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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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to help the people who came under fire in the belozersky district, the former belozersky district of the kherson region, the russians used a controlled drone against them , as a result of which, unfortunately, four of our rescuers were injured there, they are quite light, but still, you know , this just shows the level of attitude towards the people who go there, well with it... a nobler mission, that is to save others, to save other people, after the shelling was carried out there. in addition, well, again, there is information about what was injured the policeman who was on duty , again, a drone flew over his car, so you know, let's say that they chose for themselves either the civilian population or people who perform, well, let's say, purely civilian functions.
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in order to protect and save the people of kherson and residents of the kherson region, well, in addition, unfortunately, we have victims and in general, among the civilian population, and as you already said, you know, at night this night was not excluded, somewhere close to 12th night, probably there was heavy shelling of the regional center, such powerful explosions were heard, unfortunately, i can't tell you the full information about that, but there is no information about the serious consequences, and thank god for that, but the people of kherson really live constantly under shelling, there was probably not a single day, well, there was certainly not a single time, when we did not hear explosions, shots or some other, let's say, echoes of the defenders, clavicles. mr. oleksandr, is there a certain time, a certain time of the day, when most often... they are shelled, yes
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we are used to the fact that massive rocket attacks happen very often at night or around dawn, when sleep is the soundest, does this rule also apply to kherson oblast, of course, they are not an exception here, the fact is that if you take it this way, look, they are very they are afraid, they are very afraid of the people who are close to them, unfortunately, in the occupied territories there are still a large number of our... , it is provided, well, quite actively, let's say so say, by our people who are , unfortunately, on the occupied left bank of the dnieper, so you know, they use that time of the year, when the time of the day, when they can hide, when they can, you know , drive up somewhere to a position like an animal.
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to shoot back, because to say that they are fighting somewhere with someone, well, well, in reality it is not so, because these are chaotic shellings that do not have a target today, we know that they also hit humanitarian headquarters, and all schools, all infrastructure facilities, the private sector, that's it they are running, well, it seems to me like this to the right and to the left, in order to simply carry out terror there and keep the residents of kherson there in a constant tone. well, because, well, probably it is the three of them, it is the desire to be such an evil genius, well, conditionally, again in quotation marks, evil geniuses who terrorize the civilian city there and, in general, our civilian fellow citizens there, mr. oleksandr , a fresh, very short video was broadcast yesterday, but it’s about the languages, it’s the left bank, the bridgehead of krynyk, well, krynyk is... the name, that’s all, there
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’s nothing whole, the video is similar to such as we saw from maryinka, soledar, bakhmut, avdiivka, that is, along the two banks, in the kherson region, how many more such conditions, settlements, where there is a name, but in fact there are no surviving buildings, can you tell us more to tell something similar to the wells wiped off the face of the earth, where there are still wells in the kherson region, well, you know, if... our countryman, ostap vyshnyi, was there, he once said who was in the crimea, and i was in the wells, and the wells were really such, you know, a paradise for fishermen, for hunters, for people who chose to relax there in nature, it is water around, it smooth, that's why such a small village, which was really very beautiful there, it does not exist, there are no more civilians there, and our guys... they are not defending it, they
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are defending the bridgehead, which will really give us the opportunity to move forward before the liberation of the entire territory of ukraine, there was such a wonderful village. it exists, it exists, there lived, well, such ethnic swedes, let’s say, this is the boryslav district, it was under shelling from the cabals there for the whole summer, it was under shelling from their other means, so you know, talk about what village once won a competition for the most picturesque village of ukraine, so the snake is meant like that, the snake, so what, it was just as well... erased, how, what kind of cracks, well, maybe, maybe a little, you know, maybe it was a little more preserved, well, it it can be said about any settlement that is today on the line of fire, but unfortunately, as you rightly said, the entire right-bank
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ukraine is on the line of fire today, and unfortunately, we have information that the ruins that arose after flooding on the left bank of the dnieper, they are also from they rained, well, where very strongly, where a little, but they destroyed those picturesque villages that were located right on the banks of the dnieper, on the banks of the limans, which is the former holopristan district, which in general was everywhere on the driver's side, and we had, well, let's say, an opportunity for the rest of our people, and in general it 's so russian, well, let's say, after the russian peace, our kherson amazon, conditionally... there is a dead dnieper, they turned into a warehouse of some mine piles that were washed away, and whatever - who are there, you know, and, well, me no, i can’t even find the epithets that can be found today in our plavniy, there after
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that, and in those villages that remained destroyed after the shelling, and after the terrorist act at the kokhov hydroelectric station, mr. oleksandr, literally less than a minute away from us. .. remains , does the population still remain on the left bank, in that area, in fact, where the bridgehead expands, and where shelling happens so often, i am talking about the territory from the bare pier of oleshok to novaya kakhovka, well, of course, people live about people, people somehow are trying to survive, because we understand that not everyone is ready to leave their homes today, besides, the occupiers tightened the screws as much as possible today, let's say, so that people could leave, let's say, even through the temporarily occupied territory of the autonomous republic of crimea, so , that is why there are people , they are trying to survive in those conditions, there are people in oleshki, there are people in the bare pier, there are people in other settlements, they, well, we can
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say, in their majority, they are waiting for release, they are waiting for when the armed forces of ukraine will liberate this territory, and i am sure that it will pass there... in the near future, because it suggests that last week the commander-in-chief worked in the territory there, let's say, kherson, kherson region, and i am sure that it is such a you know, a good sign that there will surely be good news ahead of us. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr samoilenko, the head of the kherson regional council was also in touch with us about the news, 10 ukrainian families from... received compensation for the housing destroyed by the russians and have already purchased real estate in the top ten donetsk region and kyiv region, minister of community development, territories and infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov reports on this. also, those who already have a certificate can reserve funds for the purchase of housing. it takes five days to process
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an application and you can draw up a purchase and sale agreement for a new home within one month. our correspondents visited the village of motyzhyn in kyiv region. actually this settlement . the month was under occupation, we also saw destroyed houses in kharkiv, where people are actively issuing certificates for compensation in action. about what is the situation with reconstruction in two regions, review below. toilet, here the corridor is still so small, there is a room, here there was a veranda, a healthy veranda. stefania ivanovna still remembers every corner of her destroyed house. the woman tells in detail where the furniture was and... where she rested with her husband, but now only the foundation remains of the house. in march 2022 , the russian army covered the entire street with hail. this is our street, almost, oli, neighbors, the house burned down, there was a fire, but
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the wall collapsed on sashka, the neighbor. after the first shelling, immediately the second. the woman realized that she had to save herself, since the house was already engulfed in flames. i crawled out of the sofa and went down the corridor to him, and i was just in time for the second time when they started shooting, and it was me and him. i covered him with the bed and the wall myself, covered him, then as soon as the thundering stopped, and then we went out, we went out and there was already a fire in the hall. during the entire occupation of the village, mrs. stefania and her husband were tortured, they were temporarily sheltered by friends. the woman did not dare to see her home for a long time, because it is a residence she and her husband built almost from scratch and dreamed that they would raise their grandchildren there and gather as a family. i didn't scream, i didn't do anything , i... just stood there buried, like if they poured ice over me and everything, i didn't say anything, i
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didn't understand anything, what was being done, there was only one well, a toilet and a gate, that's all, that's it , now the couple has installed a temporary modular house, like this: a kitchen, a guest room, a guest room and his bedroom, in total 18 houses were destroyed in motyzhyn due to the occupation, the village headman emphasizes, all the residents of motyzhyn were helped to arrange. 22 houses need a full overhaul, 89 houses need ongoing repairs, they need restoration, of course they do, and there is a restoration program in place, where each house is individual and for each one. funds are allocated in an individual form there
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, and this is kharkiv, the bantuschi family near their destroyed house, only one wall stood, a russian shell burned down the house in the first days of the full-scale invasion, his wife olena and daughter victoria were at work in the hospital when the husband felt that from you have to run away from home. i called my wife on work, said that i was scared and would go to kum, left, told him in the morning... during these two years, the family lived in an evacuation for several months, then with friends in kharkiv, now they rent an apartment. we didn't even believe that the commission would come, i don't know what to hope for, to believe in a miracle? vikusya, do you believe in miracles? do you believe in miracles? the city commission should decide whether the house is really completely destroyed and transfer the materials to action? what is the area of ​​the house? but the amount
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of compensation is not calculated by the city commission, directly by the experts of the restoration program, so the bantosh family has not yet knows what to expect, the couple has not decided whether they will buy a new home or rebuild on the site of the destroyed house? what will we be able to pull, because we have no relatives, we are alone, no parents, there is no one to help, so how will it turn out? let's not guess, we wanted to rebuild here, but there we understand that we won't pull it out, i'm a nurse, a male loader, do you understand? in total , 1,216 owners of destroyed housing submitted applications in kharkiv as a result of the action. the commission has already inspected more than a thousand objects and recognized only 25 of them as truly destroyed in every way, but there are much more destroyed apartments and houses in kharkiv - says the head of the city commission, it's just that often people can't even apply for the restoration program, because they have problems with ownership, if a person does not
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have this data in this state register of property rights, or has incorrect data, she cannot submit this application, and we, we have to work, additionally help residents so that they can submit this application through action, then this application is already to us, to the city of kharkiv . through the registry of damaged and destroyed property. despite everything, 11 people have already received their certificates for the purchase of a new home, among them ophelia's mother, she lived in the house on northern saltivka, where the russians dropped aerial bombs in early march. the woman shares, they appraised the apartment a little cheaper than it cost, and now they will try to buy a new one, as soon as possible, because the dollar is growing, and the compensation is in hryvnias, after all, the seller says there is a recovery for the deal under the program. they go reluctantly, few of the sellers know what certificates are, and they are to date
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they are afraid to cooperate with us, because they do not know what it is, but it is all real, well , because we are the first, this is the first survey, the experience is the first in the country, well, you can also understand them, everyone who lost their home has one dream, i want a warm house, i want a warm house. to have one's own home, and not to live somewhere at someone's place. however, none of the residents of kharkiv have purchased a new home yet. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety, melamamag b6 will help you cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and give recuperation of melamach b6, full sleep and recuperation from bhfz. there are 20% discounts on citrik in pharmacies, the plantain will
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with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more. top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. welcome to the espresso channel, good morning. in the morning, the underachievers of russian journalism, who united in the astra publication, confirm that that on the morning of january 13, the russians fired at the russians, that is, between pavlovska and otamanska stations , this is the krasnodar region , they found something unknown, they established that it was none other than
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one of those caliber missiles that were aimed and flew in the direction of ukraine, by the way , in ukraine in ukraine. one of the botox grandfathers, similar to putin, recently at a meeting with the military finally learned the grammar correctly and now speaks in ukraine, this great russian in ukraine has disappeared somewhere from this botox mouth. well, obviously, at least someone is subject to training and has a tendency to learning, even at such an early age. meanwhile , it is reported from dnipro-'. reports that at midnight the occupiers fired artillery at marhanets, this is the nikopol district, damaged several pharmacies, a store, two five-story buildings and several private ones. houses about the consequences of these strikes, we will now ask dmytro bychkov, chairman of the nikopol district council. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro. good morning, glory to the heroes. do you have more recent
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information from marhanets, what is happening there now, or have the destruction already been sorted out? nikopol district remains a place of constant, almost constant air alarm, during yesterday, by the enemy. attacked and terrorized the city of nikopol , carried out drone and artillery attacks on the city of nikopol , high-rise buildings, the private sector and commercial buildings were destroyed, already at midnight such attacks were carried out on the city of marganets of the nikopol district, and two high-rise buildings were also damaged there, several of private houses, farm buildings, and therefore in principle... we can say that the enemy continues to terrorize nikopol city day and night district, and we understand very well that we need to consolidate even more, more unity in order to understand and help
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the armed forces of ukraine, because this terror could only end with victory, so we unite and help the armed forces of ukraine more. mr. dmytro, in marhanka, in nikopol, heat, water, electricity, after these shellings, how? there is a certain problem in marhanka, in total, 200 people are now left without electricity, while the relevant utilities and critical infrastructure workers are working, who, as a rule, all these necessary things are fixed very quickly in order for people to get light again, so we are waiting for a message in the near future that everything is normal in this region, and as for the water, the water in the city of margantsi is technical, in the city ... it is drinkable in nikopol, because after terrorists and occupiers blew up the kokhovskaya hess in the territory of the nikopol region, for some time
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there was no water at all, but then over time regional and regional relevant projects were implemented, which provided different territories have different approaches, that is, in some territories there is drinking water in the tap and in some technical water, in some, unfortunately , only imported water is available, but this applies to rural areas. territory, and we expect the implementation of a state project that will restore the supply of drinking water in taps throughout the entire territory of the nikopol district. mr. dmytro, in what state is the infrastructure in your community now, is it possible to restore what is most needed after these daily shellings? well, that critical infrastructure that residents need in order to get appropriate services, it works, and of course there is infrastructure that is destroyed , that is damaged, so in principle, i
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think, i think, the time will come, it will be repaired, but i think that there is a certain possibility that it should not be done right now , namely, what people need is access to health care services for people to get heat, light, gas, if you can say in the format that i just talked about, all of this is available today so that residents of our district, which is constantly suffering, today we are indebted to all those who is helping us, but these are minimal needs, and please tell me if there is all that is necessary to, for example, reduce the cost of drones somewhere with the clumsy method, and the ministries are urging us to do that, federov is now saying... that it is possible to actively participate and do all this at home, how is your situation with this? well, i think that our
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nikopol region is such a large and powerful volunteer hub, of course, a lot of people are involved in helping the armed forces of ukraine, volunteers, a lot of people who are at home, in certain institutions, work accordingly and help, and let's say this, i don't know, well, it helps. it even means they hand over canning, let's say , bake some goodies to help be a military on the front line, let's say, that's actually a lot of people doing, it means everything i meant, and if we're talking about drones, well, i think that this is such an idea for today, i do not think that today in the nikopol region it is a territory that is safe to produce drones, of course, because the enemy is 5-7 km away... because what is left of the kakhovsky reservoir, and now there is the old channel of the dnipro river, so i think that after all, we think that the nikopol region, well, for now,
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well, i ... i don't know how to even react to how we can in this case , it is possible and not a bad idea, let’s say, but it seems to me that it should be combined with those drones that the state should produce, which should also be purchased from abroad, we will be volunteer organizations, but people, well, maybe and somehow they can help, i know they help but i think that it is dangerous to do this in the nikopol region, what do you hear from there, from the left bank from... everything just flies, what do you hear from the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant? well, we understand that the shelling from the vicinity of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant actually indicates that there is a military training ground for russian weapons, there is a constant redeployment, some leave, some come, they move this military equipment, with which they strike in the nikopol region, moreover...
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zaporizhzhya itself has been like this for a long time partly by their logistic military hub, in which they store weapons, and then send them to other directions of the captured territories of ukraine, so one can say that this is what we know, what we see during the shelling, but here is such information from people there is very little of it, because, let's put it this way, a terrorist state that seized part of our territories. of course, there was totalitarianism and there was very little information, i think that it was not easy for people there, and it also flew in, you told us not only about the energy gift and the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, but across from nikopol, kamianka, dniprovska, how does that coast look in general , people are kept there in kamianka, did the russians squeeze them out and from there you just use it as a bridgehead, no, i think that people
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lived there. well, accordingly, you know, very many people of retirement age lived in these territories, i think that these people did not leave anywhere, a certain part of those who could leave and who managed to leave left, because i think that from there and very it is difficult to leave, this is a certain, well, i think, extremely difficult situation for people to be able to leave, well, of course, we understand a certain, well, such a difficult situation that exists there and... we do not get much information about what is happening there, and i emphasize that we need people, if they can hear us, or if they can convey that hold on, i i think that the victory will give you the opportunity to return to ukraine and live a normal life. thank you, mr. dmytro, for being with us in the morning, for the information dmytro bychko uvo, head of the nikopol district council on the air of the espres tv channel. and
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why did you torture him with the fact that he is there collects, i really wanted to know, do you collect highmars as a family or do you wind up an fpv drone yourself? we are not doing anything yet, but i have already found this application for a two-week course, seven lectures, where you can sign up, so you too, this clinic from the minister of statistics federov continues, so there is a special course for... with all the shortage of necessary components, about what our specialists say, who, unlike the state , have been collecting drones, including fpv drones, all the necessary parts from various markets for the second year it is very difficult to get, especially from the chinese, and in this case, if every ukrainian family , based on the great experience of the chinese, will not
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knock down the slippers like that. and destroy the sparrows, he will start twisting some parts that he will independently order on alispress or alibaba there express, then twisting something in his house, what is the chance that it will fly away, b- it will not blow up in the kitchen before exploding in the hands of the one who who launches such an fpv drone, because there are very complex systems, well, and the third one anyway, if possible, please give me a jigsaw screwdriver a pair of nuts we will spin the tank in the kitchen, this was the official answer to the minister of numbers fedorov, who promised you and the armed forces of ukraine a million drones. and now it's news time. khrystyna parubiy already has a selection of the most important information for the moment. christina, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you. which country is preparing for war with russia and what is the situation at the front in ukraine, i will tell you in a moment in the issue. don't miss it.


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