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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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unfortunately, and we understand that the majority of people there usually support and wait for the armed forces of ukraine, but there were several , of course, dozens of cases when people collaborated and attacked a neighbor, you know, this was one of, well, for example, there may be housing or property that you might like there, a typical russian story, and also about how the russians... are fighting the brains of ukrainian youth, this is for those ukrainians who say that culture is not important, or that culture is out of date, or you can't spread culture on bread, then russians understand very well the role of culture in raising russians from ukrainians, and they are planning to open a children's ethnographic education center in berdyansk, they are going to do it in the first quarter of 2024. year
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and the mission of this center is to present the country to the country, and the first exhibition that the museum will bring to berdyansk will be a branch of the russian ethnographic museum, but the first exhibition will be dedicated to the ethnographic images of novorossiya, it was created on the basis of the materials of the russian ethnographic museum, creative classes and master classes will be held for children, the message emphasizes, this is terrible, i completely agree with you. that they, for example, it is worth remembering what they do in the summer, yes, they cannot leave them alone in the summer, they took them en masse and took them to camps in russia, to the so -called patriotic education camps, in order to prepare the future replenishment for the russian army, preparing future voters from them, unfortunately, this is such a typical situation, if for them it was... it didn't matter, they
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didn't, then they probably didn't persecute, for example, parents who still want their children to study online in ukrainian schools, currently in the occupied territories this is a real crime, what about mr. aliso, we hope that now we want in you all remained calm , zaporizhzhia, and this day was calm, so far now everyone... we are waiting for the results of this russian attack, and we are keeping calm and keeping ourselves covered. of course, this is an appeal to all ukrainians not to ignore the announcement of the air alert. mrs alisa, tell me more about melitopol, what news is there? well, there is news, it is also tangential, as in other occupied territories, unfortunately, you know, the policy of the occupiers, it is the same everywhere, it is intimidation of people, persecution and preparation... preparation for
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mobilization, at the moment it is reported that all the people, men, no matter where they work, they have to register with the so-called warlords, moreover, after the cotton happens, in the same place in melitopol, or more often in our country, something happens in tokmak, on the same day raids begin checks, a person can simply go about his business there, he can be arrested for something there. interrogate, demand, show the phone, that's why the situation in the occupied territories, unfortunately, is not changing, it's total pressure and intimidation of the population, unfortunately, some people end up in russian cells in the basements after this, and have you heard anything about they arrested some people close to the gauleiter, balicki or balicki, as his surname is correct, and well...
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unfortunately, i can't say about surnames, but the situation has been going on for two years already, because those people who we thought were traitors and collaborators, in particular, who hoped that they would become some kind of power there, who would get such a career lift, but of course, that it was such a revealing story, when, as it were, at the beginning showed that we are putting people you know in government positions there, who lived and worked here , but in the end... they are all then replaced by imported russians, because, well, first of all, they are traitors, nobody needs them, in including the russians themselves, and secondly, of course, that, well, that was not why they occupied the territories, so that someone there who dreams of getting a position, his russians, for the most part, of course, are some fsb officers there, well, in order to fully implement them there. his criminal
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power, if you can call it that. mrs. alisa, thank you for the story and we wish zaporizhzhia and the zaporizhzhia region a peaceful day. alisa sesueva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhzhia district. council was in touch with us, well , now let's move to mariupol and dmytro zabavin is in touch with us, a deputy of the mariupol city council, we will ask about how things are going in the occupied city, sir dmytro, we welcome you, good morning, if you say so, you know, to move from the zaporizhzhia region to mariupol, then they say that the enemy wants to build a railway line that will connect melitopol, mariupol and crimea, have you heard anything about it and are the occupiers carrying out any... work in that direction? yes, unfortunately, the temporarily occupied part of the zaporizhia region very often gets hit by the fact that the weapons of the bc, which go through the rostov
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region, through mariupol, fall exactly in the direction of the temporarily occupied territory zaporizhzhia region, i.e. berdyansk, melitop. and accordingly, let's say , the occupiers have a big logistical problem, that is , this connection with the crimea, and therefore this logistics chain from the direction of the rostov region , novaazovsk, mariupol, berdyansk, it is , let's say, loaded to the maximum, so very often they choose that ... to lead, whether it will be bc, it will be personnel and equipment, respectively, or it is even provision for all this, that is, it is food and so on, so
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they are constantly looking for directions for to expand logistics capabilities, and accordingly they decided to lay this particular railway. this is a jewish connection in order to strengthen logistics capabilities, but in accordance with the fact that we very well saw the ukrainian bulk in action on the entire part of the temporarily occupied territory of the donetsk region, and accordingly, even in the direction where they want it, this logistics hub do. there is a possibility of hitting the ukrainian bavomna, so, let's put it this way, i don't think that the occupiers will be successful in this. what is happening in mariupol now? what is the situation in mariupol, like last winter,
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people are freezing, that is, there is no heating in many houses, constant rushes of heat. tion, because the occupiers supply water there through those boiler houses that they managed to start, with great rigidity, this leads to corrosion of the heating system, and accordingly, they have such a new technology that they even heat the asphalt in some streets, well, that is, the coolant breaks and you're coming and also we observe long queues, and this has increased even after the new year in the so-called social institutions, that is, there are pension
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funds and the post office, where people try to get the so-called pension recalculation, well, that is , in order to at least somehow... live, because food prices, water prices, for everything in mariupol even higher than in the part of terrorist russia itself, the prices of medicine are simply cosmic, so people there with a number of chronic diseases simply, well, unfortunately, not everyone survives in such harsh conditions, and as for the queues, they are... much more than queues in the so -called polling tents, where, mariupol residents they offer to put their signatures for the main terrorist of russia, for his next re-election , and they place these tents in supermarkets,
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because there are not many people who want to, and the film crews working there at these sites told me this in mariupolka, who are waiting for... . the de-occupation of the city, that they spend two or three hours there, trying to collect at least some picture for a propaganda plot, and that is why they catch... random people who came there to make some purchases at the store, so that they put their signature on terrorist, and to probably tell something, that life is good in mariupol, but i came across a correspondence in some mariupol public places, where a woman asks if it is worth returning to mariupol with children, what others will say, and there people start writing that it is definitely not worth it . and with three children it will be difficult for you if you can return, but if
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only you have a place to stay, renting housing in mariupol is very expensive, as it turned out, and products are expensive, not everywhere has communications, some, sometimes they say, there are houses where there is water , where there is gas and where there is heat, and then they say that if you can be lucky enough to find a job in construction there are... jobs for women out there, they pay better but the work is very hard and only one person wrote: well if you have three kids you can get some help for children, and in principle , you will have enough for life, well, you know, in general, when someone from mariupol writes in the comments in the public places that everything is very good, then usually these are people who are connected with the collaborative administration, i.e. .. collaborators, and people who simply survive in mariupol, they really will never write that
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everything is fine there, and actually speaking, we get information, photos of what is actually happening in mariupol, how they are repairing, repairing and reconstructing the so-called housing stock, when they are covering the box there, insulating it all. and the house itself was simply burned to the ground, and you really said that housing is very expensive, rent is true, because only about 20% of the housing stock is left in mariupol, everything else was destroyed by the russians, so there really is not even enough housing for those who stayed there , and the russians brought in 70 more thousands of their krasterbaiters, the so-called native nationalities of the russian federation. but i saw this program
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on occupied television and in mariupol , and they go there and look at the prices and goods in the store, what is it called people's control, they have such a sign of the dpr, people's control of everything, and they inspect the prices, and i was struck by two things, well, first of all, the prices really unusually high, that is, well, everything is very expensive there, i don’t know, there were eggs there, there were eggs, but without a price tag, but i don’t know how much, so i can’t check where, what kind of eggs they were, well, yes, so that you don't sound stupid, so as not to scare people, well, the cheapest water is a five-liter bottle, it costs without a label at all, it even costs 50 hryvnias or something like that, not without a sticker, but with a sticker it already costs about 60, well, so, well , the prices are high, for mariupol, i don't know what salaries there are now and what people live for, well, not them. higher than in kyiv, it is 100%, or in lviv. i also wanted to say that i was impressed
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that there were so many people there, and it seems that it also impressed those people who went, that they also found ukrainian goods there, for example, palm trees the manufacturer hercules, this is a ukrainian company , it is registered somewhere in the kyiv region , smuggling, how do they get there, yes, law enforcement officers should really deal with such things, why does this happen, and the so-called popular control that you mentioned? it was created, the decision of the havlajter administration was made, taking into account the fact that more and more mariupol residents, even under the conditions of strict occupation and the fact that mariupol is actually such a military constabulary, constantly express their dissatisfaction with the situation that is happening there, ah, it was a decision was made to create such an artificial opposition, which will, let's say, release... the party of the protest that exists, and that is why they created this so-called popular control, because
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the level of trust, even among the collaborative population in the occupation administration, fell below plinth, and that's why they are somehow trying to reduce this fire there, because more and more often, i think that you have seen it, and many have seen it, even the average population there will constantly bow to the main terrorist and do something. help and other things, well, thank you very much, mr. dmitry , thank you for the information about what is happening now in mariupol, which is occupied, well, in the meantime, we will take a short break now, remind everyone to keep, be, observe, yes so to speak, security and
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security measures, since the whole of ukraine remains under the threat of missile-based strikes, just now the second wave of missiles over ukraine is already... flying, already approaching, they say that it is possible to western ukraine, to galicia, so that the west ukraine, andriyu, correctly said, western ukraine, this the russians specially invented, there is no western ukraine, there is no, there is a western ukraine, since when , from a long time ago, okay, fine, tell franz joseph, i’m joking, of course, fine, friends , no, there is no western ukraine or eastern ukraine, there is no western france or eastern of france western poland or eastern poland , these are parts, directions of ukraine, ukraine is different, but it is very diverse, if we accept this diversity, it gives us strength, gentlemen, friends, we are going for a short break, and then we will move to the south of ukraine and ask how the city is there
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khersonyke constantly suffers from shelling, and as kherson oblast is not occupied and... which, unfortunately, is under occupation. please stay with us. on january 22, at 7:30 p.m., the vinyl agency will present taras chubai and songs sung by all of ukraine on the stage of the lviv opera. the special guest of the concert is the lviv men's academic choir chapel dudaryk. tickets to karabakh. there are discounts on optimal of 15% in pharmacies psylanskyk pam and oschad. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event
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of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on... the battlefield: how does the international community evaluate our successes and what is moscow lying about? from the flow of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more today. sports about important things in simple language, accessible to everyone viewers greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel.
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congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. congratulations. portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, now in
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a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. dear friends, we return to the air and continue our roll call, we remind you that there is a mass attack on... the country, please be careful, do not ignore the messages that there is now political anxiety, you can see the map of ukraine, unfortunately there are no setbacks yet , so please. stay in shelters, or remember the rule of two walls, well, in the meantime, we will move to the kherson region and ask about
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the situation there now, what was the night like, because kherson is constantly shelled, oksana pogomiy, deputy of the kherson city council, is already with us on communication, we are adding it to our broadcast, ms. oksano, we are glad to see you, good morning, ms. oksano, how was the night in kherson, i think for the kherson region. an air alert message is something like that, well , an air alert, it's an alert all the time, it is, because we still have an air alert, it's just like that, we are worried about another country, and today the night is more or less calm, well , more or less, because it was quiet in our area, the island neighborhood is shelled 100 times every day, and... we'll see how it goes today, every day they shoot , in fact, nothing has changed , so far for the better, only a little, how is the situation
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now in general in different areas of the city, where there are problems with heating, with lighting, how do people there cope with the monthly temperature, you know, i i want to say that the authorities have become a bit more active, things are getting along faster what... katsaps do it, but there are areas in our city where, since we were released, there is no light, in fact, there are people there, i don't know how they live, i talk to some who live there , with their friends and acquaintances, they stubbornly do not want to leave, but there drones fly over our houses and those of rusnyava, and it is simply dangerous there, because you are on them... they don’t hang, that’s what you will leave on the street, and you can even be killed from a drone, there is no light, no heating, well , in our neighborhood the island suffers more from
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that's all, and shumanskyi microdistrict suffers only because we have a lot of gusts, but we are watching what happens in russia, that people are freezing there, we have the south, thank god, but turn on the heating after two hours, the gust is big, they turn it off. well, somehow, somehow, it's not fun, in some areas it's normal, but i 'm sitting in a t-shirt, it's warm at home, that is , more or less, 50 on 50. and you say that people do not want to leave under any circumstances, but there may be a forced evacuation from kherson, at least families with children. yes, and about it was announced by the government. and about the children , well, i have already said many times that about the children, they still need to be taken out, but they take them out
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, they take them somewhere, they leave them, they need to get money, they need a job, they need to live somewhere, in general, these problems are not solved so fast, and that's why people are afraid to leave, even though there's already... there's nowhere to live , you have to leave, let's say, you know, it's important to always have some kind of strategy, i agree with mr. packer here, who says that it's impossible to win a war , if there is no strategy, and whether you think there is one a vision, a vision that should be in kherson, if the war drags on, for example, for years, well, maybe it will move into a somewhat calmer phrase, phase, but not for mysticism all the time. can be disturbed by some such circumstances, or some kind of strategy and understanding , what will happen to the regional center, which is just on the front line, the front passes in a month,
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yes, unfortunately, there is nothing optimistic, i think, i think about it every day, and we communicate with friends and like-minded people, what to do if, we understand that we will be a gray area, we we understand that, well, it will be like... one day there would be maryinka, krasnohorivka, avdeivka, we wouldn't like it, but there must be defensive structures, but only now they are starting to not build, i can't call it, defensive structures in fact, but concrete slabs appear on some streets, people are horrified, people think that everything, everything is lost, soon katsapyo will attack us. you have to calm them down and say no, people, you know, it should have been done immediately, as soon as kherson was liberated, the defensive structures should have to do immediately, how will it be?
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in fact, i don’t know whether the state will allocate funds for this, it will be such a front-line city, and it will remain as it is now, i think we will hide, we will be told now that all the storage facilities that are there will be put in order, all , well, we actually had very few bomb shelters, and all the basements will be put in order, well, that's the way it is. a kind of reassurance in fact, because basements in old houses are not shelters, it is the opposite, is it possible, is it possible to relocate an entire city, specifically not to evacuate people, alone or in some other way, someone went there, couldn't stand it, someone here, someone went abroad, a family, and what is happening is some kind of simple relocation, that people remain a community, it would be wonderful, it would be
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wonderful. but if it will be, it would be great , in fact, well, there is land, but if not if, and our region was completely agrarian, practically, that is what we lived on, and what will people do, then the new city must be rebuilt away from the line front, but probably this will be the best solution for the city if the war drags on, unfortunately, i can see that optimistic... such a forecast, well, at least our residents don't have one, that the left bank will ring tomorrow, there is no such thing. ms. oksana , thank you for the story, oksana pogomiy , a member of the kherson city council, was with us, yet such terrible news from the occupied kherson region, from the bare wharf, which was flooded due to an explosion on the kakhovsky gest, the russians still have not taken the bodies of the residents, which were destroyed
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by the flood. home, dear friends, now there will be news, and then we will return and continue our marathon, stay tuned please with espresso and please stay in shelters because the air alert continues. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events. them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp delivery facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be
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some katsaps on the border of kyiv and behind it. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how evaluates our successes international? community and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all
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viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio and this is the summary of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. greetings, it's news time, kateryna shiropoyas is on the air. there remains an air alert throughout the country, so we ask you to stay in shelters and we are also working with shelters. racists are massively attacking various regions of ukraine with rockets, a series of explosions is known in dnipro, chernihiv and kropyvnytskyi. the local authorities urge to stay in shelter, the air force reported the launch of missiles from the russians there in...


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