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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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of course, mr. vladyslav, thank you, vlad makhovskyi, a volunteer about the situation in avdiivka and how the last residents of the city have to be taken out under fire. now is the time of news and khrystyna parobii already has a selection of the most recent and most important information for the moment. christina, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you, i will tell you the new details of the night attack of the russians in a moment, please wait. espresso news. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. at night, the rashists attacked ukraine with 20 shaheds. 19 were destroyed by our defenders of the sky over zaporizhia, mykolaiv, odesa, dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad regions. - said the air force
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of ukraine. the enemy launched drones from the primorsko-akhtarsk region in russia. and the number of victims as a result of the large-scale russian attack on kharkiv has increased. at the moment , 19 are known. one woman is in serious condition. a total of 14 people are in the hospital - reported the mayor of the city igor terekhov. at night , russian terrorists fired s-300 missiles at kholodnohirsky district. kharkiv street. as a result of the hits, the medical clinic was destroyed. this is a private institution, there is no one there at night was also ponivychy for the building of a communal facility, at least 10 residential buildings and 14 cars. the headquarters of assistance to the victims was deployed in the city. these are the people who were at the epicenter of the explosions. these are people who were on the street at the time of the explosion, as well as in the building. she was seriously affected by night attacks.
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odesa three people were injured. over the region , our air defense forces shot down 11 shaheds. most of the drones fell into the water, the southern defense forces said. drones flew at a critically low altitude from the black sea. on alas, there is also destruction. in the primorskyi district , several high-rise buildings, shops, and cars were damaged by debris from the shahed. rescuers evacuated 130 people. from artillery. the russians hit nikopol and marhanets in the dnipropetrovsk region. fortunately, people were not injured, - said the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak. air defense forces also shot down three shahedis over the dnipropetrovsk region. twice during the night it was loud in the belgorod region of russia. at first , the local air defense allegedly shot down seven rockets, the vilkha rocket salvo system and four drones. eventually destroyed. two more
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drones and four rockets, the russian ministry of defense said. according to governor vyacheslav gladkov, the residential sector was damaged, one of the villages was without electricity, and no one was injured. and operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 98 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the russians are advancing in the liman direction, where the defense forces repelled 11 attacks nearby. terniv, yampolivka and torskyi, another 17 near makiivka and bilogorivka. the occupiers do not stop trying to surround the audience. there, our defenders repelled 35 assaults of the russians, and another 17 were repelled in the mariinsky direction. in the kherson direction, the russians tried to attack our positions six times. ukrainian soldiers gave a worthy rebuff. our aircraft struck the area where the occupiers were concentrated. rocket and gunners hit the concentration area.
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personnel, two control points and two warehouses with munitions of brain cells. 40 long-range scalp missiles and several hundred bombs are transferred to ukraine by france. new military aid should arrive soon for weeks this was announced by emmanuel macron. the french president also announced his visit to ukraine in february to conclude a bilateral agreement on security guarantees. espresso tv channel is starting a new collection for our defenders. soldiers of the rvp of the legendary 95th separate amphibious assault brigade need a cargo bus mercedes springter. the defenders use the vehicle to deliver ammunition to the settlements as soon as possible, which destroy the russian invaders and their armored vehicles. our goal is uah 2,000. get involved, your help is extremely important.
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after all, any donation will help buy a car for our defenders. you can see all the details on the screen. i wish you health. we, the soldiers of the 95th brigade, are asking for help. with donations for the collection of beads for our unit, now is a very difficult period at the front, not only because of the advance of the vorks, not only because of their pressure, the weather you understand, you see for yourself, the machines break down very quickly, but we have to work, we have to defend the homeland, we do everything for this, we ask you to help us, help volunteers, glory to ukraine, heroes, presidents of ukraine. and of poland held a meeting during the economic forum in the swiss port - the office of the head of state informs. they discussed further defense support for ukraine and coordinated joint positions on the eve of the washington nato summit. andrzej duda assured volodymyr zelenskyi that poland's policy
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towards ukraine will be stable and will continue to be aimed at support. he also informed that in a few days the country's prime minister donald tusk is going to kyiv. there is good news from the ukrainian-polish border: protesters have unblocked the checkpoint until rogus hours. the night before , the polish carriers ended their protest. registration and clearance of ukrainian trucks is carried out as usual. this was reported in the state border service. let me remind you that this was the last of the blocked checkpoints. earlier , ukrainian border guards reported on the recovery. of full-time work in korchów krakowiec and hrybeny raviruska. the earthly ways of the heavenly hundred. such an exhibition was presented in the capital in honor of the ten-year anniversary of the revolution of dignity. this is an exhibition about people
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who came out to protest, about who they were and what brought them to the maidan. we will tell more about the exhibition in the story below. 10 years ago, the civic feat of the heroes of the heavenly hundred. changed the course of the revolution of dignity and history of ukraine. the main exhibition in their honor is personal belongings that belonged to the participants of the maidan. therefore, there are a lot of things here that tell about the formation, about the earthly ways of the heavenly hundred before, the events of the maidan and during the maidan, those things that were with them in the last moment, on the last day, these are armor their, protective, are clothes, articles of clothing, bandages. the exhibition is built according to the chronological principle, it begins with an event. revolutions on granite, as some heroes of the heavenly hundred began their civil activities even there. the exposition ends with the events of the full-scale invasion of russia and the figures of those maidan residents who gave their lives in the modern war. and we wanted to outline each person separately and
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show what exactly brought this person out of the maidan, what was his life, what were his values, what were his aspirations, what did these people dream about? each stand is someone's. and history anastasia is from lviv, her father went to kyiv to the maidan when the girl was 10 years old. as the girl says, her father was outraged by the beating of the students, because at that time his eldest daughter was studying at the university. the man was a participant of the maidan from the first days and was killed by a sniper's bullet on february 20. it was something so extremely strange, i tried to ask him and i will visit it all. and he tried to somehow explain it to me, not in great detail, because only to me. was 10 years old, and he all the time repeated one phrase: that all these people stand for my future, this is such a phrase that 10 years have passed, i will probably never forget it. the exhibition is currently being held at the kyiv history museum and will last until february 25. so take this opportunity and come
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learn more about those people who selflessly fought for our freedom 10 years ago. yulia zubchenko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. russians no longer dictate to the world. in europe , record low gas prices were recorded at the height of the heating season. this is reported by one thing from the austrian zmi. the cost of blue fuel has dropped to €30 per megawatt. this is almost half of the figures at the beginning of 2023 . let me remind you that most european countries have given up importing russian gas thanks to the construction of terminals on the german coast. and despite all predictions, they pay a much lower price than before a full-scale russian invasion. we will meet with you already at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, more
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ater will be continued by my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, do not switch, stay with the espresso team. we're back, thanks for watching espresso, thanks for donating, but i'll remind you. that the fan club of kubzon has increased by 730 active good russians during this day, well , it is normal, i think that compared to the previous days it is not much, but it shows that it is possible that it is a little easier for our defenders at the front, on the other hand, it is not at all easier for our air defense, our air defense service, that night kharkiv region and odesa region were under attack, pro we have already spoken in odesa, and we know that a large number of people, approximately 130 people, were evacuated. several people needed medical help, the situation is a little worse, unfortunately, in kharkiv, the consequences of the shelling of kharkiv, now
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we are showing it, about 19 houses were damaged, they are already writing about 20 multi-apartment residential buildings, the damaged premises of a private medical institution were also destroyed, destroyed by the enemy 14 cars and 17 people were injured, most of them need actual medical help in the hospital. institutions, and another 30 people were evacuated emergency workers, we thank them for this, and a little later we will discuss in more detail what is happening in kharkiv and kharkiv region, now we will talk about civilians, about those who need civilian protection during the war, but for now we will move on to this topic , we will remind you of what i want to remind you about the collection. it is really very, very important for the kamikaze drones. we are currently collecting 5 million, a very large amount, but do not let it scare you,
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because any amount is lifting, if you regularly donate even small amounts, and if a large number of people do this at the same time, i.e. if 5 million ukrainians donate just 1 hryvnia each today, then we will close the collection in a day, and i am convinced that most of us can transfer more than a hryvnia to these accounts that you now you see on the screen, well , we have information from... the naval forces, that despite the winter sea in the black sea , there are four russian ships, among them one carrier of cruise missiles, and this is about the caliber, and the caliber is dangerous, and there is a general sortie there there can be up to eight missiles, in the sea of ​​azov too one enemy ship and, well, everything else is floating somewhere in the mediterranean sea, reports say they don't risk shooting, they don't risk shooting and they can't eventually get into the middle of... dark in black, they just physically don't have that opportunity, so in the end ,
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the first shot, and they will receive a response from all the nato ships, in particular, which are nearby, and i see that during that time they are spreading the next thoughts of the krem dictator as much as possible in the enemy territory, he is the first to continue this rant. to tell the story, no, he begins to tell how foreigners from all countries of the world flee en masse from gender-equal toilets and all flee somewhere to russia, and he believes in this holiday, because he talks about it, besides, it is his the statement that these territories, which we call occupied, dictator putin calls conquered lands and does not even consider , in the event of any... development of the situation, the conversation about their return, conquered means ours,
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that is what putin emphasized, before things, for the first time publicly at this meeting, which everyone now in russia it is being quoted as his reaction to davos, to the so-called peace formula that andriy yermak and zelenskyi are discussing at various venues, the most extreme was before davos and during davos. i think we will talk about it today, well, here in general, a lot of news comes to us from europe and not only from davos, also important matters are being decided in strasbourg now, we know that a little bit, this is probably not an incident, but everything is fine there is a nuance with the fact that charles michel seems to have fallen ill and did not come to strasbourg, only ursula will pretend to be everyone funderlajen, but... it looks like the europeans are aiming to reach an agreement, remove hungary from the opportunity to vote and
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block any aid to ukraine, so we will also watch for that today , we will talk about it, because orbán has allies there, like we predicted, populists appeared and putin, versteier, fitso , united with orbán, in this case , depriving hungary of the right to vote may still not be a sufficient step in order to... block this long-term aid to ukraine for 50 billion euros, we will keep an eye on it, until things, even during our broadcast we will be able to show something, maybe ms. ursula will even appear in our frame, but for now... serhii dyoma, senior adviser on military issues, is in touch with us, this is the center for civilians in conflict, center for the protection of civilians. mr. serhiy, we welcome you, good morning to everyone, what kind of national strategy is this, and explain in general what it means, this is the protection of civilians in the form of some doctrines,
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in one word, tell more, explain more, yes. here the main thing is not to be confused with civil protection, when there are wars, fires, and so on, this very direction of protection of the civilian population in armed conflicts is precisely aimed at protecting all civilians, including you and me during war, during armed conflicts, and this politics, it exists at the level above. every year the secretary general of the un announces his special speeches for the countries, members of the un to adopt such policies or strategies or doctrines, if you like, in this direction, this is a set of measures for that civilians are protected precisely during an armed conflict, during a war. and what
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is different, you emphasized that there is a difference between protecting the civilian population, for example. during a flood, during a fire, during some natural disasters, and in the case of war, we understand that a threat from other people and a threat from nature are different things, and when it comes to protection, what is the difference, the difference is because war is when some people kill others, and this is a terrible event, and it is during war that such situations occur when people die from... the use, so to speak, of explosive weapons, when many people die, when it is caused by the ill will of other people, precisely for this since the mid-90s, it was such an ingrained separate direction in order for all countries to realize the need for concentration of efforts in this direction, and this became
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the impetus of the events in srebrenica. in bosnia at the time, when people died in a targeted killing campaign, and the events in rwanda, and then it became clear that the existing legal framework, international humanitarian law, was insufficient the need for actions in order to protect civilians during hostilities, and this is work that is mostly carried out with the military, we, for example, my... organization works with the armed forces of ukraine, with other security sectors, about the sector, the security sector and of defense, so that all these men who hold arms in their hands will be made aware of how they can better protect civilians in wartime. but i still don't understand, it's
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a certain strategy, certain achievements, but they were written. in principle, based on those conflicts that have been observed recently, and none of these conflicts even came close to the intensity of the russian-ukrainian war, because it is commensurate in terms of artillery and explosives with the first world war with the second world war in terms of destruction, and in terms of the component its aerial drones and missiles, that's all. a unique experience and what can be predicted here, since no one has encountered it, how can it be prescribed and how will it help save lives on such a scale, er, precisely the scale, of war in ukraine, and before the full-scale invasion, and
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especially after february 24, became the basis for... this strategy became very urgent, because this knowledge and these mechanisms for the military to be better trained, how to use weapons, so that civilians were not affected by this, what to do in those cases when mass shelling occurs, just in our conditions, when simple application is truly unprecedented. missiles, aviation, absolutely all types of weapons that can lead to the mass death of civilians, therefore it is these... this strategy becomes very urgent, it covers several areas that should be addressed both at
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the highest strategic level, and this, as i said, and training, these are certain areas of activity for other structures, in order to , so that, for example, the national guard knows what to do in such cases when it adds... to hostilities, what actions are there for civilian structures, for military administrations, for such structures as the state emergency service, for example, they are all part of system, because if, for example, we imagine what we have the case when, i don't know, there is shelling in sumy oblast , a populated place on the border, and civilians are injured, for this , a lot of different structures need to be involved, and the military, who are right there on the border, and the same border guards, and so on, and therefore in
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our circumstances it takes on an even greater urgency, in addition to another important aspect, if our country cannot demonstrate high standards for the protection of the civilian population, for example, in the use of weapons that are supplied. to us , our western partners, it can become problem, it can become an obstacle if , for example, the means that have been supplied to us cause civilian casualties, but doesn't that mean that in executing such strategies, executing, we are actually doing it unilaterally, we none, none so this strategy will not affect ways and traditions. hostilities on the part of the russian-fascist occupier, they always had this tradition of bombardment, the question of protecting civilians
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was never raised there, you can ask anyone, even in grozny itself, which was leveled with the land, we can see this exactly on the example of our cities, starting from mariupol, does it not turn out that we will block this strategy even for ourselves the possibility of striking the temporarily occupied, or on the territory of the russian federation, from where massive shelling is carried out and missile strikes. well, it works just the opposite. the more we strengthen our own legitimacy, the more we strengthen our post, our status as a democratic country that protects civilians, the more it strengthens our defense capability, including. strengthens our trust of the civilian population, which is currently in the occupied territory, that it will not become a victim of a military conflict, it is up to us
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to do our own thing, but that russia violates any e-e rules, any rules of waging war, any provisions of international humanitarian law rights are not a state. not unpunished, it will still become the basis for the fact that they will not be able to achieve the final goal of the conflict, the final goal of their special military operation, because the legitimacy is fundamentally undermined, and there is a lot of even this evidence base, which collect for us in ukraine, abroad, which will eventually become such, a very big factor in order to, for example, not agree to the fact
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that the territorial integrity of ukraine is violated, so that this does not happen, we yesterday, we only had yesterday the confirmation of your vision and your words in practice is when our defenders from the donetsk settlement of new york, through which... you are flying, bombing, and it is civilians, told that through binoculars you can clearly see the temporarily occupied horlivka on the other side, where absolutely no destruction of residential buildings , including multi-apartment buildings, unlike new york, that is, what you talked about, it was visualized in us yesterday exactly along the lines, the occupiers and our armed forces and the methods of introducing and fighting and protecting civilians. thank you very much. for the conversation, this is serhii dyoma, the senior adviser on military issues, the center for the protection of civilians, he was with us, we have a short pause, after which we will move to this very ... that
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section of the front that i just mentioned, that is, the bahamian direction is yes, and we will talk also about drones, so while there's a pause, you have the opportunity to comment on the drones we're currently collecting. hello, woman, what to do when the liver wakes up? alohol should be taken, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol with worries. and respect for the liver and gall bladder. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on mega. there are discounts on ice cream. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. krata contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves
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we turned to the state bureau of investigation regarding their explanations, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shostrova on the espresso tv channel on thursday, january 18 at 5:45 p.m. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. we are back in the aether. thanks for watching the press release. in communication with us, the sergeant of anti-shock unmanned aircraft complexes achilles of the 92nd separate assault unit. brigades named after koshovo otaman, ivan sirko, oles malyarevich, whom we congratulate. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i wish you health. mr. volos, what do you have as of today in the bakhmut direction? why am i asking, because the day before i just heard this from several people already, and from before kame in these areas, well, it is possible to win much smaller
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territories. than we are forced to surrender to the enemy , some kind of negative dynamics, and i cannot verify this, as they say, i shake my head, i will listen to what you say in your direction, how does it look, there is an advance of enemy troops, the 92nd separate assault brigade is working on in the bakhmut direction in the south of bakhmut, for a long time, our line of responsibility is andriivka, and the enemy constantly, well, continues to carry out offensive actions every day, trying to... regain the position lost in the fall, but no territorial there are no tactical successes, i.e., in this area, the defense line is holding firm, ugh, it’s really true that they have become much more active and there to our left, our neighboring brigade also put a lot of pressure on it, but our brigade came to help and that the question was resolved, then the day before yesterday there was a battle, nine units of equipment were destroyed only by our unit, sir?


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