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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

6:30 pm
verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. proper names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment the most relevant public discussions. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. good health once again,
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we have half an hour left to discuss with you various aspects of not only ukrainian, but also non -ukrainian life, and now there will be non- ukrainian life called china, well, that part of china called taiwan, like here we will say. nataliya plaksienko butyrska, expert on east asia, master of foreign policy, we often see her, and we see her with pleasure, and we see her with interest, and we ask her. the presidential and parliamentary elections have actually ended, so to taiwan, this is such a formosa, it was once called a long time ago, the portuguese also called it, such an island near china, there east, and there at one time after 40, after their defeat, the masters of china fled, chiang kai-shek was such a generalissimo, and even more so, i would say yes, for general... understanding, for very
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long years until the 70s , it was taiwan that was considered china, i.e. the taiwanese sat in the united nations, not the chinese, not beijing, but taipei, but then somehow all this changed , and now china wants to take back this one, which means taiwan, and taiwan, judging by today's election results, doesn't want it, so this laitsinde vice... the president of taiwan, a representative of the democratic progressive party, who seems to have already won, at least that's what they tell us 99 there and 999% of the counted votes are precisely those people who against embracing mainland china, what does this mean from your point of view, ms. natalya, please, well, first of all, this is really, good evening, first of all, first of all, first of all, this is really a signal and a marker for... china, that
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taiwanese society, it chooses its personal choice, eh, because lai tsinde is considered a force that is separatist from china's point of view, so, sorry, please, that's why it's a market for china, which is really unification, doesn't matter more than half islands, come on.
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parties are moderate, let's call it that, who believe that it is necessary to have some contacts, it is necessary somehow be friends, you have to find out each other's interests somehow, well, this road undoubtedly led to the unification of the possible, but just this layznde said: no, we won't do it, we won't hug, and he just won, that is, the public taiwan simply ignored the calls of the leader of mainland china for unification, i understood it correctly, well, not everything is so simple, because the kuomintang party and the democratic progressive party entered the parliament with almost equal forces, with the same by votes, 51 for the current ruling party against 52 for the kuomintang, plus eight votes for the party that called for the middle ground.
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to the position that is between, between those two extreme points, and non-party members still have two votes, that is, there is no power in the majority in the parliament, and therefore for the president the current adoption of... some legislative initiatives will be resisted by the fact that there is an opposition party, which certain these solutions will block. that is, well, we see that within taiwan there will be some means of such a balance. and now i want to draw attention to the fact that what each of the candidates proposed, so that we can understand the mood in taiwan. the most important thing, if you look at everyone's program, the first point was status preservation. this means that the island of taiwan , the taiwanese, they have a request to maintain the current status in which it is, that is, in fact, it is an independent state with all the attributes, but not recognized by anyone, while it remains, as you rightly
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said, in the 49th year, it is an independent island, on its own, on its way to democracy, and it has never been under the leadership of a communist party accordingly, no one wants to be under the influence of the communist party. status quo is about the existential state of this island today. given the fact that china is constantly talking about the need to unite. sitzenpin insists on this. sydzenpin said several times on the eve of the elections that he was in favor of a peaceful union, but might have to use military means. and that's all. led societies is a request for peace, none of the candidates spoke any such rhetoric that would be bellicose, because taiwanese people are very afraid of war, they see these threats, and accordingly, not every candidate avoided those points that could be this
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threat, if we take lai tsinde, he is known for his pro-democracy, pro-independence politics, and his opponents talked about it a lot. that... that is, if he becomes president, they used this component, which means he will declare independence, but he realizes that declaring independence is actually declaring war on taiwan, and the people do not want that, so he is already in his election campaign the company said that there is no need to declare the independence of the island, since it is already independent, instead there should be three main components, this is its economic component and strengthening. defense capabilities of the island, as well as strengthening contacts with partners from the democratic camp and not only the united states of america, but with various other states, such as japan, australia, new zealand, europe and so on. this is so that taiwan's
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international status is strengthened, and thus, it is also a safeguard on its part against absorption china's military operations. this is his proposal. the other candidates, for example the representative of ... well he came second and he is considered to be the pro-china, the most acceptable candidate for china, but he also talks about maintaining the status quo, that he also offers a little bit of different methods, so that he knows that china really does not like, for example, some kind of international activity of the island, and he instead says that it is necessary to strengthen the dialogue with china, to strengthen economic relations with... well, at the same time, to maintain this form of the status quo, and he also insists that the island must strengthen its defense capabilities. here it is also necessary to say about the kuomintang party that it is the most acceptable not only because of the most positive relations,
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let's say, with mainland china, but also because this party at one time in 1992 signed a document together with china, which is called consensus . in 1992, according to him, the mainland and the island signed up to the fact that there is one policy, that there is one china. in general, this principle of theirs came out of what you also mentioned, mr. mykola, that each from the mainland and the island, their power at one time considered itself one, and chaikangshi hoped one day to return to the mainland, defeat the communist party, well, he believed that the republic of china would then... restore its influence on the mainland, and the communists believed that they will do exactly this with taiwan, that is, the form of unification was so-so, but when in 1992 it became clear that either war or some kind of understanding, this document was signed, but it is twofold, er, on its part,
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china , who was stronger, he realized that so, if we are one china, we are one nation, then we will unite according to our principle. you admit it, for its part , the kuomintang party says, well, no, not quite like that , we are one china, of course we want a dialogue with you, well, in principle, we do not quite agree that we are... one china under your rule, and here is this ambivalence, it is a document , let's put it this way, about nothing, but it was a platform for dialogue that the two sides agree with the basic rule that they are one china, and it is precisely based on this document that china claims the island and plans unite well the so-called peaceful way, as a basis for dialogue, but a democratic party appears , which also, as we can see, won... the third presidential term is already here, and she says, well, what kind of nonsense is this, that we are one
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china, we are not one china at all , we do not recognize any of these principles, absolutely, we, we are a state that can and wants to conduct a dialogue with china, but on equal terms, well, of course , what do you see, see, a very important issue, eh, that is this is the story of hong kong, when the chinese said: let's unite, one, one china, two systems , capitalism will remain in hong kong, we will have socialism with chinese characteristics and so on and so on, she, well, i think she just scared taiwan, and taiwanese people, seeing what is happening in hong kong, where just their word, beijing violated when it said that two systems, one china, it turns out, one china and one system, there is the same system. the very same power of the communist party as everywhere, that is, it would not be, it is not the foresight
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of beijing, do you think the same as this is the formula that you mentioned, which beijing has been proposing all the time since 1992 for taiwan and prepared, and it tested it in hong kong, in hong kong, because in 1997 the accession took place, and it was such an illustration with macau as well . a similar formula was also used, and for the taiwanese it was an illustration, look how well we coexist with hong kong, let's work with you in the same way, and at one time the kuomintang party, well, to a certain extent, was perhaps ready for such a greater rapprochement in those years, when this formula still had some kind of normal form in hong kong, but after those events of 19th year, it became a very serious argument for all taiwanese that not even close, we do not want this formula, we are democratic. country , and we absolutely do not agree with this, and after that, indeed, the politics inside taiwan became even sharper,
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even tougher, in relation to china, and now the russian aggression against ukraine, it scared the taiwanese very seriously, because they understood that china can use military methods, and he is willing to do so, because xidin ping keeps talking about it, and war is inevitable, unfortunately, it is somehow in the air, and therefore... taiwan is now facing such a dilemma, it is clear that everyone is afraid of the consequences of war, and even the government that came, she, she, understands that before her is a very difficult desire to keep the balance, and each of the leaders, of course, the leaders of the race offered their own formula there, but in fact, well, a lot depends on china, of course, and china will press, no one doubts that it will use and current such military methods under coercion which... he used by carrying out such blockades around the island, he conducts a very
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serious information campaign in social networks, and economic coercion as well, because somehow the island and the motherland are very economically connected, more than 30% of all trade goes through them, for example , as for the taiwanese, it is more than 30% of exports, there is one more question, look, it is very important, i think, and what... the public of taiwan is there, you said that in the parliament it is as if there was a bicameral government, and such a person became the president more less moderate about china, who is the main c the country, the prime minister, that is, i don't even know, they have a prime minister, they have, how it all happens, the main thing is the president, he determines the foreign policy, he is the leader. gender chief military leader of the country, he, that is
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, these are all the elements of power that the president has with such a correct, say, power structure, pardons, punishments, declaration of war, these are all in the hands of the president, but, for example, what will concern legislative initiatives, well, in particular, it is very good for china that there is a kuomintang, relatively speaking, because in the event, if the current president wanted to declare independence, then, of course , such a decision would not pass in the parliament, or there might be some anti-chinese decisions, well, serious ones that china would not like, these decisions would be blocked in the parliament, of course, and in this way ... china gets a certain opportunity to influence the island, and perhaps to some extent to please the kuomintang, because, well, by the way, kuomintang candidates, they, candidates, and parliamentarians, and party members, they go to china, and so were before the elections certain trips, that is, they are in contact with china, and considering the fact that the society
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still gave 50/50 to the two parties, we can say that in a certain way it... split around some ideas, well, in particular, it is possible and around this attitude to caressing, ms. natalya, the last question, i don’t know if you are interested, well, usually women are not very interested in military affairs, is it easy, this is the question, will it be easy for china to defeat taiwan in the event of an armed conflict, so, you know , actually uh... there's a simulation about, literally yesterday or the day before yesterday, because well, different cases are allowed, and the simulations regarding the chinese attack, and it predicted that china would need a lot of forces to occupy the island, on the one hand, it seems that the island, it can be blocked, yes, and on the other hand, taiwan is also preparing for this option, er,
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trying to strengthen its there and ppu forces, trying to strengthen its missile capabilities. to strengthen even its reserves of products and weapons there, to wait for the moment when the united states comes to help, or sends this help, and here are the calculations, that i've seen, they foresee that china should very seriously send landing forces, because the island is needed, the island is very like that, it 's hilly, it doesn't have such a very flat terrain, so you need a large landing force, a lot of support from the sea, from the air, a lot of missile support, that is... it seems like the island is easy to capture, but when a direct military invasion, it involves heavy losses and a very well -planned campaign, thank you very much, please excuse me, ms. natalya, as always, thank you klina natali plaksienko of butyrska expert, to the expert on issues of east asia , the master of foreign policy, thank you very much, because everything was really
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explained in detail and professionally, now we have an experiment, an experiment like this, well, for me it is not very... because back in 1992, when i was working in and in russian, on the ukrainian service of the bbc, then the ukrainians translated everything russian simultaneously, it was just that the russian language was prohibited in ukrainian, and now according to the legislation of ukraine and in ukraine, the russian language is prohibited, and so we are from today, in fact, from january 1 we don't have a new year say a single word in russian, and i, not only i, do not have the right, but the guests do not have the right, so you mean, now we will have the first time, at least in my program, after the commercials, i am told that first advertising, i did not forget about advertising, there will be a person from moldova, russian-speaking, but she will be there, she will be translated into ukrainian, all this will take place after a one and a half minute advertisement, advertising.
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administration of transnistria, to leave for the borders of the zone controlled by them, they often used and use, i think, ukrainian passports, and also registered businesses in ukraine, the ukrainian passport has... in odesa, the so-called president of transnistria , vadym krasnoselsky, that is, they are for russia, they are at the expense of russia live, but somehow they got ukrainian passports and can travel the world, travel the world with a ukrainian passport, since ukrainian passports, as you know, are especially foreign, they have a visa-free regime for them , at least in european countries, so they are very it's easy to live and they live great. we don't know how it happened, for this we have volodymyr toryk, journalist, investigator of rise moldova, who will speak in russian, i will speak in ukrainian, and
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the translator will translate for me and mr. volodymyr, good health, mr. volodymyr last year, investigative journalist moldova, thank you for finding time for us, good evening, thank you for the greeting, i understand ukrainian, but for the sake of the... experiment, i can speak russian, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes like you it's convenient, we can't guide you here now, but why, why did interest in this topic arise, it would be, it's a recent interest, it would be interest shown there, now or six months ago, or did you always suspect that passports to transnistria in the leadership of the establishment , the so-called, all ukrainian , well, or moldovan, that is...
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or occupied crimea, that is, crimea, the seizure of crimea by russia, the dpr, the lpr is not only a problem of ukraine, it is true, it is a problem of the whole of europe, including the problems of transnistria, it is not only a problem of moldova, but also a problem of ukraine and europe as a whole, and for some reason it has not been articulated until now that the transnistrian problem, the existence of transnistria is a problem of europe as a whole. what is transnistria? it is a territory where approximately half a million people live, it is a territory recognized by the council of europe, and i am happy about human rights - it is a zone of russian occupation, it is a quasi-state, where political opponents are not dealt with by, for example, landings. but they are simply killed with shovels, one day, they get to
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the political opponents of the local regime, they get home, their tongues are simply cut off and so on, that is, this is the policy of transnistria, that is, this regime, it is managed by a group of people who have ukrainian passports, among them, that is, they are administrators. i gave several examples, that is , this is how political opponents are dealt with, no one goes into details, international law does not apply in this territory, because it is a quasi-state that is not recognized by any country in the world, mr. volodymyr, look, it is very important, and what can ... ukraine, how can ukraine help, what can it do? well, she can, but she can't can pick up passports, you have to go, the ukrainian police, she can't
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get there to the transnistrian police and so on. that is, what kind of actions do you, investigators, both ukrainian and moldovan , expect from ukraine? well, yes, that is, moldova does not yet have the political will, there is no political will to introduce sanctions in relation to these persons, the leadership of transnistria, many of them also have moldovan passports, but since russia attacked ukraine and it turns out that russia in relation to of ukraine is directly a military aggressor, and these citizens, who are citizens of russia, in transnistria control the zone of russian occupation, where the remnants of the 14th russian army are located. it recruits
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, in particular, citizens of ukraine with russian citizenship, that is, such a quasi-state, a militarized quasi-state is ukraine's problem, in particular, as lukashenko says, there can be an attack from there at any moment, but what can i say, mr. volodymyr, i'm sorry, but what do the lawyers say, is there such a procedure as, for example, the ukrainian authorities. ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs affairs, which is really the owner, the owner of these passports, according to the world order, it is written even in the passport that it is the property of ukraine. they can send, for example, to european countries that passports with such numbers are not valid, and they, a person with such a passport cannot enter, for example, the territory of the european union. probably, it can,
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we know that ukraine deprived some of its citizens who were open russian collaborators, it deprived them of citizenship, but here the issue is not citizenship, but attraction to responsibility and for opening cooperation with the country of aggression with russia. well, for example, who is a citizen of ukraine? well, for example, i will now give several examples, facts that we have published in previous years. for example, the so-called president of transnistria. who has an apartment in odesa, or the founder of the sherifi holding, who is considered a local mafioso, viktor rushanov, for example, he has not only houses in ukraine, but also has islands that he rents for several dozen years, for example, vilkovo, there, where they grew up in danube, and that is, he has several buildings of thousands of square meters on whole islands,
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he also has... a company, you may have heard, the ukrainian company intertelecom, he is one of its founders, it is a communications company, one of the largest companies in ukraine, which supplies, in particular, the internet, this company was founded, and for many years its owner was a transnistrian separatist, and today's prime minister of transnistria, oleksandr rosenberg, he comes from vinnytsia, he is with his family. .. quite often to of the full-scale invasion rested in ukraine, in odesa, went to bukovel, his relatives, husband, his, that is, the last, the last remark, please comment on it, that is, someone in ukraine, some officials issued these passports in violation of all possible laws that are not it is possible to issue ukrainian passports to some, it is not known which people
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, no well... given that they were born in ukraine, for example, some of them were born in ukraine on the territory of ukraine even in soviet times, perhaps they received on the legal grounds of these passports , some were born in vinnytsia region, some in odesa region, but there is simply no collaboration of ukraine, for example, with the authorities of moldova in bringing these citizens to justice for separatism, for the militaristic management of the passport for many years, even before the full-scale invasion, they hid from of moldovan persecution, that is, moldova declared them wanted for separatism, but they calmly flew from odessa and
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flew using odessa airports. and i say goodbye to you, all is well. farmers of romania blocked the border with ukraine, what people demand, how the production of uavs and poltava pornography is expanding in the kyiv region, how they exposed the studio that...


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