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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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2000 ukrainian military, thank you, mr. oleksandr, forgive me, but we have to finish already, the air time is running out, oleksandr khara, it would be very interesting to hear more, a diplomat, an expert on foreign and security policy of the center of defense strategies was in touch with us , but we have to give the floor to our journalists, iryna koval and the news editor have already prepared a fresh news issue, so iro, we will give you the floor, and tell us what will be in this issue, what we need to know, thank you. about the situation in different we will talk about the regions of our country and we will also find out what is happening in the world, so literally in a moment, wait for the release of a new, for your attention, news release on
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the espresso channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and we start with the situation in donetsk region. the occupiers fired at krasnohorivka, at least one person was killed, another was wounded - said the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. according to him, the russians attacked the maryansk community from the hail. rescuers are currently working at the site. 50% of high-rise buildings damaged in kherson since the deoccupation of the city. in the region, the russians partially damaged or destroyed 22,000 objects, said oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration. the occupiers did not stop covering the region with fire this weekend as well. in kherson , high-rise and private houses, retail outlets and a site for household waste were affected. and this morning the enemy shelled stanislav, ingulets and berislav. there are casualties and destruction. today
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stanislav is healing again in the morning, he is already there suffered, as a result of the morning raid, as a result of the night shelling , an outpatient clinic, a lyceum, a kindergarten , a ukrposhta branch were damaged, many power lines of various diameters were damaged, unfortunately, the settlement is now without electricity, and the situation there is difficult when they are occupied. will stop, power plants will work. and the russians do not stop their assault on the left bank of the kherson region. over the past day, seven attempts by the occupiers to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine were recorded. all of them are fruitless, the boss said nataliya gumenyuk of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of the south. the ukrainian military remains in fixed positions on the left bank. also, the counterbattery on...
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on our side was quite effective, we continue to destroy the enemy's defenses, in particular the osa anti-aircraft missile complex, and the means of destruction, one hail installation, one tank, seven units of large-caliber artillery, this is the potential that the enemy tried to put pressure on the right bank, invented anti-ukrainian fakes for pro-russian... the security service of ukraine exposed a 42-year-old collaborator in mykolaiv. on the order of the occupiers, the woman prepared false articles about the operational situation at the front. the suspect also tried to heroize the russian military in her texts. she first agreed all articles with the curator and later distributed them on the network. for each publication, the traitor received a monetary reward from the enemy. she was informed about the suspicion. demanded a bribe from the military.
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law enforcement officers exposed an official of the medical service in vinnytsia region. the man offered to buy certificates for passing soldiers hospital committee in connection with the patient. he demanded 2.5 thousand dollars for obtaining a certificate of unfitness, and in case of refusal , he was considered fully fit, regardless of illnesses. the criminal was detained while receiving another bribe. arrived in the swiss davos. the world economic forum is starting there today. more than 100 representatives of governments from around the world and all major international organizations will take part in the event. according to the president's office, he will directly participate in the world economic forum and will hold a series of bilateral meetings. in particular , with the president of the european commission, ursula funderlajen. note: the 54th annual economic forum will last until january 19.
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the un is asking its donors to allocate 4 billion 200 thousand dollars for humanitarian aid to ukrainians. it is about supporting victims of russian options. as well as refugees. the organization noted that due to the full-scale invasion of russia, more than 14 million ukrainians are in need of humanitarian aid and added that the un cannot cope with all requests, so it needs additional support. we are deliberately reducing the amount we are asking for, not because we think the needs will decrease or the war will become easier for the people of ukraine, but because we need to set priorities. we do... we understand very well that there is fierce competition with conflicts in other parts of the world, the harsh truth about the competition of aid programs among themselves. the largest nato exercise since the end of the cold war will soon begin, in which the united kingdom will send around 20,000
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troops, ground forces, warships and aircraft. this was stated by the minister of defense of the country, grand shaps. according to him, during the exercises, the military will join forces with... colleagues from 30 nato countries and sweden, providing vital guarantees against putin's threat. now is the time for all allied and democratic nations around the world to ensure that their defense spending increases because, as we discussed earlier, the era of the peace dividend is over. the production of munitions and weapons is significantly increasing at the factories, local media write about this, in particular , it is about the nitrochem plant in bydgoszcz, where tnt production increased to maximum levels due to the war in ukraine and increased demand. a similar situation is observed at other enterprises, for example, the luchnik plant in radom plans
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to produce up to 100,000 rifles per year, and the howitzer and apc plant, huta stalova volya, intends to double the supply of equipment in two years. romanian farmers have already blocked two checkpoints on the border, it is the direction of sired opposite the ukrainian porubne and vikovu desus, which is on the opposite side of the ukrainian checkpoint of krasnogilsk. this was reported in the state border service. traffic for trucks is complicated in both directions. the estimated duration of the blockade is currently unknown. cars and pedestrians are allowed to pass. in the usual mode. thousands of farmers with tractors protest again in berlin and other german cities. demonstrators started arriving from all over the country on sunday evening. in total, about 5,000 tractors and other equipment, approximately 10,000
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protesters, are expected. posters against the cancellation of the subsidy and other messages are hanging on the cars complaints against the authorities. in particular, you can see criticisms of encouraging nepotism and inciting war. let me remind you that the reason for the protests was the government's plans to cancel tax incentives for diesel for agricultural machinery. subsidies for agricultural diesel fuel will not be canceled immediately, they will be gradually reduced over the next years. i cannot promise you more state aid from the federal budget today, but together we can fight for you to regain more freedom and more confidence in your in turkey, the court released the israeli a football player who was previously detained because of a bandage with an inscription commemorating the attack by hamas. sagiv yeheschel returned to his country already today. let me remind you that the day before, the football player
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scored a goal during the match between antalya spor and trabzon spor, after which he showed an armband with the date of the attack by hamas militants and the image of the star of david. in the police. eheskel stated that he did not intend to provoke anyone, but simply made a gesture, because he is against the war. and to make our army even stronger, we encourage our viewers to learn to collection the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion, which is fighting in the kupyan direction, needs a car. our defenders need a pick-up truck to carry out combat missions and evacuate the wounded. the special feature... or the fact that it can move through swampy terrain, is worth 250 00 hryvnias. you and i have already collected more than 190 thousand, so please join us and donate any amount. remember, every hryvnia of yours brings our victory closer. that was the news for this time,
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you can read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us at social networks and watch us on youtube. marta oliarnyk continues to air on the tv channel. the informational marathon on espresso continues and we can already add our next guest, valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express, who is already in touch with us. welcome , mr. valery, on the espresso airwaves, well , traditionally, we traditionally discuss with you all the most important news that you are ready to our viewers about... comment, given your professional experience, so today the main news,
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which we would like to discuss with you, this is the successful work of our armed forces, this is the defeat of the a50 aircraft, and actually this is your opinion, how could this happen in general, what could have caused this successful strike on this aircraft, or was it russian air defense in your opinion, after all, it was our air force and means that they have... they have, good day, studio, good day, dear viewers, glory to ukraine, glory, glory, and, well, here today is a very significant day, and it is already recorded in history, and this is the first time in history that a long-range plane was shot down radar detection, well, of course, the enemy wanted to intercept this palm of primacy and appropriate it, saying... that it was friendly fire, but you have to be a certain idiot to make such a claim, because, well
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, distinguish your planes with excellent signatures, and precisely in the conditions when ukrainian planes with such signatures cannot appear there a priori, well, it's just that they probably did it from there, because to admit that the ukrainian, ukrainian armed forces shot them down. ultra-expensive planes, especially ones they advertised as such which, as always, have no analogues, this is very unfortunate for them, and here it should be noted that it has already been officially confirmed that, in principle , the armed forces of ukraine are involved in this, and of course, that this could most likely be a specially planned operation with, in principle, just using er, the patterned actions of the enemy, when these planes, well, for a long time flew along known
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routes, hoping that there were no forces and means to destroy them, and this entered the enemy into such a vicious practice, but now we see that the zone denied access significantly has expanded and can already cover all temporarily occupied territories, which will significantly affect the actions of its... russian aviation, and the fact that such important aircraft as the il-22 control center and the a50 long-range radar detection aircraft were destroyed, well, this is very significant , because the plane itself, this anti-aircraft missile, it was supposed to detect similar ground targets, as they claimed, at distances of up to 400 km, like the same, for example, a wandering patriot, if it was he who was in principle close to... the front lines almost come to destroy these planes, well, of course, these same planes
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were used to control the same a50, the actions of their own aviation and corrected the countermeasures of ukrainian aviation, and the same il-22, it is a flying control point for controlling ground troops, and accordingly it is also, let's put it this way, it will also reflect... the controllability of the occupying forces on the territory of ukraine, i think that now the opponents are in the furnace, because, in addition to the fact that they are expensive, they still have a limited number of such aircraft, and in the 50s there were up to nine units, well, this is already the second plane that was destroyed, or rather, the first was damaged. on the territory of belarus, by belarusian partisans,
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well, il-22 is also the second target that was destroyed, and the first, let me remind you, was destroyed by the same so-called prigozhin rebels, and i think that similar further such simple actions for russians in the ukrainian direction. in particular, the use of the same a50 aircraft to adjust strikes against ground targets of the same s-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, which they stated earlier. they are unlikely will be implemented in the near future. thank you, mr. valery, for this thorough explanation, and accordingly, we wanted you to comment on the history of the purchase of air defense systems, means of radio-electronic warfare by local communities, so we understand that such an initiative is possible, well, the question
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of funds, so to speak, well, how would all this be integrated into the system in general. of air defense at the national level, listen, this is a very interesting story, and what was announced there in the air force, well , suggests that most likely for this the basis has already arisen, and here it should be remembered that last fall, commander -in-chief valery zaluzhnyi, in his column for zaekonomiza about the technological advantages of the field of the future, he mentioned precisely... the build-up of the electronic warfare system and mentioned such a general national system as a cover and precisely its purpose was to provide protection from both enemy drones and other
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enemy air forces, in particular, the same air-to-ground missiles of the same class, and it should be noted that in addition to cover, at that time the commander also mentioned two systems of situational awareness, this is the quartz and graphite system, and if the graphite system allowed, allows such an automated transmission of information about the flight of uavs, then the quartz system is precisely designed for the collection, processing , display of data and control of rep means, and here it should to note that this is exactly what we heard from the air force following the repulse of the attack on january 13, that a part, a large part of the missiles were under the influence of the means of radio-electronic warfare and were destroyed not
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by the shooting down of the missiles, but by the withdrawal of the system. reb, this may mean that just that cover system has worked, and in addition, the fact that the air force of the armed forces of ukraine announced that now local communities can invest freely in their defense precisely through the purchase of rep means may indicate the fact that the quartz system also works, which allows you to integrate all the systems that may be on the territory of ukraine into a single such system and implement a centralized one. their management with the aim of precisely improving the quality of the system of countering the enemy in the field of its application against us, tell us , please, what are the approximate prices, so to speak, so that the local communities, well, plus or minus , start to orient themselves, that is, what can be
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bought for what? well, to be honest, the market here is hardly in favor. you can talk, but you can say, well, about some specific systems, i can only remember that the same commander-in-chief talked about such systems as bukovel hell, enclave, cloud, note, maybe there are some other specialized systems that are also offered both domestic and foreign companies, but in principle on on the market, such systems, depending on... the radius of their actions, can cost anywhere from tens of thousands of dollars, if we are talking about some kind of local protection system, to a system worth several hundreds of millions, so in essence, i think that this is another stage , and there will be, most likely, when
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such a competitive environment appears there and there will be a need for it. and offers that will be delivered in a targeted way to those who will buy them, but it should be noted that such investments, whatever they were not expensive, but still they can have, let's say, their economic justification, including due to the fact that they can provide the possibility of economic activity and sustainable development of regions. e, in particular under the guise of similar systems. and why did we not resort to this earlier, and why is it now the second year of a full-scale war and only now is it being said that the means of the slaves can be purchased. to the local authorities, so that somehow it is possible to resist enemy missiles and drones, well, that's it in your opinion, we simply did not investigate this so thoroughly before, and
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the fact is that in general here we are the first in the world to go this way, and in fact, what currently, for example, the same airmen said about it strength, this is still, i think , this is the first step, but maybe it is even so premature, because... still, i understand that for the wide implementation of such systems, including their purchase, including integration , a similar regulatory framework and by-laws and regulations, such as, for example, to carry out let's say, integration, management, responsibility for the operation of such systems, that's why, in principle, we are now acting as such pioneers, and it should be noted that, well, ukraine is here in pe'. lines, because at least there is no such approach, i don’t, i don’t know where it could be used and applied in other parts of the world, and here
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it should be noted, mr. valery, heard, understood, i would also like to discuss with you the statement of the bundeswehr , who says that by the 29th year he wants to arm himself with almost half a million false targets, and we are talking about targets for defense planes, and right there... it's just that, you know, there is information from the bild with reference to secret documents of the bundeswehr about a possible war between nato and russia in the summer of the 25th year, well, should we combine these two news, as they say, because we understand, well, why did the bundeswehr make almost half a million false targets for aircraft by the 29th year? well, after all, here these tracks are parallel and it is clear that at the moment all the attention of the world is here. and, in particular, the same germany, it is chained to the experience that ukraine is currently experiencing, and of course, precisely the countries
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who look to their future should draw conclusions from this, and accordingly invest in their own security, and from what, for example, german experts could conclude, that at the moment it is very difficult to ensure... operational safety of aircraft of the fourth fourth plus generation and for their protection in modern conditions , in conditions where anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses have a significant advantage, well , they need to be endowed with new properties and , in particular, protected by the same false targets, they need a lot for protection, because they must leave in the regular mode when the plane leaves for, say, a combat mission, well, of course, this all happens in the air, when the risk of entering exactly the
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same european countries, the same germany, into a direct confrontation with the russian aggressor increases , and this is in view of the trends that are unfolding at the moment. on the battlefield in ukraine, and this does not mean that they do not believe in ukraine there, but, nevertheless, they take their security seriously and follow such a path that it is better to bet on it than to treat dismissive of such threats. mr. valery, and look, in the context of that, all these threats, yes, that are being thought about now. gathering the experience of ukraine, the belarusian military is sent to russia to study the experience of the war against ukraine, that is , the russian soldiers will share with the belarusians their
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experience of the so-called svo, and isn't this also , you know, one of the components of all that global, global noise, i would say, with regard to the potential confrontation between nato and russia, is this actually... that is exactly what i am thinking about, well, there is noise here, and there is a fact, we we see that in fact belarusians are now, well, directly, let's say, in the sphere of administration of the aggressor state, and that the same belarusian military is deeply integrated with the russian army of occupation, is... interacts with it and acts, moreover , on one side, respectively, and adjust a security
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system that they understand, and it is so. is also a serious threat to the countries of europe, because the same belarus, it is used, or rather was used, is used and will be used by the terrorist state to create threats against europe, and in particular , the physical and geographical position of the republic of belarus contributes to this, in particular, its direct... contact with the so-called most problematic area on the eastern flank of nato, the so-called suvalki corridor, and this is precisely one of the biggest threats for european countries. thank you. valery ryabykh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express was in touch with us. now we will go for a short break and after it we will return to
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uah 399, and if... you want to save even more, then take three sets at once, for only uah 999. discounted mirabella set. call vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in ulyu's company. who became like family to many, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. we now add to our list andrii shapovalov, acting head of the counter-disinformation center at the national security and defense council of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. andrii, we welcome you.


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