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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. 93, a separate mechanized brigade of kholotny yar has an urgent need for fpv drones. for effectively hitting the enemy and increasing the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, for the approach of victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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glory to the heroes, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio liberty. top guests every day. it koravelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. we are back on the air, we will talk now about another section of the eastern front, but i just remembered. yuriy andruhovich, which he wrote after the september 11 terrorist attacks in the usa, and it is called the poem "bomb in new york city", the bombing of new york, and here we have an absolutely identical situation, because we have our own new york, we have our own new york, our own new york, too, with a lot of historical baggage, unfortunately, now they talk about him very, very often and actually in a negative context, because he is near the front, because he is near the front, he is often attacked, people are often evacuated from...
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we interrogate yevhen ievliv in more detail, a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine with the call sign sheikh. glory to ukraine, mr. yevgeny. glory to glory, i wish health of the studio to all viewers. so, in our new york , have they already finished dismantling the rubble, have they managed to save the people who remained under these rubbles? ah, look, i won't tell you about people, because that's how i get information just like you and the mass media, because new york is not the city itself, where our positions are, but... 2-3 km from the place where we hold the defense, i will not and cannot say more precisely there, but i will tell you about new york, that new york was constantly under fire, since february we have been keeping a defensive line near this settlement, and since february it has been constantly under fire from the fabs and cabs, but they must have received communion somewhere there from from april to may, it's just that these fab cabs most often flew over some more or less empty empty buildings today.
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you know, as i know, that he flew into a residential, into a residential building, and i will tell you , unfortunately, that in fact there are still about a thousand peaceful residents in new york to this day, despite all the calls for evacuation and so on, there are really there are people who have nowhere to go, there are old people, and what shocks me a little, i will tell you, there are also people who, well, in front of my eyes , shot themselves there, as a military man, i was a little scared and tense there, and my father was about 30 years old, nose a child who probably... was not yet a year old, no one even looked where there is some kind of shelter or something else, it was just horrifying and horrifying, the child cried, he was on his way, that is, people of very, very different ages remained there and not all of them left, and today, as you know yesterday, as you know, the enemy is the same aimed at the building where there were civilians, and as for the losses, i say, i have information in the same way as you mass media, that is, our unit does not take part in the liquidation itself, maybe there are some guys, volunteers, who... were and takes
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part, but definitely not at the official level, but do you have, do you have an understanding of the vision, why they are so focused, why they are so eager for that particular new york, this is the only new york they can aim for, because of course, they will not give advice across the ocean, that is, they are somehow playing back, or are the nearby settlements also suffering to the same extent as this new york, let's not attach the name here in any case to the fact that ... in some cities there may be a military presence, you can't get anywhere from that, the military can't live only in the fields, so it also gets new york, and toretsk, and the villages there and stera mykolaivka, and well, all the villages that are located along the front line, are all exposed to shelling, just not so resonantly and that's not how i will discuss it all. in the air
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, when, for example, it flies into some hangar or some garage or some empty building , the local mass media wrote about it, wrote that there were no losses, no victims and so on, under fire in fact. constantly, it is not because it is new york or not new york, it is so for understanding, maybe a little unpopular debunked the myth, but as it is, that is, cities that are located along the front line , they are constantly under fire in faba, in kaba we are not concerned with popularity, we are actually concerned with the realities, what, what realities do you have now in the horli direction, because on the maps it remains stable, and as remarque wrote on the western front without changes, but we understand, yes, we understand that in fact changes happen every day, they are just not so noticeable, tell me. well, you know, in fact, since the 14th year, this line has not moved very much, because there are also certain geographical properties, and the biggest property is that since the 14th year, here the defense line , both ours and the enemy's, was being built and strengthened, so the enemy pulled up as much as possible everything that can be dismantled there at
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a distance, nightmarish, throw, we have already talked about this with you, these are hailstones, and tanks, and cannons and self-propelled guns, everything possible, such ping-ping-pong with projectiles at a distance, i must say. that they have become more accurate lately , maybe the unit has changed, maybe they have just honed their fighting skills over the last years there, eh, but i will tell you that we do understand, yes, that the military complex there, for example, in the enemy is stronger, they have more personnel, that is, they have a little bit of an advantage, so we are trying to compensate in some technological ways, or even take the upper hand over the enemy, due to the fact that, for example, we are much more professional, i also i told you about this, lithony, drone. we have these drones today, thanks to everyone who helps us enough, so we try to destroy enemy equipment as much as possible, if it is in the zone of our intelligence visibility, and practice on advanced positions to the dugouts along the line along the enemy's defense lane,
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which is in front of us here and there from 150 meters and there to 650-700 m along the line along the enemy's defense lane, but lately it has been a little... not in our favor , let's put it this way, you know, i can't call it unflyable, because in fact there were days when there was no wind at all, but it is very dangerous to fly in such frost, because in our country the frost was sometimes -17 -20°, and you understand , the battery goes to zero, so you are a battery, so you launch a drone with explosives and god forbid battery battery you understand, at -20, one of the four motors , for example, which carries the drone, can fail and the drone can already fly and aim somewhere in general at our positions, so we had to be very careful with this, that is, the frost was a little not to our advantage, but even in spite of the frost there is trophy equipment, there are destroyed dugouts, i.e. less, but definitely there, but when you actually fly in to
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carry out strikes, you just want to understand, we see a lot of videos, well , we manage to find their eyes rat holes, these dugouts worked. what they after they do, they go there again into the destroyed dugout, dig new ones, that's how it all looks, because it's actually daily combat work, and of course they go in, but they're not completely stupid, they conduct an evacuation, when there is an evacuation in about an hour, because of course we wait for them to evacuate, we try to hit when they evacuate, that 's an obvious fact, but everything about the recovery of dugouts and positions, of course they try to do it at night, because frankly... we have kamikaze drones with night cameras only units are appearing, these are still such test options, even there to say in quotation marks serially conditionally we did not receive tandrons with night vision exactly kamikaze, and what about the donor that we find and the equipment that we find, this is very
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hard work intelligence, and it is seriously very strong, a reconnaissance drone flies by and after that, this video can be explored in six or eight eyes every s'. meter from the filmed area to see where something has changed compared to yesterday, for example, where something is wrong, up to what the boys notice there, when there are three branches on a tree, well, of course , they are not very small, but the three branches are placed in the wrong direction and they are already starting to disassemble this square to understand whether the equipment standing there is not disguised, because it is very painstaking work, and the pilot of the kamika drone, he he roughly understands where to fly , he already looks at his camera, confirms whether there is really equipment there or not, of course 90% of the time... it turns out that the reconnaissance is high-quality and gives high-quality points where you need to fly, but there are also cases when simply comedian's drone took off, let's just say it didn't having found your target, and taking into account the fact that they don't last very long, you don't fly on it for two hours, we direct them
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exactly along the enemy's defense line. mr. yevgeny, you mentioned that for a long time defense structures were built here in your direction on both sides, are they enough... they are servants, i am talking now about the side occupied by the ukrainian army, or those that are needed during this full-scale war, because we understand that realities have changed over... the last 10 years, and actually in the context i also want to ask this, are there enough people who come to build fortifications, various fortifications, in particular, in the carpathian region there is an initiative where people are invited to the east, to the front, to build, erect structures, and this is actually a kind of alternative to mobilization at least for a certain time, and look, this is a very delicate issue from the point of view of fortifications, i wouldn't... want to say too much on the air, i will tell you only one thing, but according to the facts , to answer your question, to the right of us
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is avdiyivka, if right on the map, 12 kilometers, to our left is the direction of bakhmut, which is burning all over, there is kordyumivka , and klishchevka, and andriivka, and bakhmut itself, that is, we are, so to speak, between two fires that are already burning there during the entire war, avdiivka lit up even more, three months, like, we sit and see some art. through which the enemy delivers equipment there, we destroy this equipment and destroy it quite well, in good quantities and quality, that is, the enemy definitely had a desire and still has a desire to go and change this front line, and here is the answer to your the question is that to this day the enemy has not done this, because what has been happening and what has not been done, well, understand the details to tell the enemy over there on the air, because they are watching us very carefully, i wouldn't want it to happen to us is, in what quantity there from the point of view. defensive structures, but i am telling the fact and the answer is that the enemy has not attacked us today, because they understand that
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they will have very serious losses. in front of you behind the front line is a wide beam and further on horlivka, ours are still flying defenders, how does horlivka look , it is as destroyed as it is from our side to the populated areas, listen, i will tell you, regarding horlivka, i can see horlivka in good weather from the position, and when we go to the position... with binoculars, and precisely those neighborhoods that i see, those high-rise buildings, they don’t even look bad, if you don’t look at them there, in a negative way, this is the first thing, but if we talk about horlivka itself, then these are already adjacent subdivisions of the brothers who stand next to us , precisely those that horlivsky terekon released and they installed the ukrainian flag there, so i think that they can answer in more detail about horlivka, because it is their area of ​​responsibility, but i will tell you what i see, well, of course horlivka is... the front-line city flies in, but those neighborhoods and those high-rise buildings that can be seen
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even without binoculars and which we looked at in zoom on mavics, but they do not look as unreal as, for example, watching footage from mariupol, for example, there during active hostilities, this is an answer to who how and where he aims and how he fights, mr. yevgeny, thank you to you for the conversation, thank you for your service, evgeny yevliv, the call sign sheikh of the fighters of the armed forces of ukraine, this is the direction, hot, eastern, as you already... already understood even from the conversation between bakhmut and avdiivka. let's go now for a short break, then we will continue the conversation and again touch the pace of those planes shot down by the russians yesterday, how cool is it for our armed forces? nothing has worked out yet, not yet, zakrep. oh, normalect. honey, take normolact. normolact eliminates constipation. normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are
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korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict, with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. congratulations, thanks for being with espresso, don't forget to give us all the details available on our e- streaming and youtube platforms, and we 'll talk about very important things in the meantime. with
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serhiy zgurets, the director of the information and consulting company defense express, is traditionally known to us at this time. sir sergey, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory, good morning, i congratulate you. we at natali gumenyuk asked her, she answered this question very much like a scout. it's about two planes. we are interested in this one, in a-50th. because yesterday, when they were still arguing, they shot down, they didn't shoot down, at this moment already mr. mosienko told us that there are different ways to shoot down such a species over the water area. sea ​​planes, for example, with the help of false targets, guidance them in such a way that the russian anti-aircraft defense would mistake them for missiles , and so that the protection system against our own anti-aircraft defense would not work, when this defense is working its own, he said this as a version, and there were
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many versions, there was a statement from the russians that it was us who shot them down, nothing ukrainian air defenses did not work there. there were words about the fact that it is possible to do it with the patriot, because we are part of the water area, at least reachable, with the help of patriot missiles, your analysis, how did we take down this a50? well, when we talk about the destruction of such an aircraft, it is the first time in the history of conflicts, because actually never before such planes were not destroyed because they are afraid to enter the air defense zone. enemy , are usually covered by their own fighters there, but regarding the a50-u, we can make certain assumptions here that simple explanations are sometimes the most correct, i do not think that the creation of these false targets, as musienko says, was actually on
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on our website defense express, we have laid out all possible versions, we have seen diagrams. regarding the possible fall of this aircraft into the area of ​​effect of the patriot complex, as one of the possible versions, because we need to know that in principle the patriot complex is equipped with various types, in particular one of the types of missiles, the range of which is 160 km, it is precisely designed to combat aerodynamic targets such as airplanes and in... in principle , the a50 aircraft is such a large target that it is difficult to miss, especially from such a technological complex as the patriot, but here the main ... challenge was that this is a risky operation, because relatively speaking, then this blocking patriot, which
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appears from time to time in those areas, where the enemy is not waiting, he was always needed to be based at sufficiently small distances from the line of combat collision that it created certain risks for this air defense system. if this version is correct, then i think that exactly patriot is used for this extremely responsible one. and an important mission to destroy the a50-u aircraft. let me remind you that the enemy currently had six such aircraft in such a combat-ready condition, of which, relatively speaking, exactly six modernized a50u were used and three more in the a50 version, which have less perfect technical characteristics, probably other. means of destroying these aircraft at a long range, because there are also samples of soviet weapons, i will say so, which have
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an extremely long range, and theoretically they can also be used to destroy aircraft at a range of up to 300 km, but this my assumption, as well as musienko's assumption, in any case, the variant of unexpected actions of the air... forces is actually such an important component in the actions of our air defense forces that it makes the enemy significantly nervous about the prospect, and this action significantly reduced the attack potential for the enemy. what a unique mission these a50s have, and what the russians can do less now, how they can harm ukraine less, they talked about the fact that there are fewer, in particular launches. may be from the waters of the black and azov seas, well, in fact, when these planes were there, there were even periods when three such planes were in the air at the same time, one there from belarus,
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the second from the sea of ​​azov, the third from kursk, and the detection zone of our planes , including fighters there, was within 400 km of each such aircraft, and in fact they covered the entire the territory of ukraine under its permanent control. and when our fighters rose even at a low altitude, then these a50 planes as a command post already guided their own fighters, in particular there su-35 or even mig-31, which have missiles there with a long range, and this combination of the detection command post and russian attack aircraft, it posed such a constant systemic threat to ours. fighter aircraft, now, of course, these moments become much smaller, because the enemy will have fewer of these aircraft in the air, also these the planes were
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used to monitor the operation of our air defense systems and radars during radiation, that is, in fact, all these components were represented by one such a50u sample, which was really a unique machine from the point of view of certain technical characteristics, the reduction of... planes on duty creates such gaps in the enemy's anti-aircraft system, which we can now of course use, moreover, the reappearance of these aircraft in the zoma in the equatorial zone over the sea of ​​azov creates the prerequisites for, as they say, versions we can repeat, yes, that is in fact, i think that now these russian planes will be restricted from flying into this zone, just as russian fighter jets are not flying now and are not using their potential. in particular in the krynov zone, yes. we promised our viewers yesterday, we will keep our promises, that you will help us with this story, the ukrainian diaspora in australia
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highlighted it very much, that is, the publicity went beyond the borders of australia, they had a story when their military had four men in one accident, i think they died there, the helicopter crashed, after which the decision was made prematurely, that is, these mrh90s are still to be armed. and ypan helicopters, but they decided to dispose of them in connection with this accident, there are 45 helicopters, and this is where the story began, and why, why should they be simply disposed of, if they can be handed over to ukraine, this is the question, then clarify where there's an emotional component, where 's the safe one, and do we need them as much as the current scandal in australia has highlighted, actually it's enough... new cars because they were made there somewhere in the 200s, years, and they were supposed to serve the australian army there until the 35th year, i repeat, this is
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a fairly new machine, about 500 of them were produced, there they were, a special consortium was created from airbus, where france enters . when we talk about australia, that it evaded the decision after ... this disaster, then in fact, later there were revisions and determination of the causes of this disaster and there were no technical problems with these helicopters, to be honest, so in any case this helicopter, despite certain nuances with operation, is a good enough machine, australia adopted the decision to replace them with blakehawks, with the american one, and now 45.
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machines are in a state of disposal, but in fact this disposal is such a gradual process, it is not about destroying these machines, these helicopters can theoretically to replace machines like the mi-8 helicopters there, which we are well familiar with, now the diaspora in australia is advocating their transfer to ukraine, the ambassador of ukraine in australia also seems to have appealed to this country so that this... process was, well, entered into the context of the possible transfer of these helicopters to ukraine, so i think that we are actually only at the beginning of this story, and the question of the destruction of these helicopters there in australia is not quite the case, i really hope that there will be options for transfers to ukraine, a chance get, such is stored, well, at the moment we are also waiting for the taipans, we are also waiting for the tauruses, but what exactly, and there are already plus or minus deadlines until the end?
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yuriy egnat announced in winter, this is another toffee, another airist system we have to get from germany, where, mr. serhiy, we need to strengthen our district air defense in view of where the russians have been moving lately, well, this is more of a question for the military, but in any case, we understand that now the transfer of both aristi and samsov is the same, because a certain amount of samsov is also ordered there and other samples. is currently at the stage of both production and delivery to ukraine, i think that this component will increase, but it must be understood that recently the enemy is starting to use there their tam missiles and other strike systems for strikes along the contact line, that is, in fact, now a less urgent issue is the strengthening of our air defense, which will cover our troops, but of course the decision depends on the military, and on the other hand, it depends on the politicians whether these complexes from foreign countries to us
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was coming as much as possible and in addition to, of course, the f-16s, which also have to perform primarily air defense functions. ugh. mr. serhiy, thank you for the clarification, for the conversation. serhii sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express was with us. and here's what they write, i just have to add here a little bit of what the american institute for the study of war writes about this position and positioning of the russians, as if it was their air defense that shot down their own planes. they think... that their pilots, when they hear that, they will feel calmer, that it was a coincidence, but suddenly this happened, and that no, no, no, ukrainians will not be able to repeat this again and will not be able to harm them again, they know themselves, they know that they should be afraid of their own people more than complexes at the front , i think they have already realized that, well, 9:00
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is approaching the time when we remember and... we honor all those who died at the hands of the occupiers in this russian-ukrainian war, all the dead civilians and soldiers. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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