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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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they have a very correct concept in them, in my opinion, the question is how these reports, how well they are made, what is packed inside them, and what is the final information that reaches these officials, given these reports that we have seen, because we analyzed, well , more than a dozen, yes, for the previous year, this is the 23rd, and from what we saw, we actually voiced in the plot that there are many socially important issues. including those related to criticism of the authorities, they are mostly ignored or mitigated, from which we more precisely, what conclusions were drawn, if in the report, which representatives of the authorities receive criticism of them, it is absent, or it is softened, or it is distorted? well, look, here's another important point, what we actually wanted to understand, after seeing these reports and analyzing them, what is the reason that... uh, criticism is either absent, or it is
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somehow packaged, formulated in such a way that it is there opposition zmi attack the government, ah, what actually, when you read, you, well, think that it's just some, some hype, and not some really important problem, and we are with these wanted to address questions to the company itself to understand how they conduct this media analysis and why they have such wording, and to oleksandr himself. i called and wrote to marikovsky on the eve of the broadcast, but unfortunately we did not receive an answer, so we can only draw our own conclusions from what we saw, and the picture emerges that the authors of these reports are creating such a warm bath for the authorities , giving the impression that criticism of the government comes either from the political opposition, mostly, or from... well
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opponents are attacking and the like, huh, and you say that oleksandr marikovsky did not respond to your appeals, yes, you tried to contact him many times on different days, and even a few weeks ago, including , both on the phone and in messages, he did not answer any messages, did not pick up the phone, as well as the phones of the directors of the company, the company itself, er, there is no answer either. and the team of the deputy, you seem to have claimed in your investigation that the team of this deputy, the firm of this deputy has been preparing reports for four years, well, this is actually when the government in the country changed, yes, yes, it is worth noting that some orders are not so large-scale financially , there are much smaller amounts, they were also at the end of the 18th year for of this state-owned enterprise , i.e. back when petro poroshenko was the president, but... in the 19th year
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, merikovsky's company began to systematically and steadily receive, well, that is , they renew the contract there every quarter, and it is this company that prepares these reports. the customer is a state enterprise from the ministry of culture, which is called the center for the protection of the information space of ukraine, it actually deals with this, it is his profile, ah, and with state funds, it is important to note that these reports are paid for with state funds, that is, they are ordered at state funds. for money. 10 million of ukrainian taxpayers were spent on these reports only in the last year of 2023, that's right, everything else. thank you very much, anastasia usenko, journalist of the bigusinfo project. we talked about the latest investigations of journalists, investigators who referred to the media reports that the office of the president and the government receive, which describe in detail the results of their activities, and, as the journalists discovered, a little, maybe not a little. teplavanna is present in these reports.
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thank you very much. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi began his speech at the world economic forum. today this forum started and volodymyr zelenskyi spoke at it, and he started his speech and it lasted for about half an hour. first there was a speech, a large part of which he devoted to russian president putin. he named its crazy and a predator who can't get enough of frozen foods. according to the ukrainian president, the world stops believing in russia, and putin's partners in north korea and iran see this madness, but take money for the supply of weapons. the president of ukraine also noted that these countries have recently increased their supply of weapons. zelensky also stated that ukraine is fighting russian ships in the black sea, and two days ago, the armed forces of ukraine, i quote literally, showed that they are capable. to hit such
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air boards of the russian side which they were not impressed before, well, here it was probably about the downing of the a50 and il-22 planes, which became known the day before. zelenskyi also called for a widow's event. participation in ukraine's economy in order to strengthen ukrainian security, and called on western countries to help ukraine so that the war does not spread to other countries, as putin wants. listen to his fragment. putin is a jackass who is not satisfied with frozen foods and we must protect ourselves, our children, our homes, our lives and we must do it and we can defeat him. on land, we have proven it both on the sea and in the sky, we are increasing the production of weapons, we have achieved economic growth in ukraine, our gdp is growing, despite the war, by more than 5% in the last year. in the swiss davos
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today, president zelenskyi held a meeting with the world's largest financial funds, his press service reported. there was also a meeting with us secretary of state anthony blinken, nato secretary general jens stolto. and president of the european commission ursula fondelaien. well, according to the results of these performances radio liberty's international correspondent, olena abramovych, spoke with yaroslava johnson, co-founder of the ukrainian house in davos. listen to their conversation. how do you rate this speech by volodymyr zelenskyi, in which russian president putin was repeatedly mentioned and volodymyr zelenskyi actually called him a predator. that putin enjoys conflict that causes suffering to others, and please tell this audience in davos, this is the message that he can have, and do you see among western politicians still attitude that at some point
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the russian president will have to be included in the peace talks, president zelensky said what had to be said, and he expressed himself very quickly, i don't know who wrote to him. speech, but that speech was very well composed and well expressed, these are the same topics we are raising here in the ukrainian house, what the world is now saying, saying, it will not support ukraine in the future, but we want to convince them that there is a reason to support ukraine , and that ukraine is now to some extent in america, it is seen that it is more political, the political conflict is american, american, and not ukrainian, and not global. ukraine now has to fight for its independence and the world has to understand what kind of help ukraine needs and what ukraine can give to the world? how ukraine will become a democratic state, independent within its own borders, ukraine will help europe, help america, help the global world,
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that's why it is very important here, and the president expressed his opinion. i don't think anyone will take his comments negatively because everyone knows seeing what putin is doing, it's no secret. for the world, everyone knows and sees, and president zelenskyy confirmed that what everyone sees. volodymyr zelenskyy said that this is all, do not escalate from the side of the western partners, when earlier there were requests from ukraine for more supplies of weapons, for certain sanctions, and that everyone do not escalate, in fact, this concept increased russia's confidence in the fact that that she can move on, but... do you think there are any chances now that this message will be heard, and what do you think were the strongest points in this the speeches, actually the lines from the ukrainian president, the very slow pledge of weapons, gives putin the right to continue the war, and putin
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will continue the war until next year, until the end of that year, because there is a presidential campaign in america right now, and he will wait for that moment , when if trump were elected again, then for sure. he will understand that trump will stop all aid to ukraine, and then he can do what he wants. that's why i'm here, i'm here, people understand all this, and i think, and for those for america, for other countries, for europeans, european countries, which are now also clamoring for their help, this is a message that they had to hear, people know that with dictators and with all kinds of aggressors, they cannot hope that they will restrain themselves in some way, for him the potential opportunity will be then this... and ukraine cannot give in in those situations. ukraine saw what happened after the 14th year, it took the territory, then no one fought with them, they thought that he would take two or three oblasts there and everything would be fine, and
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he will take crimea, but this did not satisfy him, eight years later, he began to go to war against ukraine, and this will continue to be done, that is why the world sees it, you know, people, people learn from example, and putin... showed an example of his behavior, and that example will continue, it does not matter to anyone scares well, how did the general public in davos react to volodymyr zelenskyi's speech? and what, in principle, is happening now in davos, the second day, let me remind you, the economic forum is going on there, kira rudyk, people's deputy of ukraine, leader of the voice party, joins our broadcast, kiro, good evening, greetings vlasto, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, you widows , i will tell for our audience how volodymyr zelenskyi's speech was received there, and from your point of view, according to your observations, does everyone in davos agree that putin is a predator and a madman, as he stated. in his speech and that he should be stopped somehow? well, first of all
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, it is very good that the president came to davos this year, because it is one of the ways to attract our partners, as well as draw attention to ukraine, which needs to be realistic, is decreasing. second, the president's speech were received warmly enough, and if, even if someone does not consider russia. ryzhak, then at least they didn't talk about it out loud. in fact, people come to davos to learn two things. the first is what is the general situation in the world, what is new, what is happening, what are the trends, the second is where to invest money. regarding what is happening in the world, i want to remind everyone that the world economic forum, it has defined the top 10 priorities of what is important, what is a threat. economic development, and you know what the first threat is economic development, this is not war, this
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is disinformation, and the second threat is climate change, and the third threat is something else, war is in fifth place, so today the task of the president was to change this concept from and to raise war from fifth put the threats first, and explain to everyone what is really happening, and the main thing that i liked most about his speech - he explained how it affects specific countries and their residents, this is very important, because , well, for many people from european countries, as they say, the train has moved on, the situation has changed, and they no longer feel what is happening in ukraine. kiro, do you expect any breakthrough decisions based on the results of davos, and maybe based on the results of all these meetings that zelensky held in davos? you know, actually, it is hardly possible to say that there will be breakthrough decisions right away, we understand that this is only
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one part of the great diplomatic work that is being conducted and will continue to be conducted, there may be specific decisions from the european union regarding our european integration, and this is of course a big plus, ms. ursula fonderlaijen, well, she is such a determined woman who we expect to give, let's say, an impetus to a certain process related to european integration, but to say that immediately after davos they will start giving us more weapons is probably not necessary, but we we clearly understand that the countries of the global south, having seen the scale and activity of the ukrainian activities that are taking place, can probably change their position, kiro, kiro, today bloomberg wrote that the national security adviser. home jake salevan came to davos with a message for volodymyr zelensky, that the white house is interested
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in ukraine transitioning, gradually abandoning the counteroffensive and going on the defensive, changing the strategy of the war, are they talking about this in davos, please excuse me, i finished here, we finally arrived at the final station of the train, and they ask me to leave, so i have to interrupt, to my great regret, thank you very much, kira rudyk, people's deputy of ukraine, party leader. the voice was with us live, live from davos, i remind you, the second day of the world economic forum, today volodymyr zelensky spoke there, we just showed his speech, in principle, i think we can listen to it again now and remind what messages the president delivered to a wide, so to speak, political audience, which these days gathered in davos, putin is a hezhak who is not satisfied with the frozen ones. products , and we must protect ourselves, our children, our homes, our lives, and we must do it,
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and we can defeat him on the ground, we have proven it on the sea and in the sky, we are building arms production, we have achieved economic growth in ukraine, our gdp is growing, despite the war, by more than 5% over the last year, there is, well, of course, what is the purpose of such a speech, of course, but... i am sure that the president also aimed to attract as many investors as possible to ukraine. i am told that kira rudyk still keeps in touch with us. kiro, i already said goodbye to you. you remember my question, are they talking about a message from the white house, you know, at the moment i don't know any details, but of course the white house can on our part to say that ukraine needs to change its strategy, but we are known for the fact that despite all the recommendations, where there were two years ago
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to flee to the west or do something else, we are doing our own, i think, independence from that what recommendations, who brings, we all understand what our specific task is to fight for our country, and this is what i see today in the ukrainian house of davos, everyone is doing, starting from ukrainians in switzerland, ending with diplomats, mrs. markarova, penny pritzker , well, everyone has a very clear task to keep i have not seen ukraine in the focus of all our international partners and giving us maximum chances for victory. there was not a single person who said: oh, well, we need to think about something, we need to go on the defensive or something like that, thank you very much, kira, thank you very much, kira rudyk, people 's deputy of ukraine, voice faction, was with us live from davos , i put an end to this, svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow, there are
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discounts on optimal 15% in travel pharmacies. bam and oskad, there are 10% discounts on lactial in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. congratulations. russian tv is further away from real life in the last program , i told you that we will most likely continue to tell. about what is happening in the housing and communal services system in russia, well, we actually continue, because the collapse of this very system covered, well, half of russia, 43 regions faced blackouts of heat, light and water, and of course new collective appeals appeared, new magical, let's say
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, videos, but you won't see them on russian tv, so let's watch them here. today is january 15, that's how everything is happening here, it's cold on the sabbath, i'm even afraid imagine what's there on the way to our reed , we will be left without water, we sat for a while with water, and that's enough, phew, i didn't do this, we are freezing without central heating and hot water, help us, yes help us,
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we are cold, "help, cry russians help, they continue, they continue to be cold , and what do they say to them on russian tv instead, and they are told there that the economy in russia is better than in all of europe and in the first place, and no one is telling it, putin himself is telling it, but before you watch, let me tell you what you know, in order to comply with the law on language , we..." now we tried to translate this, these excerpts of russian propaganda with the help of artificial intelligence, it does not know everything yet, but it is studying very hard, so you tell us on youtube what your results will be impressed by this, well let's let's now in the performance of artificial intelligence listen to what putin says. special
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military operations require significant resources, our country has enough money for everything. despite all the limitations, all the difficulties that we face, the economy russia became the first in europe, in terms of purchasing power, that is, in terms of the volume of the economy, we took first place in europe in terms of purchasing power, we overtook the whole of europe, but per capita we still need to strive, so there is work to be done here, well, you see, the russians suddenly found out that they are the first in europe, but there is, you know, in fact - such a big lie, because in reality, in terms of gdp per capita, russia is somewhere in 60th place in the world and far, far away - far away in europe. but of course they don't tell this, so they made up something about some kind of purchasing power, what else, they hint at
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the fact that prices are low in russia, and that, you remember, quite recently there was a buzz about the problems with eggs in russia, as it turned out, they didn't go anywhere, but instead they told us that no, there are obvious problems in the states too, why should the russians really know what the problems are. they have, if they can listen, what are the problems in the states? the shortage of eggs in the usa, something is happening with them all over the world, now here in america, gone thanks to supermarkets, stores even had to introduce restrictions on the sale of eggs to one person, the cause of the crisis, the fungus behind which 11 large farms in the united states, and were forced to destroy millions of turkeys, millions. the chickens are not dried, at the same time statistics came out at the weekend, we also know the problems with eggs in russia, here we have the cheapest ones,
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you know, these conversations about the fact that the eggs turned out to be the cheapest, this is already such a noticeable slide into the soviet union, in the soviet the union was also very cheap, there was only one problem, nothing happened. well, even the same one the proverbial sausage for 220 was not there either, well, that is, everything seemed to be cheap and as if the purchasing power allowed to buy it, but there was nowhere to buy it, and from the looks of things, russia is somehow trying to fully revive all this, that is why they tell how everything terribly cheap, without telling whether it is on sale or not, but the russian propagandists did not miss the fact that ... and problems with rats in britain. another calamity that cannot be attributed to cunning russia:
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armies of rats and mice. right now the uk is slowly but surely returns to the era of the plague doctor, the 14th century, when london was ravaged by rats. according to the daily mail, rodents do not like either poison or traps. the length of rats sometimes exceeds 50 cm. at the moment , there are about 250 million rodents in the country, which literally storm residential buildings, trying to hide from the frost and find food. so, russian propagandists are very concerned about rats somewhere in britain, but they don’t want to know about how rats actually live, their native russians, and meanwhile the russians are actively talking about it, this week too they tell podulsk is next to moscow , and god has forgotten us in general, the people are absolutely as if they are in some kind of tundra, everything is in an unusable condition
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, the problem of housing renovation does not seem to affect us at all, that is, everything is fine with us, we have fleas on our noses, but this one is open, they go for the night, here she runs a little, here she is, try, rats in the suburbs of moscow, 50 km from moscow, bite people right in the buildings, but propagandists are interested in rats somewhere in britain, well, that’s logical, propagandists too, well , i’m not i know that five days is terribly interesting health. er, lloyd austin, the secretary of defense of the united states, and it directly interests them so much that this impression is stronger than anything else. news from washington, lloyd austin
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, who was reported to be suffering from prostate cancer, has been released from the hospital and will begin his immediate duties at the pentagon, although no, it's just that the pentagon said that the secretary of defense... austin, while he will work from home, that is, manage several military operations at once, the person who was responsible for the military department did not warn anyone, that is, he disappeared why did this happen, why did nobody, and no one from his entourage, even think of informing the congress and the president that the minister, therefore, really cannot accept. therefore, with regard to those conflicts that america actually manages in different parts of the planet, including nuclear security, sishta is the third
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person in the country who... has a nuclear suitcase, well, you know, well, as always, the most disgusting in all this commenting was dmytro kiselyov , well, it is not for nothing that he is considered one of the main propagandists of russia, here he actually is confirmed his reputation as the most disgusting propagandist, thus, the us secretary of defense lloyd austin is now walking in... the general has uncontrollable urination and it flows from him like an open faucet. this is a medical fact. in the best case, he will walk like this for at least a few more weeks, and most likely even longer. this is the result of a purulent-septic complication, following an operation to remove a cancerous prostate, which the minister underwent at the walter
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reed national military medical center on christmas eve. so radical surgical operation always takes place under general anesthesia and lasts more than one hour. complications after such operations occur in about 5% of cases, but usually pass quickly and at home. but it was particularly difficult for austin. the medical center said that the general got there with nausea, severe pain in the abdominal cavity, thigh and leg. about my own. the disappearance of lloyd austin was again not reported by the white house, later he refers to the intimate nature of such an operation and complications after it? i wonder if there is bbc or cnn there they will comment in the same way on the illness and hospitalization of, for example, the head of the central bank of russia, nabiulnaya, because she
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was hospitalized just these days. for an operation, and actually she is also sick, something tells me that no, no one else in the world will make such comments, and you know when the kremlin was also asked about nabiulina's illness, and it must be said that everything depends on nabiulina's work now the russian economy, in general , the head of the central bank of russia is considered to be such a person in the world, who is, well, not to the greatest extent... contributed to the fact that the russian economy was still afloat, so when the kremlin was asked, literally today, what do you say about the fact that nabiulyana is like for an operation in the central clinical hospital, the kremlin said that this is a very personal matter, suddenly, and it’s interesting now, and dmitri kiselovyv, these are all propagandists, they will probably tell the russian people honestly and everything, like...
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nebiulyana is sick, because all the salaries and pensions of russians depend on this person, they will tell , yes or no, whether they will talk about lloyd again austin, who has such a relationship with russia, i think that they will rather talk about loydoostin, and not about their own nabiulina or putin, who is also sick from time to time there, or do they have other powerful people there, what they don't tell about them, well somehow they don't tell and that's all. so what is it? well, to the troubles of russian propaganda this week was added their interpretation of an article in the well-known russian edition of the german bilt. and here the russian propaganda also just started to invent, tell and frighten, something suddenly decided to scare the russians with a war
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with nato. the threat of the beginning of the third world war no longer confuses the west, the europeans are opening, well, in general, the road to hell, they are not doors, but just such a tunnel, come on, germany is preparing for war with russia, it will happen already in 2025, bilf publishes excerpts from the materials of the allegedly secret document of the bundeswehr, which prescribes clear steps in the event of a possible conflict with the russian federation according to with scenarios and exercises of the bundeswehr, russia will begin preparations, preparations for war against nato. already in a few weeks. we begin with sensational news: germany and the entire nato are preparing for war with russia. the german publication bild refers to some secret document of the bundessphere, which considers a scenario that involves the deployment of hundreds of thousands of nato troops on the eastern border of the alliance, and in the summer of the 25th year - it is inevitable, the beginning of a war
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between russia and the west. their goal will first find the front


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