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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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trained, they are in online mode, he can ask there, well, less zoom, closer zoom to look there on the right, on the left, there is something else there, you understand how, well, that’s all , well, it works in a complex, that’s the same infantry, she is the same, well, well, how to say, commander, company commander, platoon commander, he is the same. but if it is possible to put a starlink generator there, put a laptop, roughly speaking, he sees, he sees his positions, he sees the work of our artillery, he sees the movement of the enemy, he sees, maybe in online mode to give commands to your units. there for the opening of the fire, there, well
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, let’s say, there is some kind of crossfire and so on, here, and they all work in a single complex, it cannot be separated from one another, i so understood that now specifically you emphasize the need of artillery reconnaissance, its importance, of which air reconnaissance is a part , of which... there are all those mavics that our people very often gather for, i am trying now to simplify and actually translate into the language of many of those people who look at us and trying to figure out where to give them, but an interesting feature, now it's just a boom in use, a boom in collections, a boom in the production of fpv drones, first vision fpv, first personal view, if i'm not mistaken, yes. and why does someone say that it is because
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we may not have enough artillery capabilities, maybe somewhere there is not enough bek, there are not enough barrels and so on and so on, i have a question then, and then why are the russians also betting on them , because they have more art than we do, they definitely put no less on fpv, well, i’ll tell you, it’s a little bit, well, no it exists, well, it doesn't happen. here it can be classified as a highly accurate weapon, you know, like if the pilot fp drone.
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well, teach well, well taught, then he has , well, literally, drones will launch a window, uh, you understand, like artillery, small accurate artillery, exactly artillery, and even well, there are such things that artillery will not be able to perform the task that it can , which can be performed precisely.
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how can you tell, the number of launch of these, you understand, if the fp operator has a drone. he can launch 50 drones a day, he has some skills, if he launches five pyvidrons there in a week, well, other skills , well, you understand, these are skills, that's why to say that there is someone better, who is better, who is not better, who is quite difficult, well, it's an experience , ego he only on well in practice it is possible to ego... get more in no way. let's talk with you a little about the topic of recruiting in our country. i wish we all used that term instead of mobilization, because recruiting is a more effective story in my opinion, but i'm equally aware that we
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we will not leave exclusively on it. it is necessary to talk about the mobilization of a large number of people so that our military leadership can, well, plan something in general in this war, based on... human resources, about your battalion and about how you are engaged in selection, is there even a concept of candidate selection , who do you need the most, how do you look for these people, if you are looking, is it easier to take those who are actually mobilized by the tccsp, teach everything, share experience and work with these people, well , you understand how we already had the experience to recruit there. to get people there, there is something else there , well, i am not saying that the survey is so bad, but it constantly needs a certain improvement,
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it is necessary to constantly adjust the fact that we mobilized mobilized these or those people and we... people in the battalion, that is we have different positions , and if there is a need for us to put people there, let's say, who was engaged, we will do purchases there independently, there
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are those who have the experience to work there in a transparent manner, create tenders there, then to me.
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put an accountant, you understand, logically, yes, i can't, i've never worked as an accountant, well, i'll put it there , rearrange it, it'll be there tomorrow. you will be an accountant, that’s for sure, i will become an accountant, well, this is the wrong approach, then let’s talk about ensuring and supporting the professional development of servicemen of your battalion, well, professional development, well, probably, well, probably yes, first of all, i said that according to my positions, well according to their abilities, we assign them to positions, then we see how people work, you see, if a person works, well, that’s enough
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good, and if a person, well, there are some abilities, there, he is for this position, or another position, yes, he shows it, then we try to promote him, and there it is in... in my battalion now well, there is no company commander, although all the company commanders were replaced by younger ones there, junior lieutenants, lieutenants, here, but those who already had combat experience there, were repeatedly wounded, and now have authority in their team there , that's what we spent in... last year, that's how much we appropriated, in my opinion, to 21 soldiers and a sergeant, well
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rather yes, we put a soldier on the rank of sergeant, then submitted, made a submission, if he has a higher education, then he was assigned the primary rank of junior lieutenant, we have 21, already a junior lieutenant. i'll clarify a little, if i'm not mistaken, now the rules have changed a little, and now you can get the rank of officer even without a military education, well no, the mechanism is not clearly spelled out there, but there are some loopholes that can put them in a position, temporarily performing positions, but we cannot assign titles, but there are certain courses, we can send them on... courses, here, it’s l-1 and, ah, here,
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leadership courses according to the nato standard, when they are there, they study for two months, and then they are assigned, they are assigned a second lieutenant there, here, they, well, these courses - well, they are almost equivalent to a bachelor's degree there, let's say so, ugh, ugh. a person has the opportunity to get a bachelor's degree while already in the army, that's what i 'm saying now, we're almost there, 20 in my opinion , 21 people, we assigned a junior lieutenant , now there are five more people, five sergeants in we went to the application for the assignment of juniors. we train lieutenants and 12 lieutenants on the l1 courses, and those are then again
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assigned to junior lieutenants, that is, we update the squad, here come young, motivated fighters who, well, they fight, they fight, they really fight, they were repeatedly wounded there , there they are, they returned to the formation, they have motivation, they... work, and we are promoting them , you understand how, that is, we are moving on, that is the same as all the others, that is, the management has already started there , battalion headquarters, we are the same namely, if a person there knows how to manage troops, then we also start to move them, and in this way, well, as i say there, we must get rid of this dinosaur, we must.
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such academic knowledge, you understand, how do we teach them, we send them there and abroad, and here we constantly teach, teach and teach, a little about standards, and there is an opinion that the strength of the ukrainian army, of all our defenses, has become , that we... are not completely standardized with nato, we have not completely moved away from soviet standards, is equal to very often now russian standards, and this is very common. then, well, let's say this , it disorients our enemy, he does not understand what to expect from us, we are in such a half-state of the standards of those who wanted to join nato, there is even now such a term, if i am not mistaken, even a community with such a name, well, you understand how it's not bad either, that is, it even supposedly helps us now, well , it helps, but i will tell you this way, after
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the end of this war, nato and other countries, they can't be now, you know how, and they they also study with us, and they change the standards, because
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this war changes a lot of things, so... to say that we are something between the soviet and nato, well, i wouldn't say, we are changing, well, i guess we are doing something new, so i will say, there is nothing there, well how to say, we have something in common with the soviet and nato structures, we have something new, we proceed from... from the possibilities that we have, we proceed from the possibilities, how much equipment we have, how many personnel, how many we have ammunition, how much information can we receive and therefore, well , this whole complex, you understand, just like us, starting from of these possibilities, we create our own,
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finally, probably briefly, how it would look for you. the victory of ukraine in the war against the russian federation, because everyone sees it differently, well, i will tell you this way that the victory of ukraine in the russian federation is not, well, not a victory at the front, it is a victory in society, you know, if society understands that this their state, this is their country, that this is their armed forces. we have the right to life, we have the right to our native language, we have the right to our culture,
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our customs, we have the right to our i don't know there... rivers, lakes, forests, this is ours, you see, and no one can take it away, and if society understands this, then we will win, ugh, thank you for this conversation, extremely frank, edward vilinsky, the commander of the 23rd separate special purpose battalion, spoke with us about the challenges in the modern russian-ukrainian war, about the peculiarities of work in this war. the work of an artilleryman, in particular in this war. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and my colleagues and i will not stop recording similar interviews for you so that you can get to know our military is even closer to new meetings.
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marina is a repair and tailoring master from the city of dnipro. at the beginning of the full-scale
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invasion, a woman with two children was forced to leave her home. from the very beginning, i was completely lost, because i was not going to go anywhere. i didn't even have a foreign passport, not me, not my children, because we weren't thinking of going anywhere, i was working in ukraine. after arriving in warsaw, marina tried to work in a sewing shop, as in... this car came to me from ukraine, my mother gave it to me i sent it by bus as a parcel, they disassembled it, and my overlocker also arrived from ukraine, that was the beginning, then i’ve been here for a while, my polish friends helped me a lot, and they helped me with furniture, various lockers, whatever you want, to run a business marina started a year ago , already has many clients. mostly poles. it was easy to arrange everything, it can be done online, says the woman. the most difficult thing is to find a suitable room. for 10 square meters , marina pays 2,600 zlotys per month, which is
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about 25,00 hryvnias. go the entrepreneurial way in poland, tax benefits are still helping. at the moment, until i earn 30,000 zlotys in a year, i don't pay taxes. at the moment, i pay only zuz and z'. so it works out to 620 zlotys per month, like marina, entrepreneurs from ukraine are here more every year, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of requests to start entrepreneurial activities from ukrainians in poland, there are already more than 41 thousand. in the second half of 2023 , about 4 thousand business activities were registered every month. in the first half of the year, there were 200 registrations every month, so we have... side practically doubled during the year, it makes an impression. every tenth company in poland is opened by ukrainians, says the specialist. in addition to the fact that our fellow citizens are actively
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engaged in business, they also create jobs. ukrainians here not only earn, but also spend a lot, in particular , rent and buy housing. as a result , revenues to the polish budget are increasing more and more. in 2022, from taxes and institution contributions. of social insurance to the budget, of course, i mean citizens of ukraine, 4 got to the budget of poland billion zlotys, this is significant, if we talk about the year 2023, it is already 5.5 billion zlotys, we have growth here as well. there are also changes in the spheres of activity of ukrainians in poland. traditionally, our citizens actively work in the field of construction, logistics, transport, and trade. however, due to the fact that there are now many women from ukraine on the polish labor market, active development is observed. entrepreneurial activity in the field of beauty and health, gastronomy, cooking, hotel business. also, ukrainians open translation companies and the number of it companies is growing. they became
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much more than usual, which is not surprising, because ukraine has a huge potential in this field and highly qualified specialists. interesting dynamics are observed in the field of employment. ukrainians who arrived after the beginning. of a large-scale invasion, less and less accept work below their skill level, as was the case at the beginning of the great war. it can be seen that there are people who have already made an internal decision to stay for a while and want to work according to their education, according to their profession. that is, for me, these are positive changes, because, well, this is a bit of a blurring of myths that... ukrainians are not just a labor force, but we also show our competences, knowledge, skills to a slightly
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different market. polish international companies are increasingly noticing that there are many highly qualified professionals among ukrainians. you can come calmly, show your competences, skills, and nobody pays much attention to your nationality. if you are a good, competent employee. great, you have many roads open to you. to get started to work in polish companies, it is enough for ukrainians to know the language at the b1b2 level, says the specialist. in general, numerous studies show that the polish labor market needs workers, and employers are interested in ukrainians. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel, from warsaw. everyday life is full now. stress and anxiety. melamach b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full
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rest and recovery. melamakh b6 is a full-fledged sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are 20% discounts on deplya in psylshynyk, bamb and oskad pharmacies. vinyl agency presents on january 22 at 19:30 on the stage of the lviv opera. taras chubai and songs that all ukraine sings along to. the special guest of the concert is the lviv men's academic choral chapel duda. that carefully cares for your heart, kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on optimal of 15% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. hello woman what to do when there is a liver? alohol should
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be taken, but what about bile? it protects the liver and gallbladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. vasyl zema's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemai and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. today we will discuss many important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us. and how the world is living now , about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the coming day, as well as on the day of honor. and studio
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express yours opinion on the evil of the day by means of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians. and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that
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only together... united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you can get any information about disability and medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine.
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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention. news on the espresso tv channel. greetings to all audience in the iryna koval studio. and let's start with the situation in zaporizhzhia. destroyed homes as a result of russian shelling in orichov. during the day, the enemy carried out six airstrikes on the city. enemy bombs hit non-residential buildings and a high-rise building. the entire entrance was destroyed - said the head of the region yuriy malashko. specialists examine the impact sites. information about the dead and wounded.


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