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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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to value the euro-atlantic space through the transatlantic movement of forces from north america, well, in fact, in this way , they want to demonstrate their power in front of russia, which may dare to go to war with the alliance. well, but you will find out more news very soon, we will pass the floor to iryna kuval, who has already prepared the current issue together with the news editor, so iro, we will pass the floor to you, and actually, tell us what it will be about. thank you, marta, what will be in this issue about what i did to it. once volunteer corps in bryansk region, what protests took place in ufa, and about the company spacex, which ship it launched into space. more details about everything.
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o'clock in ukraine and bring to your attention the news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. a reconnaissance group of the russian volunteer corps fired at the ural truck of the occupiers in the bryansk region of the russian federation. two were killed, two more were wounded. rdk reported that the successful operation was carried out by yesterday's recruits who joined the corps in the summer. at the same time , russian social networks write that the urals have been found on the road section. between the villages of ulitsa and komunna of the suzem district. there were damages on the car that indicate an attack with small arms. and just on target. in russia, in the city of kotovsk, the tambov gunpowder plant, one of the largest producers of gunpowder for all types of weapons and ammunition, was attacked by drones. according to the russians , the drone fell on the site near the mixing plant. there are no casualties. officially
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, the ukrainian military does not comment on the arrival of the tambov region. it is known that from 2022 the company increased production by 34%. and they are trying to eliminate the consequences of another attack in klyntsy, bryansk region. there, a large-scale fire broke out at a local oil depot. four oil tanks are on fire. more than three dozen people were evacuated from nearby houses. as reported by the local. the governor object was attacked by a drone, it was allegedly landed by means of rap, but the drone was able to drop ammunition on the territory of the oil depot. due to the fire in the city, the station was closed and trains were stopped. protests and detainees in ufa. a protest was held in the capital of the russian region of bashkortostan in support of the activist fail alsynov. he was sentenced earlier this week to four years in prison for extortion. even before the start of the action
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, units of the roshvardiya and omons were withdrawn to the square. security forces threatened to arrest people as foreign agents. they grabbed the activist, who had a poster attached to her back with the inscription kara khalyk, which means black people. many of the participants came with their children, they walked in the square and sang bashshkir songs. some people were detained on the approaches, as well pulled out of the crowd. romanian farmers unblocked the movement of trucks in front of the vikovu-dsus checkpoint on the border with ukraine, the state border service reported. currently , the passage of vehicles is carried out as usual, but only empty trucks can cross the border at this checkpoint. will serve the armed forces. the state bureau of investigation handed over to the military the seized property of a belarusian company in the amount of more than 60. investigators discovered
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26 thousand tons of metal products on the territory of the seaport, in particular in the customs area control of odesa customs found fittings, pipes and steel blanks, the owner of which is a company from belarus. the property is already almost, the property could have helped the army for almost two years, but the customs office lost it, noted the dbr. now 412 wagons of metal products were handed over to the needs of the army. in the pechersk court of kyiv, a preventive measure is chosen for businessman ihor mazepa and three other suspects in the case. prosecutors offer the court to set bail in the amount of uah 700 million. the businessman was detained at the medic sheghini checkpoint. he tried to leave abroad. according to the state bureau of investigations, the entrepreneur organized a scheme to acquire strategically important lands of the kyiv hpp. we are talking about the purchase of 7 hectares of land worth more. uah 20 million.
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in addition to the businessman, his brother and two other suspects were also detained. currently, the issue of declaring them suspicious is being resolved. their actions are qualified. under several articles of the criminal code of ukraine, including the first and second parts of article 255, creation of leadership of a criminal community or criminal organization, as well as participation in it. let me remind you that in november of last year, eight members of this criminal organization were already suspected. those involved in land scams face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. security service of ukraine and the national security service. covered a drug cartel with a monthly profit of more than uah 40 million. in the kyiv, dnipropetrovsk, odesa, cherkasy and sumy regions, a group that manufactured and sold heavy drugs in industrial quantities was neutralized. 19 members
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of the group were detained, a kalashnikov assault rifle was seized, sniper rifle, combat grenades and ammunition. the group produced more than 80 kg of drugs and psychotropic substances every month. product. sold to drug dealers in ukraine and abroad. three organizers of the group were detained while trying to send a batch of amphetamine to foreign accomplices. another international drug channel has been eliminated. police officers seized more than 200 kg of drugs, such as alpha-pvp salts, amphetamine, mephedrone, cannabis, mdma and precursors worth more than uah 30 million. in addition, laboratory equipment was seized. weapons, ammunition, grenade rgd with fire, more than uah 2.5 million in cash in various currencies, as well as 17 cars for a total of $800,000. the spacex company launched the crew dragon ship with space
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tourists, among them the first turkish astronaut, alper gezeravci. mission plans call for the crew to spend about 14 days in microgravity on board the inter. people's space station. there, the participants will conduct more than 30 scientific experiments. this mission was the third such flight that the houston company exium organized in the last two years. by the way, the cost of this tourist flight into space at least 55 million dollars for each astronaut seat. do not throw in the trash, but reuse . recycling season. christmas trees are in full swing near the garbage cans , piles of pine trees are growing, where the trees in poltava are going, anna morozova will tell. for several years in a row , january is christmas tree season for serhiy, who works at the 1628 municipal transport company. the trees that delighted
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the citizens of poltava after the holiday are not thrown away in the trash, but reused as kindling. four or five people are needed here, two men were brought, two men were thrown into a pile, well, one christmas tree somewhere for four or five minutes. during the month , utility workers actively collect and chop pine trees, slow down the work of the mountains of plastic that arrive together with the trees. it complicates the work of collecting christmas trees when people pack them in bags, wrap them in film or tape, then the workers have to unpack them here, because we separate the plastic separately, and... and the christmas trees, small workers ask to put the christmas trees separately so that they can be quickly loaded and taken away . for a day on the utility company arrives from five to 10 cars and in each of them hundreds of christmas trees. group work, some prepare trees, others stand behind the shredder.
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it is crushed on a stationary installation, that's what we have here. and then it's all a pinch that is cut off, the wood chips are used for heating in solid fuel boilers. the utility company has three boiler rooms. sawdust and... voya are used as kindling. in some places, utility workers have enough chopped trees until the end of the heating season. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel is calling to join the collection for our defenders. soldiers of the legendary 95th separate airborne assault brigade need a mercedes sprinter cargo van. the defenders use the vehicle to deliver ammunition to the settlements as soon as possible, which destroy the russian invaders and their armored vehicles. our goal is uah 200,000. and we have already collected more than half with you, so join us. your help is extremely important,
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because any donation will help buy a car for our defenders. you have all the details now see on the screen. such were the news at that time. we will see you. already at 4 p.m., you can read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us on social networks and watch on youtube, and just now my colleagues antin borkovsky continues the broadcast. and marta oliarnyk. thanks to iryna koval, well, let's pick up the baton. so, the russian a50 long-range radar detection aircraft appeared in the waters of the sea of ​​azov this morning. this was reported by the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel yuriy ignat. he said so every night... it was more or less calm, but after three powerful attacks from the enemy, i felt a certain peace, but this does not mean that
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you need to relax, well, the map was empty, but five appeared now, with " five or six air targets appeared, in particular in the waters of the sea of ​​azov, the already famous a-50 appeared, testing its fate, we talked the day before, says colonel ignat, what will happen after the destruction of the a50, will fly the other, there is nothing surprising, because... russia still has such planes, so let's be careful, dear tv viewers. well, and us we add volodymyr arev, people's deputy of ukraine, to the conversation, and we can already see him on the screen. we welcome you. espresso. good day. so, we know that today there is a proper meeting regarding the selection of a preventive measure for businessman ihor mazepa, who was detained by the sbi. it seems to be the case. territory, so near the kyiv highway, and in fact, there is already information
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that the removal of the judge was due to distrust of the judge, in other words, igor mazepa's lawyers are working to ensure that there is some legal basis for all of this, so that, at least officially, he and his lawyers say that there was no court decision either on his detention or on the searches, and actually this creates a not very good image for ukraine, considering the fact that zelensky called on the davoz... form to invest funds here, and you, as a people's representative, i think, have already made some kind of assessment of all these events, so what do you think, are these precedents, can they affect the investment attractiveness of ukraine? it will definitely have a strong impact on the investment attractiveness of ukraine, since the case itself relates to 2013 in general, and even all the deadlines from, even from a cursory first look at the... accusations, all the deadlines for this case have long expired, so
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in this case it is a clear story that is connected with the fact that mazepa was one of those businessmen of big business who began to speak out against corruption, and just today in bloomberg, this is a global global agency that is read by all businessmen, big businessmen of the world, there was an article just... with such emphasis that an investment banker was arrested who stated about corruption in ukraine, that is, it exists in absolute complete dissonance with what zelensky said at the forum in davos, well , this is not the first time such things have happened, when the government, on the face of it, leads to europe, and protects business, and protects democracy, in reality , completely opposite things happen, which on... on the contrary, our path to the european union is being blocked, so in this case this is just one
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of the examples that are just in line, in a chain of such events, which testify to the establishment of autocracy in ukraine, which testify to the fact that the authorities got absolute grant impunity and absolute power for taftology in wartime, uses it not... to protect ukraine, but to settle accounts with business, with journalists, with mayors, with parliamentarians who do not obey them, that is, absolutely and completely destroys the foundations that exist for any european state, so here if you look not only from the point of view of investment attractiveness, because it is the economy and... this is very important, but also from the point of view that similar things, they block our path to
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the european union and nato, and if in 2013, and the events, which the authorities are now giving us the opportunity to observe, are very reminiscent of this period of yanukovych's rule, then yanukovych also spoke about the fact that he would sign an association with the european union, what happened next, everyone knows. and i want to say once again that here you just need to look absolutely clearly not at the words, but no matter how beautiful they are from the president or from his entourage. directly on actions, and actions testify to the exact opposite. mr. volodymyr, i would like to clarify, and why mazepa in particular, yes, and at the same time the story about a pledge of almost 700 million hryvnias, that is, this is a serious deposit, which is an order of magnitude higher than the amount that they are charged with, that is, they are charged there, god forbid, i don't remember, for those for those
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hectares i 500 million, 7 million, 7 million, so... there is such a pledge and in general, what is the secret of mazepa's case? well, we understand that we have quite a lot of businessmen, so to speak, and those who , for example, voice one or another of their claims, well, but here they went to such a high-profile case, knock out those who dare to speak against corruption and speak out against corruption, especially of the security forces bodies, tax authorities, customs, and corruption, which leads to the highest... levels of government, obviously in order to intimidate the business environment and show it what will happen to them, a kind of demonstration, that's why they chose the one who chose , who, who has already spoken out against corrupt actions, and of course, what arrived, as they say, not immediately, but after
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a certain time, and the fact that it is not by an order of magnitude, 100 times higher than the bail, i invite. by the prosecutor's office, and the amount of damages presented, these are not damages, one cannot talk about the fact that these damages were caused, this is determined only by court, and the presented damages are 100 times less than the bail, then it will be obvious to absolutely everyone, including our western partners, on whom we are financially dependent today, that there is a massacre going on, that there is more political going on. business, rather than legal, which means that ukraine is moving in the exact opposite direction that the president and his team declare. mr. volodymyr, look, just these days there has been an egregious situation regarding the monitoring of journalists, it is about bigus-info and the bigus-info team, and the journalists themselves already have their own special operation,
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let's say, they are conducted to investigate who was following them, in what way, well, but this is not even about that. not about these details, here we are actually talking about the fact that even in the western press financial time writes about the persecution of journalists in ukraine, and that we do not look at all different from russia, that media workers are persecuted in russia, that in ukraine they are persecuting media people, it actually creates a very bad image for our country, because , well, because we are not russia, and because we have certain unpleasant situations, nevertheless, we still consider ourselves a democratic state. do you think that such cases of surveillance of journalists can also have a significant negative impact on support for ukraine, and how can we justify ourselves to the world now, how can we rehabilitate ourselves, how can we prove the opposite? everything that is being done, here i say once again, it
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contradicts what is declared, and this is the most important thing, and the persecution of journalists by... did not start now, they started in april 2022, when, without any decisions , the live tv channels were illegally turned off the air , fifth and dear espresso, at which we are talking with you now, and what was the reaction, well, in principle, unfortunately, then i looked that the journalistic community, unlike those times when... was similar the actions of kuchma yanukovych's team in 2004 , for example, she did not react to it properly, well, as in the story that today they came for some, i was silent, then they came for others, i was silent, and tomorrow they will come, and now they came for me, and
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there is no one to tell anyone, so it is clear that the authorities felt without... punishment, and they started now it is time to deal with other journalists and investigators, since from the very beginning it did not get good hands, and if we compare it with the russian federation, then they are not yet russia, we are not yet belarus, but we are moving in this direction and not only in matters of freedom words, we are moving in this direction and in the issues of the destruction of local self-government, in the issues of the fact that... now deputies, parliamentarians, opposition members are simply multiplied by zero. we are moving towards the russian federation in business cases. when the whole business, with examples such as with mazepa, as with many other examples of the mask show that took place before,
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is trying to drive into the body of right-wing, let's say, structures, so it is clear that we are an object of support for the event until that time, as long as we are anti-russia, as long as we... are moving towards the european union, as long as we break out of the clutches of the russian world, if we ourselves become the russian world, sooner or later they will understand that the small russian world is big, they will be angry, and then they will be angry us. one thing that is critically important for us now is to be active part of the society united now and made it clear to the authorities that there will be no authoritarianism here. of course, maidan. are impossible now, because it will affect ukraine, but the behavior of the authorities is also affecting ukraine, so for the time being it is worth creating a maidan in social networks
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so that the authorities understand that people who stand for common values, even if they support different political figures , even if they often had serious discussions and even quarreled among themselves, now is the time to save ukraine in the same way. not only from racist aggression, but also from internal autocracy, which will kill her no less than the russians, the russian occupiers. well, look, mr. volodymyr, i wanted to do it simply, and why do you think , well, what is the benefit of tracking under the biguzinfo project, and maybe it was done by non-authoritative bodies, yes, maybe it was done by the forces of one or another, i i don't know, business, business among. which, unfortunately, as far as we understand, can own the appropriate sound recording equipment, so well and in general, well, what’s going on, well, they
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threw in this absurd video, and what’s next, to discredit what, that is, they think , that in this way they will undermine the credibility of the investigators, they believe in this way, my family was similarly attacked with lies, they believe that in this way... in this way, i too, as a former investigative journalist, and continue, continue in a certain way to dig in the corruption cases of the authorities until now, and i understand that i will also be discredited, so that when the ugly, let's say, actions of the authorities are made public, then it would be possible to say, look, they are drug addicts. they are there this, they are there that, well, that is , they invent in order to discredit the pure russian style, purely the style of the russian kgb, and if you remember, if you remember
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what happened to the soviet sixties, and then to all those human rights activists who fought against the will of the soviet union, when chornovol vyacheslav chornovol accused... of rape and so on, so you will see that this is all just a continuation of the traditions of the kgb. mr. volodymyr, but look, we see the very opposite reaction of society, we do not see a discussion of what journalists did at this party or cooperatives, well yes, the team, let's say yes, we won't go into detail there, who were the journalists, cameramen, team yes, and accordingly , we see that now society's attention is focused not on what... what was there, but on how it happened that someone was following the journalists, how it became possible at all and why it is happening, and this again proves that we are not russia, because our
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society reacted to this situation in a completely different way than, this it was probably conceived by those who wanted to actually implement it, that's what i think just in this context, is it possible that the government will do something, if not the government, then whoever is behind it will draw some conclusions and will not... try to discredit journalists anymore, because society, as we see, reacts completely opposite to the idea , there will be other attempts at other discrediting, in fact we do not know how society reacts, because we each follow our own information bubble, but it is clear that society has really started to trust the authorities less now, and it is really a question of trust in what is done and when ... discredited those who expose the government, this causes guilt, of course, mistrust in society, the party of regions also stepped on this rake, and since now
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i say that... with the komsomol party of regions in power, they follow the same paths, these are all rooted in , let's say, the soviet school and the kgb school, so they will act, maybe in different, different means, but to achieve, i don't think that until they are given a serious hand by organized resistance... an active part of society, at least they will not let it be understood , that everything is finished, then they will continue to try, because without the reaction of the new head of the committee on freedom of speech, people's deputy from the party yurchyshyn's voice, what do you think? well, i can tell you that in my opinion, yurchyshyn is too cautious, i will say it so diplomatically.
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thank you, volodymyr. the people's deputy of ukraine was on the air of espresso, now we will go on a short break, after which we will return to our studio, so stay with us. there are discounts on lyzak, 10% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on lactial, 10% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. do you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but from the old. work constantly hurts the whole body , you can’t turn around on the sofa, you can’t find a comfortable position, you need to improve your sleeping place, meet the stoper casper ortolight mattress from matrac tv experts, an instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price, only 999 uah , even with the possibility of free delivery, old sofas, uneven mattresses, springs sticking out, all this is in the past, the mattress stopper ortolight is your deep
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