due to the losses, this is also in the south, in particular in avdiyivka, maryanka , and kupyanskyi, limansky area, they were either replaced or completed, in general , the figures regarding the number of axles, which are announced by official representatives, indicate that, in particular, a large
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number of personnel is used, as we have seen recently in kupyanskyi and lymanskyi. in this direction, the so-called stormb units appeared, they are essentially mercenaries, who used to be wagnerites, who were, now, they are more, let's say, under control, they are part of the russian regular troops, but it shows that the enemy is really trying to use a sufficiently large number of personnel to carry out its tasks, and as for the use of artillery as well, then... we see that the density of shelling is quite high, that is, the issue of providing shells does not arise, in relation to the identified prisoners, in particular azov, what is their condition now, how do they feel? as a result of the extreme exchange, or let's say, the first one this year, 55
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national guard servicemen, in total, managed to return home. now worked up, let's say procedure in order to provide them with proper treatment and rehabilitation as soon as possible, in order for them to receive the necessary assistance, because the long stay in captivity and those injuries, those problems with the state of health that they received while performing tasks, received in captivity, they now need proper treatment, including psychological rehabilitation. that is, already having experience, our doctors and our psychologists do everything to make this process as fast and efficient as possible, and of course, this is a question restoration of documents, the issue of ensuring proper payments for them, and communicating, let's say, with relatives, relatives, which they missed so much during the last months
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when they were in polun. mr. ruslan, and then these released ukrainian military personnel, after undergoing rehabilitation, they return to service, are many of them able to continue this service? in general, there is, let's say, an opportunity for them to return to service, there is an opportunity to serve in units of the national guard, in particular, which do not perform tasks directly on the front line, because our units. also have tasks, for example, to protect critical infrastructure facilities and others, but at the same time there is still the question, of course, treatment for someone is long-term treatment, rehabilitation, and even as regards, for example, further training, some of the released have plans, let's say, to continue in the service, to grow in their career, and
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for this they need the necessary education and training, which is now also carried out by our educational... institutions, and accordingly on some bases where you can undergo training. psychological rehabilitation, how long does it take? psychological rehabilitation takes place in different ways and takes, let's say, a long time, usually it is several months, depending on the condition and what the serviceman had to go through, what the person had to go through, and it, well... well, in essence, it is systemic, it does not end with any one period, it continues, well, with a certain periodicity, divided into stages precisely in order for a person to really improve the psychological state that allows her to return to normal life. and those who then communicate with people who
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were in russian captivity, not only relatives, i mean people who have some friends, acquaintances, what do they have? know how to communicate with a person who has been in russian prisons? in general, now a lot of work is being done both at the state level and by our psychologists, psychologists, and the ministry of internal affairs in order to, let's say, develop and have certain recommendations, and not only for relatives, but also for co-workers, for friends , those who returned from captivity, then... that is, in general , people should understand who is communicating with them, what is possible, some direct questions, maybe some efforts of a person to find out some details as soon as possible. these are that it is not in the direct sense, let's say, it should not happen directly, and moreover it should not happen exactly at the first time of their return from captivity,
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and then it is of course a gradual work that really happens in parallel, as with psychologists, so and by making a person understand that he is already at home, that he is already, let's say, among his own, and he has the opportunity to communicate with exactly those people. who are her relatives, well, mr. ruslan , thank you very much for this conversation, ruslan muzychuk , the spokesman of the national guard of ukraine was with us, thank you for participating in the broadcast, well, you know what i wanted to say, before anything else, so say, uh, yes, i wanted to say something else, i wanted to say that we will, of course, talk about ours, or... we actually have a deputy in the verkhovna rada, today we will talk a little about what is happening in the verkhovna rada. do you know what i wanted to say? i wanted to say, gentlemen, that something very interesting turned out studies of israeli analysts, dr.
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mikhail malkin, a lieutenant colonel of the israeli army, here, together with a member of a special research group, well, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, in a word, they investigated russian losses from some sources that their, their intelligence or something like that got there. in the war now in ukraine, and they say that the mortality rate of the wounded now in the army of the russian federation is 33%, which is about the same as the mortality rate in the 40s of the last century during the second world war, again in that to the red army itself, well, that is, it is really back to us, and it means such, this is considered a huge percentage of mortality, let's remind. that, for example, the americans have a good one, he believes that this is a normal indicator, it is somewhere around 10% of the mortality rate, wounded, and the injuries are very severe, this is understandable, and among these reasons
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why the percentage of mortality among wounded russians is so high is called what in fact, first of all, they often do not provide assistance to the wounded on the battlefield at all, well, they often simply do not evacuate, this is also the case the coolest case, a linden was wounded, and let him die, here, but... mostly they die from loss of blood when wounded in the limbs, as well as from burns and craniocerebral injuries, that is, it is because of bad helmets of poor quality, or even russians they don't wear them at all for unknown reasons, things like that, their medicine doesn't work very well, and evacuation lasts an average of 24 hours for one wounded person, 24 hours, is that clear? that if he is wounded and his blood is not stopped well, he just bleeds out, in the same way, the main method of treatment is considered amputation in the russian army, about treatment,
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i thought green, no, no, about apser, they have not heard at all and believe that any disorders are related to stress in the war, this is all fiction, and it is be a man, so be a man, equals. to cowardice and mental weakness, well, i read igal levin, interestingly enough, an instructor from the ukrainian army, my god, an instructor from the ukrainian army, but a veteran of tsahal. well, gentlemen, we will now go for a short break, then volodymyr nazarenko from the gunner of the fourth brigade, rubizh will tell us what the situation is in his section of the front. stay with us. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety, melamamag b6 will help you cope with these challenges. melatonin,
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family to many, as well as distinguished guests. in the studio , the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. well, dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our marathon. volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine: rubizh will be on our air now, but you were talking
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about the russian... military, i also remembered how they are treated, how they are treated there, how they say that they are not cried and didn't were rags, ugh, and what can be, what can be the attitude, when russians are brought up on this kind of cinema, which idealized this whole war, and where in that war, they were all so beautifully dressed with clean nails, with clean with clean hearts, with clean clothes, and with that too, and you just know. mentioned that now it turns out that in russia they decided to clean up their soviet- era cinematography a little, or rather not their cinematography, but what was filmed at ukrainian film studios, yes, and now they will be first of all, well, the fact that it was voiced in two languages ​​is self-evident, we have something even in the shadows of forgotten ancestors, marichka spoke in russian to ivanka, oh, but besides
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all that, the film only old men are going into battle, ugh, it was shot by ukrainians at the ukrainian film studio, probably the best film about the war that could be in russian cinema, so now they, the same moon song sounds, they, uh, took this song and replaced it on another, i'm just trying to remember which one i read somewhere, how it is it is called, a connoisseur of russian art is not very familiar with it, they replace it with wait a fool, there is a song "oh, the red viburnum in the meadow" sounds, yes, but they replaced it , it will be replaced in the field, the russian field, and it's great, but where are the references about ukraine in this film, then these references will replace it with references about russia, but about...


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