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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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grant, i asked him about this aid package that was announced publicly by the british prime minister, that there would be anti- tank missiles, that there would be more air defense, and that there would be long-range weapons, i asked him , i said, does that mean that great britain has decided that ukraine can now use long-range missiles. well , long-range missiles are either crimea or towards russia, that is, those that fly much, much longer than the missiles we have now. he said: well, you made the right point, because i don't know if it's public will talk about it, but we will obviously see further events that will take place in the armed forces of ukraine, how they will use these weapons? tatiana, i have it. a question for you
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, er, the issue of these long-range missiles, it is such a cornerstone of all these negotiations of ukraine with countries, with our western partners, because it is clear that ukraine wants to destroy the russian occupiers not only on the territory of the ukrainian state, but also on the territory , where the aggression comes from, that is, where there are military airfields, where there are logistics warehouses, where there are military facilities. where are the factories of the military-industrial complex, and what are the europeans so afraid of, what will fly across europe from russia, and putin is in such a state that he is ready, how to get medvedev again, this rhetoric about nuclear weapons, because just two days ago, the deputy chairman the russian security service again threatened nuclear weapons, although he did so in context. of ukraine said that we
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have tested all types of weapons in ukraine, except for nuclear ones, so far he said, in fact yes, in fact european leaders, and i think that the american leader also, they will be afraid of this very moment of direct involvement in the war, this is what the russian bear said about, the direct participation of british soldiers on the territory of ukraine, but also russia can ... ct the participation of western countries in the war if their weapons attack already directly the territory of russia, as they believe, they consider crimea to be the territory of russia, and if ukraine begins to attack crimea with russian long-range and western long-range missiles, this can be interpreted as a question of the fact that this western state, which provided these missiles is directly involved in the war, but as olga rightly pointed out , britain has always been... ahead, britain
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was the first to give us tanks, britain was the first to give us lethal weapons, and if britain was the first to somehow give permission to ukraine to use its long-range weapons, for example , on the territory of russia, there in the hinterland on these very airfields from which fighter jets take off to bomb us, then i think that after this , other states will start to change their point of view just as before, the same germany, we will watch and ... i would also like to add that there are still a certain number of secret annexes to the agreement signed today, and it is quite possible that there are also written some next steps, how ukraine will receive new weapons, how it will use them, so we will really see everything in practice very soon shortly. oleksiy, in recent weeks, even in the last few months , leaders, european leaders have been talking about the fact that... europe needs to prepare for a confrontation
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with russia, german defense minister pistorius spoke about this, former commander-in-chief the armed forces of sweden says that sweden needs to prepare, the baltic countries are also constantly talking, because they already know what russia is, what the soviet boot is, they are well aware of what to expect from russia, finland also knows what to expect from russia , poland also knows what to expect from russia, well , everyone knows what to expect from russia, in principle, well, that is, the russians once reached the english channel, so in principle, well, i wanted to ask you if it is possible, can we expect , that the russians will go to the english channel again, because you can expect anything from the russians, because there is probably no point in predicting the actions of the russians, but drawing historical parallels, especially since you are a historian, i think that this is precisely in... you can
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do it perfectly, the question is that i think that it is worthwhile in the west to realize the falsity of this thesis , that if there is something, then russia will raise the stakes, use something, and so on, if russia had the opportunity to use something, it uses it, it does not look back at what, so to speak, at any consequences of that , which is happening, so it seems to me that it is already time to hand it in archive, on the other hand, we see that russia does not want a conflict, a direct conflict with nato, well, that reminds me. what can we say about the parallels, when britain found itself alone with hitler, then churchill did everything so that, let's say, if they did not want to come to his aid, then hitler himself would attack there, or on the soviet union, or do something with
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by the united states, so that they were forced to get involved, but in principle, ukraine understood that in ukraine, in fact, despite the fact that we are usually great pacifists and i think... that it is better to avoid a world war, but we certainly believe that we will already withdraw the war, that in principle the war is already underway, and the sooner the west realizes this, the better, on the other hand, what if britain really provides these long-range missiles, it i think it's an interesting twist, because you know, if one of the allies gives, but the americans can say no, although... the discussion, the question is how russia will act, will it declare war on britain or there , who, who will provide this weapon, on the other hand, well, absolutely to me it seems that one should not pay attention to this rhetoric, that russia considers crimea to be its
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territory, therefore the use of weapons against crimea or against russian territory will somehow change the situation, no way... russia values ​​its own territory, sorry, kherson, which they also surrendered zaporozhye, which fortunately they were not able to occupy, so it seems to me that there is no difference here from the point of view of russian legislation, so it seems to me that if this is such an intrigue that the europeans, relatively speaking, provide these weapons, the americans not provided, it will be interesting to see how russia will react to this extension. although, of course, the europeans are not particularly eager for it, the only ones who provide it so far are the british. in fact, russia considers its territory not only the occupied regions, because they constantly talk about russian cities, kiev, odessa and the dnieper,
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dnipropetrovsk, they say, and kharkov, so they generally, it seems to me, that's all their rhetoric, it... is built on the fact that what they do, they simply take their own, and also convince their own citizens there, well, but this means that we do not need to pay attention to this reti, well, of course, we don’t need it, i’m just saying that for russia there is no such thing as a state like ukraine, because they believe that everything that is there is ours, they only perceive it that way, olya , it's true, yes, it's true, and i completely agree with... oleksiy, so what should we do now? go with russian narratives? well, my god, my god, well, they can do and think whatever they want , yes, we have our own state, we know that we
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are defending, that this is the territory of ukraine, well, actually, we only go out of our own , own interests, and on... in principle , the majority of the civilized world is on our side, if we analyze in such detail every time, and what is in the mind of putin and the russians, well , there is a high probability that something in our brain will break, i wouldn't want that, i agree with you, there's nothing to say here, i just mentioned their rhetoric, since i'm studying carefully enough now what... they say, look, ladies and gentlemen, today volodymyr zelenskyy spoke about the future law about mobilization, which is being prepared next version of this law, the cabinet of ministers is preparing, and zelensky says that he advocates
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that this law be fair. let's hear what president zelensky said about the upcoming law on mobilization. we don't have this synchronicity, i will quote president zelenskyi, regarding your question, regarding the law on mobilization, he answers to the journalist, i know that the military. worked with the deputies, i did not see the final version, for me the most important thing is that this law is fair, when i saw all the details, then i can say, olya, what is justice in this law, when it comes to the mobilization of 500 thousand ukrainians, additional and demobilization of ukrainians, that is, what kind of concept, fair or unfair, in the conditions of war, the state adopts. which are necessary for victory, for the war with the russian federation, or should
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we talk here about this about this measure of justice? serhiy, i would like to respond in the words of my heroine, the heroine of the material i recently wrote about mobilization, she is a ukrainian volunteer, olga harbovska, she, we have known her for a long time, since... maidan times, and you know, this generation plus or minus 30, it inspires me a lot because people are euro-oriented, euro-atlantic-oriented, they have brought themselves up in the correct coordinate system, and with it is very interesting to talk with them, in particular, on the topics of justice, and on the topics of how to sing. to know the concept of justice before mobilisation, so
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olga garbovska told me the following, that it is not enough to state that society has a demand for justice, we need to renew the unity that we had in the first months of a large-scale invasion, well , everyone present will remember, it's true, and... how today 's public mood differs from those at the beginning of the great war, eh, and in order to achieve this unity, eh, of course, that we, we have executed a lot of valuable things, and maybe now we need to do it with triple energy, er... society is not ready for a wide mobilization, because, because
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it is disoriented by those messages, 2-3 weeks, 2-3 months , and there will already be victory, and when two or three weeks and two or three months have passed, and victory did not come, then people plunged into depression in another, in another direction and... so, if we had immediately spoken to society not as children, but as adults, we would not have the current situation, weary of war, mother's flowers, who say that they were not born to go serve, and there are those things that, well, what kind of state, society should take care of them? already now, in order to, this request of society
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, justice and unity, which we need in order for the mobilization to happen, well , not in the same way as in russia, several things to do, persistently give russian ipso, in all its dimensions, fail. hear the media literacy of the population. and the third, one of the most important things, is to eradicate that sovietism from the military structures, which is higher than the roof in the army, take my word for it. thank you, colleagues, then we can talk about mobilization, which will not be forced, who will not be pulled out of the crowd half-dead, searched. in the carpathian mountains, getting caught in minibuses, these are all abnormal
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phenomena, abnormal, we spent a very, very long time just explaining, and it is i who direct these, well, these words to myself as well itself, since i am a media person and all the media persons are present, we were engaged in this. probably not enough, of course, and the statesmen were also engaged in probably everything, including corruption, and these things with not... so now we have such, i would say, a tense situation within society, oh, there will be everyone grist, but the rich will redeem themselves, and poor mykola will go to die for nothing. thank you, olya. colleagues, after a short break on our channel , we will return to our conversation in just
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yes, no , it's pretty simple on youtube, vote or comment what you think about it. if you watch us on tv pick up the phone and vote if yes then 0800-211381 no 080 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, i would like to remind you that my colleagues olga musafirova, oleksiy mustafin and tetyana vysotska are on our air today. we've already started talking about this mobilization bill that was announced at christmas, then for two weeks or three weeks. some kind of discussion continued, it is absolutely unclear who communicated this bill, people commented, some people ran to the notaries to transfer the property to their wives, someone there started looking for opportunities to go abroad. oleksiy, from the point of view a communicator and a person who works
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with information, like us and all of us, but olya said that we, we did not work on that... including in order for people to understand what mobilization is, how to carry it out and in what a way for people, i would just concentrate, olya said very good and correct words, i would like to say about the communication of this very law, start as a historian, in rome, which for us is such an exemplary, model, approach to law, every law had his own name, that is, there was a law, relatively speaking, cassius, horace's law, and so on further, that is, the legislator always fixed, the one who proposed, so to speak, this bill, fixed that it was his bill, that is the main mistake from the point of view
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of communication with this law, that we never understand whose law this is. formally , it was submitted by the government, but after it was submitted, the finance minister said, well , the law is good, but let the military explain to me where i will get the money for this law, you, the finance minister, should participate in the discussion of this law, the president now, it seems to me, repeats the same the mistake itself, he says, let them bring the law, i will get to know it, and then, and then i will give my opinion, whether it is fair or not, well... actually the president has the right of legislative initiative, actually he could take responsibility and to propose the law that he considers fair, that is , it turns out that we do not have, the russian proverb that in the family, nannies, children without eyes, that no one wants to take responsibility for this law, it is clear that the problem is very important, controversial and so on, possibly
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dangerous from the point of view of the electoral there prospects, we started talking about electoral prospects too early, again the main problem is that according to certain norms, according to the law, according to the idea of ​​the draft law itself. then someone has to take responsibility, when this responsibility is taken, then it will be clear, if it is a presidential bill, it is unlikely that the members of the pro-presidential faction will not vote for it, but i will then it will be clear, and so they can draft the bill today served, tomorrow we will withdraw it, and this can go on for quite a while for a long time, you know, and then the head of state will come out all white and say: but i think that this... is not unfair, that is, if we want to pass this bill on time, then we need to have a mature conversation and at least take it
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upon ourselves compliance, well, zelenskyy could not just submit it, he had to do it, because he is the commander-in-chief and present this draft law, including communicating it, telling people what kind of draft it is, that there is no other way out, here you are out... small now in ukraine, yes, but we, but we know these, well, no one saw them, maybe it was obvious, but we have information that there was, there was an order by the faction not to communicate this issue, the question is that let the military communicate, the military are not politicians, they, as zaluzhnyi correctly said , i am a consumer in this case, how many stiga soldiers will be given to me, the more, the better. that is why the draft law should be a political responsibility, well, again, this is a question not only for the authorities, the opposition can introduce
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a draft law, but once again take responsibility for it, and when will vote, it will be their draft law, well, we just have to say that during the war , we have power, general power, that is, there is the opposition or those who have monopolies, well , it's still power, isn't it? sure, but you can't, but you can't spread the blame on everyone, we see, we see, it's not in the non-combatants in the united states, what does it lead to, you know, when nobody wants to take responsibility, i absolutely, i absolutely share your opinion , tatiana, can it not happen that another version of the law will become a victim of this political irresponsibility, when the bill is thrown around like a hot card. flow from hand to hand and they say, well, listen, then it’s zaluzhny, yes no, then there will probably be whispers, yes no, maybe syrian, or maybe ummerav in general, or maybe arachamia will carry those potatoes to
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the verkhovna rada of ukraine, as it was on christmas, when arahamia came out and said, the draft law is actually registered in the rada system, well, as oleksiy correctly said, the draft draft of such a plan should bear a name, there should be someone. who will take responsibility, and it is logical, of course, that if it were the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief, volodymyr zelenskyi, it would be logical, if he also talks about justice, then perhaps this draft law would also be very fair, but it would take courage , and we will wait for one of our state leaders to take this courage, and i also want to comment on the reaction of the ukrainian bizhyn community here in europe. when the talks started that they could somehow start mobilizing the men who had gone to europe, then i will say that big such movements have begun here, regarding the fact that people are trying from
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temporary protection, that is, the obligation of a refugee to leave the european union when the war ends, to switch to the so-called subsidiary protection, that is, to become real refugees without the right to return to ukraine, here is the question, if ukraine needs... these men, who are currently in the eu, have an ambiguous attitude towards them, of course, and each case is individual, but whether ukraine needs these people or not, because these are the statements that oh, now we will them to mobilize, oh, now we will arrest their apartments at home there, with such statements we can start to lose these families who left here in full, in full force, and who are now worried and thinking in what way... staying in europe is also a problem , and the answer to this question must also be found , i don’t know, maybe someone knows the answer, i understand that you , as the mother of a son who is at ground zero,
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of course, you have a rather simple answer, that people should still protect their homeland , to be in ukraine and fight for ukraine, and here the question is, again, what what to do with those, many people who have left, yes, who have left, who do not want to fight, who are sitting there and say, listen, well, try to get us, europe will simply not have anyone either... wat or at the request of the tcc there, for example, well, look, less so, eh, war is such a thing that in most european countries, when there, i don't remember the exact numbers now, but there was a survey, the poles also answered, and germans, and someone else from eastern european countries, i
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think. and there was a rather low percentage citizens of these countries who confidently said: yes, i will go to defend my country, this , i emphasize, they do not have a war, i do not want to say there is not yet, but simply not, they carefully study the experience of ukraine, they look at us inside ukraine, because thank god, the media they have... wash, they look at ukrainian refugees and draw the following conclusion: the entire development of democratic europe was built on the right principles, on respect, on respect for human rights, and the most important of those rights is the right to life, the right to a dignified life, the state does not say: no, it means that i have the right to life
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i'm taking you and you stand up to defend your homeland, you know , it’s not a burden for everyone, such a burden, and even i, well, it’s interesting from a sociological point of view, from a historical point of view, and what to do today for today, what is so magical to say to those people, who are sitting in europe absolutely... do not want to fight for ukraine, but think where they should go next to hide from the war, i don't think there are any words, i don't think there are any arguments for what they have already done our choice, we will not do anything here, we will have to, again, to somehow
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solve this issue within the country, help from partners, i understand that everything, anything, but human resources will not help us, and realize, realize, we will not be able to return and make friends of those people who to violence , to shouting, they don't want to go to war, well, you remember how in the first months we teased the russians, and the recalcitrants were... they were afraid, they were afraid, basically the logic is the same: it's not my war, i don't want it, i want to live with my family, i want to be, yes, well, actually, olya, we have to finish the time of our program, unfortunately, is inexorably coming to an end, olga musafirova, oleksiy mustafin and tetyana vysotska were guests of our program today, thank you for participating in the program, during our program we conducted a survey, you were asked
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about whether, in your opinion, the office of the president exceeds its powers. 89%, 89% think so, 11% - no. so, these are the survey results. it was the verdict program and serhii rudenko hosted it. i wish you a nice, relaxing weekend. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on monday at 20:00. to date. there are discounts on hepar of 10% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. on january 22, at 7:30 p.m., the vinyl agency will present taras chubai and songs sung by all of ukraine on the stage of the lviv opera. special guest.


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