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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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so, good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, you and i will be in vkontakte until 8 p.m., and vkontakte will now be with... an international expert, candidate of political sciences. good health, mr. bohdan, thank you for finding time for us. congratulations, always happy. and so, my first question, now davos, as if the president is going there, such a swiss town, where the world economic forum, well, it has long since turned from a purely economic to a political and economic forum. now his right hand is there, mr. irmak is there and... and he
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discusses the peace formula in davos, in davos, we talk about it, we talk about it, but i can’t understand the algorithm, well, okay, we agreed with 50 countries, then 70, then with 90 countries, then with 100, then maybe all will be added, and everyone said, we agree with these points, i don't remember whether there are 10 or 12, now it seems like five have been discussed, it remains, now five more will be discussed, then there will be additions or not . but then they got together, everyone said: well done ukrainians, beautiful zelenskyi, they came up with everything perfectly, and then, where, what next, what is the algorithm, why is it necessary at all? well, first of all, yes, the peace formula that we basically developed, first of all, it has a direct functionality, a communication tool to provide, this is very important, because really in those points that... we
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tried, so to speak, to outline, the interests of not only our ukraine are taken into account, there are also interests aimed at stabilizing the security situation in the global context, food security, ecological, nuclear-free, so to speak, and therefore the logic was, apparently, i did not join before the development of this document, but in my opinion , the logic was that as many countries as possible really should... at least know that we have our own vision, our own position, because if you don't have your own vision, then the enemy is somewhere distorts your approaches, for example, in achieving a just peace, and the enemy sometimes also wants to work ahead of time and offers his approaches to ending the war, for example, and this peace formula is primarily aimed at us, although the predominant communication with our western partners happens, but... in my opinion, it
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was also aimed more at countries of a different geography, where in principle it is possible to discuss on point at least some issues, because not all countries, for example, in the middle east or the african continent, at all the points agree, that is, yes, in general yes, but if the specifics, the mechanism, for example, implementation, achieving a just peace, then sometimes... in some places you can get feedback that is somewhat different, especially in those countries that continue to communicate directly, to cooperate with the aggressor state , therefore, in my opinion, davos is also there now - it is an additional platform, a space for communication, for renewing, so to speak, arguments for receiving feedback, this is very important, by the way, in order to at a minimum... the enemy did not distort information, but
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as a maximum, we formed such at least tactical alliances around our position. mr. bohdan, but the ambitions of this document... it turns out that it is a proposal for a substitute for the un agenda, because the united nations appeared even then on the first, second, third and 25th place was war, recovery, war, prevention of new aggressions, recovery of europe , recovery of the far east and so on and so on, punishment of the aggressor, well in short, we all understand this, and then it was obvious agenda, now the agenda is also... different , and ecology, as you said, and hunger in the world in africa, first of all, or in asia, but this is such a claim that it is as if zelensky is saying, oh, let's talk about let's talk about it, and it does not touch the ukrainian-russian war, for the most part, it
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it touches on how ukrainians should look, how the world should live, what challenges there are and what needs to be done to at least somehow notice these people. and can figure out how to prevent the results of these challenges from being negative , what do you say, partly yes, but i'll explain why, because it's an interweaving, so to speak, of our context into what's really going on in the world, because, well, yes, the reasons are mostly what we are witnessing, the erosion of that world order that has been taking shape over many decades, it... this erosion took place directly from full-scale and invasion of the russian federation and even before that, yes, with the annexation of illegal crimea and russia's seizure of donbas. this erosion was already intensifying. that is why we try, understanding that after all, yes, and
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this must be perceived very adequately, that the world and other countries, they are not in one, so to speak, continuum, yes, they do not stand in one place, they have their own challenges, own...problems appear there from time to time, unexpected situations and crises, as in the middle east, when israel and hamas, yes, such a conflict is gaining momentum and scale, and it is also a challenge for us to be on the agenda, so we try to intersperse the context of the russian-ukrainian war into these more global challenges, and try to work to give a joint response to these challenges, then. .. what to claim, for example, that we will offer the world a new paradigm of peaceful life, of course we can, the question is how to implement it in practice, we see the un is not quite effective, unfortunately, in that context, in which it was necessary, in preventive actions,
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in order to prevent, to prevent this full-scale, at least invasion of the russian-ukrainian war, but he did not manage, so here the desire, i think, of the ukrainian... side, first of all, is to be on the agenda of a slightly global nature, in order to interest these these key players, but at the same time clarify that the russian-ukrainian war is a very serious cause of precisely those consequences that are observed in the world today. mr. bohdan, look at this experience, there has been almost a war going on for two years, during these two years there were terrible exacerbations and were very afraid. taiwan problems, now we see in the middle east hamas, israel and so on, we see some such movements, quite dangerous, and the cooperative republic of guyana and the bolivarian republic of venezuela, this
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experience may be needed, that is, pragmatically, that is, in 5 years, when i hope , ukraine will win and...somehow it will become easier to breathe on planet earth, humanity or some body or some group of countries will say: "oh, look, some dictator has also appeared there, well, like putin, pushkin". a plot according to freud, and let's somehow not wait for him to attack the neighbors, let's do something, such fuses, are they possible, will humanity continue to be... well, look, well, we can't interfere, we have to wait, as long as it takes often we know these anecdotal but tragic at the same time that we cannot this person who complains to the police, i am being harassed and sometimes they say to him, well, when you are beaten, then we will come to you and we will
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save you and arrest the one who that beat you, and while we have no reason to to act somehow, because he... just shouts that he will beat you, he hasn't done anything yet, but maybe he threw some very light object at you, and that object didn't reach, and there is no crime, and sorry, we we can't do anything. since the ukrainians have lived since the 14th year, screaming ukrainians, they said: hello, we all have a problem here, well, yes, these are problems, but putin will not attack, you know, there are two contexts here, i would also like to share my thoughts, the first, i am not sure that the world will become more secure, that is, the trends that are currently observed, on alas, they have to... prepare us for a more dangerous world, polarized and conflict-prone, this is again not a very
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optimistic scenario, but well, this is my subjective opinion, this is the first, second, the nuclear potential of the country, it has very seriously changed, let's say, yes, the world yes palette, to make it easier, that's why we sometimes do not understand when our partners, for example, nato, countries, member states, say: we do not want a direct confrontation with the aggressor state of the russian federation, and this is really explained in the first in turn, the risk defined precisely by the usa, great britain, germany, france, and other countries, the risk of direct conflict and a possible nuclear war. that is, it is no longer even the level of discussion that was a full-scale invasion, when these issues were discussed, but let’s not say so, not very seriously and... accepted, yes, but now, after a full-scale war has occurred due to the fault of putin and the state
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aggressors in europe, that is, yes, when there was a rattle and periodically it happens with a nuclear button from the kremlin, when also there are certain threatening trends, north korea is also there, it is launching its ballistic missiles, and some other countries want, or already have... nuclear power, but at the same time, let 's say, they may not yet want to fully illustrate this to the outside , this means that just this nuclear potential, it plays a key role now and in the future will play in the context of, for example, the implementation of preventive actions or compliance with certain statutory documents of the united nations organization, then , unfortunately, realism, that is in theory international relations. such harsh realism , and it continues to fall, in my opinion, now, and whoever is really, shall we say
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, strong, in my opinion, the liberal democracies of the west need to reboot, at a minimum, to maintain this dominance in the global world, that will resonate and in the coming tens of years, and this is the formation of tactical alliances between china, between the aggressor state, between iran, so to speak, the last question is important, i simply cannot not ask it, despite the fact that the next guest is already waiting for us from israel, but i have the impression that maybe you are right, or maybe the so-called, as they once said, scientific and technological progress, well, if it would protect humanity, because i am waiting year after year for the appearance of such anti-missiles, let's say, what will prevent '. which the europeans and americans will create, certainly not the russians, because they have no
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science, and certainly not the chinese, who mostly steal, not invent, they will not invent anything, but these very countries can invent something that will not allow nuclear missiles to go anywhere to fly, what do you say, you literally have half a minute, i'm sorry, but i'm being honest saying, i would like to share this hypothesis with you, so to speak, but i am not ready yet, i will say that now... the war, and not only in the russian-ukrainian context, we see that it is completely changing, and until, by the way, cheap technological tools make it much more serious and much more brutal, and i mean, when the houthis launch relatively inexpensive, inexpensive missiles there or drones and target the ships of western countries there, that is, before it was difficult to imagine, so here ... not everything is like that, not like that the context of protection is possible, unfortunately, for now
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, and we need to be prepared, as i have already mentioned, for the fact that those countries that in some places we may not have seen them as technologically advanced, they are now the same, the same the country of iran itself, unfortunately, we see that it is capable of producing weapons, missiles, which can seriously break this ice. such a balance, so to speak, is safe, at least in the region, and it is really needed here, thank you, sorry, mr. bohdana, bohdan ferens, expert, international candidate of political sciences, was in touch with us. as i promised now we are in israel, just such a territory, where, even after the second world war, there are constant problems. svitlana glas, a journalist from israel, will be with us, i hope to be in touch now. good health, ms. svitlana, thank you for finding time for us. thank you, thank you, i congratulate you. look, this is literally before
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the program, i read here in the mass media of israel. what's up, so prime minister netanyahu said that under all conditions, at least that's what i understood, we will close the border of the gas sector with egypt, everything has always been like this, that egypt was against it, he wanted to leave, if free movement between hamas and egypt, and now yanayago is saying, no, no, no, we, we, we, we will not leave this tha... this border area, it even somehow it's called, i don't remember anymore, the philadelphia corridor, the philadelphia corridor, yes, what does that mean, well , it says to me that netanyahu would not listen very closely to the world community, which i also think will not be delighted from
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such ideas it is not just to destroy hamas, but simply to make it such a real enclave. is the exclave such that it is impossible to enter from any side and transfer weapons, or food , or medicine, or weapons or bombs, what do you say, a very interesting question, a very interesting situation, due to the fact that from the very beginning of the war, when it just started, and on october 8, 23 , it was already declared that it was a war, it was suggested that... that when it's over, it will be over sooner or later, egypt can, maybe can take control of the gas sector , and egypt said, god forbid, we don't need this sector, we are doing very well to live alone and without the palestinians, without the palestinians, because of how it will be now,
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again no one knows, that what netanyahu says that we will stop all this, or we will block it all. this checkpoint rafayeg, and it is very, very difficult, it suggests that maybe netanyahu does not fully understand this whole situation that is happening now, because now somehow we have so little 100 days of war, and it seems that such small results, unfortunately, all these results are not very positive for israel, because all of them are the same goal that was set on the second day after two...thousand terrorists attacked us and killed 1,200 people and took 240 hostages, then all these three goals that were - are to return the hostages, destroy the entire infrastructure of hamas and make hamas never threatened us again, unfortunately, nothing happened, there are still 136 hostages
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, we don't know very well about their health, psychological and physical. thanks to qatar, literally two days ago, we did agree to give these hostages medicine, because among them are people who are sick, and because of that, this first thing has not been done, the infrastructure of hamas has not been destroyed, despite the fact that there has been a ground operation for two months, israel has found and e tunnels and found the entrances to these tunnels and destroyed many of them, and killed some hamas leaders. and the usual infrastructure of hamas is of course destroyed, but it is not all destroyed, and because of that , the threat posed by terrorists, the terrorist organization hamas, is in the south, and we also have it in the north, in the north of israel, in the south of lebanon. , the not-so-willing shiite organization hezbollah
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to enter this war for one reason or another, there is a lot to it, this is a separate topic that can be talked about a lot. but israel did not fulfill all these three questions that they asked themselves at the beginning of the war, because of the situation that is now, dentanyaga can say, we will do this, we will do that, we will do this, but everything is not as simple as my grandma, once upon a time, we listen a lot or talk a lot, but there is not much for us to listen to, so what will be the situation to take the philadelphia one, just a second to take the philadelphia... corridor under its control, no one will give it up just like that, only military operations are needed, and only with a military operation can israel take it under its control, and then negotiate with egypt. you have a very interesting phrase , i caught on to it, and now i will ask you a question, who besides the palestinians needs the palestinians,
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but when you said that israel offered, well, give egypt, which if morally supports, maybe and not only morally, and there you can build these tunnels, there is a subway, eh... said no-no-no, we only have no palestinians, so the hashemite kingdom of jordan also said, no-no-no, you have already accepted palestinians here and the father of the current king, king hussein, by the way, my father, well, by the way, he knew him well, and he also said, no, no, no, we don't need it from those who need palestinians, that is , the impression today on the hundredth day of the war is that, okay,... israel is the enemy of muslim countries , or the majority of muslim countries, or the population of muslim countries, but the palestinians are not friends of these muslim countries,
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and no one is going to do anything good for these palestinians, well, friend , we may or may not give money, well, in short, this is some kind of strange situation, when who are the palestinians, why the hell does anyone need them at all, i have the impression that what would you say , ms. svetlana. i want to tell you that the palestinians do not need air conditioning except for the palestinians themselves, and maybe my phrase will not sound very good, but probably also for the israelis, because we live next to each other, we are neighbors, and we have no way out, we have some kind of obligation, but we have no way out, we they should help them a little bit, as they say, give something, look, now such a situation has happened, when the war began in... israel stopped, banned the entry of 100 thousand palestinian workers workers from entering the territory of israel, that is, from this
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point we needed them a little, they worked somewhere, in construction, in agriculture, in hospitals, they were working hands who gave, who did something for us, for this, well, replacement, of course, they received electricity. there is fuel, medicine, and money, of course, now it has arrived the situation when we banned them from traveling , they do not work, they do not receive money , of course there is some humanitarian aid, and so on, from other countries, and it turns out that you are absolutely right, palestinians are needed only by palestinians and a little bit of israel, well yes, this is exactly the story i am leading to, not that... yahu asked the united arab emirates to replace this money that used to pay these workers, the jews paid, israel is the state, and now they are sitting
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without money, and netanyahu says to the associations, listen, they don't have money, give them money, huh the president of the united arab emirates will say, we will not give money, ask zelenskyi, by the way, you can explain what this means, ask zelenskyi, what he meant is that zelenskyi has a stash somewhere with a huge amount of money, and zelensky will immediately give money not to his ukrainians, but to these palestinians, i am confused, you know, sir, i am not in such a close relationship with the president of ukraine and i do not know very well where he has the money, in which jar or jar or i can't say anything about a handkerchief there, as our grandmothers used to make it, because of that i will leave this without comment, but i want to say that i had such a... no, some such thought, you know, as they say, translation difficulties, maybe there was some conversation between the president of the united arab emirates and the president and
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our prime minister - by minister netanyahu regarding the possibility of giving us some money to pay the palestinians, because they are left without money, but first of all, i do not really think that this president of the arab emirates would send, i apologize to our netanyahu... to zelensky, this is - firstly, secondly, this is such meager money for arab, arab emirates, which i don't think there is anything to talk about at all, because i think that there is such a not quite good situation here, either, or the translation is not like that, or the mass media somewhere is a little bit they did not sort it out, well, this is my personal opinion, i have the right to it, one more question, is it possible to group questions depending on the time we have left, there is quite a lot of time. started this un court, which recognizes israel, israel does not recognize all the work of all courts, here it seems to recognize, and many
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who thinks that he is under attack, that the israeli lawyers of israel, it will be difficult for them to prove the absence of genocide or any genocidal actions, regarding the gas sector, and they say that he may lose the court, what the israeli press writes, what israeli experts say about this, about this court, you know , experts say a lot, but you can make a few such nuances. what they say: firstly, it is that the united nations organization should review a little the status of the organization itself, for what it was created, this is the first, secondly that such is the genocide allegedly committed by israel against the palestinian people. let's start with the fact that the war began on october 7, when , after all, hamas attacked the civilian population of israel, and had the goal of destroying and destroying itself.
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200 people, just because they are jews, this is genocide. israel, which started the ground operation, and of course people are dying there, and the civilian population is also dying, started its operation a month, a month after this seventh, seventh number started, that is, israel allowed the peaceful palestinians, let's put it this way, leave the sector. gas where possible a ground operation will begin, a month was given for this, and the ground operation began a month later, well, who, i’m sorry, didn’t have food left, that’s the same, then everything that you found in the gas sector, tunnels, there were a lot of them, you they also saw it, let 's not repeat what they are made of, how they are made, but there were a lot of them, they were found, they were located where, under schools, under hospitals,
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under residential buildings, under residential buildings, then - who wanted them to be destroyed were the palestinian people? i think that these were representatives of himself hamas. further: this lawsuit, which was filed by the republic of south africa, for me, personally, simply, as a citizen, as a person, is not very clear at all, due to the fact that before there were quite normal relations between israel and this country, which. .. i don’t know what happened, but such a situation has arisen that what, what, why this republic suddenly intervened in this, this war that exists between hamas and israel, then carry out some negotiations, first with the palestinian authority, with israel, negotiate, think about what you want, why you are figure out what genocide is, and then
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submit it. a lawsuit to the court , and how it will end, we do not know yet, we, yesterday, yesterday, the day before yesterday was the day when israel, in israel everyone says that israel went to make excuses, maybe it is so, but there is also a positive in this, and as they say, the world can be divided into countries that support it, we will not be able to divide the world, even you and i with our power, there is simply no time left, thank you. svitlana glaz, a journalist from israel, explained to us here and it was enough, i would say, at least i understood what it was about. now we will have two minutes of advertising and a plot for 14 minutes about something, about the reshitniki family, which consists, at least from what i have written, of olga and ostap. mr. ostap sat in polonia from the spring of 22 and finally
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the third. returned to his family in january . advertising congratulations. viewers of the tv channel, my name is khrystyna parobiy, and we we tell the stories of soldiers released from captivity. in early january, there was one of the largest exchanges since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 230 soldiers returned home, among them 225 men and five women, and today we have the opportunity to speak with the wife of one of those who returned home, ostap reshitnyk, e.


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