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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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in the hungarian language, etc., the rights of national minorities and so on , they need to demonstrate directly in uzhhorod what is actually real, how the real situation differs from the rhetoric of the government in budapest, and at the level of arguments, so to speak, this is where to win, smile, to shake hands and expect steps to meet from our partners. thank you, volodymyr horbach, political analyst of the institute of euro-atlantic cooperation, and more. news is ready to be announced by anna eva melnyk, the news editor is already together with they prepared the most up-to-date and most operational information, so we give you the floor, and tell us what will be discussed in this issue. greetings, colleagues, the news team is working, we are ready to tell about the most current events, in particular about the advance of our troops in the zaporizhia direction, about this and not only the details. next, stay with us.
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recently, air force spokesman yuriy ignat said on the air of the telethon, according to him, today, during the night, not a single aircraft or aerial vehicle was recorded an enemy attack, but already in... russians have resumed their activity, ignat suggests that the quiet night may be the result of worsening weather conditions. the spokesman adds that 10 russian fighter jets and about 5-7 reconnaissance drones are currently in the air in the north, east and south. moving forward, the defense forces recaptured half a kilometer of territory near verbovoy from the russians, melitopol mayor ivan fedorov said. ours... face the enemy in extremely difficult
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conditions, constantly in the zaporozhye direction repel attacks, writes fedorov. russia cannot counter ukrainian drones on the left bank of the kherson region. this was written on the social network of the ex-ministry of defense of great britain. fpv drones are used by our defenders together with artillery to destroy the vehicles of the occupiers. in the krynok region, 90% of muscovites' equipment was destroyed, it is reported. the british, referring to the russian warlords. due to the lack of means of rep on this part of the front, putin's troops are unable to fight our drones. russians killed two people in kherson. terrorists hit the city with artillery. a woman who was on the street died, a charred body was found in a vandalized car. the person's identity is being established, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin said. as a result of the shelling , they got busy. the fires were promptly extinguished. i am in
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ukraine to convey a simple message: our support cannot and will not weaken, so british prime minister rishi sunak wrote about his visit to kyiv. along with secretary of defense grant shaps and chief of defense staff gwyn jenkins , they meet with president volodymyr zelensky sunak is to announce a 2.5 billion aid package. sterling for 2024-2025. it will include long -range missiles, anti-aircraft defenses and projectiles. 200 million will be spent on thousands of long-range drones, reconnaissance, attack and maritime drones. the countries will also sign an agreement on bilateral security guarantees for ukraine on the part of britain. and i remind you about the collection of the espresso tv channel. the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion in the kupyan
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direction needs a car. to carry out combat missions and evacuate our wounded defenders need a pickup truck. its peculiarity is that it can move through swampy terrain. it costs uah 250,000. you and i have already collected 82,000. please join us and donate any amount. remember, every hryvnia of yours brings our victory closer. unfortunately , the mother is 19 years old. the woman left her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter alone in the apartment for four days. the child had neither water nor food, she was in bad and dangerous conditions. the apartment is located in kharkiv on the 12th floor. neighbors saved the child, they said regional prosecutor's office. the woman was informed of the suspicion, the girl currently lives with her grandmother. traded grenades and...explosives
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. last year, a 28-year-old man from kharkiv sold an arsenal of weapons to a man, the proceeds amounted to more than $200. at the beginning of this year, the suspect met with the buyer again, this time the batch... it included four rpg-22 rocket-propelled anti-tank grenades , a plastic explosive charge, as well as f-1 and rgd-5 grenade cases with a total of 16 pieces. the man was detained after receiving the funds, the regional prosecutor's office reported that he is currently in custody and faces up to seven years in prison. the shipper and three of his clients were detained at the border with moldova. the man tried to get the evaders out of ukraine, but he failed, the state border service reported. the conductor was supposed to receive $300 from each of them for the way around the checkpoints, everyone was brought to
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justice, the search for the organizer of this scheme continues. they brought humanitarian aid. policeman white angels from. they knew turske and zarichne in donetsk region. hygiene kits and household chemicals were delivered to pensioners and people with disabilities. almost every house in torsky was damaged. shops are closed, it is almost impossible to buy the necessary goods on your own. it was about a kilometer away from the position of the occupiers. also, policemen provide local first aid, and this time they also had to evacuate the body of the deceased. he was on his property, namely in the garden , enemy shelling took place, the projectile aimed directly at the house, the house was razed to the ground, and the owner of this house died as a result of the injuries he received with a compatible life. each day
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begins with a prayer for the soldiers. vasyl bezruchko from kirovohrad region was a military chaplain during the anti-terrorist operation, and then joined the army, now his father volunteers for the army and unites dozens of people with this cause, the story of khotabych, that's what he was called in the army, will be told by our correspondents. lord jesus christ, son of god, bless and help all our soldiers of our ukraine, so that victory, peace, health and harmony. in the blue and yellow church of oleksandrivka , the factory prayer sounds every day. father vasyl built this church in the village 15 years ago, at that time it was the first ukrainian orthodox church of the kyiv patriarchate in the area, then, the priest recalls, the service in ukrainian surprised people, later the number of parishioners increased so much that sometimes there was nowhere to cross,
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he jokes. at first, they didn't just come to listen to us speak in ukrainian, but then they realized that this is our ukrainian church and this is our language. began to come no only themselves, at the moment they bring both children and grandchildren. russia's invasion of ukraine changed people's attitude towards the church - says vasyl bezruchko. during the ato, the priest was a military chaplain, for his service he has a number of thanks and awards from the military and volunteers. in the 15th year, i went in october, as a military chaplain at that time, to a city in the slavyansk-donetsk region, just to help the boys, to support them. to support our then soldiers, our defenders at that time, and all this instead i saw how people changed theirs even his outlook, because of his long white beard , the military called him khotabych. i served in the 95th mobile brigade, and the first
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time i came to them, i was a lieutenant colonel, but the lieutenant colonel still does not know how they serve there, he said this word. hotabych, and so i remained hotabych to this day. at the beginning of the full-scale offensive of the enemy , vasyl and his son joined the teroborona, although, he says, the church forbids taking up weapons, so they were assigned to guard the objects. since the local teroboron was disbanded, the priest has been collecting donations for the army, because we have compatriots, by the way, there are also many who serve, even three have already died. one of them is my son's classmate. and now father vasyl actively volunteers, collects money for drones, for humanitarian aid, and his daughter and his wife deliver crackers, apple pastel, fruit, and warm socks to the front. the priest urges people not
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to get used to war, everyone should help the army. in his daily prayers, he turns to michael, because the saint is considered the protector of warriors, as well as to nicholas the miracle worker, patron of all. who is on the way from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. the news team is working. we will tell you about the most important things in the next issue at 4 p.m., but you can always read more about current events on our website espresso tv, my colleagues work for you around the clock , see you soon, information day of the tv channel in rozpala, we thank anna eva melnyk, thank you to the news editor for this issue and thank you for being extremely moving. with the father, yes, well , we will pick up the baton and inform about all the most important things, in particular about what
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our journalists in the studio did not have time to cover espresso live, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi, and soon serhiy danilov , deputy director of the middle eastern research center, will join our studio virtually, today we are actually actively talking about what is happening in the middle east, because it was quite hot there tonight, aviation and united states warships. of great britain struck the military facilities of ositi groups in yemen, which, with the support of iran , launched a hunt for merchant ships in the red sea in the last one and a half months and are actually blocking sea trade and russia, which is an ally of iran, has already invited an urgent meeting of the un security council on january 12 to discuss the strike against the yemeni houthis, and russia has already actually stood up for the yemeni houthis. united states airstrikes in yemen. another example of the anglo-saxons' contempt for un security council resolutions and
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complete disregard for international law in the name of escalating the situation in the region for their own destructive purposes, the representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, stated on her official page that she's always a little drunk, or it's just that she always looks like that, well, you always know that she's not a statement, but someone else is so interesting. attack and here are the anglo-saxons, well, it was interesting on her part, well, the anglo-saxons are generally such an established russian conspiracy phobia, that is, they think that the anglo-saxon world conspired, so to speak, in order to inflict certain harm on them, they they do not understand that they themselves have the ram syndrome, which begins to beat its head against a concrete wall, and it does not bring anything but some shame to the russian of the federation, but unfortunately, it leads to... some bloodshed. instead, an important message from the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine
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, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi. i quote general-colonel syrian. i would say more, the offensive of the russian army will fail. they repeatedly determined for themselves the terms of capturing certain settlements, exits to certain boundaries, and then postponed them. they really failed in these tasks. however, the commander of the ground forces noted that the enemy continues to advance on several na... and has the resources for this, well, in fact, there is no abatement of complaints about the law on mobilization, yesterday, as you know, the government draft law was withdrawn, meanwhile the ministry of defense announced that they already have an alternative draft law, which was supposedly being prepared for six months , as minister umyerov told us, but actually today the scandalous member of parliament maryana bezugla has already managed to pour out certain basic provisions regarding this draft law or
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the improvement of the draft law, what exactly are the main provisions in this draft law may be, but bezugla writes that to exclude the requirement to provide servicemen with a place of residence during the conclusion of an employment contract, to exclude unconstitutional norms on entering the register of debtors, after that one more norm, to return the norm. regarding the granting of a deferment from mobilization and the right to release to all persons with disabilities, in particular the third group, then there is talk of returning the deferment to adoptive parents, guardians, dependents, to exclude the deferment to current people's deputies of ukraine, it is interesting, will the people 's deputies vote for this norm, will you exclude the deferment for the current people's deputies, will you exclude the deferment for employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the ministry of defense, and so on and so forth, but not about that now, let's talk about what is happening in the middle east. serhiy danilov, deputy director of the middle eastern studies center, is already
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in touch with us. congratulations, mr. serhiy veteri espresso. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. glory to heroes. well, for a long time, our american, british, and other allies were warming up tomahawks in covers. yes, well, but dear friends from yemen, sunny arrived, yes, for all those piracy actions and attempts to block the red sea. but the key. story , could this lead to some kind of large-scale response, in particular from the yemeni patrons in iran, for example, maybe not only in iran, well... for now, most likely no, it cannot, well, but of course there is such a possibility that active iranians will be able to raise again, as in october, their proxies in iraq and syria so that they carry out attacks on american bases, there they will try to raise
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the arab street in jordan and in egypt, in order to create... a common fund, that is , it is impossible to launch full-fledged military operations without a preliminary stage of expansion, against the background of the fact that the war is in gas, well, now on pause, in fact, yes, well at least it is not going with this intensity, as it was going a few weeks ago or a month ago, then we need to make efforts again in the middle east, well, there are reasons to think. that after all , everything will most likely be limited to one yemen and there will be no regional war, and what role do you think russia can play in all this process, because the russians are already whining about the need to convene a radbe, and officially, as they say, have harnessed themselves to yemen and the houthis, and we want to understand how this can be reflected
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in russia's policy regarding support or non-support and what exactly they can give support to yemen. to the houthis, well, militarily, they cannot give anything now, in fact , there is now a naval blockade of the houthis, and russia is very much counting on the regional war, on the fact that the united states and its allies will be drawn into it, an extremely bloody one. a large-scale regional conflict, this is their dream, they believe that this will give them a chance to skip the 24th year, skip the elections, and then the whole year. and to completely switch the attention of washington and europe to the events in the middle east, that is why they are now investing in it , they are trying to influence the houthis so that they do not restrain themselves there and continue, shelling with everything they can, and suddenly they even have something it will work out, but isn't it beneficial to them that, well, i'm just trying to understand, we
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understand that iran is now helping russia to fight against ukraine, but if... a heated phase of the war begins, and accordingly , iran will be forced to help the houthis more, then it will not be able to help the russians in sufficient numbers, so how to put together these puzzles? well, i don't think that there is such a direct correlation, a direct dependence between whom to help, well, of course, if there is a full-scale war, there will be no help, but we must not forget that russia... was burning its own production of the same shaheds 136 -x and in yelabog there and in other places where they are collected and this dependence on iran is preserved, but it is not so critical, this is one thing, secondly, iran itself produces enough, it is another matter that it
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will no longer be able to deliver anything new to the houthis under these specific conditions. because such a number of ships, such a tight control over the yemeni ports now, that deliveries in any case, well, if there will be, then random and few. look, mr. sergey, but we understand that iran also has certain capabilities, yes, we understand that this is a story not only about yemen, at one time the american aircraft carrier group even entered two the mediterranean sea, that's about it. the aggravation, the significant aggravation of the israel-rabbi conflict, so we understand that this story is currently in a somewhat localized phase, but it can affect hezbollah itself, it can affect lebanon and it will continue to move forward. what do you think, how urgent is the issue of including other arab countries in
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the anti-israel coalition? well, it is not significantly less strict than it was standing. before, because everyone was afraid not that egypt or jordan would side with hamas, for example, but that they would succeed there shake up the situation, the governments there will simply fall as a result of popular unrest, well, as we can see, they resisted, and the president of egypt was even re-elected during this time, mr. marshall, but the situation is indisputable. the lebanese front is tense, the israelis upset the balance , they had a kezbola, the rules were written, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, so you shot, we shot each other, you wounded, we, you wounded, you smeared, we zma , we will also miss the field where we will shoot, and now
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the israelis have destroyed a person from the nearest the entourage of the leader of hezbollah, and they made a number of strikes on the military infrastructure of hezbollah, and hezbollah must answer, and neither does not, nor dares, and they want to and hesitate, and they do not... know what to do, we see how nasrallah cancels his traditional friday, friday press conference, or rather his speech, his address, well, but the situation is tense, the israelis demand that the south of lebanon be completely withdrawn, the united states is actively now communicating between the government of lebanon and the government of israel in order to prevent a bigger war there, but the connection others countries is not visible in any way, yemen is perceived very badly in saudi arabia, in the united arab emirates there are also
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many, bad, bahrain has generally joined the coalition led by the americans against the houthis, so in this sense , everything is not so dangerous. mr. serhiy, i also wanted to clarify, we understand that the west is usually very careful in its actions. and tries, on the contrary, to take a very, you know , balanced approach to each of his steps, especially when it comes to the use of this or that weapon, and we want to understand that exactly what could have caused such a position of great britain, the united states and the countries that supported such a decision, it is actually related to the fact that the situation in the red sea was absolutely critical and it was necessary to take some measures, right? actually, well, it was something else, because, well , actually, we understand that the western world, it's quite like that, you know, well, not very decisive,
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let's talk softly, here, you know, that's what we decided to do, well, considering the same and to the fact that the situation in the middle east is now is trying to stir things up somehow, and i don't want you to know, our viewers also somehow , you know, couldn't find the right... answers for themselves, because we understand that the situation there is escalating, and here we understand that and the west, the west and the western countries are also trying to warm things up somehow, well, 15% of the world's cargo turnover by sea transport through the red sea and the babelmandar strait, well, it's very serious, in some years 30% of the world's global flow of containers on this route . on january 4, the united states issued its last warning, on january 9, the houthis carried out the largest attack on ships, which
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cannot be tied to israel at all by those ships that passed by those ships that sailed through babelman, well in red sea. so, if the united states , having gathered a coalition ... the sea, did not do something, this is the middle east, everyone looks at you, everyone respects you, as long as you are strong, well, their positions would be lost, and this is how the decision was made, obviously , if you can reconstruct, without ground operation, missile and bomb attacks on military infrastructure, airfields and airports, and the houthis perfectly understood that this would happen, because already on thursday they started... to roll up the khudei, well , there are separate ones in the port, there are launchers, well, to take something out, to flee, in short
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saying, so that it is clear after january 9 that the answer will be, mr. serhiy, well, i cannot but ask you about what the prime minister of great britain rishi sunak brought to kyiv today, in particular, it is about an unprecedented agreement in the field. of security, quoting the press service of his royal government his majesty charles ii. the document will be a step in the development of the steadfast century-old partnership between ukraine and the united kingdom. yes, and accordingly it will include military training and exchange of intelligence data, there is medical, cooperation in the field of the military-industrial complex, but something is possible. do you see an additional one there, what is the additional option of signing this contract? well , it is important that what was talked about will be
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institutionalized. britain goes first. in many cases, she broke through this front of non-interference, let's call it that, yes, that's it with these or other types of weapons, for example, or with the speed of transmission, and great britain continues its policy consistently, showing leadership, and the most important thing is that it sets the framework for everyone else, it ... not so much for itself, as for others , it is possible , you see, it happened, and nothing terrible happened, there is no answer, there is no bubabum from russia, in this sense it is a very important visit and a very important sign, well, accordingly , we would like to clarify what this could mean in addition to the sign, in particular, when it comes to certain security moments, it is possible under certain circumstances
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circumstances, great britain will be able to... get involved , i don’t know, with one or another of its additional, same naval forces, so it was not for nothing that the government of his royal highness allocated two minesweepers to us, well, unfortunately, the montreux convention worked and turkey refused to let them through, well, but , that is, this is also a certain bold step, and perhaps great britain could somehow work more actively in what is called compliance with the law of the sea, which is regularly violated by the russian federation in the black sea basin. well, obviously, the british will talk with turkey, with london among the western capitals, now it is closest to ankara, there are the most, well, advanced relations, in particular in the military industry and the military, and military topics are very interesting, you know, so
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simple . digressing from the direct question, i remember how a brigadier general, a british brigadier general, a year or two before the full-scale invasion, together with his unit and the ukrainian unit, during exercises in the south of ukraine, practically in the kherson region, practiced river fording. and when i was listening to him, i understood that he understands this issue in a very practical way, that... it can be useful, and if we are talking about our south, in particular about the dnipro river and the left bank, there are ongoing battles, our fighters are standing on the bridgeheads, yes, but the enemy is extremely active in this direction, so now maybe you have some additional news, no, except that it's freezing, the dnieper channel is freezing,
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that's good. bad, that is, the supply of our group on the left bank is deteriorating and becoming more problematic, since by boats you just don't go like that, and the enemy also takes this into account, well, yes, we stand, we stand, well , the fabs are the most terrible thing, thank god, numerous, uncoordinated actions of the enemy were observed there. who could shoot himself. thank you for your comprehensive answer. serhiy danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies. he was in touch with us. we thank him, and we're going to take a little break now, and then we'll get back to you, so stay with us, stay with espresso. there are discounts on aquamaris. 15% in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. 19th century
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