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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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there are 15% discounts on akvaamaris in podorozhnyk vam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on lyzak - 10% in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on paracetamol darnytsia 10% in the pharmacies of travel bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let's talk more about sergey zgurets with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, more details will come to speak yuriy fizar, good evening,
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please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, please welcome and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. and also distinguished guests studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of afrivi drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to
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the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear viewers, this is velikiyter program, my name is vasyl zama, we are on espresso tv channel, for the next hour and 47 minutes we will talk about... the most important thing that happened today, and we will invite guests to help us understand more. we start with the announcement of the collection, the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since 2014, since the beginning of the war in the hottest directions. this is also the battle for the donetsk region of ilovaisk, the battles for sumy region and kharkiv region, solodar and bakhmut on daughters right now defenders need. drones,
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kamikaze. in sufficient numbers, these birds can stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy, as well as equipment and manpower of the enemy, in a matter of minutes. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. uah 5 million. our goal, we will achieve it. let us clip the wings of the enemy and sharpen and strengthen the wings of our glorious and sacrificial army. we start with a conversation. talks about the situation in odesa, at night, at night and in the morning, the enemy again attacked the city of odesa, and odesa region, and about the consequences of the enemy attack, we will talk with pyotr obukhov, a deputy of the odesa city council, mr. pyotr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i will first ask how it was at night, i know that at night there were flights in odesa, damaged apartments, and also in the morning on bilhorodnistrovsky was struck, let's stop for now, which is...
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at what stage of overcoming the consequences, first of all, of the enemy attack and the condition of the people who suffered? well, look, it was about a kilometer from me and it was very loud. well i saw how the air defense system works, how it shoots down, but one, well, when i woke up, i already went to the basement, i did not see anything in the basement, and when everything was over, i could see the fire, this is khrushchev, well, such a typical five-story building , here we see this fire, and there is another interesting detail, i did not know this, but, but in our country it is forbidden for firefighters to work during an alarm, that is, they wait for the alarm to end and only after that they come, and that's why during the alarm i didn't even see fire engines, maybe it's a safety rule, but it's a little strange, thank god no one died, there are three people who were injured, who are a little injured
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, but they are not seriously injured, and now we see that people are leaving on their own, the house is in principle subject to repair, it has broken windows, but here today... i was there twice and during the day even the electricity works inside, but it is impossible to live there, it is obvious that it will be a large complex repair, well, in this video the apartment is normal, but there are apartments that are completely destroyed, where there is nothing, where just bare concrete walls, and unfortunately, here we see this hole, there this shaft damaged the pipe heat supply, and therefore 58 houses remain without heating, but the city hall promises within a day... to repair everything and provide heat, it just so happened that today there was an extraordinary session of the city council in the morning, at which we allocated funds to overcome the consequences of previous arrivals, and here, with an amendment, we submitted to add 5 million hryvnias to these
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houses in this area, that is, it so happened that eight hours after the attack, we already allocated funds for restoration, well , actually... i, well, you already talked about heat supply answered that dozens of houses were left without heat supply, i understand that it will be restored, but tell me, please, and those people remain in these houses without heat supply, are there any heating points possible there, do people not turn to it, so that, well, in the cold season, i don’t i know what the temperature is now in odesa, do people still stay in their houses even though there is no heat there, well, look, now plus two, many houses have broken windows, 10 houses with broken windows, here i am there was... the day there is issued by our utility workers and the un and public organizations, they issue film to cover the windows and issue such background shields, well, that is already such an established procedure, there was even hot food, i do not think that it is possible to live like this, and well,
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it is only a matter of waiting, when a new window will be installed, because well, +2 is still very cold, although the forecast for next week is +5 +6 to +9. well, but it’s still uncomfortable, there is no such systematic resettlement, there is no such procedure, the only thing is that we have funds in the budget to compensate people for windows, that is, people have to make a record of the fact that they do not have a window, then go to buy and receive money for checks for these windows, that is, the city hall itself does not conduct tenders for windows, that is, it can be done quite quickly, i... just about the moment when they arrived these drones, people wrote that the houses shook and could not withstand the fastenings, this is about old houses in
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therefore, there are only old houses in the area two-story, relatively revolutionary , and here is the khrushchevka, well, this is the khrushchevka, well, i don’t know, maybe people there talk about... windows, but there are no windows in any completely surviving apartment in this building, there are at least damaged windows, windows, balconies, but we will fix everything and i, i am more than convinced that, of course , a case will be opened based on the fact of the terrorist attack of the enemy on residential buildings, on the residential development of odessa, and well, again, this must be shown once again and relayed to the world, that which objects are attacked by the russian federation in odessa. what is important is that this night attack did not go unnoticed by our partners. bridget brink, the ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, said that if, speaking of the night attack on odesa, if putin gets away with it, he will not stop in ukraine. well, it is important , in your opinion, how important is it, that really, because well, you get used to it, the third year
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of the war will soon begin, you get used to the fact that it is coming, it is very important that when such attacks are constantly being announced, well, there are not here, fortunately dozens of dead, but even such an attack without band. fortunately, again, these statements , they happen, that this, this is not something that no one will notice, well, as if it flew again, no, this, this is all noticed, please, well, you know, the statements we.. . they don’t warm me , i’m warmed by weapons, i’m warmed by drones, they warm me, weapons and drones should be a consequence, because if they didn’t talk about it at all, then you know, it would have remained somewhere under the keel, so let’s hope that it will not remain without consequences and putin will not get away with it, you talked about what the city council passed decision to allocate another 5 million hryvnias for the repair of damaged property, which was damaged that night in the early morning, but in addition, the odesa city council expanded the program for conscripts, there was a decision about what to allocate... for once, help for those people who were mobilized for the army, and what does the expansion of this program mean, for whom else
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will this money be allocated? well, look, the program was for the mobilized, but the head of the regional tsk turned to us and said that it was unfair, that contract workers were not taken into account, and therefore we added more money for contractors, but unfortunately, there were very big disputes, we gathered in the city hall for several hours and argued, the city hall does not want, the majority do not want to allocate money. for those who were mobilized in previous years, i.e. only those who have been mobilized or signed a contract since january 1 of this year, they can receive uah 20,000 at the odesa city hall, but the procedure has not yet been approved, the mayor must do this by his order, and then you will have to go to tsnap and receive, well, submit documents about mobilization or about a contract and receive, but the relatives of the soldier will be able to do it, you know, there are still people who... say that , well, you see, putin did not attack odessa and did not plan to capture odessa, but odessa
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was lucky, because they considered it their russian city, but it is interesting that now in the city council, the mayor of the city has awarded the defender of odessa, the commander, who with clear actions did not give the enemy the opportunity to land a landing in odessa on march 21, 2022, coordinated the actions of anti-aircraft fighters, rocket launchers and artillerymen, they stopped, if possible a little more about this story yes, this is denys didychuk and this is the first in in the history of the world in general, a case when a ship was attacked with the help of hailstones, well, that is, the hailstones are not adapted, it is rszzo to attack at sea, but that’s what it was and they used it, and then the russian ship came quite close to odessa, then they even they shot a little, i have acquaintances there in... their houses by the sea, which were hit, but there were no serious injuries there, and here is
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this denis, he, with the help of hail, got into one of the russian ships, and then they turned and left, and the brothers of this and that person turned to me and and they said that it was unfair that his feat was not recognized in any way, and i turned to the mayor's office and they decided to reward him. today the mayor invited him, and it was very nice. it's really, really cool. i remember this video like now, how these rockets are flying, and somewhere on the horizon you can see explosions, i don't remember if that ship was visible there, but the fact that it was really a historical thing , i remember it very well, this video, i think it is even saved somewhere on youtube, it, it can be viewed, take care, thank you for your comments on this initiative to award a hero, it is very important that heroes are not forgotten, celebrated and remembered thanks. therefore, well, maybe odessa survived then, who knows what it would have been like if the enemy had come closer, fired
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at the city from ship guns and tried to land an amphibious assault, but then his city, odessa , was protected by specific people, and they were noted in the person of his commander. petro obukhov was with us, a deputy of the odesa city council. odesa-odeshchyna suffered this night from enemy attack. fortunately, there were no fatalities, three were injured, and they were given help. now let's talk about dnipropetrovsk region, which also suffers from enemy attacks, certain cities simply live with these attacks, from morning to evening, such as, say, the city of nikopol, there other settlements on the left bank are constantly hit by this source of energy , kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council is in touch with us, ms. kateryna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, well, let's go to 16-17, well , first i'll ask how the day went, night, and then we will go there on the 16th. on january 13, yesterday, nikopol region was shelled, we may talk more about it, but let's start with the general security
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situation as of the evening of this day, and the last day in dnipropetrovsk region, well , it's really very, very restless, the danger is just from different sides, it's only been 40 minutes therefore, about an hour ago, an air defense missile, slava air defense missile, was shot down over the dnipropetrovsk region. thank you very much to our defenders, because i'm sure if the rocket was not shot down by air defense, hit, or it did not fly to the dnipro, it is not known for sure, but the consequences would be disappointing, either in the dnipro, or... well, in some other community, when it was directed. if we talk about today , even before this guided missile , the nikopol district, the nikopol and manganetsk communities, from shaheds , were fired upon
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. car, there were people in the car at that time, and people... were suffering, thank god, there were no casualties, but one person, this guy, is now in a serious condition in the hospital, and the other wounded guy is in a condition, well, average so satisfactory, satisfactory condition, but average severity, if we talk about the night, then the night also seemed restless in our country, because the shaheds over the dnipro district were also shot down, and, in principle , they were fired upon in the same way. even at night, i would like to ask about marganets, here such a story appeared, i think that you, as a deputy of the regional council, maybe about her heard, it is about the use of funds for reconstruction, and you know, one question is that it is important, of course , to rebuild, another question is to invest money where two
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days after the reconstruction is over, or the repair is over, and it will fly again, questions arise, so at the frontline. the margan residents will build a house for 75 million uah, this is provided by the nikopol news portal prykhist, well, someone writes in the comments that they have already built near a certain trading point there, people give their last money to drones, 75 million is wasted here, people did not have enough money for heating, they were deceived half of the residents are crooks, well, that is, the reaction of the citizens, what do you think, this money, by the way, as it passed through the region. that these are local funds of the local local budget , such things, well, send them in the right direction and solve those issues, 75 million is a lot of money, which is urgent now, and not to build something that, frankly, can be destroyed or damaged again in a week , please, this is not a regional budget, it is most likely a local budget,
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but i will not say in detail there, because the regional council is not the regional council for the nikopol region and the nikopol regional council the district allocates not... the reconstruction and liquidation of the consequences of russian aggression, but the construction of a new house now in the territory of the nikopol district or, in principle, even there in the adjacent zones, which , especially, how much it costs, is really not a very appropriate expenditure and well not the best idea, because the danger remains there and we all understand that the danger of shelling is constant, unfortunately, and different, even with hail, and artillery , and even shaheed. it will be stored in the nikopol district until the moment energodar will be occupied, that is, by this time the territory is completely open for shelling by the russian invaders , unfortunately, so as of now, of course, fixing the windows there, or if
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the walls of the people there are blown away, that can be done, and what to do, although, until there are things, well, i personally have... a person will live, then you know, they really like to say that allocate funds so that they live somewhere, i understand that, but for such things, about those mayors, who may have certain antipathetic relations with certain representatives authorities at the bank, so there they count every cobblestone, every painted one. bar, everything is counted, every bridge that has been repaired there, they say, look, and despite the fact that this city can be about kyiv, about lviv, about other cities, allocates a lot of money to the armed forces of ukraine, which literally, well today we spoke with odesa, odesa is also allocating 6 million for the armed forces there, that is, money is allocated, but there every penny counts, and somewhere you can spend millions, i will not name
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names, and it somehow goes unnoticed national mass media , but it did not pass our attention, i want to ask, but such... phenomena can somehow be prevented at the level of the cabinet of ministers, it should be or how or is it possible that someone has a lot of personal income tax left and they don't know where to put it, well in this case , this situation really looks very strange in nikopol region, but again, well, this is not a regional budget, i can't really say there, because if it is local budgets and their distribution, then the regional council, for example, can't do that influence, dnipro local, well, also, therefore that we still have. decentralization reform and local budgets, well, they themselves decide when, well, plus or minus, yes , they themselves decide where exactly to spend these funds, here it’s probably a question for just local officials, you know, i’ll tell a story, i have a colleague . thank god, from dnipropetrovsk region, he has a mother there, and there , let's say the same story, too, well, near the dnipro , on the other side, there are russians from the left side
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of the dnipro, they are planting trees, they planted everything , we painted everything beautifully, for a while, the trees disappear, well, the water disappeared, well, there were trees there was water, the trees have disappeared, you can see that they have dried up somewhere, that is, but money is allocated for all this, and then you think that the money follows this water into the dry. land, such moments, simply again, it should not be the case that those mayors or those communities that someone does not like very much, i will say, i am not talking about specific people in power, someone wants to take away their powers, or divide their budgets through its people, then everything is counted there, a new window was inserted in the mayor's office, they counted, but here you can build houses, fence gardens, well, it's interesting information, residents of dnipropetrovsk region, i understand that we are talking about communities, sheltered during the period of full-scale second. 4,000 displaced people during the great war, this is a large, indeed, a large number of people, but is there enough everything necessary to support, adapt, and provide these people
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with the opportunity to find work and somehow provide for themselves, because the war continues and it is not known how many more people will be resettled , well, if we talk about internally displaced persons in dnipropetrovsk oblast, then even as of now the figure in our country has almost not decreased, because according to... 300,000 internally displaced people are currently living in the territory of the dnipropetrovsk region, well, some people actually rent apartments there, someone could afford them there at all, may even buy, moved, there is a percentage, no i will say exactly which one, not all of them can be measured, but there are people who still live in dormitories, which local communities, by the way , allocated for this and in just familiar and... private moments regarding resources, well , now, in principle, the situation is normal with by this, it cannot be said that something is not critical enough, but here it appears, this is literally
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the last, the last few weeks, such an interesting question about payments for idps, because our cabinet of ministers will now, well, now it is talking about a resolution that limits some people who registered there by a certain date for... these financial payments, they basically say that people will be withdrawn and idps will be left without these payments, which some people are really counting on and they are helping them now, so please tell me, just clarify, because i don’t, no, no i have such payments, i do not claim on them, thank god, but there are people who claim and do not have a job, or maybe other problems, health problems happen to people and they cannot work, and what is the amount of monthly payments? as far as i know, it is somehow calculated individually there, well, what i know personally from acquaintances, it’s not there some
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official information from the state, something like 2.5 thousand, well, let’s put it this way, it’s impossible to live on and count on this, but if a person has this sum plus to his salary, to some other income, then well, it is per person, well if a family, for example, of three or four internally moves. people, well, for a family, this is more or less the amount in principle, well , really, when there are several family members, well , at least with this money you can buy, eat, you can also get some medicine, well, it's definitely not the right money, in which it is necessary to limit, especially since , let's say, the united nations organization will now allocate hundreds of millions of dollars there for the continuation of ukrainian support for ukrainian immigrants who suffered in ukraine, and for some reason they do not think that, well, they probably don't need it anymore, well, they understand with all the criticism regarding the un, they understand that... humanitarianly they must help and they will do it, well, i hope that our state will too, thank you very much for getting involved, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council , was in touch with us, and i now i will add to
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the conversation serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, good evening, good evening, welcome vasyl, i congratulate our viewers , today our question column returns, i will briefly ask, germany allocates another the aid package, what will be there, well , this year, germany promises us weapons up to 7 mi. in this new package, there are armored vehicles, there are starlinks, there are ammunition, there are drones, so in fact this is what is needed for the field, i hope it will arrive fast enough and later in our column, we will talk about help from france, about new cruise missiles and high-precision bombs, about the defense of the steppe and the details of that epic battle between bradley and the russian tank, in a conversation with our military. that the connection will not let us down this time and about the production of drones for defense forces, what works for us, what does not work in a conversation with our volunteers, we will talk about it in a moment. ukraine will receive a new
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batch of weapons from france, the allocation of this aid package will be coordinated with the signing of a security agreement between ukraine and france during the visit of the french president to kyiv in february. this was announced by emmanuel macron, and according to him , an additional 40 scalp missiles will be transferred, as well as several hundred bombs. the effectiveness of the british and french missiles stormshadow and scalp, which are actually twins, which used by our su-24m bombers is well known to us, especially after the strikes on bays and factories in crimea, where a russian submarine, ships, air defense equipment, and other powerful targets were destroyed, we really know about this, what
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can county and to make a scalp on the ground, but we are talking about a hundred bombs, but it turns out that in france there is really extremely interesting such a serial development, the transfer of which makes sense for ukraine, and such a development that is fully worthy of the announcement by the president of france, it is said first of all, about such a high-precision hybrid bombite missile called aasm hammer from a french company. safran, this is actually such a mil-tech kit that turns ordinary unguided bombs into high-precision weapons, it is somewhat similar to american jades, but more complex and more powerful. in fact , the basis is a bomb, there can be different bombs, from 250 kg up to one ton, and for this kit, it consists of two components.
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there is a special kit attached to the tail part of the bomb, which provides the presence of an acceleration jet engine for this aerial bomb after drop, and there is a kit that provides high-precision guidance, and there this homing head can be in three different variants, including there a satellite system, a thermal imaging system and a laser homing system, and this kit itself... e turns these bombs into high-precision kits and they will be supplied to our air force just as we expect, the range of using such ammunition is somewhere over 70 km, they can be adapted for our fighters and our bombers, so i think that this will just significantly expand the capacity of our air force to support our troops on
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sukhodol. next we will talk about the situation on the front line, we had 98 combat clashes this day, this is a significant number, it is almost like in the summer, when there was such a hot period of hostilities with the enemy, we see that now, in terms of the number of combat clashes, we are returning to this is such a significant indicator, and a third of these combat clashes just happened in the area around avdiivka, there are steppes and other areas where the enemy is now trying to... push through, and now we will talk in more detail about the situation around avdiivka with our guest, dmytro lazutkin is joining us now, he is the head of the public relations service of the 47th of a separate mechanized brigade, which is currently protecting avdiivka in the stepovoye zone. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. congratulations. first of all, i would like not so much to talk about the tactical situation around the settlement,
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we will get to that later... for you to tell in more detail about this epic battle of bradley against the russians, the russian tank, because in fact the high skill of our soldiers was demonstrated, but i am sure that something remained behind the scenes of those videos that are now being discussed by both the military and experts, and that the military said, well, after this combat... there was, in fact, a very vivid episode, and we can only say one thing that now our military, the bradley crews, above all feel confident, they know the machine very well, they know her opportunities, know that it protects and knows how they can strike the enemy, so they can quite defiantly sneak up and destroy the invaders.


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