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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EET

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to mobilize and by april 15 must collect all the information about all possible lists there, create territorial commissions , create a medical commission that on the 15th he plans to start mobilization on the territory of the occupied territory of kherson region, there is also a message about... as you already said that restricting people in obtaining firewood, in receiving services, but, first of all, i want to say that they cannot even provide for those people who received russian passports, even these people cannot provide this firewood, repair electricity, they can only provide for their own holidays, ugh, i'll ask one more question.
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i will ask one more question, here are the people who died, well , after the enemy blew up the kakhovka hydroelectric power station, a large number of people are considered missing, but let's say the government of the bare pier writes that the government is ukrainian, and not the one that is occupying , that those who died from the hes explosion may still be lying under the rubble of buildings, the occupiers are not looking for them in any way, they are not identifying them, they are generally not disassembling the rubble. people who are actually missing are actually dead, just that they cannot be identified and to confirm this fact, whether such a fact really exists, and again, about how many people, unfortunately, have already died, we can talk about tens, hundreds, or is it all, again , it is impossible to give any adequate statistics now, unfortunately, it is impossible, it is one hundred percent more than a hundred, because there were many messages from the bare pier as well. the great drevtsi was kokhovsky
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, and there were also reports from kalanchak, when the russians brought in the dead and buried them there, then there were also reports, unfortunately not verified, that they were buried in mass graves people, so it is 100% certain that there were more than a hundred dead people, but unfortunately, we cannot yet understand how many, exactly who. only after the liberation of the left bank will we be able to carry out an investigation of this. thank you very much, thank you for your comments and for your work, i am first of all grateful. oleksandr tolokonnikov, the head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, was in touch with us and now we will discuss such political and social, political and social topics. we will be in touch with volodymyr omelyan, in the past, the minister of infrastructure of ukraine.
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before that he was a people's deputy, minister of infrastructure, now he is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, and of course, we will talk about several important topics here, well , first of all, the prime minister of great britain rishi sunak came to ukraine for a visit, which is interesting , this happened precisely after the american-british coalition carried out airstrikes on the territory of the country on the territory of yemen, and with what risha sunak came to ukraine, what he promised and what will come, i... help and not only about this volodymyryan, congratulations you, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, vasyl, i am glad to see you, good evening, to each other, well, actually , let's start with the visit of rish sunak, this is a very significant visit right now, and again it is important that, like his predecessor boris johnson, he came not only with words, but also with some help, appreciate this visit, please, and again, who was the initiator here in your opinion, the british side, that this could be a joint arrangement, and about ... help, which, which
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britain will provide ukraine, the key thing in this visit, which the event once again emphasizes, is ukraine not alone in this fight with russia, and we should appreciate it for the truth, if it was not difficult for us, no matter how small, sometimes there was depression, if it was not scary, this is our war, and the west is with us, the visit is actually very powerful, signed... important documents, we must remember that the documents may be super important today, but not fully implemented tomorrow, but nevertheless it is extremely positive that not only the united states, but also great britain and dozens of other countries, on on the side of ukraine in this war with russia, russia has allies, mostly terrorists, deserters. and the countries that
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are actually leaving the world stage, maybe except for china, which still can't quite decide whether it is a civilized world or wants to stay a little longer with autocrats. well, rich sunak announced the support of ukraine in the amount of 2.5 billion pounds - this is even more than dollars, i don't know what the current exchange rate is for the euro, but actually the pound sterling has always been a little more expensive, the british should be a little better, or a little otherwise, at least, well, help looks very optimistic here regarding drones, and these are not fpv-type drones, but more powerful drones, more long-range, let's say. yes, why exactly this, because to be honest, as far as i remember, well , we did not receive any such drones from britain that were announced earlier, or with the help already received, well, in fact, we must remember that our most successful maritime drones, they
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were created together, in particular, with british specialists with the help of the british government, and this assistance, which was announced today by the president of the russian federation for 2024, is... a little more than the aid we received in the previous 2 years, there was 2.3 billion, 2.4 billion pounds, now 2.5 is announced, but the key is not even that, so it is very important for us to survive in 2024, maybe in to win, god willing, or in the following years, the goal of this victory is important, what will happen next after the victory, and here i would by all means stop at the initial part of this in... what sunak decided and the british government clearly indicates the future of ukraine in nato, and ukraine , as a future member of nato will significantly strengthen the alliance. that should be our goal in this war, even not so much money, but the understanding that we are
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an integral part of western society, that we are an outpost of western civilization, and must become a measure for the east in the future. and besides richie sunak to ukraine. was also with a group of colleagues peni pritzker, who is responsible for the european economic recovery of ukraine, and again, this is a lady who has a rather important position and is important in her own right, as a specialist and as a figure, again , what could this be related to, or is it in before the us obviously still decides, regarding aid to ukraine, this visit should take place that... certain points should be discussed and emphasized, well, so that later someone does not have to demand reports, and someone has to make excuses, so that everything is spelled out and it is clearly understood why they are giving the next aid from the usa. this is certainly the case because in
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a democracy, democratically elected leaders are accountable to their constituents. and, having many stories about corruption in ukraine, and unfortunately at the highest level. and at the middle and lower levels, it is very important for americans to understand that their taxpayers' money are not scorned in ukraine, but here there is another purpose of this visit, the americans, like all our other western allies, want to see ukrainian society and the ukrainian state healthy, with strong institutions of power, with a powerful economy that is capable of restoring and expanding itself. growth rates, and the foundations for this economy are being laid today, together with our allies, i watched mr. kubrakov's press release following the meeting with pritzker and the american delegation and ukrainian business, it looks very positive, and i hope that
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despite all the difficulties we have with the ukrainian authorities, we will still be able to build the right strategy, both for relations with our allies and from... ukraine in the future, because without an economically powerful ukraine, there will be no way to win this war, and to consolidate success after victory. now i want to ask about our domestic political issues, first of all the law on mobilization, you are a person who worked in the government, and you understand well, in principle, how documents go between who, between cabinets, how they are then sent to the council, they return, what happened to them what happens next, when we should expect an agreed draft law. and in your opinion, as a military serviceman, active , as a former minister, what is the main reason, well , they refused to mobilize the third group of disabilities, they refused, relatively speaking, to mobilize transport now, there are still some points, but where can it be this stumbling block, who or for what someone is afraid
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to take responsibility, especially since the mobilization continues, it is not that something so new will appear, suddenly completely unexpected and all in a moment it will change, well, you know , unfortunately, i have a very bad opinion about this situation, i am 99% convinced that someone at the highest levels of power is deliberately torpedoing the mobilization. armed forces of ukraine. first of all, it is created by other people's hands through all kinds of botofers and everything else, that, let's say, joining the armed forces of ukraine is a tragedy, that it is some other army that defends ukraine, and it is separate from the state and from society. then a solid game of imitation begins, because if the government of the supreme commander-in-chief, the parliament had affairs strong desire to improve the current existing mobilization rules through a new
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law, this could be done quickly within a few days at most. and we see that this process is simply thrown out with incorrect coverage in the media, society stirs up people, and in the end, instead of a quick solution, we have the same half-measures as it was with the moscow priests regarding their expulsion from ukraine and, unfortunately, with many others processes that are taking place in the state in... that direction, so i really hope that the government officials and the bank will come to their senses, stop these games with war and with the army, calmly explain to people that mobilization is necessary, but it does not affect everyone, it affects only a few percent of the male population of ukraine, which has become today... to protect our statehood and each of us, and after that, calmly, professionally, without wild scenes
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in shopping centers, at bus stops and other public places, call up to the army those whom the army needs, period, then the question of their training, their equipping with modern ukrainian weapons, manufactured not in press releases and speeches of officials, and what is at the front, and the tasks of the parade... the enemy, in fact, everything is very simple, if there is a desire, and i do not see this desire. thank you so much for joining, thank you for your comments. volodymyr mylyan was with us, ex-minister of infrastructure of ukraine and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. well, now we will talk in more detail about the situation at the front , which actually needs trained and professional people in order to really win this victory in a battle. serhiy myzgurtsem, the program, these are our military results now week, congratulations congratulations vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, today we will really talk about what is happening on the front line, about
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the historic signing of an agreement with great britain, because what happened today in kyiv is a really important stage of expanding cooperation with the g7 countries , and actually about the missile attack by the united states and britain on yemen, on the houthis, who are carrying out , well, terrorist actions in the black sea. more on that in a moment. already yesterday, various sources gave sergey such cautious forecasts, anxiety that the enemy can launch a massive missile attack on the territory of our state, and here i was lying, waiting for information to appear about mature bombers, fighters, but then information appeared that other fighter jets had taken off in another part of the world, somewhere on the roviya . in the island , the bombing of the country of yemen began, certain
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settlements of this country and the ports that are there, and somehow this whole story happened very suddenly, in fact, what caused it, first of all, how can you assess the consequences of this what was the name of this operation , vigilance of prosperity, in my opinion, it was not completely unexpected, because in fact yemen warned their judges that measures would be taken that would actually, well, make impossible the terrorist actions that the houthis carried out in the black sea, when they tried to interfere with civilian military shipping there, or rather they carried out strikes on military ships there with the use of their ballistic missiles, they carried out, tried to carry out strikes on israel, and in fact this in action with side states and britain, it actually became , we hope, a point that can significantly
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weaken the capabilities of the houthis, because strikes were indeed carried out using cruise missiles, tomahawk missiles were used for this, 19 british and american aircraft were used there, submarines were used, aircraft carriers, that is, in general, this is really such a powerful blow to this group, but here... the other side of the coin, it is that really britain, the united states have a powerful potential to destroy the enemy, but on the other hand, the enemy has long-range ones. drones, there are ballistic missiles that have a range of more than 200 km, which threaten israel there, and american ships at sea there, that is, in fact, this pool of states is the axis of evil, there is iran, which actually provides the supply of certain types of weapons to the houthis, shows that , that
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in fact this potential of these enemy countries, well, we need to... or destroy, what is actually happening, and on the other hand, when we mention ukraine and say, where are our ballistic missiles, where are our systems there destruction, where our long-range drones are, there is such a certain dissonance, because relatively speaking, a certain terrorist group there has such a significant list of weapons, and we have not created similar systems during this time, which is actually another push to really expand real cooperation with our western partners and create real possibilities. in order to repel the russian bulk there, well, it is very revealing, in general, for such countries, in particular, as north korea, which also has access to the sea, and an aircraft carrier group with fighters can also fit there f-22 or what were there in i read about f-22 and f-16 there and f-18, which actually took off from aircraft carriers and carried out missile strikes with cluster missiles there with these basic tamahawks, which
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have a significant range there from 2 to 3 00 km and this warehouse itself. two in the armed forces of the american army now remains the most effective force in order, relatively speaking, to deprive any enemy of the opportunity to resist. well, indeed, a lion in the desert cannot sleep for long, because his hygiene will bite him, so of course it is worth waking up sometimes and letting out his lion's roar at the entire savannah so that everyone would run away. well, actually, this is what we demonstrated yesterday and the united states of america and its partners from great britain, we will monitor the consequences. of this story , to be honest, there was a feeling that a new war would start on the arabian peninsula, well, there was also the problem that the houthis were blocking the exit from the arabian sea to the red sea through the gulf of aden, and here, of course, also in economic things climbed up and, of course, indicated their place along that gulf, actually happening there 15 hundreds of tons of trade between europe there and asia, this is such an extremely important transport hub,
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the truth is that neither the americans nor the british will allow it to bite. the possibility to block these transports there, and on the other hand, against the background of this , we would like, let's say, such more active help from our partners to strengthen our defense capabilities, and today's visit of prime minister britanni rishasunak is just right, well, how about everything - it is absolutely a positive step, because in fact , the first agreement was signed there with the countries the big seven, which defines security guarantees, although the word guarantee... there is enough, now we are cautiously taking it after the budapest memorandum, but the agreement is actually designed for 10 years, it provides for nine sections in various different directions of cooperation, provides for financing as prescribed for each year, and in fact it even foresees the actions that
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britain will take there in the event of an attack by the russian federation there, although in fact the russian ... aggression is already ongoing and then the question arises, what exactly is killed there in these guarantees, well, it is expected, in particular, consultations within 24 hours, certain countries that have signed this agreement should gather there and make a decision on supporting ukraine in all fields with the supply of weapons and so on, but i think that the very essence of this agreement is already important because it already foresees the directions of cooperation, provides for the allocation of funds, and gives the opportunity... to use the potential of great britain to strengthen our defense-industrial complex and obtain the types of weapons that we desperately need. well, let's talk now about the missile strikes that took place on the territory of ukraine and what the enemy can count on from its reserves now. so, the latest missile strike, 14, 24 cruise missiles, 27 ballistic missiles, including
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those produced by china, the democratic people's republic of korea, north korea, indicates that iran is preparing to provide ... its ballistic missiles, how to protect yourself, well or perhaps, how to make sure that these ballistic missiles did not reach somewhere, did not reach, or did not fly, indeed, on january 8, the russian federation carried out another missile attack on ukraine, the difference between this attack and the previous mass attacks was that a significant number of them were used, primarily ballistic missiles, there were 25 ballistic missiles of various types, ranging from daggers to ending. missiles s-300 , s-400, and with these missiles, the russians hit those cities and objects where there are no powerful complexes, such as patriot and sumpti, which... well, can repel these ballistic attacks of the enemy, and in fact all 24 missiles were 25 ballistic missiles were not shot down in principle,
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although some of them did not reach at all, because they fell there in different cities, in particular, there are fragments of the kh-32 missile, which is now collected and studied by our specialists, fell in a clear field, by the way , this same kh-32 was made in the fourth quarter. year zero, well, when we talk about the rest of the missiles that were used, there are cruise missiles, indeed , they were all shot down, but another feature of the attacks, not so much on january 8, but as on the second date, is that the fragments of the missiles were indeed found, which are actually identified as missiles from north korea, most likely it is a missile under... index ken-23, which is a copy of the russian iskandyr, but has a slightly longer range of up to 600 km, and just now the representatives of our prosecutor's office were talking
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about the fact that there is indeed confirmation that this is a north korean missile, in fact we can talk about that now a military-industrial hub is already forming, where, relatively speaking, there are north korea, russia, iran and china, which is also involved in the supply of certain components. this axis of evil is now beginning to form such new serious challenges, because the appearance of ballistic missiles from north korea, then the risk of the appearance of iranian missiles suggests that strengthening the air defense system is now on the agenda for ukraine, we have already talked about this several times, we saw a meeting of the nato council with the participation of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, where it was said that there will be quick steps to strengthen on... to air defense, i think this topic was also raised in the conversation with the prime minister of great britain, but right now we are mainly focused only on the fact that we
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get a larger number of paatriot sams , if it is possible, but there are other proposals, in particular , the possibility of receiving from the united states these ballistic missile defense systems , in particular thaad or igzhis systems, that is, in fact, it is necessary ... to expand the list of models that are capable of fighting the enemy's ballistic missiles at a much longer range than what patriot can do, i think that this topic will be raised from the ukrainian side, we understand that there is understanding from the side of our partners, the question is that these complexes should be found, they are in principle, and created financial conditions so that ukraine could either purchase such complexes, or take, well, at a certain time, to use them in the form of leases or other solutions, well, here it is not that a positive moment, that is... a logical consequence of two years of war, which in the end, hot the war in ukraine , which eventually formed two alliances, yes, there is an army of evil, russia, iran, north korea, i don't know
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where to put china here, well, in any case, yes, no, no, no, not for, no for, not from our side, now, there is ukraine and the western coalition, which can obviously be called the ramshtai coalition, which includes 50 countries , 50 countries, well, that's it, and here we want... a final victory, of course, but on the other hand, a victory in ukraine or forcing the enemy to retreat from our territory is possible, this can also be considered a victory, if the enemy retreats and is unable or will not have the motivation to continue this war, well then obviously a cold war will still start, a second cold war, which has every chance of not turning into a hot one, well, in fact, i think that we are still going on hot war, and it really has scaling risks, because if we take into account the statements there that... which says that we understand the challenges, that there may be war and are preparing for war with the russian federation, we are talking about transformation in nato countries, we are talking about
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statements of the minister of defense of germany pistorius, who also calls for more active rearming of their army there, but all this really creates further risks, because now we see that this situation is connected with the actions of the russian federation, it can theoretically come out of... borders of ukraine and in particular the same the times magazine, when he described the risks of this year, he also talked about the possibility of expansion and destabilization of such zones around the world, and now the situation related to the same yemen is also one of the elements of this destabilization, how will it affect our interests? well, in any case, we understand that it is important that the attention of the united states is not unfocused, but in view of... on political statements from the united states, there is still an expectation of providing assistance in the package of 61 billion
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us dollars. well, the actions of other partners, in particular great britain , which we talked about earlier, where the military aid package will amount to 3.2 billion dollars for two years, on the 24th, on the 25th, that is, in fact , it is more than britain allocated in the 22nd and 23rd years, so in any case there is a clear understanding that powerful countries still remain on our side, this precisely creates the prerequisites for the preparation of our active defensive actions, well, first of all, in the perspective of offensive combat actions. putin's activity at the front, his three months or how long this offensive or counteroffensive lasted there, of course, the main goal was to destabilize the situation in ukraine, destabilize the population, such an informational and psychological operation, cause panic, dissatisfaction, stir up society, he somehow managed to do this, but in in principle, we see that the situation will stabilize with this , well, plus to protect ourselves from the supply of weapons to ukraine, it will, we believe, help ukraine, well, i think that if it became known now that,
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relatively speaking... trump, and, for example, well, i i understand that in russia they are betting on him, i am not saying that trump is pro-russian, it is that in russia they are betting on him, i remember that the late zherinovsky treated everyone in the duma with zolivier champagne when trump won the previous elections, but if , say, putin now saw that his bets on certain politicians were losing, perhaps he would have no motivation to continue the war at all, well, except for some of his deviant ideas, but for now it is as there is, and here it is important to hold on, well, it is important to hold on where our soldiers are now holding on to... well, ukrainian land, trying to stop the enemy's advance, it is possible to advance somewhere . avdiyivka 3 months have passed since the active account of the beginning of the active offensive of the russians, what results can be summed up, or is it still too early to sum up the results? well, in fact , we can talk here not only about avdiivka, because in fact this is how it was in january, may of last year there before the capture of bakhmut there or the ruins of bakhmut, it was an offensive action
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of the enemy. and then somewhere from june, july, august, september, this, offensive actions from on the ukrainian side, when the most active actions were taking place in the south, at that time the enemy was somehow trying to destabilize the situation there in the kupyansk area of ​​leman, where russian troops were trying to operate, and already starting somewhere from october 9, when the attacks began just on avdiivka, this was the second, in fact , it was... in fact, it is essential there have been no changes, we can state that there, well, the enemy came out on what remained of the ruins of maryanka, and when we talk about avdiivka, we see that
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our... brigades will hold this settlement, in fact from the north and from the south, the enemy does not manage to get close to those pincers , which he dreamed of there, in order to make it impossible to supply our garrison, the avdiivka will be obtained, about 13 00 enemies, about 400 samples of armored vehicles have been destroyed there, and we do not see that in fact, well, anything special the enemy's optimism there is further advancement on the widow no no... the reality does not evoke, in the same way, when we talk about kupyansk, where the same attacks began there in october, that all the activity is happening around there, well, several settlements, in the vicinity of the same sinkivka, where the enemy goes to this already destroyed settlement, his units there are mechanized and the manpower is destroyed, they retreat and again try to raise reserves, now it is hardly possible
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to say that... the enemy offensive has finally stopped, because actually we we are only at such a certain stage, where the enemy, although there is less intensity of hostilities there, but now the enemy's forces are again accumulating in certain directions, and these are not components connected with kupyansk, avdiivka, bakhmut, maryanka , it can be expected that after a certain time the enemy will start active hostilities again. it is important here that the enemy, well, mobilization in ukraine, how much. he is recruited into the army, trained and sent to the fronts, this is a secret, yes, so i do not know about it and will not talk about it, but it became known about the enemy activities, up to 10,000 new arrivals were formed in the mariupol region, they are sent to the fronts, at the same time new groups are formed, how effective are these groups, to be precise...


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