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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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also, to look at this situation, the delegation of candidates does not mean, that is , it should not mean, yes, in an ideal world, that is, a lot of further control or management of the decisions of the institution through these people, again, in an ideal world , subjects who delegate or elect their representatives to the supervisory board, they should choose not... the best, the most conscientious, those who meet the very clear requirements for candidates for the supervisory board of the ukrainian cultural fund, in our case, defined in article six, it seems, of the law about ukf, i.e. people with an impeccable business reputation, people with extensive work experience in the field of culture, virtuous and so on, and so on, in principle, the function of delegators ends there, because then the supervisory board is an autonomous, independent collegial body, which then should not...
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carry out someone's political orders or other conditional assignments, so there is no subordination here, at least not in the law, and it should not be in practice. well, it doesn't work like that in ukrainian political culture, that's why i asked the question in the way i put it. look, ivan kozlenko, by the way, is the former director of the dobzhenko center, and he writes that last time, in the last time... he means that in this supervisory board, which is now in ukf, there were such prominent cultural figures as , for example, the traveler artem surin, or the director of my beautiful nanny and other quarters, the russian kiryushchenko. i understand correctly that this kiryuchenko, who, as ivan kozalenko says, has a russian passport, he was specifically delegated by the president's office. well, if i'm not mistaken, yes. yes, actually, it proves it
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a certain, certain, actually political culture in ukraine, but that i, for the sake of justice , i must say that the same legislation was written under president poroshenko, and we remember that in the supervisory board, correct me if this is not so, was maryna poroshenko, she was the head of the supervisory board, the head of the ukf supervisory board was maryna poroshenko, and... how do you feel about it? i remember that when she joined the supervisory board, there were different opinions about this, whether we should, and why and what the purpose was, what the purpose of this was, and well, on the one hand, to ensure stability , yes, that is, quite often it also depends a lot on political culture, but in many countries the first lady is engaged in culture, uh, and therefore there is logic in this, but... if the first lady
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was at least in the to the supervisory board of the ukrainian cultural fund, i don't see anything wrong with it, it seems to me that olena zelenska could also be on the supervisory board of the ukrainian cultural fund, at least it would give the ukrainian cultural fund a little more publicity, yes, because for these three years the ukrainian cultural fund disappeared thanks to because most of these chosen people, they are very little public. well, it's just mr. kiryushchenko, a fairly well-known star, and therefore, actually, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with this, and for obvious reasons there is no such rule in the legislation that the first lady should still be in the supervisory board, because it should be her probably a personal decision and the president's decision, maybe, but i don't see any risks in it, maybe. and regarding, and regarding
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this, my actual question related to maryna poroshenko, but also that in the legislation these two candidates from the office of the president, it was established during the presidency of petro poroshenko, and not during the presidency of volodymyr zelenskyi, that is, what do you see the expediency of such a thing, should it already be in the new law, well, but, again, maryna poroshenko was not elected from the office poroshenko, yes, because she was the head of the supervisor. she was elected by eight other members of the supervisory board, as the ninth member and actually the head of the supervisory board and the head of the ukrainian cultural fund itself, because these are the positions of the role of the association. i understand your point correctly point of view that the problem is not that there are people from the ministry of culture, yes, or from the office of the president, yes, in addition to cultural institutions and public organizations, that the main problem is the main one that you see is...
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fake public organizations that can to create, pocket money, and which then vote in favor of the right people, let's go, who, who is volodya? so i will definitely express my opinion that, it seems to me, the triad, the healthiest of those entities that should form the supervisory board, is such that it is the ministry of culture in the case of ukf, it is the institution of culture or cultural institutions, and this is the public, that 's how selections, competitive selections for heads of all other cultural institutions and institutions work. and municipal in ukraine, in fact, this is also one of our post-maidan reforms in the field of culture, in order to conditionally represent the interests of these three groups of subjects on a par, in the case of the ukf, i would like to see a greater representation of the public, it seems to me that the supervisory
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board must have a majority of votes and people who will precisely represent the independent public sector, then it will be a healthier story, well, yes, but you can create a mass, but, but at the same time. the procedure itself must be improved, yes, that is , there cannot be 40 organizations registered to vote in the elections in the ukf, so they must be organizations with some reputation, maybe the ukf should accredit them before this vote, and it can be just those organizations , who directly participated in competitive procedures in the cf, who won, who successfully defended their projects, yes, that's it, that's it public. was formed by the ukrainian cultural fund, and this is essentially a retribution to the ukrainian cultural fund, because it is these organizations that should shape the future. among others, i would also add, among other proposals for reforming the selection process, which are put forward, in particular by the cultural community, is not allowing the organization to vote and
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to nominate candidates, which, for example , were founded less than two years ago, and which, for example, organized in a year less pe'. the number of cultural events or projects, i.e. are inactive or not very active in field, and also organizations that, for example , had experience, previous experience of breaking agreements, grant agreements with the ukf due to non-fulfillment of obligations to the fund, and a number of other safeguards that would allow, and actually also evaluation of organizations that are obviously connected with each other or connected with persons who are candidates for membership, and well, that is, there is a conflict of interest. necessarily follow the law, that is , it cannot be the case that the person who is the founder of these organizations essentially starts all his organizations, even if they applied for the ukrainian football federation, so it can still be, well, that is, they took part in some projects at kaif, before, it must still be a conflict
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of interests, i have the impression that very decent people have gathered here in the studio, and they live and they talk about some kind of ideal world, for example, i read... while preparing for the program, for the conversation, i read that more than two years ago , a coalition of cultural activists developed these proposals for changes to legislation, and part of them could be implemented on levels of the ministry of culture itself, no it was necessary to re-vote in parliament and it still hasn't been done, yes, so what is the utility of the fact that you and i are now having a good... conversation, as it should be, yes, it's just that we see that again in the political culture it happens differently in ukraine, in my opinion, these conversations are extremely important, because i was at the same elections for the artistic arsenal, in which kolinyak almost won, and i was the only representative
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of the media in the audience at that moment, and it seems to me that there is not enough attention, it also leads to the fact that... different suslensky come out of their burrows and start taking over independent institutions. now, in order to show, so to speak, the brutality of the methods, we will now show the post of the chairman of the board of public broadcasting mykola chornotytskyi, who said six months ago that the public was offered to release jeans against the possible head of the ministry of culture yuli fedi. then they were saying oh, no, no, no, after the ministry of culture, because just then there were talks that yulia fediv could become the head of the ministry of culture, and here is the message, you can see it, that my colleagues from the public sector received,
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public, vlada tsurkan, who calls herself a representative of one of the employees of the ukrainian cultural fund of the present, yes, offers a material reward for... black pr against yuli feds, this proposal is underlined in red, and these are actually the methods that, by which, how i understand, people are acting... people are acting who do not want the renewal of the ukf, again, let's talk about the most positive scenario, but in this situation that is now, yes, when half of the public organizations, let's say, as iziy insists, yes, belongs to one of the members of the supervisory board, which can be the composition of the supervisory board in the most positive way. well
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, in the most optimistic scenario, now the ministry of culture and the president are going to open an open dialogue with cultural actors, i think a few hours are enough to decide on worthy candidates, discuss them, and plan the activities of the future supervisory board. and well , it could even be all eight people from, well, that is, we have a yes vote, cultural institutions and public organizations, and there are less in suslanskyi half, so we still have a chance to win from public organizations, so i think we can hope for a majority, if it is less. it will be difficult, my lord, what is your most optimistic, what, what
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will be a victory for you? the victory will be a democratic majority in the supervisory board, as we are now talking among ourselves, that is, these are people who share, firstly, common values, and secondly, a vision of how the supervisory board can help ukf get out of the hole in which it is now , unfortunately, if this majority... is not a minority, then at least we are can those like-minded people who make up this minority talk among themselves, about how we can communicate, at least talk about what is happening in this supervisory board, if there are questionable decisions made by it or procedural violations, then at least this democratic minority will be able to talk about it publicly, draw public attention and again mobilize the same public sector, which i believe should be the main stakeholder... in this process. i understand correctly that these are the funds allocated for this year
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more than last year, but they are less than before the war, yes, before the full scale of the great war. do i understand correctly that these 215 million hryvnias will not be enough and it will be necessary to attract funds from international donors? this is logi'. is an assumption, it seems to me not very realistic for several reasons: the first is the exhaustion of the same international donors during two years of full-scale war, i am also speaking from my own experience of the experience of the ukrainian institute, now even donors are refocusing on infrastructure projects or direct support, for example, regions, who have suffered from hostilities or occupation, these are such... hard, hard investments in ukraine, it seems to me that there are fewer and fewer
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donors and various international grantors, are ready to invest specifically in the sphere of culture, here the situation can be partially solved by the activity of the ministry itself of culture, which , in cooperation with the ministries of other countries, can talk about a certain mobilization of funds and resources that would be directed to the ukf, but this requires trust in the ukf, and the face of this... this institution will be the supervisory board in one way or another. none international a donor or even a ministry or a private foundation will not give funds to an institution whose face is compromised. well, here i can only add that the ukf had joint programs with international donors before the current supervisory board. ugh, they're gone now. but now, excuse me, this amount that ukf should attract from these inter? should be more than the funds
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currently allocated by the state to the ukf this year for this activity to make sense, because the needs of the sector and the sphere of culture, both state and independent , i think, are several times greater than that the amount currently deposited in the okf budget. my last question will be for those people who we haven't convinced that the subject of culture is important even in wartime, that's what i call the amount... 15 and a half million plus, and i think there will obviously be people who will say no need now, don't need now how much it is better to make drones, it is better to give it to the army, to the army and so on, as you answer, why is culture important in wartime, this should be the last question? er, this is a question that we, for example, in the juriner in the team, probably ask ourselves also every day, yes, because we also collect for our institutional activities, to spread ukrainian narratives in the world and, how
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to talk about it now, well, it's quite difficult. talk, but we must understand that drones save our lives in the short-term, narratives in the long-term, and since this is a narrative war, well, we have every chance to lose it, if we do not form our own culture here, our own narratives and spread , we will not spread them to the world. volodya, i would quote pavel makov, ukrainian artist, who recently published an interview a few days ago, an interview with him appeared in which he says that if we had not started this work, the communication of cultural ukraine in the world would have been much earlier, eh, then it is possible that this war would not have happened, he puts forward such a hypothesis, since the europeans would not have defended ukraine then, but their own, that is, they would have accepted
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ukraine as a part, definitely a part of the european space, and this... defensive defensive war of ukraine they would not perceive it as someone else's war, but as a war for the protection of one's own, and this, too, probably a somewhat utopian thesis, it resonates with me very much, nevertheless, because without the subjectivity of cultural education, we will not win this war, i believe, without if this culture were to be created internally, we would have nothing to demonstrate or communicate abroad, and that is why these post-maidan... institutions, in particular the ukf, are so important. by the way, i highly recommend reading the interview with pavel makov, which volodymyr shuyko talks about, it has the following very poignant title, that if there is no ukraine, then what is all this for me, that's what this article is called. volodymyr sheyko, director of the ukrainian institute bohdan
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logvynenko, founder of the ukrainer project were our guests, we talked about fate. of the ukrainian cultural foundation, we hope that this institution will survive, in particular, through our joint efforts with you. thank you for being with us, thank you for watching the espresso channel. see you next week. thank you. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers. this is the big aether program, me my name is vasyl zima, we are on the espresso tv channel, we will talk for the next hour and 47 minutes about the most important things that happened today, and we will invite guests to help us understand more. we begin with the announcement of the collection, the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these soldiers have been actively
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defending ukraine since 2014, since the beginning of the war in the hottest directions. this is also the battle for... donetsk summer resort, ilovaisk, battles for sumy region and kharkiv region, solodar and bakhmut on daughters currently, the defenders need drones, kamikaze, in sufficient numbers, these birds can stop almost any offensive and any assault of the enemy, as well as the equipment and manpower of the enemy, in a matter of minutes. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. uah 5 million is our goal, we will achieve it. let us clip the wings of the enemy and sharpen and strengthen. wings to our glorious and sacrificial army. we begin by talking about the situation in odesa, at night, at night and in the morning , the enemy again attacked both the city of odesa and odesa region. and so we will talk about the consequences of the enemy strike with petro obukhov, a deputy of the odesa city council. mr. peter, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. i will first ask how it was
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at night, i know that at night it flew into odessa, flew into poshko. apartments, and also early in the morning on bilhorodnistrovsky , a blow was struck, the last one for now, which is at what stage of overcoming the consequences, first of all, of the enemy attack and the condition of the people who suffered? well, look, it was somewhere kilometers from me and it was very loud, i saw how it works air defense, how it knocks, but one , well, when i woke up, i already went to the basement, i didn't see anything in the basement, and already... when everything was over, i could see the fire, it's khrushchev, well, such a typical five-story building, here we see this fire, and there is another interesting detail, here i did not know this, but in... but in our country it is forbidden for firefighters to work during an alarm, that is, they wait for the alarm to end and only then come, and that's why
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during the alarm, i didn't even see the fire engines, maybe this is a safety rule, but it's a little strange, thank god, no one died, there are three people who were injured, who are a little injured, but these are not serious injuries, and now we see that people are leaving on their own, er... the house is in principle subject to repair, in it has broken windows, but i have been there twice today and even the electricity works inside during the day, but it is impossible to live there, it is obvious that it will be a big complex repair, well, here the video apartment is normal, but there are apartments that are completely destroyed , where there is nothing, where there are just bare concrete walls, eh, and unfortunately, here we see this hole, there this shaft damaged the heat supply pipe, and therefore 58 houses... remain without heating, but the city hall promises to repair everything and provide heat within a day. today it just so happened that in the morning
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there was an extraordinary session of the city council, at which we allocated funds to overcome the consequences of the previous flights, and here, with an amendment, we submitted to add 5 million hryvnias for these houses in this area, that is, this is how it happened. that after... eight hours after the attack, we have already allocated funds for recovery, well, actually, here i am well, you already answered about heat supply, that dozens of houses were left without heat supply, i understand that it will be restored, but tell me, please, and those people remain in these houses without heat supply, are there any heating points possible there, are people not contacting to the point that, well, during the cold season, i don't know what the temperature is now in odesa, or whether people actually stay in their houses even without the fact that there is no heat, well, look... now it's plus two, there are many houses there broken windows, 10 houses with broken windows, i was there per day, our utility workers and the un
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and public organizations issue there, they issue film for closing windows and issue such plywood shields, well, that is, it is already such an established procedure, there was even hot food, i don’t think that it is possible to live like this, and well, it's just a matter of waiting when the new window will be installed, because... well, +2 is still very cold, although the forecast for the next week is +5 +6 to +9, well, it's still uncomfortable, there is no such systematic resettlement, there is no such procedure, the only thing is that we have funds laid down in the budget for compensation to people for windows, i.e. people have to make a record of the fact that they don’t have a window, then go buy it and receive money for... what for these windows, i.e. the city hall itself does not hold tenders for windows, i.e. it can be done quite quickly , i’m reading just about the moment when these drones arrived, people wrote
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that the houses were shaking and the fasteners could not withstand, we are talking about old houses, in other words, were there such strong shock waves or were the consequences of falling debris, again, what hit the houses with these shock waves, v therefore, only old houses are in the area, there are two-story ones. well , here is khrushchevka, well, here it is khrushchevka, well, i don’t know, maybe people talk about windows there, but there are no windows in any completely surviving apartment in this building, there are at least damaged windows, balconies everywhere, but we will fix everything and i i am more than convinced that a case will be filed against the fact of a terrorist attack by the enemy on residential buildings and residential buildings in odesa, and again, this must be shown. once again , the world has been rebroadcast that what objects are being attacked by the russian federation in odesa, what it is important that this night attack did not go unnoticed by our partners. bridget bring, the ambassador
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of the united states of america to ukraine, said that if, talking about the night attack on odesa, if putin can get away with it, he's not going to stop in ukraine, well, it's important, in your opinion, how important is it, that really, or well , you get used to it, the third year of the war will begin soon, you get used to it coming, it is very important that when such attacks are constant. there are statements, well, there are not, fortunately, dozens of dead, but even such an attack without dead, fortunately, again, these statements, they happen, that this, this is not something that no one will notice, well, as if it flew again, no, this is all noticed, please, well, you know, statements do not warm me, weapons warm me, drones warm me, they warm me, weapons and drones should be a consequence, because if they didn’t talk about it at all, then, you know, it would remain like this somewhere under the keel, so...
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at night and in the morning, but in addition, the odesa city council expanded the program for conscripts, there was a decision to allocate one-time assistance to those people who were mobilized for the army, and what does the expansion of this program mean, for whom else will this money be allocated, well, look, the program was for the mobilized, but the head of the regional tsk turned to us and said that it was unfair, that contract workers were not taken into account, and that is why we they added more money for contract workers, but unfortunately, there were very big disputes, we gathered in the city hall and argued for several hours, the city hall does not want, most do not want to allocate money for those who were mobilized in the mine in the past years, that is, only those who are mobilized or have signed a contract since january 1 of this year, they can receive uah 20,000 from the odesa city hall, but the procedure has not been approved yet, the mayor must do this by his order, and then it will be necessary to go to tsnap and receive, well
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, submit documents about mobilization or about. .. to receive contracts, but relatives of the soldier will be able to do this. you know, there are still people who say that, well, you see, putin did not attack odessa and did not plan to capture odessa, but odessa was lucky, because they considered it their russian city. but it is interesting that now in the city council, the mayor of the city awarded the defender of odessa, the commander, who by his clear actions prevented the enemy from landing an amphibious assault in odessa on march 21, 2022. coordinated actions of anti-aircraft gunners , rocket launchers, gunners, they stopped, if possible a little more about this story and about the awarding, yes, this is denis didychuk, and this is the first case in the history of the whole world when a ship was attacked with the help of hailstones, well, that is, hailstones they are not adapted to attack on the sea, but that's what happened and
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they used the ship at that time. the russians came up quite close to odesa, they even shot a little then, i have friends there whose houses near the sea were hit, but there were no serious injuries there, and here is this denis, he got her with the help of hail in one of russian ships, and then they turned around and left, and the brothers of this and that man turned to me and said that it was unfair that his... such a feat was not recognized in any way, and i turned to the city hall, and they decided to reward him and today the mayor invited him, well, that was great nice, actually very cool, i remember this video like now, how these rockets are flying and somewhere on the horizon you can see explosions, i don't remember if that ship was visible there, but what it was really a historical thing, i remember it very well, this video, i think it is even preserved somewhere on youtube, it, it can be viewed, take care,
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thank you for your comments, for this initiative to reward the hero, it is very important , so that the heroes are not forgotten, celebrated and remembered, thanks to whom, well, maybe odessa even then he survived, who knows what would have happened if the enemy had come closer, fired at the city from the ship's guns and tried to deploy a landing party, but then his city odessa was protected by specific people and they were distinguished in the person of their commander, petro obukhov was with us, deputy of the odesa city council, odesa-odesa region suffered this night from. god's attack, fortunately, there were no casualties, three were injured, they were given help. now we will talk about dnipropetrovsk region, which is also suffering from enemy attacks. certain cities simply live with these attacks, in the morning in the evening, such as, say, the city of nikopol, there other settlements on the left bank are constantly hit by this source of energy. kateryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, is in touch with us. mrs. katerina, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine
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, congratulations, glory to the heroes, well... let's go 16-17, well , first, i'll ask how the day went, night-day, and then we'll go there on january 16-17, yesterday, today they shelled nikopolshchyna, we'll talk more about it , maybe we'll talk, but let's start in general with the security situation as of this evening, and the last a day in dnipropetrovsk region, well , it’s very, very restless, the danger is just from different sides, just 40 minutes ago, about an hour ago over... dnipropetrovsk district, over dnipro district , an air defense missile was shot down, glory to air defense, thank you very much to our defenders, because i am sure that if the missile had not been shot down by air defense, had hit, or it had not flown to the dnipro, it is not known for sure, but the consequences would have been disappointing, either in the dnipro, or in some other community, the bullets were directed at it. if we talk about today, even before this one.


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