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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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the ukrainian war. we remember all the dead civilians and soldiers, all our defenders. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is oleg galiv, and then we will talk about the most important thing. damage to civilian infrastructure and at least 17 injured. russian forces attacked. it was previously known that they were hit with s-300 missiles. we will talk with the authorities about the current situation in the city. the war will end with a just peace and stable peace. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy made a special address at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland. in it, he mentioned putin a lot, in particular stating that the ukrainian people will never forgive the russian president and all those who sponsored terrorism. i will tell you the main thing from zelenskyi's speech. the members
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of the bigusinfo team were allegedly monitored for about a year, probably looking for ways to discredit the editorial office, the author and founder of the investigative project said in response to a video from networks, where, as indicated, journalists seem to use prohibited narcotic substances. the ukrainian media came out in support of their colleagues, calling such actions pressure and demanding that the authorities react, so are they really trying to put pressure on independent journalists and who can be behind it? your v... likes, shares and comments are important, so share this video with your friends. tonight , the russian army attacked odesa with attack drones, civilian objects, such as residential buildings and shops, were damaged by drone debris. the city authorities inform about at least three wounded. rescuers evacuated more than 130 people from the houses where the fires started.
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in the primorsky district , a gas pipe, balconies caught fire, facades were destroyed, cars were destroyed, and windows in apartments were damaged by the blast wave. the southern defense forces noted that 11 drones were shot down on the way to the coast in odesa. the vast majority fell into the sea. already in the morning in the odesa region, the air alarm sounded again. radio svoboda correspondent in odesa, kateryna bankova, is in touch with us. katya, my greetings, is there any updated data in...
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oleg, i congratulate you, i am now near those houses that were affected by the drone attack at night, fortunately there are no victims, and the number of victims has not changed, now we know about three people, two are all i had to go to the hospital, but one of them was treated right on the spot, almost the entire block was affected... the block is a residential block in the middle of the city, here the houses were also affected by the impact, as well as shops, and cars were burnt, let me tell you now i will show the consequences, you can see what is here there is simply no glass in this building, and the house behind me was the most affected , now i hope you can see that the apartment here is completely burned out, because the balconies are literally black, and it was broken...
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balcony structures, the locals also said that doors and walls were damaged in them, and also say. to the fact that there is no heating, no gas, all because of the fact that the gas pipe and heat supply were interrupted, utility workers are currently working on the site, removing the consequences of the enemy attack, removing the glass and structures that were hit, and also the locals are also cleaning, and there is still an operational headquarters on the spot, they are collecting data from the local residents in order to later be able to give them... return the money, so that they make repairs in their apartments, and now they have to make a film so that people close windows, to at least temporarily close the houses from precipitation, also burned out in the yard of the car, i
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saw at least four, it seems that they are completely destroyed, they are absolutely beyond repair, and also, how are you, oleg... i remembered that there was a noise in the morning air alarm, for now there is no official information about the consequences or about the beating, we are waiting to see how something will turn out, we will definitely inform you, i have already talked to the residents, people are recovering from the shock, i suggest you listen to the direct speech now, people came out into the street, here are the firemen, there was a fire, they started to see which of the neighbors are there, because there are also older people, disabled people...
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apparently, i don't know, even, and then they ran out into the street, who ran where, it's just that we didn't know where our children were. thank you, katya, kateryna bankova, rfe/rl correspondent from odesa about the consequences of the actual shots of russian forces in one of the high-rise buildings and in general what is happening in the city now. thank you, katya. well, russian troops struck a residential building in the center of kharkiv, the mayor of kharkiv, ihor terekhov, said. as of now , we know about at least. 17 injured, two of them in serious condition. 19 houses were damaged and 14 cars were destroyed. as of seven in the morning , emergency services were still on the scene. earlier, kharkiv was fired at by s-300 missiles from the russian belgorod. ivan sokol,
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director of the department of civil protection the kharkiv regional military administration is currently joining our broadcast. my greetings to you. good morning. please tell us everything you know about the attack on kharkiv hundred. for now, how many victims are there, what is their condition, and has all work been completed at the place where it happened? well, regarding the situation that was yesterday, at 9:47 p.m. the enemy insidiously launched two missile strikes on the center of kharkiv, 19 houses were damaged, which were correctly indicated, more than 30 people were evacuated from their places of residence, injured at 8 o'clock in the morning there was information about... 17 people injured, two people in serious condition, two, two people were given help on the spot, so at this moment we have information about 14 also injured cars, and the previous one was a rocket attack
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c300, what is currently happening on the spot, exactly where it all happened, is the liquidation of the consequences ongoing, tell me about this, yes, at the moment the communal services... are working, the emergency services are working, the liquidation of the consequences of the armed attack is still ongoing, but regarding the victims , this is already the final conditional version, that is, there is no such thing that may still appear , whether there may still be casualties, you know , i would like to hope that yes, that this is the final version, but we can finally say only after the elimination of the consequences, eh, please tell me more there is one question, it will concern the evacuation of two communities in fact, this is the kupyan district, which was announced the day before, where mandatory evacuation was introduced, why... just now and what is it connected with? is due to the fact that we unfortunately have cases because the tendency to that the enemy began to strike more often with artillery weapons, with mortars, with mortars, also with rockets and very insidiously
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with kababs on the specified settlements, unfortunately, there are cases when civilians suffer , therefore... the head of the local administration, the evacuation commission was a decision was made regarding the implementation of mandatory evacuation. the indicated mandatory evacuation extends to 27 settlements of two communities of the specified district, in which , according to our data, 3,043 citizens of ukraine and 279 children currently live. evacuation of in principle , we have already developed a procedure that has been carried out for a long time. we carry out an evacuation and through the notified population through the hotline
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, through the local authorities, the population also has the opportunity to contact the hotline, applications are accepted, after these applications , each application is processed individually and people are evacuated, is it already possible to get the first number of actual evacuations from these two communities, which was announced the day before that they had begun evacuation, how many people have already managed to evacuate, as of yesterday... only two people were evacuated there, but as of this morning we had about 70 applications only to the hotline, so now we are working on it and will make decisions about evacuation, work among the population is being carried out and those who are willing have been added, after more frequent shelling of the territory, more and more . if we take examples of those regions, where already? evacuation was announced, we know cases when people refuse to evacuate, is there such
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a story in this particular case and how do those who refuse to evacuate justify their actions? unfortunately, there are such cases where people refuse, unfortunately, there are such cases that the enemy is generally here under populated areas, people refuse to evacuate and at the moment force them in a legal way. in fact, it is not possible, therefore, well, this does not apply, of course , to children under 18 years old, regarding children, we will observe the evacuation trend, regarding children, er, it is quite possible that a decision will be made, in case of deterioration of the situation, a decision will be made regarding the forced evacuation of children with one of their parents or with a dependent paternity by law, that is, it is necessarily a non-forced evacuation. if, for example, a person who has already turned 18 years old wants to refuse evacuation, he simply
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signs the relevant document and thus does not leave the place where he is, so we select applications, we select applications with everyone, in fact with every citizen who lives in the area , in which the evacuation is announced, local authorities are working , and in fact each person has an understanding of whether he will evacuate or whether he intends to. stay here, but to each a person is informed that he can evacuate at any moment, while still taking advantage of the opportunity, i want to draw attention to the fact that i am asking you to use the opportunity to evacuate, to really do it in advance, so that, unfortunately, we do not have such cases that in at the last moment, people are calling and asking to help us, and it's a shame, but we already have half of them . the people who conducted the evacuation, the volunteers, there is a tragic case, there are deaths, due to the fact that people applied for
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evacuation too late, and unfortunately, during the evacuation, they came under enemy fire and died. thank you, mr. ivan, for the information, ivan sokol, director of the department of civil protection of the kharkiv regional military administration , about the mandatory evacuation of two more communities in the kharkiv region, as well as about the shelling of kharkiv, which took place the day before. france is preparing to transfer an additional 40 long-range scalp missiles, hundreds of bombs and caesar self-propelled artillery systems. this was stated by french president emmanuel macron during a press conference with foreign journalists at the elysee palace in paris. he says that now work continues on the preparation of an agreement on security guarantees for ukraine, similar to the one signed by kyiv and london on january 12. the french president emphasized that europe must guarantee ukraine's ability to defend itself against russian aggression and announces. his visit to kyiv already in february. we are going to make new deliveries of about 40
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scalp missiles and several hundred bombs, which our ukrainian friends are waiting for. we have also ramped up production within this war economy to be able to provide much more equipment to our ukrainian partners, including caesar's artillery mounts, which are expected and much needed. in this way , we are going to help ukraine meet its training needs. in... keeping the front lines and protecting the airspace with the supplies i just talked about and the new deals we're finalizing. i will add that france has already delivered 50 skalt missiles. in the summer of 2023, macron announced their transfer during the nato summit on july 11. these missiles are capable of hitting targets located at a distance of 500 km, but those missiles that ukraine received were modified and they have a range of 250 km. meanwhile, russian troops managed to advance in the area of ​​kremina and bakhmut.
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this is stated in the latest report of the american institute for the study of war. analysts write that there are geolocation shots that point to pro'. of the army of the russian federation to the north of the settlement of dibrova is the southern flank of kreminnaya. analysts of the institute for the study of war also report a slight advance of russian troops in the bakhmud direction north of the settlement tick according to their data, positional battles continue along the entire front line. i will add that russian forces are trying to advance west from bakhmut in the direction of the city of chasiv, with the aim of reaching kramatorsk, slovyansk, druzhkivka and kostiantynivka, the commander said. of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. in these minutes, ivan karychevskyi, an expert of defense-express, joins our broadcast. congratulations. good morning. thanks for joining in, there are many topics i would like to discuss, i would probably start from the fact that president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy should have received a message from us president joe biden in davos with a call
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to go on the defensive in vinny. this was stated by bloomberg. how can you even comment on such information and about which. it is about defense, i.e. how should it look in practice? and you know, it is difficult to comment on, let's say, firstly , foreign policy news, since it is a little bit not my profile, and secondly, it is difficult to comment, that is, to miss how it might look, what it should look like, if it is already it looks like, well, we are not actually conducting offensive actions now, let's say, the priority of the defense forces of ukraine, it manifests itself precisely in holding positions. let's say, even more successfully than the institute of russian telegram writes in its daily summaries, perhaps, but if there are any nuances about the fact that there may be different signals from western partners, then it is rather that we refrain from attempts of intercessory actions in 2024, well, because if we proceed from the logic demonstrated there
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western analysts, or even those who were not shamed, let's say... that 's what the ministry of defense of estonia wrote in their analytical report at the end of december last year, they proceed from the fact that we need a fairly significant time of one or two years, to teach how to attack on a large scale, and not by such small assault groups, i am just now , just in case, retelling only the logic by which our western partners can move , trying, let's say, to dictate other messages, but what the heck.. so that specifically there, someone should convey something in davos and the like, i repeat, my profile cannot comment, because technically speaking, i am not competent here. regarding the fact that france will transfer missiles to ukraine, we also know that the next meeting will take place in the rensheim format on january 23, and it will also take place virtually. what do you think the priority issues could be at this
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meeting and what could it be about, that is , possibly about what kind of supply, what type of weapons for ukraine. hmm, we are now basically in that one situations when we have to restart the romshtein format, that is, if we thought so, but i remember just a year ago there were popular jokes, hey, hey, hey, it’s the same, well, in style, that it’s exactly like a show in the style of the german show of the same name sextet, and something like this should definitely be poured in there, if the head is collapsing there, unfortunately, in a year the realities have changed, and let's remember that there were no remshtein meetings, it seems , for four months, it seems that the last one was in september, maybe after ... please now according to the chronology, i think someone will fix it, but it hasn’t been for a long time, so the format will obviously have to be restarted for some such and such things, you shouldn’t even hope there, because you know, it’s better to have some low expectations, then it’s nice to be surprised, than high expectations, then such ops, and on emotional swings, all the more so that once it got to that point,
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it is necessary to detail that there even these colleagues of yours pointed out that there is much more besides rockets, bombs and caesar, france is going to... to give, but the nuance is that caesar, we want to buy from them, the ministry of defense of ukraine emphasized in the official resources that if a certain payment and the like and the like were being prepared there, that is , interesting nuances are already beginning, and also, by the way, with regard to the supplies there, which is exactly what is needed we are already talking about the french, air force commander olyschuk said in a recent briefing that it would not be ruled out that the mirage 2000 actions could supplement the 124 . two different missiles, and accordingly, well, it is possible. our request for the network of 2000 actions will be declared, but whether it will be officially satisfied in some way is an open question, but we do not have much time, but there are still many topics, so
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that we do not focus on this one in more detail, which also need to be discussed, for for example, putin's statement yesterday that russia was apparently ready for negotiations, but boris johnson came to ukraine and convinced the ukrainian authorities not to take this step, putin said this at a meeting with the heads of municipal entities of russia federations, that is, municipal subjects, then russia... is concerned about the issue of negotiations as of now, that putin has stated this again, or is it for this, for which this statement was made from your point of view, again? well , foreign policy issues, unfortunately, are my profile, and i, as far as you can remember, are exactly those specialists who are trying to get into putin's head. well, let's go then, i'll reformat your profile this question. would negotiations be necessary for russia now, given the situation on the battlefield? given that that russia... within the framework, let's say, did not abandon the gerasimov doctrine, which provides for a combination of military tools and non-military ones as well, well, you know, for them
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the question is to end the war with some kind of large-scale operation with results for themselves and then go to the so-called political settlement, for them this issue is not removed from the agenda, if, of course, we literally proceed from the concept of gerasimov's doctrine, which is still alive and well in them and gerasim himself. apparently , he is still alive and well in the post of chief of the general staff of the russian armed forces federation. and from the same statements of putin yesterday , it follows that it is impossible to give up the so-called conquests made by the russian federation during the full-scale war against ukraine. and in the same statement , he said that everyone in kyiv and in the west seems to understand this. so does the russian federation have anything to do with the russian army to hold those territories, for example, that were captured by the russian federation. by russian forces until now, and if so, then this means that the kremlin sees this war as very, very long, that's right, but if it's easy to get out
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literally from military foundations , it turns out like this, because we can talk as much as we want about what kind of russian kit, for example, in terms of equipment, but in our country , to put it mildly, the lag is more significant, let's say, in terms of the amount of available equipment, plus the russians managed to build 600 km of fortifications, and such a density that there... literally tactical nuclear weapons are needed, because otherwise you cannot overcome it quickly, so the russians can obviously estimate that they can get what they they call, well, realities on the ground mr. ivan, and here at the end , literally minutes and seconds, we have 40 left, i would like to hear your position regarding the incident, which has been discussed so much, but the final version has not been found and it has not been agreed upon neither in expert circles, nor officials, it is about the destruction itself. of the russian a50 aircraft, to which version do you lean, taking into account the information that is publicly available and the information, perhaps, that you have, this is what happened, it was definitely not friendly
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fire, because the russians managed to clean it up, but what looked like a planted il-22, it was a downed il-22 in april 2022, in principle, this is such a specific story that if the partisans suddenly aimed at the il-22, but we managed to forget about it and they googled some soviet ... bomber of the late 1940s, as to what they could shoot it down with, given the specifics of the options, i would basically pretend that i don't know anything, and probably they just fell under the influence of the earth's gravity, so they had such a sloppy satire to zadorny about airplanes i was joking, the plane fell, heavier than air, but something happened to them with the a50, that we are heavier than air, fell, because neither the f16, nor other conspiracy versions here are hardly proof, hardly. may take place, i thank you for your analysis, as always interesting, ivan krychevskyi, defense express expert, guest of our broadcast about the war and surrounding military issues, spoke with him. to the viewers
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of svoboda ranok, thank you for watching and trusting our team, write topics that interest you in the comments, maybe they will become the topics of our next ones broadcasts, well, don't miss the next one in the broadcast. the war will end in a just and stable peace, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi spoke to the world. economic forum in davos, switzerland, with a special address, in which he mentioned putin a lot, in particular, saying that the ukrainian people will never forgive the russian president and all those who sponsored terrorism. i will tell the main thing from zelenskyi's speech below. the members of the bigusinfo team were allegedly monitored for about a year, probably looking for ways to discredit the editorial office, about this was stated by the author and founder of the investigative project, reacting to a video from the network where, as indicated, journalists seem to be using prohibited narcotic substances. ukrainian media came to the support of their colleagues, calling such actions pressure and demanding from the authorities to respond, whether they are really trying to put pressure on independent journalists and who could be behind it. everyone will like yours. and every
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comment is a plus in the piggy bank of ukrainian-language youtube, so please comment, distribute and share this video with your friends. personal negotiations and public message to the world, volodymyr zelenskyy reported positive signals regarding the prospects of western support, which is currently delayed. i said this when i met separately with top american and european officials in davos, and from the podium of the prestigious forum, the ukrainian president emphasized that preparations should be made for defense. not only to ukraine, whether the frozen conflict can turn out in his opinion and what it can turn out to be, what are the chances of further financing of ukraine's military needs by washington. i collected the main things from davos radio liberty correspondent, zoryana stepanenko. with europe, the united states, china, but without russia. this is the geographical composition of the participants of this year's davos forum. traditionally a big event for political and business people from all over the world.
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although russia in one way or another the essence of the agenda was managed and because of the war unleashed on the european continent. the international community is considering how to bring its completion closer. volodymyr zelenskyy believes that the only way is to put more pressure on russia. from the tribune he scolded the west for weak sanctions, that they did not stop russian missile production, and for trying to avoid escalation, he said, it cost ukraine time and many lives of experienced military personnel, the ukrainian president warned, and from the idea of ​​stopping only hostilities. any frozen conflict will eventually flare up again after 2014 there were attempts to freeze the war in donbas, there were very influential guarantors of this process, but putin is a predator who is not satisfied with a frozen product and we need to protect ourselves, our children, our homes, our lives , and we can do it. for leadership of ukraine at the davos forum is an opportunity to regain the attention of partners and
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fight against... for military and financial aid that has been delayed in recent months, how to overcome these challenges, what is happening on the front lines and what the plan is, sensitive issues zelensky discussed separately with top officials and nato and the united states in particular, where more than 60 billion dollars for ukraine's military needs are waiting for the approval of congress. we are determined to ensure our support for ukraine and are working very closely with congress to do so. i know that our european colleagues are doing the same, so by achieving military success against this russian attack, you are also building a ukraine for the future that can stand firmly on its feet militarily, economically and democratically. in brussels, 50 billion euros of macro-finance for ukraine is being held hostage by viktor orbán, and eu leaders will try to break through the hungarian blockade on this issue on february 1, for this purpose they are gathering for an extraordinary summit. prospects for.
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zelenskyi discussed these funds with the president of the european commission, and agreed on the next steps on ukraine's path to the eu, in particular, the beginning of the screening of ukrainian legislation for its compliance with european legislation. ursula fondeen said from the podium that ukraine can win under the conditions of stable assistance from partners in 2024 and beyond. russia is failing to achieve its strategic goals. this is primarily a military failure. russia's failure is also economic. sanctions cut off its economy from modern technology and innovation. now russia depends on china. and all this tells us that ukraine can win this war, but we must continue to strengthen their resistance. after talks with officials from brussels and washington, zelensky expressed optimism about further support. the intrigue , however, remains around the chinese delegation and its plans to talk and clarify in davos.
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the role of beijing's intentions in russia's war against ukraine, in china they call it the ukrainian crisis, both the ukrainian side and its partners would like. no probability of such meetings is confirmed, but neither is it denied, at least not yet. zoryana stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio svoboda. ruslan ocypenko, diplomat, international expert, joins our broadcast, i congratulate you. congratulations. thank you for joining. well, the new york times writes that although the topic of war... was noticeable, it actually did not dominate the udavosi forum, and they say that officials and businessmen publicly and privately insisted on a diplomatic end to the war. and what is your impression of the forum in general, and the ukrainian issue in particular? positive impressions about statements made by leaders at the forum and around the forum in europe in particular. i see unfolding of the trend that started back in december, when the european council gave the green light.


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