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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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in our studio, during our program we conducted a survey, we asked you, friends, whether the president is responsible for corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine. let's look at the results of the poll: 92% yes, 8% no, these are the results of the poll on television, on youtube 89% yes, 11% no. friends, it was the verdict program, it was hosted by serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you, i wish you good health. yourself and your relatives, bye-bye, there are discounts on energy detox, 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. agency vinyl presents on january 22 at 7:30 p.m. lvivska stage opera taras chubai and songs that
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all ukraine sings along to. the special guest of the concert is the dudaryk lviv men's academic choir chapel. karabask tickets, live sound. there are discounts on hapargin, 10% in the pharmacies psylansky, ban and oskad. russian troops are storming the direction of kupyan and trying to capture senkivka. in paris, an artillery coalition was created to provide aid to ukraine, and in kyiv , preventive measures are being chosen for the heads of companies controlled by ihor hrynkevich. my name is vlasta lazur. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live. russia
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continues assaults in the kupyan direction, concentrating the main forces to capture senkivka. this was announced today by the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. the russian military began using more drones to support its offensive operations in the lemano-kupyan direction. earlier today, the head of the public relations service of the command of the ground forces, volodymyr fityo, announced this on the air of the telethon. according to him, last day in lymano-kupiansk. direction ukrainian forces repelled 27 enemy assaults, and russian troops used four airstrikes and 54 kamikaze drones. i would like to point out that just last week , fityo stated on radio svoboda that there is no significant increase in the grouping of russian troops in the kharkiv and kupyan areas. in recent days, however, the attacks have intensified. the previous evening, the russian military fired missiles at the center of kharkiv. one person died. people were injured, most
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are women, all of them civilians, damaged at least 10 residential buildings , as a result of the shelling of the city of chuguiv in the kharkiv region the night before , a woman also died, two men were injured, an apartment building was damaged, and two days ago the authorities of the kharkiv region introduced the mandatory evacuation of the population from two communities of the kupyan district , kindrashivska and kurylovska communities, it is about 26 settlements, which... are inhabited by more than 3 thousand people, the head of ova oleg synegubov informed about this. well, at the beginning of january, the british publication zetelegraph wrote that ukraine is preparing for a new russian offensive near kharkiv, as moscow is intensifying its bombardment of the city and surrounding areas. the unnamed interlocutor of the publication said that the russian ground offensive could begin on january 15, and the head of the public relations service i already mentioned, commenting on the article from telegraf.
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that this information is delusional and that the journalists allegedly twisted everything. what is the current situation in the kharkiv -limano-kupyan areas, are there any signs that russia is really preparing there for large-scale offensive. we will talk about this later. joining our broadcast is leonid polyakov, senior sergeant of the armed forces, legion of freedom. good evening. can you hear me it seems to me, it seems to me that we have some problems with the connection, can you hear me, he ca n't hear, he can't hear leonid, but i hope that we are literally a second or two now and we will redial him, i mean, we have leonid polyakov, good evening, you can hear me, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the company, yes, good evening, we congratulate you too, so the army... they said that
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russia actively began to transfer to the kupyan direction of the troops, as early as january 4-5, there were such reports, please tell me how the situation in lymano-kupyansk has changed as of now? direction, how would you characterize it? i will say for the part of the front where i am now, namely the area of ​​the village of senkivka, and the enemy, unfortunately, we have some problems with communication, perhaps units, what, leonid, can you hear the air? perhaps we will try to redial again, or call him, leonid by phone. i, i meanwhile, then on the topic i have already mentioned, i will quote oleksandr syrsky, who commented on the events in the kupyansk direction today, according to syrsky, the situation remains tense,
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the russian troops do not stop storming, and there is also intense fire damage, the main efforts are focused on pushing out the ukrainian military , sections from the kupian forest and the capture of senkivka, well, here is leonid polyakov, with whom we are currently trying to establish contact, he is also in the senkivka area, we hope that he will tell you what the current situation is, i also mentioned that the foreign press, in particular , the telegraph, they talked anonymously with the ukrainian military at the beginning of january, and they told them that they were observing an increase in attacks in the kupyan direction and not. .. it was ruled out that the russian army would go on a large-scale offensive after january 15, well, today on the calendar is already january 18, to what extent are there now signs that the russian army has gone on the offensive there and how big a threat does this pose to the ukrainian troops, let’s talk, i i hope for for
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in a second, when a guest joins us, my colleagues tell me that he is not there yet, as far as i understand, leonid polyakov, a senior lieutenant from... an officer of the legion of freedom, we will try to establish contact with him, well, is there leonid is with us, yes, but i have him for now, yes, on the phone, yes, yes, again, good evening, once again, can you hear me , can you hear me well, yes, i hear well, and, please tell me what you have what is happening, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the company, the enemy without, the enemy without... primary assaults are carried out, units such as storm z are used, which, whose task these are frontal diversionary maneuvers, already from the flanks units of the airborne forces, the erefiv army are used, and motorized rifle brigades are also used, here everything is the same,
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and also yes, maybe, let’s maybe hear me now well, now hear, but the communication is bad, let’s let's maybe you turn off the video, and it seems to me that it will be better, the communication will go better and you will speak, we hear you, at least, that's how one brigade is also used here, that is, these more or less trained units, they are used precisely for. .. flank shots in order to surround the synkivka, and the task of these units is to go to that, unfortunately, there is no communication, perhaps more important, why, because there is quite a serious one,
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yes, yes, leonid, maybe we will try to dial you by phone , and it will be better that way, and we will still talk with you in detail about what is still happening in the kupyansk direction. in the meantime, i will continue to quote what syrskyi, who, as i understand it, said, he is he, he states that he listened to the reports of the commanders regarding the situation on the ground, he talks about what was planned the use of reserves, the order of fire damage, which analyzed the probable further actions of the russian troops and determined the optimal options for the actions of the ukrainian military, and i also remind you that despite the fact that the city of kupyansk - kharkiv oblast was liberated in september 2022 , it is constantly shelled and the positions the russian military is extremely close, and because of this the city is constantly under artillery fire, and i will also note that the authorities of the kharkiv region
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just two days ago announced the evacuation of two communities of kupyansk, kupyansk district, you can look on the map where kupyansk is located and where also... the telegraph shelter is located, the british publication that i already quoted today, again with reference to the ukrainian the military , and in particular the ukrainian general, were told that the goal of russia... the goal of daily russian attacks is to create a bridgehead in the senkivka area, and then, well, to continue hostilities, and of course, what if we say about a broader goal of russian troops and russia, in general, then i will remind you that this was also written by foreign media and ukrainian media, also with reference to experts, who wrote that russia has set itself a goal until march 2024. just when the presidential elections will be held in russia, to capture
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either both settlements or one of them, i.e. avdiyivka in the donetsk region, or kupyansk in the kharkiv region, and they say it would be such a victory for vladimir putin, who seeks to be re-elected for the next term. and probably, one can only assume that the current, current increase in attacks on kupa is probably related to this. who is the direction we are currently observing, now we are showing you just the footage of what is happening in the kupian direction, i hope that we will return to this topic today, leonid polyakov is in the kupian direction, perhaps in that including and due to the tense situation there, the connection dropped, disappeared and deteriorated. in the meantime, we will move on to the next topic. an artillery coalition was launched today in paris to provide relief ukraine. the russian coalition, which is headed by the united states and france, is part of the ramsteim contact group, which was created,
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let me remind you, in order to organize assistance to ukraine in the war against russia. as reported by the french ministry of defense, 23 countries joined the artillery coalition, these are european countries, france, germany. as part of the work of the coalition , ukrainian troops will receive ammunition, the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov announced this today, by the way, he was supposed to be present at the opening of this coalition in paris in person, but the visit... the ukrainian minister was canceled at the last moment, as the ministry of defense later explained, because of umerov's participation in the supreme commander-in-chief position. well, even earlier , french defense minister sebastien lecornu announced that his country will produce 78 caesar self-propelled howitzers for ukraine by the beginning of 2025 . ukraine bought six of them at its own expense and, according to the french minister, will receive them in the coming weeks, but for the manufacture of the remaining gavkis , additional funds will have to be sought. financing. the french minister of defense also stated that france every month, starting from this month, on january 24,
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it will transfer to ukraine dozens of aerial bombs for fighters, which have been adapted to soviet model aircraft. it is about the supply of medium-range aerial bombs. france also promises to increase the supply of artillery shells to ukraine, and paris also promises to supply kyiv with 300 such shells per month, as of now. at the same time, for context. i should note that france has recently come under criticism due to a decrease in arms supplies to kyiv, for example, according to according to the kiel institute of the world economy , france allocated 1.7 billion euros worth of weapons to ukraine and thus ranks 12th among kyiv's armed sponsors, for example , germany supplied ukraine with weapons worth almost 21 billion euros and ranks second after the united states of america. joining our broadcast is oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy, servant of the people faction and chairman of the committee on foreign policy and international cooperation. good evening.
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good evening. and tell me, what does it testify to? here is the appearance of the artillery coalition, and the fact that it was led by such countries as france and the united states. well, this is a very positive step. i would like to remind you that not so long ago, by the way, a coalition of drones was created with the help of latvia and other countries. and this, once again. an important step in the direction of providing the armed forces of ukraine with everything necessary in order not only to hold the defense, but also to liberate, to liberate the territory and perhaps even, according to some military observers, it is possible that there could be a counteroffensive in the spring, but i would like explain why this is extremely important, especially now , according to, for example, the economist magazine, russia this year... can produce 2 million shells, artillery shells, plus
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another million shells it can get from north korea, so that's a huge number of shells, and we need to provide the armed forces in order to counter this, because in the conditions of a war of attrition , long-range artillery plays a large role, and this is one of the key tools of our defense and liberation. territory, therefore from the side on the part of the united states, on the part of france, the attempt to create this artillery coalition is of great importance and we greatly count on it. to this coalition, but despite the fact that at the same time, despite everything we mentioned, that france and the united states of america took the leadership in this coalition, on the eve of the economic forum in davos, the western media wrote that national security advisor jake salevan should come to davos and deliver to volodymyr zelensky a message from the white
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house that ukraine should move to defense, this is what you think, even if you analyze today's... statements of the french side about the provision of shells, aerial bombs, caesars, are these weapons given with the aim of defense only, or with the aim of offensive as well? and i believe that we need to have long-range artillery and e -missiles , including missiles with such a range that allows you to hit and destroy the logistics of the enemy, this is extremely important, because... the russians have learned, they have learned, for example, they have their logistics chains transferred closer to the rear, that is, in order to to counter and destroy it, we need to have long-range missiles and long-range artillery, and i'm not a military man , but i'm a politician, but i understand, you know, there's a saying that the best defense is still
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an offense, and you think that among europeans have... sense to arm ukraine, including for an offensive? i hope that is the case, because otherwise we will not be able to de-occupy, to liberate the territories occupied by russia, we need to have missiles, for example, long- range missiles in order to move forward and in order to, well, destroy logistics, so that a war of attrition is also a war of logistics. here is another topic, just a few days ago it became known that the leadership of the european union is conducting an audit of which country and how many weapons provided ukraine after the beginning of the russian invasion, and brussels is conducting this audit, we know at the request of the german chancellor, chancellor olaf scholz, so that he complains that the supply of weapons from germany is much more, and other countries could
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supply, supply more weapons, or should they? scholz is right and what exactly do you expect results after this audit is done? well, here, well, first of all , we need more weapons, this is an absolutely obvious thing, and we count on it, because those countries that help us, the countries of the european union, the united states, nato countries, nato in general, their power, economic power and production, their, their military, military complex. nobody's complex makes it possible to produce a sufficient amount of weapons and supply them to ukraine, that is, it is a necessity, they can do it, and i i hope they will do it, it is an absolute necessity for us, we are not afraid of any audit, for example, a special temporary commission was created within the verkhovna rada to deal with these issues, that is, we are
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absolutely transparent here, if it concerns the interests of our allies and partners and... uh , we hope that this audit will lead to the fact that we will receive more weapons, and that is also very important in a timely manner, because the time factor also plays a huge role when it comes to conservation our forces and our people. and i have one more question, it is already a little on a different topic, although indirectly, maybe it is related , yesterday in ukraine everyone discussed the attack on and pressure on independent journalists, you probably know the whole story, we, we are about it yesterday they also talked about the installation of cameras, harassment, wiretapping of independent journalists, you meet a lot with different politicians, and hold both formal and informal negotiations, what do you think, the fact that pressure is being exerted on independent journalism in ukraine, on something may influence? well, the president, first of all
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, i would like to quote him, he said that this is absolutely unacceptable, pressure... independent journalism in relation to other countries, i used to study constitutional law in the united states, and i remember there is this exclusionary rule yes so-called, it is from criminal law, from constitutional law, according to which, if any evidence was obtained in an illegal way, then they do not have the right to be presented in court, that is, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that journalism must be free, it is a necessary tool of democracy , regardless, like it... we don't like it, politicians don't always like what journalists write or say, but without journalism, truly free journalism, objective journalism, there can be no freedom of speech. there can be no democracy, so we need to support and protect journalists. thank you very much for joining the broadcast, oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy, servant of the people, chairman
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of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, we talked about what in the near future in the future, there may be support from western partners of ukraine. thank you very much. well, we return to the events in the kupyansk direction and to us. in the background , leonid polyakov, senior sergeant of the legion of freedom ssu joins again. leonid, can you hear me? yes, i hear. so good. i will ask the same question. so, we know, we see, that russia is actively beginning to storm the kupyan direction. how has the situation changed over the last few days. and in particular, what can you say about senkivka? and syrskyi confirms it, and the western media reported it earlier they wrote that the russian military wants to, well , actually make a bridgehead out of blue sky, capture it. how close are they currently to that goal? well, the last weather conditions that were now, it was,
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the temperature was lower, below 20°, yes, of course it was easier for them to advance a little, because then there was warming, of course, the ground became more viscous, then they advanced accordingly it's harder for them. but that doesn't stop them, that in terms of assaults, yes, infantry assaults, and the same so-called storms are very actively used, this is a unit that is recruited of the prisoners, in addition to this , two motorized rifle brigades and one airborne brigade were concentrated here in the direction of kupinsk, namely the settlement of simkivka, and one was also brought here... and the task they have is to get out of simkivka on the road to kupinsky zlovo , there is not how much kupinsky is important
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for them, how important kupinsky-nodal is for them, why, because kupinsky-nodal is a rather serious railway junction there, and we know that ah, the army of the russian federation uses the railway for logistics, accordingly it can become a springboard for... offensive, well, again in the distant future, god forbid, for an offensive on kharkiv, but nevertheless, on the same, on the same simkivka, yes, they are going with huge losses, and their advance is enough, enough difficult, that is, their losses are quite high, especially now, when the same storm z is used, and tactics, of course, tactics are not new. that is, they use the same stormtroopers for distraction, and already from the flanks they try to strike with more or less
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prepared units, this is the brigade that is used here and the used brigades, of course all this is supported by artillery fire, supported by kanikadze drones and fpv drones, i.e.... and whenever the weather conditions allow them, of course , the equipment also goes under, i.e. tanks, the same armored personnel carriers, but as i understand it, that in the last days, in the last days, the russian side somehow transferred an additional amount of forces, means, people to the kupyan direction, you felt it, because well, at least experts who analyze the situation write about it, well , there was information that the same team of species, this is the 25th brigade... of the erefi army, it fought before, that is, a few months ago, well , it fought in the kherson direction for about a month or two, it is where the krynyk settlements are,
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and it was transferred here, the same situation, my brothers there they tell from the legion of freedom, namely from the avtiiv direction, the situation there is quite similar, again, these so-called storm z are updated periodically. so because they have quite large losses there, accordingly they have to replenish, the only thing is that what we observed precisely from storm z, precisely from dew from new people are coming to russia, but just two days ago, the authorities of the kharkiv region announced the introduction of a mandatory evacuation of two. kupyan district, kindrashiv district and kuril district, please tell me what this means, or does it mean that active hostilities may begin there soon?
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again, it is better, as they say, to play it safe , of course, such a scenario is possible, and here the point is that there is a problem precisely with crossings , precisely with crossings, there is a river of waxes, directly, yes, and therefore, if god forbid there will be a breakthrough, then the evacuation will be somewhat more difficult than, than, if, than, if there is no breakthrough, so i think it is right that they before... is taken into account, but the probability of this, it is, let's say, not very big, because the same synkivka has been here for several months, they cannot , roughly speaking, advance, and if we take the kupinsky direction as a whole, they have had the task of taking kupinsky since august 23, that is, already they were stuck here for a long time, well , the same, the same situation from avdiyiv,
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from the avdiiv direction, again take those previous companies, the same bakhmut, how much they fought for bakhmut, they fought for bakhmut there, it seems a little more than nine months, that is, it will not happen quickly, and that's all ends up with quite high losses for them, so everything is not as bad as some may want it, and maybe some see it that way. thank you very much for your comment. leonid polyakov, a senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, an officer of the freedom legion, from the kupyan district , told us what the situation is now, how she has changed in recent days. thank you. well , today in the pechersk district court of kyiv, preventive measures are being chosen for three persons involved in the case, these are people who are connected with the companies of lviv businessman ihor hrynkevich. a businessman himself, by the way,
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at least today. there are no defendants on the dock, he is not being remanded in custody today, although the state bureau of investigation informed ihor hrynkevich of a new suspicion the day before, the suspicion was handed to him, by the way, he is currently in custody, but on another case, his first suspicion, i'll remind you, concerns bribing a sbi investigator. as the sbi said, five more members of the criminal organization allegedly created by hrynkevich were also suspected the day before, and the agency published photos of these detained people. people with hidden faces, no surnames. so, according to the investigation, grenkevich allegedly created this criminal organization and concluded 23 contracts with the ministry of defense for the supply of military clothing, which, according to the investigation, turned out to be of poor quality. for the execution of the contracts, the controlled hrenkevychy were involved enterprises that were previously engaged in construction. they had neither their own production nor warehouses to sew and store clothes. the sbi also reported that investigations into the involvement
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of officials in the scheme are currently ongoing. of defense, already after hrynkevich was handed a second suspicion, the ministry of defense announced the termination of the last contract with the company of businessman ihor hrynkevich, which actually supplied food to the armed forces of ukraine in the mykolaiv and kherson regions. the agency also said that it had submitted an application for recognition to the sbi ministry of defense as the injured party in the case against the entrepreneur's company. it is interesting that literally a week ago , the representative of the ministry of defense hilarion was on our air. pavlyuk and he stated that the ministry of defense, they say, is studying under a microscope this latest agreement with a company related to hrenkevych, and that grounds for terminating the contract are needed, which, well, probably a week ago these grounds did not exist, but now it turns out, they appeared, if the contracts were terminated, well, returning to the pechersk court, as i already said, today participants, as noted by the sbu of the criminal organization, choose a preventive measure, my colleague, iryna sysak, works in the court, iryna, good
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evening. what news do you have, is the trial over or is it still going on? actually , congratulations, the court proceedings in the pechersk district court of the city of kyiv are still ongoing, today preventive measures are being chosen for three persons involved in the case, they are the heads of limited liability companies that were engaged in the supply and support of the ministry of defense, in fact they are accomplices of the lviv businessman igor grenke. who created a criminal group, this is reported by the sbi, the suspicion was reported to him and the four persons involved in the case the day before, according to the state bureau of investigation, they caused damage to the state of almost a billion hryvnias. as for ihor hrenkevich himself, today he is not among those who are being remanded in custody, but i would like to remind you that he is already in custody for attempting to give a bribe since last december,
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regarding his son roman. yankevych, according to the prosecutor.


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