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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EET

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we have a really remarkable situation, what we are seeing now from journalists is the beginning of the end, the beginning of the end of our very weak democracy, thank you, oleksiy holobutsky, oleg sahakyan and viktor boborenko were guests of our program today, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program , during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether you trust journalistic investigations, so the results of the survey are 94%, yes six no, these are the results of the survey of those who watched the television broadcast. in addition , on youtube we have a ratio of 88% against 12%. on this, friends, i put a full stop, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives. it was the verdict program, it was hosted by serhii rudenko, i'll say goodbye to you until 8:00 p.m. the next day.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. the enemy is advancing simultaneously on the lymano-kopyansk and bakhmutsk directions. at the same time, the defense forces stand on the defensive, repulse and move to attacks when found. in the last day , more than 300 invaders were eliminated and burned 136 units of equipment. the spokesman of the ground forces command of the armed forces of ukraine , volodymyr fityo, noted that muscovites are actively using kamikaze drones in the kupyansk-lyman direction, which is not typical for this front line. during the day, the enemy used 54 kamikaze drones. in bakhmutskyi, the occupiers rely more on artillery. here they deployed three kamikaze drones and carried out. 523 shellings, in
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the tavria direction, the enemy began to actively use armored vehicles to support and land infantry, does not stop airstrikes. in three days, the enemy conducted 38 combat engagements and carried out 924 artillery barrages. this was reported by the commander of the tavria military group oleksandr tarnavskyi. defense forces hit the russian zoo and repellent-1 stations. in addition, the enemy lost 41 armored vehicles, including 17 tanks. the total losses of the russian occupiers amounted to 350, 385 people and 57 pieces of equipment. defense forces of ukraine destroyed three ammunition warehouses and two more important enemy facilities. five times since the beginning of the year, russian sabotage and intelligence groups have tried go to the border of chernihivska.
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the situation on the northern border of the sumy region is stable, the accumulation of enemy forces is imperceptible, so the military command and servicemen are working on improving their skills, said the commander of the united forces serhiy naev. the preparation of sabotage and anti-sabotage reserves is ongoing. fighters learn to counter the enemy with the involvement of unmanned aircraft, set up explosive engineering barriers and create observation posts. france will supply ukraine with up to 50 guided aerial bombs saffron every month until the end of 2024, and paris will increase the supply of artillery ammunition and produce 78 caesar self-propelled guns, said the country's minister of defense sebastien lecorneux. he also denied that the russians seized the initiative at the front and emphasized: moscow will not... win
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the war against ukraine. as the situation on the battlefield shows, modern artillery cannot be replaced. we must continue our efforts to improve our technological superiority, scale up ammunition production and develop our artillery capability. the german bundestag failed to vote on the provision of taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. more spoke against. in the parliament the opposition, which initiated the vote, requested a reconsideration. at the same time , yehor cherniv, deputy chairman of the committee on national security and defense of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, is convinced that there is no need to worry. the draft law was rejected due to violations of technical procedures, and a new vote will be held by february 22. let me remind you that our country is asking germany for cruise missiles since last may. meanwhile
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, romanian protesters are planning to block another checkpoint on the border with ukraine. halmeue dyakove - the state customs service of ukraine warned. will limit only the movement of light transport trucks, light transport and buses, this will not apply, the message says. as of now, the romanians are blocking two checkpoints with ukraine. and while romanian farmers continue to block two checkpoints: the polish-ukrainian border is free for truckers. at the point our correspondent kateryna is at the krakow-korchova pass. sloth katya, i congratulate you. tell me, please, what the current situation is at the border and how long drivers have to wait now. greetings irina, greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. finally, the ep with
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the blocking of the polish-ukrainian border came to an end. on january 16, the polish government signed a memorandum of understanding with the local protesters, and in total, there are seven points in this agreement, which the polish government will undertake to fulfill in the near future, and also, let me remind you, that the main demand of the strikers was to return the special permits for departure to europe to ukrainian highwaymen. in general, the blockade lasted from the 5th, 6th , sorry, november, for more than two months, the ukrainian truck drivers literally lived on the border, they did not have enough food, they did not have enough fuel, the conditions were very difficult, and the border was finally unblocked on the evening of january 16. and i have positive news: during the day, ukrainian border guards processed 2,550 trucks for entry into ukraine at three checkpoints. i also want you to listen to the emotions of the drivers and how long they now have to stand
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border now there is no queue, i stood for 9 hours, 9 hours and 20 minutes. in previous times , i stood for nine days, then for 10... then it was also difficult to leave, then to sit in the car for 10 days, after the border was unblocked, in general, the work went much better, and i stood, unscrewed the pause for 10 hours, comparatively with how long they stood, two sundays, 14 days, 13 days, so according to the information of the employers' association of ukraine, at the end of november the losses from the border blockade reached 400 million euros for ukraine, well, i want to... say that if the polish government until 1 march will not fulfill all demands, the polish strikers promise to renew, unfortunately, the blockade of the border. irina, i give you my word. thank you, katya. it was our correspondent kateryna oliynyk, who is currently at the krakow korchova checkpoint, who talked about
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the current situation there. and we move on. and they kidnapped people and beat non-existent debts out of them. in zaporizhzhia, the security service and the national police disappeared. a gang of racketeers, they created artificial conflicts, and demanded money for the so-called peaceful resolution of the situation. in case of refusal to pay, the victims were kidnapped and then brutally beaten. the leader and two members of the gang were arrested red-handed. they kept the man in a dilapidated building in the city park. currently detained in custody, the organizer of the zaporozhye criminal authority. currently, he is ob'. accused in several cases of kidnapping , extortion and distribution of criminal influence. as soon as the preventive measure was changed to a measure not related to deprivation of liberty, the criminal immediately formed a group, including which included two more residents of zaporozhye with
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a criminal past. another batch of suvs from the charitable fund ukrainian team went to the front line. volunteers confess. it is increasingly difficult to find the right brands in europe, the cars left lutsk east were not empty, they were loaded with useful and necessary things for our defenders, as well as delicacies prepared by wives and mothers. it is difficult now with customs, but we are glad that despite the difficulties we also manage to drive these cars, we hope that this consumable, which in fact often lives for a few days, we had such cases when cars did not even reach the front line, they were destroyed, so we hope that these three cars will serve our victory and that they will contribute to the fact that it will be easier for the guys in this difficult time well, the espresso tv channel is asking you to join the collection for our defenders. soldiers
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of the legendary 95th separate amphibious assault brigade need a mercedes sprinter cargo bus. the defenders use the car for the fastest possible pick-up. set for calculations that destroy the russian ones occupiers and their armored vehicles. our goal is uah 2,000. almost 74 thousand have already been collected, join, your help. extremely important, because any donation will help buy a car for our defenders. you can now see all the details on the screen. such was the news at that time, we will see you at 3 p.m., and literally in a moment meet my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliyarnyk.
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the team continues to work tirelessly for you. marta uliarnyk is currently working in the studio and is ready to invite you to our studio virtually our first guest. this is ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu in... 2004 and 2015, and mr. ivan and i will actually discuss the important events that happened these days and in this era, in particular. congratulations, mr. ivan, veteri espresso. congratulations, congratulations, thank you very much for the invitation. and traditionally, we discuss important events with you, and now, in particular, such an important event happened this night in st. petersburg, there something exploded, something burned, something was done. it is said that it is like... our brave guys from the main intelligence agency did, and actually, what is it about? we are talking about
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ukrainian drones that hit an oil depot in the leningrad region of the russian federation this night, and i would actually like your assessment of this event, how important is this event for us and, in fact, how can it affect the psychological and moral state of our enemy? well, let's say, there was an arrival, but what results do i expect. there was no, at least from those reports that were, it was noted that some of the drones were shot down, some fell into the water somewhere, and only one piece of debris fell on the territory of this oil storage of an oil refinery, and the area of ​​the fire is about 130 m, that is , we did not see any other data that there was an extremely large fire, explosions, that is, we have to believe such reports for now, but in any case, well... now 130 m, then it will be 1030 m, we expect that
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in the future such flights will and will seriously distract the air defense system of the russians, they will be forced to distract them from the front, perhaps as an option to protect their first and or second capital st. petersburg, i.e. well we we count on it, mr. ivan, i understand that the key story now is that our brave boys and girls can reach such a far... goal, given the geography, we understand that it is far away, and accordingly, it creates prerequisites, as i understand it, in order for our armed forces and our special services to be able to work deeper into the russian federation, yes, no, come on, i would like to, we do not know how many of these drones there are within a radius of 100 km, if there are five of them - six pieces, then we are not talking about anything at all, then we cannot expect that we will give nightmares to the russians at this distance if there are 500-600 of them. or, for example, i don’t know, we can produce 50 per month, oh, that’s already a completely different story, that is, there are routes by which
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these drones can be launched so that they hit , the main thing is that there should be multiplication, scaling, so that not one or two , show them , they fly, but many dozens, hundreds, well , a year, dozens a month, and then it will really work, cause damage, there in the north of the russian federation, i mean st. petersburg are located. several of these large objects, one of them is the service on the border, well, near the border with estonia, also a large oil refinery complex, an oil transfer complex, its destruction or damage is also a serious blow to the export part of the russian federation, the sbu has already tried once, by the way, hit the afib refinery, this is the krasnodar region, this is the refinery that produces, this, for those who are not oriented, this is to the south. south and there to the crimea, closer to the bottom to georgia, that is where the krasnodar territory is located, and there is
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is located, is located, still continues to be located at the npzivskyi refinery, which supplies the russian military machine with fuel, and in particular aviation units, with aviation karasin, that is, this strike was also serious, that is, there are capabilities, there are opportunities, ugh, dear mr. ivan, well, we wanted you now analyzed the last statement of the war criminal medvedev, yes, who at one time performed the duties of the holder of the position of the russian president. medvedev stated that one of the priorities of the war against of ukraine is the liquidation of ukrainian statehood as such yes, he also stated that ukraine is deadly dangerous for ukrainians. well, de facto, he marked in this way the new russian doctrine regarding aggressive war against ukraine. how seriously should medvedev's statement be considered, to whom it was intended and to whom it
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was directed, and in general, your vision, for what purpose he threw it. yes, let's say right away that medvedev is a person without a position, his last position was the president of the russian federation, you correctly noted, he was given the deputy secretary of the national security council of the russian federation, i remember this, but i want to remind your viewers that this dmitry medvedev was appointed to this position even before it was legally created at all, there was no position at all in the russian red security deputy, there was simply a secretary and a chairman. this is putin, the secretary is patrushev, that is , they were appointed before the position was created at all, we must understand this, and by the way, in moscow, in the entire power vertical of the kremlin , they remember this, they constantly emphasize it, i'm sorry , nobody takes medvedev's words seriously, because medvedev needs to be shown that he's still alive, because if he didn't
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make these statements, he wouldn't have any reason to appear in the mass media at all, so he ... throws something out, the more things it looks or sounds like, the louder it is quoted , it is reposted somewhere, it flies in telegram channels, and it seems to me that he just caught his wave, he likes it, the kremlin likes it, but i'm sure, it's not necessary to always compare medvedev's tweets or posts as with the central line of the kremlin, the kremlin has its own pretensions, its dreams, bears do not belong here at all. well, in any case, he said that, well, he changed his priorities, at one time they were talking about the so-called denazification, well, we saw what they did, how they denazified in quotes, of course i am talking about collective crimes against civilians population, ethnic cleansing, murder and so on and so on, but here he began to talk not only about changing the regime and so on or
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bringing ukraine to some kind of possible dialogue with the russian federation. he very clearly indicated the destruction of ukrainianness and the ukrainian state as such, is this something new in medvedev's narratives? that's right, look , but i'm just saying one more time, he can say anything he wants, and about, he also talked about nuclear weapons, and about the grunting pigs there, well , he had this whole story, we've already seen it all, but in the ruling vertical of the kremlin, medvedev is not quoted at all, as far as possible, he is not respected at all, no one respects him, no oligarch. no technocrats, because he drained even his closest entourage at the whim of putin, the ministers who were in his government, the closest people of the minister of the open government of the russian federation people, his entire team
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was in tatters, he has no team at all, he even has a secretary, as evil gossips say, evil tongues, this is also not his person, it is from the fsb officers over there, but that is not the case, i just want to remind you once again to the audience, which the position in the coordinate system is generally occupied by bears, and with such posts, he pleases the kremlin, they like it, but no one there takes him seriously, he does not influence anything at all, neither lavrov nor patorushev, they try not to invite him at all to any public events in general , mr. ivan, if we continue the topic with what the next... our years will look like, here i would also like to quote the prime minister of croatia , andrej plendkovic, who stated that putin will be in power for at least another 12 years, and actually now there are political prerequisites for him to hold power for at least another 12 years, and this should be taken into account, do you think , given that putin may still have
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a decade of his reign ahead of him, could this somehow still have an impact ... it is up to our western partners, so to speak, to review their policy of supporting ukraine and their own awareness of the threat from russia, which will most likely not last there for the next few years, and maybe even in the decade, well, we can see it, without a doubt see, look at germany, germany was one of the most loyal allies of the russian federation, well, quite cheap gas, oil, various minerals were supplied to... to say, he insists that... politicians should vote for an increase in funding not just for the 24th year or the 25th, but for the following periods and to invest in armaments, and we see
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how great britain also, well, threw off all the pink glasses, they didn't have them in principle, but we see how they are set up, and france says, we will supply 50 guided aerial bombs to the country every month, there for a certain period of time, that is, i see how they are being re-equipped, not all of them, unfortunately, not all of them, of course we have hungary. there are still some such latent allies of the russian federation, but come on, the united states is undecided, we expected on the 18th that they would vote, well, maybe they will vote today, maybe tomorrow, it seems that there are already some agreements there with the help of ukraine, but the re-equipment of the world's military equipment is already taking place, the last thing, i will remind your viewers that the total amount of the world's unfulfilled military personnel for today is 24. ktiv , i.e. they signed, something was paid, but the weapons have not yet been delivered , reaching the mark of 700 billion us
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dollars , that is, even what was in 22 in the 25th-26th years, just like, for example, leopard tanks to italy, they are expected only in the 28th year, there in the 30th year, just imagine how much the world has changed its mind on the matter. military weapons , well, the world was changing, well, but all the same, the signal from the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umyerov , is extremely unpleasant, and i would say, even threatening, this whole thing sounds, therefore , according to umyrov, russia significantly exceeds ukraine in the daily attacks they release 5-10 times more shells, this is what the head of our ministry of defense said in paris during the so-called opening of the so-called coalition on... artillery issues, i quote: ammo shortage and ammunition famine famine is an extremely urgent problem and we need to find a way to solve it together. in any case, mr. ivan, we understand that
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real cooperation between north korea and the russian federation has now deepened. in particular, we are talking about possibly low-quality, not very high-quality korean ammunition, but the koreans completed the task, that is, they delivered about a million, albeit crooked. but deadly, what do you think we should do and in general, should we, i don't know, improve, strengthen our external communication, that's how we understand how much money goes to the domestic ukrainian market, there in particular we are talking about the telethon and so on and so forth, and all those freedoms, freedoms that may not be perfected, well, we need to improve communication with south korea, which has also been preparing all its life for a war with north... korea, and by the way, we have been receiving indirect, of course, 155-caliber projectiles from south korea for a long time, and this is very good, so you see, north and south
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korea are fighting, but unfortunately, not on my own territory, on our territory, well, there is what there is, that is, unfortunately, unfortunately, we note this, according to the number of shells, it was noted that on average, every day the russians fire at ukrainian positions, along the entire front line, approximately , these are approximate numbers, somewhere... it is clear that for them this is exhaustion, there would be a handsome man alive, he would shout where are the shells, the sheikh lacks a shell, it is clear, at the same time, on average, ukraine fires at russian positions 2 thousands of shells per day, that is, there is a five-fold difference, but exactly thanks to the persistence and, well , persistence of our volunteers, our military. provide themselves with fpv drones, i see that some of your colleagues are also engaged in collecting drones in their free time, fpv drones are transferred to our military, and thanks to this, within a radius of 10
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km from the front line, it is possible to either drive individual russians across the field like gravediggers, or give nightmares russian equipment, as they say, i like it very much, the people of bandera have eaten a communist, well, i like it very much, the communists are humiliated, these communists are being humiliated by drones and... within a radius of 10 km, although the russians can leave from 20 km, so we will talk about drones in more detail with our next guest, but to you, mr. ivan, we always thank you for the opportunity to join us on the air, so we will to let you go: ivan stupak, a military expert who was an employee of the sbu in 2004 and 2015, well, we are ready to bring yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the akhiles attack unmanned aerial systems company of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovo ataman, to our airwaves. ivan sirka from bakhmud direction. we welcome you. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. mr. yuriy, bakhmud direction. please share now.
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information about your operational situation. the adversary retains opportunities, forces and reserves to carry out shock-assault actions, as a result of which offensive actions are carried out persistently enough in waves on certain areas. at the moment, over the past two weeks , objectively, the enemy has not made any tactical successes on the battlefield, because the defense forces manage to detect them in a timely manner through coordinated, mutual work. and due to the combined fire influence to make a sufficiently significant impression , which leads to the loss of a significant number of enemy personnel capable of carrying out a strike in an offensive action, and at the same time, 3d gives the opportunity to destroy lightly armored, armored enemy vehicles, artillery and much more, so the defense forces also keep an eye on i believe that the enemy will not have tactical success in the future. fights near ticks. what is
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now in this direction? the day before yesterday, the enemy acted quite actively with the involvement of lightly armored armored vehicles, these are bmps, tanks of a significant number of personnel of specially trained stormtroopers, these are not mobilized, not representatives of storm z, it can be seen from the training, it can be seen from the equipment of these servicemen, the enemy did not have tactical success, the defense forces managed to repel this attack. only during the offensive actions , the units, which they have the honor of leading, managed to destroy four bmps in the shunt due to the use of drones, knock out another tank, destroy an amphibious assault vehicle, as well as destroy two tanks in the area of ​​the command. it all happened in one light day, so hadrons played a rather significant role in repelling these enemy attacks. mr. yurii, i also wanted to clarify whether the enemy's strategic plan now
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looks like this, and their main one has not changed. the goal is to get to the times and, actually, to get to the admin of the border of the region, is there a possible change in tactics or a change in some strategic plans of the enemy, if so, then please share if you know. no, not quite like that, the enemy’s plan remains unchanged, it is to recapture all the de-occupied positions, which were also territories, with the defense forces, to restore their position and accordingly to continue the offensive in the donetsk region, the first city, which is ... believe in time, that is why the enemy is trying to press where, according to his conviction, the weakest defense is the strength of the defense, but at the same time i will tell you that despite the fact that the enemy to in the new year had minor tactical successes, in particular on the section of the road from the time of the ravine to bakhmut, as of today this situation has stabilized, ugh, well, now we will ask our directors to prepare a suitable video and we would like to ask you, mr. yuri, about
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how with the help of drones it was possible to actually neutralize the russian t-72, in particular we are talking about the russian t-72b3 tank, so there was an operation to cut off the tower of the russian tank, at once, so to speak, we have two angles, tell me, please, how such a thing is generally managed, how difficult it is to organize on the battlefield, and once again i turn to our directors. "the personnel performs tasks without sacrificing their health, persistently, motivated and disciplined, which is why it is possible to provide sufficiently powerful results in destroying the enemy, both in terms of life force and of lightly armored, armored artillery equipment, very important interaction between the brigades that keep the defense on the line and it is, and a very important formula that works at the front quite successfully, the
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more means. reconnaissance uavs, the better we can see the enemy during the day and night, the more shock means we have, the more efficiently we can eliminate him. now you see a clear example, when 25 drones were used for a day, if not charging the memory, 25 drones is somewhere around 15-18 thousand dollars, 15-18 dollars destroyed the enemy's enemy equipment for the total amount, well, let's say one dance. two tanks are 6 million, one bmp is worth approximately 1.5 million dollars, four bmp is 3 + 3 = 6 for us, that is, the total amount of damage caused by the enemy only from the destroyed equipment, i am not talking about damage, 12 million dollars using the 18 thousand that we spent on...


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