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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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15 minutes after the bbc broadcast, we will have people's deputies oksana savchuk, ivanna klympush, tsintsadzia and oleksandr mereshko. stay tuned to our channel. hit the territory of iran. what is happening, will there be a conflict between these countries. we talk about this on bbc news ukraine. live from london. i am yevgenia shedlovska. this is footage from the iranian border village where pakistani rockets hit, reporting nine dead, while iran struck the territory of pakistan two days ago, and earlier also on iraq and syria. why is iran showing strength to its neighbors? so, pakistan has confirmed that it has struck...
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the territory of iran, officially stating that it was a strike against militants who were allegedly preparing an attack. it is important how this strike was declared by pakistan. pakistan's military said it carried out pinpoint strikes using drones and long-range missiles, the country's foreign ministry said pakistan had reliable intelligence about future large-scale terrorist activity, and the same statement said the country fully respects sovereignty and territorial integrity of iran. it was a retaliatory strike, although the pakistani authorities do not use such words in their statements, but it was a retaliatory strike, because two days ago iran used missiles against pakistani territory, claiming that it was a strike against militants, only from other groups, that is the neighboring countries exchanged strikes along the border, exactly where, marked on this map, near the iranian city of serawani in the pakistani province of buljistan, both strikes resulted in casualties. pakistan claimed that it was from an iranian strike two died. it is iran that
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nine people died as a result of pakistani shelling , four of whom were children, but as they officially emphasize, they were not iranian citizens. diplomatically, iran summoned pakistan's chargé d'affaires, who remained to represent the country after pakistan recalled its ambassador due to the shelling, but both countries officially insist that they have nothing against each other, the strikes were aimed at militants groups and what an international council. china, turkey, the taliban government in afghanistan called on both countries for restraint and dialogue, and russia, by the way, declared the importance of good neighborliness. so how will the conflict between the countries end there, or will there be new strikes? the bbc's caroline davies is based in islamabad and here are her findings. disputes between the countries have been going on for a long time, and accusations have repeatedly been made in recent years. both pakistan and iran insist that the other... is harboring
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terrorist militant groups. like, these militants are crossing the border, carrying out attacks and return. this, in turn, complicates the work of the national security forces, and thus hinders the administration of justice. this is to briefly describe the context. it is also worth noting that until a few days ago, iran and pakistan had quite friendly relations, but now relations have deteriorated significantly. we have seen official reports earlier. from iranian state media, they indicate that nine people were killed as a result of the strike by pakistan. it is interesting that there is attention in the statements used by the pakistani side the emphasis is on the fact that they attacked militant groups, not iran. and this rhetoric is an almost exact reflection of the same statement by the iranian foreign minister. on the eve of davos, he said that iran had attacked the same targets on the territory of pakistan. that 's it... the end will be when both sides decide that
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they have resorted to similar steps, or whether iran will decide to respond and the escalation between these countries will intensify. it is also worth remembering that a few days ago, iran hit targets in syria, iraq and pakistan. it looks like he's trying to demonstrate his own strength, to show that he will strike at everything he considers a threat. so what happens after its territory is hit, or targets on its territory are hit, even if those strikes are not aimed at iran or its military operations, that will be the key question. in its official statement , pakistan calls iran a fraternal state, but now these fraternal relations are under threat. wait, what is happening in the middle east, what are these iranian strikes on neighboring countries? are we playing iran? while already 3
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the war between israel and hamas in the gas sector has been going on for months, the crisis in the region is intensifying, bbc columnist paul adams will explain more. as david cameron recently said, warned. signals are flashing all over the near east and there seems to be a new one every day, but to what extent are they all connected, is it all happening because of the gas war, yes and no. let's look at one recent case. iran fired drones and missiles at neighboring pakistan on tuesday night. the target is a terrorist group responsible for attacks inside iran, including attacks in december that killed 11 iranian policemen. on monday, iran launched missiles and drones in another direction, at targets in syria and iraq. and these attacks were also in response to the devastating attack in the iranian city of kerman two weeks ago. so these cases were not about the war in gaza, it was about
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iran itself, which wanted to show its people that attacks on iranian territory will not go unpunished, but at the same time, when the situation in the middle east is very ... tense, iran's use of ballistic of long-range missiles is a kind of warning to iran's enemies, especially israel and the united states, that iran is capable of hitting targets far beyond its borders. well, we must remember the red sea, where the usa and great britain are trying to convince the houthis to stop attacking ships heading to the suez canal, and the houthis say that their actions are a response to the war in gaza. well, there are also... other proxy forces and allies of iran in the region - these are hamas in gaza, hezbollah in lebanon, militants in syria and iraq. apart from that they are all being supported militarily by iran, all these groups seek to punish israel and its ally the united states for what is happening in gaza.
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iran's foreign minister said during his speech in davos that all these warning signals will stop appearing if the gas war ends, but he exaggerated. the danger that the middle east now faces is not entirely related to the events in gas, but the war there has greatly worsened the situation in the region. actually, it was successful, this week the government officials of iran and pakistan met, countries conduct joint training, in general , relations between countries are warm, but difficult, how difficult? we are in touch with the leading scientist-collaborator of the national institute of strategic studies, olena bordilovska, and let's talk about this, ms. olena, to what extent... relations: this is not the first escalation on the border between iran and pakistan, but how serious everything is, considering that pakistan has nuclear weapons? good evening, thank you, here i agree with the previous thoughts that have already been expressed, in fact the countries have friendly relations, and here there is no
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exaggeration over the years, and under different regimes, under different governments , let's say in both countries, in fact iran was... the country that recognized pakistan, the independence of pakistan and this new country, on august 14, 47 , and since then, in fact , they managed to solve many difficult issues, including border issues, including the issue of the border, which passes through divided baluchistan, part of which is in pakistan, part of which is in iran, these issues were in fact ... back in the 50s, since then there have been exacerbations, there are separatist movements, they are time from time to time they also show their desires since the 70s of the last century, but the countries have always managed to maintain
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such a security dialogue in this regard, let's say so, that is, there is cooperation, there is an exchange of opinions, there are joint trainings, and therefore what happened e. .. well, it confirms the words of the very honorable david cameron that we live in a world in which nothing is stable, there is nothing that can really be predicted in advance, because there is actually no logic in this escalation, er, as it was stated, there is dialogue, before that the current acting minister, the prime minister of pakistan, the minister of foreign affairs of iran , etc. met in davos, and then what happened happened a day and a half, well, a day and a half ago, yes, two days already, and i want to say that pakistan's response to this can be called an example of an adequate response that shows determination to protect its
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interests, even with a country that is friendly. iran and pakistan have indeed had very constructive relations throughout the years. existence of pakistan as independent states, in addition, iran supported pakistan, say, in conflicts with india, just as pakistan supported iran during the iran-iraq war. pakistan depends to a large extent on iran in the supply of energy carriers, and so on, i am not talking about the cultural traditions there that date back to the middle ages, about the iranian heritage in pakistan, about the friendly attitude of the peoples of both countries, so what happened caused in pakistan a violent reaction, not only among officials, but also among experts, former, state officials, this is very much being discussed actively during these days, and calls
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are being made to, of course, move to the usual diplomatic dialogue, to consultations, including between the security forces, border guards and so on, as it was before, because indeed, there are separatist groups, there are terrorist groups on both sides of the border, but the countries have so far somehow managed to avoid such strong escalations, i also want to say that pakistan's reaction is really an example of such adequacy, because all the steps were successive, first the condemnation of the blow inflicted by iran on january 16, then the recall of the ambassador, the summons of iran's temporary representative in islamabad to the country's foreign ministry, and then the decision to hold. this operation, which was called eloquently, death, yes, or death
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by an insurgent, that's how pakistan called its operation, pakistan likes to call its military operations quite eloquently, that is, despite all this dialogue, brotherly relations, commonality in culture, in religion, and by the way, it never got in the way of the fact that... the majority of pakistan's population is sunni, eh we know that in iran there are shiites, in pakistan there is a shiite minority, well, indeed , these countries have a lot of historical ties, and of course it is all there, but this did not prevent it from showing that pakistan is ready to defend its national interests and even such fraternal relations, connections and so on, will not interfere with this in any way. but now the question of what will iran do, i'm sorry, i'll cut you off, that is , what iran's reaction will be, a good question, because
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it looks like iran is really, as said, playing its muscles, testing the patience of its neighbors and showing its own population, that he can afford such spectacular power things, which is actually quite strange. even in the context of the conflict in the middle east, because actually iran and pakistan were allies here, in pakistan as well as in iran, there is a very strong anti-israel sentiment, there is a lot of campaigning in support of gaza in support of palestine, and it does not seem logical in this case, if we talk about the spread of the conflict, then there are a lot of threats here, because the events are taking place in a strategic time. possible region, we are talking about this yes balochistan is divided, so the issues
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are more or less defined, there is a very large border, somewhere around 900 km of the border, between iran and pakistan, but there are strategic facilities there, these are two very important ports, chabahar in iran and gwadar in pakistan, and in many countries are certainly not interested in the destabilization of this region, first of all. who invested a lot in the port - it is a strategic object, the deepest port in the world in general, from which the china-pakistan economic corridor begins, chibahar is also important for the countries central asia, for india, well, it happens next to strategically important sea routes through which energy carriers pass. thank you, ms. olena, olena berdylovska from the national team. of the institute of strategic studies was in touch with us, we will finish our graduation, see you tomorrow.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the verdict program, my name is. we continue our program today in the release. no frozen conflicts, did the world hear zelensky about the predator putin, as a result of davos for ukraine. the world is on the verge of the third of the world, lavrov threatens nuclear escalation. is
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europe ready for war with russia? ukrainian formula for peace for everything. agreement on wording is in progress, will the peace summit be held already this year? we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video and also vote in our poll, today we ask you if the president is responsible for the corruption in the department of defense. yes no please vote on youtube with two buttons, either yes or no, or on... your comment under this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense, 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this
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vote, i want to introduce the guests of today's program, this is ivanna klympush-tsintsadze, a people's deputy of ukraine faction. european solidarity, ms ivanna, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, thank you for the invitation. oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and thank you for being here today. and we are still waiting for the inclusion of oleksandra, oksana savchuk, please, the people's deputy of ukraine, i hope that they will join already during our program. well, ladies and gentlemen, how often do we ask our viewers about responsibility, about political responsibility the president's responsibility for corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine, let 's just give answers in the blitz format for one minute, what do you think about it, because there are a lot of scandals around the ministry of defense, a lot of questions about abuses, and the sums there are billions of abuses by
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the hrenkevychs and billions in other different projects, that is... who is responsible, or the president, well, politically , of course, ms. ivano, we will start with you, and you know, we are at war with you, we are at war with you, and it means that the commander-in-chief , certainly, as a person who represents the minister of defense, and these are two ministerial portfolios that actually report to the president of ukraine, the minister of defense, the minister of... affairs, certainly bears political responsibility for what happens in this department . thank you, mrs. ivano, mr. oleksandr, what do you think? well, as a lawyer, i believe in legal responsibility, that is , it seems to me that it is necessary to specify that these cases should be dealt with by the relevant law enforcement
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agencies and the anti-corruption infrastructure, which was created, which has proven its... effectiveness in relation to political responsibility, then for any politician this issue is decided at the elections, i.e. the voters decide whether this politician bears political responsibility or not by voting. thank you, mr. oleksandr, mrs. ivano and mr. oleksandr, this week the world economic form of davos took place and is coming to an end, president zelensky addressed the political and financial elite. political and economic elite of the world and spoke about the danger of the russian federation and predator putin, well he said that there is no need to freeze the conflict in ukraine, but simply freeze assets, russian assets abroad, and that predator putin will never be satisfied with only
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frozen meat, he will always want blood and always he will... he will seek this blood and fight not only with ukraine, did the world hear zelenskyi in davos, mrs. ivano? well, i think you and i couldn't count on this international extremely important site to be some kind of breakthrough story there for ukrainian diplomacy, but the presence of president zelensky there was certainly important and correct. it's good that he 's trying to continue to reach out to the world in different ways and in different - variations, let's say, and with different metaphors, but... but i think it's time for that kind of, you know, systematic and consistent and comprehensive diplomacy, when emotional
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things and emotional comparisons work less, and rationally finding common interests with one or another state works more, on the basis of which we have to further build expectations and... make calculations for their help, and i would like that, of course, ukrainian diplomacy finally from the diplomacy of the 22nd year, which was for obvious reasons very, very emotional, we had the whole 23rd year in order to to switch to a slightly different track, are we already there, i don't quite think that we are, or rather, i think that we haven't switched at all, well , to such a different approach, has the world heard... unfortunately, we see with you, we should not forget that moods change in many countries of the world, including through active work
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about the fact that russia did not stop its work, somewhere its opportunities for influence were somewhat cut off at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, but unfortunately, russia has in many ways restored its influence and on the right, radical political projects in various countries and on... public opinion in many countries and continues to work with some separate analytical structures through which it promotes its narratives, and all this, unfortunately, is reflected , including, in the attitude of politicians in democratic countries, who respond to the mood of their societies, to on aid to ukraine, we are grateful to all those who... continue to show leadership in this process, i think that these are all, not just statements, but the actions of other politicians, in particular
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, for example, the same prime minister of great britain, who came to ukraine with a message about additional funds, a large, well, increased package of military aid for this year, as well as the announcement of the chancellor of germany , mr. that in fact germany will double its military aid to ukraine in the 24th year, president macron's statement, we still do not understand what this means in in the financial dimension, because in fact, despite the great support of ukraine, today compared to other capable states, france does not allocate so much, if i am not mistaken, 0.02 of its gdp today. allocates military aid to ukraine, he also talks about increasing this military aid, i think that these examples,
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well, he actually feeds on them, let's tell the world about how to proceed further, and how realistically our partners assess the threat today, which the russian federation bears not purely to us, ukrainians, in fact to the entire free world. and the global global world order as such, because zelensky was heard in davos, i don’t think that anything has changed after davos, and this or that phrase or metaphor again, it can shake the world in some way, but what we you need to knock on all the doors and you need to continue to do it systematically at all levels, starting from the president, government officials, the parliament... the members of our public organizations to do it in cooperation in a systemic such coordination, then it is definitely simple
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the duty of each of us, thank you, thank you, mrs. ivano, mr. oleksandr, during davos, the ukrainian delegation held a meeting on the ukrainian peace formula, and the peace formula is an initiative of president zelensky, a global summit is to be held in switzerland. of peace, during the visit of the president and the conversation with the president of switzerland, this was actually achieved, and it is obvious that when we talk about zelenskyi's peace formula, we are not only talking about the peace formula for ukraine, we are talking about the european continent, we are talking about the world , after all it is about a new system safety, because all those safety precautions that were after the second. world war and the whole system, it simply collapsed on february 24, 2022, when putin launched a large-scale offensive against ukraine, when
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we... talk about the victory of ukraine, when we talk about the defeat of russia with our partners, do we have one and the same the same is in mind when we talk about the victory of ukraine and what kind of defeat putin should suffer, is everyone ready for the defeat of putin, the fact that everyone is ready for the victory of ukraine is obvious, but is everyone ready for the defeat of putin and are we in one language we are talking with our partners, and i hope that... all responsible western politicians are ready for the victory of ukraine and for the implementation or implementation of president zelenskyi's peace formula in terms of what is really being said, you are absolutely right here, not only about the fate of ukraine and about russian aggression against ukraine, it is about the future of humanity and about the global security system, about the international legal order. i believe that every western
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politician should be a zatsi. placed in the restoration of the international legal order, why? because it is in the interests of each country, each european, of any country, so that international law protects both world security and every state in the world, so i am sure that this is how we should understand it, first of all, a certain minimum of victory, the restoration of the international legal order, the european architecture of security and world security, and this has i mean... primarily the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine and the creation of the necessary security guarantees for ukraine and any state in the world, as well as punishment, punishment and responsibility under international law, criminal responsibility the aggressor thank you, mr. oleksandr, we were joined by oksana savchuk, non-partisan people's deputy of ukraine. ms. oksana, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our
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broadcast. we... with your colleagues ivana klympush-sensadze and oleksandr moreshko are talking about what we saw as the results of our delegation's visit to davos and the speech of the president of ukraine and how the event perceives and whether it perceives ukraine's proposals regarding that putin is absolute evil, that putin is a predator, and this predator can attack not only. to ukraine, and also to the baltic states, poland and the countries of the north atlantic alliance , others, do you think there is an awareness that these are the forecasts given by the germans , and the swedes, and the poles, and representatives of the baltic countries, that in 3-5 years europe may face russian aggression, or...
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zelenskyi was convincing when he spoke about the fact that now putin must be repelled, a strong repulsion, because two years of a large-scale invasion have passed, everyone can see the scale of the war, the largest continental war since the second world war, probably most war in general in the world now in terms of scale, victims and destruction. yes, good evening, well, look, first of all, we understand that the udavosi forum is a place that gathers everyone, first of all, world -class politicians, experts, all those who think strategically somewhere, and even despite everything that the topic is global warming, how it will affect the future of the world, the topic of war, which was also discussed for ukraine, of course.
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it is very extremely important that we can first of all draw conclusions for ourselves, well, the fact that we, of course, the war is happening on our territory, and when somewhere our european colleagues, friends, all make predictions that russia may attack neighboring countries that are members of nato, and that they need to prepare, then we we must of course show... and the fact that today ukraine is doing everything possible to keep the enemy on our eastern lands, because if we did not hold out in the first days of the active war and did not stand since 2014, then nato is already at war it would be in the 22nd year, and they have to understand it, but of course, everyone politicians, there are politicians who think...


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