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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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was very similar to povoroznyuk, many were also triggered by the very plot of this series, they say, two, but boys, want to avoid service and are hiding somewhere, but many people said that this is not such a cool role model for the series, although then gorbanov said that they change during the series, and also many people found parallels with the russian series, which was called, it seems, bugs, everything starts very similar there, i looked and wrote... it really starts similar, well, as a result of this scandal, yuriy gorbanov said, that's all, he refuses funding, by the way, several people there also refused, one project refused, its kermanichs said that this scheme was too bureaucratic, well, but in general, if people who were not involved in film production, they just said that it is outrageous now to allocate such a large amount of money for television series, and there was more...
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uah 500 million, also in the film community they said that this competition was simply opaque, because not so many people knew that it was being held, it was held in a hurry , ago that usually pitchings, for example from derzhkino , the whole community knows about them, they are so widely announced that everyone knows about them, and also among the winners we saw a lot of people close to the president's office, for example, several projects of artem kolyubayev, who is a business, was and is on... not a business partner of andrii yermak, and also we saw very recently and colleagues from schemes investigated that one of the projects submitted by drive production, and there was such a manager naum borulya, and this manager has a russian citizenship and he has a business in crimea, and this project won, for some reason also this naumburulya, it was close to the 95th quarter, and the films of the 95th quarter, tv series, or rather also in... won, well, that's why big
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questions arose, it's funny and ironic that when this scandal happened, volodymyr zelenskyy recorded a video, and he said that yes, he believes that spending money now is not for tv series, it is not very ok, although it is strange, because these funds were laid down at the beginning of the year, or rather in the 2023 budget -th year, and therefore mr. volodymyr must have known that they were laid, well he also... said, and now i will quote him , that museums, cultural centers, symbols, tv series, all this is important, but now there are other priorities, please find extra-budgetary funds, not state funds, and after saying this, he asked mr. shmyhal to be released oleksandr tkachenko, and at that time oleksandr tkachenko, the minister of culture and information policy, was released to the joy, by the way, of many people from the cultural community who had been demanding this for years, but despite the fact that volodymyr zelenskyy said to look for the forgotten...
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budget funds for continued transparently signed contracts with the next winners appear, that is, we understood that despite the president's words, these series will continue to be financed, moreover, and the state cinema presented its strategy for the development of cinema for the second time until 2027, and it turned out that there is most of the money that is calculated to spend at the state cinema. to distribute there at competitions, this is money for tv series, because the state cinema stated in this strategy that, as they say, let's finance at least 600 hours of tv series, state cinema, and here the state cinema is for tv series, and there is a little bit for feature films, a little for mass cinema, a little for author's, so that there were two or three films with which you could travel abroad, represent ukraine, this is certainly not very fair, our film community rebelled against this, but we still see you... conclusion i can
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tell many other people that now the state , in the person of the state cinema and in the person of the ministry of culture , has prioritized the financing of television series, and instead of many films, we will probably watch series. i will emphasize that, in principle , there is nothing wrong with the financing itself by the state, because you still want to watch a much higher-quality product on television than. what we can see now, and well, it seems that public funding should fix this problem, because tv channels, managers say that they are filming such a bad product because they do not have enough money, and if you give us a little bit from the public budget more, then we will shoot a little better, but the question is again whether we can shoot better as a result, because as the pitching of 2018 showed us, the difference is. cults, i repeat, far away
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not all the projects financed by the state at that time became really better than the statistical average, but now we are moving to the series. which we can see now, this is one of the serials, which, after all, was also a rumor, it was discussed, but then uspikh gorbanov stopped it all. this series was called sanatorium nezabutka, it received almost 10 million from the state budget, and actually, why did people get upset about this series, because it was one of the first, and they just started paying attention to it. a lot of people didn't like the title, like this series, many people said that how is it, 10 million for four series is a lot, it is twice or even three times more than usual, why yes, why yes, well now we can watch some excerpts from this series, in general i you
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i encourage you to go and watch this series, because very often we criticize something without watching, without getting acquainted with the subject of our criticism, this is very wrong... right, and now, if you, for example, want to say that the series that was called in us sanatorium nezabutka, and now it is called new year's shkyreber, he's bad , you don't like him, he's terrible, go ahead of that , please watch it, it's absolutely freely available, you can watch it on the youtube channel of the dim tv channel, in fact, this tv channel, the multimedia platform of ukraine , became the customer of these series. she held a contest, you can watch... all these four series and then say with a pure soul: did you like it or not , because you know, you might like it. let's look at a few excerpts so that you understand at least a little about what it is about now it is said first of all, probably my favorite excerpt from this series is verka
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serdyuchka's song, verka serdyuchka appears there, it's a song that, well, there is no video for it, and although this song is loved by many, so are the phrases. this song has been popular for a long time, i think now you will hear it and understand what kind of phrase it is, i know for sure that we should not be together, i am adequate, i understand everything when i write to you drunk at night, and you lead i'm not pretty, and i couldn't hold back tears when i text you.
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strak to strak and further let's see an excerpt from the first series, actually there are the heroes who open this forget-me-not hotel in the carpathians, and we will see, actually this is an introduction to the heroes, and what? listen, well, at least we can check how his leg was cut yesterday, if
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the leg is healed, then everything will be fine with him, you know? you don't need to look at me, if you want, get it yourself, i 'm not taking part in this celebration, but now we can talk to the director of this film, with myroslav latyk, we should have him on direct line somewhere, myroslav, hello, hello, a yes, i want to tell our viewers right away that you could see miroslav's films if you haven't seen them. then they are legally available on various platforms, first of all, these are the kings of rap, i especially advise you to watch this film, i watched it myself twice on the big screen and then, it seems, on netflix, and also maksym osa, this is a film about which was very, very much talked about, she was filmed for a long time,
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she suffered a lot, but she was also loved by many people. myroslav, but let's listen to your answers to such teasing questions question, but first. uh, how did the nezabudka sanatorium turn into new year's shkerbert? no, well, let's get started, you have... you have everything right there, it slips through you , you can feel it, unforgettable, unforgettable, you have to say that, and the sanatorium, unforgettable, well, i really like the name, i still like the name, that's why i understood that there might be a situation when they would want us to change the name, because there was a lot of scandal attached to this name, and on the other hand it was clear that one way or another it, like her don't rename it, if the story will be removed , well, it will be removed, then it will be clear that this is... the story itself
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, and we sewed the name right into it . so that there wouldn't be any of these halftones, and then when we were already on the second name, we came up with it ourselves, because a request came from the house channel about renaming the story to tie it somehow to the new year, well... in principle, we understand what we are talking about, this by the way, this phrase is used in a very illiterate way, but i also liked it, and that's why the new year's is what happened, by the way, i want to say that i say unforgettable, it's true, although i should say unforgettable, i looked, what is it after all in the ukrainian language there is such a word, that is... and that is why, well, that is, i
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know this flower from childhood really like an unforgettable memory, and i think that this is this internal phonetic perception, that is substitution, this is how i speak, that is, on purpose i specially substitute the letters, they are softer there some in order for it to be similar to sursh, well, when i write this, i... uses the simplest forms, well, i think that this is where this perception of the russianness of this ukrainian word came from. by the way, now you can ask philologists, even those who are popular on facebook, there and there, for example, ostap the ukrainian wrote about this and many others, that we very often perceive our ukrainian words as tracing, like russian ones, because here some kind of wrong sound, i think, forgetfulness goes exactly there, that's why we figured it out with the title, please tell me why, why this series, your new year's eve, do you think that it is better than the average,
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the average statistical series that is shown on our television, because after all, state funding, it obliges, well in my opinion, at least shoot something of much higher quality, and let's deal with this issue of quality and about shooting something of significantly higher or slightly higher quality, that is, whether and whether it should be state-owned. well, the state as a state as some kind of living organism there is planning for the next one year, what will we do like this, i.e. where do we invest money, how much in agriculture, how much in that, how much, how much for pensioners, why the state deals with pensioners, why the state deals with schools, why libraries are opened and closed, why something is done on the internet, are there any activities going on? that is, why does all this exist at all, because, well, because the state needs it, and
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i consider propaganda, specifically television, to be a greater such vehicle of propaganda than cinemas, because the number of people who watched today's moment not to be forgotten, there are more than 2.5 million in 4 days, that is, it is a lot, and for the dim channel, for example, they appeared in the recommendations of youtube, which does not seem to have happened. in them, that is, a lot of people watched this unforgettable, and this is a four-episode narrative series, which has a lot of pro-ukrainian ideas sewn into it, and the main idea is that we reject all the past, forget, admit honestly to ourselves what we want, that is , a completely ukrainian narrative is popularized there about everything that is worn here and there i mentioned the word "boy" and... what the hell is the word "boy", that is, why do we always fall back on it, or do the owners
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of tv channels fall back on russian narratives, that is, this is their narrative, their 80s, 90s, they are reliving it, relive, that is, now, look, i meant exactly the resonance that this series caused, because it really has to be admitted that it is quite qualitatively shot, i do not recall many of our series on television, which would be of the same level, because we are filmed on television. lena, this fine, you are not the audience, that is, you say, i looked, i forced myself, but you are not the target audience for this. viewership which, again, the channels really don't have any money, especially after a year after the full-scale invasion, well damn, in the more beautiful format of the uh war, uh, the channels lost track of the ratings, meaning they didn't count for a year , it actually didn't make sense for them
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to advertise, it all moved, well , all the main market players moved to... marathon, that's all, well, except for espresso, yes, and several small channels, yes, well , that is, the channels themselves, let's say, there is such a beautiful series, the cossacks, an absolutely false story, which also would not have worked for the money and only in the ictv format, that is, this series was made by oksana. as a producer, and indeed , if there had been no influence from the ministry of culture, the series would not have been of such quality, that is, quality will always be about money, always, other people ask, tell me what it is about and i ask why , explain your series, because many people, why it is of higher quality than the average average comedy, comedy series we see on
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tv channels, why the new year's show is better, better, better, and we need to continue filming such series. at the expense of the state, leno, because we really wanted to do it, there really is always a question between that, that is, the majority, probably production, since we do not have a real, healthy, competitive, living market, there is no industry, the majority of production is otherwise , earnings are made by producing at the stage of creation, because it is not a fact that it will be sold there, will be collected. but we really wanted to do it so that we i liked it, that is, we wrote the script for quite a long time, two or three months for four syrians is quite a lot, we somehow fine-tuned some moments and we really wanted to make something that could be interrupted, that is, a lot of people still watch
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with an easy on a ferry or something else, the deacons are running and everyone is singing something, that is, from here... musical compositions were also laid down, which cost us a lot of nerves, time, money and everything else, there we somehow got bored, looking for the rights to e- eh for a song, eh in the river of growth the brook calls, kosyuk's love blooms only once, that is, these are all things, in most cases, they are a big, big channel, it makes them disappear, here, of course, inclusion is important. emotional, well, producers, let's take it this way, that is, there can be three or four people there, mainly the producers should want to do it, since i, as a co-producer of this product, we did not put, well, we put quality first and foremost, the quality of the story, that is
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the way it was filmed, the way it was not finished, something was rushed, somewhere everything was re-edited, somewhere the graphics do not match, somewhere the snow hasn’t passed, it’s... it’s already production details and i’m still finishing it now, in fact , it was already on the air, but i’m still finishing some things in terms of sound on the graphon so that i like it in that final form, in which i wanted it to work out , it is to love, to love what you do, yes, you love and you do and you release it into the world and you take care of it very much, let's just say that i also love the wasp very much and i am very sad there were 14,000 people who watched it there, because that's why i'm so... i hear it's there now in four days 2.5 million viewers of four episodes, this is a lot, and the rest of the compensation was paid, i will emphasize once again, be sure to watch these and osu and the kings of rap, you can watch it at home, legally, absolutely these films, i am in we have literally four minutes left with you, so i would like to ask you about
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the procedure itself, because cinematographers have many, well, in general, the artistic community had many... questions about this competition, it was called opaque, that many people won there , which are close to the office the president and so on and so on, and i was still at the level of rumors, but then it was confirmed to me by yaroslav karandeev, the acting minister of culture and information policy, that this competition was evaluated because it was not announced who was evaluating it at all , and oleksandr tkachenko and oleksiy kiryushchenko, who in general has russian citizenship, who... a director, a servant of the people , who wanted to be the head of the state cinema, but it didn't work out, and then now he is on the supervisory board of the ukf, well, that is, what did he do, in general he evaluated these projects, well, not to... very much it is clear how you feel about this and in general about the transparency of this competition, maybe it should have been done in a different way, come on, let's start with transparency, that is, we
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are from oksa about this competition, that is, there was this information on the dom channel itself about the announcement of the competition, in the conditions of the competition, such a moment was important, it had to be the studios that made, it seems, more than 50 hours of commercial content, it was important in order to, well... not all at once, to cut off a certain part of people who will not make it there , did not have time, did not do these documents, and there were actually a lot of scenarios, there were a lot of stories, not actually 500 million, but if i’m not mistaken, there were about 400, because 100 went to the museum, no, it went to the holodomor museum, that’s before the competition, some part already left, but again it should be checked, but to what extent. i remember it was like that and some part refused, that is, this money is with the budget update, it is as if, that is, no drones were bought, because no one could
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buy drones with this money, that is, it was some kind of targeted assistance, it is the same as leave now, i say take all the pensioners' money, it will run a good 20 yards there, and buy drones, well, what does it mean to buy drones, that is, well, that is , they are some kind of manipulative things that, oh, let's take them away from here, that is, it is very stupid. in 1917, when we take it from here, we will put it here, that is, i knew about the competition freely in free access, it was on the inomovlenya platform, there were the conditions of the competition, there were all the million points about who is admitted to the competition, what the language is there, series, we have one minute, let's talk about kiryushchenko, that is, that was all, this one all the information was there, it just wasn't centralized like the state cinema releases, oh, we have pitching. come in two months, write , write, get the old one, there was no such thing, that is, but officially this information was there, because i found out about it in the public domain, and
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therefore i actually bore it, and about kiryushchenko, we are with him, well, just him , he's a really smart dude, he's an interesting, smart dude, and i just already had the story written, we kind of talked, i say, there's new year's, he says yes, new year's is very good, but damn, and here we are like... rather about pro-cultural, well, like, we talked about some accents, and about the production ones, the producer and i talked with ostrovskaya, that is, it was all more there, and it goes from here, that is, the series is not just a comedy filmed in an apartment in kyiv, that is, it is a traveling group, we they understood all this, and that is why we drew up the budget absolutely honestly as it was, that is, about kiryushchenko, i meant, why was he present in the competition police at all? i don't know, i don't know this, and how do you feel about it, is it normal in general, or - why does a citizen of the russian federation have an organdsu here, by the way,
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i'm just wondering, for myself, well , i'm a consequence, i don't know if he has dual or non-dual, well, we have a lot of people who have dual citizenship, although it's forbidden by law, it's absolutely forbidden, well, thank you myroslav for this conversation, i once again emphasize to our viewers that we spoke with... you could hear it before as the nezabudka sanatorium, you can watch it on youtube absolutely free, freely, please, before commenting, before express yourself, be sure to watch this one series, there is really a lot of good in it from my point of view, it is really different from the comedies that we usually see on our television, well, we are waiting for the next projects that will come out, which we will see, which were the results of this pitching from the ministry of culture , and let's look at their quality, to be honest, i have some doubts
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about their quality, but then again, i haven't seen them, but we're still waiting for them to appear in the public domain, and we're also waiting for pitching from the state cinema already , who promises it head maryna kuderchuk already this year, you see, i still live a little in 2023 and... promised that there will be pitching, and in particular there will certainly be pitching and serial projects, that is, in any case, we are preparing, friends, what will happen in we have a lot of some series, i hope that they will also be of better quality, well, that's all for me, i thank you for your attention, stay with espresso and i wish you a peaceful evening. there are 20% discounts on bronkhi pred in the psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. agency vinyl
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two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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greetings, dear tv viewers, yanavamalnik and news for your attention. 54-year-old man injured as a result of a drone attack on one of the settlements of the berslav district. according to the information of the regional military administration, the victim was hospitalized with an open craniocerebral injury. he is currently connected to a ventilator . the occupiers also struck. in mykhailivka they hit a residential building, fortunately there were no casualties. there will be support, newly appointed minister of foreign affairs of france stephane sejournay assured his colleague dmytro kuleba in kyiv. diplomats held bilateral talks dedicated to defense cooperation, as well as ukraine's accession to the european union and nato and bringing the russian federation to justice.


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