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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription, turn on aristocratic on mego. there are 10% discounts on zzilorr in pharmacies plantain, you and save. alexander, congratulations, please. sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there head
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greetings, dear viewers, i am namelnyk and the news team will tell you about the most important thing at the moment. after enemy shelling of kherson , rescuers pulled out a 60-year-old man from under the rubble of a house, the regional military administration said. rashists also attacked the village of stanislav in the kherson region. four firefighters. were injured, a residential building and an outbuilding caught fire. two aerial bombs were dropped by the russians on a granary in vovchansk, kharkiv oblast. this was reported to the regional police. destroyed as a result of the attack grain sheds and processing building. the security guards of the enterprise, who were there at the time of the impact, were not injured. and the collection of the tv channel continues. the 14th heidi of the 61st battalion in
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the kupyansk direction needs a car. our defenders need a pick-up truck to carry out combat missions and evacuate the wounded. its peculiarity is that it can move through swampy terrain. it costs 250 hryvnias, you and i have already collected 147. please join us and donate any amount. remember, your hryvnia brings our victory closer. started active recruiting, this provides the opportunity to independently choose a military unit and specialty, ukrainian job search services in two months received more than 37,000 resumes in response to military vacancies, how to effectively attract people to the ranks in our material. this is the work of a unit of the 110th separate mechanized brigade. the soldiers are deterred by heavy drops from drones. occupiers near avdiivka, and this is
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to dodge on the border with romania. let's somehow settle this issue, i'm begging you, i need to go, take the children out, at least $100 for the trip, please. such as they are for 2023 detained 11,000 people, border guards report. about 20 men drowned in tisza last year alone, and these are the ones who were found. so far, the fugitives. the number of soldiers on the border is increasing, the number of soldiers in the trenches is decreasing, and replenishing the ranks of the armed forces is becoming more and more difficult, the need for an optimal draft law on mobilization is becoming more and more acute, but the military is convinced that mobilization must be fair, the law will not be enforced, the law will not be enforced if a person believes, that he is unfair if one and a half billion can be stolen from us during the war.
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and not one will be mobilized, the other will hide in various institutions, in large metropolises, this is the first, second, for the required number of people, we must have a reliable system of educational institutions in the state that will provide a general course of basic military training. the bureaucracy in the army, which is increasingly complained about by military personnel, does not help with the motivation to serve. in their opinion, a change in approaches is needed not only in mobilization. but
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also in service conditions. someone there in the operational-tactical group noticed that the documents did not say sp - observation point, point of observation. and all the documentation had to be rewritten, because it is necessary to write correctly, people with stars and ranks are sitting and doing this, and they also receive combat payments, which also receive combat payments. an alternative and relatively new way to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is recruiting. the 92nd separate assault brigade is actively engaged in it. within a month and a half, it was possible to find a personnel resource of 200 people, these people are now passing. training, this means, relatively speaking, two combat companies in terms of equipment. at the end of 2023, the ministry defense has concluded agreements with four recruiting companies, as of now, about four hundred units have posted almost 2,000
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vacancies, 17,500 people responded to them. at the expense of social networks , at the expense of television channels, at the expense of various sites, including in... and for example, we post our vacancies, where there is a clear and understandable algorithm, what awaits you after mobilization, what is the mobilization path, what tasks will you be perform, plus in addition constant communication with a representative from our division who answers everything the most difficult questions, gives clarity. open vacancies in the achilles unit can be found by the qr code that you now see on the screens, and while there is no new law on... recruiting is not the best opportunity to choose your profession in the armed forces on your own, until the military mothers did it for you. it's time for others. the sixth peaceful picket of servicemen's families took place in the capital. they demand fair terms of
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service and demobilization after 18 months of service, because their husbands and sons keep front from the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. similar actions will be held in other cities of ukraine as early as the fifth. my third brother died in custody, my husband left since june 22. after learning about the death of my brother. his children are waiting for him at home. we are all waiting for him. the first days of the full-scale invasion, who was able to get us out of kyiv and volunteered to protect us, and for two years, at most, he was on vacation twice. a fire is burning in
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russia, in the city of kazan, the fire has completely engulfed the third floor of a local hotel restaurant. previously, no one was injured, the workers were evacuated, propaganda reported. currently , law enforcement officers are investigating the cause of the fire. safety on the ice. rescuers conducted a preventive raid with fishermen in the capital. they told how to fish safely in winter and showed how to act in critical situations. for example, what to do if you fell under a flight or witnessed an accident on a reservoir. according to the capital dsnesniki in kyiv oblast this winter due to imprudent weather. five people have already died, two more have succeeded save, under conditions of such temperature fluctuations, it is better not to go out on the ice at all, because the thickness of the ice is not an indicator
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of its strength, it is impregnated with air bubbles during temperature fluctuations, and this does not indicate its strength, that is, we advise, advise, emphasize, constantly we remind you, we will remind you every time, refrain from going out on the ice, the water department is leaving. if it is summer, we have fire boats, well , rescue boats, if it is winter, the rescuers move in cars, they have the necessary equipment with them, which you could see, here, and they use it precisely to save people, the water is very cold, so there is very little time, and if, well, if some hatch has fallen somewhere, then you can climb out, and if the ice is weak. it's possible that the icebreaker won't get out, that's how things are for the moment, i'll see you at 6 p.m., the news team is working, we'll tell you about the most important things later on espresso, the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk.
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greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a program of own names, common names. project of the ukrainian pen and tv channel, and today we will talk about the ukrainian cultural fund, how to prevent its second collapse, how to save it? it may seem to you now that this topic in the background of what is happening in the country in the background of the drama that we are watching, maybe not so hot or important, but believe me, this is exactly what we ... we are fighting for and on the fronts, it's culture.
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for a very long time, in ukrainian journalism, for more than 20 years, i have been observing how ukrainian culture, it was called culture, was pushed out, disappeared from ukrainian television, and here we are today, what we are talking about let's say, this is actually a consequence of how this second nature of culture is in the consciousness of people, the consciousness of civil society, if not ignored. to media culture, what does it all lead to? today, my interlocutors and guests are volodymyr sheyko, director of the ukrainian institute, cultural diplomacy expert, cultural manager, volodya, congratulations, good evening, bohdan logvynenko, journalist, writer, founder and ideological inspiration of the ukrainer project, also our guest, congratulations bohdan, and bohdan and volodymyr are candidates for the supervisor, the new supervisor council of ukraine. cultural fund, and now there is a competition for this supervisory board,
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bohdan is a candidate from public organizations, and volodymyr is a candidate from cultural institutions. later, i will ask why they decided to actually submit their candidacies, why it is important for them, but first i will explain what the ukrainian cultural fund is for those who may not be very knowledgeable. so, the ukrainian cultural fund is such a state investor. it is actually a state institution, which must on the basis of cultural competition transparent and honest selections, to finance art projects. the budget of the ukrainian cultural fund for 2024 is uah 215.5 million. these are our taxes. that's why it's particularly important. to speak in one sentence about the preface. about the drama of the ukrainian cultural fund, the story is like this: after the revolution of dignity
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, this cultural institution was created, the relevant legislation was drawn up, at the beginning of 2018, cultural manager yuliya fediv became the executive director of the ukrainian cultural fund. the newly created institution has a good reputation among and in the cultural environment and in society, it has positive feedback. and is gradually turning into such a seemingly mature cultural institution, which , in fact, many wonderful projects have been financed, you must have been to exhibitions, musical events, which were financed precisely from the submission of experts of the ukrainian cultural fund, and further i will quote daria badyor , a critic who on... wrote the following: in 2021, the new ministry of culture, together with the president's office, hacked the ukrainian
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cultural fund, just as the state cinema was hacked before that, to turn it into a manual institution. so, my first question to the guests is: how did it become possible, why did the ukrainian cultural institution, which seemed, as i said, become an institution, so it seemed to us that... what, that it is irreversible, so that we have some reputationally clean history, how did it happen that it was possible to raid? bohdan, let's start with you. well, i will probably say that this happens sometimes with various institutions, and, er, it does not only happen with us. sometimes laws are not perfect, they need to be improved, and therefore in particular, it is extremely important now. public attention to defend this institution, improve the law, improve
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the regulations on the supervisory board and so on, and in order to further prevent hacker attacks, this is a constant process, there are a large number of dinosaurs in ukrainian culture, as in any to some other sphere, to which they are trying to regain power, recognition. distribution of funds, which is extremely important for many, so first of all , it should be about the safety of the institution. the law on ukf was imperfect, it was perfect on the moment of its creation, yes, but in the process we have already seen many shortcomings that need to be improved now, but in order to remove them, these shortcomings, a worthy supervisory board must be elected.
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volodya, how did it happen that in the 21st year it was possible to raid the ukrainian cultural fund, as they say... many cultural figures, yes, as they say, many people with a good reputation, progressive views, i will probably start with an answer to the question that in logic precedes your question, the actual question is why, yes, who needs it, why raid or hack one of such system -forming institutions of culture in ukraine, post-maidan era, for viewers who may not know or have not followed the situation with the ukf, i will tell you that the ukf was conceived as a new transparent, honest, publicly accountable way of distributing budget funds, i.e. taxpayers' funds, both in the state and non-state sectors of culture, it is very important to say this, since
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almost all budget funds went to the creation of the ukf. through the ministry of culture for the maintenance of the so-called networks of cultural institutions, that is, theaters , museums, other national and cultural institutions , which actually excluded, this process excluded from the field of cultural financing the entire non-state, that is, independent public sector, and this is a huge number of people who work in it, and this a huge number of initiatives, many of which i am convinced, the audience knows well, and festivals, and independent theaters, and various public initiatives in the field of cinema, literature, music, and the like. and in fact, the establishment of ukf meant that access a huge number of new agents, who had previously been excluded from the field of view
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of the state, received budget funds in a transparent manner, and this, of course, created... the need for many unscrupulous people to take advantage of this opportunity, to distort the procedures for selecting members of the supervisory board, and then the procedures the selection of experts who evaluate the applications, and accordingly the results of the competitive selection of projects in their favor, that is why the situation that happened in the 21st year became possible, when, as bohdan said, the law of the ucf was written in such a way... that con, that procedures the selection of members of the okf supervisory board could be bypassed or they could be used in such a way to bring the right people to the supervisory board. we will talk about this separately, because it is a very interesting story, because this procedure of competitive selection with the help of public organizations, it was not only for the ukf,
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for example, it was also applied to the artistic arsenal of choosing a director. of the art arsenal, when mykhailo kolenyak, the minister of culture of the yanukovych regime, almost became the director of the art arsenal, who was remembered for holding the violin while playing it between his legs, and only thanks to one vote we succeeded, because i was also in the competition commission, so i speak as a witness, we managed to prevent this with only one vote. and my other question , actually very important, is legislation legislation, we will talk about it later, but did civil society do this then, two years ago, to prevent this from happening, if such results were selected, then obviously civil society did not do everything , because the procedure looks like the quota
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civil society , which actually consists of two people, in it the public... can nominate both candidates for the supervisory board and voters, who then choose these candidates by rating voting, and unfortunately, the quantitative rule worked here, that is, one of the unscrupulous candidates and the current active members of the supervisory board included a critical number of public organizations related to him and friendly to him, who voted for him and thus he elected more... the number of votes for the rest and it seems to me that despite the mobilization of the public around the ukf, around yulia fediv, which took place in several waves over time. the previous few years somehow did not work at the time of selection to the supervisory board, that is, daria badior correctly says that we actually lost this battle,
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we will now explain, explain to people what we mean when we talk about pocket public organizations, which then elect members of the supervisory board, but first we will show... the appeal of cultural figures ukrainians appealed on friday to president volodymyr zelenskyi, please show this appeal and to the ministry of culture, information policy of ukraine with a call to take responsibility for the formation of a new supervisory board of the ukrainian cultural foundation. please show this appeal. they write that the election procedure is valid. to the supervisory board undermines the principle of independence and impartiality, since the requirements for candidates to have an impeccable business reputation, as provided by law, remain purely
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formal, what they demand, i.e. in this appeal to the president and the ministry of culture, therefore they call, in particular, in the case of the election to the members of the supervisory board of persons whose actions will show signs of manipulation of the elections through full voting. authorized persons from related public organizations, to demand that they remove themselves from the appointment as members of the supervisory board, as well as to conduct an open discussion of candidacies according to the quotas of the president of ukraine and the ministry of ukraine and the information policy of ukraine with the community workers of culture, so here it is necessary to explain that there are nine members in the supervisory board of the ucf, four of them are appointed by the president and none are appointed by the ministry of culture. of voting, and four more cultural institutions and public associations, the ninth member of the supervisory board is elected by the already elected members of the board, and right now
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the elections of the second four from cultural institutions and public associations are underway, and i would like to show the scheme, one table printed by... ukrainian truth is a table from izi, the institute of legislative ideas, where more than fifty organizations followed, which will actually vote for members of the supervisory board, so there are 103 of these organizations in total, and half of these organizations are connected with the approval of the institute of legislative ideas with one current candidate. oleksandr suslansky of the supervisory board of ukf. so, izi - institute of legislative ideas claims that about 20 of these public
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organizations are directly related to oleksandr suslanskyi's family. the same number has potential or partnership ties with oleksandr suslynskyi. this, i quote, institute of legislative ideas. now it's actually time for me to ask a rather obvious question to you , bohdan, and to you, why, against the background of this, did you decide to run for the supervisory board, and if this is the situation, as we see in this table, then what gives you optimism , that it is possible , that the mission, that the mission can be completed, gives me... optimism, the unity of public organizations, that is, it is possible for the first time in such elections, to supervisory boards,
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various institutions, the majority of candidates withdrew, and, that is, six out of 11 -you, for the benefit of others, so that what the audience just saw did not actually pass from her there, there are two candidates , mr. purely distribution of funds in fact, therefore in the environment, therefore among public organizations, and six candidates withdrew, yes in favor of you, yes, and volodymyr vorobey, volodymyr vorobey, who is, who is a member of the supervisory board. industrial equipment, so why did i leave, because we had quite a long experience of working with the ukrainian cultural fund, it was very
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successful, we will receive... some kind of award from the ukrainian cultural fund, and since the 21st year we have decided not to apply to the ukf anymore, due to the fact that it was hacked, now, that is, we have already three years we have not submitted and are ready to submit further, but we understand, yukraira, i mean, as a public organization, we understand the importance. the importance of these institutions for us at the start, yes, because ukf actually supported us in the first years of our existence, and therefore now this opportunity, it should return to those cultural agents who are now talking about, for example, the ukrainian war, know about it in books, but we have to record our narrative,
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we have to spread it in the world, because... that similar exhibitions, like russia tried to hold events in italy, they will happen and multiply, the books of its ex-wagnerians will be published all over the world, and we have to oppose this, and it is clear that the ukrainian institute, this is the mission of the ukrainian institute, to spread ukrainian narratives in the world , yes, but these narratives must appear here, and the ukrainian cultural fund must support those cultural sprouts that... are being born here now, and this is actually my personal motivation. bohdan, but you said that you have not submitted since the 21st year, that is, you, you know that this supervisory board, which is now in the ukrainian cultural fund, or those experts who work there, that they were somehow biased , are there any problems in the activities of the ukf, can you confirm this, or
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you simply do not submit? fundamentally, whether or not there is already such a formed opinion in the cultural or to the media environment about this , please explain to people who know nothing, and there was a whole chain of events, that is, we watched how susansky became, well , not only him, but became a member of the supervisory board, that is, it was unscrupulous , then the elections of the executive director of the ukrainian cultural fund were dishonest, and then there were the dismissals of experts, well, i can’t name specific cases now, but it also happened dishonestly, accordingly , we decided for ourselves that it was a very big reputational risk for us to apply further to program of the ukrainian cultural fund, so we did not have any work experience as an applicant, but from time to time there were various cases of not very successful cooperation
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with the ukrainian cultural foundation. certain projects that experts have already selected and voted for by the supervisory board, accordingly , manual management of the cultural fund began, which absolutely destroys the reputation of transparency and fairness of project selection. i know, why, why did you decide to submit your candidacy, i know... that unlike a public organization, yes, from cultural organizations, none of the candidates, if i understand correctly, did not withdraw their candidacy in this way, this means cult public organizations in the field of culture, i am running at the request of culture, from cultural institutions, so i am running at the request and for the nomination of the artistic arsenal, and for as far as i know, none of the candidates who in
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this... category are applying for a role, for participation in the supervisory board, have withdrawn their candidacies in favor of someone else, what this means, we can only guess, maybe it means nothing, but to me it is important to me that the principle of general management of the institution in the form of a supervisory board is important to me, that is, it is very important to me to unpack it, because before the foundation of the ukf, before the foundation of the ukrainian institute, the ukrainian institute. books, i.e. the first few post-maidan years, cultural institutions were managed by relevant ministries, i.e. central bodies of executive power, the so-called governing bodies, this meant that the ministry had practically unlimited influence on the activities and decisions made by these institutions, the post-maidan era changed this paradigm and introduced the practice of the existence of supervisory councils around.


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