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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EET

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it was at the beginning of the great war, it can be seen that people remain here who have already made an internal decision for themselves to stay for a while and want to work according to their education, according to their profession, that is , for me, these are positive changes, because, well, this is a bit of a blurring of myths that ukrainians are not just a labor force, but we also show our competences, knowledge, skills to a slightly different market. polish international companies are increasingly noticing that there are many highly qualified professionals among ukrainians. you can come calmly, show yours competences, skills, and nobody pays much attention to who you are by nationality. if you are a good, competent worker, great, there are many roads open to you. to start working for polish companies, ukrainians.
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it is enough to know the language at the b1b2 level - says the specialist. in general, numerous studies show that the polish labor market needs workers, and employers are interested in ukrainians. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for the espresso tv channel from warsaw. in ukraine, large-scale air alarms are working from shelter and we ask you to stay in khrystyna parobiy works in the studio of safe places veteris press news. the occupiers killed a 57-year-old woman in kupyansk, kharkiv region. her body was recovered from the rubble of an apartment building, which was hit by the russians in the morning, said oleg seniguv, the head of the region. two more men were injured, at night for... a woman in chuguyev. she
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worked as a boiler plant operator. a 63-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman were also hospitalized with injuries. other victims were treated on the spot. the russians attacked the city twice. it is not yet known what exactly ammunition a 50-year-old woman was injured during a night drone attack in kherson. she was hospitalized - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. in general, two people were killed... and seven more were injured during the day, as a result of enemy shelling of the kherson region. the occupiers have fired more than half a thousand projectiles in the region, there are hits on the territory of factories, a park and a warehouse in kherson. the russians also used drones to attack an administration building and a farm in beryslav district. in poltava oblast, law enforcement officers exposed a corruption case scheme during the repair of the shelter in the hospital. among those involved, the head of the hospital, an active deputy of one of the territorial communities of the region and the director of the new structure. all
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three developed a plan for the development of budget funds allocated by the state to the medical facility. according to him, the winners in the tenders for work in the hospital were entrepreneurs they knew. only from one of the contractors, the perpetrators received kickbacks of more than a million hryvnias. the total amount of damages is almost 6 million hryvnias. $5,800 for fictitious disability. three people were kidnapped in kyiv sold medical certificates for men fleeing abroad. they organized for the evaders to pass fictitious military police and obtain temporary certificates of military servicemen's unfitness for military service. law enforcement officers are investigating whether doctors are involved in the scheme, and dealers face up to 9 years in prison. on the order of the russians, he was preparing an ecological terrorist attack in odesa. the security service of ukraine detained a student of odessa university. its main
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task was to identify and transmit the coordinates where toxic substances are stored substances, in particular warehouses and warehouses with pesticides. also, the collaborator scouted the possible bases of the defense forces and got a job as a taxi driver especially for this purpose. during the searches, all gadgets that he used in intelligence activities against our state were seized from the detainee. based on the collected evidence , the investigative security services. informed him of the suspicion under the second part of article 111 of the criminal code of ukraine, which is treason committed under martial law. the investigation is ongoing, the perpetrator faces life imprisonment imprisonment. romanian protesters are planning to block another checkpoint on the border with ukraine. helmeu yakuve. the state customs service of ukraine warned. only the movement of trucks, cars and. this will not
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apply to buses, the message says. as of now, the romanians are blocking two crossing points with ukraine. a dozen missiles were attacked in... the belgorod region of russia, according to the local governor, the russian anti-aircraft defense shot down all the targets, but such a successful operation did not pass without consequences. damaged power lines and gas supply in many houses blew out windows. it seems that there is one victim, at night explosions were heard not far from the russian capital in the city of podolsk, as usual, without destruction. also, the ministry of defense of the country of the aggressors added that one more drone was intercepted in the leningrad region, this is the first time since the beginning of the war unleashed by them. however, some russian publics claim that the drone did reach its destination and exploded on the territory of the st. petersburg oil terminal, the largest in the country. in the village of chubynske, in
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wild animals, lions, porcupines, wild birds and squirrels are being rehabilitated in the kyiv region. everyone willingly can contribute to their speedy recovery. more about the residents of the center and ways to help further in our story: wounded lions, tigers, wolves and many other wild animals. there is a wild animal rescue center in chubynskyi, kyiv region, where tails are rehabilitated and prepared for a better life. many had to be saved from the war, including tigrul. in the fall of the 22nd, she was brought from kharkiv oblast. she lived in a private house in a small cage. where the owner left it. the animal arrived at the center exhausted with a fractured knee joint, kidney and repair failure. it was still possible to operate on her, although it was a huge risk, but thank god everything was successful. we were able to remove the pain in this joint.
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you've already seen her running. recently, during another round of shelling, she hit a grate and suffered a concussion. in what... of course, the whole rehabilitation has rolled back a little, but now it is getting better, i hope that we will be able to restore it, such stage where she can live a happy life, and this is tosha the porcupine, he entertained the circus audience all his life, and when he retired, the trainer transferred him to the center, because he had to live in a small box, now tosha already. .. it is a habit to walk in circles in the enclosure when the animal is wild, they should live in the wild under normal circumstances, but when they are put in a small cage, they are there, it is quite a big stress for them, they go down there a lot,
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and therefore later , unfortunately, this behavior when you put them in a large aviary, they still walk in circles like that, venus is another resident of the shelter. from the poltava region, the owners took her in when she was still small and thought she was a dog, but when the animal grew up, it turned out that venus is a she- wolf, and it became very difficult to get used to her, the animal was treated at the center and very soon she is waiting for a trip, she will soon go to greece, we found good conditions for her together with another animal, together with another she-wolf, which we rescued earlier from under the belarusian border. they will go together soon, among all the animals in the center live swans, they were rescued mainly from weather conditions, some birds are injured , others have an infection, recently six have already been released, another 11 are undergoing treatment, they were found by caring people, they were mainly rescued
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by the animal rescue team of kyiv karkh, they rescue people through ordinary situations, some had died there in the summer, they got them. purchased at the wild animal rescue center, the animals are not hoarded, they provide help and release them into nature, or they are looking for new homes, in the west of ukraine or abroad. resettlement procedure complex and long-lasting, at least three months. in addition, the animal must be healthy, because in europe diseases are indicators for euthanasia. we do not transfer to zoos, except abroad, where there is one. we transfer animals where there are large enclosures, because in principle a zoo is a zoological park, yes, take it there in europe, there is an enclosure for a bear there that is 2 hectares and above, the same for tigralelevo, in our country
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it is customary to consider a zoo, it is some small enclosure, you can support these wild animals in any way, with donations, food, building materials, and you can also arrange... guardianship, that is, help a specific animal and get an honorary certificate. currently, there are 27 residents in the center. in general, more than a thousand animals were helped during the great war. more than two hundred were placed abroad, in addition, there are five ambulances working here , if you see an animal in need of rescue, call 303. kateryna galko, andriy versyuk, espresso tv channel. such was the morning in ukraine, i say goodbye to you, until tomorrow, stay with us.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours we talk about the war, about the world, about the war and about our victory. today in the program. anything can happen. europe is urged to prepare for russian aggression, will the war prevent ukraine from joining nato? there will be more long-range missiles from france and britain. is germany ready to offer its taurus to ukraine? mass protests in bashkortostan? the eco-activist was sentenced to four years for arson enmity when to expect the collapse of russia? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour. serhiy kryvonos and politician, diplomat roman bezsmertny. in the second part of our program, which will start in
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an hour. we will have political experts, oleksiy holobutsky, viktor boberenko and oleg sahakyan. therefore, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of the protests in russian bashkortostan or bashkiria, as this republic used to be called. a rally of several thousand took place there today. on support of local activist file alsynov, file alsynov is an eco-activist and also a person who called not to go to fight in ukraine. omon brutally dispersed the protesters, using tear gas and stun grenades. let's see what is happening in russia. freedom, freedom, freedom.
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platforms, in addition, throughout our program, we conduct a survey, today we ask you whether you trust investigative journalism and investigations give yes or no if you're watching on youtube it's pretty simple just choose yes or no if you 're watching us on tv pick up your smartphone and vote if you trust investigative journalism vote on 0800 211 381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is serhiy kryvonos, reserve major general of the armed forces of ukraine, former deputy secretary of the national security council, the former first deputy of the ex-commander, or rather, the former deputy commander. of special operations of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. general, i congratulate you, forgive me for taking so long to introduce you. good evening, glory
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to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, let 's start our conversation with the situation at the front, because the analysts of the american institute for the study of war have recorded a certain movement of russian troops north of the dnibrova in the kreminnaya region, as well as near bakhmut. according to analysts of this russian structure. the army prepares large-scale offensive actions in the period until february 2, that is, from these days until february 2, when the weather is expected to make it difficult to defend ukrainian... positions, should we expect a large-scale offensive by the russians during the next two weeks? you know, in war , making predictions is a very thankless business, so scouts always say one phrase before any report on the enemy's options for action: a possible option for the enemy's actions may be, everything
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consists not only in our thoughts and in our information, but in certain moments and many what depends from the enemy, but meanwhile , the most important thing during the war is to correctly assess the enemy, not underestimating the enemy can lead to serious problems, so it is better to consider the options for the worse than the options that you know are positive enough, if you are in preparation proof of hostilities calculated calculated that the enemy is weaker, that the enemy is directly prepared, worse equipped, you have already lost without starting this battle, so you need to soberly look at certain things and assess the correct situation regarding the offensive capabilities of the russians, they have forces and means that, due to transferring them from different areas of the front, they can accumulate and start certain offensive actions in certain areas, will it be near bakhmut
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or will it be in the area of ​​kupyansk or in the alemansky direction, this question is just for our intelligence , so that it is not... timely detected the transfer of enemy manpower and equipment along the railways both on the territory of russia and directly on the occupied territories of ukraine. our task in this situation is to pay attention to the improvement of our engineering equipment fortification positions, our positions in relation to the fortifications and directly... will provide the people with weapons and ammunition in the required quantity, and primarily this applies to artillery ammunition, because it is better to strike artillery on distant approaches to the front edge than to immediately fight on front edge mr. general, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, today in brussels took
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part in the first meeting of the ukraine-nato council in the format of commanders. of the armed forces, which are part of the north atlantic alliance, and at this meeting mr. zaluzhny spoke about the current situation on the battlefield, but the head of the nato military committee, admiral robbaur, assured ukraine of the alliance's continued support and called on the west to prepare for war. let's hear what admiral rob bauer had to say. we need public and private... structures to change their outlook from an era where everything was planned, predictable, controlled and efficiency oriented to an era where anything can happen at any time, an era in which we must expect surprises, an era in which we must focus on efficiency, for this we need to transform the combat
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capabilities of nato, mr. general, about war, about... war with the russian federation, they are talking in the north atlantic alliance , the baltic countries are talking separately, germany, poland, and they are talking about the fact that this confrontation is possible in the next 3-5 years, here is the definition and preparation of nato for war with russia, what it means for ukraine and what it means for the world, for those countries that... are closest to the russian federation, primarily the baltic states, poland, they began to draw conclusions in the 14th, 15th, and 16th years, and were returned for military service in the same lithuania, were powerfully formed and the efforts
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of the polish territorial defense forces are now increasing, poland has been re-arming for a long time and is receiving a sufficiently large one. in terms of technology, just as these countries provided territories for the deployment of nato military contingents, and it is also powerful enough for these countries. as for us, well, we need to understand that we still have to provide informational support for the intensification of the struggle with the russian federation on the russian-ukrainian front. unfortunately, there are no representatives of ukraine on any channel of the nato countries. who on television, who for at least 15 minutes every day told the situation at the front and told about those cases of torture, abuse of the citizens of ukraine by the russian... military, this is very necessary, and as the example of the same israel shows, israel shows it, israel it conducts, and
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we can see how powerful the support for israel is. due to the incompetence of certain managers from the president's office, we did not talk about these things at all and did not escalate the issue. we have not painted the image of a real , brutal enemy fighting against us. and... the acceptance of ukraine, the ukrainian-russian war directly in many countries, you know, has become so muddled, let's say it this way, for us we also need to understand that now there will be an increase in the level of industrial capacity of these countries that are part of nato, with regard to orders for the manufacture of certain types of weapons and certain ammunition, but it is also necessary to understand that these ammunitions will go... first of all for their armies to accumulate the necessary amount of resource stocks, they can already give us what is already directly there suitable storage terms, and it goes as an exchange, and it is very
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a positive feature is enough for us, the most important thing is that we continue to raise the truth about the situation on the russian-ukrainian front and convey it to the whole society, both european and the whole world. mr. general, french president emmanuel macron announces the transfer 40 additional scalp missiles and hundreds of bombs to ukraine. the declared minimum range of this long-range scalp missile, which is exported, is 250 km, and 560 km for the french and british armies. it is not yet known which long-range missiles will arrive in ukraine, but this means that in any under what circumstances will we be able to get the territory of russia and military facilities on the territory of russia, does this mean that france, like great britain, which signed
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the agreement, the security agreement with ukraine, which also in this security agreement stipulated that ukraine will receive long-range weapons that both great britain and france allow the use of their missiles to impress targets. on russian territory, this is absolutely normal, and this is a great position, as far as the range is concerned, we will see what they will give us, will they give us what was planned for sale abroad with lower ranges, or will they sell theirs, which will be directly replaced by more updated versions, those that they are now expecting to be delivered is the most important thing for us at the moment, nevertheless, you see, we take the position that everything has been given to us and we expect everything. i don't see what exactly we are doing to improve our capabilities to strike
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enemy-occupied territory and strike russia. first of all, in this war, it is necessary to clearly understand that the most important thing is the destruction of the military-industrial complex of the russian federation, that which provides the russian troops with the necessary amount of weapons, ammunition, fuel, that is... the most important thing, because without it, any army in the world unable to fight. against the background of the protracted so-and-so drama regarding the allocation of $61 billion in financial aid to ukraine, germany today stated that will almost double military aid. scholz said that more than 7 billion euros will be provided to ukraine for military support in the 24th year, instead of four, as previously planned, and today the opposition will submit an appeal to the chancellor in the german parliament demanding the transfer
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of taurus long-range missiles to ukraine, voting on this issue, it should be at the end of the week, how would you evaluate the role that germany now plays in helping ukraine, because we remember what happened at the beginning of the war and how difficult it was for the germans to make certain decisions regarding the provision of weapons to ukraine, given that these weapons will be used against russia? the germans, due to the fact that a powerful pro-russian lobby was created in germany at the time by the russian special services, avoided such a direct line for a long time. help, finding different circumstances, due to the fact that the military and intelligence in the same germany clearly assesses the real situation and understands the threats and
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opportunities. of russia's attack on european countries, including germany, these views were revised more soberly and more quickly the necessary conclusions are drawn, and primarily these conclusions are drawn in favor of ukraine. it is very good for us, but we also have to do certain things, but i will still say that we have to get up from our knees and engage in the independent production of certain products for weapons. forces of ukraine, we have a huge number of plants, factories idle, which do not have a mobilization task, which do not have a state order, which do absolutely nothing, we buy, we need to raise our own economy, because for every hryvnia invested domestic manufacturer, we get 40% return of this money to the budget through taxes, we get a huge number of jobs, we get directly...
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we are able to provide our own armed forces with a huge amount of products, and this is very good. and what, mr. general, prevents us from developing this large-scale production, because the missile complex has always been powerful in ukraine, we have specialists, engineers, and we used to have production facilities, i do not know what is working now, what is not working, as of 2020 year, when you were still a deputy. the secretary of the nsdc, what was there, what was not there and what can be restored and in what volumes, the question related to the 20th year, we had enough capacity to produce missile weapons, but in the 20th year there was practically no state orders, those state orders that were in the 20th year, with such a big scandal, they were still able to push through a certain number
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of conscientious, patriotic lobbyists. who raised this issue before the ukrainian people, before ukrainian politicians, that concerns for now, well, let's remember december 29, when, due to the active work of the fifth column inside ukraine , missile strikes were carried out on the company that made our missile weapons, the company was destroyed, there are no criminal actions related to the leakage of information so far, so i i ask a question, and all those who are responsible for the fight against spies are in place, everything else can be done here, i will say it more simply, we have other people, as far as technical staff, engineering staff, and designers are concerned able to do these things, and how to do them both on the territory of our country and abroad, the most important thing is that these processes are handled by professionals, and not by those who directly just do pr and then leak this
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information to our enemy. well, by the way, about professionals and about how to dispose of those resources, human, first of all , resources that ukraine possesses. on january 16 , the verkhovna rada passed the law on the electronic register for military records, there are a lot of different opinions about whether it is correct or not is it wrong, is it necessary to store some of the information somewhere on servers abroad, yesterday i had a visit from sbu colonel roman kostenko, he... said that he had his comments on what to do with these electronic databases, if this electronic the register will be created, in what way will it be secured, what, mr. general, does this electronic register mean for military registration for mobilization and for mobilized, and potentially mobilized in this situation, for now we are talking about future, possible, planned
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capabilities, it's hard to say that it hasn't worked yet, it's hard to say that it 's not adequately protected yet, we see that the enemy is actively waging cyber wars against us, and let's remember the last, let's say such a powerful attack by the enemy, this is when the security system of the kyivstar mobile communications company was destroyed, and how a huge number of ukrainians left. but without communication , a huge number of banks and other state institutions and private institutions remained without communication and without the ability to transmit any information, so you can do anything, but at the same time you have to protect these things, have the authorities made conclusions, well, from the point of view of security, first of all, the authorities had to after such a powerful...


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