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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EET

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of the entire soviet union, 700,000 people , the western group, the army, which had started its echelons from germany, was in ukraine . should talk about it, thank you, our time is up, thank you to ivan stupak, military expert, and actually, our espresso broadcast continues, news on espresso, well, we will meet with you in a week. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all. viewers and we begin
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from the situation in the kherson region, where the occupiers killed one more person, in the dnipro district of the city, a civilian car was hit by an enemy attack, the 65-year-old driver died from his injuries, reported the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin, and a few hours earlier, he died as a result of enemy fire a local resident and an elderly woman who suffered a concussion, the enemy fired artillery at the private sector, a seven-year-old man was on the street at the time of the attack, he died immediately. the injured are also private residential buildings, garages and a car. from our town, the wife, the children, the wife at that time was on this, on this path, too, but she was further there, she tore her husband in front of her eyes. the occupiers killed a woman and injured
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two children. the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on the village of maly burluk of the kupyan district, oleg sinigubov, the head of the military administration of the region, announced. they hit the building of the village council. as a result of the explosion, a ten-year-old boy lost his leg, and a 13-year-old girl suffered shrapnel injuries. a 61-year-old woman was found under rubble the enemy also took aim at kupyansk itself with artillery. there, private houses and a gas station were damaged. and water pipes. ammunition is missing. the ukrainian military complains that they are running out of ammunition, weapons and manpower, making it increasingly difficult for them to contain the russian onslaught. ukraine says it does not have enough munitions to support the desired level of attacks and is calling on its western partners to do more to supply them. fighters of the 92nd separate airborne assault brigade are holding the defense nearby. the city of bakhmut,
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stage, connecting the weather conditions, we moved our units to defensive actions, the enemy is constantly trying to carry out some offensive actions, the main goals for our units are counter-battery combat, that is , enemy artillery, or mortars or anti-tank guns, the same self-propelled artillery, of course , if the countries will help us and... provide us with shells, people and equipment, everything will be fine with us, at the moment we are shooting little, but there are very few shells, it has not been like this for a long time, that we shoot 5, 10, 20 outfits a day. ukraine urges not to experiment with delaying aid, this can lead to a crisis and not only in ukraine. this was stated by volodymyr zelenskyi. at the final meeting
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in davos, the head of state emphasized that without western aid, ukraine will be weaker on the battlefield, there may be a shortage of artillery, anti-aircraft missiles for air defense, this in turn will lead to the fact that ukraine, for example, will not be able to repel strikes with ballistic missiles , i want to go back to that there will be a big crisis for russia, now there is a war, and there will be a big crisis for you say... what will happen for all of europe, why? because without the help of the united states of america, without the help of the european union, ukraine will struggle, ukraine will be weaker, and it will be an opportunity for russia to take us over, and as soon as they take us over, believe me, it will be a nato war, nato with the russian federation. i believe, to be honest, that putin really wants this. how to help ukraine?
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at the world economic forum in davos european leaders discussed the importance of providing additional support to ukraine. polish president andrzej duda said that europe should continue to support. ukraine and emphasized the need for european cooperation in the field of armaments. hungary's president, katalin novak, has said her country will continue to support ukraine, even though budapest has refused to provide military aid since russia's full-scale invasion. it suddenly became apparent that our european reserves lacked sufficient reserves to defend europe. i do not i doubt that we should strengthen cooperation in the european union and throughout europe, it is not only about the production of ammunition, maybe something more, for example, the creation of a european tank or the development of european aviation at the eu level. we must always
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clearly explain who is the aggressor and which country was taken over by another state, and we must also clearly explain that with this act russia has crossed the rubicon. should make it clear that this is a no-go zone so that something like this doesn't happen if we want to try to save our europe after the second world war, we must also explain that war is never the solution and aggression is unacceptable. employees of the tsc in ukraine do not have the right to check the documents of citizens and detain them by force. another of the comments made by the ombudsman dmytro lubinets to the proposed version of the draft law on mobilization. he added that according to the constitution, military units cannot take part in restricting the rights of citizens. this is a direct norm of our constitution. i, for example, did not understand. if everyone sees our problems
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in this area of ​​activity, it is the tsc, so why do we give them the authority to check documents. we have bodies that... check the documents of ukrainian citizens, these are the national police, first of all, the state border service, the national guard, well , certainly not the military. businessman ihor hrynkevich, his son and three other heads of companies controlled by them were declared suspicious, the state bureau of investigation reported. according to their data, the perpetrators caused losses in the state of almost one billion hryvnias. all of them the suspects were detained. the issue is currently being resolved. about choosing a preventive measure for them in the form of detention. let me remind you that a lviv businessman, one of the largest suppliers of the ministry of defense, and his accomplices were exposed in the procurement of clothing and underwear for the armed forces of ukraine. also, hrynkevich himself was caught
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while trying to bribe an employee of the state bureau of investigation. five members of the criminal organization were informed about'. suspicion of creating and participating in a criminal organization and taking possession of someone else's property through abuse trust, fraud, committed in martial law conditions on a particularly large scale by a criminal organization. the sanction of the articles provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 12 years with confiscation of property. a truck drove into a house in kyiv. the event happened on the left bank in the area of ​​troeshchyna. according to the words. vidtsiv kamaz drove off the roadway, ran over several cars, crossed the sidewalk and flew into the first floor of a residential building, where shops are located, law enforcement officers and doctors are working at the scene, according to the preliminary the driver got a lot of information. transport
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collapse in germany, hundreds of flights were canceled due to freezing rain and snowfall there. there were numerous car wrecks, as reported by the reuters agency, frankfurt am main airport postponed more than a thousand departures, 250 flights were canceled in munich. railway officials also report disruptions to trains between frankfurt and cologne. also in the federal state of baden-württemberg there were accidents and traffic jams on autobahns due to bad weather. the german meteorological service predicts. sometimes heavy rains. the espresso tv channel is starting a new one collection for our defenders. soldiers of the legendary 95th separate airborne assault brigade need a cargo bus mercedes sprinter.
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the car is needed to transport ammunition to the settlements that destroy the russian invaders and their armored vehicles. so our goal is uah 2,000. get involved, your help is extremely important. after all, any donation will help buy a car for our defenders. you can now see all the details on the screen. such b... news for now, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, literally in a moment, meet my colleague vasyl zima. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice, lacal active. lakalut active is actively down. gum bleeding, protects against periodontitis and noticeably tightens the gums. lacquer active - an action
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we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is the big ether program, my name is vasyl zima, we are on the espresso tv channel, for the next hour and 47 minutes we will talk about the most important things that happened today, and we will invite guests to help us understand more let's start with... an announcement about the collection espresso tv channel calls to join the collection for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since 2014, since the beginning of the war in the hottest directions. this includes the battle for the donetsk resort of ilovaisk, battles for sumy region and kharkiv region, solodar and bakhmut in donetsk region. right now, the defenders need drones, kamikaze. in sufficient numbers, these birds can stop almost any and all attacks in a matter of minutes. assault actions the enemy, as well as the opponent's equipment and manpower. where there is no drone wing,
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the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. uah 5 million is our goal, we will achieve it. let us clip the wings of the enemy and sharpen and strengthen the wings of our glorious and sacrificial army. we begin by talking about the situation in odesa. at night, at night and in the morning , the enemy again attacked the city of odessa and the odesa region. and about the consequences of the enemy. we will speak with petro obukhov, a deputy of the odesa city council, mr. petro, i congratulate you, i greet you, i will first ask how it was at night, i know that during the night it flew into odessa, flew into damaged apartments, and also in the morning on bilhorodnistrovsky , it was hit by a standing strike. enemy attack and the condition of the people who suffered? look, it was about a kilometer from me , and it was very loud, i saw how the air defense system works
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, how it shoots down, but one, well, when i woke up, i already went to the basement , i did not see anything in the basement, when everything it's over, then a fire could be seen, this is a khrushchev building, well, a typical five-story building, here we see this fire, and another interesting detail, i did not know this, but in our country, firefighters have to work during an alarm, that is, they wait, when the alarm is over and only after that they come, and that's why during the alarm i didn't even see fire engines, i guess it's... such a safety rule, but it's a little strange, thank god, no one died, there are three people who were injured, who there are a few injured, but they are not serious injuries, and now we see that people themselves go, er, the house, to in principle, it is subject to repair, it has broken windows, but i
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have been there twice today, during the day even the electricity works inside, but it is impossible to live there, it is obvious that it is a large complex repair. will be , well, in this video, the apartment is normal, but there are apartments that are completely destroyed, where there is nothing, where there are just bare concrete walls, and unfortunately, here we see this hole, there this shaft damaged the heat supply pipe, and therefore 58 houses remain without heating, but the city hall promises to repair everything within a day and supply heat, it just so happened that in the morning there was an extraordinary session of the city council, at which we allocated funds to overcome the consequences of the previous attacks, and here, with an amendment, we submitted to add 5 million hryvnias to these houses in this area, that is, it so happened that 8 hours after the attack, we already allocated funds for restoration, well, actually, i
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, well, you already answered about heat supply, that dozens of houses were left without heat supply, i understand that it will be restored, but please tell me, and those people... remain in these houses without heat supply, is there maybe there are some heating points there, don't people turn to it, so that, well , during the cold season, i don't know what the temperature is in odesa now, or actually people still stay in their houses even without the fact that there is no heat there? well, look, now plus two, many houses have broken windows, 10 houses with broken windows, i was there one day, our utility workers, and the un and public organizations, issue film for... covering the windows and they issue such phone shields, that is, it is already such an established procedure, there there was even hot food, i don't think you can live like that, and well, it's just a matter of waiting for the new window to be installed, because well +2 it's still very cold, although the forecast for next week is there +5 + 6 to +9
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, well, but it is still uncomfortable, there is no such systematic resettlement, there is no such procedure - the only thing is that we have funds in the budget to compensate people for windows, that is, people themselves must make a record of the fact that they do not have a window , then go buy and receive money for checks for these windows, that is, the city hall itself do not conduct tenders for windows, that is, it can be done quite quickly. i am reading just about the moment when these drones arrived, people wrote that the houses shook and could not stand the dill. we are talking about old houses, that is, were there such strong shock waves or were they the consequences of falling debris, again, which hit the houses with these shock waves, in that area there are only old houses, there are two-story, relatively revolutionary ones, and here are the khrushchevs, well, this is khrushchevka, well, i don’t know, maybe people talk about the windows there, but the windows of
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not a single surviving apartment in this there is no house, there are at least damaged windows everywhere. on the balconies, but we will fix everything, and i am more than convinced that of course a case will be opened on the fact of a terrorist attack by the enemy on residential buildings, on the residential development of odessa, and well, again, it must be shown, once again relayed to the world that what objects are being attacked by the russian federation in odesa, what is important is that this night attack did not go unnoticed by our partners, bridget bring, ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, said. if speaking of the night attack on odesa, if putin gets away with it , he will not stop in ukraine, well, this is important , in your opinion, how important is it really, because well, you get used to it, the third year of the war will soon begin, you get used to the fact that it is coming, very it is important that when such attacks are carried out, there are constant statements, well, there are not, fortunately , dozens of dead, but even such an attack without casualties, fortunately, again, these statements,
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they happen, that this is not something that no one will notice , well, as if once again... flew in, no, this, this is all noticed, please, you you know, statements don't warm me , weapons warm me, drones warm me, we are not warm, well, weapons and drones should be a consequence, because if they didn't talk about it at all, then, you know, it would remain like this somewhere under the keel, therefore , let's hope that it really will not remain without consequences and that putin will not get away with it. you talked about the fact that the city council decided to allocate another 5 million hryvnias for the repair of damaged property that was damaged that night and in the morning, but in addition... the odessa city council expanded the program for conscripts, there was a decision to allocate one-time assistance for those people who mobilized for the army, and what does the expansion of this program mean, for whom else will this money be allocated? look, the program was for the mobilized, but the head of the regional tsc turned to us and said that it was unfair that contract workers were not taken into account, and therefore we added more money for contract workers,
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but unfortunately, there were very big disputes, for several hours we gathered in the city hall, argued, they do not want to be in the city hall, the majority do not want to allocate money for those who were mobilized in previous years, i.e. only those who have been mobilized or signed a contract since january 1 of this year. year, they can receive uah 20,000 from the odesa city hall, but the procedure has not yet been approved, the mayor must do this by his order, and then it will be necessary to go to tsnap and receive, well , submit documents about mobilization or receive contracts, but relatives will be able to do this warrior, you know, there are still people who say that, well, you see, putin did not attack odessa and did not plan to capture odessa, but odessa was lucky, because they considered it theirs russian... councils, but it is interesting that now in the city council, the mayor of the city awarded the defender of odesa, the commander, who by his clear actions did not give the enemy the opportunity
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to land an amphibious assault in odesa on march 21, 2022, coordinated the actions of anti-aircraft fighters, rocket launchers, artillerymen, they stopped, if possible a little more about this story and about the awarding, it is denis didychuk, and it is the first in the history of the whole world. the case when a ship was attacked with the help of hailstones, well, that is, hailstones, they are not adapted to attack at sea, but this is what happened, and they used it, and then the russian ship came quite close to odessa, they even fired a little then, i have acquaintances there whose houses by the sea were hit, but there were no serious injuries there, and here is this denis. .. with the help of hail , he got into one of the russian ships, and then they turned around and left, and the brothers of this and that person turned to me
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and said that it was unfair that his such a feat was not recognized in any way, and i turned to mayor's office decided to reward him and today the mayor invited him, and it was very nice, actually very cool, i remember this video, like from... now, how these rockets are flying and somewhere on the horizon you can see explosions, i don't remember i wonder if that ship was visible there, but the fact that it was a really historical thing, i remember it very well, this video, i think it is even preserved somewhere on youtube, it, it can be viewed, take care, thank you to you for your comments, for this initiative to award a hero, it is very important that heroes are not forgotten, celebrated and they remembered, thanks to whom, well, maybe odessa survived then, who knows what it would have been like if the enemy had come closer, shot from ships... the city and tried to land an amphibious assault, but then his city odessa was protected by specific people and they were distinguished in the person of their commander. petro
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obukhov was with us, a deputy of the odesa city council. odesa-odesshchyna suffered an enemy attack that night. fortunately, there were no casualties, and the three injured were given assistance. now we will talk about dnipropetrovsk oblast, which also suffers from enemy attacks. certain cities simply live with these attacks, from morning to night, like a city, for example. they are constantly getting hit from there by this energy donor, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council , in touch with us, mrs. kateryna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, well , let's go 16-17, well, first, i will generally ask how the day has passed, the night has passed, and then we will go there on january 16-17, yesterday, today nikopolshchyna was shelled, we may talk more about it, but let's start with the general security situation as of... the evening of this day? and the last day in the dnipropetrovsk region, well , it’s really very restless, the danger is just from different sides, just 40 minutes ago, about an hour
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ago, a rocket was shot down over the dnipropetrovsk region, over the dnipro region, air defense, glory to the air defense, thank you very much to our defenders, that that i am sure, if the missile had not been shot down, the anti-aircraft defense had hit it, or it had not flown... dnipro is not known for sure, but the consequences would be disappointing, either in dnipro, or in some other community where it was directed. if you say about today, even before this guided missile, the nikopol district, the nikopol and marganets communities were shelled, from the shaheds, the shaheds were directed, one shahet, it was he that hit, well, he was not shot down, unfortunately, and he hit a private. but there were people in the car at that time and people were injured, thank god, without casualties, but one person, this guy, is
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now in serious condition. condition in the hospital, and the second wounded guy is in condition, well, average so satisfactory, satisfactory condition, but average severity if we talk about the night, then the night also seemed restless in our country, because shaheds over the dnipro region were also shot down, and in principle nikopolshchyna was also shelled with hail at night, but i would like to ask about marganets. here such a story appeared, i think that you, as a deputy of the regional council, may have heard about it, it is about the use of funds for reconstruction, and you know, one question is that it is important, of course, to rebuild, another question is that to invest money in that , where two days after the reconstruction ends, or the repair will be finished, and it will fly again, questions arise, so a house will be built in the front-line manganese for uah 75 million, this is
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what the portal gives. news of nikopol "prykhist" , well, someone writes in the comments, they have already built near a certain trading point there, people are giving their last money to drones, 75 million have fallen here, people did not have enough money for heating, fraudsters have deceived half of the residents, well , that is the reaction of the citizens, in your opinion, these money, by the way, how they passed through the region, or are they local funds of the local of the local budget, such things, well , to direct them in the right direction and solve those issues, 75 million is a lot of money, which is urgent now, and not to build something that, frankly, can be destroyed or damaged again in a week, please, this is not a regional budget, it is most likely a local budget, but i won’t say it in detail, because the regional council is not the regional council for the nikopol region and the nikopol district allocates funds for the reconstruction and liquidation of the consequences of russian aggression, but really
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there will be new construction... now on the territory nikopol district or even in principle there in the surrounding areas, which is even more so, well, it costs so much, it’s really not a very reasonable expense, and it’s not the best idea, because the danger remains there, and we all understand that the danger of shelling is constant, unfortunately, and different, even hails, and artillery, and even shaheds, it will be kept in the nikopol district until the moment when the energodar is occupied. that is, until now , the territory is completely open for shelling by the russian invaders, unfortunately, so as of now, of course, repairing the windows there, or well, if the walls of people there have blown off, it can be done, and what to do, although by the way, i personally have acquaintances who even said that it is necessary to insert windows at all, if they are knocked out again tomorrow, so a person lives there,
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then it must be inserted. where this person will live , then allocate funds for him to live somewhere, i understand that, but for such things, because you know, they really like to say that about those mayors who may have certain antipathetic relations with certain representatives of the authorities on bank, that's how they count every cobblestone, every painted sidewalk, everything is counted, every bridge repaired there, they say, look, and despite the fact that this city can be there about who... about lviv, about other cities, allocates a lot of money to the armed forces of ukraine , that literally , well, today we spoke with odesa, odesa is also currently allocating 6 million for the armed forces there, that is, money is allocated, but there every penny counts, and somewhere you can spend millions, i will not name names, and it somehow passes the attention of national mass media, ot it did not pass our attention, i want to ask, is it possible to somehow prevent such phenomena, it should be at the level of the cabinet of ministers or something, is it possible
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for someone to leave a lot of personal income tax? they don’t know where to put it, well, in this case , in nikopol region, this situation really looks very strange, but again, well, it’s not a regional budget, i can’t really say there, because if it’s local budgets and their distribution, then well, the regional council, for example, cannot influence this, the dnipro local council, well, also, because we still have a reform decentralization and local budgets, well, they themselves decide when, plus or minus, yes , they themselves decide where exactly to spend these funds. here is probably a question for just local officials, you know, i will tell a story , i have a colleague, thank god, from, well, from dnipropetrovsk region, he has a mother there, and let's say a similar story there too, well, near the dnipro, there already on the other side of the russians the left side of the dnieper, they are planting trees, they planted everything beautifully, they are painted, after a while the trees disappear.


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