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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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was discussed, and for ukraine, of course, it is very extremely important that we can first of all draw conclusions for ourselves, well, the fact that we, of course, the war is taking place on our territory, and when somewhere our european colleagues, friends, everyone makes predictions that russia can attack neighboring countries that are members of nato, and that they need to prepare, then... we should of course also show that today ukraine is doing everything possible to keep the enemy on our eastern lands, because if we did not persevere in the first days had not been in an active war since 2014, then nato would have been at war in the 22nd year, and they should understand this, but of course that all politicians, there are politicians who think...
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strategically forward, but there is of course and the politicians of other countries who are rather weak , rather slow, they do not want to make difficult decisions, they delay these responsible decisions, and there are also such politicians today, and we state this as a fact, of course, that it is very important for us not to speak there today , and what will happen in a year, in two, because for us, as for the country, ukraine, which is already at war with russia, and russia is a country that lives and feeds on the fact that it is constantly in wars, that is, it does not know how to think strategically, how to exist without warriors, without admiration, and putin, who dreams of going down in history, no less there is catherine, a friend, or stalin, or others, that is , he will constantly fight, our task is to think about what we have not done in the last active two years of war in our country, to stop creating certain illusions , conspiracies. people in a single marathon, but
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to really start such a powerful, new training of civilians, including for the acquisition certain military skills and reformatting , i.e. look, now we really began to actively buy the same drones, we understand that the guys even give us such analytics somewhere that, after all , they receive 40 percent at the end of last year from the state, 60% they . from the population, volunteers, public funds. our task as zatvonotvortsev to do everything possible so that all those gaps in the legislation that we have, so that we eliminate them, that is, that if we eliminate the customs duty, when importing certain plates for body armor, etc., then we need more to take into account components and small details to remove from it, because today we buy a lot of things in europe and the war in ukraine. enriches,
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including other countries, and this should also be talked about openly, because they produce more weapons, these weapons come to ukraine, we have to get our army ourselves, so if summing up everything that happened in davos, i will say that the fact that we were there with the topic of ukraine, of course, it is very important, that we should adjust everything that this year we do not have only to demand and believe that we should be given, we must... have our defense strategy, be strong and then, believe me, even those nations that are still hesitating, they will still be forced to help the strong, that is why we have to many challenges, just as many challenges were on the agenda, it was successful, well, maybe these peoples, which nations are supposed to help us, maybe they realize that putin is the new hitler, as he said. the head of foreign affairs of great britain, david
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cameron, will still be more broad, and all will understand that history repeats itself, but one must understand that the ending of this story must be the same, and that some fragments of this history must not be repeated, because i want to quote david cameron, who said in an interview with a politician that putin - it was hitler who mentioned the events on the eve of the second. war, what cameron said, it's like being foreign secretary, or , meaning the west, why tried to appease the aggressor at the time, it 's like being foreign secretary or the leader of europe in the 30s, we don't must appease putin, we must confront the evil that is his invasion, the only thing we can do is to demonstrate during this year that putin... is not winning, ms. ivanna, is
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it enough for the world to win, to demonstrate that putin is not winning , is this enough for putin to understand that he... will lose and he calmed down, because we know that the same dmitry medvedev said a few days ago that we will never calm down in the history with ukraine, and no matter how long the war lasts, 10 or 50 years, we will still be there to achieve their goal, and their goal is the destruction of ukraine and the destruction of ukrainians. you know, i'll just go back to what, well, what you asked ms. oksana. in relation to these forecasts, various forecasts and analytics, which say that europe has three to five years, some say more, some say a much shorter period of time, in order to prepare for war with the russian federation, i think that
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it is important to realize among the leaders of the world, the free world, what europe really is can start a war with the russian federation if europe mobilizes now to the extent of helping ukraine to win against the russian federation, namely to defeat the russian federation, and this , you know, such a common denominator and the awareness of what this defeat is russia, which also needs to understand its various scenarios, possible scenarios. and before that, i do not see systematic preparation on the part of our partners, and indeed someone is more determined to help ukraine and is aware of all the risks that if russia succeeds in something there
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to remain in ukraine, to freeze the conflict, or to further seize the territory of ukraine, that is, any failure of ukraine, they will actually pave the way. for the attack of the russian federation on the countries of the north atlantic alliance, on the countries of the free world, and other colleagues are still in these somewhat enlightened, but still to a certain extent , rose-colored glasses, thinking that, well, how is it somehow possible to the russian federation will agree, although let's say the position there... britain from the position of exactly the same david cameron and so on, unfortunately, it exists, whether in the baltic countries or the same northern european countries, it is probably in the minority today compared to the settings
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of those countries that still hope that somehow restraining, well, here are the appetites of putin at the moment, by restraining the appetites, not giving them there... life to give a feeling of complete superiority there in ukraine, you can avoid the further development of this terrible conflict on a much wider regional level, how to reach our understanding and our awareness the depth of this russian moral chasm and in general the psychological chasm in which it is before... our partners, it is difficult for me to say, but for sure the water sharpens the stone, only with us of course, every day there is a weight of gold, when, when we knock on these door, but what we have really simultaneously with explaining further, continuing to explain
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to the world the threats that are before them, not only before us, to continue to build up our capabilities, and here the question is that not only there is the parliament... something did because the parliament, for example, passed a law already, if i'm not mistaken, more than eight or nine months ago, about making it easier to write off, say, equipment that is destroyed by the enemy, the same drones, in military units, then the president hasn't signed it during this entire period of time, so here we still need a four-handed game, i would say so, here internally... because we also need a systematic understanding of our joint actions, and for this we still need a question unity to resuscitate and return to those before those approaches that prevailed in the ukrainian
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political community at the beginning of the full-scale invasion by the russian federation at the beginning of the 22nd year, we, unfortunately, lost this... such a joint a-a joint ability to hear each other, and in particular due to the fact that unfortunately, there is no such message from the top management. ukraine does not have such a message from the authorities, and of course we would also need to treat ourselves a little with such, with such additional demandingness, with which we are now trying to treat our partners thank you, mrs. ivanna, mr. oleksandr, obviously you can react to what mrs. ivanna is saying, because you are a representative of the monomajority and monopower and... i don't think that you are hostile to
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european solidarity or to other political parties. and all the same, this unity, about which ms. ivanna speaks, it is important, including for our victory, because it simply cannot be otherwise. well, in terms of domestic policy, i'm, you know, dividing a little bit between domestic and foreign policy, if it comes to about internal politics. of course, the nature of politics is the struggle for power, including between different factions and parties, this is completely natural and normal, the main thing is that this struggle does not interfere with the general constructive approach related to the protection of our interests and our defense capability, and in relation to foreign policy , then i can only emphasize that we do not have any disagreements with representatives of other french factions and other parties. in the parliament, that is, we form a single parliamentary-diplomatic front, and i
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i am sure that my colleagues can confirm this, we work very fruitfully in interparliamentary organizations, at international conferences, and we strengthen each other, we also share experience, a wealth of experience, i very much appreciate the position of my colleagues, and there is no doubt about that, , as the world perceives. i have one constant thought and one question: does anyone think that after a certain moment of time it will be possible to sit down at the negotiating table with putin, extend his hand, talk to him about something, why the world does not articulate enough clearly their wishes, that russia should be deputized, that russia should be demilitarized, well, that is, without which, in principle, the future of the world is not possible. so far, i have not heard that any of the politicians, western politicians
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, openly expressed the view that it is necessary to return to business as usual with putin and russia, although i assume that after all there are certain western forces, western politicians, we are talking about some , for example, right-wing or left-wing populists who dream of returning to buse as usual with putin, only they now... frankly to speak about it, although there are politicians who try to support, who are a trojan horse, they are called that, a trojan horse, for example, in europe, but it seems to me that there is a question of insight here, western politicians used to think, that putin is the same politician as them, that is, they did not understand that this is a completely different mentality, that it is not about her... a person who protects the national interests of her country, but about a war criminal type,
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absolutely, here is a comparison with hitler, they are quite appropriate, by the way, i want to remind you that prince charles once made this parallel with hitler, which caused outrage in the kremlin, but it is exactly the right parallel, putin is a war criminal, russia is recognized as a terrorist regime. including in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and one must treat putin not as a politician, not as a rational politician with whom one can conduct any negotiations, but as a war criminal, there is already a warrant for the arrest of this war criminal, it is necessary to implement, and russia should be treated as a terrorist regime as before the dictatorship. thank you, mr. oleksandr, ladies and gentlemen, after a short... break, we will return to our studio, stay tuned. kratal contains natural
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watch on youtube, everything is quite simple, choose either yes or no if you watch us tele on the air, pick up your smartphones and vote if you think the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense . today, we have ukrainian people's deputies oksana savchuk, ivana klympush, tsinsadze and oleksandr merezhko on the air. we are talking about the results of davos and how the world perceives ukraine. how the world perceives putin, including, and how the world reacts to the challenges posed by the russian federation, an aggressive country waging war against ukraine. today, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergey lavrov , said that president zelensky allegedly refuses to hold elections in ukraine
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during the war, because he is trying with all his might to hold on to power. let's listen to what he said. the question of elections came up, we heard that the west strongly recommends zelensky to hold such elections. it seems that, counting on the fact that the election campaign and the voting itself, will allow to bring zelensky a little on track the interests of the west, because it is increasingly being lost out of hand. zelensky publicly stated that he will not organize any elections because there is a war going on. well, it resembles, you know, staging and reflects exclusively the desire of this person and his wards, who are known to everyone, to hold on to power as much as possible. well, this was said by a person who has been the minister of foreign affairs for 20 years, and the president for more than 20 years, well, in fact, the president of the russian federation is vladimir putin, and
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there are no elections at all, there is only the re-election of putin, here he is commenting on our election. ms. oxano. the absence of elections or during the elections, during the war, and it is not known how long the war will last, whether it creates problems for society to communicate there, for the government to communicate, or in some way to raise the question that a new parliament is needed is there a need for a new president, or are there new bodies of local self-government, because in 2020... we were elected this way all over ukraine, i looked at 400 representatives of the opz, a party that is banned in ukraine, there is also a very many questions, and who, who, who is, who is in the authorities, not only in the higher authorities, but also in the local elections, who won and who,
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who is now deciding the issues regarding financing, local budgeting, regarding the allocation of land, regarding ... well, many, many issues that concern local communities, please, well, look, first of all, if we have the next elections, and most likely, they are now in such an actual phase of the war that we have now, they from safe, exclusively for safety issues, they will spend a lot of time difficult, and no one still understands, but how should those who left vote and how many of... electoral legislation, pass the law on lustration. because let's be honest and say that if we have the next elections, then some of these sellers, dyed foxes will change their hats and
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they will try to join other parties, that's why such legislative initiatives as lustrations about preventing all representatives pro-russian parties that have taken any actions against the sovereignty of ukraine, i believe that... they are correct and they should be voted in the parliament, if we are thinking about really corrupt elections and those people who should be represented on the ballots and people should elect them . and also, as for dialogue, i will tell you honestly, we need a more honest dialogue with ukrainian society. today, i am convinced, we have to show ukrainian society the numbers, how many ukrainians died in this battle, how many were wounded, how many were captured, and these things there's no need to hide it, i'm convinced that we have to talk about it, because people are fooling themselves, people think that these numbers
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are much higher somewhere, people are afraid, and what will the new law on mobilization be there, because everything like it was incompetently done now after the registration of the bill at the end of december and all these tricks that were offered to people, they screwed people up a lot, and that's why in fact. this year, we primarily have such, you know, strategic tasks, to change our approaches a little, to take off the rose-colored glasses, to a single marathon, just stop this single marathon, the silencing of ukrainian society, because it doesn't work, and those who are there, they still don't understand that it doesn't work, you have to look everyone in the eyes absolutely honestly and say that we have there is how we will continue... to do and what we will strive for, but this seems to me to be the problem of this government, we just need to grow up in some issues and understand that people are much wiser, they cannot be fooled by something and
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continue to do things strategically important things that you and i talked about even at the beginning, to mobilize all resources and distribute them correctly, i don't even want to say the word human resource, because i don't really like it, resource, but we also have to understand that we really have... qualified people, some of them went to the front, some of them we need to understand , where they are, what their mission is, how they will work for this country , because we really have a war and we have to defend ourselves, and how you and i will be able to work effectively, whether the government really wants to get out of the three walls and get closer to the people , this is the choice of the current government, i advise them to do it, because to expel, by the way... the key thing, if we say that we are purifying something, well , let's be honest, we in the parliament could already, and the committee could consider the amendments to ban the moscow patriarchate, we could
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already accept it, although in the second reading, and b, we could finally exorcise these fifth columns of moscow, who straightened their shoulders, who constantly give additional votes and feel very comfortable, if you say now, but there will be elections tomorrow and... we already let's get rid of these local pro-russian forces councils, regional councils, in the verkhovna rada, well , you know, i'm afraid that this is not such an unambiguous decision for all people, there are still those who will say, so what, they vote such good laws in the parliament, so we still have to do so that these people could not switch to it in the future, thank you, thank you, ms. oksana, mr. oleksandr, european solidarity once initiated the creation of a government. of national unity and quite actively discussed this issue in the context of the events in ukraine, then already when the events began unfold in israel, how they quickly
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made a unity government on october 7, 2023, can the creation of such a government be a way out of this situation, when there are no elections, but all the forces that are in the country, they should unite for one . to defeat the russian federation, do you consider the possibility that such a government could be? well , theoretically, it could be, but to be honest, i am personally satisfied with the current composition of the cabinet, and by the way, if you look at this composition and count who is a representative of the servant of the people party, then it will turn out that there are not so many, there are representatives of various political forces, and i don't know if you can call it that. the government of national unity, but at least now , as far as i understand, this government still functions and is, you know, like
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the americans say, if it works doesn't fix it. that is, if it works, why repair it? thank you, ms. ivanna, can the current government of shmyhal be called the government of national unity? by the way, i just saw the news today that shmygal is going somewhere to negotiate something, i suddenly remembered that we have the prime minister of ukraine shmyhal, although there were many conflicts, well, for example, with polish carriers or the russian federation, this is the first, the second. with regard to the elections in ukraine, according to the constitution, the elections of the verkhovna rada cannot be held until the end of the martial law, and similarly there are other parts of the constitution, other articles of the constitution, which speak about the fact that they themselves have in what way democratic open, transparent elections in ukraine, and all this is
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absolutely impossible under... martial law, and moreover, the law on martial law denies the possibility of holding any elections, so it is not up to lavrov to tell us that someone is imposing on us or someone is obliging us to hold elections during martial law, there are no such signals from the west, and i can say this responsibly, the other thing is that this is true when there are no elections. when we cannot provide them with anything close to the democratic standards of elections during martial law, when some of the people's rights are limited, when we have well functioning a single propaganda telethon, which destroys the presence of any, any representatives of political forces, who have a different opinion from the opinion of the ruling party and on which only in the social slot
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are invited representatives... of the opposition, then who has access to the media at all can go today, and moreover, i believe that we should return to the idea of ​​a government of national unity, president zelenskiy seconds, could start by at least meeting with the leaders of the political forces that are represented in the parliament , this was the first step towards... unity, he is the only president of ukraine who, during his entire tenure , met once with the leaders of the political forces of other factions in the parliament, and that was on february 24, this is disunity. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we will assume that this was a prologue to your talks regarding the government of national unity, ivana klympush tsintsadze, oleksandr moreshko and oksana savchuk were guests of our studio today, during
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our program. we conducted a survey, we are your friends, we asked about this, whether the person responsible president for corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine. let's see, the poll results are 92% yes, 8% no, this is the poll results on tv, on youtube 89% yes, 11% no. friends, this was the verdict program on serhii rudenko, i bid you farewell, i wish you good health, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. there are 15% discounts on power detox at podorozhnyk pam tashchad pharmacies. vinyl agency presents on january 22 at 19:30 on the stage of the lviv opera.


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