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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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they don't pay income tax , so there is no profit, but at the same time we see new gas stations, we see how they reconstruct them, and these are millions of dollars, that is, the question is where do you get them, if you work without profit, what do you work for at all , if this money is your circulation, you can simply put it in the bank and earn, well , it is quite good on deposits, why are you doing this business, so, unfortunately, it must be stated that there are a lot of schemes. is still used, and here are our experiments, they prove, well, absurd numbers, when in one the salaries of the same staff can differ by three times in different sectors. well , for example, indicate which is official in the industry, and which de facto is received on certain networks, well, we took the five largest salaries in the industry, this is... with tax, that is
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, benefits, well, to make it clearer, then benefits people get somewhere around 1800, so that's for a gas station worker, i think, and in general i think it's a normal adequate level, but it's only five chains, the rest of the chains are more than 40 gas companies, they pay from 15.. . per month with tax, i.e they want to say that people earn in them, they get 10, and 5 thousand hryvnias there, or even less, and that people can live on this and that they are the ones who pay, well, this is absolute nonsense, this cannot be, perhaps, the tax authorities should not go to a small, medium-sized entrepreneur who is engaged in some kind of processing industry, but now is the time to direct them to such networks. which you researched your efforts
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and bring money out of the shadows, certainly, that is, the tax authorities have, they are now engaged in this market a lot, we see that there are certain successes, but this is not enough, there are obvious things that at least such an elementary analysis of the comparison of salaries, it already indicates that something is wrong, and the problem is not even with salary taxes, the problem is to pay a person in addition to an adequate level, because we understand that we also conduct our own surveys. research , job search sites, we look, and if someone there writes that he has, if we see that someone declares, his average salary in the company is 8,500, then for some reason on the job site they offer up to 2,000 hryvnias in this position, that is, they still need to use cash or cash to finish those 8.5 to those 20, then this cash has to be taken from somewhere, it is already taken from larger-scale schemes for evasion of income tax on
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value added and something else, that is, it is an indicator that there is a tax evasion scheme in this business, and this business should be engaged in. thank you for the conversation, such materials should really be useful to tax officials. serhiy kuyun, director of the a95 consulting company was in touch. well, vasyl, it seems to me that tax officials really don't need anything to declare where there are complaints by phone, someone called that some company, or as it was in kyiv-gum, came like that. after the company complained that the market was flooded with chinese first-aid kits, yes, and they produced ukrainian-made first aid kits for our soldiers, you are not looking there, you are not looking there, here are the specific numbers, go first to the ministry of defense, go to some other fields for specific research specific companies. well, i will conclude with the last piece of information, important in my opinion, about trade wars, which the eu will not introduce quota for some ukrainian products at the request of poland. warsaw obgr.
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their appeal by saying that our ukrainian products are becoming a problem for the countries of western europe, and it is not only about grain, here we are also talking about poultry farms, poultry products, fruits, ukrainian sugar, the european commission was asked to introduce restrictions on these products, however, the eu, on the contrary, reported that they are preparing a draft resolution on the extension of duty-free trade with ukraine until 2025, well... an important decision from the european commission, but it is important that all members of the european communities followed such a decision, and did not block the borders, as you and i have seen. this was the last information, i will say goodbye to you, a big broadcast is going on, there will be more, stay with us.
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two ukrainian victories on melbourne courts. marto kostyuk and lesya tsurenko reached the third round of the australian open championship. kostyuk in a dramatic and spectacular confrontation overcame 25. in a little more than half an hour. in the final game , the fate of the match was decided by a tiebreaker. mertens, despite three successful draws on of the beginning ended the match with an unforced error. 7:6 in favor of the ukrainian woman. i have no words. thank you for your support. i don't think i would have won this match without you. australian open. has a special place in my heart, it's incredible to win against a very, very good opponent, i don't think i could ask for anything more. i am inspired by ukrainian people, i know that they are going through difficult times now, i hope i can be as good as elina and make them
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happy with my performance. in the third round of australian open singles competition, kostyuk will play in the third in a row. this stage of the tournament remains a record for marta in melb. lesya tsurenko also repeated her personal record. in the match of the second round, the ukrainian defeated the representative of spain, rebecca masarova. this was the first face-to-face meeting of the opponents. tsorenko won in two sets on 6-3-64. in the second game , the 10th game was decisive, in which tsurenko won all four draws on masarova's serve. in the third round of the tournament , tsurenko will be the current champion of the australian open. planet arina's second racket sabalenka from belarus. two more ukrainian tennis players, elina svitolina and dayana yastremska, will play their matches on thursday, january 18. metalist 1925 announced the transfer of vladlen yurchenko. the club's agreement with the football player is calculated until the end of 2025. as part of
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the kharkiv team, the midfielder will play under number 80. he is the first newcomer to the team after the arrival of the new head coach viktor skrypnyk. in the first half of the season, yurchenko played 14 matches for poltava vorskla, scored two goals and had an assist. on january 10, the official website of vorsklians reported that the club and the 29-year-old player reached an agreement on the termination of cooperation. so, yurchenko joined metalist 1925 as a free agent. denys garmash was left without a club. croatian osiyak prematurely terminated the contract with the 33-year-old ukrainian football player, known for his performances in kyiv dynamo. became a player of the axis, which only last september, he joined this team as a free agent after leaving the capital of ukraine. since then, the player has played only four matches as part of osiyak. well, i'm just saying
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i would like to add here the news that did not enter our ether, but it is important, first of all, the number has almost doubled in ukraine. vacancies , this is for people who do not have a job, or want to change jobs, or have time, they lack funds, want to find another job, so the number of vacancies has increased, you can search, see which specialists are needed right now, but i think , that now specialists are needed in all fields, besides, in the armed forces, in the ministry of defense, well, not in the ministry of defense, in these state agencies that provide people with vacancies, state employment centers plan to offer unemployed ukrainians a job in the armed forces of ukraine. first of all, we are not talking about combat work, but specifically about the work that can even be performed by women, men, specialists who are also needed, banal sometimes you have to write something, you have to do something somewhere, there is a lot of work that must also be done , those who are currently doing it, let's say, but could be effective in
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the combat zone in the war, they could be there, someone would take their place here, so there are opportunities here, you know, on the one hand, it's good that there are more vacancies, on the other hand, we understand that people continue to the front, unfortunately, people continue to die. unfortunately, they continue to leave ukraine, so there are more vacancies, but people must fill them, and this is important, now, how many of us there are in ukraine, we must unite, go together to our survival and victory, and because we have a problem , or we, or us, we have. natalka didenko will now tell us in detail what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow. all synoptic. hello, dear ukrainians, we are talking, as always, about the weather of the next day , what will be the air temperature, will there be cooling, warming , will there be precipitation, well, first let's talk about precipitation in general, in general, what is precipitation, what are they and where do they appear, so let's turn to such
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dry statistics , therefore precipitation, rain, drizzle, snow, sleet, hail, hail, freezing rain, i separate from the air... dew, sleet, frost, sleet. of course, there is such a phenomenon as freezing rain, we even observed it this winter, rain with snow, we already talked about it wet rain, and there are also such original, so to speak, rains, such as, for example, blind. rain , it’s chicken rain and sometimes they even say pork rain, i haven’t heard of it, i’ve heard of chicken rain, but not of pork rain, but it happens, it’s a drop-like, short-term rain on a sunny day, when suddenly there are acid rains, well, of course, these are very harmful rains, colored rains, well, for example, when a sandstorm rises somewhere high in the atmosphere and captures moist air masses and pours out in another area, far from the desert, so to speak, and this rain can be yellow. eh, well, and i would also like to tell you about such rain, it is called rain
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from animals, it is not funny, it is serious, in fact such rain happens, rains from fish, frogs, snakes are most often recorded, although these cases are described, eh, and from the rain of birds and bats there are such more exotic ones, let's say, for example, it even happens that from jellyfish, but still the majority is from fish, frogs and snakes, and most of this rain is observed... after storms and tornadoes in cloudy weather , the distance, of course, from the place where these unfortunate animals were caught and to their fall is a few km, however, there are known cases that rain from animals fell in clear and windless weather, this means that the animals were transported to very long distances, and rain from animals is recorded on average once every two years around the world, fortunately not often , this is how rains happen, we are now moving to magnetic activity and now we will see, from our predictive traditional chart, whether there will be any such serious magnetic
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storm tomorrow, i want to say right away that no, there will not be, there will be obvious fluctuations, but so far no threat , at least from the side there is no magnetic activity of the earth, and actually we are moving on to the weather that is expected in ukraine on january 18, which will be very interesting for forecasters, for example, in particular , it will be diverse and colorful, so we will start from the western regions traditionally, and i want to say that... after a frosty night in the west it will warm up to +3 +7°, in transcarpathia and in the chernivtsi region it may be +7 +10°. predominantly rain in the carpathians, wet snow in vysokogira. in the north, strong wind to storm gusts is expected tomorrow, frost at night, a sharp warming up to +3-+5° during the day, and this night snow will also turn into rain. drivers should be very attentive and careful because. such a sharp change in the weather, the rain will also pass in the east of ukraine, but already in the evening,
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the maximum air temperature in the eastern part of ukraine will be slightly lower during the day than in ukraine in general, but nevertheless with pluses +1 +3 +1 +4° and also strong wind. in the central part of ukraine, there will be wind with storm gusts up to 15-20 m per second, frost at night, during the day in the center +4 +7° and it will rain. and a strong storm wind is also expected in the southern part of ukraine, well and stormy gusts, or rather, uh, rainstorms are more likely in the afternoon or in the evening - it is mainly rain, +5 +9 in crimea to 12-14 places degrees, well , interesting but difficult weather is expected in kyiv tomorrow, because the coming night will be frosty, -5-7°, during the day tomorrow it will warm up sharply somewhere to +3-+4°. it is obvious that the night snow is passing. on a rainy day , strong wind with
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storm gusts up to 15-20 m/s will also be observed in the capital. i want to reassure everyone right away, don't worry, the weather will calm down over the weekend, even clear up the air temperature will not be too low, not too high, that is, from small minuses to slight pluses, but i will repeat tomorrow, the weather is expected to be unstable, so dear meteorologists, listen more carefully to your health. it is also important to note that at the world forum in davos, among other things, they talked about such a phenomenon as disease x, it is already being discussed a lot, even certain panic attacks are spreading, not panic attacks, but panic moods, the head of the world health organization, tedros adhanom ghebreyesus said it was metaphorical, metaphorical. the medical metaphor is disease x, it does not exist yet, because some people are already writing, i see and
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doctors are talking about it, i talked with friends there, they say what is disease x, why is it being discussed all the way to davos, all the way to the forum in davos, it is a disease , which can occur and it is clear that the voos say that we need to prepare, it could be, there is nothing like that yet, they say that it could be a disease that can kill 20 times more people than covid-19 killed, it may be so, but citizens are urged once again that it is not you have to panic, this disease ... there is no pandemic, it's not an existing pathogen , it's a medical metaphor again, it's not going around the world, it 's not killing millions of people right now, so it's what the world is preparing for, but since it 's been talked about at the economic forum in davos, then i ... told you a few words so that there is no such misunderstanding, what is this disease x, it is not a specific pathogen, i say again, it is a metaphor, it is something that does not exist yet, but before what should be prepared, well, because certain organizations must also accumulate and master certain money, not all the money, as they say, is for the war , well, that's my opinion, well, thank you for being with us, good evening, we are from ukraine. there are
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10% discounts on lyzak in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of fp drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to bring victory to the yakuts. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes.
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nejsme hoje. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my
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name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two we talk for hours about the war, about the world, about... and about our victory. today in the program. anything can happen. is europe being urged to prepare for russian aggression? will the war prevent ukraine from joining nato? there will be more long-range missiles from france and britain. is germany ready to offer its taurus to ukraine? mass protests in bashkortostan. an eco-activist was sentenced to four years for inciting hatred. wait for the collapse of russia. we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with general serhiy kryvonos and politician-diplomat roman bezsmertny. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour. we will have political experts, oleksiy holobutsky, viktor boberenko and oleg sahakyan. in that, before starting our big conversation,
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i suggest watching a video of protests in russian bashkortostan or. bashkiria, as this republic used to be called, there today was a rally of several thousand in support of local activist fail alsynov. file alsynov is an eco-activist, as well as a person who called not to go to fight in ukraine. amon violently dispersed the protesters using rubber batons, tear gas and stun grenades. let's see what 's up. are you russianizing?
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the guys used gas for something , yes, some stun grenades are sprayed directly from some canisters. friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and subscribe to our pages. on these platforms, in addition , throughout our program we conduct surveys, today we ask you about do you trust investigative journalism sorry yes no if
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you're watching on youtube it's pretty simple choose the option either yes or no if you 're watching us on tv pick up your smartphone and vote if you trust investigative journalism vote on 0800 211 381, not 0800 11382. all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is serhiy kryvonos, major general of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, former deputy secretary of the national security council, former first deputy ex-commander, or rather, former deputy commander of special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. general, i congratulate you, forgive me for... i introduce him, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. general, let 's start our conversation with the situation at the front, because the analysts
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of the american institute for the study of war have recorded a certain movement of russian troops north of the dnibrova in the kreminnaya region, as well as near bakhmut. according to analysts of this structure, the russian army is preparing large-scale offensive operations in the period. until february 2, that is, from these days until february 2, when the weather is expected to make it difficult to defend ukrainian positions, should we expect a large-scale russian offensive in the next two weeks? you know, in war, making predictions is a very thankless business, so scouts always say one phrase before any report on the options of the enemy's actions: a possible option... the enemy's actions may be, everything is not only in our thoughts and in our information, but also at certain moments and a lot depends on the enemy, but in the meantime, the most important thing, during the war, is to correctly
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assess the enemy, not underestimating the enemy can lead to serious problems, so it is better to consider options for worse than the options are those that you know are positive enough if you are preparing a proof. of hostilities , calculated, calculated that the enemy is weaker, that the enemy is directly, worse prepared , worse equipped, you have already lost without starting this battle, so you need to soberly look at certain things and assess the correct situation as far as the offensive capabilities of the russians are concerned, they have forces and means that, by transferring them from different areas of the front, they can accumulate and start certain offensive actions in certain areas of the building. it is near bakhmut, whether it will be in the kupinsk area or in the alemansky direction, this is a matter for our intelligence, so that they timely detect the transfer of enemy manpower and equipment along
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the railways, both on the territory of russia and directly on the occupied territories of ukraine. our task in this situation is to pay attention to improvement. the equipment of our fortification positions, our positions in relation to the fortification and directly in the required quantity will provide the people with weapons and ammunition, and primarily this applies to artillery ammunition, because it is better to strike artillery on the distant approaches to the front edge, than immediately afterwards to fight on the front edge mr. general, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery. luzhnyi took today in brussels participation in the first meeting of the ukraine-nato council in the format of the commanders of the armed forces that are part of the north atlantic alliance, and at
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this meeting mr. zaluzhny spoke about the current situation on the battlefield, but the head of the nato military committee, admiral robbaur, assured ukraine of the alliance's continued support and called on the west to prepare for war. let's hear what... said admiral rob bauer. we need public and private structures to change their outlook from an era where everything was planned, predictable, controlled and oriented towards efficiency, to an era where anything can happen at any time, an era in which we must expect the unexpected, an era in which we must focus on efficiency. for this we need to transform. nato's combat capabilities, mr. general, about war, about a possible war with the russian federation, are discussed
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separately in the north atlantic alliance. the baltic countries, germany , and poland are speaking, and they are saying that this confrontation is possible in the next 3-5 years, so what is the definition and preparation nato before the war with russia, what does it mean for ukraine and what does it mean for the world? for those countries that are closest to the russian federation, it is primarily the baltic states. they started drawing conclusions in the 14th, 15th, and 16th years, and were returned to serve in the same lithuania. the efforts of the territorial defense forces of poland were, and are now, being strongly formed. poland has been re-arming for a long time and is receiving a fairly large amount of equipment, just as these countries have provided. territories for
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the deployment of nato military contingents, and this also powerful enough for these countries. as for us, well, for us, we need to understand that we still have to accompany the intensity of the struggle with the russian federation on the russian-ukrainian front with information. unfortunately, for the time being , there are no representatives of ukrainian television on any channel of the nato countries, who would at least talk about the situation at the front for 15 minutes every day. and talked about those cases of torture and abuse by the russian military against the citizens of ukraine, this is very necessary, and as the example of the same israel shows, israel is shows, israel is doing it, and we can see how powerful israel's support is. due to the incompetence of certain managers from the president's office, we did not
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talk about these things at all and did not escalate the issue. we did not paint the image of a real , brutal enemy fighting against us, and the perception of ukraine, the ukrainian-russian war directly in many countries, you know, it has become so muddled, let's put it this way, for us we also need to understand that now there will be an increase in the level of capabilities industry of these countries, which are included in country related to the order. for the production of certain types of weapons and certain ammunition, but it is also necessary to understand that these ammunition will go primarily to their armies to accumulate the necessary amount of stockpiles of resources, they can already give us what the storage terms already fit directly there, and it goes as for exchange, and this is quite a positive feature for us, the most important thing is that we continue to raise the truth about... the situation on
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the russian-ukrainian front and convey it to the whole society, both european and and the whole world. mr. general, french president emmanuel macron announces the transfer of 40 additional scalp missiles and hundreds of bombs to ukraine. the declared range of this long-range scalp missile, the minimum one for export is 250 km, and the version for the french and british armies is 560 km, is not yet known. that exactly which long-range missiles will reach ukraine, but this means that in any case we will be able to reach the territory of russia and military facilities on the territory of russia, does this mean that france, like great britain, which signed an agreement, a security agreement with ukraine, which also stipulated in this security agreement that ukraine
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would receive long-range weapons, that... and great britain and france allow the use of their missiles to impress targets on russian territory? it's perfectly normal and it's a great position as far as the range is concerned, we'll see what they give us, will they give us what was planned to be sold overseas with shorter ranges, or will they sell theirs , which will be directly replaced by more updated versions, the ones that they currently awaiting delivery. the most important thing for us at the moment, though after all, you see, we take the position that everything was given to us and we expected everything, i don't see what exactly we are doing to improve our capabilities to strike the territory occupied by the enemy and strike russia. first of all, in this war, it is necessary to clearly understand that the most important thing is the destruction of the russian military-industrial complex.
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the federation, what provides the russian troops.


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