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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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tight deadlines, prospects, great britain will not station its troops, its soldiers on the territory of ukraine. yes, they can send certain advisers who will help representatives of the defense sector of ukraine. a week ago , in a good way, when he was talking about mobilization, he said that i was actually in... he was asking me if i would recommend someone who could help the ukrainian military, it's about foreign ex-military or military analysts, and i replied that yes of course i am actually when we talk about soldiers who were trained by our military, ukraine should not, in principle, make such a request. on british officers, but of course
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we know that when we are talking about f-16 fighters, about them, their technical support and ultimately help in training, mastering new equipment and equipment, yes, such help would be very necessary, so it is important here, is there a request from ukraine, no one hides from you, mr. colonel, on the night of january 12, the communication... the states of america and great britain struck with tamagav missiles at military facilities supported by by iran's houthis in yemen, in response to a series of attacks on merchant ships sailing through the red sea. according to the air force of the united states of america, more than 60 strikes were carried out on 16 targets using more than 100 high-precision munitions of various types.
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during his visit to kyiv , british prime minister rishi sunaak commented on the events in yemen and commented on the consequences of this strike and the reasons for this strike. let's listen to what the british prime minister said. the united kingdom-usa alliance strikes against the houthis in yemen. it was directed. on the destruction of sites from which the houthis launched drones and missiles against merchant ships in the red sea, this brought destruction and trouble, it led to a threat to maritime shipping, after repeated warnings about the need to stop these attacks after the un speech, nothing... happened,
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exactly that is why britain today, in particular, has taken limited steps in self-defense, and in the face of this aggression we will always uphold the rule of law. mr. colonel, how possible is it that the conflict with the houthis in yemen can turn into something more when iran supports the houthis, when ... turkey supports the houthis, when the arab world treats this as an attack on its entire territory, that is, does the world have other safeguards in order to keep the situation in yemen and in general in the region?
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it is very interesting from many angles, because we know that from yemen there were missiles against american military bases, and again, the attacks and airstrikes that were carried out, again, this is not only, cetorites of merchant ships in the region itself, this is of its own kind of declaration of war by iran and yemen against the western countries, it's... anything can happen because these countries, iran and yemen, they think that the western countries are weak, they think the us is a weak country, maybe it's because of the withdrawal from afghanistan, maybe, but during for several years they have, because of the influence of other countries, they have had this impression, so yes, it was a powerful attack last night, in my opinion. as soon as people
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lose a certain fear, it is very sometimes even difficult for them to regain this fear. so you mentioned iran, you mentioned turkey, so after a blow like that, i think these countries will be quite careful not to make the situation worse, because they have been hit back, especially turkey should be careful, because it is in nato, and it does not want to upset either great britain or the united states, and iran will now think very well about what next steps will they take, because if there is a war with the us, they will. play, just a few days ago, mr. colonel, the american magazine time identified the top 10 risks for 2024, these are global risks, among them is the creation of an axis of evil, russia, iran and
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north korea. in fact, we are now seeing how they play out in different parts of the world. regional wars, that is, russia is waging a war against ukraine, although it is not a regional war, but a european war, a continental war, we see how iran participates indirectly through its proxies in the middle east, north korea has joined russia's war against ukraine and is submerging south korea, can we say that this risk. prescribed by our colleagues from time is high enough to create this axis of evil, it is possible to design this axis of evil by some kind of contract, as it was before the second world war between germany, italy and japan. this axis
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evil that you talked about, i would also add china, and others, and the arab emirates, switzerland, again, they have money, they have technology, thanks to their technology, russia replenishes its reserves, so yes, they are already de facto at war with ukraine and russia, they are the news of evil, they. the us could not focus on something very important. they constantly make sure that the usa is distracted by some conflicts, whether it is conflicts in africa, whether it is the threat of an attack
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to taiwan or others. now the top priority is ukraine, because if russia captures ukraine, it will become much stronger, it will capture. technology, people, people, other resources , and you know what they are doing now in donbas, for example, yes, they are mobilizing ukrainians to fight in the ranks of the russian army, and therefore it is very important now not to be distracted from what is our main priority, from ukraine, from the war in ukraine, there is no need to scatter our attention on other regional conflicts, we must understand what is the most important mr. colonel, the leaders of the european countries are talking loudly about the possible war of russia against the north atlantic alliance, more precisely against the countries of western europe, is it possible to prevent this war and in what way can it
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be done? when we talk about preemption or safeguarding, it's... to make sure that russia doesn't replenish its reserves, its power, and if we don't do that, we 're going to lose in the end, if we have to make sure that russia can't fight, respectively, then both korea and iran, they will simply shut down they will stay in their burrow because they will not feel such powerful support from their partners, they will not move and push forward. will talk about some wars with such giants as the usa, so now it is very important to help ukraine by all possible means. thank you, colonel, for speaking with you, this is retired british army colonel, military expert glen grant. friends, we work live on
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the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those, who is currently watching us on youtube and facebook. please vote in our poll. we are asking you about your credentials today. of the office of the president of ukraine, and the survey reads as follows: in your opinion, does the office of the president exceed its powers? yes, no, or please write your comment below. video, during the telecast we also conduct this survey, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up the phone and vote if you think that the office of the president of ukraine exceeds its powers 0800 211381, no, 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next on our air is political expert volodymyr tsybulko.
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mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. today, great britain says, the british government says that they have signed a historic security agreement with ukraine. this is the top topic, i think, in today's world news, and after yemen, of course, in tomorrow's as well. shih stilt of the british press, what can you say about how the british actively support ukraine during this war, and why are they doing this, despite everything, despite moscow's threats to start a war, despite the fact that putin hinted to boris johnson that one minute and you will have missiles, that is... what, what is ukraine for britain and what is britain for ukraine? well, in fact,
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in recent days we have been living under the pressure of the transfer of nuclear weapons to belarus, which meant , in fact, the final and irreversible burial of the budapest memorandum, so this very timely and very strong gesture of great britain, essentially. is, well, the beginning of the process that was announced at the vilnius summit, about the signing of bilateral guarantees with the countries of the big seven, for the period until ukraine became a full member of nato. and it was rishi sonak in kyiv who spoke about the fact that britain is putting a shoulder, and if ukraine ends up in nato as soon as possible, then this agreement will exhaust itself. actually, it seems to me that it was great britain with this act, uh, that started
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such a wider process of preparing ukraine for nato. there are high hopes for the summit, the nato jubilee summit in washington, but this is the first of a series of these bilateral security agreements, the first such agreement, and you can say that... in the next couple of months , we will probably formalize such, with the g7 countries , these security agreements, which will essentially be such a very strong gesture to others countries, let's say, junior partners in nato, to be ready for the acceptance of ukraine into nato. while riche sunak was in kyiv, shmyhal's government was rewriting the bill on mobilization. zelenskyi says that the bill on mobilization, after taking into account all
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proposals, should look like this gave answers to the main questions, well , first of all, about justice, let's hear what volodymyr zelenskyi said, regarding what concerns your question. regarding the law on mobilization, i know that the military has been working with the deputies, i have not seen the final version, for me the most important thing is that this law is fair, when i see all the details, i can say then, because this law was quite actively discussed during the last three weeks, starting from christmas, which in your opinion, mr. volodymyr, is fair in law, and should be fair in law. about mobilization, well, first of all, these are guarantees, social guarantees, wage guarantees, and
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the honest position of the state in relations with its soldiers. unfortunately, during the two years of the incomplete war, the authorities repeatedly changed the rules of payment of labor, and completely strange stories with these medical commissions, with completely dekun stories, sometimes with... granting the status of a participant in hostilities, when people are at war for a year and do not have certificates of a participant in hostilities, and most importantly, that your... it is important for the state to build honest and very long-lasting relations, in order not to plug holes during the war, when everything is on fire, and then retroactively dismiss a large number of military personnel, i would like to remind you that after the election of zelenskyi , approximately 40,000 highly qualified employees were dismissed from the military, and then we will also talk
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about, so to speak... more serious things , that is, the economy of war, is very important here, because the question is to take a soldier, to take a person, a civilian labor specialist and make him a military man, this is no no no, let's say, a defining event, a defining event when the military has a guaranteed material support, a material base for training, new specialists and sufficient reserves of weapons, so that it does not happen that again, as in the 14th year, families of soldiers were bought and provided their soldiers with helmets, body armor, uniforms, and everything else, because when now ukrainians see these
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crazy stories with twisting on the streets. this or that person, people in military uniform, it is not about high-quality specialists for the armed forces. in fact, it is not about recruiting half a million people with shovels and machine guns, which is actually called the militia, and it is about the fact that such a law on mobilization should create circumstances under which the armed forces will have... a sufficient number of highly qualified specialists to destroy the enemy with high-tech weapons, and not to dig trenches with shovels and shoot back with machine guns. mr. volodymyr, when the commander-in-chief speaks about a just law and justice, then obviously one should speak about justice in
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the broadest sense of the word, well, in particular , about the justice of society during war, the authority during the war, the justice of how the ministry of defense of ukraine conducts tenders and who earns money from these tenders, it turns out in such a way that in parallel with the rhetoric about a fair law on mobilization, it turns out not to be unfair, but corruption, it is never fair there was not, but unfair corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine, that is yesterday the dbr and arma. seized the property, all of it grynkevichs, businessmen from lviv, what do you think about these constant corruption scandals that arise around of the ministry of defense, it is clear that there is grenkevich, a businessman who, according to preliminary data, earned uah 1.5 billion there, what is
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he, or rather, who should be responsible for this corruption, because corruption is not... it is only one-sided, i.e. , when a person corrupts, there is also someone who is being corrupted, if he earned this money and bought himself a luxury car, luxury real estate, abroad and in ukraine, then obviously he did not do it himself, right, mr. volodymyr, we lost connection with volodymyr tsibulek, now let's restore this connection, which... problems we had with sound, well, you saw , friends, that it was about the hrenkevich family, who earned money from the armed forces of ukraine, and in fact they had companies that worked with the ministry of defense of ukraine, but until a certain
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time, until that time, until they had problems with the law enforcement officers, now you see how ba... the father of the eldest among this company is arrested by the fbi investigators and this or the special forces of the fbi, and this happened after he offered the investigator of the state bureau of investigation 500 thousand dollars for that they solve all the issues that were in hrenkevich with the law enforcement officers, and this literally happened. over the past few weeks , this story has been unfolding right before our eyes, and it's clear what 's going on in this situation. there are a lot of questions, how could there be such big abuses, and abuses cost millions, billions of hryvnias, and the question
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of what, what to do with these, these abuses, and who should be responsible for it, hrenkevich decided to give a bribe in the amount of 500 00 to the investigator, he was detained, and now here is arma today... this is an agency for arrest, seized property, found in the hrynkevichs and their entourage luxury cars, real estate and weapons found in hrynkevich's possession, 17 objects of residential real estate, in particular three apartments owned by igor hrynkevich's wife svitlana, one lviv apartment owned by yaryna hrynkevich, one lviv apartment owned by mariyan shved and two apartments owned by sofia morozyuk. seven objects of non-residential real estate, in particular a non-residential premises on saksaganskyi street in the center of the capital, 18 land plots, in particular large plots in the vyshgorod district of kyivska
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oblast, owned by ihor hrenkevich and his son roman hrenkevich, nine premium-class cars, shares in the authorized capital of 14, almost 15 million uah, 12 weapons, three objects of intellectual property, accounts in... many banking institutions . and, as the department reports, arma has initiated measures to obtain information about the availability of funds and operations on accounts. the body sent the received data in an extremely short period of time and in full to the sbi for re-estimation of assets and their future possible confiscation, they noted. in the department. and volodymyr tsibulko is in touch with us again. mr. volodymyr, i am talking about a complete retrospective. real estate of elite cars and what is in this hrynkevich family, but my question concerns not only the hrynkevichs, but also the party with which they
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worked, because corruption cannot be one-sided, obviously, the one who receives and makes some sort of pushback or shares with someone why this story isn't seen in a larger format, why we only see focus. only on this family, on this family, and there are no high-profile resignations from the ministry of defense of ukraine. i have the feeling that this is also an attempt to make an example of this, these contracts of the grankevichs, to make almost lviv or the whole of western ukraine so corrupt, because corrupt officials in the ministry with the ministry of defense work from odesa, dnipro, and other cities , and... and they are sitting in the same scheme that the grynkevichs sat, this is the first question, and the second is really impossible for grynkevich without her, who makes a political
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decision on the distribution of such contracts, it is obvious that most of these contracts were won not through tenders, but if they were won through tenders, then the one who writes the technical conditions of the tenders, as a rule, writes them. from the future winner, so i believe that this is the first step, if the next step is not taken, that is, the appropriate mirror in the ministry, that is, the officials who signed the agreements with the hrenkevychs, and they are very easy to calculate, even the anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense, which now works quite actively, and dana yarovanovych became an adviser to the minister, now the deputy minister. that is, there are many opportunities, if the investigative bodies do not reveal, well, this chain, then i think that the activists will do their job. well,
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that is, political responsibility should still be there, because if it was at the level of deputy ministers of defense, supervision took place, or at the level of heads of departments of the ministry of defense. i believe that the contracts amount to more than half a billion hryvnias. certainly did not pass by the minister’s pen, it is impossible, this is it, well, it would be strange if such a reznikov headed the ministry, he has hundreds of billions were walking behind him, and he didn't even feel the breath of the wind, how these bills were rustling back and forth, the answer was clear, thank you, mr. volodymyr, for participating in the program, it was volodymyr tsybulko. political expert. ukraine has become a
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testing ground for weapons, a historic ukrainian-british agreement on security cooperation. the first foreign trip of the president this year and how to get a job in the armed forces. about this and much more in today's issue. massive air attacks on ukraine. the russians intensified their shelling again. north korea and iran. provide the russian federation with weapons to terrorize the civilian population of our country. the world is deeply concerned about such cooperation, and ukrainian skies are still not sufficiently protected from enemy attacks. if we gave everyone systems today, people in kharkiv, kherson, and odesa would not die. historical defense, political and diplomatic results. summary
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of ukraine's agreements with the country. baltic states and great britain. there is recovery, ukrainian families are issuing certificates to receive compensation for the housing destroyed by the russians. how is the reconstruction of houses in kyiv region and in kharkiv? i want a warm house and that the house is my own, and not to live somewhere with someone. congratulations, iryna koval is in the studio and this. news, summaries of the week on the espresso tv channel. a new stage in the war has begun. ukraine has become a testing ground for carriers capable of carrying a nuclear charge. this was discussed this week, both in ukraine and in the world. we are talking about short-range missiles, known as kh-23, or kim skander. north korea provided them to russia, and the terrorist country launched this ironclad. across
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ukraine in december and january, destroy more the civil infrastructure of ukraine and kill civilians, that is why russia will use missiles for north korea, according to the usa. and their opinion is not unfounded, because after researching this missile it was already found out that they can be used to hit unfortified surface targets, for example, such as residential buildings. these... missiles are not capable of hitting point targets. on wednesday, at a meeting of the security council of the united nations, a lot of attention was paid to north korea and iran, which continue to supply the russian federation with missiles and drones in addition, the us state department published a statement by the leaders of 47 countries of the world, who called on the democratic people's republic of korea and russia to comply with the relevant un resolutions, and
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immediately. any activity that violates them. in addition, us secretary of state anthony blinken announced on january 11 the introduction of sanctions against three russian organizations and one individual involved in the transfer and testing of north korean ballistic missiles for use by russia against ukraine. it is difficult to say whether these results will give, but here it is what is known for sure, madam. u.s. ambassador to nato julian smith said they have information, confirmed by satellite images, that north korea has delivered more than 1,000 containers of military equipment and ammunition to rew. but we still do not have a comprehensive protection of the sky. the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, once again emphasized this. and there is not enough, in particular , systems capable of knocking down points. so, a detailed
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analysis of the level of protection of the ukrainian sky. about 300 missiles of various types: cruise, ballistic, hypersonic, plus hundreds drones after a long pause, the russians resumed massive air attacks on ukraine. as of the end of december, there were already four of them. unlike last year, the occupiers are not hitting energy facilities in tyla. they are looking for other targets, military production, airfields and air defense systems. but it also flies over civilians. the enemy is actively using ballistics in kharkiv oblast, donetsk oblast, zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast. this is an inaccurate weapon. its goal is to terrorize the civilian population. about a hundred people died in just two weeks.


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