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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EET

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will be ready to undertake certain obligations regarding the implementation of this document, and here is the information that was , for example, yesterday, that all the previous conversations that were held in the group of these advisers led by yarmak, yes, he presided, so this meeting , we actually ended without results when it came to the specific implementation mechanisms of what ukraine offers, well, i would like to somehow avoid this, but for now everything seems to be that even if this global one takes place... we will see a very good, very beautiful document but it will have no practical content. andriy yermak, while in davos and discussing with his partners the future peace formula from ukraine, said that the ukrainian state will never agree, and the current ukrainian leadership will never agree to freeze the conflict with russia. let's listen to what yarmak said. this president and this
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team of his will never agree and will never accept any freezing of the conflict. this is unacceptable to ukrainian society. ukraine does not need frozen conflicts. ukraine needs it a just peace, and ukraine wants to prevent any potential aggressions in the future, and uses this opportunity. mr. serhiy, mr. yarmak said that. that this president will not and this government will not agree to freeze the conflict and society will not agree, well , perhaps it was necessary to start with society after all, andrii yermak, because no matter what the government thinks now and no matter what it does, but society in any in which case it dictates the actions of the authorities, if there is a people's war in ukraine since february 24, 2022. or the whole
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the people are at war with russia, well, if the whole people rose up against this war, then obviously it will depend on the people, what will be the result or the final or semi-final of this great war. what do you think about what yermak is saying, does it mean that on the sidelines or in some negotiations, which are periodically written about by the western press,... the ukrainian leadership is leaning towards freezing this conflict, towards some korean version or some abkhaz version option or even to some option, well, for example, russian-japanese, when the war there is official not unfinished, that is, there is no peace agreement, but there are certain problems and problems will remain for decades, well, the representatives of the ukrainian authorities say what they have to say, they
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cannot say at the international level that ukraine will agree to surrender part of the territory to russia, but we must understand that all the conflicts in the world are frozen, in all of them, they are frozen because nothing has been legally signed, for example, you mentioned the same korean conflict, so there is still no peace agreement between the northern south korea, no one recognized anyone, although de facto the conflict turned out to be frozen, and any agreements there in korea. signed by the military, and they were not about peace, not about territory, they were just about a cease -fire, and as we see, they do not always help, even now we see, there is an aggravation, so frozen conflicts in the world, unfortunately, are reality, and if someone in the world looks at ukraine through the prism of frozen conflicts, then it is simply necessary to understand that in the west they are looking at their experience, at the historical experience that they had, in their countries, and try to think from time to time what will happen in ukraine. if a similar experience is
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applied to ukraine, of course, public opinion now, and never public opinion, i do not believe will recognize ukraine's territorial losses. we will always legally consider, until complete victory, that both crimea is ukrainian and donbas is ukrainian, there should not be any doubt here, and there is no difference between what the government thinks and what the majority of society thinks, but what at the event will be held. they are not official about possible freezing of the conflict, i have no doubt , i have no doubt that they are being conducted now, because in the west they think like, well, for example, what is the position of the republicans who oppose biden, they say that we can help ukraine, but tell me, what is your plan, how long can it last, russia has four times more human resources, and it will mobilize them, putin does not care, he does not feel sorry for his people, he can have them there... even
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a million, even a second, that no impression on the russians. russia is building up its military production, there is less mobilization potential in ukraine, and people, ukrainians, ukraine, it's a pity. you can't spend them like in russia, because here, after all, there is democracy, a different attitude to human life, as well as military capabilities in the west, maybe now they are not what we would like, and the question arises, until when should the war continue, what should be the end of this war and when? and there is another opinion in the west, there are forces in the west who believe that ukraine should fight russia as long as it can, simply because in this way... ukraine deters aggressive russia's intentions towards other european countries, and therefore it is better to maintain this conflict as long as possible, because it deters war in europe, and this is also a position, so the positions may be different, but we come out, we have to come out of our own interests, and this
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the interest should be that legally ukraine should always insist on the borders of 1991, but in fact, well, we can discuss, at least in the expert... option in the expert environment, different options, how it can end, i, for example, do not exclude that it can to end theoretically, again, with the german version, when there were actually two germanys during the cold war, the germans never recognized that they were divided into two parts, but in the end they united and now germany is a full member of the european union and nato . why the german option, and because at one time nato took germany. we, that is, first they took west germany and then east germany. such options began to be discussed among experts, but they were rejected by politicians. well, but why? no, why not actually discuss such options? because now we need to preserve society, preserve people, and we must understand one thing that a protracted war is not in
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the interests of ukraine. any protracted war can exhaust ukraine so much that i am even afraid to predict what will happen there, if it will be, for example, three or so. 5 years, and such conversations are already taking place, so we must think coldly, strategically, insist on preserving the borders of 1991, and understand that our task is to preserve people and preserve values, so if we preserve people, if we preserve an independent state and preserve our values, it will be a minimum victory, and of course, if russia collapses, it will be a maximum victory, so we must insist on these positions and calmly talk to our partners so that they do not propose. had, but at the same time, standing on their positions. thank you, mr. sergey. gentlemen, let's take a short break and go to commercial, after a minute we will return to the studio. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news
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feed reports about them, but little is known, what's going on. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events. analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m., studio evening with anton borkovsky at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. friends, this is
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the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko, we work live on the espresso channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us now. there we conduct a survey, we ask you about whether ukraine can win the war without western aid on youtube, everything is quite simple, yes, no, or write your option under this broadcast, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that ukraine will be able to win the war without western help, 0821381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, it is important for us to know your opinion. let me remind you that today we have political experts ihor reiterovych, viktor shlenchak and serhiy taran on the air. and we are talking about the formula for peace, about the formula for the victory of ukraine and about
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what is actually happening today and these days in davos, but about the formula for peace, gentlemen, we cannot not talk, we cannot not... talk without asking about the future mobilization, patroness the minister of defense of ukraine, nataliya kalmykova , said today that a new version of the bill on mobilization will be submitted to the verkhovna rada for consideration in a few weeks. she says that the beginning of the implementation of the provisions of the draft law is expected within weeks or more than a month, well, it is meant after the adoption of this draft law. we saw this whole story and dissected this story in detail, what happened, how it happened. mr. viktor, the question for you is why the first bill on mobilization, which is so
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from the very beginning , the representatives of the authorities were dispersing for comment, why was it still recalled by the cabinet of ministers, and was it possible to draft this bill in a different way so that there would not be such a bitter aftertaste from what happened, serhiy, if i may, i will also reflect on the previous question, just a few sentences, just a lot of our western partners forget the year 1938, they forget the sudetenland, that is , the part of czechoslovakia that germany itself took under its wing and everyone thought that in that moment it will be so redemptive. hitler , so that he would not go anywhere further with the war, and this treaty was then signed by the prime minister of great
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britain, the head of the french government, the head of the italian government and hitler himself , and there were very big hope that he is doing well, i have a question when they talk about some freezing scenario, and i have a very simple question: who will guarantee that even in the event of a freezing of this or that situation, that putin will not to resort to other scenarios, we just say a lot of things that are wrong , if not without understanding that putin may have completely different thoughts and completely different scenarios in his head, in fact
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, he spoke about them back in 2007 , speaking at the minsk conference, when he said that everything that was there before 1987 was under the power, well, the conditional power of the soviet union, it should somehow be controlled by the current russia. therefore, all conversations with western partners should bring them back to historical parallels, and now now briefly about the bills, of course, the bill is already morally and i think it is temporarily out of date, it is clear that the law on mobilization should have been adopted in the 22nd year, i understand. that it should be completely different from what we saw in its first
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edition, accordingly, the authorities protested to the society, what would be the reaction, that is why there were such overturns, who is responsible for the introduction of this draft law and who it would not hurt to impersonate under the signing of this draft law, on the other hand parties, it seems to me that as soon as... the bill will be approved, everything will be fine, because a lot of people still expect clear rules that will, on the one hand, regulate their stay in the ranks of the armed forces, and on the other hand, there will be clear rules for those people who will be mobilized, so she must also be reassured, including our ukrainian. a society that has clear rules rather than
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some things that happen without rules. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. igor, who , in your opinion, should calm down ukrainian society and say that everything, now there are rules, and now we shall we live by the rules, the supreme commander, the commander in chief of the armed forces, or someone else? well, let's look at the regulatory framework, everything is clearly written there. first of all, this should be done by the supreme commander-in-chief, he should come out and say that he is responsible for the mobilization, he announces it, signs all relevant documents, well, for final decisions, and he should say that we have. the rules have changed, we have adopted a new law, this law is fair, because the issue of justice is the most urgent question for the majority of citizens, then it is clear, from his side the commander-in-chief of the armed forces can and should probably comment, but he basically talked about it, and he said that the key task for the military is, in principle, to get
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the necessary number of people , which will allow to hold the front and fulfill the tasks facing the armed... forces, but the mechanisms by means of which this will happen, well, this is in principle a matter for politicians, and of course, communication should be better, including from verkhovna rada, some group of people's deputies representing the government should not be afraid to communicate, take responsibility and explain why they will vote for such a project, but whether such a group of communicators will be created, yes, who will do it, there are certain doubts , i am afraid that they will drag it to the end, then they will really take it quickly. the draft law, and after the fact some comments will be made there by the ministry of defense, maybe some people's elected officials, and there will be hope that society will already be tired from this topic, well, one way or another, he will start living according to the new rules. thank you, mr. igor , mr. serhiy, what is a just mobilization in the current conditions, and what, well, the concept of justice, it is also quite
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conditional when we talk about a just policy, a just society, including a just one. mobilization, you know, when they say the word fair in politics, i immediately want to smile, because the concept of fairness is a subjective category, it cannot be a criterion for evaluating this or that draft law, the criterion may be the clear implementation of the law, but if you are asking about this mobilization law, i will say that it seems to me that there is not enough and that would greatly mitigate the situation, there is not enough incentive, there is not enough encouragement to join the army, you know, at the beginning war ... the great war between russia and ukraine, i remember when military personnel had sufficiently high salaries, there was such a short period, and then for many it was also an incentive to go not only to defend the homeland, but also to be sure that in in which case their family will be protected, and they themselves receive a decent compensation for the fact that they risk their lives and health, protecting the homeland.
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currently, the payment of military personnel, their financial support in case of disability there, to put it mildly... is not high, but it should be high, of course, you can say, where to get the money, but we need to talk about this with our international partners , because our local armed forces protect not only ukraine, they also protect europe, and i think that with a proper professional conversation with our western partners, it could manage to achieve that our army would be able to get enough finance for incentives so that our servicemen have high salaries and social. guarantees, but if this bill on mobilization were supplemented with these incentives, which were simply, well, so bright, which would clearly show that joining the ukrainian armed forces, well, it is of course risky and honorable, but in addition, it is also in principle and profitable, and protects servicemen and their families, it seems to me that then the tension would be less,
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therefore, in addition to repression, in addition to unpopular measures, which certainly do not get you anywhere during the war, you also need encouraging measures, and it seems to me that they are missing in the bill on mobilization, and i would very much like the deputies at the time when they will work on the finalization, thought about it. thank you, mr. serhiy, thank you serhiy taran, ihor reiterovych and viktor shlinchak, for being guests on our program today, we have to finish the program during our broadcast, gentlemen, we conducted a survey and asked our... tv viewers about this and the audience: will ukraine be able to win the war without western aid? 8% of those who watched us on tv said yes, 92% - no, there is also voting on our youtube broadcast, and we are also finishing voting now,
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yes 16%, 84%, no. here are the survey results. friends, you were at our program today, i have to put a full stop in the verdict, the program was conducted by serhiy rudenko, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, see you at 8:00 p.m. the next day, goodbye. congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel razom beraber, in which we talk about the problems of the occupied crimea so far, my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i... i want to say, to remind everyone, well, first of all, the holidays have already passed, and one, one of the goals
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of what we do, in this joint program of our tv channels, is to help the armed forces of ukraine, specifically the 48th separate storm battalion of zaslumniajihan, the so -called crimean battalion. which is located in the crimean direction and needs your support, well, first of all, you can contact the recruiting battalion, a lot of people want to serve in it, from crimeans, ukrainians, and others from different countries, by the way , there are also fighters, secondly, we are currently collecting for fpv drones with a thermal imaging camera, night so-called drones, very necessary, 50 pieces, the commander asked for help to collect one and a half... hryvnias and here you see a monobank card, to which you can and should pay now after always, well , we also have paypal, it seems too, paypal
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liberation of crimeia convey the same to there if it is convenient for you, thank you very much, the soldiers and the commander have left, so we will start with information about... the security situation on the temporarily occupied peninsula, because last week brought us many events and only now in essence we can somehow analyze them and understand how systemic is the approach of the defense forces to what is happening in crimea, or are they still point strikes. yuriy botusov literally wrote the other day: the success of the armed forces is important, russian sources report about liquidation on january 4 of colonel vadym ismailov, commander of the third airborne radio engineering regiment. forces of the russian federation, you could also hear about him in our previous issue, when we quoted our paramilitary resistance, and also who also
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referred to ismailov as a person who was liquidated, and a man of no account, since both his liquidation and the liquidation of the project, in fact, on which he worked, which he managed in the city of saki, in the city of yevpatoria, a little earlier it was also about... sevastopol testifies to the fact that the defense forces ukraine has firmly taken up air defense over the crimean peninsula, and it already has certain cracks, i don't know, gaps, whatever you want to call it, is it critical and do they have time to patch it as they go? this will be the first question for our guest, mykhailo prytula, military expert, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, in touch with us, mr. mykhailo, congratulations and glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, salam alaikum. here are all command posts, control centers, liquidation of officers, i remind you that it is not only about ibrahimov, we are also talking about more than 20 russian
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soldiers, this is the minimum that was managed to reconnoitre and reconnoitre after the strike, well, in addition , the infrastructure has been destroyed, how critical is this now for crimea? the very fact that systematic work is underway to destroy the system. of air defense, command posts , warehouses with ammunition, says that the armed forces of ukraine bear, inflict such losses on russia that russia cannot overcome quickly enough, because it takes a long time to train air defense officers, that is, you cannot take anyone, send him to storm air defense, or to control it, these must be taught. people and just like that, well, such people do not lie on the road and they do not have a thread, these are the biggest losses, if equipment can be found somewhere, then
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it is very difficult to find people, this is a serious loss for the russian federation, in addition, the air defense system, it always has bathing nature, such, that is, such areas that are covered by air defense systems, they are explained by the peculiarities of the work. radars, illumination radars, these are the missiles themselves, which have a certain range, a certain distance at which they work, and so on, and if you look at the uh, let's say, the map, the air defense cover, they always have this focal character, somewhere it's covered, somewhere it's not covered, and when the boat, the hole, the boat has a hole, then the boat begins to sink, just like that... russia's air defense system, if they have deployed a large enough number of anti-aircraft missile systems in crimea, which do not work, we see s300, s400 there, then they are of no help.
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russians and even more so when such significant changes occur in these systems, when whole divisions that covered one or another direction are being destroyed, it is also not very safe at the roman bridge, that is, we see that after a certain time, quantitative changes will turn into qualitative changes, and well, there will be no place for russian systems in crimea, just like there is no more room for the black sea fleet. well, for the residents of crimea, who were found, who were brought from russia under various state programs of the russian federation, well, we must tell them that this is a rather serious sign for them, and so it will be the following: first, their they were brought there not in order for them to live well there, but in order to demobilize them for a certain period of time and throw them into the trenches that had already been won for them, and to force them
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to defend themselves. crimea, from the armed forces of ukraine, that is, it was such a small cunning on the part of the kremlin, they came to them, they came to crimea as if to live, in fact they came to be cannon fodder there, and if they have a mind, then they should just run away from there and run away as quickly as possible, because in a few days they may end up in a trench, colonel ismagilov did not have time made it literally on february 15, 2023, he received an award watch from the head of the occupation administration in crimea, well, already on january 4, 2024, he met with kobzon in his overalls, he himself is from chelyabinsk, that’s the question, what didn’t sit well with you, russian officers, colonel, well whatever you want, but the radio engineering regiment, the entire radio engineering regiment in crimea is actually decapitated now
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, i don’t know if it will be for a long time, but... the trend is pleasing, i’m asking ayder, mr. mykhailo, some other colonel will be sent to crimea, russia is great, that’s it for now he will get to the point, well there a new rocket will arrive, it's also simple , mr. mykhailo, they will take the colonels from the far east, come to crimea, well, there are many from the far east and from the urals, from the volga region, etc. , mr. mykhailo, i want you to know what remark to make, i don't know, do you agree... with me and khrystia too, you know, the russians have always been proud of their glorious so-called black sea fleet, which is actually a fleet that has lost almost all battles, well in history, yes, well, but they keep quiet about it, glorious, glorious, there is a beautiful fleet, we know, moscow is already on in its place, took its place in history , in this glorious history, and it seems that all russians, just based on your words,
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well, they should just take an example, the black sea fleet actually sets a good example for those who went there from russia, pack your things and go home, because in reality none of us think about it, we never say it out loud, but our army works so that they cannot even protect themselves, that is, the navy cannot protect itself in any way, and they in fact we are currently watching deportation by the armed forces of ukraine. after 200 almost 50 years of occupation by the black sea fleet home, to the house, to goveni, to havana, to abkhazia, so far they have said, yes, i also want you to comment on this, mr. mykhailo, what they forgot there and why there and will we get them there too, but they don’t have enough sense to understand that they will have to leave all the occupied territories later, but it may be that there is nothing to go with, they will just have to pack a bag and...
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leave, well, if alive if you will, you can also visit kopzon by way, about chornomorskyi fleet, i will just add a little bit that we are talking about it in the context of the great visit of rishi sunak, the prime minister of great britain to ukraine, in the context of which he should announce the provision to us, in particular, of long-range naval drones, that is, novorossiysk is no longer such a non-achievement to this no hello, hello occupied abkhazia, hello novorossiysk, yes. happy new year, yes, occupied, abkhazia is also an occupied territory, further, i absolutely agree with you that the russians who came to crimea should take an example from the black sea the fleet, first of all, will have nothing to evacuate, if the black sea fleet is no longer in crimea, then it will be easy for the citizens to evacuate.


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