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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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logistics, what is there now? yes , indeed, there are difficulties with logistics, this is an objective situation, the understanding is that behind the backs of our fighters are indeed the dnipro and the plavni, and even the trenches there are not so easy to create and build a line of defense taking into account the landscape, but we continue to hold our positions, we continue to work on the expansion of the bridgehead, so it's really unlikely that it's possible now. populated place, but it is a point of invincibility of a certain of ours and a point of setting up a bridgehead. during the past day, the enemy dared to attack only once, but it was also unsuccessful. they they are trying different ways, different approaches from different sides, but each such approach for them ends with a reduction of personnel and equipment by 50-70%. and from... forced
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to return, and we, when we look and collect information every morning, understand that out of fierce hatred they are just from the destroyed left bank pounding on everything they can reach on the right bank, are there any chances, at least during the winter campaign, at least somehow push them back with a counter-battery and reduce the load on the civil infrastructure, because they are just pounding on houses, just in the residential sector, if only to reduce this intensity of shelling, che... from the dnipro, are there no chances until spring? in principle, we have chances, and we work in this direction around the clock. during the past combat day, three rocket systems of salvo fire, two hurricanes, one hail were destroyed, more than eight units of howitzers and heavy artillery were destroyed, we are still clarifying, the data are just adding up the results of night work, there is also the destruction of their so-called small ones. the fleet has three boats
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removed, this is what they use they are trying to maneuver among the islands, where they are deploying their observation points, in order to see what will happen next, to see some kind of future for themselves, but it is opaque for them, really difficult weather conditions, it is really difficult to use drones and aerial reconnaissance, but nevertheless we continue , we continue to work, we continue to destroy the enemies and knock them out as far as possible in order to really make life easier for the right bank and its own logistics. mrs. natalya, we see that along the entire front line, the attempts of their attacks, that they constantly maintain a very large number of personnel in the avdiyivka region, and in the north, in the kupinsky direction, in zaporizhia oblast, there are just as many attacks and... at the same time, there are reports that
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in kherson oblast, on the left bank they also constantly increase the staff. where are they pulling people from, are they pulling from other parts of the front, and are they already sending some reserves there, or on the contrary, are these still fresh forces that have just gone through this combat adjustment and actually pulled up for their first battles? type that they are reformatting their units now. that is, they are replenished with fresher personnel, because we remember that each of our reports indicates that their assaults were unsuccessful, they suffered losses, including personnel, and were forced to return to their positions, so from a greater depth of the rear, we let's remember that there are several tens of thousands of occupiers on the left bank, and this is not just a trick. along
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the edge of the water or along the line of our beachhead, and this is still the location of several units of the divisions, including those located deeper along the left bank as far as the zaporizhia region, and the maneuvering of forces and means from these two directions, the zaporizhia khersonsky and takes place as a replenishment of personnel, in particular from the crimea, we did not record the recruitment of personnel... for a long time, they have focused a certain concentration on the left bank and are now serving it in portions closer to the line of battle, and what quality is this new material of the russian-fascist invaders, we just looked carefully, even their sources are open, up to a thousand russians are happy to go to war in ukraine, because they have no prospects, here there are 200 thousand. ruble, it is almost under 90 00 hryvnias
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guaranteed to them, and that is why, according to plan, from the eastern parts of the front, ours confirm that there is enough rotation in them according to plan, that is , ours minus by... for example , a thousand per day and a thousand per day, but we understand that this they are sufficiently trained and mobilized, as in the southern part of the front, what quality are these new russians? well, there are different divisions here, in the majority they used to use z companies for meat assaults, but when they realized that just throwing meat at them didn't work, they... reformed to use marines and amphibious troops, and now there is an occasional influx of more trained ones units, but still they take turns, it is clear that the professionals , realizing the failure of such assaults,
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do not really dare to go on such operations, they still try to ensure their presence and... equipment and somehow calculate support with aviation, but more like that superficial military , let's say, some recently became like that, wearing just a uniform, but they just go to assaults on foot, and until recently they were talking about the fact that some units are actually filled with officers, they consist to a large extent of the trained fighters who are with them now , do they... continue to stay in the shelters in that kherson direction, or have they realized that things can be bad and are moving a little further back somewhere. the enemy's attempt to form such elite officer units, however, did not justify itself, because they realized that very quickly
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they will lose the leading link of this starting order, which is supposed to form units and then lead them into battle, so they still try to ... share their forces, and here you can't underestimate the enemy, they have enough trained personnel in order to really form such groups, even for meat assaults, but still headed by officers, they are further supplemented by zetniks. mrs. natalya, what about the sea? tell me, because there were options there, that they even took out one rocket carrier, at least on duty, very well adverse stormy weather. how does it look now and if they are bringing out and keeping the missile launchers is it just to make us nervous, are there any plans? personally, as a person with a naval understanding of the situation, i can say that i do not know what the admiral makarov's crew did wrong, but they really
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tested them very severely for several days in a powerful storm, and they continue to be on combat duty, it is obvious that... their internal training is internal in the full sense, it has probably already become external, because they have been in such a storm for such a long time that they are unlikely to be able to perform combat missions, but again, let's not underestimate, we see that the presence of a missile carrier may indicate that there will be point strikes, quite possibly, may indicate that a drone... missile attack is also being prepared, this is also quite likely, so under the conditions we are observing today, the enemy ship group in the number of five black sea and two azov is capable of providing exposure of the surface situation, patrolling and carrying a threat
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missile strike mrs. natalia, it is no secret that their a50 is a kind of russian version of ajax, it was such an eye for them, for shelling, but it was minus, they... still have such an option for the actual adjustment of rockets and others combined fire, do they still have any spare a50s or what does it look like now? one minute well, in fact, in fact, they do not have the only a50, i think that after recovering from such a blow, they will look for new ways of use, for now we really use the situation for themselves while they can't monitor ours so intently... we work intently on their environment. thank you, colonel. let us remind you that natalia gumenyuk, the head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, was with us about the situation in the difficult part of the southern russian ukrainian front. well,
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here we just looked at the calendar, it's january 16. january, yes, and exactly 10 years ago, on january 16, the same day in 2014, the parliament, the then parliament adopted. dictatorial laws in the office of representative victor fyodorovych yanukovych was sitting yura mirshnychenko, my question is, what are you deciding, what are you crazy about, he said, but nothing, that's fine. as in russian, it will pass, it will pass, despite what i will remind you, the maidan continued, the active phase, people are indignant, agitated, but the communists, regionalists, they do not pay attention to this , they continue to restrict the rights of citizens, the constitution is violated, yanukovych everything exactly signs this document the next day, a dictatorial law, yes, we will look at that in our next article. 15 days of arrest for targeting ... a goal or for participating in a rally wearing a helmet, liability for extreme activity and slander, restriction of access to sites
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based on expert opinion: prison, blocking access to housing, admission-building and for group violation of public order, do not drive in convoys of five cars, buy sim cards only according to passports, all this is not a complete list of dictatorial laws on january 16. we will make decisions on these... draft laws without discussion, i ask the chairman of the counting commission to prepare for counting the votes of people's deputies when voting for by raising hands. 235 for. voted for these restrictions on the constitutional rights of citizens in violation of the regulations of the verkhovna rada, they were signed by the then president viktor yanukovych the very next day, regardless of whether protests and appeals of the world and ukrainian public not to publish the texts of the laws,
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they were immediately made public. as you know, viktor yanukovych came to power with democratic slogans. one of his main promises was the signing of the association agreement with the european union, but on november 21, 2013, the government under his control turned ukraine's course in the opposite direction. in the first place for the government. raised the issue of restoring normal relations with the russian federation and settling all disputed issues. the association agreement between ukraine and the european union was never signed at the eastern partnership summit in vilnius. today we see that ukraine has unilaterally suspended traffic in the eu. and the eu wants to help the ukrainian people. the door remains open for a deeper one. at the same time on the maidan public activists and leaders of opposition parties
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adopted a joint resolution demanding the resignation of yanukovych for betraying the ukrainian people. the struggle of ukrainians for will, dignity and freedom began. we are citizens of ukraine who want to live in a normal country with decent values, who defend our point of view and know how to defend our choice, that's why we are here now. almost two months of peaceful protest. ended with the adoption of dictatorial laws on january 16, with which the authorities took the confrontation to a new, bloody stage. after severe repression by security forces protesters on february 18 and the shooting on the 20th, viktor yanukovych fled the country with his closest entourage. first, he came to kharkiv, where... with the support of russia, he tried to organize a congress to separate the eastern regions from
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ukraine, but this plan was defeated, and yanukovych and most of the members of his government fled to the russian federation. the revolution of dignity ended with the victory of civil society, however, at the same time, the annexation of crimea. russia started a war against ukraine. some critics point out that if it were not for the events on the maidan, there would not have been a war, but... it's not like that. there is a lot of evidence that russia has been planning an attack on ukraine for a long time. in particular, in april 2008, it was published by a russian magazine. at that time, ukraine did not pay enough attention to the description of the special operation called mechanical orange. and for good reason, because a mechanical orange almost one-to-one coincided with the invasion scenario of 2022. perhaps this plan was not implemented earlier, because in 2010 the kremlin succeeded. to promote the pro-russian viktor yanukovych to the presidency of ukraine, and this
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opened the way to a peaceful takeover of our state, like, say, belarus, at least in moscow clearly counted on this. there are discounts on psyk, 10% in pharmacies, plantain for you and savings. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamamah b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and restore strength to b6 melams. valuable sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are discounts on aquamaris of 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. nothing has happened yet. not yet, zakrep. oh, normolact. honey, take normolact. normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes bowel function, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. everything worked out. normolact and everything will work out. attention,
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call. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the korabelny district, kherson, live streaming. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. tells the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 is the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new one two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day. every day from 20 to 22 for espresso. plus 1110 good russians about such figures, the armed forces of ukraine reports, the general staff reports. good news, but we understand that when it comes to such numbers of dead people side, this means that hostilities are very active, and now. about zaporizhia, in particular the direction, we will ask our next guest, askad ashurbekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, already in touch with us, we welcome you, mr. skady to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, well, we have already started and with those numbers, please tell me what is happening at the front now, the work is not recruiting , we see a lot of arrows on the maps that indicate activity there, again,
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what we can see from public data and from information of our military. and despite the weather conditions and the generally difficult situation , the occupiers continue to try to advance in these directions, only there yesterday , the day before yesterday, there were three or four attempts every day to go to the offensive, both organized and passive, that is, in fact, they do not lose hope to recapture these settlements, but again, the front line, well, in fact , has not changed for several weeks, our military is firmly holding this line and generally does not give the occupiers an opportunity. somehow advance in this direction, i want to remind you that there are several, probably, that weeks ago the occupiers there grandiosely announced that they would even reach orichov there, but practice and real life show that our military is holding fast. front in the zaporozhye direction. mr. skade, yesterday there was information that a reconnaissance drone launched by the russians was shot down in zaporozhye. how often do such
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situations happen that behind the front line, these drones of theirs fly somewhere in the rear of cities and villages, and there they use weapons and gather information. well, in fact, it is quite a significant event that our military shot down this drone, because every day, in fact, the russians. they are trying to launch unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor the situation in the regional center itself, that is, you can say that drones, well, well, you probably can’t say that they don’t hang over the city, but every day they try to monitor the situation, and it’s probably like this or not the only such case in a long time, when our military actually shot down this aircraft, this is very important, because well in fact, there have already been several situations, well , statistically speaking, we can already say that when drones first fly. they monitor the situation, then there are missile strikes, and then again they launch drones, or monitor, adjust targets, so it is very important that the air defense forces were able to shoot down this aircraft, in fact, right away, when
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the air services discovered it, as with rebs you have, if there is such a crazy problem over the city itself, are there enough rebs, or are there enough appropriate means to simply dazzle and prevent these drones from gathering information. i think this is more of a question for the military, we as civilians are probably incompetent in this, we can only, relatively speaking, do everything that depends on us, and what we see is that our military, at least, they they immediately record and give information to the citizens that there are aerial vehicles over the city, as a maximum, as yesterday's example, when in fact, after announcing an air alert and confirming that there is an unmanned aerial vehicle, in fact, our forces immediately shot it down, this is very important, this inspires hope, and some statistics how many. how many rebs, well, probably only the military can say that, and i'm sure they won't divulge this information either. when winter is already winter even in the south, that is, maybe
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something has changed, but tell us, mr. askady, i mean, in the autumn campaign, well , in addition to fighting on the front line, they were constantly firing across the front line, friends were in orichov, they said, horror looks, walk the field, he himself remembers. what it was, saw these destroyed places that were connected, including with nestor maknow and others, then i understand that there is to restore and blame, as now, they are now pounding through the front line, they are trying to fire at the golipian community, orihiv or, have they focused exclusively on front-line operations, unfortunately no, in fact, statistically , the number of shelling of these communities, which can be tentatively called front-line, komyshovakha, tavriysk, is only increasing. these communities, which are located 10-20 km from the front line, they are an object and a target for the russian military, that is, they are trying to increase the number of shelling, including by using guided
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air bombs, that is, simply destroying buildings, all that are above the first floor, well, in fact , there has not been a single surviving high-rise building in arichov for a long time, that is, everything that is higher than the second floor has been destroyed in one way or another. and this trend continues, among the positive, it can be noted that the number has significantly decreased... from the city of zaporizhzhia itself, that is, if six months ago , last year, the key threat there was s-300 and it was constant shelling, to date, in fact, the russians fire only with long-range artillery, and because our armed forces detect such launchers and yet such a counter-battery fight, it gives a rather large effect, but if we talk about front-line communities , unfortunately, there are no countermeasures from guided bombs, the same applies to artillery, jet artillery, and therefore the enemy actually simply wipes the face of the earth, and today it is mostly just the private sector, that is, they don’t care, they
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they just hit private houses , square carpet bombing, that's what they call it, mr. oskad, in melitopol, what is there, do you already know how many occupiers along with the equipment left this beautiful planet, so far it is known . three people, three killed , it seems, according to verifiable information, one person is wounded, we hope that she will also end her life and will not be saved, well , in fact, the forces of sfrot once again showed their effectiveness and showed that for the russians in the zaporizhzhia region there are no rear ones places, that is, despite the fact that it has already been two years of occupation, two years have passed, hostilities are ongoing , the resistance forces systematically carry out similar actions, both in berdyansk, and in melitopol, and in other places, in fact, a car with the occupiers was blown up. according to preliminary information, these are high-ranking officials, their special services, and the resistance forces once again showed that they will fight, and all the occupiers will face a clear end. and it does not matter
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how many territories will be under occupation, yes, but there is a tendency here, it is already emerging, in our partisans together with the special services, it is possible to eliminate time and time again, well, their chekists, so it follows that all kinds of demons, tobacconists and other balinese are better protected, that there is no way they can send her to the kobzon. at a time when it is not the first time to convert thesbeshniks into two hundred? well, of course, we must understand that such iconic collaborators who sided with the enemy are more concerned about their safety, i don't think, maybe the word care is used incorrectly, but first after the first there, relatively speaking, similar shares the car detonation of collaborators last year, well, in fact, similar collaborators like the baltic tobacconist, they very significantly
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intensified. and security measures, they don't move on the street there, people, you can see them live, or do they only live there on the internet, on tvs? rarely during any such symbolic events, where there is a large number of guards around them, they try to move less around the city, and if we recall the situation there, when the ukrainian counteroffensive began there in the spring, when there were other escalations on the front line, these the collaborators try to leave melitopol or crimea altogether, or come up with... some kind of trips to the territory of russia, that is, they understand that they are one of the key goals, in fact they are, and i think that this was publicly announced by the armed forces as well of ukraine, and the main intelligence department , that is, the question is that they are to a greater extent, let's say , symbolic persons, so they try to be less on the streets of the city, realizing that they are actually such a priority target, uh, is the number of all increasing
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collaborators, or? the number of people who are ready to report to their neighbors, to turn in those who have a pro-ukrainian position, perhaps those who cooperate with partisans, with the center of national resistance, who support the armed forces of ukraine, is increasing? i do not think that statistically we can record the increase of these people, but again, it is worth noting that there are collaborators, and there are examples when neighbors report on neighbors and... russians take advantage of this, in fact, by creating special chatbots, and stimulating similar things there payments, humanitarian aid, some kind of benefits, that is, we understand that it is quite difficult for the pro-ukrainian local population to be in the temporarily occupied territories today, because all the conditions are being created for neighbors to inform, so that in general their pro-ukrainian position could be recorded there, however i would not point out that the number of such
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collaborators is increasing, we... do not see any new significant people there today from among the local people who joined the management of the territory or the occupation administrations, if they continue this czech hacking campaign, you say through bots, chatbots, this means that this digital hacking is already digital, on the basis of which mobile connection does the mobile internet work there, are they using russian or ukrainian operators, of course there already russian operators for more than a year. in fact, there are only russian operators there, but they work, the internet works, messenger, telegram, signal, whatsapp work, also through vpn, you can have access to social networks, and this, by the way, is a big myth that there the territory there is completely without communication and it is impossible to communicate, the mobile internet is working, and in fact there is access to many resources there, including a signal and for our controlled part, that you can communicate, you need to communicate, there are tools for you can go and see
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even our conversation, as they say online. yes, yes, we must thank you, because it is time for news, thank you for participating in our program, the deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, askat ashurbekov, was with us, and now we pass the floor to khrystyna paruba, who i am ready to talk about the most important things that are happening in the country and the world at this moment. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, in the issue i will tell from which country ukraine will still receive aid, as well as what is happening at the front and about the losses of the enemy already. do not miss, news in eteriso, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. two people have already died as a result of a terrorist attack in the kyrytsk village council in transcarpathia, in the intensive care unit.


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