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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EET

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inclusion experts from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people to communicate with disability here you get any information about disability. medical services
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and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our family. and enable me ukraine with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. congratulations to all who see espresso. today is monday and i have taken on the mission of positive news. the ministry of defense of the russian federation decided to recognize the four explosions, three of which. in the morning, they gave birth to the story of the krizhnaya over kursk four times. explosions, it was destroyed
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by the air defense forces, and the air defense in them, wow, what, point y, from where in ukraine in the second year of the war . no one can understand how to shoot at the ukrainian, temporarily occupied kursk, but who prevents the ministry of defense from fantasizing and uncle shaigu. and ivan is in touch with us shevtsov, head of the press service of the steel border assault brigade. we welcome you, mr. lieutenant colonel, to our airwaves. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. well , please tell me how the night passed in your direction, we remember january 15, that is, today, when they predicted and talked about the fact that the russians would march en masse and, in particular, they said that not only on kupyanskyi direction, and somewhere there from the belgorod region they can also dare. the situation in the lemanokupin direction remains tense, the enemy has really intensified... attacks during the past day, the enemy
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carried out 23 assaults on the positions of the defense forces in the lemano-kupin direction , including the fact that the situation in the lymano direction in the direction near makiivka significantly intensified , no , it’s not that... a massive offensive, currently, according to the information we have, the enemy does not have sufficient forces and means to carry out a massive offensive on kharkiv region, we want to show our viewers a video, it seems that this is the work of your brigade is steel the border, i am talking about the fact that a russian fpv drone was landed in the kharkiv region, this is... our footage,
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your work? yes, this is our work, our personnel already during this year our fighters managed to successfully land about 20 such drones, they are not destroyed, they are undergoing the so-called rehabilitation, are being reconfigured, reprogrammed and in the future will be used in the reverse direction, the boomerang effect will work and the enemy will get . return your drones, we wanted to ask you as a defender and specialist, because oksana and i have gathered here to saw a drone in the kitchen, the minister of digital policy fyodorov told us to assemble drones in the kitchen, can oksana and i assemble a drone that will not explode in our hands, or will not fly at all, or whether by yourself, anyone who has hands, who has... a head, it's not difficult, but directly
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charging with explosives, this is already done by trained fighters, sappers, and well, that's our job. and assembling a drone is not such a big problem, every ukrainian can do it, it ’s clear, but please tell us about how the russians now manage with these drones in your direction, about the fact that there are fewer drone attacks, more people, more infantry, and yet the general staff is now saying that it is not just infantry, infantry with drugs, and that it hurts less, that they are less afraid and braver. i would not say that the enemy has started using drones less, kamikaze, this is such a stable number, about, well , the enemy uses 10 to 20 drones every day, and regardless of weather conditions, even in -17, in -20, drones fly, only during the past
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day, the enemy carried out 23 attacks with such drones, in relation to the infantry, the more the enemy uses of their assault actions, the more so... we manage to destroy them, only during the past day , 304 enemies were destroyed by the defense forces in the lumano-kupinsky direction, ugh, and we can return to one more symbol, because i recently ordered a t-shirt with chornobayivka, here i understand that i need to order a t-shirt for sinkivka now, well, every day some new cadres climb, stick, blow up, then what survived, runs away, well, just like... it's been a groundhog's day near sinkivka, how does it look in reality? in reality, it's been more than six months, that's how long ours has been brigade in this direction, the enemy is trying to seize sinkivka, almost every two or three months there he makes some deadlines for
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its capture, but the enemy does not have any advances in this area, the more the enemy uses assault groups and equipment in the direction of sinkivka, the more ... he has losses, that is, no advances, no positive results from the enemy, on the other hand, the defense forces of senkivka are defending quite effectively, and it is in this direction that they destroy the enemy the most, but about the lemano-kupin direction, when they announced we have an apocalypse on january 15, that's what they were talking about, and you think that january 15 will pass and they will weaken such information attacks, not so. the so-called analysts of the institute for the study of war now say that the frosts will hit their springs in the coming weeks, i don't know where their healing springs hit, but between january 15th and february 2nd they will hit such frozen lands, well, i don't know based on what healing
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sources do they draw these conclusions, as you can see, as your intelligence says, they have done concentration, they will be ready to deploy an offensive group, well, significantly which increase we do not see the number of personnel or equipment in the lyman-kupin direction, the enemy has indeed renewed or increased the number of assaults, but still these are the same meat assaults that we have been talking about for the past six months, there is nothing special about their tactics changes, the more the enemy sends his fighters on assaults, the more he suffers losses, that is, everything is simple here, but there is such a concentration of personnel . for massive offensive actions at dawn, we do not see at the moment. mr. ivan, we see here in lviv oblast, it has become a little bit warmer, there are no longer those crazy frosts. i look at the forecasts that it will still be colder in the kharkiv region. how those frosts, which were and are the current
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situation, influence, perhaps change the course of hostilities on both sides. i will tell you that the weather conditions do not significantly affect me at all. during the hostilities, both in the warm period and in the rain and in severe frosts, hostilities continue, the horde carries out both shelling of our positions and airstrikes and also continues assault operations, that is, the weather in does not affect the principles at the front in any way, except that when there are heavy rains, when the ground does not allow the use of heavy equipment, then the enemy goes on the offensive on foot. and so, in principle, the weather does not have any particular effect, in general, we simply do not say in quantitative terms, but in qualitative terms, whether the situation with radio-electronic means of combat has improved over the last month at least, whether your rebs have increased
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, both large and local, the so-called trenches, or did the thai ministry provide you with something? we are constantly working on improvement, increasing, echeloning of means of rep and pr, and this kind of work is going on not only with us, and the enemy as well. increases the number of use of such means, that is, it is a war, there is a constant struggle, because now, in principle, it is the main, main means of destruction, and the most dangerous of these are unmanned aerial vehicles, and the more we use drones, the more we use red means and rr, i.e. still a plus and a plus yes, of course, thank you, we were with us on... the head of the press service of the assault brigade steel border lieutenant colonel ivan shevtsov , let's take a short break now
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, serhii zgurets will join our conversation later, and we will try to analyze in general everything that is happening on the front, all these drones and soldiers, what is the situation with them, wait, and letochki, oh and wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin k3, zinc and the main one - quercitin to strengthen the vessels, just take quercitin immuno, all in one package, in one capsule four components together, so simple, one capsule a day, yes convenient, quertin immuno, there are 20% discounts on anticataral in travel pharmacies, remember and save, hello, hello, woman, what to do when there are liver problems, you need to take alohol, and for bile, what, alohol, it is for both the liver and bile. .. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol with care and respect for
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call! hello, this is svoboda rano. information project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are staying somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for
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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we 're back, thanks for watching espresso and thanks for joining our gathering, because i'm sure we'll talk. and in the meantime, we will add to the analysis of the situation the director of the information consulting company defense express, serhiy sgorets, in connection with our studio, sir. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory, good morning, i congratulate you, we couldn't wait to talk to you since morning, and actually in the middle of the night, they read some brass , a deputy from the committee will write something, then someone else, then, well, as soon as a plus, then immediately a minus, objections , some interceptions, some audio clips, we are talking about two planes, one a50, the other il, in this
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informational white noise stream, how to find out what happened to those planes, how to confirm, how to find out, and why is it good that they are not there? well, indeed, for now this information is awaiting confirmation, but as for me, well, i 'm looking forward to it being a reality, because relatively speaking, it's about preliminary information about the destruction of a russian plane long-range recusal detection of a50u, this is actually. not the plane that, as we can see , the destruction of which, in principle, if we draw an analogy, if there is with voldar persny, then this is actually an okosauron, yes, that is, in fact, these are the planes that can provide control over the air there space within 450 km, and at one time three such planes alternated in
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the air, one there somewhere from belarus, one from the kursk region, one there in the crimea region, and in fact they saw all... our airspace there and in fact all our air the space was under the control of these aircraft, they then transmitted data to the fighter and in this way they ensured such constant control and effectiveness of the russian air attack system, if this aircraft is destroyed, then it is a significant blow to the capabilities of the russian air force, because it is relatively speaking, well ... significantly reduces the possibility of detecting the enemy on our planes, which even when operating at low altitudes, the enemy almost does not see them, because the enemy's radar, they are limited by the radio horizon, when this a50 rises, then of course he can see further, deep into our territory, our planes, and i expect that in principle it will be really
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such an important element of the attack on russian military power, let's remember that there was such a situation when... such a plane was stationed in machulyshchye and there with the help the drone was hit by the same aircraft, it then left belarus, this aircraft is no longer in use, but about 10 such aircraft are now in the arsenal of the russian army. as for the second plane -22m, it is actually such an air command post, which also works in sparka a50, il-22m and russian fighter jets, this plane is intercepted, that it... er suffered damage from an attack there over the sea of ​​azov, was it ukrainian anti-aircraft, was it russian air defense, because now there are many such ee controversial reports in the network space, so we're waiting on confirmation from our air force right now, but in any case, if it's
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confirmed, it's going to be, i think, one of the coolest things that's happened to the enemy in history. . well, that's a good consistent action after those three knocked down, one day droughts, the trend is very good, mr. sergey, we don't know if roman and i understand yuri ignat's words correctly about the fact that local communities can now start taking and purchasing rebs in order to counter various russian air attacks, or whether they should be. somehow synchronized, or somehow programmed, in the same direction, we are an even more complex question, mr. serhiy, because the minister still has the numbers of fodorov, who promised a million drones in the 24th year, and now launched a challenge called screwdrivers in hands and assemble drones in the house, and communities buy
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rebs, and you assemble drones in the house, somehow it all looks, will there not be chaos, well, i ’ll tell you, sight, first of all, when we talk about air defense, really communities can now buy military to parts there and to myself, certain products of the reb, which are used to fight there with enemy drones. when we talk about more powerful systems, which are an artificial product manufactured by our defense industrial complex, which are used to suppress russian communication systems there and russian high -range long-range systems, i'm actually not sure that the communities can raise such funds, secondly, it will complicate the work of the staff in general, because such a complex. must be serviced by well-trained personnel, and this is actually a systematic task of the armed forces to fight against long-range means of impressing
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the enemy using either air defense systems or the reb system in certain areas. this process, i think, should not be extended to communities and it is unlikely that it will be spread, so in any case i think that here yurii hnat, probably has something, well, children... to express their wishes, although i repeat, the communities are currently purchasing these anti-drone guns for our military units, and this is possible even within their budget, the legislative framework now provides for such possibilities. when we talk about fpv drones, i also have some reservations, because first of all, you have to create processes that do not require quality control, or rather require quality control, because sometimes... i heard feedback from our military that some there , volunteers supply drones, which are not always available perform the functions that they are written in these accompanying documents, because there are
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many nuances in terms of the assembly of these drones and the quality of the assembly, i think that when we give it all out there for the ability to create and manufacture semi-drones in every house, then we will spend a significant part of the time on checking the possibilities, whether it is correct that this or that house has assembled this or that drone, so i think that here we should rather bet on the creation of robotic lines for the assembly of fpb drones, some of our powerful companies already have such for practice, such drones are assembled in an automated mode, and this, i think, is a more correct step than to provide such a popular project in the assembly of semi-drones, which will then have to be checked to a certain level for a long time. readiness, well, we have always believed in the power of thoughts and in people's projects, there is a grandmother who has, there is a smartphone, and a billion trees that have been planted, but let's go back to
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the air, the reporters have many dangers in us, we are now pushing back the issue for a whole quarter f-16 in ukraine, they say, because of the training procedure or some other reasons, which we have all time delay the appearance of f'. ukrainian f16 in our sky? i think that now, first of all , i think that the ukrainian side should actively resolve, it is already resolved, the preparation of the infrastructure, because we have to provide airfields, fuel that can receive these f16, there must be such airfields, of course several, they must be dispersed , they have to have the right infrastructure, the right protection, in parallel i think that the... effort is put into the training of technicians, because we are talking about pilots, but remember that technicians must also prepare, there are four times more
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technicians than pilots needed for one aircraft, and the third component, i think, remains behind the scenes, this is the issue of the list of weapons that the ukrainian air force should receive for the f-16 aircraft, yes that i think that now this process from the point of view of there... publication looks like something is delayed there, but i still hope that behind the scenes there is now an extremely dynamic process of information exchange and exchange of efforts, because in fact we we understand that pilot training - this is only one of the points of this triangle, and i still hope that the first, second quarter of this year, which is defined as certain priority goals in order to ... pass significant stages in the transfer of aircraft, now our pilots are passing training in the united states, in denmark, that is, in fact, this process
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with pilots is proceeding at a very powerful pace, the question of the ground components of equipment and weapons, it seems, mr. sergey, that the russians are firmly convinced that we already have a dozen f here at every airfield -16 and pilots, who know how to manage them. at least that's what their attacks show, and many experts already point it out, nevertheless, our reb seems to be getting better and more effective, i 'm talking about the last mass attack, the last, it would be good if it was the last really this attack, when about 20 russian missiles were disabled with the help of rep, are these some new achievements of our development, maybe someone somewhere threw something at us... or is this our own achievement and production? well, despite the fact that i want to be optimist, i want to collect some database
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for analysis. "if, during further enemy attacks, this trend will continue and a significant number of russian missiles, conditionally speaking, well no, will hit the targets where they were going to hit and which were covered by our air defense systems, and that, and this will be confirmed, that to a large extent we manage to ensure knocking these missiles off course at the expense of rep systems, then this will be a significant positive signal, but we are smart." that the same cruise missiles, they have different guidance systems in their composition, there inertial and gps, etc. , and theoretically they should compensate for this deviation, but if we really are now at the stage of increasing the capabilities of our reb systems, which on a long flight section, will really be able to knock down the gps signal for the same cruise missiles, then this will really affect their deviation from ...
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the final target, but there is another component here , which is related to the fact that now the enemy is forced to manufacture these missiles in a hurry, we have repeatedly said that these missiles are there, relatively speaking, with the wheels are launched on in our territory, that is , russian enterprises, they are trying to make the most of these opportunities for maximum production, which, on the other hand , probably affects the quality of the production of these missiles and certain technical deficiencies in... in these samples , russian missiles simply multiply, this there is also another factor in the fact that the missiles do not hit, but in any case, let's hope that anyone should bet on strengthening our air defense, and these appeals of our military-political leadership to of our partners, they continue to sound loudly and we see that the reaction from our partners is the same, in particular from germany, where european countries have decided to increase production.
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missiles for the patriots, to get these missiles from japan, so this process continues, i hope that the basis of our strengthening will be precisely the increase in the density of air defense of the ground component, the appearance of the f-16s, and the actual strengthening of the possibility of electronic warfare both independently and in operation with our partners. mr. serhiu, we have the last minute left, just for curiosity, when in the morning we hear about four explosions in kursk, the ministry of defense of russia. confirms three and says that it was point u from ukraine, which their glorious air defense shot down. we, we still shoot the point of v? our partners probably provided us there with certain reserves of our former existing allies to transfer these u points, it is probably so, and i am sure that stocks of these missiles are also stored, which can at the most unexpected moment
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for... deliver strikes on the territory of the enemy, thank you , mr. serhiy, let's ask for yours, you and defense express, maybe tomorrow you will tell us more, because there is such a detective story with helicopters in australia, we asked for them, let’s go tomorrow, you will tell us everything about these so-called taipen, how important this story is, and not just another on duty information noise, it was serhiy sgurets, the director of the information and consulting company defense express, and it was almost 9 o'clock, right? this is the time when all of ukraine, all of us, remember and honor the memory of those who died as a result of the russian attack, the russian attack on ukraine. we honor all civilians and military, those who protect us, and those who fell under the hot hand
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of these evil people. so, a moment of silence for all the innocent victims. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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