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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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the explanation of the situation in odessa, so to speak, with tricks, tricks, but little by little the guns are getting rid of it, i have the impression that there is so much pushkin on murals in kharkov , the name of the street, the metro station, some bas-reliefs, it seems as if that pushkin was born in kharkov, well, friends, kateryna shirokopoya will be here now and we will watch the news , kateryna already has a fresh selection, katya, i welcome your word, congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about biden's ultimatum to the republicans and the training of ukrainian engineers. and pilots, congratulations, it's news time on espresso, in the studio kateryna shiropoyas works. russian artillery shelled the village of ocheretine in donetsk region, injuries. got a 50-year-old
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man, he was on the street during the attack, the regional prosecutor's office reported, the victim is currently in the hospital. rescuers removed a russian rocket that fell and did not explode near a private house in the poltava region. the damaged buildings were temporarily covered with a film and tarpaulin, the owners receive funds from the local and regional budgets for repair work - said the head of the region philip pronin. yesterday, russia attacked ukraine. air defense forces worked with missiles in poltava oblast. vice prime minister, minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov urged ukrainians to create fpv drones at home. in particular, he talked about an initiative from victory drone, which created an engineering course that teaches how to assemble a seven-inch fpv drone at home. anyone can access lectures and lists of components, tools, and materials. the assembled drone will be inspected. as instructors victory
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drones. if the test is successful, the drone will be handed over to the military. the course starts every two weeks, training is completely free. course participants have already handed over 100 drones to the military. russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine has long been called a war of drones and artillery. such a number of different drones have not been used in any other military operations, both defenders and experts claim. in order to increase the production capacity of killer birds in the white church, they began to train engineers and pilots. further details from my colleagues. fly, adjust. yes, you can. all. no, this is not another game that drags you into the virtual world reality, drone pilot training. next to the engineers for their assembly. six months ago , the association of russian-ukrainian participants began to deal with this. of war, on the basis of which
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they created an association of enterprises and scientific centers that not only train specialists, but also develop and manufacture drones. well, if assembling from a pure drone, then it is not a very difficult process at all, if a person wants to learn, then he can do all this in literally a day or three, that is, depending on how capable he is of all this. if 300 people would be enough, then 3 00 should be trained, if 10 00 are needed, it is not necessary. 10 thousand, that is, if we do not have enough drones at the front, then we need to collect more of them, and, of course, we must train the appropriate number of people. anyone can assemble killer devices, the instructors say, because everything is explained step by step, even those who have never picked up a soldering iron can do it. they usually start with the board, then move on to other processes. we teach how to apply soldering correctly, how to correctly... divide by name ourselves
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contact groups, so that all this does not interfere with the subsequent assembly of the drone itself, we assemble the frame, completely assemble the motors, solder to the central power supply board, and later we proceed to programming the drone itself. miroslava, who came for the second time, also joined such classes, a 22-year-old girl, she is engaged in breeding decorative birds, but with a soldering iron... she can handle it skillfully, she says, she would like to help the military by equipping drones. my father is a soldier, he fought i have many friends, acquaintances, er, very close people in the military, but the point is not even that, even if a person does not have a military person in his family, he must do something to win, and you can show off that already i learned nothing, so far i can't show off, i'm just learning, but i'll try, that... it was better and
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better, here you need to be careful, try your best, that's it. in total , there are approximately 200 producers of birds of various types in ukraine, they provide up to... 15% of the total needs of the army, the founder notes of the dignitas lyubov shipovych foundation. according to her estimate , only fpv drones require 200,000 per month, but there is also a shortage of pilots who can skillfully operate them, says the military man with the call sign edison. according to him, such specialists at the front are worth their weight in gold. bilotserkivets was recently injured and is currently undergoing rehabilitation, but he does not waste time and helps teach on a special simulator. specializes precisely in e-e drones, drones, this is a wing, and fivishki, and maviks, everything starts with theory, after theoretically, a person goes to training on simulators, that is, it is better financially, because drones are not affected, they are not damaged, on
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a simulator a person can afford to make a mistake and analyze why it happened, after the simulator, well, as a rule, it is 200 hours of flying, it's possible... he moves on to some smaller birds, there he flaps, something else, and then a person becomes a real pilot, if there is a desire. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and we urge the audience to join the gathering on the 14th the brigade of the 61st battalion in the kupinsky direction needs a car. to carry out the combat task of evacuating the wounded, our defenders need a pick-up truck, its peculiarity is that it can drive through swampy terrain, it costs uah 250,000. you and i have already collected almost uah 130,000. please join and donate any amount. remember, every hryvnia of yours brings our victory closer. 61 combat clashes took place at
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the front during the day. ukrainian soldiers continue to hold back the enemy on maryinsky direction 17 attacks were repelled. it's hot near avdiivka. the russians tried to storm ukrainian positions 20 times. all attempts are futile, reported the general staff. on the left bank of the kherson region, the ukrainian military continues measures to expand the bridgehead. our aircraft struck 11 enemy concentration areas. the missile forces hit nine artillery pieces, four anti-aircraft defenses, an ammunition depot, an electronic warfare station, and three enemy concentration areas. us president joe biden threatens an ultimatum to the republicans. the head of the white house said that his political opponents will have to pay a high price if they do not provide financial assistance to ukraine. with this statement, biden addressed
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the republicans during a conversation with journalists. as you know, in december the us senate failed a procedural vote to begin work on legislation to provide aid to ukraine, israel, etc. latvia kicked out the russian citizen, the head of the latvian-russian cooperation association borys katkov. it was introduced added to the list of undesirable persons in latvia and declared a person of non-gratuity, deelfi writes. the decision was explained by katkov's activities, which threaten state security. they took into account his long-term cooperation with representatives of russia and pro-kremlin organizations. boris katkol came to latvia in 1966, worked in the military commissariat, retired with the rank of colonel. in romania, farmers stopped blocking the movement of trucks through the porubne sired checkpoint. this
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was reported by the state border service. they said that the blockade lasted 5 hours. now trucks and cars, buses and pedestrians are allowed to pass. in the usual mode, noted that the protests of transporters and farmers broke out in romania on january 10, in particular at the border with bulgaria, they complain about fuel prices, are dissatisfied with taxation and non-payment of subsidies, they also believe that romanian farmers have suffered from the decisions made to support ukraine. let's carol so that next christmas all our soldiers meet at home. under this slogan , a new record was set for the most mass in the lviv region performing carols. 105 nativity scenes gathered in the village of mshanets in sambir oblast. a total of 1,259 ukrainians caroled there in bakhmut. the participants of the great christmas carol collected uah 4.5 million
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for drones. muti could be heard somewhere, where so much of the world had already fallen. a light rose and rang out, christ was born, let us praise him, it rose and rang out. christ is born, we praise him, this is all the news for this hour, you will find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join us. next , my colleagues lesya vokolyuk and andriy seichuk. see you dear friends. friends, we are returning to ater les vakulyuk, andriy saichuk in this studio today we will work throughout the day, now until 10
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am, and then we will return at 2 pm and continue. i have important information for you : take your pens, take your phones , tune in, come closer to the screen so that you can scan or write down the card number and tell how much you care for our military, for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade. cold ravine, which has been at war since 2014, which defends ukraine, which in all the hottest spots continues its struggle, and now it needs kamikaze drones, it is for these drones that we are collecting uah 5 million, dear friends, and we already have uah 645,906 17 kopecks in our account. now on their own. in fact, you see all the necessary details in order to transfer and increase this amount,
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it would be nice, of course, if we reached the 700 mark today, for this we need 55 thousand, even a little less, 54 with a tail, i understand that everything is more difficult and it is more difficult to donate, it is more difficult with money, but we understand that if russia continues to fight, then it will be even more difficult, and if you ... help our military, they will push russia aside, and maybe even further, that is why our military needs our help, please join, transfer your funds. gentlemen , well, you know, this is a very short column: this day in history, if you allow me, today is january 14, for those who do not remember, i will remind you that it was on this day that such a framework declaration and a statement of three were signed in moscow. presidents, president leonid kravchuk, president bill clinton of the united states and president yeltsin
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of the russian boris about the fact that ukraine renounces its nuclear status and will hand over all its missiles to the russian federation. this , by the way, happened, we literally talked about it yesterday with oleksandr zinchenko, a ukrainian historian, author, in particular , of a book and a series of films about the collapse of how ukrainians destroyed the evil empire, about the fact that at the same time yeltsin was serious. thought about dropping a nuclear bomb on kyiv, and discussed it with gorbachev in order to prevent ukraine from declaring independence, but here in this picture is this man who said something in the verkhovna rada, i thought about the second one, looking happily at kravchuk, but bill clinton is the only one of this trio who said, admitted that he was wrong when he put pressure on ukraine, demanding a nuclear-free status from it, he understood it now in these years of full-scale russian aggression, well, about kravchuk. he does not recognize anything in us, but it would be good if we at least recognized that at that time the parliament, by the way,
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criticized this decision, but kravchuk was able to push it through, and ukraine is now at war, and such a legacy, in particular, was left to us from leonid kravchuk, not without the fact that he had some achievements and good achievements, but let's not forget that either. dear friends, now we are adding to the conversation oleksiy tarasenko, the battalion commander of the fifth separate assault brigade, he is already with us on... on the call, you already see him, mr. oleksiy, good morning, good morning, i wish you health , if you can tell me where you are, tell me what news you have, i'm sorry, repeat the latest news you have, i'm at my command post point, as usual, not far from the front line the line of defense of our battalion on ... the western outskirts of bakhmut , we can say that there is no special news, because the nature
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of the hostilities does not change, at the moment we constantly have artillery fire, we constantly have impressions from the enemy's side of fpv drones, including night ones, which greatly complicates the situation , and however, if the brigade continued all other units in the area to conduct a defensive battle, it would be enough. successfully, the enemy has already significantly reduced his offensive potential in this direction, and currently the number of his attacks... has decreased in some places to zero and in some places the enemy has gone on the defensive, in some places it is still trying to advance, as in bagda, as in, for example, in bohdanivka, i know, now it’s a little bit like it’s not about the enemies and not about the drones, not about the war, i just hear that someone it is constantly coughing there, how in
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principle does this weather that is now affecting our military, is everything in order to... keep warm and not freeze, even if we take into account the fact that, in principle, we have prepared quite well for winter, so that this is already our third military winter, but in spite of everything while in donetsk region it is stable -15-19 and plus or minus several degrees, of course it is very difficult to bear all this, especially, let's say, not for me. eh, when i sit at the command post, usually, and for a soldier sitting in a trench, it is a very difficult job, and if you even remove the factor of the fact that there is a war, just setting a person the task of living in such a cold in the ground for several days, it is already , i think it is quite a non-trivial task, therefore
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it is quite difficult, but we are preparing as much as we can for entering the positions, getting everything for the people necessary, i believe that we are more ready than last winter and the year before last, unequivocally. in the kupinsky direction , the defense force is informed that ten occupiers simply surrendered due to the fact that they were too cold, that is, for them there too, everything is probably not so simple, and not only is it not so simple for them, it is much more difficult for them, so... that, firstly, they are mainly driven forward without, often without adequate physical and technical preparation, i.e. to prepare for autonomous actions several days into the offensive in such conditions, it is simply unrealistic, and when they even go into
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their defensive positions, which can often be unprepared, because ah... in some places they 've managed to, let's say, advance, but they've actually just gone into bare ground in fact, or there , for example, in broken garden plots somewhere, or some houses are broken, and in such conditions it is absolutely, absolutely unrealistic to carry out combat tasks, that is, here we will only wonder why there seem to be so few of them, mr. oleksiy, what? now, what does bakhmut look like now, you must be there, so to speak fly by, no, well, judging by what i see on the aerial reconnaissance, if there are some boxes of houses left from bakhmut, ah, however, there are fewer and fewer of them every day, let's say, that neighborhood
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of bakhmut, which is now closest to the line front, it actually already exists in the form of just construction debris, the central part of bakhmut, well, as i say, just concrete boxes, without any fragments, houses, without roofs, without windows and doors, it looks quite, quite scary, even from the air, to the russians in bakhmut, i think it's even worse, and the minister is leaning too. urged ukrainians to collect fpv drones at home, in fact, this is also one of the signals of how important these fpv drones are, whether there are enough of these fpv drones, and how to help us in the principle of the army to have more of them. well, of course, fpv drones are now starting to play such a key role
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that it is even difficult to predict what will happen in a few months, because now, for example, the losses that we bear, they are mainly from fp drones, that is, we are already learned there to defend against a huge number of threats, but when you just move around, even night time seems to in a place protected from observation and from artillery, and here a half-bucket appears and falls right at your feet, it is not impossible to protect yourself from it, they don't even always work for... su radio electronic warfare, but the same, if, the same the russians have the same problem, and i am simply leading to the fact that the tool is extremely effective, extremely deadly and... indeed, now a lot of effort in all the brigades that i know is directed precisely to the assembly of these drones, to the training of pilots,
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to choosing best practices, say management of tactical methods, and therefore everything is, let's say, some opportunities for society's assistance to the armed forces in purchasing such to... for example, of course, it is extremely important and extremely promising, how much time should be spent on learning to collect exactly fpv drones? actually, not much time, because if we talk about how to assemble drones, it often looks like a designer, that is, any person, modern, who touches ... say, those devices that we in the civilian life of everyone day we use it, it can very quickly
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understand how it works, if there is a mentor nearby, then it will be great in general, if a person has an engineering education, then i think he will be trivially interested in doing this, if we are talking about what to do to learn to fly on such and such drones, well, a few weeks, in principle it is necessary, especially if a person has previously flown on reconnaissance drones, then in a few weeks it is quite possible to master this type of armor, here we had a news release just before our conversation with you and there was a story about , that they teach online to assemble drones, and one of ours the viewer is actually contacting us with... can we tell you exactly where this online education is, unfortunately, i don't know, only the information that is in the plot, then i am contacting ms. anna kielbas, but you see, there is interest
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in people, you can learn online, is it still better in person to have someone show, definitely better in person, but mostly the majority of, let’s say, drones, it is actually collected directly in subdivisions a. and those drones that pass already intact, they are mostly there in some, again, volunteer ones centers are going, however, i think learning online is not a super big task, especially if there is a desire, so i think it is very cool if someone can help in this way. to the armed forces, and mr. oleksiy, what is expected in the army from the mobilization of the new wave, what is justice for you in this matter, and to what extent
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is this mobilization already delayed, well , first of all, the amount of time that appears to be necessary looks very strange to us for the discussion of draft laws, for there dozens of changes to the law, to what it turns out, does anyone even doubt whether we need mobilization, that is, from the front line it looks very unpleasant, very wild and incomprehensible, of course, that the troops are waiting for fresh replenishment, just very much, because the situation in many directions, in many units... . is quite critical of the staff, and the quality of the staff that even comes, it leaves much to be desired, that is, they are mostly men
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of a very old age and with a lot of problems that usually arise at that age, we really lack young guys , which would be very high quality strengthened the units, so the only emotion that is related to mobilization, the troops is why it took so long, why so many doubts and why, if there are still a lot of people trying to sabotage it, trying to do everything so that it does not happen, well, you are a young enough person , if we allow it to be noted, in your opinion, why young people and how many such people of your age there are approximately, for example in ... what percentage, very few, because those who came with me in the first days of a large-scale
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war, they are already banal . in many units ended, they did not necessarily die, they could have been wounded, they could not have endured psychologically and transferred to the rear units, for many reasons, but those who came from the very beginning, they gradually ended, so very few, the average age of a soldier is usually well above 40 years. much higher. well, thank you very much, mr. oleksiy. the battalion commander of the fifth separate assault brigade was with us, oleksiy tarasenko, from the base near bakhmutu, from the outskirts of bakhmutu is included with us. the third winter already for mr. oleksiy, eh in the great war with the russian federation. thank you for this conversation. and, now let's take a short break, gentlemen, i know that i don't know
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, i... bow my head actually to our military, let's take a short break and next will be dmytro pletenchuk, then let's talk a little bit about the spokesman of the military-naval forces of the armed forces , let's talk about what is happening there on the black sea in the sea of ​​azov, what is happening there after yesterday, in particular the shelling, let's take a short break and come back. there are discounts on deflu, 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. good tradition, during the christmas holidays, to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website, mediapartner spresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city.
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picardy tertia. fine! in pharmacies you will find plantain and savings. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america. they also say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads, a special view on events in ukraine, on the border of kyiv will be some katsaps, and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics.
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more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholotny yar has an urgent need for fivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. every day, every hour,
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every minute we. we get a lot of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield? as the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news. the results of the week are an overview of only important events, weighty, reliable events, they are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. congratulations, iryna koval is in the studio, and this results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso.


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