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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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by the occupiers and the occupation of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, we are talking about 200 billion, in your opinion, again, how adequate is this amount and what, in your opinion, are the main losses and threats today that remain connected with the occupied largest nuclear power plant in europe . mr. serhiy disappeared from us, well, now we will add him to the conversation, except for the fact that the amount of damages has been calculated. this is a lot of 200 billion, again here we are talking about ecology, and about the damage caused to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant itself, the ecosystem there, the technological process , the moral damage that was caused, the physical, moral damage that was caused to the employees of this station, we know that actually many people have been at the station for two years, there may be some kind of rotation, they are subjected to torture and have been subjected to torture , psychological, moral, physical violence, let's recall how they were forced...
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to side with russia, to work under the auspices of rosatom, not energoatom, it is not easy, and at the same time, despite all that pressure, despite the fact that certain people with grenades are still walking around these premises, we had to work, please, mr. sergey, let's go back, let me formulate the question again, did you hear it, no, i heard the question, just as i was about to answer, the connection was cut , well , look, according to the information available to me, these losses take into account not only direct losses that are associated with... direct damage to the nuclear power plant there by the mechanism, support systems, etc., but also the funds that were not received by the nuclear power plant from the activities, from lack of electricity supply, from those payments that were made to employees who left there and were forced to resign, certain payments were made to them and so on and so on, that is, this is the total loss of the energy sector and... due to the occupation of the nuclear power plant,
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which is available on today , and taking this into account, i think that primarily this amount will increase, because the nuclear power plant does not operate at full capacity, does not ship electricity to the territory of ukraine, as it should do, and accordingly does not receive additional funds for this, well in fact, it is somehow off the agenda now, not that the zaporizhia nuclear power plant or some kind of aggravation has disappeared from the agenda of the news feeds. no, but we understand very well that the situation there is not getting better, and now again representatives of the magate mission, magate organizations are not allowed to the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, or at least to certain of it, to certain of its premises, which once again confirms that the situation there, it is interesting here, the situation there is controlled at least by the specialists of the aggressor country, but here is what is important, the situation is controlled, the situation is at the level of supplies.
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security is sufficient so that it is possible not to constantly worry about this, as was the case a year ago, the enemy in principle stopped manipulating the station as a source of increased danger, and what is this, in my opinion, the consequence of a whole complex of actions, international influence and risks , which carries for the territory, including the publicity that they received as a result is greater, less in terms of consequences. but a greater than actually already the biggest tragedy actually happened, this is the undermining of the akhovskaya gez, the dam, so under such conditions the enemy understands that the consequences of an accident on the eu will be serious and will have an impact, including for the energy sector of their country, and accordingly they are more or less trying not to manipulate and maintain the life of the nuclear plant, i will ask about the security situation as of the end. well, in fact, the evening
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is like a day, let’s take zaporizhzhia, the zaporizhia region, for a certain time the enemy was quite actively targeting with shahedes and ballistics and maybe with these guided air bombs, how did this day pass, well, if there were serious attacks before that, are there more the process of overcoming these consequences, please, well, at the moment , the situation in the city of zaporizhzhia itself and the surrounding area is calm, well, there were alarms, but there were no consequences, but along the line... of demarcation, the enemy has become more active in the last two days, today there was information about yet another air raids, cabs flew over orikhov and adjacent territories, rabotino, again under constant artillery shelling, but this situation, unfortunately, is commonplace, but is it possible now or yesterday we spoke with kharkiv oblast, there it was just about the fact that restoration work is taking place, where houses can be repaired. to somehow restore
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it, then it is done, well, where it is not possible, there it is not possible, in zaporizhzhia, well, at least now i am talking about the city of zaporizhzhia, are these works still available, are there necessary funds for this? in order to make, at least for people , decent living conditions where there were enemy strikes, enemy means, work is being carried out, houses that were destroyed last year are being rebuilt, and certain technical work on houses, the year before last, excuse me, on houses that were already damaged last year, that is , deficiencies are promptly eliminated where it can be done. where windows are broken, etc., but it is being repaired globally, in my opinion, it is not at all, well, properly effective, because the restoration of 24 apartments for more than uah 100 million, well, this is not a profitable use of funds, but such a decision was taken by the authorities , and
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the authorities accordingly restore the damages in this way, this is in the city of zaporizhzhia itself, as for the demarcation line, the active work is not carried out there due to the fact that, in principle. it is inappropriate, because today to restore something, tomorrow artillery or aviation will destroy it again, that is why small towns such as orihiv, gulyaipole, stepnohirsk are being destroyed, and, unfortunately, in zaporizhzhia, and in kherson region, in kharkiv region, in donbas, moreover, luhansk region, donetsk region, there are cities that simply do not exist, and there are those that have been significantly destroyed by the enemy and will continue to be destroyed, i would like to ask a little about life in the occupied part of the zaporizhia region, well in particular in... engages in terror, collecting signatures for these fake elections, which are planned for when there are elections in march for the next appointment of putin, that's what we call him, it 's hard to call it an election, and the fact that without passports, hospitals in the occupation are now not accepted , even children, you don't have, you
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simply can't count on some kind of medical service, if you don't have this ee ausweis of the occupation, is it really true, and then how can people survive, eh? indeed, medical services are not provided in the absence of a passport, including for children in the absence of a passport of one of the parents, instead of signing contracts for the supply of communal services, again, in the absence of a passport, the only way people somehow manage to get away with it, as they say, is by calling an ambulance, because when an ambulance arrives, they first provide services, documents are checked later, well, accordingly , people are supported a little. but in this regard there is quite interesting information that it is allowed to vote on the territory of the russian federation, oh, on the territory of the occupied regions, in the elections, with ukrainian passports that were issued before february
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in the 22nd year, that is, in this way, the enemy is trying to identify all those who have not yet received a passport, but for some reason will come to the polling stations, respectively. will show that they still have ukrainian passports. perhaps at this moment passports will be torn in order to force people to exchange them. literally a second, and mobilization, well, this is forced mobilization to the russian army, as far as i understand, continues in the occupied territories. and, forced mobilization, first of all , forced registration of military, military conscripts, some of them continues forcing or persuading such a person to sign up for the russian army so that... they are stalked on the streets and sent away, well, i don't know about such cases. thank you very much, mr. sergey. serhiy lyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council , was in touch with us. we talked about the situation in zaporizhzhia, but now we will talk about the heroic sumy region, which the enemy not only fires almost every day, to one
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degree or another, which it constantly tries to attack, into whose territory enemy subversive intelligence groups constantly try to penetrate, plus that these enemies sabotage and intelligence groups, and there were such cases, cause damage to the essence. and unfortunately there are deadly consequences of an attack on civilian objects, civilian workers, citizens, and this is a problem. viktor babarenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, is in touch with us. mr. viktor, i congratulate you. good health to you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, just as he started talking about the police, and today a statement was made by the sumy regional military administration. they say that we can protect every tenth resident. well , when it comes to some... formulas in the war, calculations, it is so slightly alarming, why every tenth, and not every ninth , how is it, how would you comment on it, well, in general , on the security situation as of the last day, to be honest, i do not know what the head meant of the regional military administration
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, when he said that every tenth of us, and it turns out that we do not secure someone, well , i don't know, i must say that we have a five-kilometer zone, from which people are evicted very often, well. .. they don’t evict them in vain, moreover, the heads of communities there sometimes say, well, we don’t need it there, not only that, but here is my specific case, i have an acquaintance with whom we once studied together, she is currently in cyprus as an accountant, works there, knows excellent english, and she, and her mother was a young woman, she is a mother , come to me, come to... i have cyprus, the sea is warm, it's +20 there, it's already january, but my mother says, doci, says, doci
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, where am i, and the ducklings, where am i going, and mother the young woman does not want to leave, and there are also curious cases, yes, when there, well , there was a time in september, when some kind of dragonfly went out into the garden to pluck onions, and there was like a salad the roof literally slammed under her feet. mine, the grandmother took this mine and carried it to the rural council , they were scared in the rural council, well, in general, such anecdotes are told very often and very much, mee, what do you need to know that the enemy is attacking, how does he have it there 30- 40 thousand ee people from the side of how they act, they too, like us, i send. for rotation those brigades that they have there, or divisions or regiments that they have somewhere that were
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beaten under marenka, avdias near bakhmut uglyadar, they are taking them out, they are conditionally there, there are 500 left from the brigade there 1.5-200, but they put the rest there in meat assaults, yes, they take them out somewhere under the court, under the aunt, well, near... which area they begin to replenish, reconciliation begins to take place there, er, that is, well , in this way, if they bring their troops there to normal, yes, they are there for 2-3-4 months here near the sumy border, then they go back, take a breath, er, oh, but at this time they, well, if, well, what... is called coordination in the military, approximately the same thing happens with us, so that we understand that someone, somewhere also
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some military unit that was under bakhmut there or under the ugledar, and it was taken out somewhere so that the guys could rest for three or four months, from time to time there, well, from time to time they left for vacation, then they also came back... reconciliation, that is, when a soldier falls from a war with high intensity, where, well, every damn day, something terrible, into a war with low intensity, but that does not mean that it is not a war, and it also happens to us, when in sumy oblast they pulled in, well, their dergeshka came in and took three men, well, four killed one, well, he yawned somewhere, three were taken into captured, brought in, yes there, then they eat him there, they
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are already there, respectively, well, well, i don’t know, there they pinched something somewhere somewhere in the door, and there , like, those soldiers already answered that there, like , oh, everything is bad in ukraine , thanks to the russian soldiers who took us prisoner, well, it’s clear what it is, they were psychologically, well, pressured, and they are there, yes... there are some shows, but we see it on telegram channels, they can go there and beat us foresters, they can put some mines there, that is, sumshchyna, so we know, sumshchyna, which means chernihiv region, where the border is actually a line of demarcation and is what we call a low -intensity war, where... так якото там 2 дня мы был в перестрельке, что толк в это безделке,
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yes, where they shoot at us, and we shoot back, and we will frankly, if in 2022 there until spring, until summer, we were afraid to shoot all over that territory, we were just afraid, well, no matter what, we are peaceful, now ours are shooting from there. arrived and we flew there, so uh, that is, artillery duels, mortar duels, they happen all the time, and we have to to understand that five kilometers means that the mines are flying, 20-25 km is that the shells are flying, that means that these 18 communities from the 51st in the sumy region, which are constantly under fire, and there are communities such as shostka, kanatop, sumy, akhtyrka, under shelling, but
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under shelling by iskanders, ballistics and... i just wanted to say that the missile shelling took place in the sixth, again this, well, or i don’t know the situation , it is often the enemy hitting the six, or whether it is a rocket attack on the six, these are such things, well, which do not happen often, no they often happen, but they do happen, and so do sums, you ask, but they often hit by sums, no, not so often, as they hit kharkov with ballistics practically every day, by sums often, no, not often. in sumy, we can see more there, well, such cool things, when our shaheds are shot down, shaheds who fly there to kremenchuk, tentatively to myrhorod, to khmelnytskyi and kyiv, they fly past sumy, and we in sumy with our children can go out on the balcony and to see how ours coolly knock down their shaheds over over sums, it is often, but
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so that it would fly to sumy, no, not often, but what about you? count often there once a month , well then not often, more often, well then often, but it also flies to the six, no, it does not often fly, to the deaf, not often, to the canatop, but when it flew there, there were 30 houses without glasses, or in the same ones in the same backwoods, yes it flew there and we can see, well, it fell somewhere, somewhere it damaged the roof in some bog. in the apartment building , something was breaking the windows somewhere, and its people were in despair, because when now outside the window there it will be -5 or -15 tomorrow and i will be left without windows , not camelfo, but that's what i'll say
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. not often there, well it's relative, it's all relative. thank you very much for your comments, for joining , take care, viktor boborenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis from sumy oblast, we briefly talked about this region, this region, i don't like the word region, the region in which, as mr. viktor says , and here i completely agree with him, the war of the low continues intensity, but it continues every day and , unfortunately, people suffer, first of all people die, and the infrastructure also suffers, well, let's go now... serhiy sgurets, director of the defense express agency, columnist, talks more about the situation at the front and around military results of the day. sergey, please. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about the fact that our army needs not only drones, but also trained operators, about the combat operations near bakhmut, what changed there in conversation with our military, and about the necessity of a war with lies, against the background
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of the conclusions of the experts of the world economic forum, which is currently being held in davos, about this... in a moment. let me start with the fact that the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine, together with manufacturers of unmanned systems and training centers for drone operators, addressed an open letter to prime minister denys shmyhal and defense minister rustem umerov. in the letter. that taking into account the plans to go into production this year at least 1 million drones, it is primarily about fpv drones, although there is also an increase in the production of drones of other classes, the need for qualified operators is critically increasing in the country, while currently neither the ministry of digital transformation nor
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the ministry of defense is funding the training of drone operators in private schools for the needs of the armed forces. of ukraine due to the lack of a regulatory framework on these issues, however, there are not enough training centers in the ministry of defense. therefore, the appeal emphasizes that the state should start the process of involving the private sector of the defense industry to train drone operators, just as it was done to increase the production of domestic drones in our enterprises to solve this. problems there, in this appeal to the prime minister , certain options are offered on the basis of improving the legislative framework, i think that this will be done in the near future, but we will still expect a reaction. these figures of the ministry of defense and the ministry of defense for this appeal, and here i will remind you that the average rate of use of fpv drones per month for any of our brigades there is on average somewhere
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is 100 units, this is without taking into account the stocks and reserves there, and provided that the units are provided with a sufficient number of drones, then one calculation of the operators in one day or in one operation can release 15 fpv drones at... the enemy, and this is considered a good indicator, at the same time the soldiers of practice themselves say that usually somewhere every third target is destroyed during such intensive work, and now in separate directions, slowly these fpidrones come to the fore in the destruction of certain categories of targets, when we talk about targets that are moving or about enemy personnel and... and at the same time , the designs of the strike drones themselves are being significantly improved and even new tactics and practices are being born for the use of these fpv drones. drones are slowly
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complementing the capabilities of our artillery, which, together with the infantry, now plays a key role in all areas of the front. when we talk about artillery, now we have the opportunity to directly communicate with officers who know the meaning of guns. on the battlefield and now we are joined by denys nagorny, he is a major ngu, chief of staff of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade, which is currently operating in the bakhmud region, where the enemy tried to carry out offensive actions, primarily in the area of ​​bohdanivka, ivanivska krishivka. mr. denis, i welcome you to the express channel, if you can see and hear now? yes, of course, good evening, studio, good evening, dear colleagues! glad to see and hear what is happening around bakhmut, literally yesterday there was information that the enemy was trying to carry out offensive actions there
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using tanks and armored vehicles, he suffered significant losses, i don't know if it was in your brigade's area of ​​responsibility or nearby, tell me what is happening in your area? er, i definitely agree with your point about fpv drones complementing artillery, why, because... that the amount of shells used on armored vehicles and directly on enemy manpower, that is, on assault infantry, is greatly reduced, but offensives, they mainly gather at the moment in the direction of vesely, in the direction of klishchiivka, andriivka, as well as in the direction of the temporary ravine in general, because the enemy at the moment sets himself the goal of reaching... the edge of the siverskyi donetsk-donbass canal, that is, at the expense of the number of overtaken infantry and,
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keeping his armored vehicles as much as possible, rarely using them directly in such large-scale assaults, he wants to achieve some kind of a certain advantage, a certain success, at the moment it does not have such an advantage, because most of the armored vehicles that are used by the enemy during... offensive operations, they are affected by our actions, by the actions of our company of unmanned aerial systems, i.e. by the actions of our fpvishniks, by the actions of infantrymen, by the actions of artillerymen, and in general 99% of their offensives are choked, despite the fact that they try to accumulate a lot, they led a large number of those stormtroopers. groups that are poorly trained in front of the front edge, using them as cannon fodder, and after the heavy meat has exhausted itself
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with the russian word, then it goes on directly, trying to engage armored vehicles, as, for example, in our direction of the fourth brigades of operational border crossings, i.e. first tries some actions to make this very cannon fodder, that is... then they try to roll out a couple of tanks there, a few bmps for landing infantry in order to have some certain success, some certain result, thanks to the fact that there are a certain number of drones, thanks to the fact that that they discover the enemy in advance, they, and we can visit, hit certain targets in interaction with the fivishniks, and the number of the enemy, which... therefore does not reach us , mainly does not reach our infantry, mr. khatser, i wanted to ask, now you in principle chief of artillery staff of the whole brigade and...
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and now these drones are appearing , is there already a place in the planning of combat operations, in particular, fpv drone units operate there first, and then artillery is already included, and this process, well, in the format of such new tactics of use, has already been tested and painted on all chains of combat order, is this already happening in practice? of course, of course, because firstly, it saves ammunition, which is not very much anyway, there is a shortage of them. for defense, it is not enough for certain offensive actions, it allows it, but how does the tactic itself work? first he takes off on his own a drone that observes directly behind the leading edge, behind the leading edge and behind the depth, that is, the enemy's rear. further it is already determined, the more expedient to hit, the more accurately, that is, it is not about the number of tasks performed, as it
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was written in soviet books. that there, for example, at one platoon support point there , roughly speaking, 200 ammunitions were brought out, 580, yes, well, roughly speaking, in general, eh, but simply there is there, for example, either a group of infantry, or that the same is the armored vehicle, which is more expedient to hit either with one drone, or there, with a certain amount of ammunition, i.e.... this is an elementary economy and an elementary, elementary effect on quality, not on quantity, and of course all this is prescribed in orders, that is, in the management chain, which acts directly through the management bodies, but when the weather conditions are bad, when it snows , wind, does this mean that artillery, mortars and
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guns come to the fore then, and drones are already in... ordinary roles, well, mortars, i will say that in 60% mortars are like the main, the main tool of the commander of the infantry battalion of any kind, that is motorized infantry mechanized battalion, they are 60% used regardless of the weather, that is, by some groups of infantry dismantling dugouts, certain goals for achieving tactical success for the day, the weather with... affects, and if we see that there is an opportunity to raise a drone and to use a drone , we usually use it, because at the moment drones are a more accurate weapon, and the point is that yes, there are very few of them, there are not enough of them, and we are trying to open fees for drones there, somehow to provide more, but if there is no such possibility, then...
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we have to use a certain amount of ammunition for certain tactical actions there, repelling an assault, for example, or supporting our infantry in defense. mr. andries, do you use any foreign models of mortars or guns there, because why am i asking about this, now there are many publications in the foreign press that there is a heavy load on these foreign products, and the question of maintenance, repair, spare parts and so on arises. how do you deal with it in... based on your practice of using mortars and guns there, if we take from practice, yes, of course we have a larger number, so to speak , of the soviet fleet, barrel guns, and in a smaller number, although we definitely studied and used on such guns as the three sevens, on such guns as the fn-70 our guys worked, then ... er, yes, their, their
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guns were not like the soviet ones to begin with, yes, they said that the soviet ones hit the sledgehammer and it shoots, er, they have them, yes, they need maintenance, a certain, certain, certain temperature affects them, er, there are many, there were such nuances that had to be done already in the practice of hostilities in our realities, in our conditions, to tighten up, as they say, the finishing touches of the field. and you will be happy, and in principle, yes, here are the moments that needed to be finished, we adapted them to our conditions, and the number of guns, which at first was somewhat out of order, at the moment works perfectly, like a song, that is, as on accuracy, as well as endurance, is much better in some cases.


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