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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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to the war, well, that's my opinion, well , thank you for being with us, then serhiy ludenko, verdyk, let's watch together, good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and i wish everyone good health, continued. for the next two hours we talk about the war, about the world, about the war and about our victory. today in the program. anything can happen. is europe being urged to prepare for russian aggression? will the war prevent ukraine from joining nato? long-range missiles from france and britain will be more. is germany ready to offer its taurus to ukraine? mass protests in bashkortostan. the eco-activist was convicted. four years for inciting
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enmity, when to expect the collapse of russia? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with general serhiy kryvonos and politician-diplomat roman bezsmertny. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour. we will have political experts, oleksiy holobutsky, viktor boberenko and oleg sahakyan. in that, before starting our big talk, i suggest watching a video about... tests in russian bashkortostan or bashkiria, as this republic used to be called, where today a rally of several thousand people came out in support of local activist fail alsynov. file alsynov is an eco-activist, as well as a person who called not to go to fight in ukraine. omon violently dispersed the protesters, using rubber bands, tear gas and lights. stun grenades, let's see what
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's happening in russia, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, -
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friends, for those who are watching us live now on youtube and facebook, please like this video and subscribe to our pages on these platforms, in addition, throughout our program we conduct a survey, today we ask you this, do you trust investigative journalism, investigations, donate , yes, no, if you watch on youtube. quite simple: choose the option either yes or no, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you trust investigative journalism, vote on 0800-211-381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, we have our first guest on the call, this is serhii krivonos, major general of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine.
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former deputy secretary of the national security council, former first deputy ex-commander, or rather former deputy commander of the special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. general, i congratulate you, forgive me for taking so long to introduce, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. general , let's start our conversation with a situation that is taking place at the front, because analysts of the american institute for the study of war from... recorded a certain movement of russian troops north of the dnibrova in the kreminnaya area, as well as near bakhmut. according to analysts of this structure, the russian army is preparing large-scale offensive actions in the period until february 2, that is, from these days until february 2, when the weather is expected to make it difficult to defend ukrainian positions. should we expect a large-scale russian offensive in the next two weeks? you know, to make predictions in war
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a very thankless business, so scouts are always before any report of options for action. of the enemy, they say one phrase: a possible variant of the enemy's actions may be, everything consists not only in our thoughts and in our information, but in certain moments and a lot depends on the enemy, but in the meantime, the most important thing, during the war, is to correctly assess the enemy, not underestimating the enemy can lead to serious problems, so it is better to consider the options for the worse than the options that you know are good enough... positive if you are preparing for hostilities calculated, calculated that the enemy is weaker, that the enemy is directly worse prepared , worse equipped, you have already lost without starting this battle, so you need to soberly look at certain things and assess the correct situation, as
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far as the offensive capabilities of the russians are concerned, they have the strength and means , which by transferring them from different areas of the front, they can accumulate and start eh... certain offensive actions in certain areas, will it be near bakhmut, will it be in the kupyansk region or in the alemansky direction, this is precisely the question to our intelligence, so that they would timely detect the transfer of enemy manpower and equipment along the railways, both on the territory of russia and directly on the occupied territories of ukraine. our task in this situation is everything. to pay attention to the improvement of the engineering equipment of our fortification positions, our positions, the fortification relationship and directly provide people with weapons and ammunition in the right amount, and primarily this concerns
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artillery ammunition, because it is better to strike artillery on distant approaches to of the front edge, than immediately afterwards to fight on the front edge, mr. general. but the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi today in brussels took part in the first meeting of the ukraine-nato council in the format of the commanders of the armed forces that are part of the north atlantic alliance, and at this meeting mr. zaluzhnyi spoke about the current situation on the battlefield, but the head of the nato military committee , admiral robbowler assured ukraine of the continued support of the alliance and called. west to prepare for war, let's hear what he said admiral rob bauer. we need public and private entities to change their outlook from an era where everything was planned, predictable, controlled and efficiency-oriented to an era where
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anything can happen at any time. an era in which we must expect the unexpected, an era in which we must focus on the effective. mr. general, the north atlantic alliance is talking about war, about a possible war with the russian federation, the baltic countries, germany, and poland are talking separately, and they are talking about the fact that this confrontation is possible within the next three to five years, that's what nato's definition and preparation is all about. before the war with russia, what does it mean for ukraine and what does it mean for the world? for those countries that are closest to the russian federation, primarily the baltic states, poland, they began to draw conclusions in the 14th, 15th, and
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16th years, and were returned to serve in the same lithuania. they were powerfully formed. and are now increasing the efforts of the polish territorial defense forces, poland has been rearming for a long time and is receiving a large enough amount of equipment, just as these countries have provided territories for the deployment of nato military contingents, and it is also powerful enough for these countries. as for us, well, we need to understand that we still have to provide informational support. the intensity of the struggle with the russian federation on the russian-ukrainian front, unfortunately, there are still no representatives of ukrainian television on any channel of the nato countries, who would at least report the situation on the front for 15 minutes every day and talked about the cases of torture and abuse
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by the russian military against the citizens of ukraine, this is very necessary, and as the example shows... israel itself, israel shows it, israel carries it out, and we can see how powerful israel's support is. we, due to the incompetence of certain managers from the president's office, in general. these things were not told and they did not exacerbate the issue, we did not portray the image of a real cruel enemy fighting against us, and the perception of ukraine, the ukrainian-russian war directly already in many countries, you know, it got so muddled , let's say this, for us, we also need to understand that now there will be an increase in the level of the economic and industrial capacity of these... countries that are part of the country, as regards orders for the manufacture of certain types
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of weapons and certain ammunition, but it is also necessary to understand that these ammunition will go primarily to their armies to accumulate the necessary amount of reserves of resources, they can already give us what the storage terms already fit directly there, and it goes like exchange, and this is quite a positive feature for us, the most important thing is that we continue to raise... after all, the truth about the situation on the russian-ukrainian front and convey it to the entire society, both european and the whole world. mr. general, french president emmanuel macron announces the transfer of 40 additional scalp missiles and hundreds of bombs to ukraine. the declared range of this long-range scalp missile, the minimum that is exported, is 250 km, and 560 km (for the french and british armies, it is not yet known which ones long-range missiles will arrive in ukraine, but
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this means that in any case we will be able to reach the territory of russia and military facilities on the territory of russia. does this mean that france, like great britain, which signed the agreement security agreement with ukraine, which is also in this security agreement. said that ukraine will receive long-range weapons, that both great britain and france allow the use of their missiles to impress targets on russian territory? this is perfectly normal and it is a great position as far as range is concerned, let's see what they will give us, will they give what was planned to be sold abroad with shorter ranges, or will they sell theirs, which will be directly replaced by more updated versions. those that they are now expecting to supply, for us at the moment the main
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thing is, still, you see, we are taking the position that everything was given to us and everything we expected, i don't see, what exactly we are doing to improve our ability to strike in the territory occupied by the enemy and attacks on russia, first of all in this war it is necessary to clearly understand that the most important thing is destruction. of the military-industrial complex of the russian federation, that which provides the russian troops with the necessary amount of weapons, ammunition, and fuel, this is the most important thing, because without it, any army in the world cannot fight. against the background of this protracted drama regarding the allocation of 61 billion dollars for financial aid to ukraine, germany today announced that it will increase... military aid almost twice, scholz said that
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more than 7 billion will be provided for military support to ukraine in the 24th year euros, not four, as planned earlier, and today in the german parliament , the opposition will submit an appeal to the chancellor demanding the transfer of taurus long-range missiles to ukraine. voting on this issue should be at the end. week, how would you evaluate the role that germany now plays in helping ukraine, because we remember what happened at the beginning of the war, and how difficult it was for the germans to make certain decisions regarding the provision of weapons to ukraine, taking into account the fact that that these weapons will be used against russia. the germans at the expense of what... was created at one time by the russian special services inside germany powerful pro-russian lobby
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, for a long enough time avoided such direct powerful help, finding different circumstances, due to the fact that the military and intelligence in the very same germany clearly assesses the real situation and understands the threats of a possible russian attack on european countries, including to germany, these views have already been revised and... the necessary conclusions are drawn more soberly and more quickly, and primarily these conclusions are drawn in favor of ukraine. it is very good for us, but we also have to. certain things to do nevertheless, i will say that we must get up from our knees and engage in the independent production of certain products for the armed forces of ukraine. we have a huge number of idle plants, factories that do not have a mobilization task, that do not have a state order, that do absolutely nothing. we buy,
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we need to raise our own economy, because every hryvnia is invested by a domestic producer. we will get a 40% return of this money to the budget through taxes, we will get a huge number of jobs, we we directly get the ability to provide our own armed forces with a huge amount of products, and this is very good, but what , mr. general, is preventing us from deploying this large-scale production, because the missile complex has always been powerful in ukraine, we have specialists, engineers, and previously had... production facilities , i do not know what is working now, what is not working, as of 2020, when you were still the deputy secretary of the national security council, what happened, what did not happen, and what, what can be restored and in what volumes, questions , which concerns the 20th year, in we had a sufficiently powerful capacity to
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produce missile weapons, but in the 20th year there were practically no state... orders, those state orders that were in the 20th year, they were nevertheless pushed through with such a big scandal by a certain number of conscious patriotic lobbyists who raised this issue before the ukrainian people and ukrainian politicians. as for now, well, let's remember december 29, when due to the active work of the fifth column inside ukraine, missile strikes were carried out. by enterprise, which we made missile weapons, the enterprises were destroyed , there are no criminal implementations for the leakage of information yet, so i ask the question, are all those who are responsible for the fight against spies in our country, everything else can be done, in our country, i will say it more simply, we still have people, as far as technical personnel,
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engineering personnel, and designers are concerned, who are able to do these things, and how to do them as in the territory of our country. and beyond, the most important thing is that these processes are handled by professionals, not those who directly it's just pr, and then they leak this information for our enemy, by the way, about professionals and about how they dispose of those resources, human, first of all , resources that ukraine possesses. on january 16, the verkhovna rada passed the law on the electronic register for military records, there are a lot of different opinions about whether it is right or wrong, whether it is necessary to store some of the information somewhere on servers abroad, yesterday i had a visit from sbu colonel roman kostenko, he said he had his reservations about what to do with them electronic bases, if this electronic register is created, in what way will it be secured, what, mr. generals, does this
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electronic register mean for military records for... mobilization and for the mobilized, and potentially mobilized in this situation, we are still talking about the future , possible , planned capabilities, it's hard to say that it hasn't worked yet, it's hard to say, to say that it's not adequately protected yet, we see that the enemy is actively waging cyber wars against us, and let 's remember the last one, let's say such a powerful an enemy strike, this is when... the security system of the mobile communications company kyivstar was destroyed and how a huge number of ukrainians were left without communication, a huge number of banks and other state institutions and private institutions were left without communication and without the ability to transmit any information , so you can do anything, but
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at the same time you need to protect these things, have the authorities made conclusions, well, from the point of view of security first of all... the authorities had to, after such a powerful hacker attack by russians, still raise the issue and nationalize kyivstar , to make the first unified and state-owned mobile communications company. unfortunately, this was not done, that is, i ask the question, it is again the same money comes before the mind, ahead of what is needed in the war must be done as a priority, there is no such thing, so again we see let's see. and what they will be done and ensured, as for the same register of conscripts, only time will tell, well, part of the work on mobilization is... there is this electronic register of conscripts, the law on mobilization or the bill on mobilization, which was introduced by the government on december
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25, 2023, the government withdrew it, we now see that a closed-door discussion took place between the government, people's deputies of ukraine with the participation of the military, and why, mr. general, in your opinion, it was not possible to... start making such a bill , which would be acceptable for the verkhovna rada, for the government, for the military, and to solve this issue, because the military cannot wait, the front cannot wait, and mobilization cannot wait either, well, because the issue is not the number of laws and bills, which are accepted, questions in implementation of existing laws, from my point of view as a military man and a person who took part in the mobilization. in the 14th, 15th and subsequent years, i will say that the existing law is more than working, more than workable, it
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clearly defines all the powers and duties of officials, starting from the president and ending with the last chairman of the village council or the territorial community, the number one task is for the government to implement the existing law, the government with these parties without... the average bill here, bill there, in the first in turn is trying to avoid responsibility for inaction in the previous years of this war, therefore it is better not to change anything in this law, after all, to force everyone who is registered there to work, and first of all the president , who determines the terms, stages, terms of mobilization, unfortunately, there is no such thing, let's remember the last speech of the president, they said, well, there are military personnel somewhere and people's deputies somewhere, we also have... ukrainian society perceives that somewhere someone lives separately, somewhere ukraine is fighting in the trenches, ukraine, which provides those who fight in the trenches, and somewhere those who are waiting, someday something,
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some law will work, and whether it will be popular or not, let's first still force our authorities to implement the laws that already exist, i also have a logical question about how there were eight or nine waves of mobilization before that. and there was no this great law, why is this great law now needed and would it be possible without these stressful situations for society there and for the authorities and for them to be there alone they were preparing a draft law, then another , was it possible to get away with it, or was it possible, as you say, to simply implement the law and everything, and the main thing here should be the supreme commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, this is a toss-up like a fire... potatoes from hand to hand and handing it over to a neighbor or to a military officer or to the head of the government there, it is not correct from
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the point of view of management, what it does, how it affects the army, in the army, how it is perceived by the people who are fighting, that is, the political leadership of the state, is military leadership of the state, military leadership orders 500,000 mobilized, and the political leadership cannot ensure the mobilization of these. people, well, first of all, about 500 thousand, you heard this figure from zaluzhnyi, no, i heard it from za, but excuse me, i will say that i am not sure that he finished reading the note that he wrote to him in full the same one, because there is not one, not two, not three pages, this is the first thing, and the number was clearly not 500, and even if it was 500, it was spread over not one, not two, and not three months, and step by step, and this manipulation... 500 at once, it is in general, well, not for the benefit of society, nor for the benefit of the military, and the politicians emphasize again, the military wants it, let them explain directly how it is
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needed, it was certainly normal, and it can be explained, but "they explain to someone who has not served a single day in the army, who avoided serving in the army, what it can be about, it's a conversation between a deaf person and a mute person, you see, they don't understand each other. mr. general, dmytro medvedev, deputy chairman of the bezu council of the russian federation, announced today that that russia will always be at war with ukraine, and whether it will be 10 years or 50 years will pass there, he is talking about these historical lands of russia, although there have never been any historical lands of russia here and there never will be, because everything they call there the east and... the southeast was mastered by ukrainians and peoples who lived there even before the arrival of catherine ii, before elizabeth, before all these occupations. since the time of russia in the 18th century, at the beginning of the 18th
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century, if medvedev articulates the general position of russia, that they are ready to fight with us forever, then for this eternal struggle with by russia, what should be done to ukraine, it is meant not not not not to say there, but in the 24th year we need this, that, that, and when... next door lives an obsessed neighbor who says: "i will kill you as long as i live and as long as we are neighbors, what do you think ukraine should do? well, we proposed these things in the 19th year, this program, but under the presidential decree number 200 of 2019 , everything is written there regarding raising the level of education in the country, any citizen
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of ukraine can read it". we tentatively call the five-step program, and in addition, nevertheless, it is necessary to understand the four factors that currently need to be done this year, in the 24th, this is to raise the level of the state's work, i emphasize the state, which concerns the education and training of the mobilization potential, that is , every citizen of ukraine can undergo training even before that moment , as he joined the ranks of the armed forces, this will raise his level of confidence and ability to own a weapon and... behave in any combat situations and instead of the same telethons, conduct lessons on the correct use of weapons, elements of tactics medicine, elements of topography, elements of other military subjects, which every citizen must know, because we have finally reached certain citizens that either we will fight, or we will be destroyed, so in order not to
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be destroyed, we must engage in... war professionally . the second thing that concerns is the preparation of our economy, the transfer of the economy to military rails. the third is the certification equipment of the area, the ukrainian area, so that every foam, every square meter of the ukrainian land is prepared for defense, provided the required number of these engineering facilities, and those people who will be trained could occupy them in a timely manner, as well as the change of certain managers in certain positions. as for professionals, for those who do pr. this is the most important thing. without the destruction of the military defense-industrial complex of the russian federation, the russians will be able to wage this war for a long time. if we destroy it, and at the expense of our capabilities, at the expense of what the west gives us, then this war will end much faster. therefore, draw a conclusion, you have long exhausted the war and the game directly into the ratings, do you still want
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to win and for. the number one task is to unite the people and still set the task to whom to do what and how, because at the moment , tell me, in the last two years, you have heard a slogan that would clearly emphasize the purpose of the war, what is the purpose of our struggle at the front , what is the purpose work in the rear, what is the general goal for us and for our western partners, informationally we are in failure, informationally, we are not engaged in this at all, ukraine exists in two worlds, those who fight and... those who helps, those who fight, and others who expect that everything will be normal, it will not be normal, it is necessary to clearly understand that every citizen must take part in the war, this does not mean that only to fight, first of all , to help and establish a powerful economy and provide for the needs of our soldiers, because we cannot fight quantitatively, but technically at the expense of our powerful design and engineering capabilities, we must increase our capabilities. thank you,
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mr. general, for... the conversation, it was serhiy kryvonos, general of the armed forces of ukraine in zapas, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us now on youtube and facebook platforms, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, we ask you whether you trust investigative journalism, yes, no, when... we ask about investigative journalism, of course we are talking about real investigative journalism, quality investigative journalism, not showers in the press, so we're asking you specifically about investigative journalism, yes, no, or write your comment below on youtube below our video, if you're watching us on tv, please pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you trust the journalist.


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