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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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purchased 10 acres of land in kyiv allegedly for uah 149,000, and a new house with an area of ​​380 m2 and 13 acres of land near kyiv, her husband managed to buy almost three times less than the market value. from the conclusion of the public council of virtue. in particular, unconfirmed sources of income for the acquisition by the candidate's estate of a house with an area of ​​380 m2 and a plot of land of 0.13 hectares under it, which are located in... in the village of stoyanka, kyiv-svyatoshinsky district, kyiv region. according to data from real estate sites, the market value of such houses is from uah 5 million. in the candidate's declaration , the value of the house was not indicated at all, and in her explanations she reported that the house and land were purchased for uah 1,862. the national anti-corruption bureau conducted an investigation into possible declaration of false information by judges. of the court
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by olga stupak and checked the compliance of the judge's income and wealth. detectives found many violations, but the judge was lucky. the constitutional court of ukraine annulled the article for unreliable declaration. regarding the elected judge of the grand chamber of the supreme court serhiy pogribny, there is also a negative conclusion of the public council of virtue. it, in particular, refers to his decision with signs of political influence regarding illegal construction on the odesa coast and transfers. land of the kyiv zoo, which the judge allowed to be built in a very quick time in one sitting, 10 days after accepting the lawsuit, the judge also forbade filming in open session, although the parties to the case did not object, thereby violating the principle of openness. last year ukraine, despite the large-scale war unleashed by russia, confidently continued the path to the european union, fulfilled two of the seven recommendations necessary for preservation.
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the status of a candidate for membership, in particular about the judicial reform in terms of conducting competitions for judicial governance bodies, we talked with the head of the dere foundation mykhailo jernakov and tried to sum up the results of the judicial reform in 2023, a lot was adopted, a lot was completed, that is, those processes were completed, which still began in the 21st year of the reboot of the bodies of judicial governance, above the quills commissions of judges, the supreme council of justice, that is , these two bodies were created, started working and already, thank god, show a different quality of work, at least, than the previous ones. in january of last year , the renewed supreme council of justice began its work - a key judicial body that is responsible for the integrity of the entire judicial corps and the only one that has the constitutional authority to dismiss judges and grant permission to bring them to justice, and currently there is a lot of work in the vrp. the body has registered more than 12,000 disciplinary complaints against actions judges the main one after all.
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the product of the activity of the high council of justice is disciplinary, well, the main function, probably it is disciplinary, is, accordingly, decisions in disciplinary cases, they still have not passed them, despite the fact that they were granted by law back, while the service of disciplinary inspectors is being created, they are granted back the right to consider disciplinary cases, there are some very strange decisions that show, after all, that the supreme council of justice acts to preserve the status quo, and... to clean up the renewal of judicial power. in in june, after three years of non-functioning , the higher qualification commission of judges became operational. the competition for which was the largest in the entire history of the judicial system of ukraine. 19 people for one place, 16 selected through a tough competition, members of the supreme court of justice are responsible for forming the judicial corps, transferring judges from one court to another, as well as ensuring their proper level, in particular through qualification evaluation. currently in the vkk. has two priority tasks: to complete
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the qualification assessment and to assign to positions of more than 2,500 judges, the lack of which has currently caused a real crisis and overload of judges. about 200 vacancies must now be filled by the higher qualification commission of judges in one way or another, including the selection announced for about 1,100 judicial positions, and this is quite significant both in the appellate instance and in the first instance. and this is quite a significant opportunity both to update the system and, let's say, to sanction what we had before, so how the higher commission of stakes relates to the assessment of certain aspects of integrity is of fundamental importance, how in order to finally remove from the judicial system those judges who are not worthy to be judges, and so in order to fill it with honest qualified personnel. an important link in judicial reform last year was the reform of the constitutional court, one of the most important judges. countries. it was in
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danger of being disrupted due to efforts to re -politicize the process of appointing judges. law on changing the process of selection of judges of the constitutional court, creation of an advisory group. experts and greater public involvement were accompanied by scandals, because instead of changes, the proposed draft law increasingly politicized the procedure for selecting judges. in the end, the contradictions were overcome and the law was adopted, taking into account most of the positive changes, but not without a fight. we still have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court, but there is no guarantee, precisely because the venice commission treated this process in a very specific way. released six different opinions, six different decisions of their own regarding the conclusions regarding how and what should happen in the constitutional courts, and they almost all contradict each other, they contain factual
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errors, everything led to the fact that we now have a far from optimal law, the text of the law, it could be and should be. much stronger. nevertheless, in general, the european commission noted good progress in the introduction of competitive selection, and this is very important, because the fate of several key reforms depends on the constitutional court right now, including the further reform of the supreme council of justice, the reform of the land market, and others. after the end of the war, the constitutional court will consider the complex issues of reintegration of the occupied territories. european business association according to the results of the survey. company members came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of judicial reform in ukraine during the 23rd year has improved, however , it is still in the negative plane, so this year there are many tasks for the further movement of judicial reform and improvement of the judicial system of ukraine. we need, first of all,
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to introduce a mechanism that will remove from the supreme court after all these unscrupulous elements, secondly, to conduct a competition for positions that are already vacant in the supreme court. the next task in terms of complexity, probably also in terms of priority, is the new administrative courts, instead of the liquidated district administrative court, the third is legal education, the reform of legal education, there is quite a long list, ugh, that is, we need to fundamentally change the way we train our lawyers , so that they already at that level understood what integrity is, well, and acted accordingly. we hope that all this will be implemented in 2024, and we will continue to be diligent. follow by the movement of judicial reform and implementation of changes. that's all for today, we've seen judicial control, i'm tatyana shustrova, if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or
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welcome to the espresso channel. today, in our military program, we will talk about the challenges in the military and defense sphere, which
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appeared before ukraine precisely in the 24th year. here as a starting point. the influential magazine time published 10 global risks for the world for this year, among which the third place is, as it is written, a divided ukraine. in particular, the magazine's experts believe that ukraine will be de facto divided this year, and russia now... has the initiative on the battlefield and a material advantage. and further, the 24th year is a turning point in the war. if ukraine does not solve its personnel problems. it is probably about the army, it will not increase production weapons and will not develop a realistic military strategy in the near future, its territorial losses may turn out to be permanent and may increase, according to time magazine. of course, challenges must be seen, although the whole. half, in my opinion , this is a completely incomplete assessment, and it is much
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more important to understand how to deal with these or other challenges, relying either on the help of partners or on your own and looking for solutions that should really be effective, whether it is about the situation on is it about the front line, is it about our defense, the industry for the development of which we need adopt the best world experience, as taras shevchenko said, and why? learn and do not shy away from your own. so, the challenges for ukraine and the search for countermeasures. we will talk about this in the next issue of our "war and weapons" program. my name is serhii sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with the espresso channel, strives to highlight the most relevant trends in the defense industry and in the field of security. and now we are joined by valentyn badrak, he is the director of the conversion army research center and weapons, military... what a writer, mr. valentine, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. congratulations, mr. serhiy, always very happy
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to join and work in this field, so to speak. at first, i mentioned time magazine, where they evaluate the challenges for the world, but, in fact, not only the analysts of this publication do important work, there is also a similar work called five key challenges for ukraine in... the fourth year, and this the work done jointly by you and as the director of the army research center for armament conversion and academician volodymyr horbulin, who is the vice-president of the national academy. sciences , and there are actually five main challenges, before which, well, it is necessary to make some decisions and take into account their complexity or realism and somehow counteract them. we will talk about these challenges a little later, but in any case, now i am forced to react to reality, to the events that
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are happening in the world and how they intersect with the challenges that you outlined in your work, i myself... "i want you to now weigh and evaluate those events that today took place at night, when britain and the united states carried out such missile strikes against the houthi rebels in yemen, how does this affect the geopolitical schedule and how does this affect the challenges that will then affect the realities in ukraine." thank you, mr. serhiy, first of all, i would like to say that what happened last night, mr. academician volodymyr horbulin and i, have already been formalized into a certain, certain study, which will be available immediately after this broadcast on the website of the research center of the army of conversion and weapons, and strangely enough,
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these challenges... the challenges we previously identified for ukraine, at least four today, can be considered as lessons and conclusions from the strikes by the coalition led by the united states and great britain, and actually saying, well, the only remaining challenge is mobilization, if necessary, we will talk about this challenge. because all other challenges, they relate, strictly speaking, to the conduct of modern wars and the organization of the conduct of modern wars at the political level. so, let's try to remind ourselves and the audience what happened tonight? tonight, the coalition struck 16 targets, of which 60 targets were
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hit and more than a hundred were used. high-precision various systems, missiles, bombs , in particular the bombs there are british aviation guided, well and and including missiles were used from ships, which were used for the first time, for the first time in principle, what of this, well, i can’t help but recall here that i am, fortunately , one of the 12... ukrainians who managed to physically be on the duweitzenhauer aircraft carrier in 2007 year, when he was returning from the war from the persian gulf, i want to say that this is a super-powerful weapon, there were three generals there among 12, they were crying, they were really crying, because they wanted the ukrainians to get such a weapon, either have it
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or build it, but of course no one but us is going to build it, and... those 70 plus planes, they were constantly landing and constantly taking off for an hour, and it was a very so so spectacular thing, but now to business, yes, how can we from this we can take out for ourselves, we can take out for ourselves, first of all the political one lesson, that the blows are not made easy, in fact, the united states. could do all this on their own and deal with these houthis, it is not even a whole state, but it is just a paramilitary formation in yemen, which, well, now controls the capital, but everything is the same, it is not even a state and a small state of yemen, but let's see what the united states did, they quickly
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organized a coalition with great britain, this is extremely important, a coalition, a political coalition is a... a huge thing, and we know that canada and australia and bahrain, i.e. from all corners of the world, came forward, for us this is absolutely necessary, because in order to deal with putin's regime, first of all, we need this political solution, the presence of a coalition, without this, unfortunately, we will not, we will not destroy the regime without a coalition , without, even if we are given, well, of course, there may be no turning back. a public decision that we want to destroy putin's regime, and i mean from a group of powerful countries, for example, when they will not tell us anything, but on... they will give us all the weapons that we need, and we then we will understand, let's go back to these houthis, look, the houthis are a paramilitary formation, which in the 21st year was recognized
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as a terrorist organization by the united states, it has all possible weapons, it exceeds the missile arm of the houthis by an order of magnitude, some houthis have an order of magnitude more armed forces of ukraine, they have... ballistic missiles with a range of 2,000 km, then they also have missiles that are the development of iranian clones, and there are missiles of 1,500 km, 1,400 km, again they have missiles that russia now wants to get from iran , and their developed versions with a range of 700 to 1000. 300 km, again, i will not go through the exercise of listing these names here, but we can see the missiles, they
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have an order of magnitude more than ukraine, in terms of range, but in number god only knows how many there are, how many they have, plus they have these shaheds, the 136s, yes, again the range is 2, 2.5%. more, at least two times more than the ukrainian ones, and it is necessary to draw the conclusion from this that we are very seriously underarmed, the second point, what is the anti-western coalition doing, of course putin i would like to rejoice, rub, clap my hands, regarding, regarding the fact that it was possible to make an asymmetric attack on the anti-western coalition with someone else's... hands, and apparently it really is, but not everything here, not everything looks like that, because
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we can remember that when hamas attacked israel on october 7, 2023, then the houthis, in principle , sided with hamas and tried several times to attack israel, but what happened, well... first of all, in order to attack israel, they need over the territory of saudi arabia to these rockets flew there and so on, but not only rockets and drones, and that's it continued until the 31st, when in fact on october 31 the missiles were launched, these ballistic missiles have a range of 2,000 km, i will try to call them gadr. yes, which have a warhead of up to 800 kg, and their anti-missile defense system destroyed these missiles,
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it became hopeless for the houthis to conduct a missile war against israel directly. what is the lesson for us? let me remind you that air of free is an anti-missile system that was developed jointly by israel and the united states, more than half. allocated for this by the united states states, and this means, it was within the security agreement, when israel received more than 3 billion dollars annually and conducted joint developments with the united states, for us this is a very important hint that the israeli model of security agreements and security guarantees, it is active, it works very cool, and it has been demonstrated. including this war in the middle east, will it succeed, will iran succeed, which actually incited the houthis, incited them
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to wage war with civilian vessels in the red sea and promote piracy and so on, there the president of the united states talked about what seems to be 27 powerful attacks that were... carried out and that a lot of shipping was hit in the red sea, but that 's not even the point, the point is that actually the houthis were forced to choose another target instead of israel, and in this way iran and moscow, that is, tehran and moscow tried to carry out an asymmetric strike and scale the war at close range. and what the united states and britain did with their coalition, they struck a blow of extraordinary power, and this
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blow of extraordinary power. over 100, let's say, high-precision means of destruction, this is a signal not only to the houthis to suppress them at once, but it is also a signal to iran and a signal to moscow that, first of all, the united states and the western coalition dominate in a military sense in the world and will not allow the escalation of wars. this is a very important signal. what is this signal for us? taking into account the fact that these weapons of the kushites were listed, of course we have several programs that we call existential programs for ukraine, these are the missile program, the drone program and the program ammunition, throw all efforts there, make all efforts, well, it would be possible to add the rebov program to it, it is still developing its ministry of digitization as a program. trench
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rap, but of course it needs to be scaled up and withdrawn . in the fall, funding was 5% of all projects for financing ukrainian weapons and ukrainian technologies. i think this is a little too much, it should be increased somewhere so that it is possible to create both trench rap and radio electronic warfare systems , i will interrupt you a little now, because, relatively speaking, now... what important after these missile strikes on yemen? in fact, there is a coalition of 12 countries that launched a missile attack on the enemy with the clearly defined goal of destroying the enemy's military facilities there and minimizing the influence of this group on the security of the red sea. and another parallel is the russian federation, 50 countries that support us in the fight against
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the russian federation. there is also a coalition, and the question arises, then a clear understanding of the purpose of this coalition, because in fact until now there were all these fluctuations so that russia would not be there won, ukraine did not lose, whether this is a sufficient goal for the potential of the coalition to really be concentrated on the scale of aid to ukraine that we really need, whether there is a certain gap in relation to is not quite clearly defined. of the goals of the coalition and our needs, and that this story differs from the story of the short- term point strike against the houthis, absolutely exactly, i absolutely agree, because let's remember what winston churchill once said about germany and japan, he said that we will consider it a victory complete destruction of potential
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on... national germany and japan, now no country in the world or a coalition can say that it wants the complete destruction of the potential of modern russia, but, but, let's at least then look at the fact that the liberation of the occupied territories of ukraine and the organization of resistance are considered a victory from... russia, this is also not there yet, therefore, that is why i believe that the coalition does not exist yet, so far there are only its contours, the contours of the countries, the contours of the coalition from the group of countries that provide sporadic assistance, who thinks , for example, at first germany did not consider it there there for the opportunity to provide powerful aid, now, on the contrary, it increases it in front
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of, let's say, the challenge that the united states can reduce aid, and germany, for example, doubled from 4 billion to 8 billion euros for the 24th year, or, say, japan , very powerfully increased its aid to 4.5 billion dollars and will also support ukraine's anti-drone capabilities, while before the end of the 22nd year, japan did not participate in any such projects at all, that's why, but this not a coalition, a coalition is when ukraine b received all the weapons it needs to liberate the occupied territories, including missiles with a range of 400-500 km, we need, well, at least 500 units of such missiles, if you count together, let's say surface-to-surface and tactical level missiles.


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