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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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order of ukraine in order to rebuild ukraine in the future, putin wants money, he loves it more than anything, and he and his oligarchs, his henchmen, the more they lose, the more likely he will stop his military actions, putin should regret, putin must lose, and that is why we must make sure that world...unity cannot be weaker than the hatred of one man, we can ensure that, and that is why ladies and gentlemen, this year we must work hard, this must be a decisive year . can we bring freezing the conflict in ukraine until complete victory? it is very important, because every frozen conflict can eventually flare up again, and therefore... i want to say
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that after 2014, when there were attempts to freeze the conflict in donbas, there were specific, influential guarantors of such a course of events, in particular the chancellor of germany and the president of france, but you can see that putin did not stop there, he is a predator who will not be satisfied with frozen foods. and that is why we must defend ourselves, protect our children, our homes, our lives, we must to do it, we have to overcome it on the battlefield, we have already proven that we can do it on the sea and in the air, we have increased the production of our weapons, our gdp is now increasing, despite the war, it has increased by... 5% compared to the previous year,
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and we see that we have entered a new stage, in particular the stage of negotiations before joining the european union, putin can be defeated despite all his aggression, which has lasted for 10 years and more, and therefore now we, we can say, don't aggravate, we can say it all to those who doubt, who reduce help, if we will say so, we will have rati. because it will decrease, because it is not possible to decrease aid with every day of war, but we must only strengthen our confidence that such investments will shorten the war, and i want all of us to ask the most important question: will the war end in a just and lasting peace?
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will end, but i want that peace to begin here today, and to bring that peace closer, we need you, we need you to stand, so that we can then rebuild our country, and so today in these days, in such a beautiful country, switzerland, we have made several political contributions to help end this war. we had a meeting of national security advisers to review the peace formula, over representatives from over 80 countries participated in it, and yesterday we had talks with the president of switzerland and we discussed the possibility of holding a summit at the level of leaders in switzerland, it will be the first, it will world summit we will do everything to
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make this summit a world summit of peace. and not a summit of the third world war, and that is why i invite leaders who respect peace, international order, international law, i invite you to this summit, because it is important that you ask the right questions, that you get the best, that we get at.. .better answers, because peace is the answer, thank you for yours, for your invitation, thank you for your attention.
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mr. president, thank you, i hope you feel the warmth from our, from our audience, i have never seen this hall so full, thank you. for your speech, it's a historic speech, thank you, i think everyone we know, we are now witnessing historical events, when the president, president zeletsky is a historical figure of our time, because president zelensky, he and his people managed to stop such an aggressor as putin, and this is a real feat, but also... we have now let's go to another section, you also mentioned that ukraine, the ukrainian economy is growing, you talked about a five percent increase in gdp, but we
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know what the losses are that russia is suffering, over 300 thousand soldiers, and more than half their tanks. and also their vessels, all these have destroyed the armed forces of ukraine, but will putin be able to continue at this pace? i will wait here until morning, i have a lot of time. i'm joking, i still have to win the war, i have a lot of work, thank you, is it possible in ukrainian, so everyone has headphones, everyone understands
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ukrainian perfectly, with a translation, yes, we will talk about such serious topics, but sometimes we need such a pause just kidding, now you understand, i speak english, but i have a ukrainian translation in my ears, well , that's something, thanks to technology, but it should be in a different way, i have to say how it sounded in ukrainian, yes, my voice sounds better in ukrainian, i don't like to listen to my voice. why i wanted to answer in ukrainian, i will explain to you, you are very, you, you do not even, well , you do not understand what is the difference between you and between us and this person like putin, because what you just
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said, both in yours and in your question was everything, the difference between an autocracy and a democracy is that you said how many people. it is also interesting how long the people of russia will allow putin to be the leader of their state, and it does not matter, war, elections. the question is that you and i are the same, we understand how much the people will allow, these are the principles of democracy, and this is the difference, the people do not allow anything to president putin, the question is how much putin. and that he allows his people, and therefore the question is different, the question is how much the people are ready not to hear anything, to be simply deaf, not to see anything, to
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pretend that everything is normal, everything is going well, i.e. this is not a question for me, it is a question for the people of the russian federation. the question for them is whether they are able to change themselves or not, and that such a situation is exceptional, and putin, he, this is what i was talking about, putin, i, i do not believe that this person is capable of changing, because only people are capable of doing it, very interesting, very interesting, i will then ask another question, i will try, yes, i am a realist, i will try, so we know that the european union and the usa, now
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they are a week, they are a week or two, are somehow in no hurry to provide aid to ukraine, i know that you are meeting, have met with european leaders. with ms. fonderlaje and with other representatives of the united states here, say whatever please, do you have any concerns that this is going on too much, too long. thank you for this question, i think it is a matter of weeks, and i have positive signals that europe supports us, it is the countries of the european union, and i am also sure that this issue will be resolved with the help of the congress, without this it is impossible, we have held many different discussions, dialogues, meetings, well, i think that we are not just wasting time. such time is very precious for us, because during the war we have to be in our
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country, and it is important to come, communicate with partners, meet, but, nevertheless, there are priorities in wartime, and therefore i believe that there will be a very positive reaction from our partners, and we do not allow russia to occupy us, we stand firm, thanking our... soldiers, as for reforms, this whole list of reforms, our promises and proposals of the european union and the international monetary fund, well, ukraine is implementing it faster than before the war, because we rallied, because ukraine showed during the war that it can be strong and reform the state , thanks also, mr. president, so you remind
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us that when putin attacked, yes, we, someone said that he wanted to attack ukraine, but again, you ukrainians managed to win back 50% of the occupied territories, it is very important for us don't forget that you did all this, even before that. how did the help of the west come to you, that is, through your own military forces, but we know how powerful the russian army was, but if you could share again, if you could share the impressions and general feelings that the ukrainian people have now , how are they now... themselves than before, that is, are they even more charged now, or are they the same
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as they were after buchi irpen, because you also have to control your people, you have to feel them, thank you for a difficult, probably very question, first of all, the ukrainian people will never forgive putin, they will clarify him to all those who sponsored him. to grow up because of this war and they were simply deprived of their childhood, and unfortunately, my condolences once again to those who were deprived of loved ones, relatives, so talk about some kind of forgiveness or time, as they say... time plays for the benefit of putin, and that people in ukraine
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will forget, no, rest both in this world and in the next, he will not be in peace, neither his children nor his grandchildren, yes, we are not terrorists, and therefore it will be criminal, judicial processes, and there will definitely be responsibility, there must be responsibility, because after this terror...... there will be other repetitions of autocracy, aggression, so it is possible, if there are no consequences, therefore no one, nothing, will forgive any of the murderers, this is the first, but it is not what supports the morale of ukrainians, not revenge, you cannot compare revenge and justice, i was talking about justice. not about revenge, justice should be in sentences, in sentences and in specific
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people, to whom sentences in specific years and in specific places, where they should spend a long, i believe in justice, a long, multi-year vacation, the question is justice, the morale keeps the desire of ukraine. to be free, and for freedom , and for the rights of people, and for your choice, how you want to live, who you want to choose, with... who you want to love, where you want to rest, for this choice, precisely for freedom, and fights the ukrainian people, is fighting absolutely bravely to do this, he could not make people , make the middle class out of poor people, let people enjoy the result of their work, enjoy their life, and therefore
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he offered them radicalism, at the expense of the kremlin, their deceitful information policy, and thanks to war, if you can not give the economy, he found them others in quotation marks of victory, it is the occupation of other peoples, humiliation, destruction, that's all, sorry, i answered very long, your questions were shorter. yes, i think they are more interested in listening you than me mr. president, that was a great way to end. perhaps this is another short question, because today we spoke with representatives, participants of our
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forum, but again, a question. actually, how can you implement all those principles that you mentioned, quite frankly, i believe that our strength and our treasure of ukraine are, first of all, people, and they have proven to the whole world that they are smart, talented, modern and smart, they are brave and completely open, and i told you that for us today to build a strong the economy can only be... our population, our people and your investments, jobs, many jobs, and for that we need normal investments, absolutely clear, predictable, clean companies, and i am sure that this will strengthen us, because it will increase jobs, will increase the opportunity for our people to return
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home abroad, and as i told you, absolutely openly , putin with... could only go into those villages where he killed people, or where there were no people, and they fled because of this war , and if there are many people in the cities, and they were ready to defend their land and they have protected it, so please strengthen our economy, we will strengthen your security.
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well, an extremely interesting, eloquent statement from our president, in particular, when it comes to outlining the ukrainian position in the face of the russian threat, the unrelenting russian threat, so thank you for the clarity of the wording, and we will continue to inform
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you about everything important in the spress studio marto liyarnyk , and antin borukovskii, and by the way, my own. what was most memorable was that zelensky mentioned what actually happened the war in ukraine has not been going on for two years, it is a full-scale war, it is already said that putin stole 13 years of peace and replaced it with pain and crises that affect the whole world - said zelenskyy, we understand that the argumentative forum is more about global challenges , but one of the global challenges of today is ukraine, and therefore, accordingly , a lot of time was devoted to it and many issues were discussed precisely in relation to... our state, now we will go for a short break, after which we will return to our studio, so be with espresso if if you want to listen to zelensky's speech again, you can do it on our youtube, and now we will go for a... short break and then come back. there are 20% discounts on bronchipred in
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it's 4 p.m. in ukraine and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. in ukraine a single electronic register of conscripts will be operational. the verkhovna rada adopted the corresponding law. he was supported by 249 elected representatives. the document will speed up the identification of ukrainians. who are not on military registration, regardless of the place of registration. in this way , the need to look for men in restaurants or gyms disappears, the authors of the law say. in addition, all services for the mobilized are going digital. meanwhile , another scheme to help evaders was exposed in lviv oblast. they were transported abroad under in the form of drivers who carry out.


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