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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime , two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who for many , the events of the day in two became like-for-like, as well as honored guests of the studio hours, the big broadcast of vasyl zimi, a project for smart and caring people in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdik with serhii rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we are back, not so long ago we were just figuring out the formula for how to properly convert minister reznikov's eggs into real estate in croatia, and here's another fresh news flew in from the state bureau of investigation, because today
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a precautionary measure will be imposed on hrenkevich, well... and on everyone involved, that is, the entire family, in this change-of-defense outfit, tetyana sepia, spokeswoman for the state bureau of investigation, said. oh yeah. yes, but after grenkevich was served with suspicion yesterday, roman grenkevich's fiancee said everything, everything, everything, i will not take part in it, i will break any relationship, there will be no wedding, but i will not give gifts, i will sell and give everything to the army . it seems to me that this comedy. even, i thought that we were with those at first we will sell hrenkiewicz and the bride to netflix , i think we should immediately give it to either rodriguez or tarantino, because it is simply incredible, if tarantino, then there must be a sequel, but we will have our own sequel, we will now talk about strasbourg, tatiana vysotska, our correspondent in strasbourg is already in touch with us, congratulations, let's just remind you that the session of the european parliament is ending in strasbourg, the deputies discussed the most urgent issues for ukraine, including support. kyiv from the eu side, that package is there
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there is a big one, uncle orban is there, he also got out of the fizo, well, in a word, we will find out all about it from ms. tatiana, so what, there are already intermediate or maybe not intermediate, but also the final results of the session, what can we talk about , so actually there are quite a lot of results of the session and i don't even know if there will be enough time to talk about everything during this broadcast, because in... ukraine , the key debates were actually devoted to the main days of the session, which are tuesday, wednesday. on tuesday, they discussed fulfilling the obligations of the european union to ukraine to provide it with military support. vice-president of the european commission marush shevčevych spoke before the deputies, and he actually stated that the european union is going to increase military support for ukraine, for this purpose, the defense industry of the eu states is once again increasing production capacity and... he
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once again promised that very soon the european union will reach the production potential of one million munitions per year, and these munitions will actually be directed to ukraine, which is for us. it is important, in fact, that the conversation about the eu's military support for ukraine will be held on february 1, 2024 2018 at the summit of the leaders of the european union in brussels, and the key debates on wednesday were devoted to the preparation for the summit of the eu leaders, and on wednesday the president of the european commission ursola fonliajen spoke to the deputies, including the provision of macro-financial assistance to ukraine for the next four . years, this is exactly what orbán blocked in december, 50 billion euros, and good news from ursela fondelaien, she still believes that orbán can be persuaded and that all 27 member states of the european union will support the package financial aid to ukraine, but still
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she did not provide any other details, all this rest will be decided already in february by the leaders of the european union states, but the european parliament, here is very interesting news, we are approaching, not to... i really believed in that that orbán can so easily change and surrender, and the european parliament offers real mechanisms of influence and pressure on orbán. today, precisely based on the results of yesterday's debate , a resolution was prepared, today it is put to the vote on the agenda, and somewhere around lunch time , voting will take place in kyiv. so what do the european deputies propose? first of all, apply the procedure of article seven paragraph to hungary and to orbán. two treaties on the establishment of the european union, which, which, can ultimately deprive orbán of the right to vote in the european council, that is, he simply will not be able to veto the decisions of the european council, including for ukraine. this is one proposal
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of the european deputies contained in the resolution, but actually, everything is exactly the final final word according to the leaders of the states and the european council, and the second important point, which is not talked about much in ukraine now, pays little attention, but the european parliament plans to challenge the unfreezing of funds for hungary by the european commission, and it is about 10.2 billion euros unfrozen immediately before at the summit of eu leaders in december, which is probably why orban agreed to the beginning of changes on accession with ukraine, the european parliament plans to file a complaint with the european commission at the court of the european union in luxembourg in order to... challenge the decision to transfer these funds to hungary, this in fact, this is, one might say, an unprecedented step in the hungarian issue, so we will wait for the vote and whether this proposal, this norm will remain in the resolution, because this option with batug and gingerbread is on our
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air just the ex-minister of foreign affairs volodymyr ogrysko once announced that this would be the exact method of blackmailing orbán, a counter-blackmail would be found. and now there is another question, what is being said on the sidelines in strasbourg about the fact that there may actually be a second problem called robert fizo, because he said such a thing on the eve of this session, that even, probably, orban hiccuped, such a mouthpiece of the kremlin still needs to be found, he outshone pyanov medvedev and dima piskov. and fico's case is somehow being considered, they are looking for a safeguard, in fact fico met with orbán on tuesday, so they could enjoy each other's company, so the issue of fico's statements
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was not discussed separately in the session hall, but the issue of slovakia's violation of human rights and the independence of slovak courts was discussed . it was discussed in the session hall, but on the sidelines the deputies draw attention to the fact that the slovak deputies became more active during the debates and they openly promote their pro-presidential pro-putin rhetoric, and it was possible to pay attention to this precisely during the debates on tuesday and wednesday, when the slovak deputies stood up and said that ukraine should not be provided with weapons , ukraine should not be given funds, ukraine should sit down at the transition table, well, that's all this rhetoric. fiza has already been transferred to the european parliament by the mouths of european deputies from slovakia, moreover, who do not even belong to the party fice, that is, this is the position of the slovak political community, unfortunately , so yes, but it seems to me that we simply did not
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pay attention to it before, because there were too many problems of our own, that before, at least it looked like that hungary also complied with everything, what is required, and in slovak. that's all right, and hungary unblocked these funds on the eve of the summit, we understand that this moment was precisely to, well, maybe not to appease, but actually to argue why hungarians should support... ukraine at the summit in december, and now it seems that all these shortcomings that these countries have, they saw in brussels and said that no, no, no, it cannot continue like this, if you either do not finish the work here, or if you somehow continue to behave in the wrong way, we these funds, these privileges, these are all taken away from you, is it really so, or is this brussels' way of managing the situation a little too? yes, you are absolutely right , there is such a trend, and even again in conversations
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on the sidelines, european mps emphasize that the rhetoric of not only mps in the session hall has changed, but also members, for example, the european council, european officials, who already see that orbán is already a fice, they are behaving absolutely in contradiction with european values ​​and with european aspirations, and... therefore it is absolutely real that now they will start to tighten the nuts , including, for example, if the european parliament really sues the decision of the european commission to allocate 10.2 billion euros to hungary, it is quite possible that the court in luxembourg will decide that hungary must return these funds, and for orban's 10 billion is a lot , so let's talk about it, let's say, a little... the nearer future is on the sidelines in strasbourg in the european parliament certain trends,
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which our colleagues write about to a greater or lesser extent in each of the countries of the european union , journalists about the fact that this kind of or ultra-right discourse and isolationists are intensifying, and they want to join the european parliament, we can look at our neighbors, the poles, to see who... of them there really wants to go to these elections, well, there are different such boys, who sometimes overturn minors, sometimes smoke , sometimes make some, in addition to anti-semitic, anti-ukrainian appeals, there is also a whole cohort of those candidates who went to the forums together with the communists, bolsheviks before putin in the st. petersburg economic forum, so this threat is somehow tried, well, it is not time to discuss and find a solution in the european parliament, is it? perfectly timed, because the european elections are less than 20 weeks away, which will be the 6th-8th
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june 2024 european parliament elections, and perhaps that is why such aggressive anti-ukrainian rhetoric began to appear more here in the session hall, because people are preparing for the elections, and now, unfortunately, in european societies there is a demand for such and such radical right-wing political statements. movements are also talking about this and they were talking even in the session hall during this session about the threat of neo-nazism returning even to the territory of europe, the situation in italy was meant and there were still several precedents that were discussed, so if this threat is present and it may well be that the new composition of the european parliament will not be so loyal to ukraine, unfortunately, and that is why it is also said that now the ukrainian authorities and... all of ukraine must do everything to break out of the european union as much as possible by june, so
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i would like to remind you that from july 1, orban must start voting and preside over the european council, hungary will preside over the european union during the second half of 2024, so orban will, of course, slow down various initiatives and efforts to help ukraine, so we must hurry, we must infect the iron and give god's luck . mrs. tatyana, thank you for. an interesting story from strasbourg. tetyana vysotska, our press correspondent at this session of the european parliament. we will pay attention in the meantime. at the beginning of the alarm throughout the country, mih took off from savasleika carrying a kinjalaa x-47 m2, and, unfortunately, poses a threat to all regions of our country. but maybe we will still have time to talk with our guest, we have the opportunity to talk with the author for a few minutes. ideas of the film, and this is a former adviser to the minister of internal affairs of ukraine denys rostyslav smirnov of monastyrskyi. mr.
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rostislav, congratulations, we know that our viewers will be able to watch this movie, but speaking of today, january 18, the anniversary of the helicopter crash in brovary, we received so little information about it as a result of investigative actions. why does it seem so in your opinion, so little? was it possible to establish the truth as a result of a year's investigative work, did someone interfere or were there any other reasons? look, i'll be honest, i don't know all the details about... whether or not there was any obstruction, i i think that there was no place for this to happen, i can say that i definitely wouldn't want to now, for me this day is a day of remembrance, to move, we in the film also, by the way, really wanted to show, well, we are not a journalistic investigation, we did not want to conduct any kind of investigation, we wanted to use the facts to show what
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a person's life is, the role of a person in history, what happened, that part of history that concerned... all of us, therefore, i would not now, if i may, comment on the account of the death itself, that is what it is for the law enforcement agencies that deal with this, as far as we know, there are already some suspicions and so on, let them continue to deal with it, mr. rostyslav, then let's talk, let's talk about the personality, about the figure of denys monastyrskyi, we know that he was an extraordinary leader, had, they write about that , that his ideas were really very new, sometimes. radical and would ask you to actually summarize how it affected, how it changed the work of the emergency services, especially after the start of a full-scale invasion? i would like to say that there are actually a lot of details, i nevertheless, i would highly recommend watching this film, because of course i will not be able to tell everything, there are a lot of high-quality details, what happened inside the ministry of internal affairs, how
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it happened, i can say that there are actually dry numbers. the figures show that the level of trust in the department was unprecedented in relation to previous years, and in fact it was shown, because all these people, they were bright, they worried about the country, they cheered for the country, and they were ready really, if it didn't sound like much now it's pathetic to die for this country, because there were others, we showed it in the film, odenisa was like that, i don't know if it's a tradition or how to say it correctly, he kept a video diary, for himself personally. and in order to later, say, be able to remember what happened that day, such small summaries, and we got access with the help of denis's wife to some of these diaries, i can say that there were moments when denis was already there leaving instructions for his family, because he didn't know if tomorrow would come at all for him or not, because especially in the first days, in the first weeks
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of the war, they were very extremely difficult, and no one knew what was going to happen. and such decisions were made every day, maybe thousands, so in fact we wanted to show everything that happened, including the operation from azovstal, to gostomil, because gostomil was actually the gateway to kyiv, if gostomil had been taken then , we are unknown and what would happen now and where we would be with you now, so in fact, this is the role of man in history, and we wanted to show all those moments and with the distribution of weapons, and many other things, an internal moment. what happened in the bodies of the ministry of internal affairs, because in fact it was such an example, an example of an ethical leader, a new leader, which, you know, very often in the power structures, i don't want to convey there now, but nevertheless, very often everything works , well, let's put it this way, there is an order , you go to do it, he works very often even with
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arson, denis, he was a completely different person, and everything there... he worked, there he knew not only how to speak, he knew how to listen, this firstly, and secondly, when the tasks were carried out not because there, if you do not fulfill them, you will fly, but because you are afraid to be framed as a father, and here is this image , including the ethical leader and what he brought to the ministry of internal affairs , this is his cultural heritage and depth in general, because when you entered the office of the minister, believe me, the whole office was covered in various quotes, this is the minister who could quote lina kostenko. this is the minister who, during the first difficult, very difficult days, took care of the export of various cultural objects from kyiv, including so that the enemy could not take them over or destroy them, so in fact there will be a lot in this film , and everyone can see such a small era, the one that we experienced together with you, and see what role in this era was played
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by the team and the donets monks personally, mr. rostyslav, first of all, thank you once again. and for participating in our program and for the movie, which will be watched by the viewers of espresso this coming saturday, i will just say goodbye that i personally try not to keep in touch with certain people in any powerful team, but was well acquainted with yevgeny yenin, who was the deputy minister, and he knew him very well, and when he told me that he is a completely different person, i will work in his team, it was worth a lot, he was also on board with this helicopter that's why i listened carefully to all your words, thank you and let's watch it together on saturday, it was rostyslav smirnov, the author of the idea of ​​the film, the former. adviser to the minister of internal affairs, and the film will actually be on the next saturday saturday at espresso, so thank you for being with us, it remains on espresso tv channel, roman and i are saying goodbye,
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her own business. matter, this car came to me from ukraine, my mother sent it to me by bus as a parcel, they disassembled it, and my overlocker also came from ukraine, that was the beginning, then i ’ve been here for a while, my polish friends helped me a lot, and they also helped me with furniture , and various lockers, whatever you want, marina started her business a year ago, already has a lot of clients, mostly poles, it was easy to arrange everything, it can be done. online, he says woman. the most difficult thing is to find a suitable room. marina pays 2,600 zlotys per month for 10 square meters, which is about uah 25,000. go the entrepreneurial way in poland while tax benefits help. at the moment, until i earn 30 thousand zlotys in a year, i do not pay taxes. at the moment, i pay only the health insurance, so it
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works out to 620 zlotys per month. there are more entrepreneurs like marina from ukraine here every year, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, requests to start entrepreneurial activities from ukrainians in poland have been more than 41 thousand. in the second half of 2023 , about 4 thousand entrepreneurial activities were registered every month. in the first half of the year, there were 2,000 registrations every month. so we have a jump during the year almost twice. it makes an impression. every tenth company in poland is opened by ukrainians - says the expert. in addition to the fact that our fellow citizens are actively engaged in business, they also create jobs. ukrainians here not only earn, but also spend a lot, in particular , rent and buy housing. as a result , income to the polish budget is increasing are increasing in 2022
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, i mean, of course, taxes and social insurance contributions to the budget. citizens of ukraine, 4 billion zlotys went to the budget of poland, this is significant, if we talk about the year 2023, it is already 5.5 billion zlotys, we have growth here as well. there are also changes in the spheres of activity of ukrainians in poland. traditionally, our citizens actively work in the field of construction, logistics, transport, and trade. however, due to the fact that there are now many women from ukraine on the polish labor market, there is an active development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of beauty and health, gastronomy. cooking, hotel business, ukrainians are also opening translation companies , and the number of it companies is growing. they became much more than usual, which is not surprising, because ukraine has a huge potential in this field and highly qualified specialists. interesting dynamics are observed in the field of employment. ukrainians who arrived after the start of the full-scale invasion are less and less willing to work.
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below the level of their qualifications, as it was at the beginning of the great war. it can be seen here there are people who have already made an internal decision for themselves to stay for a while and want to work according to their education, according to their profession, that is, for me these are positive changes, because it is a little bit of dispelling the myths that ukrainians are not just a workforce. and we also show our competences, knowledge, skills to a slightly different market. polish international companies are increasingly noticing that there are many highly qualified professionals among ukrainians. you can come calmly, show your competences, skills, and no one pays much attention to who you are nationality if you are a good, competent worker, great, there are many
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roads open to you. in order for ukrainians to start working in polish companies


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